Yeah, 85% of the counties in this country. Right. And Hillary was crying that she, that she won the plurality, the, the, the vote in a plurality, that she won the majority of the votes by the people. And if you, look, if you count it by the county, it doesn’t even come close. It doesn’t. And so what, what I’m expecting and what we’re pushing out there now is that deportation is absolutely necessary, but I don’t believe it can be carried out without the sheriffs involved. I don’t believe it will be safe. I don’t believe it will be effective or as effective.
And I’ve been in touch with Tom Holman, and I told him that, and that we would be happy to help in any way that we can. Obviously, we don’t control or have say so over every sheriff in the country. They’re independent. They don’t report to me that I’m working very closely with the Maricopa county sheriff, who is a very good friend of mine, which is the fourth largest sheriff’s office in the United States of America. And we’re thrilled that Jerry Sheridan is the sheriff here. He’s a constitutional sheriff. And, and, and that’s what we need nationwide.
But at the same time, these sheriffs only report to the people, to the people in their counties. And, and in this country, he is the only elected law enforcement officer anywhere in the country. Right. And we have a book that all of you need, and this is the book. The County Sheriff, America’s Last Hope. Now, on the back, now, Kev, you know this sheriff, too, but on the back of it is a picture, and people go, is that you? No, that Sheriff Joe Arpaio from, from Maricopa County. Now, he and I were sheriffs together for four years.
He stayed in as long as he wanted. I got voted out and, and Then get this G. I went to, I went back to Utah. Now I’m from Arizona, but I worked in law enforcement 11 years in Utah. I went back and ran the year after I Lost, which was 96 in 97, I launched my campaign in Utah county, the second largest county in Utah. And so my election was in June of 1998. Well, I won the state convention and, or the county convention. And that’s where all these delegates from different areas of the county get together.
There’s about 500 people. We meet in a big gym or auditorium at a local high school. And I beat the incumbent two to one. Wow. And momentum was on my side. Everything was going great. Both my opponent and I said, this is going to be really close. Until three days before the election, the IRS and FBI raid my office with a trumped up search warrant that was aimed at a person that I was, that was one of my clients and he was selling securities without a license. I didn’t know that. I had nothing to do with that.
But they put my name on it. And then the headline in the newspaper wasn’t the FBI and IRS raid this client guy’s name. That was you. It was my name, Mac raided by the FBI. And, and I’m telling you, Kevin, you couldn’t have had a, you couldn’t have had a bigger headline. This was like as big as when World War II ended. You don’t have to tell me the war is over. This is Mac rated by the FBI. And it was in the Provo Daily Herald. And I even had a recent reporter that looked all of this up and she told me about it.
She goes, I saw when you got raided and it was in the newspaper. And then there was a follow up editorial in the newspaper after they blasted me one week later in their big editorial section that I got had by the federal government because it was clearly retaliation from the federal government, from the Clinton administration towards me because I beat Bill Clinton and his administration at the Supreme Court one year to the day before that happened. We almost. To the day. I know. So we, we won at the Supreme Court. June of June of 1997. They raided my office be three days before the election.
June of 98. I know. And folks, guess what? I never heard from the IRS or the FBI again. Yeah, I never was interviewed, never got indicted, never got arrested, charged, slapped on the hand. The media, nothing. Well, the media is a giant part of this. And again, running for governor now, I can tell everybody from experience, they wouldn’t even release my, my press releases. People half the people in Vermont didn’t even know I was running. And again, the criminal allegations that we’ve tied back in the media is part of it. They only. They tell you what it is.
And I’ve had, again, I’ve been targeted and we just had a huge upset, I think, in court. We’re still waiting for court decisions. It’s still going on. But I had an arrest warrant. I had three warrants for my arrest for verbally saying a name because they made it a crime to report crimes by our officials, Right? Oh, yeah. I think that’s. That’s turning. And I’m seeing them patterns. And again, these, the feds call it patterns of corruption where unfortunately, a lot of our law enforcement. I back the blue again. I think you’re a great sheriff and I love the idea of constitutional sheriffs.
