Right. The mist, another trigger word that we’re hearing everybody talk about, right? Yep. Yeah. I wonder. I, I look at that from a different perspective. Of course. I always try to stay in that positive light. How do you get rid of an intelligent parasite? I don’t know. I’d spray them. And again, if we’re doing that, what about the parasites that we all know are in us now? We got a lot of, again, GMO crazy stuff going on. Maybe that’s the aches and pains and lethargic and tired that everybody’s feeling. Maybe our atmosphere has changed and we’re acclimating.
Maybe. I don’t know. I, I think if it was, again, I think the drones were ours. I think our government knew who they were, where they came from, where they’re going, everything about it. If they were bad, we would have blasted them pretty quick. I think Trump said that. Right. But there’s so many things. Of course, again, I think that was a big distraction. Look over here. Pow. It’s a big rope, a dope. We all played this game before and they’re willing to burn down whole cities. And you know what’s happening in LA we saw in Tennessee and Hawaii? Dues for sure.
Don’t you think that’s direct energy? Oh, yeah. There’s no question in my mind. It’s got all the, all the signatures of it. Yep. Smart meters. So this one woman basically went to a house that didn’t have a smart meter, but they had a smart meter on the back property. So I guess they had another little like, you know, grandma house or something. It had a smart meter. It burned to the ground in their house. It didn’t have a smart meter. No problems. We said that in the last attack in Hawaii. And again, just like the Marine has to hold the laser on the chimney that they’re going to put that missile in.
I think the same thing with dues. I think you got to have somebody light up your property and I think those smart meters are doing exactly that. Not to mention the, you know, the emissions that they’re putting out. You get one of those EMF RF detectors. You guys don’t want smart meters. You can actually fight that, by the way. You can refuse. I know lots of people that have. So I recommend doing that. I’m not sure what’s up with the colored blue. We talked about that. But it’s a. It’s a frequency. It’s the blue is at a certain frequency and the, the directed energy weapon being of a frequency that doesn’t interact with that blue color.
That’s why it basically doesn’t do anything to blue colors. So I saw like the. What is that one group? It’s the. God, I can’t think of the name. The Scientologists. So Scientologists have a. A little compound. It’s got several buildings and it has blue roofs. So I’ve said for a long time that my feeling is the storm is upon us. I think the good guys are using weather manipulation to cause these storms and then do stuff. And what do we get out of this? And it’s horrible. It’s horrible. Look at the death and destruction. That’s very real.
I mean, I. The paid the people in the Appalachia or the people in Hawaii or the people in Tennessee or Cali. All these places are. There’s real suffering going on. But you’re in a war zone is what I think. And what are we learning? How many celebrity homes burnt down? Allie Carter is on fire, if you’ve been following that young lady. We learned about the tunnels under la. We learned about these. I’ve said a long time ago, again, I think there’s 32 cities that are cabal strongholds and they’re set up on mineral resources, specifically money. Wow.
And then I think we’re taking those out one by one. We get to be. Again, these are casualties of war. It’s absolutely horrible. But I think we’re watching war. I like to stay, again, positive. I’m still watching a lot of people fall. Justin Trudeau resigning, I think was absolutely giant. Did you see he. They were joking. He was going to trade Vermont for California. They made that reference. I think they’re highlighting everything. Another reference they made was Minnesota. That’s Martin, Martine Rothblatt, the Mayo Clinic. This is. Again, they’re telling us where to look. We just have to read between the lines, I think.
Yeah. Now, you know, they’re talking about water shortage in la. Of course, you know, they have ocean now, a Lot of people are like, well that’s salt water. It will kill the plants and blah, blah, blah. Excuse me, but do you, Would you like water to like put out your house fire? You’re right on the beach, you’re. You got that salt air and salt in the. I think it’s already probably all there. So this is another excuse by the environmentalists not to use water. When I was in. It was when I was in the military, I trained as a firefighter and cutting, welding and so damage control.
So one of the things we had was a P250 pump, which massive pump which would. You could put a hose into salt water and pump it and fight fires on the ship with salt water. We didn’t care. We’re gonna put the fire out, burn to death because we’re having a fresh water. Because we had to like do rationing with taking showers and stuff. It was every other day. Can you only do it for like one minute or something like that? It was crazy. So yeah, we wouldn’t be able to put those fires out on the shipboard, but we had plenty of water, you know, in the.
Salt in this, in the sea. So stupid, stupid stuff going on in California and again government failures. It wasn’t again, the ocean is right there, but the reservoirs are dry. Right. Things down, everything’s gone. They’re in the middle of this. Geez, they control the weather. Why don’t they make it turn on the rain? Well, it doesn’t matter because they had plenty of. They’ve had plenty of rain, plenty of snow melt and they just let it run right in the sea. Their excuses because environmentally it. They want everything to be natural and let the, let the forest grow like crazy.
The American Indian never allowed that. All those American Indians from hundreds of years ago rolling over their graves. Oh, what idiots. It’s like, it’s crazy because they basically would. Would clear cut and make sure all the deadfall was taking get burned off and everything. At one time, when they. They first started coming in the east coast, Iroquois buddy of mine unfortunately passed away, taught me a lot of stuff and he said that at one time and he showed me the book where it was from. A squirrel could have gone from right on the coast of the Atlantic and stayed in the trees all the way to the Mississippi.
Wow. Yeah. Yeah. I, I think that’s again environmentalists, the do gooders in life. I remember again decades ago the forest fires in Colorado. What they do is they come down in the giant sea plane and they would hit the river at, you know, 100 miles an hour and they’d scoop up a bunch of water and then fly it over and drop it on the fire. But they stopped that because of the salmon they were scooping up. Salmon is what? And again, it’s not like this. We, we farm Sam, all over the world. Salmon’s not endangered. Like what are we looking at fish when we’re talking about human lives and property.
