Sheriff Mack Joins Kevin Hoyt From the Grassroots Warrior Network to Discuss More National Intel

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âž¡ Kevin Hoyt hosts a show where he interviews Sheriff Mack, a man who once sued the federal government and won. Sheriff Mack discusses his belief in the importance of state rights and the limited powers of the federal government. He also talks about his organization, the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), which trains citizens to work with their local sheriffs. He encourages people to join the CSPOA and become part of the solution to protect their rights and liberties.
âž¡ The speaker is advocating for local law enforcement and government officials to investigate corruption and illegal activities by federal officials, especially those related to illegal immigration and its consequences. He believes that local authorities should take action when the federal government fails to do so. He also discusses the increase in crime rates, drug trafficking, and human trafficking, attributing some of these issues to the current political administration. Lastly, he expresses concern over child protection services and the safety of children in the current system.
âž¡ The text discusses concerns about child protection services, alleging they often take children without proper evidence of abuse. It also mentions a large number of missing children in the U.S. and worldwide. The text further delves into potential corruption within the Vermont Sheriff’s Association and other organizations, suggesting they may be involved in illegal activities such as money laundering and embezzlement. Lastly, it raises concerns about potential pedophile symbols associated with a child advocacy center run by the Vermont Department of Children and Families.
âž¡ The speaker alleges corruption and misconduct in various sectors, including law enforcement, legal, and political circles, with accusations of child trafficking and embezzlement. They criticize the government’s spending habits, particularly in relation to abortion and tax collection. The speaker also expresses concern over the influence of the Chinese Communist Party and the indoctrination of children in schools. Lastly, they condemn the practice of child sex change operations, claiming that Vermont has become a sanctuary for such procedures.
âž¡ The speaker is expressing concern about the current state of America, arguing that it has strayed from its founding principles and is embracing ideas that it was established to prevent. They believe that the two-party system is part of the problem and that both parties are contributing to the issues. They emphasize the importance of local government and the role of the sheriff in protecting citizens from tyranny, abuse, and oppression. They urge citizens to educate themselves and their sheriffs about the constitution and to stand up against the current political structure.
âž¡ The speaker discusses the power of sheriffs in the United States, highlighting instances where they’ve used their authority to protect their communities, particularly in relation to religious freedom. They emphasize the importance of constitutional sheriffs who uphold the principles upon which the country was founded. The speaker also calls for public support and funding for their movement, comparing their struggle to the Revolutionary War. They end by encouraging everyone to participate and take action in these challenging times.


Y’all. What’s coming in. Now you’re backing now? Now you’re backing out? I’m glad you brought your friends. They can watch it go down. Watch it go down. I got mine, too. So welcome to my house. Welcome to my house. Cause these are my people. This is my lane. This is my lane. This is what we pray for. And this is God’s plan. This is God’s plan. If you ain’t from here, you won’t understand. You won’t understand? This is my country. This is who I am. This is who I am. So welcome to my house. Hey, everybody.

Kevin Hoyt with the grassroots warrior network. And we got a great show tonight. I am really looking forward this. We have Sheriff Mack. I don’t think you need much of an introduction here, sheriff. I appreciate your time. I said before we came on air, I’m a fan. A lot of people don’t realize we were, like, five Brady laws away from losing our second amendment. And you stepped in. Unbelievable. Got a Supreme Court decision. Let’s talk about that. Let’s. Well, welcome to the show. I’m excited. Welcome to the show. Thanks, Kevin. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for having me.

It’s. It really is. No kidding. It’s an honor to be on with you. It. It’s amazing. My kids still wonder why anybody wants to listen to their dorky dad, you know? But I appreciate it. I’ve been. I’ve been some places where very, very, very few sheriffs have ever been. And all of that was by divine Providence. And I’ve always prayed that the Lord will use me as a tool however he chooses. And I hope I have the humility to accept the call as David did of old. I feel the same way. I feel so unworthy when I tell people God sent me and I’m flawed, I’m a sinner, I’m far from perfect.

But historically, he’s chosen the oddest of characters. I liked your hat. I thought you’d wear a hat today. I’m like, oh, we’re going to get along really, really good. We can talk a little bit about again, you have a constitution to call the cast. I wrote it down. Constitutional sheriffs and peace Officer association. Let’s talk about that. Yeah, I formed that in 2011, but I was actually doing the same thing ever since my Supreme Court victory or ever since I filed the decision, actually, in 1994. And even though it carries the name of the sheriff that filed second, I was the one that started this whole thing.