People told me to tell my sheriff I arrested my sheriff. I’m the reporting party. Right. We’ve had that whole discussion. But again, I back the blue. I just want to make sure we got good officers. I’m going to shout out again, you and your organization, because everybody watching this show right now, if you’re watching this, you have a sheriff. Are they constitutional sheriff? Well, why not? Here in Vermont state, people will call me. People will call me and say, is. Is my sheriff constitutional? I say, go talk to him. Find out and let me know. I can’t make 3,000 calls.
No. You know, and you even offered our last podcast, I mean, Sheriff Richard Mack again, he beat the Supreme Court. This is a big deal. He’s offered to come to Vermont state and talk with our sheriffs. We only got 14. 14 sheriffs in the whole entire state. They have meetings, they get together. This gentleman is willing to come here and talk to them. Do you guys like that idea in Vermont? Do you like the idea of having a constitutional sheriff? Call your sheriff and tell him, hey, Richard Mack and Kevin Hoy said they’d come and let’s do this.
This sounds like a good plan. And maybe with public pressure, we can do that. Buckle. The only way it’ll happen. I think so. Guarantee it’s the only way it’ll happen. They’re so important. And I want to, again, I want to go the other direction because this is what we see. Hang on to your seat. We’re going for a screen chair. That come up for you, Sheriff? Yep. Washington county police chief admits to disorderly conduct. Disorderly conduct. And we get in here and it’s all about, again, holding a woman against her will. Again, false imprisonment, false incarceration.
That’s disorderly conduct. That’s kidnapping. Well, that he, he pleads down because they own the courts too, just like. And then the media is going to give them a favorable. This guy right here, I want to show you another one. I just attended a Fair Haven, Vermont select board meeting. This man, his name’s Tom Covino, he’s a constable, he’s trying to get a chief of police to come back to this little community and train him because he says in this video, it’s a short video, anybody that needs ammunition, ammo for the people. In a five minute video, he, he says that he got out of law enforcement in 2003.
Right. He reminds the select board he’s wearing a badge and has a gun. And he’s standing there saying, I’ll remind you guys, I got a Law Enforcement 2003. This gentleman’s been impersonating a police officer for 21 years. He has a habit of beating up Vermonters. And the police chief, this is a cop that’s not really a cop, appointed by a two time convicted cop sheriff. We have a problem with our law enforcement. I think people are afraid of that too. So how do we bridge that gap? How do we get people back? And I was always brought up, I respected police officers.
I saw a badge in uniform, looked up to him as a kid. A lot of these people that I’m going after now, they’re wearing badges and stuff, but I’m, I’m looking down at them, they’re not right. So what do we do? How do we bridge that gap with the public? Well, first of all, the public’s got to get educated. And you can’t go talk to your sheriff and go, hey, are you a constitutional sheriff? And he goes, yes. Then what do you say? If he says no, that’s really a huge red flag for you. But if he says yes, then follow up with a question like, what have you ever done? That was really a strong constitutional issue.
Like, Sheriff Mack sued the federal government to stop gun control and to protect the office of sheriff. Sheriff Mack also. A lot of people don’t know this, but I had a confrontation with the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers when I was sheriff. And they threatened to arrest the county commissioners, it’s called Board of Supervisors in Arizona and California because they voted unanimously to fix a bridge without their permission to fix a bridge. Right. It was our bridge. Right. And the federal government says we have to do the environmental impact study. The EPA stocking like that they need.
Well, the bridge was already there. What we’re just. We’re just fixing it. We’re tightening it up. We’re fixing part of it, you know, so cars can go across it better. Because it flooded out a little bit. Yeah. It was still there. It wasn’t in the water. They didn’t get their. Their piece of the greed again. We have, of course, in the north. So anyway, they threatened to arrest the county commissioners. They threatened to arrest the maintenance worker workers. And I called them in, I said, guys, I’m a real nice person, but I have to tell you right now, you are not arresting anyone in my county.
