Terrorist Watch Lists How Everyone is being Targeted w/ Richard Lighthouse

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➡ The article discusses a conference for targeted individuals, people who believe they are victims of harassment and surveillance. The conference, organized by Targeted Justice, aims to raise awareness about the issue and provide a platform for targeted individuals to connect and share their experiences. The article also highlights Lela’s quantum technology, a revolutionary tech backed by numerous studies, which enhances blood health, neutralizes harmful electromagnetic fields, and boosts ATP production in human cells. The technology is used by athletes, medical practitioners, and biohackers worldwide.
➡ The article discusses the issue of targeted individuals, who are tracked and potentially manipulated through advanced technology. The author suggests that hundreds of thousands of Americans may be targeted, including journalists and high-profile individuals. The technology used includes GPS satellites and microwave frequencies, which can send subliminal messages to individuals. The author also mentions the potential for this technology to be used for mass manipulation, such as fostering widespread dislike for a particular public figure.
➡ The article discusses a technology that can interpret brainwaves into words, allowing someone to understand what another person is thinking. This technology, which has been around since the 1970s, uses two intersecting microwave signals to capture individual brainwaves. The article also mentions the use of 4G and 5G technology in tracking and communication, and the potential use of nanobots for two-way communication. Lastly, it emphasizes that despite the advanced technology, it can be defeated and that efforts are ongoing to understand and counteract it.
➡ The text discusses the differences between 4G and 5G technology, with 5G having a more limited range due to its higher frequency and smaller antenna size. It also mentions concerns about the use of smart appliances and the potential for control over them through the internet. The text further explores the use of cell towers and satellites for voice-to-skull technology, which can send audible or subliminal messages to the brain. The text ends with a discussion on the susceptibility of individuals to these messages and the use of positive affirmations as a protective measure.
➡ The text discusses a sound similar to popping popcorn that can be heard when in a quiet room, which is believed to be a signal from a cell tower. This signal is part of a tracking system that can penetrate buildings and track individuals, even serving as a backup to satellite tracking. The text also explores the idea of this being part of a larger ‘matrix’ or reality, and mentions the use of this technology for creating three-dimensional images of individuals. Lastly, it discusses the challenges of blocking these signals and the need for more research and development in this area.
➡ If you suspect you’re being tracked, you can test this by listening for pops in your ears. A conference is being organized for those who believe they are targeted individuals, offering a platform for unity and shared experiences. The event will feature speakers from various fields, including medical doctors and lawyers. You can sign up for the conference online at targetedjustice.com, where you’ll also find more information about the different technologies used in tracking and targeting individuals.


Yeah, it’s unfortunate. It’s a trend that we hope to stop. I think raising awareness, particularly through journalistic outlets, that’s one of the best ways that we can raise awareness and shut down the program. Well, and we just had a high profile person, Tulsi Gabbard. She’s on a list. Right. And what is it? The skies. What was the name of that program that they. Quiet, quiet. Squires program. You already knew about that one. I think you brought that up. Experience the groundbreaking advancements of Lela’s quantum technology. Now backed by over 40 placebo controlled studies conducted by elite institutions and renowned universities worldwide, this revolutionary technology surpasses previous achievements, as confirmed by prestigious organizations such as the Emoto Institute in Japan.

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Welcome to Business Game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have Richard Lighthouse coming to the program. He’s been on my program before. He was also part of the mind control fifth generation Warfare series. He has his master’s in engineering and science from Stanford. He’s also a former engineer with NASA. And he is going to talk about the directed the targeted individual program and what that means. They have a conference coming up at the end this week, and you can watch it live streaming. It’s in Colorado springs. So if you’re in the area, you can also attend the rallies or you can go to the dinner.

I will be speaking at the dinner, and I’m excited to be there and meet people. So if you’re there, hopefully you’ll say hi to me and. But Richard and the whole team there has just been absolutely excellent. They donate their time and they’re spending, they donate pretty much all their extra time trying to make a difference here. They’re not paid. They’re volunteered volunteers, and they’re helping people and they’re also targeted individuals, but they’re also donating all their time to help people. And it’s really remarkable what they’re doing and how skilled they are. He’s an engineer, Anna Toledo, who’s one of the other board members, she’s an attorney.

And then we have Doctor Lynne Bear, who’s an MD. They have very qualified people coming together trying to change and end this program and inform people about it. And at this conference, they’ll have other really good speakers coming and talking about this program and what’s happening. And as he says in this interview, he’s going to say the most important thing is for targeted individuals to come together and be a support for each other and be a unified voice. And so that’s the opportunity that you have to go and be unified with other people who are experiencing what you’re experiencing.

If you’re a targeted individual, there are millions of people around the world. And even if you’re not, you can learn about this program because apparently we’re all being targeted. And he’s going to talk about that as well. There’s different degrees, of course, of people. I mean, Tulsi Gabbard’s on this quiet skies program. That’s a targeted individual program. So there’s one, there’s targeting of journalists like me, of which I, you know, my unpersoned article that’s being targeted. A lot of journalists are targeted. Then you have politicians. A lot of politicians are targeted. And then you have some of the more extreme targeting where they’re actually messing around with your mental health and your body and physically torturing people.

