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Thanks for listening to Sovereign Radio and being part of the great freedom loving audience standing with America today on Sovereign Radio. We have some great guests joining us. Our first guest joining us in a few minutes is an entrepreneur, a healthcare guru and his name is John Paul and he’ll be joining us from Major League Baseball spring training in Arizona where he’s working with Major League Baseball teams to improve their overall health, conditioning and pain management. And we’ll talk about the shift from the Rockefeller sick care system to a more holistic approach, more eastern medicine approach that uses all natural products and so forth.
Later in the show, producer Mark Istratoff and my brother and partner Jimmy Schwinn will join us for our financial report at the top of the hour. And we’ll close the show today with a good friend of the show. She and I work closely together on Take Our Border Back. She was on the steering committee with myself and four others and her name is Patriot Mom Noel Roberts. Before we’re joined by our first guest, John Paul in just a few minutes, live from Major League Baseball spring training, let’s talk about Doge, the Department of Government Efficiency. Well, well, well.
It seems that Doge, this Department of Government Efficiency has confirmed that that the American taxpayers have been giving Our politicians, the NGOs, the non government organizations and their offshore bank accounts, an open credit card with no spending limits. We wonder why our debt is 36 trillion. Indeed, our politicians in Washington D.C. have been lying, cheating and covering it all up with propaganda from their bullhorn mouthpiece, the fake news mainstream media. Now Elon Musk and his young group of Techies have receipts to prove it. We’re no longer having to speculate that billions of dollars a year, trillions over decades have been siphoned off by the greed of the globalist bankers, their political Hierarchy in Washington D.C.
and they’re fraudulent non government organizations known as the NGOs. Just a few examples. Chelsea Clinton, you know that multi million dollar wedding she had and the $10 million home she’s living in. We the people paid for that with our taxpaying dollars. Siphoned off to Chelsea Clinton through their various schemes. Well, that doesn’t frost your rear end. I don’t know. You’re not a red blooded American taxpaying citizen. If that doesn’t get you very angry. How about the mainstream media? 7,000 individual, 7,000 individual journalists, so called journalists like Anderson Cooper, Rachel Maddow, Scarborough and Mika from msnbc. They have received money from USAID in the billions over the years.
Folks, our media we’ve known is bought and paid for. We’ve known about the Mockingbird media for many, many years and now we actually have the receipts to prove it. How did they get their wealth? How does a person who makes 150 to 200,000 a year go to D.C. for a decade or longer make their 200 grand a year over 10 years? That’s 2 million. They maintain two lifestyles. They have a home in their home state where they got elected from their constituents sent them to Washington D.C. they all maintain a residence in their hometown and then they have a second residence, of course in dc.
Well, how do they maintain that lifestyle and grow to a net worth of, for example, a Nancy Pelosi, $200 million net worth. How about Pocahontas? I think she’s been in D.C. six years, four or six years. Got a net worth of $9 million already. Wait a minute, she only made 185 a year. Six years, that’s a little over a million. Assuming she saved every penny. He that good of investor? No, this is all money siphoned off through usaid. We now have the receipts to prove it. We’re going to talk a little bit about the Doge and the folks behind Doge.
In a minute I’m going to play a video and we’ll get into that. Waste and fraud, Waste and fraud. Ladies and gentlemen, people like Elizabeth Warren, as I said, Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, the people who are screaming the loudest have the most to lose. Now the question is, we’re in what I would call the exposure phase. It’s all being exposed. We’ve got to get to the next phase, which is the criminal cases, the criminal phase where we actually see Cash Patel and perhaps Pam Bondi get involved and bring federal charges against all these political sycophants in Washington D.C.
and around the country that have siphoned off trillions of dollars. They’ve been lying and cheating about it. And then they guilt us. They guilt us. And now they’re shooting the messenger, of course, which is Elon Musk and his gang. Well, when you see the Epstein and Diddy list, it’s all going to tie together, folks. These are the same people involved in all the schemes. You know, my inclination, I think trumps inclination is to shut down the entire system that was created. And he’s doing so on some fronts. USAID has been shut down, Department of Education dramatically reduced.
At what point do we the People step in and be heard? I don’t know about you, but I do not want to pay federal income tax now that we know we have the receipts to prove everything’s being siphoned off. So, as I said, the people are screaming the loudest, have the most to lose. So pay attention. If you are involved in consuming mainstream media outside of sovereign radio, of course. If you’re involved and you spend any time in mainstream media, pay attention to who’s calling out Elon Musk. The mainstream media narrative is that these are unelected officials.
How dare they tell Congress how to run the country when Musk is merely exposing the fraud. You’d think they’d be glad that we’ve put our finger on the fraud. But when you’re the fraudster, not a good place to be for a Elizabeth Warren and a Chuck Schumer who have been on the take for many, many years now. This is why they’re screaming so loud, calling for Elon Musk to be removed, arrested. They’re going to really resist this. We’ll talk a little bit later with producer Mark and Jimmy about the judicial system, how that’s going to become an integral part of this.
As they left, the Democrats and the Rhinos invoke the judicial system. They’ll bring the judicial system to bear against the American people and against those specifically against those which is really just representing we the People. I see Doge, the Department of Government Efficiency as a tool of we the People as a tool to uncover the fraud. They’re not making any spending decisions. They’re not telling Congress where to spend the money determining line item budgets. No, they have no involvement in budget setting or policy setting. Or legislating any laws into play. There’s simply an oversight organization conducting the first ever audit on American nos like usaid.
By the way, if you’re a non government organization and you’ve been funded fraudulently, you’ve been funded by the government, by taxpayer dollars. Are you really an ngo? Are you really? Is USAID the who? The center for Disease Control. Interesting. They called them and named them NGOs. So we use that term non government organization. But the NGOS are really an intricate part of the government. That’s their cover, that’s the front by where they moved, by which they moved trillions of dollars over decades through these NGOs back to multiple corporations, multiple offshore bank accounts. The paper trail is vast and this is what Elon Musk is uncovering.
So, ladies and gentlemen, we’re at a crossroads here. We’re, as I said, in the exposure phase. It’s all being exposed. Of course we want to see this move into the criminal phase. We’re going to have to be patient. Pam Bondi and Cash Patel have to be. They’ve now been approved, they’ve been voted in by Congress. So they need to get situated and get to work. And I think we the people need to put pressure. It’s not going to be easy to get your senators too motivated or your congressman too motivated because they’re likely on the take.
There’s no telling what percentage of those that went to Washington took money in this capacity through the nos and through the graft. But we do know that 90% or more of all politicians that go to Washington D.C. they get bribed and blackmailed. It’s a fact of life. Being sent to DC by your home state constituency means you’re going to be bribed and blackmailed. There’s just no way around it. Ladies and gentlemen. When you arrive in Washington D.C. as a senator or a congressperson, you are going to be bribed. If you don’t accept the bribe, you will be blackmailed.
Of course, that’s where Diddy and Epstein came in in the blackmail department. One big fraudulent, vast operation. Again, I can’t stress enough over decades, siphoned off trillions of our money into the pockets. Personal bank accounts of the Chelsea clintons. Of the 7,000 journalists, so called journalists from the mainstream media, oh, I should mention 700 media or organizations. Yes, those media organizations that control mainstream media. There’s six major companies, they own hundreds of, of, of companies underneath the parent company and they’ve all been receiving money from usaid. The receipts are there. It’s all laid out before us, 7,000 individual reporters, guys like, as I said, Anderson Cooper and Scarborough, Joe Scarborough and his wife Mika, Rachel Maddow.
These sorts of people who sit in front of the camera day after day and are the bullhorn for the global stoligarchs and the politicians carrying the water, creating the indoctrination, the MK Ultra, the fraud. This is why Trump coined the term fake news. Boy, that, that term he coined in 2016 is really coming true now. So let me wrap this up, ladies and gentlemen, by saying it’s time we get serious about shutting down many of these organizations, just completely shutting them down. You know, you can’t put a band aid on a wound that’s been bleeding for many years.
It’s time we think seriously about shutting down these so called NGOs and creating a system whereby politicians can’t siphon off our money year after year. Well, ladies and gentlemen, it’s, you know, up to us to stay active, to stay in the trenches and become very involved at a local level. We can start at a local level. We can certainly in our own counties and states effectuate a lot of change. It starts there, I think at a federal level we just have to be vocal. At a local level, you need to take action much, you need to be much more than vocal.
You need to get involved at a local level in an organization that’s about stopping all this greed and corruption. Well, our first guest is not here yet, so I’m going to bring in my partner from backstage, Jimmy Schwinn. Hey Jimmy, would you like to comment on the opening here? Jimmy, you must be muted. Okay. Can you hear me okay? Yeah, now we hear you. Thank you. All right, yeah, some comment. Just, I don’t know if you’ve seen that comment. Did you see the comment that came up? Yeah. Where did that come from? It was some comment, just a base comment there.
I was trying to fix something. So sorry about that, folks. I, Scotty, I, I, you and me both know that this is no time to take our foot off the gas. Just because Trump got elected and he’s working on the federal government side of the equation. We already see that these, these communist judges are basically getting involved in the administrative situation here, running the government and finding all this, this fraud and waste and, and corruption going on, you know, in the, the government systems like the US Aid and you know, the treasury, the treasury not even having ID IDs for the category and then filling out what this, who’s this going to, so what’s it for and who’s it going to.
Not even that basic information in the treasury that sends out, from what I understand, 90% of all of the checks. So 90% of all the checks get sent out through treasury and there’s no number that identifies the category number. There’s no category identification and there’s no identification on the, the, the person that it’s going to. On top of that, they were talking about, Trump was talking about how people get a three month contract with the government and they pay them for years. They pay them for years. You know why? It’s just like what Musk said. These people don’t care.
You know, they don’t care. It’s apparent that they don’t care. They all need to be fired. Fired. And we need to bring in technology in order to, you know, get this sorted. You know, even the, the do not pay list, it could take up to a year to get on the do not pay list. And they’re not even checking to do not pay list against the payments. I mean, Scotty, I think there could be trillions of dollars here, not just hundreds of millions or hundreds of. Excuse me, that’s a fact, Jimmy. That’s a fact. Well, how did we go from $4.5 trillion to in a budget even with this fraud and everything in 2019 and now we’re at 6.7, 6.8 trillion.
Come on, you. This is not sustainable. This thing’s going to crash and burn and people need to understand that. They better prepare themselves for that. You know, Trump’s in and he’s doing, you know, I think today, Bobby Kennedy just got, yeah, Bobby Kennedy just got approved for hhs, which is a beautiful thing. Get the thousand freaking poisons out of our food, clean up our water, you know, hold these pharmaceutical companies accountable for liability, for God’s sakes. And you know, start changing the system. That’s wonderful. Hopefully, you know, he’s going to get sued, that department’s going to get sued.
They’re going to sue the guy. They’re just suing, you know, they’re suing to slow the process down, Scotty, because a lot of them are intact. In all the fraud, like you said, you got Nancy Pelosi that’s made a couple hundred thousand dollars a year and she’s worth 200 million. You got Mitch McConnell, you got them all. All of them are. All of them. Not every single one, but the majority of them are on the take. They’re robbing the American people blind. They’re letting everybody else rob the American people blind. Wins Enough, Enough? I mean, when’s enough enough? I mean, are we going to leave this world, in this country, in devastation to our children and grandchildren? Because if we don’t clean this up and if we don’t fight to clean it up, meaning, you know, this judge has no business in stopping the CEO of America, stopping the CEO of America to run the business like a business.
