The Corporation Illusion – Unmasking 1871 | A Discussion With The Author Melody Jennings | We Will Be Taking Your Calls

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âž¡ Ron Partaine and Melody Jennings discuss recent political events on the Untold History Channel. They express concerns about potential disruptions and corruption, despite a recent victory they feel was too easy. They also highlight the hard work of unsung heroes who have worked to maintain election integrity. They urge listeners to stay focused on local politics, as they believe it’s the foundation of federal level issues.
âž¡ The speaker discusses the Q Movement, expressing disagreement with both those who believe everything is already done and those who predict extreme outcomes. They believe the truth lies somewhere in the middle and encourage citizens to get involved at a local level. They also discuss the importance of understanding how government works, criticizing the overemphasis on the federal government. They mention the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th and 17th amendments as significant changes, and suggest that the flow of money was reversed from the states to the federal government, giving the federal government more control.
âž¡ Derek Johnson discusses the misconceptions around the Act of 1871, which some believe changed the United States from a country to a corporation. He explains that this belief is false and has been debunked. Johnson also talks about the importance of critical thinking and not being swayed by emotional manipulation. He encourages people to research and understand the facts before forming their beliefs.
âž¡ The speaker discusses how emotions can cloud critical thinking when attached to information, leading to misunderstandings. They also apologize for a scheduling mix-up that resulted in a live show going ahead without a guest, Melody, who had lost her phone. They plan to reschedule the show for a more professional setting and invite the audience to participate in a Q&A session. The speaker ends by wishing everyone a good night.


Live, everybody. Welcome to the Untold History Channel. My name is Ron Partaine and I am joined with Melody Jennings today. She’s in her car at night, not in a very good light. There was a. There was a little bit of a cross up, actually. I’ll let you tell the story. You. I’ll let you tell us. How you doing? How you doing, Mel? Hi. I’m doing. Thank you so much. You know, this week, I. If you follow me at all on True Social, you know that I. I decided to wash my iPhone, my 13 Pro, with a load of sheets and go to the washing machine.

IPhones do very well in the washing machine. Yeah, mine never woke back up, so I lost everything. And so I’ve just kind of been. I’ve been a little bit out of sorts, a little bit off my schedule, you know, also just taking in all the beauty of yesterday and our victory overnight. So. Yeah. So I apologize. Can I ask you. Can I just. Just. Because that’s the top that. I mean, that’s obviously the main topic on everybody’s minds right now. I’m gonna tell you how I feel, and I’m just gonna bounce it off you and then you tell me if you’re feeling similar.

So. I feel like it was too easy last night. I feel like everything that happened was way too, Way too easy. I. I feel like I’m waiting for a shoe to drop, like there’s something coming and I don’t know what it is. I don’t know if it’s chaos, if it’s. I mean, because you listen to all these pundits that talk about they’re not going to let him take office. They’re going to do everything they can using. Trying to use the 14th Amendment. I don’t believe they’re ever going to succeed, but I believe we’re going to see some serious disruption between now and January and maybe even further in, because these people, if Trump is allowed to take the office of the presidency, with the.

With the House and the Senate and the court and all of his team, they are going to do everything that they said in terms of using the military, going after all these, all the evil corruption, all the evil corruption and stuff, and these people are going to be exposed. They’ve been trying to tell everybody that Trump is this, this, you know, he’s a Hitler and he’s going to come in and he’s going to arrest all the patriots and, you know, whatever, destroy the Constitution, destroy the democracy, which just makes my skin crawl. But I. I feel like I just I, I’m, it was just too simple.

It was, it was too clean last night and this morning. That’s my, that’s my initial gut reaction. Yeah, I, I’ve got kind of, you know, an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other juxtaposing this whole idea. Because I agree with you that I think there’s going to be more, you know, we, these indictments and he’s been, you know, supposed to go to jail kind of thing. Like did that just disappear? So what’s going to come down with that? And then, you know, I feel like that’s the only last card they really have. They don’t have another card.