And I know Albany, New York, the capital of New York State, they have the Albany Pine Bush Preserve. It’s one of 21 pine inland pine barren ecosystems left in the world. Destroyed about 80% of it when they were building Crossgates Mall. Actually. It’s, it’s really, it’s a unique, it’s a unique place because it’s all sound surrounded by city structure. They talk about the blue corner butterfly again. That’s kind of how they saved it, using that to hang out of this woods. But the Native Americans you’re just talking about, they had controlled burns. Yeah, that’s how they did this.
Didn’t like again, I’m an environmentalist. I’m against wilderness areas. I like the idea. But it’s good to have logging and succession of land. Yeah, this is a habitat for the wildlife. It’s good. And so are controlled burns. So is clear cutting. You got to get in, do that every once in a while. Yeah. So I, when I, when I walked the Pacific Crest Trail there was one area because I saw massive burned out areas and it was constantly fires and you’d have to be on an app or an app which basically told you where the fires were on the Pacific Crest Trail so you could avoid them or have to get off the trail and catch a ride somewhere else and get back on the trail.
Another location because it was constantly burning and it was massive, massive in back, way back in the, you know, mountains of California. Massive burn areas. Just so tragic and so stupid. But you know, there was one area that I came to where it was a logging company that control the land and up to that point you’d see occasionally, you know, a big tree. Very rare unfortunately. But on this log logging controlled land. They had massive trees and it was absolutely beautiful. They took care of the forest. They, they cut, you know, occasionally the big trees. They let them grow and then they cut them and then they grow, they plant more.
So it’s just a rotation just like you do regular crops. You know, you come in and you, you weed and you, you know, water and you take care of it and you have great crops. If you just let all the weeds go, the crops would be all messed up. They, you know, be starved for nutrients because the weeds are getting them and it’d be hard to harvest it. So that’s the way it was in this one forest I went through and they had all these plaques that basically described it. So they have the answer to all this.
It would be even more beautiful than it is right now. Who is controlling this? Right. Well, again, it goes back to your government. This is, we talked about Gloucestenberry Triangle and Glastonbury Mountain. This is back in the dust bowl days where we clear cut the nation. And again, we. A lot of problems arose because of that. So Glossenberry back then was super valuable because it was one of the only places with trees. So we harvested it. What do people do? People talk. And we cut down all the trees over there too. And then we learn from that.
So now it’s a wilderness area. Going that pendulum the full extreme. I, I hunt those woods and man, it’s so thick and there’s so much dead on the ground from all the trees. Over years, decades of it falling down. That’s a fire hazard. If we don’t go in there and take care of it and manage it, Mother Nature’s gonna right through a lightning strike or whatever. And again, the thousands of these acres burned. But the places that I see deer or moose or bear are where they went in and they control cost. Yeah. Then you have new shoots, new life.
That’s succession of habitat. Those are all great things. I think those are the solutions coming forward. But what we’re watching right now, again, the chemtrails. Lithium. They use lithium in geoengineering to dry out an area. If you want to make it rain over here, you have to suck it from the atmosphere over here, they use lithium. So where is it loaded? The United States. It’s our farm country. The Midwest. You saw it all last year too. These fires were literally the fire. The firemen are saying they were explosive. They were burning so hot. And so because lithium is flammable, guys.
So again, it’s your government spraying you with this stuff. Aluminum, I think that’s aluminum. That same aluminum. Barium, cadmium, lithium was the big one, though. I think out west, these are things that we’re discovering. Right. But I think a lot of this is distraction. I think right now. The last time we talked, we talked again about the Hollywood warrants for Oprah and Ellen and Jay Z and Beyonce and Will Smith. And we know where that rabbit hole goes. Every one watching the show That’s a dream. Chrome. It’s child sacrifice. That’s right. That’s in mainstream media. So you guys are ahead of the crowd that’s coming.
So just like we were amazed, know, three, four, five years ago, whenever you discovered it, there’s gonna be three quarters of the world that are going to be in that boat. So we’re all going to get busy. We’re here to kind of explain that. Ally Carter, have you been following her at all? Oh, God, yeah. She’s amazing. The Getty Museum, you know, being under there in the underground, and they link to the Playboy Mansion and all the, all the rich people all around the Getty Museum have tunnels there. Yeah, yeah, well, and again, everything we’re talking and the name she’s naming from Denzel to.
She predicted all this, by the way. How did this young lady know? Yeah, right. I think it’s because we’re watching it fall. So I believe that’s one of the distractions that is coming out right now. So they’re going to create all sorts of chaos to get people to look over here. The media is not telling you about the Ala Carter stuff. So that’s where we come in as alternative news. She had a, a digital march this weekend, in fact, still going on right now, where people are talking specifically about the children. We’re talking about Diddy and we’re talking about all the implications and all the adults.
What about the children? And another huge thing that Ally’s doing, which I love, is CPS. 800,000 kids a year, Michael. What happens to them? What about the children? We should be asking that questions. So I followed suit with Ali and we talked a lot about that. And if everybody’s doing that on all your platforms, you guys watching on your Facebook, on your True stream, whatever you’re on, you should ask that question, go to your reps. What about the kids? What about the children? Right. All the things I’ve discovered in Vermont, we should be asking, Vermont, where are you? Where.
Where’s my countrymen? I can’t do this alone. We’re still watching people disappear here. By the way, we just got rid of our, our us, our federal U.S. attorney, the top Vermont state. That was a big one. Again, sorrow funded cabal, the whole back. See ya. And this is the Fed number two again. I’m going back three years now, Michael, but we exposed Christina Nolan, used to be the old Fed. We took her out, we removed her from that position in the last couple things, along with TJ Donovan, who is the Attorney General for Vermont State and James Condos, who is the Secretary of State now.