Those are the people who are being used in experiments. And that’s just horrifying. But he’s going to talk about that as well. But before we get into this, I want to tell you about masterpiece. This is a detox. It’s a subtle detox. And it helps get all the crap that we’re being bombarded with out of your body, out of your bloodstream. These things that are in our body, microplastics, heavy metals, aluminum, that makes the signals, that magnifies it. It makes it worse. You need to get it out of your system and body. And masterpiece, it is a very small nano sized zeolite product that goes in.

It takes that aluminum or microplastic and it replaces it with marine plasma, which is the most nutritiously dense material there is. And it so gives you a burst of nutrition as well. And it’s important that it gets in there because then it doesn’t allow the heavy metal or the microplastic to then reinsert it itself because there’s so much floating around. So it protects you for a while. And that whole process, over time will get this out of your bloodstream. And they’re the only company I have found that are actually proving it works with trials, which is what we need.

And it’s gentle. So it’s $52.99 for two months supply, which is really good. Some people say it’s a month and a half depending on how much you take. It’s not that expensive, so go to sarawestalt.com under shop or buy with the link below. Okay. Let’s get into my really good conversation with Richard Lighthouse. Hi, Richard. Welcome back to the program. Hi, Sarah. Thanks for having me on. Well, you guys have a conference coming up this coming week, and it’s going to be one of, it’s the biggest one you guys have of the year, I believe, and it’s for on targeted individuals.

Can you talk about this conference and what it is that’s going to be on and what it’s about? Great. Great question, sir. Yes. So targeted justice is having our big rally. It’s called targeted Action 2024. We’re expecting lots of folks. We’re going to be doing rallies and we’re going to have a big event on Thursday night. And if you’re a targeted individual, you’ll get to meet lots of fellow targeted individuals. You can trade contact information and trade stories. It’ll be a really good gathering. So we’re very excited about it. That’ll be next week. What is the rallies? What is a rally? What will you be doing? Our rallies are basically to raise attention with the public community and with the military personnel about some of the activities that we’re opposed to that we have compelling evidence is happening on these bases.

So without going into too much detail, we know we’re in the right location and we want to raise awareness for the folks in the base as to what’s actually going on because we’re pretty sure some of them don’t know what’s going on. It’s very driven by security clearances. And so we think that by having them, base personnel and the public look at our website, they’ll get a much better idea of what’s going on. So how many people do you expect at this? We’re not sure. We got quite a few people that signed up. And unfortunately, the ti community can be unpredictable.

So folks can have things change, their situation can change, but we’re pretty sure we’ll have hundreds. So. Excellent. We don’t know the exact amount. And will it be hundreds at the event on Thursday as well? Well, that’s the thing some people are not. It is pretty, it’s August, it’s still warm in Colorado. So some folks that are, you know, challenged by the heat may not be interested in doing the rallies, but we’ll get our best turnout probably on the dinner on Thursday night. So that’s where biggest crowd. Well, I’m going to be there. I’m going to be speaking.

So I’m excited to be there because you were featured in the mind control fifth generation warfare. And I also talked about you targeted individuals, which I think almost everybody, as most journalists are in a certain way. But I talked about it at the red pill exponent. Did you know that I had somebody come up to me and say that was the first time in an event like this that she’s ever seen anybody cover and talk about targeted individuals? No. That’s great. That tells us that the word is getting out. That’s very important. Yeah. She goes, and I’ve been doing this for a long time, but I had probably a good half a dozen people come up to me and were really serious and wanted to ask me questions about it and felt like they felt secure enough to ask me questions about it.

But it wasn’t, it was something you could tell they really wanted to be and talk to somebody. But they were insecure about the fact that they were targeted and they were really serious. So, you know, that in their solemn, you know, the way they came up to me and asked me, it was something that they’d been thinking about for a while. They didn’t know who to talk to, and they had questions about it. And it made me realize, you know, just at an event like that and the amount of people I had just to think how many people really are targeted around the country, in the world.

Yeah, we have a credible source. It appears to have come from the NSA, and it was a New York Times article from, I think, 2020. And they were referencing 2019 data saying they had more than 200,000 us civilians that were known as targeted or what the FBI calls in the program. So we extrapolated those numbers through today, and we feel like there’s somewhere between 300,400 thousand Americans that are on this categories of the TSTB. So that’s, and I know I sent Anna the, Anna Toledo, the attorney that you guys, you know, as part of your board, I sent her my deep person, deep unpersoned in America article about all the things that happened to me.

And she was, you’re targeted. And I’m like, well, I think a lot of journalists are targeted. You know, and I don’t feel that I’m targeted like some of the other people with frequency weapons. I think all of us are actually, let me take that back. I think all of us are targeted in that way, but not the weapons where people are getting burns and the torture. I’m not getting any of that. But as a journalist and doing what I do and being deplatformed everywhere and messed with, most people I know are targeted in that way. Yeah.

Yeah. It’s unfortunate. It’s a trend that we hope to stop. I think raising awareness, particularly through journalistic outlets, that’s one of the best ways that we can raise awareness and shut down the program. Well, and we just had a high profile person, Tulsi Gabbard. She’s on a list. Right. And this, what is it, the skies. What was the name of that program that they. Quiet eyes, quiet squires program. You already knew about that one. I think you brought that up and she was put on that. How many more people are on that? I posted when someone was talking about that, and I said, well, the unfortunate part is that there’s a lot more people on that list, and Tulsi is the only one that is getting the attention.