Like a business, you know, and so they’re going to keep doing it. They’re going to keep on trying to stop it. They’re going to be going to battle, you know, how long court things take, Scotty? I mean, court cases can be drawn out. Years, man. You know, years. And so we’ll see. I mean, I think Trump’s got a good win rate now of his cabinet members. Let’s hope that continues to move forward. But a lot of work to do there. That’s why, again, like you and me, both agree, get involved locally, get involved in your counties.
Get involved with our brother from another mother who beat the Clintons at the Supreme Court level and lived to tell about it, our brother, Sheriff Mack over at the cspoa. Okay. And you can see the link right there. Just Visit that copy cspoa.org SR I don’t understand why not every American is behind constitutional Sheriff Scotty. I don’t. You know, I mean, to be honest with you, if we don’t join in with what they’re doing at a federal level, we don’t start really working harder on a local level and on a county level, this thing is not going to go the way everybody thinks it’s going to go.
It’s going to go into a very much darker place if we don’t keep our foot on the pedal, you know, and push down on the gas, not let up on it. And even if it doesn’t go to a darker place, Jimmy, it’ll take many years longer to get where we want to be. You know, Trump can only impact a federal, and he’s having impact globally. There’s no doubt leaders around the world are paying attention to what he’s doing. But at a county and state level, Jimmy, it is up to us. I know every single show, these words are repeated.
And I will continue and you will continue to encourage people to get involved locally. You know, I was thinking about the threshold of phone calls that go to a senator or congressman. I’m talking at a federal level. When a congressperson gets a couple thousand calls about an issue, that’s when they pay a notice. It takes thousands of calls to an office for them to pay attention. But if we’re calling to complain and to take action against the fraud, the waste, the corruption, the graph, the lying, the cheating, and you’re calling the person that’s cheating, right? You’re calling Chuck Schuber’s office to complain about it.
But Chuck is one of the part of the problem. He’s not part of the solution. So this is exactly why. You’re right, Jimmy. At a local level, whether it be the CSPOA or Reinhabited Republic, many organizations locally. Our guest is having trouble. He’s on a phone. He’s at spring training. Major League Baseball spring training. He’s being blocked. His browser is blocking him. He said he’s trying to reset his phone and come into the studio. He’s only on a phone because he’s out and about at spring training. Our guest is the owner and brains behind a business that is involved with Major League Baseball, I believe the NFL, the Tennis association, they’re working with the trainers supplying a product called brad B R R A D brad, which is an acronym for broccoli and radishes.
Apparently, when they are combined, and this particular product is in a powder form, and they’re put into the shakes and drinks of the athletes, this has amazing effect on their body. All right, our guest is switching to another phone, I guess. Well, he’s having trouble. Well, Scotty, we. We can continue to chat about things and we’ll wait for him. Look, make America healthy again. We got big. I’m. I’m still in my beautiful home in Dominican Republic. 200 of my steps into the ocean. Loving it. I’ve dropped almost £25. I’ve been here for a month and a few days.
Okay, the food, the chicken, which they call boyo, maybe I’m pronouncing that incorrectly, but I think. And you know, the meat, the beef, all of that, the taste is so incredibly different than what we get in the United States at an organic level, meaning we’re buying organic in the United States. So I’m looking forward to Bobby Kennedy getting in there. But, you know, the great thing about what we’re doing, too, is we have our solutions also within that wellness side of the equation, you know, with the nanosoma side and the energy wellness side, which is amazing.
And, you know, God gives you everything you need. You’re talking about broccoli and beets and a way that they’re formulating broccoli and beets and putting it into a shake, and it’s enhancing all of this stuff for these athletes. It’s. God’s given us everything that we need to keep our temple in perfect condition, right? In perfect condition. So, you know, again, that’s one of the things we talk about, Scotty. People are dying. My. My wife just put her. Her mother into. We had to put her into a home because of Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s. You know, and that there’s a lot of stuff going on.
They’re saying that the Alzheimer epidemic literally can become just a devastation to the overall health care system in the United States within the next couple decades. They’re talking, like, completely bankrupted. Completely bankrupted based on that. So we’ve got to get into these preventative maintenance situations here. Preventative alternative medicine and, you know, like, energy healing, you know, energy wellness, Being able to utilize frequencies to, you know, improve your overall wellness. You know, nanosoma with that particle in it. You say that really good, Scotty. What is that a long name? That. That’s the active ingredient, Nanosoma. But that stuff works.
I see these testimonials coming in. I see what it’s doing and how it strengthens the energy body. And, you know, all disease comes from the energy body to the physical body. And, you know, now you bring on this gentleman here that right now, from what I understand, once we get him on, he’s only. Right now, this is only available to these people that are in these professional athletes and all of that, that he’s working directly with, like, more of a B2B situation. But I believe, you know, that the wellness industry is another industry that’s going to, you know, accelerate with all of the things coming out to help people, you know, live a healthy life, to live their full potential and.
And become the people, you know, be long here, long enough to become the people that they were put here by the creator to be, you know. Jimmy, do you see our guest backstage? I don’t. Not yet. Yeah, he thinks he’s back. Yeah. Telling them to look for a button, enter the studio. I don’t know. I’m not there, so we can’t help them. Jimmy, why don’t I call him? And you carry the ball here, Cheryl. Okay, I’ll do that. Yep. Go ahead, my brother. All right, folks. So, you know, we’re talking about a lot of different things that are going on right now within the federal government.
Another thing that’s happening. A lot of people are getting lackadaisical on, you know, putting a very small percentage of people in the United States and around the world actually hold on to precious metals. A very small Percentage of people less than 1%. I think it’s 0.7, like 0.7 of 1%. So a little over half of 1% or even involved in any of the, the crypto like XRP xlm. I’m not a financial advisor again, I’m just talking here about the fact that, you know, when you look at these, these situations and you see how little amount of the populations are involved and they’re not actually looking at how they need to set themselves up for themselves and their family to protect them, their family to protect themselves and to make sure that they don’t, you know, get devastated through this whole financial transition that we’re going to go through.
And you know, these bubbles that are all over the place. You got the, you know, the residential real estate bubble, you got the commercial real estate bubble, you got the, the stock bubble with these, these outrageous evaluations of stock, the companies, you know, that bubble. So there’s so many bubbles, you can’t even, I can’t even name them all. There’s so many of them. And you know, we’ve got to restructure the entire system from the ground up. And again, you look at what President Trump’s doing with Elon Musk and his cabinet picks like the treasurer, Treasury Secretary, and they’re going through and they’re finding all this fraud, waste and abuse and yet federal judges are saying, no, you got to pay that.
No, you’re gonna, you’re gonna do that. You know, it’s just like having somebody, you’re running your business and you’re finding, you’re optimizing your, your, you know, your out flow and they tell you you can’t do it. So again, we have to rebuild all these systems, you know, from the sick care system that they call a health care system to, you know, getting rid of like the educational, education, Department of Education. There’s so much stuff that has to be that the federal government should not be into the 4 and 5 trillions of dollars, $6 trillion, you know, a year for a budget.
They need to get cut down big time in a big way. And then, you know, we got to look at all this fraud, Scotty, because, you know, how much of our deficit is fraud, how much of our deficit is fraud that we owe? We shouldn’t be paying, you know, oh, money for fraud. We got to go in and follow the money and we got to take it back. You know, if these people stole money, like if somebody did a three month contract with the United States government and they’ve been getting paid for that contract for five years.
We got to go back and take that money back. We got to take their assets, we got to sell off their stuff and put it back into the treasury because all they’ve done was steal. They’re thieves. If you know you got a three month contract and the checks keep rolling in and you don’t stop that from happening, you’re just a thief. That’s it, you’re just a thief. So lots of work to be done, lots of battling to stop that work from happening. On a federal level, let’s continue to focus on the local level, working with our county sheriffs, 45 states, the county sheriff is still number one, you know, the number one law enforcement power in that county over the President of the United States, over the governor, over any other law enforcement, over the FBI.
They are the one that is in charge of that county at the highest level of law enforcement to protect the citizens, you know, based on the Constitution. So don’t get complacent, you know, get, make sure you got food and water and you got storage away to continue to feed your family. Make sure that you got protection. Protection. Make sure. I’m not, I’m talk, I’m talking about, you know, guns, ammo. Make sure that you have, you know, some silver and gold. Make sure that you have some. I mean if you aren’t buying some of the XRP and some of these ones that are, they’re ISO 2 20, 22 compliant, which apparently is going to be rolling out into the banking system within the next couple, couple months, some of these things are going to go up.
Now again, I’m not a financial advisor, but I’ve been told by certain people that are at a high level in the financial world that If I had 10,000 XRP that eventually, within the next five years, whatever, I wouldn’t be able to spend all that money. My wife and I, so, so there’s a lot going on. You got to pay attention, make sure that you’re positioning yourself for your family and yourself and to help others in the right way so you’re thriving and you’re not just surviving. So Scotty apparently got knocked off here for a minute. So I’ll continue to talk until he gets back on and brings his guest on and then I’ll jump off here.
But it’s so important to do that. When I was talking about, you know, Energy Wellness, one of the companies that’s a sponsor and I will tell you that I’m one of the owners of it too and I’ve been with this company since 2016. It’s been around since 2012. It’s Energy Wellness. And you can see Bodyline.com SR for Sovereign Radio. So you support, you know, Sovereign Radio and everything that we’re doing here. But it’s got EMF protection to protect you from EMF radiation. Like you see here on my. Right there on my cell phone. That’s a disk there.
This band also helps you. So when you leave your home with these two devices on, you’re absolutely protected from the harmful effects of EMF radiation. You’ve got sleep patches so you don’t have to take prescription drugs to get sleep. They put. They help you get a great night’s sleep. You’ve got pain, you know, body relief. You stick it on and the pain is gone with the pain patches. So Energy Wellness detoxification. Right. Very important to detox your body all through Energy Wellness. That’s a really important thing to make sure that you’re doing. You’re getting involved like, again, supporting people like Sheriff Matt.
Right. Getting involved with the sheriffs at the county level. Your sheriff at the county. The county level. Making sure that you get with other patriots to get a. A constitutional sheriff in there. You know, getting involved in stuff like Body align with Energy Wellness to help you, you know, transfer. Spend time tied the right way, tied to companies that are doing the righteous thing. Don’t give your money to companies that are doing the wrong thing or trying to undermine the Constitution or they’re bringing in. What is that called? D, E I. Yeah. Diversity, equity and inclusion.
Yeah. I mean, ridiculous stuff. You know, we’re spending money on teaching perversion all over the world. I mean, it’s just disgraceful. You know, America falls last in so many important things, but we are number one in pedophilia. Chop. I mean, just everything that you can think of. Bad. We’re number one, which is disgraceful. You know, where we’re talking about all this nasty perversion and wanting to indoctrinate besides in the school system, indoctrinating our own children. But then Scotty, indoctrinating everybody around the world. Yeah. You know, Jimmy, great job carrying the ball. Thank you. While we’re dealing with the.
The reality of recording something in real time, what happens? The. The curveballs thrown from a production standpoint. Always very interesting. So we’ve got one gentleman who can’t log on his phone. We’re going to reschedule. Mr. John Paul. It’s a shame. He was at spring training. I was hoping he would show me the ball field because I think he’s at the White Sox spring training. One of my two teams, the Cubs and the White Sox from Chicago. Brother Mark got the stream yard link and it took him to a past show. Here he comes. I sent him another link.