You have no authority. You’re not law enforcement, and I’m giving you no authority. I’m not deputizing you. You’re nothing. Okay? So if you try, I will arrest you. Yeah. Now, if you want to talk to the county attorney and ask him if he’s going to charge you, go ahead, but I’ll arrest you on Friday evening when he’s gone and when the judges are gone and you can wait to see them on Monday morning. So look, you guys, this is just unnecessary. We’re trying to fix a bridge. We will fix the bridge because that’s what our people need.
Yeah. And that’s what the farmers and ranchers want on that side of the bridge. They don’t get the. So guess what happened. Yeah, what’s that? They left town the next morning. We fixed the bridge. We didn’t pay any of their fines, and we took care of the people in our county. That’s it. And numerous sheriffs have done these sort of things. Sheriff Glenn Palmer in Oregon stood up to the forest Service. Sheriff Brad Rogers in Elkhart County, Indiana stood up to the FDA going after Amish there. Sheriff David A. Clark Jr. Stood for the Second Amendment in Milwaukee.
And Sheriff Darleaf has been investigating election fraud now for almost five years. Yeah. And he just. And he’s just got elected for his fifth term. I gave my new sheriff a lot. I’m hoping. Look at what Sheriff Mark Lamb did in Pinal County, Arizona. He refused to enforce COVID 19 mandates. And 550 sheriffs across this country did the same. Yeah. Yeah. So, folks, when you go talk to your sheriff, you. You ask him about that. If the federal government ever, God forbid, ever implements door too. Confiscation of guns. Sheriff, just tell me what you would do.
Yeah, tell me what you would do. Retire. Get out. But we don’t want them to quit. We want them to do their job. We want them to help. But most of them especially. But many of Them say that. Kevin, I asked question quit before I left out. Well, don’t, don’t quit. Stop it. I asked the, the commander for the Vermont State Police because they were talking about that door to door conference. And I said, who, who’s going to do that? Are you going to do that? Because I’ve already talked to your guys. They, they know what’s on the other side of the door, but that they don’t do possession like that anymore.
What they do is they’re going to outlaw that gun. It’ll be an illegal gun. They’ll give you a certain amount of time to turn in your illegal gun. And then if you don’t, you can never use it again. Somebody breaks in your house and you use it, you’re going to jail because you shot your home invader with an illegal gun. This is the world, you know, the backwards world that we, we find ourselves in. But there’s good sheriffs and there’s good. The association you got again, your sheriff, no matter who’s out there watching, ask them if they know about Sheriff Mack.
Right? Go research first is the idea before you go to your sheriff. So when they do say yes or no, you guys can, you know, ask questions. Let’s go back to the. Remember there, remember, remember there. The reason they should remember me, the first sheriff in American history to sue the federal government, take it all the way to the Supreme Court and win. Now, folks, you should already have this book with you when you go talk to your sheriff. You have this with you? Yeah. This is a, this is a highlighted review of my Supreme Court case.
Every American should have that book in their pocket always. You should keep these handy in your car, your purse, your home. And you should share these with so many people. This miracle was not mine. It’s from the person who actually from the deity who does miracles. And every one of you can have this a part of your life and your education. The other book that you want to take to your sheriff and talk to him about is this one. The county sheriff, America’s last hope. And that’s Joe Arpaio on the back. And then, and then that’s me right there.
Yay. There’s the young sheriff. Yeah, I was gonna say young man. I say young because I’m not young anymore. Boy, that doesn’t even look like me. Hardly. But folks, you need to be educated and you need to be ready to go when you join our posse. We help you be prepared for all of that. And I don’t want to just do this in Vermont. I want to do it nationwide. Now. I’ve done a lot of events. Vermont is the one of the only two states where I’ve never done a seminar. Right. The other one is Rhode island, but I’ve done events all over Texas, all over California, all all over Florida, all over Minnesota, and all over this country.