I was the primary litigant, and because I filed on February 28, 1994. He filed about three or four weeks later. And we’re very good friends. I loved Sheriff J. Prince from Revoli County, Montana. But his case was actually heard first because the. In Helena, Montana, where he went for the district court case, the calendar was much smaller in Tucson than his was. So I. He and I talked about it. I said, how did your name end up on the case? Because quite honestly, he and I were consolidated because we’re in the same circuit. We’re in the 9th Circuit together.

And we were. It was the Mack Prince case. And then we went to the Supreme Court, and all of a sudden it was prince. And so I asked Jay to always call it the Mack Prince case. And he said, yeah, fine. You know, so that’s what I call it. Both of us were at the Supreme Court together in December of 1996. And maybe people are wondering, why did sheriffs go to the United States Supreme Court? Well, folks, that is the $10,000 question here. Why did we? I never planned to do that. I didn’t run for sheriff wanting to sue the Clinton administration.

Okay, but glad you did. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I am too, now especially. But, folks, this was the first time in us history, two things. That sheriff sued the federal government and won a case at the United States Supreme Court. We beat the Clintons. And the miracle is we live to tell about it right now. Yeah. Now, folks, the other. The other first timer on this, the other miracle is that this is the first time in history where the federal government promulgated legislation that required the sheriffs of this country to enforce it for them for free and no negotiation, no contracts.

And I already had a contract with the federal government to take some of their inmates when they got overflow in the local prison in Safford, Arizona, where I was sheriff. And it had to be done by agreement and by contract. Yet they think that they could just come out with the Brady bill and say, well, we’re going to make the sheriffs do it. Why? Because we have supreme authority. Folks, let me. Let me dispel that stupidity right now. The supremacy clause, article six of the us constitution, does not grant carte blanche, supremacy to the federal government.

Let us remember history here. Who formed the federal government? The states did. We did. We formed the federal government with certain discreet, limited, enumerated powers. And the intent of the founding fathers was to make sure that there would be no repetition, no reoccurrences whatsoever of the abuses from King George III and the english parliament. That’s why they were so careful. That’s why they came up with the Bill of Rights a couple of years after the constitution originally was signed by the founders. Folks, this was an absolute miracle. And then the federal government has lied and stolen numerous powers that were never theirs.

And we, the people and the states have fallen asleep and allowed this to happen, and now we’ve got to take it back. And. And the organization that I formed, CSPOA, is constitutional sheriffs and Peace Officers association. And we have a branch of that organization that is for citizens. It’s called the CSPOA posse. And we need every single one of you to join it. Yes, there’s a. There’s a whopping fee of $11 a month. Right. But, folks, that’s how we stay funded and that’s how we bless each other. You help keep us funded, and we train you to be on our posse so that you can start a posse with your sheriff.

Or if he already has a posse, which some do, then you join his posse and you become part of the solution. Right, folks? If. If we, the people, are not involved in the holy cause of liberty and part of the solution, it will not remain peaceful and it probably will have zero chance of succeeding. It’s getting worse and worse every day. What are you guys going to wait, you know, what are you waiting for? I hear that all the time, you know. Yeah. All this is true, then what are they waiting for? You is the answer.

We’re only waiting for you. How much abuse are you going to take? Whether it’s property levels or. Again, let me pull up a screen share. Let’s talk about this a little bit, because this is some impressive stuff. I do have to say. Sheriff Mac, make sure that came up for you. Can you see that okay? Oh, yes. Okay. So, folks, it’s little. It’s. It’s a little booklet that makes it look big, but it fits in your shirt pocket. Yeah. And. But that is the name of it. And it costs $2. Okay. But you can get three for five and you can get six for ten and so on and so on.

And you should have these and you should be passing them around to local officials. Make sure your sheriff has one. Make sure your county commissioners. How about this one? Make sure your county attorney or local DA has one. And make sure they read it. It’s very short. It’s only 16 pages. You can read this in ten minutes. Right, but, folks, this is the most powerful 10th amendment decision in the history of America. And get this quote from the justice who wrote it, Justice Antonin Scalia. And he said this, and he’s quoting the New York Vus case of 1992, where the state of New York sued the federal government and told them, we’re not taking your nuclear waste.

