The Common Sense Show, hosted by Dave Hodges, talks about politics and introduces a wrinkle filler by Dr. John Lakey. The show criticizes politicians for being dishonest. Dr. Lakey’s product is a cheaper, effective option compared to other creams. Listeners are encouraged to share the show and check out the product’s website for details. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.
Tag Archives: Dave Hodges political commentary
Dave Hodges, from the Common Sense Show, talks about a product called Magic Die Call. He says it helps your immune system and helps you live longer. Dave is also upset about John Thune becoming Senate majority leader. He thinks Thune’s past actions against Trump show he might have a secret plan. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.
Dave Hodges, from the Common Sense Show, shares his health journey with nanosoma spray and dives into Arizona’s political scene. He accuses some leaders of election fraud and corruption, urging investigations. Hodges believes outside forces, like cartels and China, influenced elections. He calls for action to ensure fair elections and remove untrustworthy politicians. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.