Let’s get him. Well, let me let him in and you two do a chat. I’ll drop off for a minute. Thank you, sir. Appreciate you. Appreciate. There he is. Mr. Mark Istratov. Scotty Sachs. How are we doing? Fabulous friend and producer, always there when you need him. And I’m gonna see you Friday, so that’s good. Tomorrow, tomorrow evening we’re going to have dinner together. Looking forward to that. But we’ve been talking about a lot of things. Mark, our, our guest John Paul, who I’ve talked to you about him. He could not get into the studio from his phone.
He’s in Arizona at Major League Baseball spring training. As I was just telling Jimmy, I was hoping he would log on, show us the ball field. I think he’s at the White Sox facility right now. So is he, is he doing a, a walk on tryout for the White Sox? They sure need some help, I think. Yeah, they were the worst team in baseball last year, the absolute worst record. So no, he’s there, of course, with his great products that are changing the way ball players respond to inflammation, muscle pain. It’s really all natural product called Brad B R R A D.
It’s broccoli and radishes. He is texting me right now, in fact. All right, we’re going to reschedule that folks for next week, so make sure you stay tuned. Mark, Jimmy and I have been talking about my opening monologue. I talked about Doge at length. The corruption, the deception, the lies, the cheating, the propaganda from the mainstream media to cover it up. And now we introduce the idea of the judges blocking what Doge is doing. Now, from my position, objectively speaking, Doge is not setting policy. They’re not even telling Congress where to spend money, what line items they should and shouldn’t spend.
They’re not directing the budget and the dollars to any particular place. It’s a read only file and what they’re finding are the receipts for the fraud. What say you about the judicial system that’s now blocking Trump and Doge every step of the way? Well, I think the, the left is trying to make the claim that it’s a, it’s a violation of the separation of powers, but a little difficult to, to get a read of exactly what’s going on behind the scenes. But, you know, we can clearly see that the corporation government is, is being completely dismantled, deconstructed and bankrupt.
It’s bankrupt, as we know. And the dissolution, to take it all down and to usher in a, a new republic, a restore a constitutional republic. And I think that’s where a lot plays into it with the, the peed, the presidential Emergency Action Document that still has not been publicly revealed. You know, but we see the signs everywhere that a constitutional republic is being, is taking shape and being put into place. We see Supreme Court rulings that set precedent, like the Chevron case, like the Alliant Credit Union case. We see bills that have been introduced in the 119th Congress, such as HR25.
I mean, so we see all of these signs of things taking place and all is not rolled out in a theater sense, you know, public disclosure sense. So it, it’s, it’s a lot of work to, with the head on the swivel to try and keep up with all of these chess moves being made. But it’s very exciting. And of course, the left, they don’t get it. You know, they’re screaming loudly. Right, right. We talked about it in the opening. My monologue. Those who are screaming loudest have the most to lose. Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, everybody on the left that’s screaming Musk.
This must that Big Balls, of course, that one of his proteges is working for Doge took on the nickname. Apparently his online nickname is Big Balls. Megan Kelly had a lot to say about that. I’m going to look for the video when we transition a little later. I would like to play that video for everybody. It’s quite an interesting video. But Mark, it’s my contention that we have a desperate, desperate, deep state left Democrat Rhino organization and they’re all bound together in a criminal cartel and they’re desperate. So why are these judges blocking the cases? It’s my contention they’re simply buying time.
Would you agree with that? Well, it, again, it’s, it’s a little foggy in that. Are, are they, are they being instructed to take these actions, actions to push them into the light and expose them, or are they really trying to exert some power because they really don’t have the power, the jurisdiction to do some of the things that they’re doing? Some of these agencies that were brought into existence were brought in by executive action, executive orders, you know, such as? Like what we, I think we discussed previously was USAID was brought into existence by an executive order of by President John F.
Kennedy in 1961. So it can easily be taken out of existence with an executive order. But yet you have all of these people on the left screaming and hollering about that it’s unconstitutional and he has no authority to do, to, to do what he’s doing. And, you know, team, Team Elon at Trump’s direction. Right. But the reality is he does, he does have the authority. Some agencies, of course, were brought into existence by legislative action, you know, and so that’s a legislative process to remove them, such as the Department of Education. And unless there’s something else that would give Trump the, the power as a wartime president to be able to, you know, I’m not a constitutional attorney.
Right. I’m not even an attorney. But, but yeah, it’s, it’s a very exciting time. It’s very interesting to see all the moves being made. I want to go back to something you said, and I’m going to paraphrase, you alluded to the fact that these people, the Democrats that are screaming at Musk, screaming at the Doge process, may have been instructed to do so by. Who are you saying they are instructed by? Well, you know, again, until it all comes to light, you know, we can only connect dots and to some degree speculate. But if we have a, what we have referred to as a white hat military alliance that has been making the moves, I mean, we, I mean, it’s obvious that the Biden that they put, they put in the public sphere for us to look at every day for four years is not the real Biden.
I mean, it’s some clown in a mask, great actor, deserves an Academy Award and that entire administration, I mean, I have to believe that they, they’ve been instructed, you know, to make those moves that they have. It was as Trump refers to as a, a pause, four year pause to take care of a lot of things behind the scenes and to push them all into the light, you know, where people can see clearly what they’re all about. And it’s not just the Democrats, as we know. It’s, it’s many on the Republican side too. But Trump had to rally around a specific party and restructure, you know, to.
Otherwise it would have been, it would have been extremely difficult to get where we are, I think, with this two party system. But as you know, it’s a uni party. It’s, it’s one big club and all right, so we’ve got this big, got this big uni party. We understand that. We’ve got Rhinos and Democrats. You, you referred to the white hats. I want to make this very clear to the audience who may be hearing these terms white hats for the first time. And there are some listeners from our radio audience, as you know, that are not as tuned in as you and I.
The white hats would be the good guys. If this is a movie, obviously white hats are good guys and black hats are the bad guys. The good guys being those who want to return to a constitutional republic and would be representing we the people, military generals that recruited Trump high level politicians who are not on the take. The bad guys are this unit party you’re referring to Democrats, rhinos, the global st. Oligarchs, the central bankers. So you got this white hat contingency and what you have suggested here today, it’s an important point. Is they, that they may be in control of the narrative coming from the left or coming from these people.
Is that, am I reading you correctly? Yeah, yeah. I mean I’ve, I’m of the belief that this was a, was a plan that was many years in the making, you know, decades in the making. And, and that this has been a war we’ve gone, been going through that has been covert. It’s, you know, a lot of fog, it’s behind the scenes and there’s a lot of confusion with that. Everybody is trying to figure, figure out what the heck is going on, but it’s slowly coming, you know, to the, into the, the public domain. I mean, I saw something here yesterday or this morning on where they’re discussing Covid.
The, the whole Covid thing and these vaccine shots was an orcas orchestrated by design that Joe Rogan actually addressed that on his show. You know, so it’s, it’s not as fast as we would like it, but it’s not just for us, it’s for everybody. Right. You know, and as we’ve talked about, Dr. Jan Helper, you know, as she has told us, is that it’s going to take an event, you know, to shake that 30% that’s stuck in that matrix. It’s to shake them out of it so that we can all come together. And I believe ultimately, as more and more public disclosure is revealed, that societies throughout the world are going to be joined together over the children is what it’s going to come down to.
But it’s certainly interesting to see how it’s all playing out. None of us knew. We, we know the destination, we just didn’t know the journey. Of course we know that child trafficking is another part of their corrupt Greed, their crimes against humanity. And they’ve trafficked children for many, many decades in a very sophisticated way. We’ve had guests on the show, including people who have been trafficked like Kathy O’Brien, including guys who have fought against the trafficking, like Victor Avila, Special Customs and Border agent, special Assignment. He’s been out fighting the cartels who are trafficking children. Mark, they got us coming and going.
They got money coming and going, taking it through these NGOs as, as Doge is discovering. And, and again, I’ll repeat, is it really an NGO if they’re being funded by the government? It’s interesting, they named it non government organization, right? Like it’s not affiliated with the government. They gave it that name. It really and truly is a branch of the government operating on behalf of the corporation, the corrupt corporation. And then they traffic kids and traffic drugs, bringing in money into the system. They have really built an empire on greed, satanic read at that, and corruption, haven’t they? Yeah, they sure have.
And, and, and what’s to say that DOGE just began doing its work on January 20th when Trump was inaugurated? Not even four weeks. It, you know, going back to Trump’s first term, you know, he had some things going on behind the scenes of auditing. And so suppose the last four years, maybe they’ve actually been mapping everything. And then once we got to January 20th and then it was open up the floodgates, right? So I, I have to believe that that’s all been mapped and they know exactly what they’re doing. And it’s very strategical and it’s at a, at hyperspeed.
You know, getting back to usaid, you know, I’m looking this up and this is from, from Wikipedia and it says United. The United States Agency for International Development. USAID is an independent agency of the United States government that is primarily responsible for administering civilian foreign aid and development assistance brought into, into existence, of course, by executive order of President Kennedy back in 61. But an independent agency, you know, so it’s, it’s a wild ride. Mark, I want to ask you a question and then while you give me the answer, I’m gonna look for that video I wanted to play.
It’s a Joe Pags who had met Megan Kelly. Joe Pags is a well known syndicated radio host. In fact, he’s on a couple of stations that Sovereign Radio plays on. So I alluded to in our opening, Mark, that we’re in the exposure stage of the usaid. The receipts for the corruption, the money going out the door back to the politicians laundered many times over through NGOs, corrupt corruption, corporations and offshore bank accounts. The next phase will be the criminal phase. Right. Where the cash Patel and Pam Bondi, I assume it’ll be directed by those two individuals, will bring forth federal charges against the perpetrators.
How long do you think that’s going to take to get to the next phase where we actually see some kind of trial or some kind of invest going beyond the exposure of the. We have the receipts. When do we get to see the trial? Well, the, you know, as, as I believe a constitutional republic is, is being put into place. There has to be a functional government, a functional republic. And seating these cabinet members is, I believe, a very critical piece to this. Bobby, Bobby got in today, you know, for HSS or Amen, HHS Health and Human Services.
And cash is up on deck. And so once he is, which he will get Senate confirmation and gets sworn in, then I believe it’s all hell breaks loose, as you and I were told just prior to the 20th, that after the 20th, all hell is going to break loose, you know, and it’s got to lead to a crescendo here. Right. So I think we’re, we’re looking at very near term. I think once cash is in, then the bombs are really going to start to drop. I hope so. All right, I’m going to attempt to share my screen here.
Where’s the link, please? I have to go back and find the link. Mark. So you want us to see your email, Scotty? Yeah, but I lost the link is not in my email now. So we can carry on the discussion. You guys can continue the discussion while I get this thing organized here and get it able to share the screen and share this great video. Yeah, I want to read something, Mark. I want to go over a couple things that I just was, when you guys were talking, I grabbed a little lunch, I’ll be honest with you.
And then, you know, I was listening to you guys talking and you know, everybody, everybody, I, I think that a lot of people are becoming too complacent, thinking that, oh, this is going to be fine, nothing’s going to happen when there’s battles raging. But I want to read a little bit of the, the things going on globally in the financial situation. You know, I, I got talked to this, the folks over at Gold Co and you know, they were telling me how a lot of people were waiting and holding off because Trump’s in office. Right. To pull a trigger, to do anything.