They told you different things. They resigned, they move. You know TJ Donovan, the AG went to work for Roadblocks. What top AG went to work for a video game company. That wasn’t true. Same with candles. He didn’t retire. So they’ve replaced these people with more bad guys. I think that was sting number two. Our secret. Our again. So the top, the new top. Thad was just removed. The new Secretary of State under the gun. I think if Vermonters watch Charity Clark, that’s our new attorney General. I’ve already called her out too. I think we’re going to watch these people go.
We’re still going ahead. We just exposed a, a giant criminal, you know, police ring associated with human trafficking ring number two in like Paul at Vermont. Rupert Castleton, Fairhaven, Vermont. We’ve got two time, you know, two time convicted police chiefs that are appointing cops that are not really cops. We found a cop that’s been impersonating an officer for 21 years. Michael, of course this leads Paula is where we have the mass homicides. We have whole families being murdered over the human trafficking rings that we’re exposing. Castleton University is the next town over. It was years ago on your show as well.
We announced all this pedophile art that we found at Castleton University, our higher education. This is Bernie Sanders School. We made that connection. We exposed that within a month the ex dean for Castleton was murdered again. I, I think these are bad guys. Whacking bad guys to keep themselves silent. Are you still running, Mike? You look like you froze up on me, buddy. No, I’m still good. Okay. I’m just rattling along hijacking your show as usual. No, no, I look like you froze up. You’re the guest. They’re talking about an east coast. Have you heard anything on that? You’re talking about an east coast earthquake right now.
I, I haven’t heard that. I believe there’s definitely gonna be a west coast one. But east coast, what are you hearing? Well again I’ve heard through the grapevine, through things and we know they have an earthquake machine. Yep. We’ve had. We were gonna. You can look at the government disclosure and the again the intel that’s out there now during World War II. That was a long time ago. Instead of a nuke, we were almost going to use our earthquake machine and cause us a tsunami. This is World War II. This is real. So I think they can control this type stuff.
Is it the good guys or the Bad guys again, I think the good guys are, are hitting the bad guys. But when the bad guys know they’re being hit, you know, if Michael’s bad and I know they’re hitting Sarasota, well, I’m gonna bomb the hell out of Sarasota. I’m going to turn on the dunes, I’m going to make sure Michael doesn’t survive. I’m gonna destroy his computer or anything that can link him back to me. I think that’s what, I think that’s what we’re watching in the middle of a war, there’s no doubt about that. Yeah, yeah, I, I think we are.
There’s going to be a lot of kinetic activity I think going on. I think the, the stuff that’s going on in California is, you know, deep state activity. We saw it in Lahaina. We talked, we talked about it, talked about it with other guests. I have another guest that’s coming on, I think Tuesday. They wrote a book about it. Great Maui Land Grab by Michelle Melendez. She’s been on my show. She’s coming on again Tuesday to talk more in depth about that. It’s, they’re not letting people build. They’re, they’re tearing down whatever’s left because they want to build it in the way they want to build a 15 minute city.
Uh, and they’re going to do the same thing with uh, LA and all these other cities. There’s like, I think there’s like 12, 12 or 13 different cities. Miami, they actually mentioned that the size of the burn in LA is as big as Miami. Why do they mention that? Why they bring up Miami? Other places, you know, Boston is on that list. Baltimore, Louisiana, obviously, Las Vegas. So there’s, there’s some, there’s going to be some problems, you know, heading out. They have plans. Those plans are going to continue unless we really get aggressive and take these people down.
Yeah, well, again, I mentioned those 32 satanic cities. If you people live in one of those cities, get out of the city is my first advice. We’re warning you. Been saying that for a long time. Right. Because we don’t know where this is going to hit. And if you find yourself in the middle of a war zone, I hope you listen to us. I hope you prepped, I hope you got a month’s worth of food and water in case you have to hunker down and wait. Otherwise, get the hell out of a war zone. That’s really good point.
Right. So we do have to watch it. And again, I’m Going to repeat, when I say optics and narrative, people get upset because I know people are dying. This is very real. That’s not what I’m saying. But Hawaii, as an example, I think we went in the good guys and we hit Hawaii. We took out again, the submarine bases, all the stuff happening under the ground. It was a strategic location for the Cabal. And then once the Cabal knows that we’re hitting Hawaii, I think that’s when they flip on the dues and again destroy everything. And what do we get as the public? We only know what they tell us.
You don’t hear about any of the good stuff. We learned about the smart cities. We learned about all these. Again, the governor and the guy in charge of security was in charge of la and, you know, the Las Vegas shooting, like we, we make all these connections. We learned about lithium in Tennessee, or we learn about the Vanderbilt Mansion or the tunnels under Disney, or the disclosure, what you were talking just about with the land grab. It’s actually the Olympics, another satanic event. They are planned to have that smart city and everything already by 2028. So that kind of fits with this agenda.
It’s a land grab. They’re burning down LA and they’re going to steal it. But we’re, we’re talking about this. We know this. We haven’t started building Bill Gates, buying up all the farmland across America. Right. It’s kind of true if you look. But that’s not Bill Gates. Right. So who’s it. Who’s really going to and all this? I want to. Let’s change. I want to trigger your audience a little bit. Everybody that’s liking me in the show so far, we’re gonna flip on you because I told you we were in the middle of a giant Trump test last time we were on, remember, Trump failed the test, in my opinion.
Right. And again, we just accepted. I had a guy, I posted Trump just had a speech, and I put that speech up for everybody to watch. And the first comment was that he’s an idiot. So I kind of laughed and I said, that idiot, your president, by the way. But if you really want to think about it, we, we, all of us, we just accepted another fake election because we think our guy won. So who’s really the idiot here? And I said before, I was right on that borderline, and this was going to be the decider for me, and I think I fell below.
