Yeah, I didn’t think at that time when I was already on the on here and I was asking you where you were because I was an hour early. I thought, oh, Jack, I can’t go. So I hurried and I called Sam and I said, Sam, I need you to fill in for me. And Jack’s ready to go at 230, but I got to get to the school. It worked out. It was really fun. You know, those kids, I wore my uniform. And of course, so they were, yes, sir. And, and they, they asked some really good questions.
And there had been a police officer there earlier from one of the other little students. And they asked, what was the difference between a cop and a sheriff? You know, so I was thrilled to give that to them. And then I taught them, I taught all of them, and we didn’t have time to go through it enough to where they all learned it, but they all liked it. And I taught them the preamble to sign language. Maybe I need to put that on the website sometime. But I asked the teacher, I said, Mrs.
Hill, I want to come back and see how they’re doing because she, she videotaped it and she’s going to have them keep practicing. And I said, I’m going to come back in a couple of weeks and, and see how they’re doing. She goes, Oh, yes, we want you to. So it went really well. It was really touching. And what does that mean in sign language? Wait, say that again. What is it? What did you mean the preamble? Like I’m thinking the preamble to the constitution or something. Exactly. Yeah. The preamble to the United States constitution.
You pointed yourself here, we, and then you look at all the people, the people and of the United States in order to form, you’re forming the clay in order to form a more perfect union. And you clash your hands together. Union establish, and then the hands go flat to your side and establish justice. There’s lady justice. There’s the balance. And then here’s the umbrella ensure domestic tranquility, and then throwing both your hands forward, provide like you’re throwing out chicken, like you’re throwing out chicken feed, provide for the common. Oh, for the common defense, put your fist up more like that.
Promote the general welfare. Put your hand over your heart, general welfare and secure. You put your fist out and like you’re grabbing a tree branch. Yeah. Except all the way out. Okay. Yeah. And so secure the blessings, the blessings of liberty, and you do the Statue of Liberty. So you do the Statue of Liberty. Yeah. To ourselves. And then you put your hands down to the side and you just stairway all your, you’re tapping all your grandkids on the head that just like this, and then go keep going down. You keep going down to our posterity, do ordain and you put both hands on top of each other and put as if you’re putting your hands on top of somebody’s head to ordain them, do ordain and establish once again, hands down to your side, flat down to your side, you ordain and establish this constitution and you roll it out like it’s on scrolls.
Roll. So you put your hands together, scroll it out. Yeah. Yeah. Do ordain and establish this, this constitution for the United States of America. And with America, you’ve flapped your wings like an eagle. And that’s it because America is the eagle represented by the eagle. And I learned that a long time ago in police training from Dr. W. Leon Scowles, he taught us all the preamble. And it’s not strict sign language, by the way. If anybody knows sign language, don’t get mad at us because it was just the best way that he put together to learn signs with the preamble.
And we talked about that, we talked about the proper role of government and we had a good time with the kids. And I gave them each a 50 cent piece, JFK 50 cent piece. And that was one of the things I said, government is supposed to coin and establish the value of our money. And we also talked real quickly about who the person was on the front of the coin and what happened to him. So that was about a wrap. That was the 20 minutes for me. And then my daughter did it after that because she was right after me because she’s a dog breeder.
And she brought a little puppy and of course the kids went goo goo over that. So I’ve done that a lot. I’ve taught it to my grandkids. Of course they forgot it after a while, but I always remind them. And it’s bringing more, the more attention we can bring to the Constitution. That’s what I like to do. You already know that. Well, you do a good job. [tr:trw].