What about all, all these other people who are also on it? How many people are on a list like that? I mean, you probably don’t know, but do you have any idea? Well, we’ve got a slide that we show a lot, and it’s kind of a deep blue slide, the color background, and then we’ve got numbers that show the percentages of the TSDB from a few years back in these different categories. We assume that that hasn’t changed greatly. We can’t be certain of that. We have requested latest numbers from the FBI. We just haven’t been able to get a response out of them.

So we’ve got numbers in each of those categories. And so it’s more and more proof that this is a real program. I mean, all these different, Matt Taibbi was reporting on it. It’s like, hey, you guys are reporting on targeted individuals. They just don’t realize what it is that they’re really reporting on and the extent of what this is. Yeah. Yeah. It’s, we’ve tried to cover it as best we can. The different, you know, the gang stalking versus the voice, discol directed energy weapons and some of the other phenomena that we’ve seen. And I think it will help journalists to understand, you know, what the technology can do and what it cannot do.

And it certainly helps if they’ll report on it. So we’re welcome to try to help them with that information, of course. Our website and newsletter are free. Well, you have some slides that you want me to show here. Is there anything, should I start with slide one? Are you ready to show that? Sure, let’s do it. So this is a good introductory slide. It kind of gives you a sense of how the technology works and how they’re able to track literally every person in North America and Europe. There are 24 operational GPS satellites in orbitz. Four of those satellites can see the top of your head at any given time anywhere in the world.

That’s the way the orbits are set up. So the latest version of these satellites is built by Lockheed Martin. It’s called a GPS three satellite. And you’ll see it right there by the number one. And this particular satellite sends tracking signal or bounces signals off the top back part of your head. And we’ve measured this many times, it’s a microwave frequency between, it shows on there approximately 3600 to 3750. This is for anybody in North America or Europe, that’s roughly the frequency it’ll be used. That reflected signal comes back, it’s forwarded to Shriever base. And then Shriever base uses their supercomputer to route it to a cell tower and can directly any pre programmed subliminal message at your head 24 hours a day.

It can be customized for different people, or it can send blanket statements. And if we mentioned previously, Trump Derangement syndrome, this is how they’re broadcasting Trump Derangement syndrome to huge portions of our population by a simple message, a simple subliminal message of, you hate him, you hate him, you hate him, you hate him. And it’s repeated 10,000 times every few days. And these people, their beliefs are altered. And I personally know several people that are close to me that suffer from this, and they don’t realize or appreciate that it’s a behavioral programming that is sent with subliminal messaging.

Do they know, do they just think they hate them and that they’re thinking about it all the time? Naturally, if you ask them, well, why do you hate them? They trip over their tongue trying to explain why they hate him. They’re not sure why, they just know that they hate him. How do you know they’re getting the subliminal messages that they hate them? Where did you get that information? Well, we’ve had some of our members with what’s called voice to skull. So voice to skull is a very similar technology. It’s broadcast at a slightly different frequency.

And they’ve told us they’re getting these hate filled messages that are specific to certain people. It can be family members, it can be a spouse, it can be the president. And so it doesn’t need to be a complicated message, because the negative results happen by simply sending a constant negative or hate filled message. Okay, so what is the difference? Because you have a patent here, what’s the difference between voice to skull, which is actually hearing a voice, versus message? Is this a frequency, so it feels like a thought, versus a voice? Because I know they can send thoughts to you, too.

Is this like a thought? That’s. That’s correct. It depends on frequency. So there are certain frequency ranges that will broadcast a voice to skull, and. And the message is audible. And that’s what we saw, for example, in. In the Middle east, when they were broadcast the God signal to surrender their weapons, the iraqi war, which is. Yeah, that’s correct. And that was an audible signal? That’s an example of an audible signal. But to provide that signal, what people don’t realize is the complexity of each person on the ground. They had to know the exact GPS coordinates of their head to broadcast an individual signal to each one of them.

It’s not a big swath on the ground, and you hit them all at the same time. Each one of their heads had a specific GPS coordinate location, and each one of them got an individualized message. But we have all of us being tracked individually, so they have. It doesn’t look like it’s that that technology has already been nailed down where they’re tracking each individual person, and now they just. Now that you have that id and you are tracking each individual person, then now you can target them with whatever message you want or technology you want, because you already know where their GPS location is.

That’s correct, yeah. And as we mentioned before, for example, if you’re in a crowded mall and they’re trying to identify you and send a unique signal to you, there’s an ouch signal. Doctor Rowney Kild, who wrote a book called bright light on black Shadows, she was a targeted individual. She was a chief medical officer in Finland, and she did a lot of research and determined that your brain actually releases what we call an ouch signal. So every time they hit that microwave pulse on the top of your head, your brain releases an ouch signal. That’s like a unique fingerprint.

It’s unique to you. And they can look at that signal and go, that’s, you know, that’s Sarah’s signal. That’s two way communication to be able to do that. That’s right. Okay. It’s like a fingerprint with that exact frequency that your brain puts out says, yeah, we know that’s Sarah. Well, you know, I’m talking to experts that I know about. Like, we each. I ask, you know, some people, some questions, like Sherry Edwards and other people who have the ability to. She’s been tracking frequency for decades now. And she says, yes, each human has their own resonant frequency.