And then I’m just reading this. And I want to, I want to read this real quick. And it’s, it’s. It’s like about nine different points, but I want to go through them real quick and then, you know, maybe we can go through a few and then I can ask you questions, Mark, and we can go through that together. But like, first one is global economic overview. Slower economic growth in major economies, including the U. S, EU and China. Increased market vitality due to geopolitical tensions and policy shifts. Higher interest. Interest rates continue to impact borrowing and investment.
You know, the U. S. Financial conditions. Stock market vital with concerns over Federal Reserve policies and inflation. Interest rates. Federal Reserve keeping rates elevated to complain back inflation. Housing market rising. Mortgage rates impact affordability, lower demand. Consumer debt increased credit card and auto loan delinquencies. Employment. Job growth slowing. Wage growth remains steady but lags in inflation. You know, as I’m looking at these things, it don’t look like, you know, we’re currently in a golden age. Okay. I mean, maybe we’re going to go through. Through some. And I want to read some more of this as we go back and forth and talk about this.
But, you know, Trump was handed a giant mess. And again, it’s the federal. Right? And I know that you and Scotty and a lot of people, you know, we’ve got the good military. I believe that. I believe in my heart that we have good military 100. I believe there’s good CIA people. I believe there’s good FBI people. I believe there’s good in everything and there’s bad and everything. Right? You know, you have good and bad, bad yin and yang. But it’s going to take some time, you know what I mean? Because, you know, I’m looking at this thing where they’re talking about gold and silver, you know, that I’ll read that about, you know, where is the safest place right now to be.
And it’s gold and silver. And you got people thinking they need to hold off. And again, I think it’s not only gold and silver. I think it’s, you know, your food, your water, your energy, you know, your security, you. All of those things are important to make sure that we can weather the storm of this battle because the other side wants to take us out. They’ve said it very clearly. You know, they can. They can say it and nothing happens to them. No FBI investigation, none of that. They can say it. They can say, we would like to take everybody out on that side, you know, because they’re a bunch of scumbags and a Bunch of garbage.
And you know we were called, we were called garbage by Joe Biden. You know, we were called garbage by Joe Biden. So do you watching what’s happening is exciting like you said, seeing those people that you know, not you don’t know them personally but you think that okay, they’re going to make some changes in that agency, things are going to go on. But then you’ve got Doge fight finding all the fraud and judges getting involved and shutting down the cleanup. I mean what is your perspective on how long this thing’s going to take and how much pain do you feel that people are going to have to go through before we do get to that area where inflation’s down? We’ve got new systems in place.
This thing is starting to, to come into, you know, an area where we can start know helping others. And we got so many people in poverty around this world. Brother Mark, I mean it’s. Well, I, I think it’s important to, to take the 40000 foot view perspective here and some things that I can, that I, that I can share that I, that I, that I do know because of a group that I’m in and I’m, and I’m pat information is passed on. The financial system is being reset. I mean it’s quite obvious. We can see see that happening.
We’re still in this economy, in this monetary system that is the old fiat system. It hasn’t switched over yet. Although the architecture and everything is in place of the, as we refer to the quantum financial system, the QFs, the new, the new age that we’re about to enter into. There’s a process from going from the old to the new. It can’t have both out there running simultaneously. So there’s a process to get from the old to the new. We’ve been going through the pain. You know, this has been 8 years of pain right across the board.
You know, so the timing of when they flip that switch and they go through that process to get to that new monetary system. And it’s a worldwide thing and so I’m watching very closely to see what happens with the governments in the other countries. We can see what’s happening with Doge and Team Trump and in the corruption being exposed, all of that. But the other countries, all 209 countries are going to go through something at least very similar in that they have to purge out the corruption within their governments. They all agreed to it to go to the new monetary system, this quantum financial system.
All the countries had to agree by Contracts, treaties, whatever it is, they had to agree no more corruption within the governments and peace, no more wars. And that’s, that’s documented. You can go to the USMCA, the, the trade agreement and read Article 27. It’s there, you know, the anti corruption section, chapter, whatever it is. Yeah. Once Scotty plays this and once you’re done, we’ll go back and I want to look at these things and ask you about them because I do think this old system has to crack, crumble. And I’ve heard Scotty say many times people will not, their money is not safe in a bank.
Right. Even with the government insurance, which is really concerning because that is not a good way to start a new thing. We’ve been told that, that the old system is going to be collapsed. They have to collapse it and put it to death. And you, you, if, if you’re gonna, if you haven’t made the necessary moves to protect yourself with your own personal finances, then you could get caught up in, in some of the bloodbath of that happening. As we’ve been told, get out of the stock market, you know, and be, be in gold and silver, be in liquid, liquid physical possession of your cash because there will be a conversion, you’ll go one to one from the old currency to the new currency.
And gold and silver in essence is the anchor to the asset backing, although it includes a lot of other physical, tangible assets as we’ve talked about, you know, in the past. So yeah, it’s, it’s, it’s. We’re in the process. But when you’re Talking about moving 209 countries, three from an old fiat system to an asset back system and all of the corruption, the purging, the disclosure, I mean everything, the purging of the corruption, getting back to a. Well, not back to, but getting to an era of no wars, peace, It’s a major undertaking. It’s like as we’ve heard, 5D chess.
Right. With that Trump has been making these moves on. So we’ve been told Trump is, is handling navigating, is navigating the world through this change. So it, when they do flip that switch though, I believe it’s going to be very, very, very quick and things are going to move very quick. But it will take time to rebuild everything. As we know we’ve got to rebuild every system and this is a worldwide project. So that’s going to be years of work, you know, to, to rebuild everything. But I believe we’re on the cusp. I believe that this can Go down really at any time.
Watching to see when cash is. Was put. Is put in place. I think they have what they need to move forward and get this done. Very interesting. You got your email account up there for everybody. Yeah, we have a lot of emails over here. Let me. Let me click on the link and play the video. One second, please. But you’re gonna have to share that because now you’re just sharing your email. So you gotta show the video page. So we’ll remove that from the screen. You gotta show your video page. So you gotta actually show that video page.
Okay. It says I’m sharing screen on Instagram. It’s an Instagram video. But we don’t see it on the screen. Oh, hold on. There you go. It’s back in the stage. So. Okay. What happened? Why didn’t we see it? Well, anyway. No, because you have to add it to the stage. Yeah. Oh, right on. Right on, Jimmy. Thank you. You got this down. I’m still learning. I need a little more. A few weeks under my belt. I’ll get it all down. But this is beauty. I don’t like we. So I dropped my drawers to the floor. Expose my inexperience using Streamyard.
But here we go. I’m going to play the video now. She really said it over and over again. I had Megan Kelly on my program and she told me what she believes the left is really afraid of and she wants more of it. You got to see it. They’re very offended and upset about a guy named Big Balls, A guy who goes by the monitor. Big Balls. It’s perfect. That is threatening to Democrats. They can’t stand that. They’ve been trying to shrink down the male testicle for a very long time into where all we have is men running around with man buns and little sandals and scooters.
They don’t like big balls. They don’t like a lot of testosterone. They want feminized men. And what we have here is a pair of actual men in Elon and Trump who are not afraid of them, who will not be bending the knee, who will be busting up organizations like this or spending our money recklessly on all left wing causes. And that’s what’s got them really, really rattled. They are afraid of Big Balls and in more ways than one. And thank God, over on our side of the aisle, Big Balls are back. This is solution to all our problems.
I just want you to say it a few more times. I stand with Big balls. Yes. Then you stand with guys like me, right, Jimmy? We saw it. It took a little doing here to get that into play, but makes the point. Megan Kelly makes the point in a very different way that we’ve been talking about today about moving to that next step. Exposure is great. This had to happen this way. We had to expose the fraud first. You can’t move it from completely being in the dark, the world, being unaware to a criminal phase. You have to expose it before you move to the criminal phase.
Big balls. As she said, that’s Musk’s protege that’s working for Doge. And then she alluded to Trump and Musk having the kahunas to take this forward. Interesting side note, look what happens to a journalist when she leaves the mainstream media. Not all that long ago, Jimmy, Megyn Kelly was at Fox News and leaning left like Tulsi Gabbard, even jfk. But they come around when they see the true agenda of the Deep State. They all come around. And she sure put it bluntly, that we have two men, Trump and Elon. And now, as Mark said, let Cash get in play, in position to do what he can do legally.
And believe it, believe you, the Trump administration will do it by the book, within the Constitution. They will not go outside the constitutional law. They will not go outside and break laws like the left, like the Deep State, because if they did, if they did it the same way they do things, it would be apparent and they’d be just as guilty and we would see it at face value for what it is. So, Mark, do you agree they’re going to play by the book? I do. And I. Just a side note here, I see President Trump is in the Oval Office and he’s doing kind of a press thing, and he just came out and he said that Doge is going to be looking into the IRS corruption and the waste.
Good. So that’s probably bigger than you have to look at everything. You can’t. You can’t. You can’t. You. The whole federal government, including the black op operations, have to be audited. And we shouldn’t have black op operations that the President doesn’t know about, Congress doesn’t know about, the Senate doesn’t know about. What the freak. You know, this is crazy. I bet there’s trillions of dollars here. And then when you get rid of all the agencies, you don’t need that the federal government constitutionally is not supposed to be involved in. You probably got another trillion dollars there.
I mean, this budget could be cut, like below half. I mean, I had a friend of mine that’s a, he’s a business partner of mine. It’s up in the financial, you know, running a half a billion dollar hedge fund. You got, I think you guys know who he is. And he literally told me that this budget could be cut 2/3. Let me suggest that if our government very well said all the time the five things the government is supposed to do, we got back to government, federal government, just doing those things like protecting the border, right.
Infrastructure types things, I bet you we can shut down 90% of the system. Probably 10% of our government is necessary to do those five things. And 90% is experiencing waste and fraud. I don’t even give it the 80, 20 rule anymore. I think it’s obvious that when $10 million goes to a project in Haiti and 9 million of it got siphoned off to Chelsea Clinton for a home. Yes indeed, we paid for a wedding and paid for her home. As I said earlier. That doesn’t make you hot under the collar and pissed off as you hear my tone of voice.
Pisses me off big time. That Chelsea Clinton, that big wedding that the media made a big deal about, ranted and raved about and that big home street, we funded it, we paid for it. We’re funding all these crooks, you know, to get to hundreds of millions and 50 million and all that. All these crooks are getting funded. I, I really hope what you said, brother Mark, happens, you know, and the. But we’re going to go through pain, you know, I mean, meaning people will go through pain. Some people will. If the people that don’t prepare are going to go through a lot of pain because as this whole thing starts to crumble and it has to be rebuilt like you know, the phoenix coming out of the ashes and they don’t have food and water, they have no gold and silver.
They don’t have any like what you call junk silver that you can trade. They don’t have guns to protect themselves and ammunition. They don’t have, you know, any kind of, of additional ways to generate power, like you know, little solar things. There’s a lot of things that, you know, I believe that what’s going to happen with all these illegals if they decide to initiate, activate them. And you know, there’s been a lot of terrorist training in the United States. In the United States, in the territory of the United States. And it looks like we’ve been helping them based on this u.