But I still. How do I say everybody that loves Q that’s listening to this, right? We believe in all the Q Stuff and all this stuff till you get to the there are no good billionaire line. And then we forget Donald Trump’s a billionaire. Or when we’re watching television, we know that’s not Joe. We know it’s not Kamala or Fauci or Obama or any of these people, but that’s Donald Trump. Until we can prove it’s not Donald Trump. And then he’s inside Cheyenne Mountain. Is he? I don’t really know. So I think. And again, nobody knows what’s coming.
This is all hearsay. And Kevin Hoyt, pure speculation. But I think in the end, sorry, guys. We’re probably going to find out that Donald Trump wasn’t a good guy. Now, I’m still pro Trump brand, if that makes sense to people. The brand. Whoever’s playing, whoever’s playing. Joe Biden, bumbling, stumbling Joe, thank you, bro. I think you’re a patriot. Appreciate your service. I think what we’re watching is complete narrative. I think everything we see on television is not real. In Israel, in Ukraine, I think most of this stuff is over. I think we’ve reported it when it was happening in real time.
It’s that double timeline thing. I don’t know what the hell is going on, but I want to stay on that positive timeline. So I’m really, really questioning Trump. And for the first time, I think Trump supporters are able to have this conversation. And I said a long time ago again that we were all, every one of us was almost right, but the important part is that we were all wrong. And maybe if one half of our nation is right, we’re always going to have a divide. And right now, Trump got elected. I’m watching that divide climb again.
The political that we all got sucked into, it’s the same old narrative, the same problem, problem, reaction, solution. Same exact stuff, right? One man’s not going to fix this. Here’s a question for you, Michael JCO and everybody watching. Can we fix this broken system? Yes or no? Can we? Yeah, of course. Of course we can. Now, a lot of people have a narrative that, you know, Trump is not a good guy. He’s not a good. He’s a good guy until he proves otherwise, in my opinion. And then we, we, we basically find somebody else. All right? And if he doesn’t work out, then we find somebody else.
And that’s, that’s the way it’s been for America. Now we’ve gotten to this point where it’s, it’s down to the wire. I’ve seen a lot of stuff on Trump, you know, back and forth. A lot of people like yourself are frustrated. I’ve been frustrated about Trump. I’ve spoken out about Trump as well on several occasions. Operation warp Speed, one of the first worth. Yeah, remember that I got a lot of hate but you know, over time I, I’ve, I feel that, you know, Trump, Trump is the guy. Trump will stay the guy until, you know, he does the job and moves on or he doesn’t do the job and then we move him along just like we’re moving along, you know, Biden and Kamala and all those.
So it’s, it’s a matter of, you know, the will of the American people. I think eventually, you know, a lot of this deep state activity is being more and more exposed, more and more taken down. But you might be right. There’s, there’s lots of evidence and I know a lot of very smart people. I have Olay demigod on. He talks about the same thing. He’s not, he’s, he’s very skeptical as well. But ole keeps telling his daughter that it’s going to turn around. So at some point you got to trust in something. Well, again, I want people to understand this.
Again, I’m still pro. If it wasn’t for Donald Trump, I wouldn’t have ran, I wouldn’t have dove in America. We wouldn’t be where we were. And the same for whoever’s playing Joe Biden or Kamala or all these people, they got us here, right. They built me, they really did my local community in the, you know, deep state within. But I think again we’re always have that divide. But in our united. Sorry, we all been lied to, we all been abused, we all been by this system. I think the unity in that and don’t get hung up on Donald Trump.
One way or another. One man is not going to do this. And if I hope I’m wrong, Donald, if you’re watching, if you see this, I hope I’m wrong. Right? But I think he would be proud of me. Everybody that supports Kevin Hoyt, look into me, look at my policies, look at my stuff. Don’t believe me either. We’ve said that from day one. We can give you the links where to go. I don’t want to govern anybody. I’ve been saying that since day one either. But we got to govern this out of control system and I disagree with Michael Jaco.
I don’t think we can save the system. I think it’s so in depth and full of right now, we got to let it crash three Quarters of our laws are unconstitutional. The Congress thought their only job was to figure out how to spend your money or come up with laws to incarcerate you. Half of them are wrong. It’s all money. It’s banking the for profit prison and police system. You know, Ally Carter again. Let’s not lose sight of the children. What happened to the children? What happens when you go to jail, when you go to rehab, when you die from drug addiction? That’s all your government too.
What happens to your children? If you’re trying to come to the United States because you want a better life, I don’t blame you. And when you get caught and they separate you and your family, what happens to your children? 800,000 missing kids in the United States every single year that we know about. That’s just the United States. How come we’re not asking, where does your state rank? I tie for number fourth in. In the missing people department. Vermont State per capita ties for number four. How come nobody in Vermont knows about that? How come the media is not talking about that? We got all of our Vermont hierarchy.
That was on the Epstein list. Why? What were you doing hanging out with Epstein? Patrick Leahy. We can bring back in Kathy O’Brien. We can bring back in all these people that have been silenced. We the people have to realize that it’s your government and I think it’s two wings of the same baphomet. I’m hoping like hell Donald Trump’s the big guy, you know, and again, I support the brand. I do think the military is the only way. All right, so you’re. You’re like, you want to tear down systems, but you know, the military is infiltrated too.
You got Mark Milley, which basically came out and said he would contact his counterpart in China if, If Trump had said we need to attack China, he would let him know first. That’s. That’s a traitor. So you know there’s infiltration within the military. So do you, like, crash that whole system too? So you can’t crash everything. I think it’s. I think it’s been going though, hasn’t it? Again, Millie is shooting himself. This is the devolution de evolution of our own government. They’re showing you the hand, right? We’re playing. We’re playing poker with the Cabal. But they’re playing like this, guys.