Well, you’re. Let’s do one. You’re a shining example. In fact, I can hear it in your voice. How many. What number podcast is this for you today? Five. Five. Yeah. That’s pretty incredible. And people don’t know. I mean, I do the same thing. Just the amount of talking we do is really, really incredible. That’ll help. A little bit of water. Fresh, clean living water. The things we put in our body matters. We’re finding these things out, too. But. But I’m. I’m very thankful for sheriffs like you that stand up. And this is a call out to that second tier.
All you again, sheriffs and law enforcement. I’m a deer hunter from Vermont, and I look around at my police and I’m like, I know you guys know, too. You guys know if you’re on the inside and, you know, I think now’s the time to stand up. I’m. I’m watching all that fall. That story like we shared with the police chief. We’re seeing more and more of that. We have countless. I can’t even tell you how many law enforcement right now. All different agencies that are, you know, on leave, pretending this, you know, investigation. But nobody tells us what the investigation is.
It’s all under wraps. I’ve told you, it’s RICO racketeering. Yeah. The Vermont sheriff, all the drones, the liar for the Biden administration. I remember his name. I don’t care Liar A or liar B or liar C. But anyway, he says we don’t have any evidence that these drones mean us any harm or that they’re dangerous. Why don’t you have any evidence? Because you haven’t tried to get any, that’s why. I mean, that’s like a detective saying, this person died and they’ve been shot three times in the back of the head. But we don’t have any evidence that it’s a murder yet.
Right? You know? Yeah. And so, folks, it was a Clinton. How do you get evidence? Two different. You go work for it. You go get it. Yeah, no, that’s exactly. Again, that’s what I’m trying to do with people. I mean, I tell them all the time that your biggest weapon is your voice. Just talk about this stuff. Share this stuff, warn your friends and neighbors. Love each other, but it takes more than that. We need to get off our asses. I’m sorry. America, it’s time. You need to go to a select board meeting. You go to a school board meeting.
Those aren’t little, those are giant. Because it directly affects your community. Go to your sheriff. Call your sheriff, Write a freaking letter. Are you sick of this crap? Yeah, I am. Right. So that’s what everybody asked me. Well, if all this is true, then what are we waiting for? You. That’s all we’re waiting for, is you guys come join the posse. I like how you say that. I say join the colony because again, our strength is in numbers. And again, the people are, you know, the most powerful force on earth. Once we can stop the petty.
We are, and we need to really believe that. And, and folks, when the Declaration of Independence says this, when any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, in other words, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people, it is their duty to throw off such government and establish new guards. Yes, sir. So folks, what does it mean to do that? Now, I’m, I have never promoted violence, but let’s be real here. America was founded out of a violent rebellion against England. Yeah. And, and so if that were ever necessary again, would be.
Would we be ready to do it? Yeah. I pray it never happens. And again, I have never advocated for such. But folks. But it’s ugly, Ugly fast. Of course we’re going to use. The point is, are there other ways to throw off such government? And there is. Of course there is. And we’ve got to get up and we’ve got to push the envelope. We’ve got to be courageous. And when you are committing acts of civil disobedience and you are committing acts of non compliance and your sheriff is there with you, standing next to you with his deputies.
There’s no greater power on the face of this planet than that. We the people, working with our constitutional sheriff, man. There’s not a power that can beat us. And in our county, there’s no greater power. Yeah. Than that one right there. We the people, with our sheriff. Absolutely. I love that. We will win that every time. Yeah. And by the way, every time sheriffs have stood against federal incursions, they have won. Right. Every single time. Yeah. Yeah. That’s the, the unity that we’re talking about. And again, that’s where I was talking about bridging that gap because a lot of people are upset with the police right now.
And your police, no matter what agency or level we’re talking about, they’re your neighbors, they live in a house next to you. They’re regular people just like us. Right. Unfortunately, again, any power position, people are susceptible to corruption, but there’s different layers of, you know, human greed and corruption and then this true, like, underlying evil that we got going on. But I, I think that unity is really, really needed for all the people. It doesn’t matter who your God is or who your lover is or what the color of your skin or your hair. I think the, I think the thing that we need to discuss real quickly though, is the elephant in the room.