S Aid situation. We’ve been given terrorist money, we’ve been giving everybody money. You know, we’re just, you know, everybody, money. What happens if that pops off? You know what I mean? What, what I know the military has to come down, but that can go on for quite a long time in the big cities. What are you guys hearing about that from your, your fund is that what do they think with all of these illegals that came in that are military age men and all the, you know, we’ve heard about the, the storage units of massive weapons located all over the United States, where.
And we’ve heard reports that they want to go right into, you know, where people are gathered and you know, do some really nasty stuff, you know, some evil stuff. I mean, is that being handled? Like, is that be. Are they preempting that, are they positioning themselves with that? You hear about stuff, but you hear, oh, it could be the bet, you know, the dark side, it could be the light side. What’s you guys intel on that from your group? Well, we’re not getting anything that’s real specific, but I have to believe that that’s all, all being dealt with.
You know, Scotty, you, you, you remember 10 years ago we were, we were told that we would be handed a constitutional republic and the federal government. At the end of this, the federal government would be about 10% of the size and push 10% of the size of what it has been. There we go. And then we’ll be back to state constitutional governance and it has to work its way through all of the states. That takes time. And of course it’s up to us to be doing our part at the local level. You know, as we, as we know, we’ve talked about this over and over again.
You know, just came to mind, I had a conversation last Saturday with a good friend of mine that has a relative that works at the port in Ensenada, Mexico. And this relative has been haunted by kids screaming from containers at the port in Ensign, in Ensenada. So it’s, it’s widespread, right? We have to clean up all, all of this and it does take time, but we gotta, we gotta do it quicker because you know, these kids, the blood of these kids through the abortion and the murder of children and then the trafficking of children. How can the creator of all things continue to allow us to continue to go on with this type of abuse? I mean, this is just, you know, that’s happening also in North Carolina, what you said, where there was kids in containers and they’re hearing them crying and screaming.
I mean, this is so satanic. I mean this whole planet is satanic. I hope this accelerates but again, I think that you better be prepared for it. Everybody better be prepared for it. You know. Xrp, go ahead. What? Go ahead, finish your sentence, sir. No, xrp. You know, you guys have told me, Brother Joseph was telling me for years, he also, you know about XRP and, and these other ones that are ISO 2022 compliant cryptos that they’re going to be, you know, especially xrp, are going to be part of this new financial system, right, with this transparency and yet you have 0.7 of 1% of people in crypto, period.
Now I’m not saying crypto is good, I’m not a financial advisor, but I’m surely going to. You know, the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous. And whether this is controlled by the good or the bad, at the end of the day it’s my responsibility as the head of my household to leverage things that are going on so that my family and I come out of this better. Jimmy, I, you know, as. Just to preface, you know, we’re not financial advisors, we just speak of what we personally, personally do and the. I, I feel that the simplest, the easiest way to not only protect your assets, but to capitalize on this once in a lifetime change that we’re going through of a financial reset is to shift your assets into physical gold and silver.
And for the listeners out there that haven’t done anything yet, or maybe they’ve been dragging their feet and, and some of it they’ve shifted. But I would click on the link below and the, the, the, the link to our gold and silver sponsor and uh, do something, have a consultation, get uh, get your assets protected and uh, as a result when we shift to this new financial system then there’s going to be an upside swing that will, you’ll be quite happy. So anyways, that’s my plug on gold and silver but. Well, and silver is an industrial metal, right? Silver is an industrial metal.
With AI and robotics, the amount we, we’re almost burning up everything we’re mining right now. We’re like almost burning up everything now with, with Samsung’s new battery that takes all that like two, two I think two and a half pounds of silver or something like that per battery. You know, it’s not liquid anymore inside of there. It lasts like ridiculous amount of time longer. Robotics, AI, the chips, all of that silver is going to be in high demand where we’re gonna have to go back into the garbage and pull out the old electronics and phones and everything and start recycling it, which it has to be at 150, $175 an ounce.
That’s what they’re saying. Just to recycle it where you can make some type of profit, maybe like 10 after all your cost, you’re making 10%, 15% profit. They say that needs to be at 150, $175. So you know, I like silver myself also. And a good thing about Gold Co is they’ll put you on with, with a specialist list and you can talk to them. And there is no minimum now so you can get what you need and you know, bring it, bring it home or you know, you’re going to put it into like Brinks or whatever, that’s up to you.
But at the end of the day, you know, I like diversification myself. Yeah, my, my personal feeling is Jimmy, that, that it’s going to be a lot higher than that. A lot higher. Because the, the, the historically go there’s always been about a 7 to 1 ratio or thereabouts, you know, between silver and gold. The expense of getting it out of the ground, it’s way off the mark of, of what it has been historically. I mean I haven’t looked here lately but it’s been up there at like 80 to 1 and like you say Jimmy, with the manufacturing demands not only back in the valuation of currencies throughout the world but the manufacturing demands on silver.
And as we know it’s manipulated by the COMEX and in various ways the silver has been manipulated to keep it driven down. And as we’ve heard, you know, every dollar rise in the spot price of silver. You know, bank of America is losing 800 million. Is that correct Scotty? Yeah, that’s the number. Listen guys, we got a couple other sponsors I have to recognize. We’ve been talking about Gold Co, but we have two other sponsors that support the show. So your body is a miracle machine. And Nanosoma spray is the catalyst for the body to heal itself of any condition.
Now I used it to get rid of a decade long problem with neuropathy and high blood pressure. Now you can get your health back too. Go to iwantmyhealthback.com SR it’s iwantmyhealthback.com sr. I was expecting to use the product 20 to 30 weeks as prescribed by the distributor to resolve my condition of stinging and burning in my feet. Constant 24, seven. But in six weeks the stinging and burning left. That was February of 2024. It’s been one year. I am pain free right about now. We’re at one year anniversary that I no longer have stinging and burning in my feet because of the Nanosoma spray.
Of course they have a facial cream and all over the body gel as well. Great products. Go to iwantmyhealthback.com forward slash. Let me show. So I sent, you know, you brought me in for the, to this company to help you because it did all of that for you. Right? And I want to tell a little story there real quick. And so you know, I get, I’m down here in, in Dominican Republic. I was at that point when you contacted me about this. So I had got some product and I didn’t get back until October. And then my son had been on all kinds of the highest antibiotics you can be on because he’s got juvenile diabetic beatties.
So he, I send him the, the, the, the pack, okay. With the three sprays, the gel and the cream. So I get from him in a text this picture where his leg was rotting off where they thought that they might, if it continued to go, amputate it. And on the highest thing because they said it was going to continue to go and would rot. It was just really, I didn’t, it’s disgusting. But then in three days after putting that gel on and doing the spray, that’s what happened to the leg. And it was interesting because I didn’t solicit him for that.
He sent that to me, you know, via, via the text. So it’s really interesting. So one of the things that also I was always wondering, you know, why is this stuff like, because I was just going to come in, help you with the funnel and get out. Right. You know what I mean? But as I started seeing it and you know, Richard, the owner, wanted me to get involved, you wanted me to help make sure that, you know, everything’s moving in the right direction as far as I t and marketing with my team. But I started thinking, why is this stuff like these miraculous freaking testimonials coming in that you can’t even put online because of the FDA and you know, all of that.
And then I get this document from Richard and I, I because everything happens from the energy body into the physical body. So all disease and unease comes from the energy body into the physical body. So I get this report from, from Richard and I’m just going to show one page of it. And so this doctor, naturopath, PhD and exercise science, she ran this testing and I have all the test results and most people’s energy body looks like it got hit by a meteor shower. Like this first image at the top. And that’s not good. Okay. There’s all kinds of things going into your physical body when your energy body looks this way.
But after five sprays of nanosoma and not a few minutes after taking it, the energy body was like this. You guys see this? Yeah. I mean, so this is the way your energy body’s supposed to look like an egg, but not really, like, because it’s, it’s even on both the top and the bottom. Most people don’t understand how important that your energy body is in order for your physical body not to pick up all of those problems. And it is critical because it is the number one thing that there is that, you know, you’ve got to keep your energy body in tip top shape.
And that’s what this little bottle does, Jimmy. That’s why people are having those effects. You know, great, great story about your son. You know, we’ve got many, many more stories. Dave Hodges has a wonderful story about his success with nanosoma and along those lines of keeping your body healthy. We all need protection from the harmful effects of 5G and EMF electromagnetic frequencies. Body Align is one of our great sponsors. And you can get one of their patches for your phone will protect your body with one of their very effective bracelets. Go to bodyalign.com forward/sr. That’s bodyalign.com forward slash sr.
Jimmy, you are aligned with Body Align very closely. What say you about the products of Body Align? Well, you know, I, I met Steve, the founder. Steve started working on this technology with a guy named Warren back in the early 2000s, about 2005 or six, I think, mid 2000s. And he watched the first version of this band help a lady that was on a plane with Vertigo. Okay. That’s how they met Steve, you know, ex engineer from Texas Instrument. You know, he was running 100 engineers at certain times, 40, developing all the technology for the patents for 1G, 2G, 3G and half of 4G.
And Texas instrument would sell all that. So he worked with Warren to, to build this. He opened up the body line company in 2012. He approached me then and I was busy on other projects. But then I became a partner in 2016 with Bodyline. I really studied this technology and how frequencies, you know, they got a database of frequencies of the highest ingredients of like say turmeric. Turmeric at the most in gore organic pure source has a certain frequency that’s registered. So we can’t do cinnamon because we, you can’t get it at that high level. So we’ve got a database of tremendous amount, thousands of these, these ingredients that are beneficial to the body and they create formulations like in the band.
There’s over 300 frequencies in here that penetrate the body, like the EMF. It actually protects you against the effects of the EMF. Right. And body Line does that for pain, it does it for sleep. You know, you don’t have to buy prescription drugs for pain or, or sleep. You know, for those folks that are, you know, in their 50s, in their 60s and they want to keep muscle mass, the mass patch works. You know what I mean? It keeps your muscle mass going really important, you know, because you lose muscle mass detoxification all through Energy Wellness.
We’re also working on something for anxiety. Sleep Patch helps you with anxiety, but it also puts you to sleep. So you can’t wear it during the day because you’ll be nodding off and taking naps. But Energy Wellness is very powerful. Frequency healing frequency technology for wellness is, is really, it really works. And you know, with Bodyline, they’ve shipped millions of these around the world and I think the return rate is like not even a half a percent. I mean, that’s pretty good, you know, so there’s a 30 day money back guarantee on it and they give you the money back if you don’t, if it doesn’t, you know, affect you in a positive way.
And there’s a lot of reviews and it’s good. It. I wouldn’t be involved to jump in here. Can you send me the guest link for the studio? Apparently the link I have sent to Noel back, I don’t see her. Do you want me to email it to you or you want me to email it? Okay, that’s great. And while you’re taking care of that, I just wanted to add to what I had mentioned about the investigating the irs. So Trump just came out and said that’s already begun. And now I see on the news feed that was just came out a little while ago was that Doge officials have just entered the IRS building in D.C.
to begin their investigation into the agency. I hope he’s got a lot of security around him, man. I mean, he’s got a. I hope these military white hats are protecting him. I pray for him, his family, his inner circle, his cabinet, his team and all his supporters and their family every day. I hope everybody does because we need to lay on the prayers, man. I mean, and Bobby Kennedy was just sworn in. Oh, that’s a beautiful thing. I’VE been, I’ve been praying for that because that is so important. I believe he will go in and he will, you know, he will start sorting that thing out, you know, sorting that.