They’re telling you, they’re showing you it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s real. Millie’s been. He’s been compromised. We know that now. He outed himself just like the Pope and the Queen and all of the generals again went one direction. I think those guys have been taken care of. We better hope so. You better hope so. And again, God wins. We know that. And where’s my hat? I gotta, I gotta get my hat here because I’m gonna thank Robert Lofredo for sending me this, the White House. This is you guys. Brianna, like it’s almost. That’s us, man. God works through us.
We the people. And it’s as simple as doing the right thing this weekend. I hope you’re talking about the children. I hope you’re remembering Ally Carter. If people haven’t looked into her, look into her. She’s naming names, lots and lots of big names, from Denzel all the way to the Obamas and. Yeah, right. Well, you see that he’s house in LA was burnt to the ground and so was what’s Hunter Biden. His house burned to the ground. So basically disposing of evidence. There’s another guy that I follow on X and he’s talking about how they’re, they’re flying in Mexicans to help us fight the fires.
So finding the Mexican cartels to basically go in and clean house or what? What are you doing here? So they want to let, they won’t let Oregon firefighters come here because they didn’t like it didn’t work out because their vehicles aren’t up to par for California standards. But they’ll fly in the Mexicans. That’s funny. I know. And that’s what you’re talking about is Oregon. They sent all those vehicles down to fight the fires. They had to go through the bureaucracy of inspection and all the. Again, they did let the houses burn, but we put a stamp on this and they probably charged them.
You think those inspections were free? I bet the government was making money off of again, our suffering. I see a, a pattern. And the feds call that a pattern of corruption. I said for a long time RICO is the answer. We tried to get them through elections, couldn’t get our elected officials to listen to election fraud. And even if we could, they throw 10000 lawyers at it when you just split, spin your wheels. They had to find a different way. That’s rico. And what we don’t get with rico, that’s Giuliani all the way Trump. Every state’s got RICO going on.
Did you see Jonathan Gross, which is Cindy’s lawyer there? He’s representing Giuliani now. He’s climbing the ladder really quick, doing some unbelievable things. Thank you, Jonathan. Shut Out. Cindy got permission to go to the inauguration. Mike, did you see that? So, yeah, you lit up the. The chat because they, they don’t like you because you’re not pro Trump, I guess. So come on, guys. Like, like, this is, it’s free speech. We’re trying to keep your mind open. I think, I think this is healthy. And guys, I’m still. I, I say pro Trump and I’m going to defend myself with the brand now, right? How safe is it to put all of our eggs in one basket? And oie.
I’ll quote oie, because he’s great. What we do is we call. There’s out of chaos, we get control. So we def. I’m not gonna say any names. We defund your police, we let out recidivism maggots. We pump your streets full of drug. We take over your education system, we open your borders. We do all these things to make chaos. And then we provide something, an answer, a savior to come in. And I’m not mentioning any names. You guys got to see the danger in that. And I think it’s healthy to question everybody. And I think Donald Trump would be proud of me for doing that, and I hope I’m wrong on that.
But I still believe in the Maga movement. I still love our country. I still believe in, you know, again, everything that we’ve received from Donald Trump. I think, again, unbelievable disclosure, but we got to look at it. Do you guys really, really trust any of these people? I don’t trust the people, any of them, Trump included. So, guys, want to get all hurt? I, I don’t trust Trump either. I like him. I believe in him until he proves otherwise. So I trust, but I verify. So I speak softly. You know, you’re a hundred percent. If you’re 100% on anybody, that’s a dangerous position.
If you’re over 80%, that’s a dangerous position to be in. And again, I, I love what we’ve seen from Donald Trump and what he did for our country and all the policies and the transparency and exposure and we’re talking about all these things, but look at the symbology. Look at the handshakes. Look at the 666. Look at. I mean, he’s, he’s a Zionist. He’s 100% pro Israel first. There’s so many red flags going on that we should be paying attention. Basically, that’s. That slammed him. And then Netanyahu said he’s not coming to the inauguration. But I think, I don’t think a lot of People are coming inauguration because they know it’s going to be, there’s probably going to get attacked.
So that’s why I’m not going to inauguration. I was. And then I was like, I’m looking, looking a little harder at this now because things change very quickly. You know, Trump, like you’re talking about, is he, is he playing along, is he playing the game until he gets in and basically can, you know, take these guys down. That’s the way I would do it. So that’s why I’m a Trump supporter. I, I see, I see the method in the madness. He doesn’t look good here, looks good over here. So a lot of people are like, you know, hey, you gotta, you gotta support Trump and you can’t be.
Well, that sounds like all those leftists that basically said, you got to get vaccinated or you can’t do anything. So you’re sounding like a lot of leftists out there, guys, all right. That are like, you know, hammering Kevin right now. So come on. I told them I want, I want to trigger you guys and I’ll take the arrows for you because I think this is healthy. I think it’s good to question authority. My mom told me that. My mom was a very wise woman. So I think we should be watching all angles of everything. I don’t like putting all my eggs in one basket.
This is so much bigger than Donald Trump in the United States. This is a world movement. So don’t get up, hung up on Trump one way or another, good or bad. Right? And again, I, I think if Trump is bad, I think again, he’s, we needed a leader, we needed a face, we needed somebody. I could see the position for that, too. And I, I hope I’m wrong. I hope he’s good. I hope, seen a lot of tremendous things out of them, too. But there’s enough flags now where we really have to look. How come we didn’t just pull the plug and started arresting and announcing, you know, a couple years ago? Right? How come we didn’t do that? There’s a lot of things that I, I say.