And the elephant in the room, folks, is how does Trump and his new administration conduct deportation of millions of illegal aliens? And folks, yes, I totally agree that it needs to happen. These people here are extremely dangerous. And Trump has said we want to focus on the dangerous ones first. And so, great, wonderful. The low lying fruit are the cartels and the international terrorists and the pedophiles and the human traffickers. We want to get all of them out. The people that sell children into sex slavery, they’re here. We’ve allowed it here. We’ve allowed three hundred and 50 to 400,000 children to be sold at the border.
And then even sometimes after they cross in, some families trying to get into our country have sold their children to the cartels. Really? About. Yes, about jobs and votes and housing and resources. And it is, but it’s so their children. That’s. What’s the plan? Well, Tom Holman is working on that. I’ve texted him a couple of times and I’ve told him we’re ready to help, but our mission right now is to make sure that every sheriff is ready to participate in this. Folks, this will not be done effectively and it will not be done safely without sheriffs involved.
It still might get pretty airy. Yeah, but sheriffs have got to be involved. And, and this whole plan must engage the sheriffs of this country. And if he has a posse to count on, made up of the people in his county, even better, that’s going to help all the more. How can he use the, the posse however he wants? Because it’s up to him and he is in charge of that. And you need to let him know that you’re volunteering to be part of that. And, and folks, again, that’s a power that cannot be beat. And so we’ve got to be ready and we’ve got to be ready to have Trump’s back.
We got to be ready to back the sheriff in helping with this huge deportation plan. I’m gonna. I want to flip it on you, but before I do that, I want you to share my vision because have you ever heard of Nasara and Jasara? You know what those things are? Nasara and Jasara, they’re talking about a wealth distribution as per Trump again, executive order, if we catch these guys, crimes against humanity, again, capital, major capital human trafficking, then we seize their assets. So in some of the people we’re talking about now, Oprah and Ellen and Bill Gates and the Vatican and like, there’s a lot of money going around.
So Nesara would be a wealth distribution, a great reset again worldwide. So Nesara is nationally. Gesara would be worldwide. And I don’t really have any evidence of this. People have been talking about a long time. I guess there’s a little evidence. But I see again in the future, why is someone from Afghanistan, Why are they here in Vermont state? Well, I know the answer because it’s beautiful here and it’s not so beautiful in Afghanistan. No offense. It’s been raped and pillaged and bombed mostly by the US For a long time. So he’s over here for opportunity.
He wants to better himself. He wants to take care of his family. He’s got everything right. But I think when Gesara hits again, this is the worldwide distribution. I think countries like Africa or Afghanistan, again, these places that have been, you know, pillaged, you know, for a long, long time, I think they get a lot of money. So I think if I was an Afghan living in Vermont and all of a sudden there’s trillions of dollars over there, I believe I’d want to go back home because there’s opportunity back home again. This is a long term vision that I’m giving you, Sheriff.
And the short term thing, again, I hope that’s where we go right now. I, I believe in safe borders because we’re America, but visionary Kevin says, imagine if the whole world was America and the whole world had the Bill of Rights and everybody wasn’t starving and hungry and we wouldn’t need such things. Right? So let’s get to the 2024 again elections. I’m excited. I’m happy Donald Trump won. Biden’s out. Kamala? Yeah. That’s awesome. Straight up question, yes or no. Sheriff Mack, would you certify. It’s kind of a trick question. Would you certify the 2024 elections based on what you know right now? Tough question.
Trump’s yes, isn’t. It’s a hard question if I put it like that, isn’t it? I want to speak to. No, it’s really not a hard question because I believe there was widespread cheating this year and there was definitely cheating in 2022, and there was definitely cheating in 2020. And why do I know that? Because they use machines that are easily hacked and very vulnerable even, even before that. I can trace it, but I, I did the election audit myself. Bunch of people involved over a thousand hours, like an old school manual audit. And I can trace against 60 to 70% fraud in Vermont state.