First, let’s get all these poisonous ingredients out of our, our food. High fructose syrup and sugar and refined sugar and all that stuff. He said there’s over a thousand poisonous chemicals in our food supply. And then our poison in our water supply. I hope he does that, like right away. That would be great. Amen to Bobby Kennedy. The strides he can make. I think it does start with our, our food, Jimmy. That’s where he’s got to start. I think he will, too. Big pharma, he’ll tackle it all, don’t you think, Mark? I, I sure do. I, I think he’s going to go at a very fast pace, just like Elon has been going.
Yeah, they’re freaking out. They’re not used to this kind of people coming in and actually working. You know, they’re all sitting at home working three jobs and collecting the government’s check. And, you know, they’re. They’re not used to people coming in here and blowing the doors off of things. Right. That’s interesting. So true, Jimmy. They’re not used to what’s going on. This is why they’re up in arms for the first time in all of our lifetime. None of us here have ever seen. Hold on one second, guys. None of us. In today’s world, with the audits, the IRS, these NGOs, are they going to audit the Federal Reserve? Because suppose, oh, there’s fraud everywhere.
I think it’s all being looked. Will they actually audit the Federal Reserve? Well, Scotty, you know that the Federal Reserve is under the treasury and it has been for quite some time. So I, My feeling is, is that they already have it all mapped. They know. They know all of it. And it’s just a matter of just bringing it out into the public domain where people can see it. Yeah, I, I would like them. I know that the IRS is under the treasury and, But I think that needs to be exposed. The corruption at the Fed, the irs.
I think every one of those things, the receipts need to be brought forward. I’m hoping they audit everything, including the Federal Reserve. But the IRS is a great place to start. They’re going to show not only did the politicians steal our money, wait till we see what the IRS has done with that money coming in. Because who owned the irs? Who actually controlled the irs? Mark, you know the answer to that. Well, of Course, it’s the, the, the cabal, the bloodline families. They’ve had, they, they had the control of the creation of the currencies pretty much worldwide.
And as you and I know, that the printing presses were removed, taken from them in Trump’s first term, and they’ve been fighting ever since. I am checking the email. Okay, I got, Give me a second, guys. I gotta get the link to Noel. Carry on, gentlemen. Yeah, well, it’s interesting times, Mark. I just want people to be prepared. Prepared. And I don’t want them to think. To be lackadaisical and not, you know, like back when I was growing up with my grandmother and Grandpa Thompson as my mom’s grandparents, they were all. My grandma was always canning, she was always preparing.
You know, I mean, they had a whole basement that was redone, but just full of, you know, things for preparation. And people don’t prepare and then they get caught off guard and, and, you know, it hurts them and their family. But I, I think that anybody can afford a little bit of, of, of XRP at $2 and, you know, or 250 or whatever it is based on where, you know. And again, I’m not a financial advisor, but based on where we’re hearing, it’s going to go because, you know. Now can you talk about that a little bit, Mark, because you might have more information on that, too.
I’ve heard from a couple people that this is what is going to be one of the main ones. Not that there won’t be some others, but this would be the main. One of the main ones. Well, from everything we’ve heard is that everything is going to be tokenized, you know, on the blockchain. Every. Everything moving to the blockchain. In fact, I saw a, I saw one yesterday that had a presentation on putting your cars on the blockchain, you know, and so you have complete tracking and everything is transparent. Right. So you have complete tracking of the entire history of your vehicles.
So the entire financial sector, a lot of the rails have to still be built out. But, you know, you mentioned xrp. I mean, as I understand it, XRP has got a pretty major role moving forward in the moving of digital assets from point A to point B. And yeah, so for a lot of people, it. They’re not tech savvy, they’re not familiar with, you know, with cryptos, you know, whatever. The gold and silver is the simplest way to position yourself. Just get some coins, get some bars, you know. All right, gentlemen, we have our guest backstage.
So I’m gonna Bring her in. Scotty, real quick. I’m going to pop off Here at about 10, the top of the hour because I have another call, but I’m gonna leave now. And welcome Patriot Mom. Thank you. Thank you so much. Pop out of here. Noel, meet Jimmy Schwinn. See you later, Jimmy. So, ladies and gentlemen, Noel Roberts is a warrior mom and a first generation Syrian American who understands the complex issues surrounding the need for legal immigration in our country. On her podcast, American perspective with Patriot Mom 007, which is her handle, she highlights local and national candidates and news affecting fellow Americans.
She appeared as a feature guest on One American News Newsmax in Good Morning Arizona. She serves as the Phoenix co chair of the Independent Women’s Network. Noel is one of the co founders with Mark and myself of the 2024 Take Our Border Back initiative. And she is a good friend of Sovereign Radio joins us now. Looking good, Noel. Welcome. Thank you. Thank you guys. Can you hear me? Yeah, perfect. Okay. Excellent, excellent. Thanks for having me on. Scotty and Mark, nice to see both of you in live person. Yeah. I know you’ve also been involved in.
Intimately involved in the Arizona election fraud. Let’s call it what it is. That’s right, 2020. Yep. Are we now seeing the fraud being exposed while everything else is being exposed now with Doge and all that Musk is finding with his minions? Yeah. Is that happening in the Arizona election fraud? I got word that we’re going to see some real evidence fraud soon. Well, we’re still working on things out here for sure right now. There’s a lot going on with our Board of Supervisors. We just had, you know, some new elected officials come in, of course, with the last election and, and we are experiencing some issues with four, or I guess they’re not former, they’re still installed at the bos, but people who sat on the BOS for a long time, namely, gosh, I don’t want to say if it’s Thomas Galvin or not, but perhaps it is.
So they’re impeding Justin Heap, who was recently elected into office as our not treasurer. Yikes. Recorder. County Recorder. And they’re impeding him from receiving some of the documents that he would otherwise be privy to to do the job he would like to do for Arizona, which is straighten out everything that’s been going on in the Board of Supervisors and around our state the last several years. They’re not allowing him to have it full access. So we’re in the process of that, working through. I was just reading about it yesterday I don’t get to go to the Board of Supervisors meetings as often as I’d like on Wednesday mornings.
But we do have a really strong group of patriots out here who follow it very closely. In fact, we should bring you some. I should bring you some. And you can talk with them because they are always front and center at the podium every week, if they can be there and they’re offering testimony. So we have a lot to uncover, for sure. And it’s just a continuous process around the country, I think, for all the states. You know, we all worked together on Take our Border Back, and we were blessed to meet Tina Peters along the way, or that was take our elections back.
Actually, she came to Take our elections back of one, not to take our border event. But I had Tina on the show from prison a few weeks ago. Wow. And we were lamenting not only the food, the shit food she was eating in prison, but we were lamenting over the fact that county clerks are all using the expression, I don’t want to be Tina Peter. Yeah. Right. Because they made an example out of her. Colorado Secretary of State, I think her name is Jenna Griswold. Right. And the Attorney General. She’s the Attorney General, not the Secretary of State.
And the local judge who reamed Tina made her look out to be a criminal. It’s horrible. Watch the video again for a third time to say, did I really hear a judge just talk to Tina Peters as if she’s a criminal? Hardcore criminal. In fact, he likened her to some murderers. Right. To murders that sat in her chair, as he said, and he didn’t think the murders were as bad as her for doing her job. That’s what he was suggesting. So is that a fear? Do you have that fear that county clerks and election officials are going to say, I don’t want to be Tina Peter, and not come forward with evidence? Well, I think those days are a little bit behind us, I think, now with the new administration.
I think there’s a lot more safety in speaking up and speaking out and just simply doing your job like Tina did. You know, she was installed in that position, and. And she was doing her job at the elections office and uncovering things that she just simply saw inside the walls of the office. Right. So it’s not as if she was manufacturing anything or trying to create some sort of, you know, shit storm. It was just that this is what happened. These are the facts, and she knew that they were inappropriate and the maladministration was going on, which is the preferred term to fraud.
Fraud, you know, maladministration, because that’s really how it’s defined. Is, is the administrative processes of an office not being adhered to legally and properly is maladministration. So it is a shame. They did give her what, 14 years, I think, is that correct? I think 14 years was her sentence. Nine years. Nine years, okay. Nine year old. It doesn’t even matter any a day is ridiculous. So we’re hoping, you know, as everyone is across the country who follows that, that some, somebody will be able to step in and somehow undo what has been done. It’s a state issue, it’s not a federal issue.
So Trump obviously can’t come in and, and wipe that slate clean for her as he’s done for some other people who were wrongly accused and jailed, including the J6ers, many of them who committed no crimes of any, not even, not even picking up a pencil off the desk. So, you know, hopefully that’ll play out to Tina’s best interest short term and we won’t have to watch her suffer much longer than she already has for several years and being dragged through the mud as they’ve done. Let’s shift gears a little bit. I know you were following the appointment of Bobby Kennedy, Robert Kennedy Jr very closely.
He was approved and made it through the confirmation hearings and now through Congress. What do you hope to see in four years and where do you think he’s going to start? We, we were surmising earlier today he may start with the food supply and return our food back to get all that crap out of the food. Where do you think he’s going to start? Yes. Yay. Congratulations. Robert Kennedy Jr. We’re so pleased the MAHA movement is in full effect now. And a lot of us, you know, moms who feed our kids regularly or have over the years, I mean, it’s, it’s, it’s a battle, right, because you have to feed them.
And yet everything on the shelves in the market, in the grocery stores are not good for you. Primarily until the grass fed beefs came out a few years ago and they started pushing free range eggs and all of that. But until then, there was years and years that, that wasn’t even available widely. I hope that, you know, he takes a broad sword and starts chopping in half or complete chopping down at the root. Every agency, the FDA’s, the, all the organizations who approve these, these toxic chemicals in our foods. And I hope he just slashes all of them straight up day one when he gets in tomorrow.
And I think that’s what we’re going to see. I think that people are tired of having to choose between feeding your children or killing your children, which is one and the same in America. When we hear in European nations and around the world that they have such safe ingredients in their foods and they go, you know, from four ingredients in French fries to R11. When there’s potato, it’s a potato. And salt, I mean, there should be two as far as I can tell. I mean, they’re making them from scratch. So preservatives, I don’t think at that point are needed.
I can’t even imagine what else is going into them, but other than potatoes and salt, I just don’t see a thing. And so I think that he’s going to take a really conservative approach. I don’t, I really do not believe he’s going to go crazy, crazy, like they say. And I think he’s going to do some prudent choices. And they may seem crazy to some who believe that everything’s okay and we are being fed propaganda on our side, which we know we’re not. So from that respect, it might look a little over the top, but we with common sense who follow things normally rationally will understand that it’s going to be to the benefit of the health of all of us and our children.
Long term. Him. Yeah. I hope he gets busy and I wouldn’t mind if he starts chopping everything. That’s okay with me. If he goes after everything that they’ve, you know, they’ve done over the years. We know how corrupt it is. Yes. I mean, how, how bad, how bad is the food supply? And how bad is big farm karma, its impact on children especially? How bad is it? Well, the red dye number three, you know, they just banned red dye number three right before Trump was inaugurated or right the week after, days after. Something along those lines.
I think they were all running scared. They knew he was going to come in and start cutting. So I think they wanted to make, make it look like they were taking a step in the right direction on our behalf. And we know that that was, that was propaganda. Them just like looking good for a second. The news barely picked it up. And the fact that they had to ban it at all should be a wake up call, knowing that they’ve been aware of these toxic chemicals that they’ve approved to be in our food for the last, you know, 80 years, 50 years, whatever the length of time it is since they came on the market.