I think I would have been different, but if I was president, I would have pulled the plug and told you, you know, 10 years ago and you would have assassinated me and no one would have known about it. So I, I think there’s huge players in this, not just Donald Trump, but a giant alliance. There has to be that is all working together. We’re fighting the 2%, the cabal, the Jews, the Jewish race, not all of The Jewish people, I think their religion was hijacked just like the rest of ours. But I’m trying to be controversial.
I’m trying to get people triggered. I’m trying to make you think so that you can brace for impact no matter what happens. How’s that? I like it. I like, I like discussion. It’s open minded. It’s basically, it’s saying things that probably are unsaid by people because they are, you know, extremists in their beliefs. So they lock their minds. You crank that open. That’s what got us into the COVID vaccination scam. So, yeah, don’t, don’t get, don’t get one way, guys. You got to be super open minded because Trump may on purpose tell us something that is not good for us, all right? Because he wants to stay relevant.
He wants to stay in the game. He wants to like trick the deep state. So if you’re just not just blindly following Trump, which some people did when he pushed the vaccine. Remember that? Remember that? Yeah. And a lot of people just went out, well, Trump supports it. Trump’s pushing it. I’m getting vaccinated. Hello. He did basically help take down the deep state. Maybe, maybe. We’ll see. Yeah, that could be the possibility. Again, we know that he was involved. And again, the theory is he’s the ultimate insider. If you look at the, again, symbology really did it.
And for me, it was that divide more than anything else. How do we get rid of the divide that I’m watching build once again and me just mentioning it. We gotta divide again. Everybody loved me until I said Trump, right? Don’t string me up yet. Let’s just look at that. And I, I hope I’m wrong, but I wanted to bring that out. I wanted to show you. And the same thing, like right now, my court case, they have me in criminal court over the First Amendment. They made it a law that we can’t report crimes by them.
Right. I broke that. I violated. I reported my First Amendment freedom of speech. Freedom. I just slapped them like you would not believe in court. He won. Just like Cindy Young did it myself. And they cheated. They gave extensions, they denied dismissals. They got. So the court system itself is broken. CPS is broke. Right. We know they’re involved with human trafficking. We got the education system. Absolutely involved with human trafficking. Guys, your schools that you’re sending them to a lot of these tunnels. That’s interesting. I see that all over the place, especially if you look up into Canada and stuff.
But just judges I got a round table coming up with Kathy O’Brien, Lynn Hagerman, Sarah Lockhart and Krista White for MK Ultra survivors. We have figured out, I say I have figured out, with their help and their knowledge that they gave me, we figured out how the state is legally stealing our children. Right. And we’re going to have a roundtable and we’re going to talk about that stuff. But I like to name names. You know, that’s going to was supposed to happen yesterday on human trafficking day, but I think they tanked us. Everybody had communication problems, so.
Oh wow. Hopefully gonna happen literally 15 minutes after we hit stop record with this. It’ll be a couple days for us up on the Grassroots Warrior network. But again, I’ve got a whole list of names. I’m just going to read the local. This is one county judges that we’ve implicated in Bennington County. You should ask these judges, what about the children and what about their involvement? Okay, but Chief justice, that’s the Vermont Supreme Court Cohen. There’s like three or four Cohens. Just a coincidence, I guess. Judge Barnett, Judge Valente, Judge Frost, Judge Scanlon, that’s married to Stuart Heard, my town manager.
They always have last names, right? Judge Mook, Judge Suntag, Judge Harwood. There’s so many other people. And I could keep going. This is judicial. They need law enforcement, they need judicial. I’m talking with a couple good sheriffs now in Vermont State. They called me, which was really, really cool. They didn’t call the governor. Wow, Governor, where we’re talking about stuff, we have, you know, missing machine guns in Orange County. You know, they’re in the inventory but they’re not in the armory. That seems to be a problem. And what’s really going on, the sheriffs were contacting me because they’re losing contracts.
You know, a guy just lost a two hundred thousand dollar contract in his county because they have sheriffs from another county like a halfway across the state coming up and taking the contracts. What’s going on there? He writes the government, the government writes them back. They quote the law, but then they add on a whole bunch. That’s how I, I know Red Flag. That’s that top level stuff. And I told the sheriffs, anybody in Vermont state, if you’re a sheriff and you’re having this problem, you’re losing contracts. If I’m going to smuggle drugs or money or children, I need law enforcement.
Law enforcement is involved. So what they’re doing is you’re a good sheriff and they don’t want this. And they can’t have a good sheriff in these remote locations. So they’re giving your contracts away to the right sheriff. That’s what’s going on here. We’ve connected all these human trafficking rings in Vermont state through the lawyers, through law enforcement, through the prosecutors, through the judges. This is our government that’s doing this, guys. That’s the number one commodity us, whether it’s, you know, through our Social Security numbers and literally on the stock exchange where they’re trading us based on our father’s income or they’re stealing our children.
I’m telling you guys, they’re stealing our children. We should look into this. Do I have enough to look in Vermont say? I. I think I do. How much have we talked about on the show, Michael? Yeah, again, the symbols and the connections and all these people, right? They’re all connected. We should look. That’s my vote. I vote I agree. Yeah. And we’re seeing the same thing in numerous states, by the way, like we from Florida to Ohio. That Sarah Lockhart, what an incredible inspiration she is. This is just outside of Youngstell, Youngstown, Ohio. She lives in the middle of a hub.
They’re trafficking people all around her. They’ve taken two of her sons. One at 31 years old, told her she was dead. He was dead. I don’t believe he’s dead. We know pretty much that he’s not dead. She’s discovered other missing bodies and then the other child they literally took from her womb. And what a crazy story. This is where she was. She couldn’t get pregnant, so they did in vitro. And then, man, she started having morning sickness. She started to swell. Hey, I’m pregnant. She went to the doctors and they said, no, you’re not pregnant. And she kept growing, she kept getting sicker and no, you’re not pregnant.