She says it’s like a matrix. But in this case, do you know, is it kind of like a set of frequencies that we have, or do we each have, like, just this? Do you know what it is? Well, I can’t say I’ve specifically seen this on a screen, but I got this information from Doctor Rowney killed. And it’s in her book, bright light on black Shadows, which we reference frequently on our website. So she’s a very credible source. She was a targeted individual. She tried to expose the program in Finland, and unfortunately, it looks as though she was murdered.

Oh, jeez. Well, it makes sense because she could put out this information. So that’s. Multiple sources are telling me at this point that we do indeed have a unique fingerprint. But it’s interesting that it’s the two way communication that’s relevant here so that they can track us. And are you noticing other two ways communicate? Because, you know, when they do, when they send us a sibling message, can they. Can they read our thoughts from a distance or do they need to have a chip in our brain to do that? Well, so there is underneath, under the technology tab, we have a tab called remote neural monitoring.

There is a patent on it. This has been used. If you’ll talk to any of the long term targeted individuals, particularly those with voice to skull, we’ll tell you without a doubt. And it used to be called synthetic telepathy. The more common terminology now is neural monitoring, because that’s what the patent used. This patent goes back to the 1970s, and basically it describes how, by intersecting two microwave signals in your brain that are slightly different, it can capture an individual brainwave. And those brain waves, they’re not actually reading your mind per se. The brainwaves are captured as individual words.

So there will be a certain cycle and go, that’s house. And then this other brain wave, that’s dog. And this is home. We’re taking the dog home back to our house. So it’s basically stringing together waveforms to create words. And then the computer quickly translate that into awkward sentences, but it’s very real time. So somebody on the other end can go, oh, he’s thinking about taking the dog for a walk or heading back to the house. And it could probably do that with emotions, too, I would think so. We certainly understand all the technology, but we’ve used the patents to piece together much of what they’re doing.

And this is very old technology. A lot of people think they’re tracking your DNA and reading your DNA, and they may be doing that, but that’s not what they’ve been doing for the last 40 years. It’s very old technology. It’s very simple technology. It is simple. Yeah. Well, it seems like because we’re starting to see the nanobots and some of these other stuff that people are talking about. And so I’m trying to figure out how much of that is necessary, because they need the two way communication. And I was trying to figure out how much of this two way communication do they already have nailed down, since this is pretty old technology, obviously, they’ve refined and done a lot more.

And do they need the nanobots to do this two way communication they’re trying to do? And is it just that much more effective, or can they already do it without, you know my question, can they do it without the nanobots in our body? Well, that’s a good question. I can’t say that I’m an engineer. And so the external technologies that are being used to capture and transfer signals between satellites and to cell towers and things like that, I think I can understand the basic engineering concepts behind that. Once you get into the biological type stuff, I’ll defer to doctor Baer on those kind of things.

He’s more well read on that topic. But we are aware they’re doing different things, and there’s indications they’re doing things with individual DNA. Certainly the nanotech is involved. I wish we had someone that could say they’re an expert on those technologies. But it’s certainly new and developing. But it is. Yeah. Well, you know, when you listen to Giordano, he talks about how there’s a seamless connection between engineering and neuroscience. And I think the body is an engineering issue, not, you know, I think as you get more and more understanding of how the body works, it becomes more of a system than an engineering issue.

But. And when you listen to some of these top neuroscientists, that’s what they’re saying. Yeah. Yeah. It’s very interesting. I hope we’re able to get to the point where we can shut down various elements of these technologies, I have to encourage. Tis frequently to tell them, listen, there has never been a weapons technology that hasn’t been defeated. We will defeat this. So just stay tuned. We’re working on it. We are working at analyzing it, reporting it, and getting a better understanding. Well, let’s open the next slide that you have. We want people to understand how the technology is being used locally.

Unfortunately, we get a lot of folks that think their neighbors own microwave beam weapons, and we constantly have to tell them that that’s simply not true. The microwave beam weapons are very expensive systems. They’re very complicated. Some of them emit ionizing radiation to a certain degree and can be very harmful if you were standing next to the emitter. So we are quite certain that your neighbors do not own microwave beam weapons. And sometimes it’s unfortunately difficult to explain that to people because they’re convinced by the behavior of their neighborhood that their neighbor is operating a microwave beam weapon.

It’s simply not true. The people in the military that operate them have a top secret clearance. They have specific training on it, and, you know, they’re under very strict security clearances and procedures to be able to use that weapon. So we’ve heard stories about, oh, you can go buy one of these off the dark weapon. Yeah. No, you can’t. Just because it looks some little science fiction plastic ray gun doesn’t mean it’s a functional weapon. Okay, that makes sense. And you get that all the time. We get that question a lot. Look, I found this picture of this thing on the Internet, and I’m like, that looks like a 1950s ray gun.

And unfortunately, it’s not real and it’s not functional. Well, let me ask you. This looks like a 5g tower. Oh, yes. Is that what I’m looking at, 4g or 5g tower? These are 4g panel antennas, and this is where a lot of the technology was developed. It was actually started back with the 3g technology, but the processors were so slow that it wasn’t terribly effective until they got into the 4g technology. So what you’ll see, we encourage folks to look at the cell towers around in their neighborhood. Look for the four panel antennas in a row, just like you see in that picture.