But I will say the, the angel on the other side. You know, Ron, we’ve had, and I know these people, I know several, many of these groups and people have been a part of several underground groups who have been working feverishly in zoom calls in like, you know, meeting every week kind of thing. And I won’t say names that I won’t say states, but I watched Wisconsin go red today. And I, and I said to myself, I know the people who caused that because of how hard they’ve been working. People like Marley Hornick in New York, people like Kim Hermance, people like, you know, Joe Hoff who is, you know, Epoch Times.

But you have no idea what, what these people on not out in the front where anybody knows about it. And of course, you know, Greg Phillips and Katherine Engelbrecht working with True the Vote, all that they’ve been doing. And there’s like thousands of people like that who have been doing things state by state. So I don’t want to discount all the things that are unseen that have been taking place by good just Americans who have been, who have taken up the cause to actually bring about election integrity easier. I mean, what they did to us in 2020 and again in 2022, of course, arguably way worse in 2020, you know, they couldn’t sneak up on us again like that.

So, you know, I feel like they have been pushed back quite a bit. I mean, this election was tantamount to, you know, elections prior to 2016 easier. You know, it, it seems like it was too easy, but this is the way it’s you elections usually are. So, you know, it’s almost like we’re harking back to a day prior to all the great divide in our country. But I, I, I tend to think and, and, and I, and again, I, I agree with you. I don’t want to discount the hard work of so many people, you know, unsung heroes whose names will never be known that, you know, that poured their heart and soul into, you know, preserving the integrity of the 2024 presidential election.

But I still look and see, you know, there’s, there’s still a huge amount of discrepancies. They couldn’t, they, they may not have been able to prevent Trump from winning. But I look at, let’s, let me take Arizona, for example. Okay, so Trump has like over like 1.1 million votes in, in, in Arizona, and Carrie Lake or, or, or Kamala has like, you know, a hundred thousand less. But in the, in the Senate race, it’s like almost the exact same numbers but flipped. The Democrat has the more than the Republican. And listen, that is when you’re down ballot from a, in a presidential election, the Republic, the person who’s running for Republican Senate is also going to win.

If, I mean, those numbers are going to be almost identical. They may not be exact, but they’re going to be very close. And the fact that there’s a huge discrepancy there, to me screams of, you know, there’s, there’s, there’s still fraud going on. So, and, and so I don’t want, I don’t want to get it. Don’t. Not discounting anybody’s hard efforts. But I feel like there, there was no way that they could overcome it. You know, the, what’s the slogan? Too big to rig. I, I believe that, but I think I, you know, I felt like 2020 was too big to rig, yet they pulled 20 million votes out of their ass.

And I see that as actually a trending topic on Twitter or X or whatever you want to call it, like 20 million because people are analyzing the 2016 and the 2024, and then those numbers are very, they’re, they’re not identical, but they’re close in proximity. And then you factor in the 2020 numbers and it’s like, now there’s 20 million more. Where did that, where, you know, how can that be? That’s not, that’s inexplainable. And there’s a lot of people that are going back and talking about that. So, so anyway, but I, I, you know, I’m, am I taking a victory lap today? Absolutely, but I know, or actually I’m not taking a victory lap.

I’m just drinking some little bit of champagne, enjoying the victory, but preparing that, realizing that this is like in, in, in, in, in baseball. I’m a big baseball guy. That’s like winning the Wild card round. Okay. The. The World Series is still coming. Gotcha. Well, you know, cross our fingers, keep our prayers going up, and everybody get busy. I’m never gonna stop tooting that horn. It doesn’t matter. Like, we get so myopically focused on what’s going up on the federal level that we ignore our local level. And that’s where all of this starts. Literally all. Everything that we’re seeing right now on the federal level start is that way and has been that way because of us taking our eyes off the local level decades ago.

And it’s almost like we need to put those blinders on like horses put on. You know, put the blinders on, shut out the noise, rejoice. Okay, good. That’s going on over there. We’re happy. Trump is in, but I’m not going to let anything take my focus off of my gosh. Next month is when we start submitting bills. Every one of us can write a bill. We need to be going through our laws and seeing which laws in our. In our state are repugnant to the Constitution, and we need to be writing bills to get rid of those.