And so that was a feeble attempt by the fda, I think, to, to prove really to everyone that there are so many other all the other dyes, the blues, the yellows that color are the candy the kids eat, the sodas, the Gatorades, I mean, it’s in everything. So even the sports, healthy sports drinks, which are totally unhealthy for you, by the way, they just, they have to do away with all of it for our benefit. And we’ve had a big week. Right. So, Scotty, I mean, you guys watch the cycle 247 as I do. I’m a big C Span watcher.
C span 1 and 2, I highly recommend to everybody who who wants to watch the news but doesn’t like what they hear, go to C span 1 and 2. It’s just live hearings every single day in the morning goes all day. You can go back and watch the archives from the day before and you can see real action on the floor. Nobody’s spinning or storytelling. There’s no slant. It’s them talking to you and it really shows who they are. I watched the Congressman Garcia, I was bringing to your attention earlier yesterday on the Doge he hearing, the first Doge hearing they had.
And Congressman Garcia, he is in your state, Mark, and he’s a California representative originally from Peru. So he’s the first or he’s he’s a an immigrant. Right. So you’d think conservative a little bit more. So he’s been here since his 20. And so he’s probably in his late 40s now. Ish. And his position yesterday with Doge and Elon specifically was that teenagers supposedly are running Doge in the back end and they’re the engineers that he brought in. Well, guess what, in California, they just passed, you know, your AB 1955 bill just passed in January with Newsom signing that teenagers, okay.
In schools across California, that’s a lot more than his little core group that is in the back area that they can decide what sex they want to be and the parents don’t need to be or pronouns they want to use. The parents don’t need to even be notified for at least 4:48 hours. So his your California Congressman Garcia, Robert Garcia, calling him out today specifically because if it’s okay that you think teenagers can decide their sex, which now we know there’s only two of them because that just came into effect and nationally so I’m glad that happened a couple last week.
Now he’s saying contrarily that the older young adults, right. 20, 22, a lot of these kids are in college at MIT and Yale and Harvard and all the schools that the Californians love, by the way, that, that it’s not okay at that age to rip apart the waste, fraud and abuse that they are finding by the second across all lines of government for the last two and a half weeks and will continue to do now they’re in the Department of Education. So, I mean, I couldn’t be more happy. I’m sure you guys are laughing every single day when you turn on the news.
It’s so much fun. Is that the video you sent me? Was that Garcia? It is. All right, let me try to share that right now. Okay. Yeah. Didn’t he come out and was putting some threats out there as well? I think if I didn’t hear that. This is a direct from the congressional hearing yesterday. He called, you know, the DIC pick of Elon Musk that he held up like into Marjorie Taylor Greene, actually holding an actual pick of that body part up in a hearing last year. And he was trying to be funny. It was terribly not funny and really looked made him look ridiculous and very petty.
I mean, he’s a congressman. The language they’re using these days also is just abhorrent, I think. Did, were you able to get it up, Scotty? The file is too big too. Oh, that’s weird. It’s only like a minute and 51, but okay. Well, basically, you know what he did? Everybody saw it. He held up. I didn’t listen to it. So tell her audience. So he, he basically said that he’s calling out Elon Musk and Trump for allowing Doge to hire teenagers is how he characterized the 20 or so 25, you know, young, you know, workers that they have assembled to start looking at the, the back end of these agencies.
And they’re not teenagers. I mean, Maybe there’s a 19 year old in there, but they’re primarily young adults in college, age 20 to 24, probably 25. There might be a couple 30 year olds in there. And so the fact that he’s even calling them out when he and his state is rallying behind Newsom, who signed that bill, that team teenagers can choose in high school, actually in high school and younger to be whatever sex they choose is, is so contrary to what he said in the congressional hearing. I mean, you can’t have it both ways. You can’t let kids decide everything for themselves in 8th grade to 12th grade and then say at 20 years old they’re not capable as MIT enrollees to look through some line items on a ledger.
Okay, you mean, you can be an accountant and do that. These kids are way above an accountant level and, and start letting people know what’s going on and they’re not even doing anything. That’s the bigger problem I have is they’re not actually doing anything. They’re just bringing everything to the light of our president and then he’s deciding what’s happening behind the scenes. So these are things we’re going to continue watching play out as they go into the department of Ed and they go into the military. Military Department of. Of Military and and I can’t wait to see what they find.
It’s going to be frighteningly shocking, I’m sure for all of us to realize what has been happening. They’re gonna find a whole bunch of DEI DEI projects. Whether the money made it to the DEI project or to a politician’s pocket doesn’t matter. It’ll piss us all off real good when we see the military spending tens of millions of dollars not to train soldiers to fight and win wars, but to be diversity, equity and inclusion minded. Right. So let me ask you a question. Noel Robert Kennedy is going to attack the food and water. It’s going to go after big pharma no doubt.
It’s going to go after vaccines and bring those in line. He says he’s not an anti vaxxer. I believe him. I lay I lean toward being an anti vaxxer. I don’t wouldn’t put a vaccine in my body and refuse to put vaccines in my. In our daughter accepting a couple that we had to negotiate with the school or she was going to get kicked out of her school and she loved the school so she agreed. She put a couple. They, they wanted 17 vaccines. They pulled out her file in her sophomore year and they said oh your vaccines aren’t updated, Skylar.
They called us in. The principal of the school laid out the 17 vaccines. I said to her mother and to Skyler so were my decision we would leave the school right now. No way she getting 17 vaccines. Vaccines. I’m just going on record opposing any vaccines. Well then Skyler and Avery weighed in and they agreed to do a few vaccines. So be it. But where do you along those lines of vaccines, where do you draw the line? Where do you think he goes with that one? He’s not an anti vaxxer so he’s going to allow vaccines.
How do you decide which ones? Well I agree with you. I know he’s taken vaccines so he’s obviously not an anti my vaxxer. I’ve taken Vaccines when I was young, we all did when we were babies, we didn’t have a say. My kids did too on the, on the school shot records, you know, not the COVID shot. My boys were informed and they’re young adults now. Neither of them took it, neither of them will, nor did I. But I think that he’s going to look at how they’re, how they’re manufactured, how the rapid fire of them going to market.
I mean if you turn on the TV and actually I’ve been wanting to do a show about this but it’s going to be pretty intensive to put together because it’s super scientific and I don’t know if I’m scientific or not. But you know, if you go on the TV every single day you will see new drugs popping up for, you know, they, they, I don’t know even how they name these drugs. It’s kind of funny, but they just come up with a name and then they do this commercial with people dancing around making it look awesome that you might, you know, have a reaction to die from the shot or from the, from the, whatever you’re taking.
And so I think he’s going to really look into those practices first and foremost as well as how they’re created. For what reason all this cross promoting of drugs. Use this drug for that, use that drug for this. I mean, can’t we just have one drug then? I mean if they’re all cross promotable and you can just use them for everything and you can have diabetes, but it cures your heart situation or your high blood pressure, I mean honestly, they’re definitely oversaturating the market. It’s a big racket, It’s a big shell game of which drug your doctor can give to you that he hasn’t already prescribed.
I know people, I mean my dad, who’s 97, I mean she’s. We have a whole counter full of them and they’re pretty basic but nonetheless. And he’s 97, so, right. There’s a time and place to start using medications that might prolong or help you live a better life. Not saying there isn’t but so many drugs saturating the market and there’s really no definition of anything. I mean you don’t know what any of these drugs really do and what their side effects. They all can cause death. They all cause, you know, issues cognitively. They cause your balance, your, I mean fainting, dizziness.
I mean, don’t drive a car. I mean everybody’s doing that these days. So I think he’s going to really tackle the basics and I don’t think it’s going to be extreme. I think it’s going to be common sense. And I think even some on the left, certainly in the middle, are going to be championing what he’s about to do. And we’re going to have a front row seat to it. So we should all be very grateful he got confirmed today. Well, if we can get the water lady on the show last Saturday and she’ll be on tomorrow or this Saturday as well.
Who’s that? Her name is Diane Rosso. She’s the author of a book called Let it your Body Can Heal Itself Given the proper environment. Her daughter was the beginning of her journey. Her daughter in her 30s ended up with some kind of hip pain or some kind of pain. They prescribed Vicodin. She got addicted to the opioids. She became a couch potato, depressed, which they started prescribing drugs for. The depression turned around in her mid-30s. She was on 27 medications, taking seven medications a day. Diane knew there was something wrong with this picture. Instinctively, the woman in her mid-30s was not working, was not in a relationship, had no friends.
She had completely isolated herself to the couch. Diane said she spent her every waking hour on a couch just staring at a tv. So important. Resisted at first. She got her off every one of those drugs. Wow. Given the proper environment. The book is called Let it your Body Can Heal Itself Given the proper environment. So she put her in the proper environment. She wouldn’t allow the drugs in the home. She said, no more. I’m not letting, letting you bring the pharmaceuticals into this house. And she is early 40s, very productive, has a great job, making a good income and she’s social again.
She’s going out with friends and so forth. So that’s adults story of how big farm screwed up a life. Does it happen in her mid-30s? We know what they’re doing to children with big Pharma. Putting them on all these ADD medications and then the ADD makes them. They put them on depression meds. That’s an easy one to fix. I think you just eliminate all these drugs from the market that we didn’t have growing up, did you? I, I know I didn’t, Mark. And I did not even hear about ADD as kids. I never once heard the term attention deficit disorder.
Did you, Mark? No. There was always that one individual in the class that was a bit odd. Right? Yeah. Well my. So my kids were diagnosed. So yeah. So my kids were diagnosed with ADHD and Add, respectively, my older one, add, which is a focus attention deficit situation where when you add the hd, it’s a. Hyperactivity is included with the deficit. So my younger one, he would walk around the class, he couldn’t sit in his desk. Now, did I raise them on Gatorades 100% I did because that was what we were told. They were hockey players and football players and that’s what we brought as moms to the field, as coolers of Gatorade, I mean, and snack bars and sugar.
And so my kids were on medications for their school years. Now I will say it did help them. Not Ritalin, it was a time release capsule. There was no addictive properties to it. They couldn’t crush it and snort it or any of those types of behaviors. So I was really careful about it. But as soon as they were out of high school and they did not like it, let me just tell you that it was a chore. But as soon as they were out of school, they learned to manage things as well. So I don’t know if it’s a real designation that we should be putting on kids.
I do think there are ways to manage it. Now when the teachers bring you in for a conference, which is what they did, and they’re telling you in third grade or second grade, your kid’s out of control, we need to do this or else. I mean, you’re just looking for solutions as a parent to keep your kids in a normal environment that they’re happy with amongst their friends. And that’s kind of where they direct you. And we saw all the doctors, okay, we saw this, the special doctors, we saw the regular doctors, we saw the behavioral health doctors, we saw the psychiatrist, we saw all the doctors.
You have to. And so they’re all on board with this. And it’s going to definitely start with shows like yours or mine on American Perspective with patriot_mom007 if you’re checking me out. It takes us to educate people and tell them, just viewers, what they should be looking for and not be doing necessarily because there are redirective methods for kids that you can use in class. And it could just be a matter of taking them off the toxic foods that RFK is going to tackle here in 2025 and get them off our shelves and out of our kids pantries that really probably will help a lot in that respect.