The federal government tried to force New York to take federal nuclear waste and just store it in their state again for the federal government because we all have to bow down and kiss the federal ring whenever they say, folks, this is a joke. They’re not our boss. And in that decision they said, quote, we have held, however, that state legislatures are not subject to federal direction. If we’re not subject to federal direction, folks, they’re not our boss. But who is the supreme authority in your county when it comes to executor of the law? That’s your sheriff.

He is the only elected law enforcement officer anywhere in the country, and he reports directly to the power source. We the people, the first three words of the constitution, folks, we’ve got to be involved in this process. We’ve got to be involved in the solution. And we’re offering you an opportunity to join with us in this holy cause of liberty. And yes, I am asking each one of you to do just that. Go to and join the CSPOA posse right there on the front page. It will show you a link to join the posse. Do it for America, do it for your families, and let’s do it for each other.

Comes down to enforcement and prosecution. And this is the first step in that, which would be enforcement. And there’s the court case for anybody who wants to look that up. By the way, Mack Prince versus USA. This man won in the Supreme Court. Justice Scalia, like you said, with a pretty impressive decision, to say the least. But let’s get into this just a little bit. This has to do with the immediate press release that you gave again a while ago, but it’s to all sheriffs, attorney generals and governors. I’m running for governor of Vermont State. I’m also the reporting party for a Rico investigation against my sheriff in my attorney general.

Let me give a little background on this, folks. We just had an event a month ago in Orlando, Florida, and this is where this was born. So that we’re. That we’re actually not just meeting. Oh, hey, great, great speech, Kevin, you know, great speech. Pat, you on the back. And then we do nothing. This was a plan of action conference. This was to make sure that we left that meeting with a plan of action. And here is the plan of action. And you’ve, every one of you can print this off our website. And take it to your ag, take it to your governor, take it to your sheriff, take it to your county attorney.

And let me ask you one thing right now. Should we, the states, the counties that attorneys general, the governors of every state, should we not be investigating criminally the corrupt politicians in Washington DC and elsewhere, but mostly Washington DC, who have aided and abetted and in some cases wittingly caused illegal immigration? And look at the chaos and damage and destruction all of this open border crap has done to our country. Is it, is it clear to everyone that Washington DC is not going to correct itself and that this Justice Department and the FBI will not investigate its own federal government? Well, I think that’s very clear.

So where do we turn for a complete and thorough investigation on these crimes that have been committed against us, against all of us in America? This is complete lawlessness. It is in some cases, treason. And who should be investigating that when the federal authorities refuse? It’s us. And so, folks, we have initiated this press release. It’s more like a letter to all the AG’s and sheriffs and governors with a CC to all the media and folks, you can send it to any media you want, you can send it to any organization you want, but this thing is an absolute butt kicker.

And, and ask any, ask any sheriff, ask any county attorney, ask any ag in your states and in your counties why they would not investigate criminal activity by federal officials when the federal government refuses to do their own investigations. Ask them why we would not be the ones to pick up the mantle and run with that and make sure that these crimes do not go unchecked. Folks, what did they say to trump during all the times he was being charged and tried? They said, no one is above the law. We echo that and say these people are not above the law and they should be investigated.

And I invite any of you to read it. We can go through the whole thing if you want, Kevin, but we. I don’t think we. I don’t think we have to. Again, the citizens posse, I think I gave a pretty well, I think you did a good job. We’ll have again, links in the description for anybody who wants to get involved. I employ everybody to get involved. But some of the things we’re talking about, rampant crime right here in Vermont state, we experienced 166% increase in homicides. I can get into the violent crimes and all the other things.

It’s absolutely horrendous, right? We’ve got drug trafficking. We average an overdose a day in my little town of Bennington, just one little town, right? 25 to 35 a month. Pretty incredible. All sorts of crazy things, right? Human trafficking. Look at the human trafficking, just increasing. Look at the sexual exploitation of children, the crimes at the border, the murders that have happened inside America. Folks, you shouldn’t have to look at anything except maybe the videos of the venezuelan gangs that you think they walked here from Venezuela. They did not. Okay? They did not. And there’s international terrorists that have infiltrated America because of this.