We need to be doing whatever it takes to fill every single precinct committee member seat. That is, you know, power. That’s the power of the people. That is our representation. So there’s so much that we need to be doing. I’m sorry, my lights went out. There we go. There’s so much need to be doing, not sitting back. You know, the. One of the most harmful things that have been perpetrated upon the patriot movement is eat popcorn. That, to me, that is like an invitation to continue to sit back like we have been for decades and do nothing.

I don’t. Well, if I may. If I may, I’m. I’m going to respectfully push back a little bit on that. I know. I know the Q Movement talks about, you know, hey, get your popcorn and watch. But, you know, I think a lot of people, there’s. There’s. There’s segments of groups out there who say, well, you know what? Hey, it’s already done. Everything’s already done. All we got to do is just sit here and watch the show, and all the work is already done. All right, okay. I’m not in that camp, but I’m also not in the camp of guys like, you know, like Mike Adams.

I think Mike Adams is a. I believe he’s a patriot. I believe he loves this country, and he’s doing what he believes to be right. But when you put things out saying that, you know, hey, by the end, by January, your country is not going to be recognizable and you may be dead. And, you know, it’s like, to me, that’s like on a. On a 1 to 10 scale, that’s like a 10. We may as well be in a. In a. In a, you know, a post apocalyptic, you know, the road movie situation where you have.

And then. And then you got guys. And I. And I love Mike King. I live him to death. I do a show with him all the time. But, you know, he is very rosy on, like, oh, you know, it’s all. Everything’s already been done. All we got to do is just sit back and watch. I’m not on that front. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. And I don’t believe that on the cue boards, I don’t believe they meant for people to sit back and do nothing. I think that watching the popcorn is watching the show that you.

Those you people, you little people, not. Not little people, but you. You citizens who don’t have the ability to fight the war at the level that we are able to fight the war at. Let us handle this. But you guys need to get involved at the local level and do the things that you need to. And I have seen a geometric increase in people getting out and doing things, and a lot of that is attributed to the, I believe, to the Q movement. But I, you know, I. Too many people, I think, falsely think that Q was there just to, you know, kind of silence us and make us docile so that we could just be easily rounded up and put into camps.

Well, let me. Let me push back respectfully as well. I’m not you at all. As a matter of fact, you know, I. I really don’t weigh in on that because I’ve just kind of sat back and watched it, and I’m. I’m. I don’t. I don’t really take a way place either side of the Q coin. I’m talking about the people who have taken the message and said, and I’ve heard it from Die Hard. Q people. Now, I’m not saying Q did this, but saying I’ve heard it from Die Hard. Cue people. I had one on my phone saying to me, mel, you don’t need to do anything.

We’ve got this. I’m sorry, my lights are weird. Let’s see. Where can I go here? You’re okay. Here we go. Now I got street lights. You know, you really. It’s all taken care of. Like he literally said to me, and this is a guy who influences people. He said all of the traffickers have already been rounded up. You don’t need to do anything. And this is someone who influences people. And so I’m not attributing that to qboards. I’m attributing that to people who are asking people to sit back and just rejoice and do nothing. And what I’m saying is.

No, Go learn civics. Yeah. You know, go learn how your county works. Go get on your dot gov calendar and find out there’s meetings going on, like every day or every other day somewhere in your county where you can get involved. If you become a precinct committee member, you get to go to legislative hearings and you can do different things. So, you know, I’m just asking people to. Yeah, if you want to enjoy and do and get a lot out of, you know, the patriot movement, and I do. We all do. Also. What we need to be learning is something we never learned.

And that is how our counties and our cities and our states and our government works and educate ourselves in that. Because until we do, we are. We’re basically fighting this battle of, you know, who, you know, we gotta fight the deep state. Okay, well, guess what? How do we fight the deep state of reality? We go become a precinct committee member. And that’s the part that’s really not being talked about by the patriot movement, by these movements. They’re not teaching us civics. We’re not learning and understanding how our government works by the people, for the people.