And I trace it back at least to 1975. 5. So this is before we even had computers. Now, there’s no question Lyndon Baines Johnson was elected from ballot stuffing. They learned how to ballot stuff a long time ago. But first of all, our technology today wouldn’t, I believe, would not allow that, especially for hand counting. Right. And every way they could possibly cheat, they cheated. Yeah. Well, first of all, you, you know there’s cheating when you have 5,000 people on your voter rolls and 5,500 people voted. Right. You pretty much know that was cheating. 2020, we had 102% turnout.
We had more ballots than legal aid voters. And we haven’t fixed it, folks. That’s irrefutable. Right? The only difference this year, I know, we just were blowing a lot of people’s minds because I’m happy Trump got into. But how did he get in? Maybe should be our next question. Right? And it’s brilliant if I’m correct in my theory. Right? Because I got a question. So are you talking about nationwide or are you just talking about Trump’s certification? That needs to happen. Well, again, we got, we got to inaugurate, we got to have the 2024. But you’re not just inaugurating Donald Trump, you’re Certifying.
Certifying the 2024 elections. This is a big deal. This is, you know, Biden in reverse. But is it, but is it, Are we talking about Trump’s election? Are we not going to certify it, that you’re against. Certified it? I think I, I want to be very clear when I say this. I support Donald Trump. I voted for Donald Trump. I think Donald Trump won in a landslide, overwhelmingly. But I also think the only reason he won is because they cheated. I’m saying maybe the military, whoever’s in charge, but he was the only one. Everywhere else, across the board, again, four days before election, we got 150,000 extra ballots in Michigan, like you said.
Yeah. And Florida, Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Vermont. We can’t. So, but follow that through. Everybody who’s upset because what happens if we stop inauguration because of election fraud? That’s never been done. I don’t know what happens, to be honest, but I think that’s military on the street. Everybody knows why. There’s no panic. One half of the nation thinks we’re taking down one half. The other half thinks we’re taking down the other half. I think I have a legitimate, bigger concern, and I know what you’re talking about is huge, but the big concern I have is that the Democrats do not want to certify Donald Trump’s election.
Yeah, they don’t. That’s. And look at the enemies that are within America right now. Would they do anything to harm or stop President Trump from being certified or from being inaugurated? Yeah. And I think, I think a major catastrophe caused by these people is still going to happen. This is kind of. Is it going to happen right after he takes office? Is it going to happen right before he takes office? Or is it going to be right before January 8th when they certify the election in Washington D.C. surprised? Where’s Antifa and BLM? And I expected those groups to be out already, to be honest.
That’s what you’re talking about. And their side, it’s not our side that’s black. No, I’m talking about international terrorists and cartels and Chinese dissidents and Russian dissidents and Russian warriors and soldiers that are now within America. A lot of them are our own. Again, it’s domestic. Like, I’m going to use J sex, but I’ll use blm because it’s the same scenario. We had a bunch of people that thought minorities were getting a, you know, unfair shake. So they came out and they used their second First Amendment and they freedom. They did assemble and they were protesting and then the feds came in and hijacked it.
They burnt down courthouses and shot officers, did the same thing in J6. And the feds got in there and broke windows. And you know, it’s funny how the, the outcome for all the innocent people were different, but I, I, I’m first. The FBI said, First the FBI said they had no paid informants and, and paid hitman within the crowd. And now they admit that they did, but they didn’t do anything. They were just there for intel gathering. You see, folks, once you lie and then you lie again and you lie about those lies and then you say, oh, but this time I’m telling the truth, right? Yeah.
Right? Yeah. The government’s got to don’t worry. Just sit back and wait for your next food drop. It’s coming. That’s where I said I don’t think we’re waiting. And as much as I believe in our military, I do trust ability. Thank you, guys. I salute you. I appreciate you. I do believe in Donald Trump and a Galactic Empire alliance, this good guy, whatever that’s out there, because I’m part of it. I got a white hat over here. I should have worn my white hat today. We’re the white hats. We’re doing the. And I’m not waiting, I’m not risking it.