Sometimes they’ll replace one of them with a 5g, which is a much smaller panel antenna. It’s about twelve inches by twelve inches. That’s the 5g antenna. These long panel antennas that are like 4ft, 5ft long and, you know, maybe about a foot wide. That’s the 4g antenna. But when you get four of those working together, it can create a microwave beam that can be fired many miles. 5 miles is not unusual. And it will go through buildings, concrete, steel, it’ll go through it all. So these can be very effective and very harmful to targeted individuals. The telecoms, when you talk to them, they’ll tell you, oh, no, we only use that to zoom in on your phone to get a clear signal to your phone.

Now, you try to tell them that’s not exactly what it’s being used for, but they’re convinced they don’t know. They don’t. They’re not using it for that. Yeah, the actual, it’s only being used for purposes of the phone, but we know better. Yeah, exactly. We’re trying to get that information out, folks that want to read up on it. Here’s where I encourage you to do your own research. There’s a website called everything RF. And RF stands for radio frequency, everything rf.com. and it’s literally a list of thousands and thousands of products related to that anybody can buy.

And you can go into the search engine on this website and type in beamforming, one word, beamforming. And look at all the products that come up, particularly the phased array integrated circuit chips that you can buy for $50 that function, and these are cell towers, and that create a microwave beam for $50 and buy one of these chips. Okay. Okay. So what is the difference between a. What they can do from a targeting standpoint? Well, okay, that’s a good question. And I’m not. We’re not claiming that we know everything about it. We. We know the basics of how the system operates.

So the 4g panel antennas are used predominantly. We are starting to see more of the 5g integrated with it. The 5g panel antennas are smaller, but the 5g panel antennas are like a miniature four panel system. Does that make sense? So 5g is like a miniature four panel 4g system. That’s right inside. If you open up one of those 5g panels, you’ll see multiple arrays there. They can put more than four in there, they can put 816. But each one of those vertical arrays would act very similar to what you see in this picture. But it’s all been miniaturized.

Fortunately for us, when you miniaturize something that much, it also has a much more limited range. So they’re using a much higher frequency for five g. The absorption in the atmosphere is greater because it gets that higher frequency, gets absorbed by the moisture in the atmosphere. And because it’s a smaller angle that you’re working with, with a twelve by twelve antenna. It has a limited range. So while the 4G antenna system can operate at many miles, the 5g panel antennas are fairly limited. So the range typically maybe a quarter to a half a mile at most.

So you’re saying the 4G system is actually more powerful than the 5G system? That’s correct. I. For use as a weapon. That’s true. The main things are wanted to use for that is to identify this Internet of things. So they can pick out your refrigerator or your smart toaster or anything that’s smart and connected to the Internet. They can either connect to it or interrupt it. And unfortunately I feel like that’s their greater goal is to use this Internet of things to be able to shut off your refrigerator, your appliances, else that are connected using Wi Fi frequency.

So it’s more of an economic thing it sounds like too, to get everything connected. Absolutely. But it’s about control. If they can actually at the end of the day, house, they’ve got control, could shut it off anytime. I don’t encourage the use of these smart appliances. People may find convenience with them. But since I understand that the plan is nothing to your benefit, I would discourage folks from, from purchasing smart appliances. Stick with the simple, basic, reliable appliances. I think they’ll last longer and you won’t experience interruptions. So that would be one of our recommendations. That makes sense.

Let’s open up the next slide here. Now these aren’t the only ways that the. There’s other. Let me see. Can you see that now? Yes. Okay. There’s, it’s not just the systems. We’re talking other systems too. Is this the cell tower? Is this a 5G or 4G system here? This is just kind of a schematic diagram. We’re not attempting to model anything, but it’s because. Right. It can come from satellites, it can come from any, what are all sorts of different delivery mechanisms. It doesn’t have to be from the cell tower because a lot of people are saying we can just take the 5G systems down and we’re set.

It’s like. Well no, because it can come from pretty much anywhere. Yeah. So what you’ll experience, what we’ve seen is the vast majority of the voice discol, the subliminal messaging and the ground tracking is done by cell towers. But if you get in an airplane and you’re at 35,000ft, that cell tower, the cell tower is pointed in the wrong antennas are pointed in the wrong direction because they’re generally pointed at slow angles to the ground. And of course, if you’re in a commercial aircraft, you’re going to pick up your voice to skull is going to happen through a satellite, not through a cell tower.

So it’s primarily cell towers, but also satellites. And whenever they lose track of you or lose your signal, the supercomputer or shriver knows to set you up or connect you with a satellite. So it’s almost seamless. Wow. And you know that it’s seamless. How do you know that it’s almost. Because then they. That’s a constant monitoring system already. Absolutely, absolutely. So we had many Ti’s that with the voice to skull that will tell you, yeah, I might get a one or two or maybe even a three second break as the airplane is taking off and its wheels up.

And then I’ll get a. Maybe a slight break and then you’ll hear the voice disco clicks in again. So it’s a pretty quick transition. They know when they’re losing signal because they measure the reflected signal off of you and they can tell, well, we’re not getting a reflected signal anymore. Try an alternate path so it’s pre programmed. Why do you think that? Because I can understand people being a, you know, as they’re. Not that it’s good, but as they’re trying to develop this technology, they need people to be their guinea pigs. Right? They need the mice, if you will.

They need the people to be the test subjects. But why do they continue more than what’s necessary just to be a test subject? Have you thought about that? Well, I wish I knew all their motivations, sir. I mean, it’s a valid question. Unfortunately, it doesn’t make sense. Most tis will tell you who could get up and go to a job in the morning where you torture people that you don’t even know that defies any kind of logic or reason. And that’s what’s hard for people to happen. Yeah, and people who don’t understand that this program exists, they hear that and go, oh, that can’t be because it doesn’t make sense.