And they’ve now set up shop. The cartels and latin american gangs and the terrorist groups from the Middle east have set up shop inside America because of Kamala Harris and Joseph Biden and the other politicians in Washington, DC. And what is their motive? To get tens of millions of voters, illegal voters from Latin America, to register to vote inside our country. And it is happening. And even Governor Newsom has said it’s a crime to ask somebody wanting to vote for their identification. Folks, that right there is an announcement that we are guaranteeing the perpetuity of cheating on our elections.

I think we’ve already got that. And that’s where my adventure started, right? I can prove 60% to 70% fraud. Trace it back at least to 1975. In 2020, Vermont had 102% turnout. But I think even more important when it comes to the borders and immigration, it’s not. It’s not even the jobs and the votes and the housing and the, you know, exploited resources and all that. It’s about their children. People should be paying attention. These unaccompanied minors and what happens to them. We’re watching more and more. And unfortunately, it’s not just the federal government. My experience, we can trace it down to the state and even local governments.

That’s true. It’s all connected through, you know, CPS, child protective services. We call them DCF here in Vermont, in your congressman, your local congressman, you know, from Epstein to the P diddler. I think this stuff is a hot topic right now. It’s coming out. And unfortunately, again, thank God for great sheriffs like Sheriff Mack, because a lot of our law enforcement, our judges, our prosecutors, the adoption agencies, the child advocacy centers, the people that were here to help us, it turns out, weren’t so great. Now, your, your original career started in Utah, right? Yeah, I did everything in law enforcement imaginable.

I was. I finished as a detective and I was a school resource officer and I handled. I actually became. Got a lot of expertise in the area of crimes against children. And so any child abuse case that was reported from twelve different schools for about four years, that I did this all came to me. They all went through me. And so, yeah, I have lots of stories that I do not talk about horrible cases of, of parents and relatives, of doing these horrible things to children. And I’m really glad that I got to protect some children and that’s where it’s at.

But I became very suspicious even back then. And this was back in the mid eighties and later eighties, starting about 84 of cps and how they were taking children out of homes. And then while I was sheriff, it happened. And then I live in Maricopa county now in Gilbert, Arizona. And two years ago they took my grandson away from my daughter and her husband, my son in law, who I get along great with. And it was such nonsense. And there was absolutely no reason. Do you know that CPS actually interviewed myself and my wife and then refused? And I told him, I said I was a detective that oversaw every child abuse case in the Provo police department.

And I even did training with, with teachers how to recognize it. They would not allow me and my wife to take my grandson. And there was absolutely no reason, you know what they said they were? The reason that they took him is because my daughter could note, could not prove to them that our grandson would be safe if he stayed in their home. Who could prove that? They could say that to anybody. Can you prove they could walk up to anybody on the street? Can you prove that your child is safe in your home? We won’t.

We don’t even need parental consent to vaccinate our children at school. They can teach them whatever they want and force inject. That’s why I said we’re at that level. Get your kids out of those schools. And ironically, it’s a new study. I don’t know if you’ve seen this, the World Population Review. It’s very complex to get a corruption study, but you see all these different studies. Where are they? Where they used? Right here, the center for Public Integrity. Right? We got the Coalition for Integrity, anti corruption measures against public officials. A whole bunch of different baramedics to look from.

But look at this. Look at, we, we beat you, sheriff. Vermont ranked number one in corruption in 2024, followed by a real close, you know, Utah and then Arizona. And a big shout out to Michelle Swinick because she’s our election integrity queen down there who’s wreaking havoc. You guys, again, all the people in Arizona that stand up for fair, free elections, good for you guys. You got robbed. But I thought this was interesting and get another connection for us. Well, I will tell you that we were lucky to get Mack, our little grandson back. Four and a half days later, and by the grace of God we got him back because we ran into a lot of people.

We actually called a law firm that handles cases like that and they said, we’re not even going to take your case. We won’t even discuss it with you. You got your child back and we’re dealing with hundreds of families that never saw their child again and for no reason. And this Gestapo organization that has no checks and balances on it whatsoever, they had no warrant, they had nothing. They got their own and they took, they took our grandchild. And my son in law actually did very well. He refused to talk to them. He would not be interviewed by them.