I’m not taking a chance. And if you guys are hung up on Donald Trump one way or the other, get over it. Whether he’s good or he’s bad. This is bigger, it’s older. And we do this stuff ourselves. I think he’s there and he’s got our back. That’s my opinion right now. But that could change at any minute. Yeah. Now I hope that we the people have his back and that the sheriffs have his back. And you know, are they going to try to go after him again? Are they going to try to kill him again? Are they going to go after his family? There’s a lot of vulnerability there.
And one, I don’t trust the Secret Service to take care of him. I don’t trust the FBI to take care of him and I don’t trust either any of those to take care of America. So we’re all for Cash Patel to get in there, right, and cut the FBI and abolish them even as far as I’m concerned, abolish the dea, a bunch of crooks. And it’s coming. The first thing that needs to go is they need to defund Planned Parenthood. Why we continue to. Why are we continuously forced by our own evil government to pay to taxes taxpayer money to a non government agency, a private club, and they get half a billion dollars a year of taxpayer dollars to kill babies in the womb and sometimes now, not while they’re not in the womb.
Why are we making money off of selling their body parts after? And they sell body parts. And the undercover person reporter that discovered that he went to jail, but not the people who actually were doing it. Just how does this happen? And so, folks, secondly, right after we defund the Planned Parenthood, we need to defund the IRS. We pay $20 billion to these bullies to come after us every year. Unconstitutionally, unlawfully, without probable cause. Yes. Random baseless audits are against the law. And they do them all the time. They do like 125, 150,000 a year. And folks, those are all illegal.
The income tax is actually illegal. But let’s say that we keep it. If it was fair and honest and simple, we would not even need the irs. Man, you just hit it. Per the Constitution, any tax has to be clear and unequivocal. That’s the clear and equal. Would you describe your taxes? Everybody watching? Do you think it’s clear? And nobody knows what it is? The IRS can’t even tell you. It’s always. Again, it’s. It’s a self assessed volunteer tax based on corporate profit. It goes back to the corporate Excise Acts of 1992 or 1902. It’s been to the Supreme Court a million times.
Right. It’s called the Victory tax. You know, World War II, that’s when it really started. And that was the, you know, there’s deflation, inflation of the American dream and deflation of the dollar. And yeah, that’s a whole another show. And I know you wanted to keep it short because of your voice and I appreciate your time so much. For anybody else again, we need to call our sheriffs. We need more sheriffs like Sheriff Richard Max standing up for the people. Again, you’re pinched. I feel so bad for police officers because in a lot of times the police is the municipality.
So they have to listen to their boss, literally their job and whatever this guy’s telling them or the people in their oath. And that’s hard. It’s hard for a lot of these people. It shouldn’t be, but it is. And I understand that too. It’s your livelihood. So we need more sheriffs like Sheriff Mack. One more time, can you tell us where to get a hold of you? And all the links will be in the description too, but I like to say it. So let’s tell people. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. Every one of you can join our posse.
Costs $11 a month. It is well worth it. You help us, we help you. We bless each other in this holy cause of Liberty. It’s@cspoa.org get the best books about federalism, about state sovereignty, about sheriffs, about law enforcement. Everything that you’re supposed to know so that you can help your sheriff know. We can’t be saved in ignorance, folks. We’ve got to be involved. We got to be vigilant. We’ve got to be part of the solution. So join us at cspoa.org c s p o a dot org and be a part of the solution. And, folks, this is still the war and battle that we’ve been fighting ever since the Revolutionary War.
We will always be battling for freedom. We’ve got to stay in the fight. We’ve got to stay together. And it’s our country. Let’s take it back. And, and we cannot now when we have so much to do with Trump and helping Trump. We cannot become complacent. Right? So join us in this cause. Cspoa.org and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. And Merry Christmas to all of you. Merry Christmas to you, Sheriff. I appreciate your time. Everybody click the rumble button. Talk about this, share the stuff. If you’re a Vermonter, call your sheriff. All right, see you, everybody.
Thanks for watching.