But it is according to the evidence, that’s what we’re seeing, and it doesn’t make sense. Well, let’s get to the next slide. Okay, so this shows you a bunch of different ways now that they’re doing it. That’s correct. This gets a little technical here, but I. We wanted to, for the scientists and physicists that are out there, we want to show, we’ve measured these repeatedly, these specific signals in these specific ranges and they can get their own signal analyzers and measure them themselves. So you’ll see the first one there is the voice to skull. We’ve mentioned before on a slide that that’s 450 to 700 MHz.

We’ve measured that repeatedly on a number of different subjects and it is repeatable. But that same technology at a slightly higher frequency can be used as a subliminal message system. So once you go up to a much higher signal, you get a subliminal message effect. You don’t get an audible voice in the brain, so it’s identical technology, but you use a higher frequency that the brain does not pick up in the conscious mind. So one is like a subconscious message and another one is a conscious message. That’s correct. That’s correct. The subconscious ones are, they’re both dangerous, but the subconscious ones really can manipulate a population.

That’s right. And so we put out a newsletter about positive affirmations that your subconscious mind doesn’t have a firewall, if you want to call it that, you have to put one up. And the way you put up a firewall in your subconscious mind, I’ll give you an example. I will only react to constructive suggestions and I say that over and over and again to my subconscious mind so that it understands I really mean and intend you to filter messages that are destructive and harmful to me. So filter. And you know, Dave Hodges in the mind control fifth generation warfare series, he talks about the fact that a certain percentage of people are immune from this and they probably naturally have that going on where they just, you can’t penetrate that because they have those protective mechanisms, that it’s something that’s going to hurt them.

They won’t do it. Yes, yes. I wish we had some way to identify those folks because it would certainly be helpful to know. But there’s no surface indication, there’s no DNA test, there’s no blood test that you can do that will tell is this person’s subconscious mind set up to be resistant to harmful messages. And the other question is, what are they doing to try to get around it? Do you know what I mean? And that’s the question I have. I think this is my theory. I think some of these nanobots and some of this other stuff that people are starting to see could potentially.

Were they actually just putting chips in people? Because we know that they’re doing experiments with chips and things as early as the nineties they were doing it in indigenous populations and whole communities they were doing it. And maybe that’s to get around this natural immunity that people have? I don’t know, I’m just theorizing. No, that’s a good theory. We don’t have any specific numbers on what those percentages are. On the other end of that scale, of course, is that there are people that are highly suggestible and our information suggests about one third of the population is highly suggestible and very easily manipulated by these messages.

So if you might be one of those persons, then you would want to practice positive affirmations on a daily basis. And then there’s people in between, right? There’s like you. And for the things that you’re just not paying attention to, we all might be susceptible to stuff that doesn’t really hurt us, but we’re not really paying attention and we just do it without thinking about it. Yeah, yeah, I would think. Okay, what is the popcorn from cell towers? So the popcorn from cell towers is an ear cup test that we recommend people can do. And if you think you might be a targeted individual, you can cup your ears and sit in a very quiet room, perhaps at night somewhere, but you’re not going to hear it right away.

You’ve got to give it about 30 seconds or so, but definitely you’ll hear it if you’re a targeted individual and it sounds like someone popping popcorn in a room at the far end of your house. Okay. Or in another apartment, it’s a pop pop. It’s pretty obvious. Well yeah, it’s subtle, but you might hear it in one ear or you might hear it in both ears. But if you hear that, that’s actually a signal that comes from a cell tower. It’s not coming from your neighborhood, it’s coming from a cell tower is traveling through many buildings to get to you, but it shows you the level of penetration they can get with these scalar beams and these microwave beams that can penetrate lots of concrete and steel to get to you.

And by hearing that sound you know that it’s real and it’s tracking. You can go sit in any different part of the room and try it again and you’ll still get the pops. So it’s, it’s a backup tracking system to the, the satellites tracking the top part of your head. So even if they lose the satellites, they have a backup system from the cell towers, keep track of you. So this isn’t the, this is, you know, something I’m thinking about? How do we know that it isn’t? You know, how we live in a matrix if you will.

Science is a matrix. You know, there’s the program which is this stuff? And then there’s the science matrix, which is the universe is right. How do you know that there isn’t a creator? That’s true. That we’ve, I know, I’m getting out there now and I’m just thinking about it. How do you know that isn’t the natural tracking of the matrix that we’re in, that’s just part of our reality versus bad guys in this program? Well I, you could certainly speculate on that. I’ve never heard of anybody claiming many years ago or as a child that they used to cut their ears and they heard microwave popcorn.

Certainly before there was microwave popcorn or microwave ovens, somebody wouldn’t have come to that conclusion. So we can certainly speculate on it. I was thinking, I don’t know when it comes to scalar waves, I’m thinking, gosh, scalar waves could be something else versus all these other waves. It could almost be two groups or something, or it could be us being tracked as part of this matrix. I’m just thinking just entertainment value in the middle of something very serious. Okay, well there’s other things. The technology is being used in a variety of ways and you’ll see in that number two category there, scanning.