He, he remained silent. He. Fifth Amendment right. And lo and behold, it worked. And they got their child back. And, and I’ll tell you what, folks, be very careful reaching out to CPS for anything because they’ll come into your home and all of a sudden you’re going to be the guilty party, you’re going to be the suspect. Don’t let it in. They can do anything to you that they want. I can’t believe again, this was unanticipated. I didn’t expect this story out of you. And I, I appreciate you getting personal because I wish I could say it was only one story.

Right now we have about 800,000 missing kids every year in the United States alone, about 2.2 million worldwide. About 2400 kids every month disappear from state custody. Not just in Vermont. Nationwide, 2400 kids, their children, the children and their paperwork disappear. We should look into that. The same with the border crossings and all these different things. I want to talk about Vermont state a little bit. You want to look into some Vermont stuff with me, sheriff? I just want to show you some of the level and maybe we’ll get your opinion because everybody told me you got to tell your sheriff.

Right again. The charges listed on the statewide issue. Law enforcement Bolo. Be on the lookout for my sheriff and my high bailiff. We’re human trafficking, drug trafficking. Well, I would say this, the sheriffs of this country have got to wake up and make sure that they’re defending the citizens chiefs of police. Also you need to make sure that when your officers are there to keep the peace that you make sure that you’re not facilitating CPS taking a child without due process. And even, even if they do get some judge to sign off on it, you need to be watching this stuff because sometimes there’s not a legitimate complaint.

There’s not a legitimate charge. How do you take a child out of a home where there is no charges being leveled whatsoever against anyone? And that’s exactly what happened in our case. That’s what happens in Vermont, too. We have several cases where, again, it’s DCF here, the Department of Children and Families. They’re taking kids, keyword taking, with zero proof of abuse. It just happens. And this happens to hundreds of Vermonters. In fact, they say one in four families nationwide have been affected by CPS. They’ve been in your life. So you guys know exactly what we’re talking about.

Here’s an article about my sheriff. This is Chad Schmidt. We always call them the Bennington county sexting sheriff because he got caught doing some. This was actually a blackmail scheme. Vermont Dager, the newspaper that wrote this, they basically started the story and then they. They bribed Chad for, you know, $300,000. We won’t finish the story. Chad paid. We’re taking the media with him. But I just want to get into this because it’s. It’s in very intricate. It’s complex. You know what an EIN number is, Sheriff Mac employee identification number. There you go. For a lot of the viewers that don’t.

It’s a federal number. Right? Right. It’s individual number for taxing. It’s for the federal government. It shouldn’t match for any other reason. It’s got a unique number. So Kevin’s tree cutting service can’t match. Sheriff Max dog walking service. It’s just the way it is. Right. Especially if they’re different tax basis. So what we found here, and I’ll be honest with you, the CSPUA is not a 501 C three. We’re not a 501 C four. We don’t ask permission from the IR’s to exist. And we just. Soon we don’t deal with evil corrupt organizations in order to stay in business.

And the IR’s can shove it. I, you know, if I become governor impact, I plan on taking the position, you know, regardless. But I don’t plan on getting paid because I actually think it’d be executive order that fake corporate government. I don’t want to be a part of that, but let’s talk about that fake corporate government. So again, I am a reporting party for our multistate federal RICO investigation. RICO is short for racketeering. That would be tax invasion for the people trying to keep up. What we have here is you can’t see it all, but this is the Mount Anthony Preservation Society.

We know that as maps. Right. This is a nonprofit owned by Judge James Colvin. Just passed away a couple weeks ago. But Mister Calvin, if you look at the number here, 8060, and you come down here to the Vermont Sheriff’s association, well, it’s got a matching ein with the judge, the, the Vermont Sheriff’s association. I’ve been saying for years, everybody in Vermont state doesn’t matter what county. You know, we got 14 counties. You got a sheriff, you should ask them why their number matches the judges. This is an illegal business front for money laundering and embezzlement.

And it gets deeper. I want to, again, I’ll, I’ll roll through some stuff and then we can talk about it, Sheriff Mackinna, but here we go. It’s actually the Gary Forest Sheriff’s association. Gary Forest was the sheriff before Chad Schmidt. He’s the one that started. Chad Schmidt was the treasurer. So again, it affects every, oh, they misspelled sheriff every county. The second sheriff, that’s hilarious. He has a, spelled correctly up in the first. I didn’t even catch. I blame the education system myself. Right here. Here we go. Make this up. So again, the Vermont sheriff’s association itself is an illegal business firm.