And they didn’t know what until she was like 40 something inches. I mean, she was pregnant. She had a big belly. The medical community told her she wasn’t. Then they started looking at her liver. She had a swelled liver and they brought her in to look at the liver and have a operation. She woke up again, belly’s gone. So was her baby. Right. She did a lot of, again, background work on that. I absolutely believe she was pregnant. And they stole it from her womb. The hospitals are involved. That’s crazy. This was in Ohio. And again, when we go to look, because she had a.
She’s a pediatric nurse, by the way. So she had a lot of friends looking and monitoring and watching heartbeats all the way up through she was absolutely pregnant. Right. And once we disclosed that and she told her story, my computer lights up as always and we get other people where again they, they tell you one thing and it’s not. We’ve talked about the hospital killing Fields, talked about the double serpent medical community. Right. Yeah. Practice. And there’s a lot of good nurses, a lot of good doctors out there. We can’t condemn them all. But on that top level, organ harvesting and some like crazy stuff, guys, it’s not me.
I don’t make waves. 1 this1 post from Be Healthy, she says states with the highest amount of human trafficking per 100,000 residents. Nevada. That stands reason with the craziness that’s going on in, you know, Las Vegas. Georgia, Mississippi, Missouri, Louisiana, Florida. I’ve, I’ve said this for many years. Florida is like massive human trafficking, child trafficking. New Mexico, California, South Dakota, Oregon. So all the places. It’s a different list than I saw. And again, we went just on missing people and it was per demographic is what I was talking about. Alaska was number one. And what you’re going to see is again, I think it’s the, the innerwits and again native species.
The walnut sauce that they talked about right with this is. I think they’re, those kids are special and they’re after those people. But it’s the remote areas that seem to be higher. Not for a population, obviously. They, they take a lot more people than Cal from California than they would Vermont. We have a small population, but per capita, if you’re looking at it that way, again, Vermont ties number four. I think it was with Arizona, but I’m not positive on that. It’s been a while. Yeah, it’s happening. So what, what, what did you guys give us? A little, little idea what you guys talked about.
What, what are highlights of that show? All of you guys did well. Again, we’re both to do it. We haven’t done it yet. But what I’m going to do is I’m gonna again, as soon as we get done off of this podcast, I’m going to jump on it if they let us connect this time. And I’m going to share, I guess what I’ve discovered here in Vermont. We figured out how the state is doing this. They’re using the child advocacy centers, they’re using the methadone and Suboxone clinics, they’re using the, the hotlines, the abuse hotlines. I hate to say, don’t call an abuse hotline.
Right. Again, these are all screening centers. And processes to get your children right. Dcf, cps. It’s dcf, the Department of Children and Families, but nationwide we affect one in four families. One in four. That’s pretty incredible. And if you’re one of the people that’s had dcf, CPS in your life, it’s horrible, right? To get them out is incredible. And how many times do they grab the kids and put them with the wrong parent, they send them back to the abusers Ally Carter is talking about. CPS was absolutely involved in her tracking her trafficking. Right. When are we going to start asking that question? When are we going to look at cps? I know the Chevron act really hurt them here in Vermont.
Again, it’s Vermont dcf, but they have what they call the substantiation system, where there’s no due process, there’s no innocent until proven guilty. It’s their own system, per the Chevron act, that should no longer exist. The Supreme Court found it unconstitutional. But until enough people stand up and start fighting it, I’m afraid we’re right back at the same, same blow again. One in four families involved. About 2400 kids a month disappear from state custody nationwide. The child and the paperwork disappears. Why? Where did they go? What happened to these kids? And what they do is they, they make the parents jump through all these hopes.
If there is parents, all these hoops and they move the kid from this place to this place and they throw in a guardian ad litem or two, pretty soon the parents give up or they die of drug addiction because that’s where that push them, right? And the kids disappear. This is what’s happening in America. What’s happening in your town, yours, everybody watching. This isn’t just Washington. This isn’t just, you know, this is everywhere, man. It’s sick. It’s giant. The scale people can’t even imagine. It’s incredible. So, you know, under Trump, we had the, the highest, you know, he really went after child trafficking and he talks about it quite a bit.
So do you think that once he gets back in office, that’s going to be one of the things he really focuses on Again? I hope so. And again, assuming that Trump’s a good guy, and I do, again, I appreciate all the stuff that he’s shown up and done for our country. I do. The brand of Trump, and I hope I’m wrong in that. Guys, I do think it’s going to continue. I mean, right now, the Trump that we’re watching, we just accepted another fake election. Guys, it was fake. But Again, our guy got in. If he gets in, we still got to go through the inauguration.
But if he gets in, I think they utilize him. Hopefully, he pardons the J6ers, he writes some more wrongs, he’s probably going to lop off a few more heads, and then I think we’re gonna find out again that he was part of that, too. I’m sorry. This is my opinion. This is my. And again, I’ve been. I was one of the first, Mike, right from the beginning. I’ve always been a Trump supporter. But if you think you know, everybody watching, if you think you know that means you’re stuck. That’s a closed mind, because you already know.
Right? So go into this with an open mind where you have room for expansion. I just want you to look at everything, all aspects, all angles, and then you can make your choice. And I think if you have an open mind, I have the ability to change one way or the other. I’ve been wrong, Mike. You ever been wrong? I’ve been wrong right night. We’re trying to get that I was wrong about something, but then I find out that I was right. So. Yeah, I haven’t wrong one time. So. No, no, I mean, that’s. That’s a Navy chief thing, you know, so it’s, you know, that’s.
I. Yeah, of course I’ve been wrong often. Every. Every day almost. So you just, like, you know, try to do the best you can and you move forward, you know, so go the opposite way. Of course I’m right. Just ask me. Yeah, exactly. Right. My sister. One time, I was fighting with my sister, and she actually, you know, blew up, and it. It disrupted the argument, but she’s like, you always think you’re right. Yeah. Don’t you? I mean, you always. I know. You do, of course. Right? Of course. I think. And it’s okay to disagree with me, guys.