We, the people. We are the first branch of government. And they. That’s. That’s exactly right. We are. Well, and I. My feeling is, is that the vast majority of people put way too much emphasis on the federal government as though the federal government is king. And, you know, that’s. That’s all been pushed on us by the whole democracy thing. Oh, well, our democracy is in danger. Our democracy. Our democracy. And I mean, they just repeat that in, you know, to. So now everybody just accepts it as that’s normal. We’ve never been a democracy. We were never a democracy.

The word democracy does not appear in any document, founding document, anywhere, ever. So that just. That boils my blood. And, you know, I. You know, I look back at, you know, a lot of people think the 18 7. You know, they talk about the 1871 corporation or the constitution and how it changed. And I don’t agree with that. I think the majority of the ills that we are under today really began really starting with the federal reserve act and then the 16th and 17th amendments. I also think that goes back to the 14th amendment to agree with how the 14th amendment is interpreted by the, how it was interpreted later by the, by the court during the, during the Progressive era.

I think there’s a, you know, there could be some merit to that, but at the end of the day, you know what, the Federal Reserve essentially controlled money and it reversed the flow of money from the states into the federal government to the federal government out to the states, thereby giving, you know, the golden rule. He who has the gold makes the rules there. That what it did was it made the federal government over. Reign over the states. Your thoughts on what I just said? You know, it’s interesting because my reason, my body of research doesn’t so much go into this, but there is a couple of gentlemen that I would love.

Well, you know them, you know Warhamster and you know the Constitutionalist. And I was on a show with them last week, two weeks ago. Now. I listened to that earlier today. So did you hear. And I had not heard this, but they’ve got some really great research that I’ve never heard before. So I need, I would love to learn more, but if you listen to that, the Constitutionalist was saying, or maybe it was Warhamster saying we weren’t actually in debt after the war. Did you catch that? Yeah, I caught that. Very interesting. So to me it makes it kind of go back to the drawing board because I kind of like to look at what they know.

Very interesting information. You might want to share that out with your, your guests or, you know, maybe look it over some more first. But. Or collaborate with those two guys because I know you’re. I, I talked to, I talked to Brady earlier today and then. And I, I see. I, I do. I host a show with Doug every Tuesday teaching the Constitution. So very interesting information that I think, you know, we should dig on a little more before we kind of put out any more information about that whole situation. Because if there’s information out there that kind of goes against that, I’d really like to know first before, you know, I weigh in on anything to do, especially since that’s not my field and that is Brady’s war hamster.

He’s war underscore hamster on true social. You know, that’s his field of expertise. He’s in finance. So. And he knows this stuff backwards and forwards. Historically. He’s a historian. So I think, you know, as just for my. To caution myself and pull myself back from that conversation a little bit. That is not My area, my area is 100% debunking the corporation. The entire act of 1871 didn’t cause that. But even the corp. They started this whole corporation thing. Have tried to move the goal post on the corporation each time. I primarily me has debunked this whole active 1871 corporation.

Derek Johnson has tried to move the goalpost several times. Whenever, whenever I come out there with a book against all of that. Or, or. And then he’s, you know, he’s, he’s kind of in a corner and then he changes the year. Well, it wasn’t this one, it was that one. And you know, so different. If you start watching how people talk about this stuff. If you really read, first of all, read my book. I mean seriously. And you’ve got it. You read part of it to your audience. But you know, reading the book really fills people with actual documentation.

The, with the full documents and goes back in history and shows on a street level view. As you read to your, as you read to your folks here, a lot of interesting stuff. And then you also left some masterpieces out, which is fine. I know that you just put some teasers out there of the book. There are some huge pieces about the corporation that actually lead to human trafficking. That leads you straight out of even being a citizen of the United States, which I’m sure some of your listeners are aware of. I actually stood on the Reawakened stage, the last one, the last Reawakened tour this last month, and was supposed to stand up after a couple speakers after Ann Vandersteel who didn’t show.

And she’s out there inviting people to hey, I’m no longer a citizen, stop being a citizen. Well, guess what? Our numbers yesterday, voting wouldn’t have been those numbers had people gotten rid of their citizenship. Because guess what happens when you lose your. You cannot vote. And so tell me to me, there’s got to be something behind that. There’s got to be dark money behind that. There’s got to be something that’s coming in. And I as. And, and this isn’t in the book. I’ve learned a lot about the whole sovereign citizen movement since writing the book. It started in, I would say in the 1950s with a guy.