They actually use cell towers and they can scan sort of in what we call the x, y and z plane. So they can take slices going back in what would be the z plane and then the x plane and then the y plane. And they can create a three dimensional image of you if you’re laying still in your bed, for example. They can. How do you know that? That’s actually really interesting because that’s pretty advanced. It is, but it’s also very slow. We’ve done a number of tests with it and we can show it on the signal analyzer.

We’ve deduced that that’s what they’re doing. And the problem that they’re having with it, it’s very slow. So you have to be still for several minutes for them to get a complete scan of you, three dimensional scan of you sleeping. And if you’re sleeping, that’s a perfect time to do it. So we get ti is like how do they know, how can they accurately pinpoint where the end of my ear is? And they target that every night even though I sleep on the other side or sleep in a different location. This is how they’re doing it.

They get a three bunch of exactly where your end of your ear is because they, then they do a complete, they know exactly what the size of you it is. To every it and then they can track you everywhere. Once they have your gps location on the top of your head, all that makes sense. What a. But I can see how this is a weapon. So someone you’re tracking, heads of state or terrorists or whoever you want to track. If everybody’s on this list, there isn’t a terrorist on the planet. That’s not, that can, that can just run around without them knowing about it.

Yeah, it’s true. The biggest problem they have with the scanning technologies is still very slow. So we’ve had Ti’s that we discuss this with and they’re like, so if I get a bed that, that actually turns in a circle very slowly, then I’ll defeat that. And technically that would probably be true, but setting up a bed that constantly rotates very slowly, it could be done. It can be done, but I mean, it’d be almost easier to figure out where this is and block all this technology. Engineers need to come up with ways to block all this.

Scientists, scientists and engineers, we need to block this stuff. Just like they spend millions and millions creating these weapons systems. I know they’re spending millions coming up with blocking technology because I know for a fact, when I went and did some research before I emceed one of your events, I wanted to, all I saw was all these ways to block. So I know all these universities and stuff are doing all this blocking stuff, so what they need to do is get it out to the people. They don’t want that for some reason, which is interesting. We just.

This stuff needs to get out to protect people. Yeah, it’s. The scalar wave is particularly difficult to block and as far as I know, and I’ve done quite a bit of research on it, I’ve never found any material or system that’s capable of blocking it. So we’re still, that’s why I wonder if scalar is something like almost a different group of people or group of beings or. I don’t know. We do have some ideas that we’re working on. Targeted justice is always working on research. We’ve got a couple of ideas that we’re pursuing that we think might be able to defeat a scalar wave and if we could now that would be huge, but that would be our working.

Yeah, well, and you have this other one that talks about Havana syndrome. Everybody has kind of turned everything into Havana syndrome, but it really is, it’s because that’s the one that’s been identified formally by universities and the government’s talking about it and they’ve actually did a hearing in Congress and everything else about Havana syndrome. So they know this technology exists, but they’ve kind of tip. Put everything under Havana syndrome when it’s really a subset of. Right. Yes. Yes, it is. Havana syndrome is very unique. We don’t have. Although we have many of our members that are greatly affected by the microwave weapon attacks, Havana syndrome is very specific.

And according to doctor Michael Hoffer, you’ve got to have at least a 30% imbalance between your right and left hemispheres to qualify as the characteristics of Havana syndrome. So we have many targeted individuals that are severely attacked, but they don’t have an imbalance between the left and right. That doesn’t mean they’re opponent. Okay, so I was wrong in how I classified this. Well, maybe I wasn’t in the legal. In the world of targeting, people tend to put everything in the Havana syndrome, but there’s really specified. It’s really a specific thing, even in the legal world, even though in the general sense, people might put everything into it, it’s just not.

Right. Right. But it does characterize a type of microwave weapon attack. And that. That is true. It’s important. It’s very important. So this is. I. This slide, to me, is an important slide because it. It brings credibility to. This is the proof. I mean, this is going on. But even the, you know, the Iraq war where they’re using voice of skull back. I remember a good 15 years ago, I was watching a TED talk where the CEO of that, that was commissioned by the military to put that technology together did a TED talk on it and said, yep, it was me.

And he talked all about it. Now you can’t find that TED talk. It was talked about openly for a while. Yeah. Yeah. It’s pretty interesting. They don’t do that anymore. Yeah, we. Unfortunately, we have been blocked access to a number of very important technical papers that we’ve been told about and nobody’s been able to get a hold of. So there was some type of release date in the past. And we continue to search for some of those documents. But it’s frustrating. They changed their mind. They said, oh, well, we can’t have this out there. Okay, let me.

Let me open the next. So what are we looking at here? So this is. This is the. It’s general information describing the popcorn, the microwave popcorn from cell towers. So just get. Get in a quiet room and cup your ears and hold it. You can’t. You’re not going to hear it right away. You’ve got to sit and listen for about 30 seconds. But definitely if you’re a targeted individual, you will hear, I’m the pops in either one ear or both ears. And for most people, that’s the aha moment. Like, oh, my gosh, I really am targeted.

So if you are a targeted individual, in handling codes three or four, you are being tracked. The exact location of your head is being tracked 24 hours a day from multiple cell towers. And you can hear it, you know, by simply cupping your ears. And that will give you the aha moment. You will realize, yeah, this is real. So if you wonder whether or not you’re a targeted individual, try this test. If you have difficulty hearing, or maybe you need hearing aids or something like that, try a stethoscope, ordinary, inexpensive stethoscope you get at Walgreens or CV’s, you can put them on and put the stethoscope right above or right behind your ear and just hold it there.