I. I don’t have a problem with that. In fact, I encourage that. I. You know, physical. You know, not physical, but rigorous debate is a healthy thing. And I think talking about these all. All these things is very. This is the go within part. When I have to ask myself questions, my soul, sometimes I get answers that I. I don’t like or that I don’t want to believe, and this is one of them. Right. But it. It’s wrong. It’s a mistake to ignore that. I think it was a mistake to accept another fake election. I. Again, I think that was a mistake, but it’s not played out yet.
So we’re gonna have to wait and see what happens. I pray for the people in California and all the people that this is again. I do think it’s going to continue. I think we’re going to have some more, you know, horrible things happening. Help each other, love each other, look after each other. If you have food and your neighbor doesn’t like again, I hope you’re prepped, hope you’re ready. We tell you these things because we love you. If you fell, you know, for the vaccine, right? All that’s breaking now. There’s alternative solutions, right? We love you.
Come on back. It’s okay that you laughed at me and ridiculed me. I don’t want anybody else to die. I’m so sick of fighting. I’m so sick of doing this. But for the first time, I hope you guys are willing and open minded enough to talk about everything, even the things that we might not want to be true or might not want to accept, right? I don’t know if Trump is good or bad. I don’t know if the earth is round or flat. Based on my experience, my testing, I’m going to tell you what I think and that’s just the way it is, so get used to it.
I’m not going away either, but change my mind. Come on, debate me. Right, we got Dustin Nemos who is looking for someone to debate with the Trump thing. Now I’ve got David Sorensen, right, Which is Stop World Control. Both of these gentlemen I respect greatly. I think they’re incredible minds. Again, Dustin Nemos was the original the Q King, right? He was the biggest Trump supporter. He was the biggest QAnon supporter. Now he thinks Donald Trump is the Antichrist. Right as where David Sorensen again very much Stop World Control is the name of his site. He’s very much a strong Trump supporter.
I’m trying to get those two together where we can actually talk about this. I think they’re both brilliant. I think they’re both geniuses. They’re both on the same exact trajectory. Stop World Control. The Zionist, the globalist, all this stuff. Your only disagreement is Trump. It’s time to talk about that. And I get to be judged, which is really cool. Commentator and judge. And I think the end result is again, I think they’re both right. I think we were all almost right. The key is we were all wrong. And in that we’re going to find unity along with the children.
That’s my theory right now. What’s the date? I’ll tell you a different one tomorrow, right? We have to Date it. I don’t know. We’re. We’re in a work in progress that’s for everybody. You know, we’re trying, Mike. Like I said, yes, we’re trying. We’re doing what we can. And we’re, we’re in our wave watches, so that’s good. Mine’s on a detox setting, so I think that, you know, everybody’s going to be. To be detoxing, you know, going forward. Who knows what they’re gonna be throwing at us. We got to do another wave watch, y’all. And again, this is the most incredible product I’ve ever seen.
J100, if you guys are interested, go check it out and we’ll save you 100 bucks. Wave Wav. No e wave watch dot com. And I want to do a show on that too. Again, Micah Clark, that’s our Camp Patriot guy, he’s up. You and him are going to have such a bro on that. It didn’t work out. So, yeah, we definitely have to have him. We. We missed out going out there, so, yeah, hopefully he’s got some great ideas and we ended up sending him three or four watches to use for his patrons out there. And I think the first one he gave away is one of your.
One of your teammates. Buddies. Awesome. Yeah. Yeah. So again, I think there’s so many. I can’t believe you guys don’t know each other already because there’s so many interlock. I just want to come on and listen to you guys rant. Rant and rave about combat stories, I think. Yeah, no doubt. Catching up. We get the whole. The frequency part, which is. I think frequency is key to a lot of things and your health and well being is one of them. So those are the solutions. That’s what we should be talking about. Hopefully we shift over to that direction too, when we’re not distracted.
Yeah, we get a little distraction. Maybe a lot of distraction. The, like the guy that ran on New Year’s Day and no and nola. And then we had a guy in Las Vegas, like blew up his Tesla and everybody was like, that was a talk. And then LA happened, you know, that they were all forgotten. So it’s going to be like that going forward. It’s gonna be. And I, I predict that we’re gonna have something. We’ll forget about the fires in LA soon. So it’s, it’s going to be very interesting times. Most people still don’t realize that, what was it, 4 trillion that they lost on September 10, 2001.
Right. Then the 11th that. And we kind of displaced that with a t. Trillion dollars. These are the things that we’re learning now. I think that’s progress. So, yeah, don’t be distracted. Keep your eye on the prize. Keeping your eye on each other is a big thing. And I think human trafficking is going to be a huge topic going forward for 2025. So hats off to Donald Trump. Again, thank you for all you’ve done in that work. And now it’s up to us, the people. Don’t rely on Donald Trump or any politician or Kevin or Michael.
You got to do your part, too. Absolutely. I think participation. Participation is key. Get involved. Go to a local select board meeting. Those are giant. That’s directly involved with your community. And again, be good to each other. Just love each other. That’s easy. Do the right thing. Help each other. I think we’re gonna be okay, Mike. I. I think so. Because. And you got to have an open mind. You can’t get locked down on one thing, guys. Yeah. Because things will change on a. On a dime. And like I said, you know, if you, if you trust it completely, Trump, then you got vaccinated, and that didn’t work out for a lot of people.
So be heads up. Let’s. Let’s move forward and, and work together and accomplish great things. Move forward. All right, Lots of love, everybody. Thanks, Kevin, for coming on, and we’ll see you guys next time. Thanks, Mike.