His name was William P. Gale. You can look him up. You can Google him and go look him up anywhere. William P. Gale. William Potter Gale. He. He came over with his family and I, maybe we talked about this last time, but he became a KKK guy and he’s the one that Started sovereign citizen and that is, you know, and then there went on to be like all kinds of killings of cops starting then all the way up till August. Is he also the one that started the 1871 corporation thing or is start that. That was added to sovereign citizen years later, Years later.

Like, it’s like they keep trying to make it work by adding different things to it. So that’s, that’s kind of been an addition. I think they just continue to like, then they added in 1812. I mean they’ve added on a bunch of new things to constantly keep the needle moving, to keep people interested, to keep people thinking, oh, this is real. But that’s, that’s how everything is. When you’re trying to run a psyop, you have to have like a. You think of Hansel and Gretel, right? You think of the little, the little, the little trail of candy that led them to the house of candy.

Well, you have this little trail. You gotta, you gotta put new things out for people to grab a hold of that leads you to this adorable house filled with candy. And you open the door and the witch is gonna throw you in a pot and boil you. I don’t know why we used to read this stuff to our kids. What were we thinking? I know this is the kind. Really what, you know, a lot, a lot of what that stuff is, is. It’s, it was, it was that generation’s desensitization of, you know, preparing children for, you know, potential molestation maybe is the right word.

Yeah, possibly so. But anyway, so this whole act of 1871 has been fully 100 debunked. And if people will just look at the research. And I think what makes me the, the saddest, Ron, is that we’re so used to being sensationalized that we’re emotional about our beliefs. And when you look at things critically with like when you’re going to go through college and have people look at things critically, like peer review something you’ve talked about, peer reviewed articles, people who are doing that, they’re taking the emotion out and they’re looking at the facts. And then when there’s new information that comes against even the facts that they believe, they look at that objectively.

You stand back, you read all of it, you look at all of it and then you put it all in together and then you mull it over and you decide, you know, okay, yeah, this, this is clearly truth here or this is clearly, you know, whatever, but we get so emotionally attached and that’s part of what’s going on with these sensational. You know, that’s right boys. It’s so sensational. If you look at the emotion that’s put into these things and the oh, we love you. It’s like there’s this grooming speech. There’s, there’s a lot of grooming speech and a lot of manipulation speech and all of these propaganda filled psychological operations that have been, that have been targeting the patriot movement.

And so I think just noticing the emotional pull like looking out for that stuff and then recognizing, okay, I’m emotional about it, maybe if I got unemotional about it and I read some more information, I would be willing to, you know, look at something else and make some decisions that are different or I might want to stay with the same decision I already made, which is also fine. But at least give yourself the opportunity to look at some juxtaposing information that may actually change your heart and mind a little bit. But nobody’s putting a gun to your head.

You don’t have to. It’s, it’s, it’s a free invitation. But I think it’s going to set us on the course to civics and towards the Constitution and knowing how to care for our country without being so emotionally charged, which all winds up us being divided. You know, that’s what it causes. It causes these huge swings of divide and you know, let’s take up our guns is at the end of the day is what it turns into. So I’m just calling for, for people to be less emotionally charged and be willing to look at this information because you know it and I know it, but this whole active 1871 stuff is bunk.

I, well, and I used to be one. I remember I was, I was, I think I was watching, I can’t remember the guy’s name. He was like, he was like a sergeant and he had a crew cut and you know, he was, he came out and he was talking about the whole, you know, corporation and it was, you know, all the language and where kind of how it originated and all that stuff. And I, you know, I was like, oh, that’s just, this is really interesting looking at a lot of this thing. And I, and of course I remember as a guy who loves history, I remember when they used to talk about the United, the United States are basically the United States are as an, are as a, as accumulation of singular entities.