Yeah, clean up the food and the water and I think that that will take care of a lot. Next generation might be a lot healthier. I was going to say to your gentleman before Jimmy, he mentioned XRP. I have XRP. It’s 248 today. It’s definitely on the green uptick. So my coinbase is looking good today. So I would say I just got in the market. You guys have been talking to me about that forever. I was very hesitant. But, you know, my kids are in their 20s, so they’re all about crypto. They know all the stuff on the phones now that you can just, you know, buy.
And so they got me hooked up and I did start buying it. I got little Trump action. I got the dogecoin action the day before he. He swore on the Bible, or he didn’t actually swear on the Bible, but before he took office. And so that’s definitely something. My son, you know, sells gold and silver. Both my kids do, actually. And here in. In Scottsdale there with a large company who I actually can’t mention because they don’t solicit Outward Bound. They only take inbound. They. They don’t like go after people, so it’s. You need to call them.
So I’m not allowed to advertise for them. But anyway, the point being is gold and silver, to Mark’s point earlier, definitely the way to go these days in a lot of respects. You have to have everything diversified as always. But that is a key component, including crypto. I think if you can dabble in the market even and just get your foot in there, you know, just in case, as a backup method of holding your money. I wouldn’t put all of anything in any one area, but the crypto is kind of fun. Yeah. We talked about it earlier, before you came on.
And remind our audience we are not financial advisors. We’re just telling you what we do. Average people hoping to make a dime. We are all index rp. We understand why we. I don’t want to get too far off here. Yeah, sorry. I know. I had to make that point because I looked at it and I was like, today. Good point made. And it doesn’t hurt to remind our audience, get involved and get educated about it that you gotta. You gotta come up really World going forward. It’s a big part of the new financial system that we’re going to see in the days to come.
So only World just got a note on my phone. The IRS building. Those in the building right now, those who’ve entered the IRS building, they’re there as we speak. The building. So this is very interesting. It’s getting very interesting. From USAID to Department of Education. Yeah, Department of education. Now they’re at the irs. Wow. And he’s signing an executive order right now in the Oval Office. Oh, I think for the Gulf of America. I see a map up behind him live. It looks like he’s signing an executive order. So I’m not seeing the IRS be actively on my, my live stream today on news, but I’m sure there’s just so much going on.
I mean, honestly, there’s so much going on in every single day right now in the first three and a half weeks of, of this presidency that they, they can hardly keep up on the reporting side of things. And it is shows like you’re a Scotty on sovereign radio that takes all, all of it and compiles it down so people can digest it, you know, in small amounts and bring it to people who maybe missed it the first time because, you know, a lot of people are at work during the days and not everybody can watch watch like we do all the time.
I mean, I have the darn stuff on in my car, I hate to say, but I can’t. It’s like if you don’t have it on, it’s like I feel like I’m going to miss a huge portion of what’s going on in America and I’m like, what is going to happen if I don’t have something in my ear telling me what is happening in our nation’s capital? It’s just crazy. But the rapid fire of President Trump right now is a sight to behold for sure. And we are all the positive beneficiaries of his actions for Americans. And today will be no different if they’re at the irs.
Let’s see what happens. This is breaking from Patrick Webb at Real Patrick Webb. Those officials have just entered the Internal Revenue Service building. That was actually a couple hours ago. Interesting reading the comments. This is fascinating comment from Bitcoin Merchant Estate. They’re going to get Trump tax returns and show you how bad he cheated on taxes while you dipshits paid 28. Critical thinking is a skill you morons are lacking. So funny watching you dipshits fall for all this circus of bs. Bitcoin Merchant. I think it’s the other way around. You are projecting very well. You are projecting.
Mark, any chance they’re going to find a lot of graft at the irs, you suppose? I think that. I think that’s an understatement. I think we’re going to see some shocking things and not just the irs, but the Federal Reserve and the treasury and it’s going to go on and on. That’s right. You know. Hey, by the way, I just wanted to share this. I just picked up a coin. You probably can’t see it. Oh, just hold. Put your hand behind it. Oh, there you go. Okay. But it is a 1 oz silver. The freedom convoy.
So good. And back to take our border back. This is the Canadian truckers and it was a special, special coin that was minted to uh, kind of symbolize and honor the. The efforts of the Canadian people and the truckers that put together that convoy which inspired us to. To put together the take our motor back. Oh, that’s yeah, that’s amazing. Canadians on the show a couple weeks ago that were a part of that. Norm traversy was on the ground with one of our generals, general valley, a United States general was giving norm traversing a very well known Canadian man, a dignitary in Canada they they call governor was feeding daily updates military style to the Canadian convoy.
So they were being coached by u. S. Military general out of congress conduct their attack on win. I say attack. They converged in Winnipeg on the capitol building and they stood there for. Stood their ground for lunchtime and got their bank accounts frozen Right. As a result. So. And of course Eddie Cornell was involved with take our border back. Our great Canadian friend and former soldier. Nice coin. Very decorated hero up there in Canada. Eddie Cornell, what’s your take on trump constantly repeating canada will be a 51st state. What do you think of that? Well, you know, funny you should ask.
I have a girlfriend up in Canada. She lives there full time. Her name is Jennifer. And we’ve been talking about this actually online the last few days because I sent her some things that I saw online about it and said, hey, what do you guys think think of is going on up there? Because you know, they don’t really get all the news. They, they have a blackout up there oftentimes in news if you didn’t know. And a lot of it, a lot of stuff just doesn’t go out to them or people who are watching. Maybe you guys didn’t know, right? Like Canada is not really a free country.
So they’re, they’re really like thrilled. A lot of the Canadians I know well, all the Canadians I know frankly, actually whether they vacation here part year in Arizona, which is a thing in Canada, a lot of them come here for six months is all they get. And the six months like before that six months goes that day they got to go back and they are very strict about it. The Canadians do not mess around with Our rules, they follow them to the letter and they are excited to have Trump in office right now. Yeah, I don’t know if they want to be the 51st state, but I think a lot of them do because they don’t like kids Canada and they like to come back and forth and they don’t like the restrictions that are placed on them.
Now, the tariffs, she did say the tariffs are hurting them a little bit for the American products. But I told Jennifer, I said, you know, in America or here, at least in Arizona, a lot of us, we buy American products on purpose. Like that’s just the thing that we’re trying to accomplish is by American, right. American made, American sold. And so I said, don’t you guys do that in Canada? I mean the tariffs really that big a deal? How many products, products are American? She said, well, there are a few, she said, but what they’re doing is they’re raising other products to make up for what they’re not selling of American products.
So they’re really still getting the brunt of it. They’re. The Canadian government is really harsh with their citizens, citizens and they don’t really look out for their best interests. So they’re always gouging them left and right. I think it would not be fantastic to absorb them. There are a lot of liberal provinces up in Canada, as you guys know, and it’s a lot to, to handle. I think it would be too much to handle. Two golden nuggets that I took away from the conversation with the two Canadian men. And again, one of them is old school firefighter, he’s retired, he’s been in Canada his 70 some years in coached the convoy.
He said, if you allow the Canadian dollar to be dollar for dollar with the US you’ll get 90% of Canadians on board. Just tell them they’re 62 cents to the dollar will become a dollar. Right. They’ll be on board. The other takeaway was Norm said you’d have to actually have nine or 10 states because of their provinces. Right. He said, except in Quebec, which would never want to agree to come and be absorbed by the US So it was interesting. The two takeaways, one make their dollar a dollar and two, you’d need nine or ten states.
I agree with that. If we could take a few provinces, the conservative provinces, I’m all for that. Yeah, let’s crowdsource them into the Northeast of America. Awfully strong as a North American. One continent and that’d be okay. One piece of land, you know, fluid fluidity across Borders, you know, without passports, just identification. Of course you’ve been in Canada. You know how hard it is to get into Canada with even with proper documentation. Those guys at the border, man, they’re ruthless. And even in the airports I’ve been I used to live in Oregon so we used to drive up quite a bit and there it’s not was not an easy task.
Like they’re very. I was pulled into a room before and interrogated I guess you’d call call it my 20s. Scary, scary things. I’ll tell you that. That was way back too. So now I can only imagine the Canada Canada border and their immigration officers. Customs and immigration were tougher than I confronted in Romania and Turkey. I thought Turkey was going to be a real grilling because I’m there as an American at a time when there was a lot of tension between Turkey. Turkey, yeah. And our government were at odds. But anyhow, yeah, Canada was a tough, tough border to crack.
Spent a lot of time crossing the border doing business in Canada so. Well Noel, tell our listeners where they can find you please. So like everyone else on all the regular channels, Facebook, Instagram, X and Truth mostly @patriot_mom007 just like you see it down at the screen and on X it’s actually P mom 007. They won’t let me use my regular name and then Also rumble and YouTube. I’m switching over to Parlor a little bit. You know Parlors back. If you guys didn’t know if you were on it before, I talked with one of the executives at AM Fest in December sat with me for an interview.
They relaunched that week in December and they’re they’re pretty free open platform. They’re a non censorship platform and they’ve relaunched under that premise. So if you are looking to house your videos they do have a video platform back up and running similar to YouTube and they are working very hard to keep it non censorship and free speech driven. So I do recommend Parlor with an ER at the end if you guys want to rehydrate your your old Parlor accounts when they were deplatformed right in 2020ish or 2021. So they’re back. But yeah, look me up at patreon_mom007 I’m doing some co hosting on the Jim Price show.
The last week he was traveling I was sat for about five episodes for that and American perspective with Patriot Mom 007. You guys, I’m going to start bringing you some good guests from Arizona and I think around, around the country too. There’s so much happening that we can be talking about daily and bringing you real information in real time. So hope to see you guys on any of those platforms. Noel, it was great to see you. Thank you for your time and we’ll have you back again. So thanks you guys. So good to see both of you too.
Have a great day. Bye. Bye. It’s good to see her, Mark, wasn’t it? Yeah, it’s been a while, I think. What was it? July, right, In Texas. So we have gone over time today, folks. But that’s okay. There’s no, no real time set limit here. We try to keep it to 2 hours. We’re 2 hours and 19 minutes and 43 seconds. But it’s my way of saying it’s all the time we have today on Sovereign Radio. Thanks to our guest, Noel, thanks to Jimmy. Thank you, Mark, for a lot of great conversation today and thank you all for joining us.
You’re the MVP of Sovereign Radio. Without you, we wouldn’t do a show. Of course. And if you don’t catch Sovereign Radio on any of our Texas radio affiliates Saturday or Sunday, you can listen 24. 7 to the show@ sovereignradio.com we’re currently uploading our more recent shows. We were a bit behind on our editing, but we’re getting caught up now. So you can find Sovereign Radio, the actual broadcast from the belly of the beast, the mainstream media on radio stations in Texas. We’re going back to California soon. Salem Radio in San Diego. So check us out at sovereignradio.com there’s other great shows online now at sovereignradio.com like Dave Hodges in the Common Sense show or Sarah Westall business game changers.
SovereignRadio.com is your place for uncensored and unfiltered information. Don’t forget to support the show by supporting our sponsors. Their links are@ sovereignradio.com or in the description below. Watching this a lot. Until next time, ladies and gentlemen. Stay in prayer for our nation. Go perform a random act of kindness and give someone you love a big hug. You’ve been listening to Sovereign Radio. This is Scotty Sacks, over and out.