And that stethoscope will actually amplify the sound of. And in fact, you can use that. If you’ve got a family member that’s skeptical that you’re being tracked or targeted, you can let them listen on the stethoscope and hear the tracking pulses that are happening on your head. So we’ve done that a number of times with folks. And for the skeptics, it can be an aha moment, so. Well, especially if you’re one of the ones that are being targeted that way. Okay, well, this is really interesting. Okay, so when can people watch? Because you’re going to be, they can either go to this conference and learn, what are we going to, will they learn about some of this? And then also here, if you’re a targeted individual, you can hear other supporting people.

If you’re more interested in this, you can also learn about it more. I mean, what kinds of things will they hear at the conference? So we’re going to have a number of speakers, and the main point is to get the ti community together and speaking with a unified voice. Because we’ve been, we tended to run solo for so many years. We’ve got to build up a sense of unity and a sense of voice. And so that’s one of the things that we hope to accomplish with this rally. So we’ve got a number of important speakers. We’ve got medical doctors, we’ve got lawyers, we’ve got people that have written technical papers on the subject, all that are going to speak.

If you are a targeted individual, we encourage you to come. You can sign up online. There’s directions and we’ve got the event locations on the web page. Just go to the homepage of targetedjustice.com and look for the link that sends you to the targeted action 2024. And you can get all the information and you can sign up if you’re interested in attending. But it’s going to be a good rally. And I know that you and Anna and Lynn, you’re just really good people trying to do what’s right. And I hope people support this and take this seriously because we, I mean, we need to.

There’s a congressional hearing on this. More and more people are realizing this is true. And it doesn’t necessarily mean all, when we talk about targeted people, it’s not necessarily all directed energy weapons. It also is like the quietest skies program or some of these other ways that they target people. Right. It’s not just the more advanced tech stuff. That’s right. We have, folks, subsets of this technology under the targeting program includes the Morgellons disease. We’ve got a tab on our website that talks about that. It’s really a disturbing disease that doctors have not been able to explain.

We’ve got folks that get chemical attacks in their house. We have not been able to identify the source of those chemicals or exactly what they are. It’s certainly not something that’s helpful. So we get a wide variety of attacks that other. It’s not just gang stalking and directed energy weapons and voice to skull. There’s more to it than that. So we’ve got to get the word out about all these different technologies that are being used and that are very hard, harmful. So, and the low tech stuff is just as powerful because they’re doing it to try to break someone.

Right. They’re trying to do some testing on behavior. And didn’t they do this during world War two? The Nazis did some of this stuff? That’s correct, sir. So the history line of this technology and this sort of psychological trauma that they put someone through to try to neutralize. So they’re looking for methods, it appears they’re looking for methods to what they call neutralize a person. If you can get the person to surrender, lay down and shut up without killing them, that’s one of the goals. What does it take to have this personality type? Of course, they’re looking at it from a psychological matter, this personality type, if you do these things to them, take away their family support system, they’re likely to break down and surrender and neutralize themselves.

And you don’t have to kill them. They will neutralize themselves. That’s the kind of thing they’re looking for. Unfortunately, in Doctor Rowney Kild’s book, she determined that when someone commits suicide, they consider that a success story. The person has neutralized himself. You don’t have to do anything. It’s a really serving thought. But unfortunately, that’s the way this program is set up. It’s really a, you know, in all my research and when I did that series, and it really is a multiple disciplines of biology and psychology and engineering just kind of all coming together of all these different ways to do these programs.

Yeah, yeah, I agree. So we’re gonna, we work on it on ways to defeat the technology and look for ways to help people every day. We’ve got lots of free information@targetedjustice.com. our targeted justice newsletter at targetedjustice dot substack.com. free subscription there. Lots and lots of helpful information. And of course, we’ve got a rally coming up next week. Okay. And where, what is the website and where, if they want to watch it streaming, where can they watch it? Is it, is there a charge? What, what is the deal with that? That it’s free? It’s free. We are still kind of working out the bugs of managing the different streaming, but we should have that worked out by next week.

And if you go to our targeted action 2024 tab on our website@targetedjustice.com. dot, there’s a link that will take you there and we’ll have either a link that will take you to the streaming or it’ll appear on that webpage. So that’s, that’s excellent. Okay. And then if, is there still opportunities for people to do, go to the dinner? I know they’re probably for the rallies. There’s still openings and things. Sure. So you would just need to sign up, go to the targeted action 2024 tab on our website and it gives you a link to sign up and register and make a donation.

And then on Wednesday afternoon, starting at 03:00 we’re going to be at a large restaurant on the north side of Colorado Springs. And that’s what we call the check in location. So people that have signed up and registered and paid, you come there. We’re going to, it’s very informal. We’re going to sort of eat and greet and so it’ll be a good time. So we encourage you to do that. Show up between three and six on Wednesday. You get to meet lots of folks and everybody can trade all their stories and trade contacts and you’ll have friends that you’ll know for a very long time.

Well, thank you so much, Richard. And thank you for everything that you’re doing. You and Anna and Doctor Lenbeir and all the others that are donating their time. I know you’re putting so much of your effort into this. You’re doing it voluntarily and helping so many people. I think at the end of the day, you will be american heroes, really, for ending this program. Thank you, Sarah. Yeah, we sure hope so.



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