Where. And then it became the United States is. Which is the, which is one singular entity. And that is where a lot of people I think and around that Time, I think. I think it was around 1871 when they. When they started referring to the United States as a is instead of an are. I don’t remember exactly when that was. I know that they. They accused the act of going from the Constitution for the United States to the Constitution of the United States, and that’s patently false. The very first time. And I read. Can you go into a little bit more detail about that? Yeah, I’m about to right now.

Then I gotta jump off here, but we want to re. I want to reschedule with you. Yeah, but. Yeah, so they say that it was a Constitution for the United States and that The act of 1871 changed it to the Constitution of the United States. Completely false. The very first time it was called the Constitution of the United States was by George Washington in 1789 in one of his. It’s not an act, it’s a proclamation. He called it the Constitution of the United States. And I can pull that up and I’ll be glad to send that out to you.

We can talk about it further. And then it was. And then the first time it was done by Congress was in 1792. The act, the Coinage act, the act of creating a mint refers to the Constitution of the United States. It was. It went on to be used hundreds of times by. By Congress, just like the act of 1871 used. Constitution of the night of the United States. Sorry, there’s a horn. That same language was used starting in 1792 by Congress in acts all the way through for what, 1792 to 1871. What is that, like, 80 years? Over and over and over again, but nobody bothers to go look.

They just believe. Oh, no, it was changed and nobody actually does the research to find out. It’s absolutely not true. I’m going to echo your sentiment about information being weaponized with emotion. And I think that’s been probably the Achilles heel of. Of Americans really, going back probably 40, 50 years. Because with information being injected with emotion now, if you don’t agree with me now, then you’re some, like, you’re. You’re hateful. And so it’s. It’s, again, it’s. It’s attaching emotion with information. And people, as soon as you do that, you completely remove the ability to critically think about it.

So, guys, so real quick, there was a cross up here with scheduling. We scheduled this last week and Melody had an issue with losing her phone and it didn’t come up on her calendar in any way. Long story short, we’re doing this kind of. We went live because I had the show scheduled, but we’re going to reschedule and do this in a little bit more professional setting. Yes. So apologies for tonight. It was, it was, you know, I, I had no way of knowing and I probably, I should have confirmed with you earlier. I normally do.

But I took for granted that, you know, you were gonna be coming on spot, so full responsibility. Listen, I would love to speak with you. I want to do a Q A with everybody. I would love for us to get together. You tell me when we will confirm. I will be there. Okay. Well, I mean, I, I, I’m, I’m pretty, Listen, my schedule is pretty wide open. I work from home and I can, I can, I like to do things in the evening so that it’s, you know, around 4 to 5 o’clock Pacific time, so that it, like, you know, we can get the majority of the evening crowd in the central and eastern part of the United States.

So that’s kind of like my schedule. So we can talk, we can, we can chat off air and, and we’ll get that done. But, but guys, apologize to everybody, but let’s do it again. And friends, get, get some more in here. We’re gonna let them ask whatever question you want to. There’s no question off the table concerning all of this stuff. Nothing’s going to offend me. I’m happy to talk about it. I’m well versed in it. And I’m. We’re going to bring, and, and we’re going to bring receipts. Absolutely, 100% receipts. We’re going to bring, we’re going to bring receipts because there’s, because there’s a lot of people out there who are like, well, I want to see the receipts.

I want to see what you’re. Where. Show me exactly what you’re talking about because, you know. Yeah, so. So anyway, so guys, we’re gonna do that. It is gonna happen up. I, you know, as they say, happens. And this has been a crazy week just because of the election and whatnot. So I, I’m gonna give her a pass and, or a mulligan, I guess would be the right word here. So. But I’m gonna let her go because she’s at the, she’s, she’s just leaving the gym and she wants to go home and take a shower. Just got off the treadmill, so.

But hey, you look fantastic for getting off the tre. All right, guys, apologize for tonight. But we will, I, I will see you guys tomorrow. And, and with a first show, and then we’re gonna. I’ll reschedule with Melody, and I’ll. I’ll make it known at least a good four or five days in advance to pro to prep everybody. So apologies for this. So, Melody, have a great night, and I look forward to seeing you guys all very soon. Have a good night, everybody.



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