They’re still using this today. This was another local sheriff, Roger Marco, in northern Vermont. I’ve been trying to find these people. He’s not at his desk. None of these sheriffs seem to be there. There’s a piece of paper covering his, his name tag. One of the sad things is we’ve never been, we’ve never come to Vermont to do one of our constitution. I want to talk about this constitutional training. We need to get there, man. Do we need it. And again, this is interesting, too, because it’s a, it’s a letter that goes out for the Vermont Sheriff’s association.

And the old saying again, being very real, is, you’re going to sell me a sticker and it might get me out of a police ticket. Right? I’m speeding a little bit. It’s nice to have a sheriff’s bumper sticker. I support you guys. Let me go this time. This letter was sent out in Lemoyle county, but not to everyone, just to the elderly, right? You had to be over 65. And I’ll remind everybody it’s the sheriff’s association, which you know now is an illegal business for. That’s incredible to me. We have the project against violent encounters. This is another great, great program.

It helps battered women. Again, great program. Illegal matching. EIN number. I underlined the wrong one there. Oh, there it is eight three. So we have the Bennington county court diversion. You guys don’t think the courts weren’t involved, right? The Bennington County Child Care association is where it really, really gets interesting because not only has there it is sunrise daycare resources. What? We know it in Bennington. This is a matching Ein. It’s a child advocacy center run by the Vermont Department of Children and Families. Right? So on top of that, everybody’s seen this disclosure with the FBI.

This is not Kevin Hoyt or Sheriff Mac. This is an FBI disclosure that talks about pedophile symbols. Right? So here is sunrise Resource center with that FBI symbol. Again, a child advocacy center that’s run by the Vermont Department of Children Families. It’s got a matching ein with my judge and what the FBI calls a pedophile symbol. Is there enough to. Look, I’ve been screaming from the rooftops. In fact, they got me a couple illegal court orders and a warrant and everything else. But this woman, Cindy two Meyer. Very, very interesting. There’s her phone number if anybody wants to call her.

She runs the. The money for not only sunrise, but also for pave the project against violent encounters. Again, turning point. Lots of people heard of that one. And here in Bennington, it’s called the Bennington Regional Alcoholics Anonymous association. This is the Bennington Childcare association. If you see association or trust, like the Vermont Land Trust, don’t trust it. You guys should be looking into this stuff. So again, here is the donors, again, great big huge symbol over here. And we’ve got, you know, here’s a. This guy ran against me for governor. Patrick Winburn. He’s a local attorney.

Pretty big wig. Mary Welford. She’s an attorney. She’s also a guardian ad litem and children’s thing, parent child daycare center. We’ve got Judge Mook and his wife Ann. Got Judge James Colvin, just passed away again. His wife Lodi. Judge Judith Cohen or Judge Howard Cohen, all these different judges, they all sit on the seats, right? Peter Lawrence? Right? Pretty incredible things. Again, just connecting all these people with what I presume, and I’m alleging, is child trafficking. Here we go, at the same child resource center owned by the state with a matching ein and a pedophile symbol.

They covered up sexual misconduct with children. Now, whose day? That would be my town lawyer and at the time, my chief of police. So my chief of police retired under controversy. His name was Rick Gothier. And then Rick went on to run the Vermont police Academy for the next 20 years. That’s where they did their recruitment and retention. And Rob Wilmington, who was the lawyer back then, again, he gave it to his business partner, that job. So Merrill Bent, this is human trafficking ring number two, a little farther north that we found, by the way. So his business partner, Merrill Bett, runs the town now.

She’s in charge. And then Rob Wilmington went on to run Vermont Digger, which is the largest media publication in the state. They own the media, they own the courts. They go on. Again, Merrill Bent, also a huge prosecutor, right? So they decide who gets to see and which cases they want to go through. This is where it gets interesting, too. A couple of those lawyers that we just mentioned, the Samuel H. Blackmer Law Library, this doesn’t really exist, but if you look at public records, this is 507 Main street and 500 Main. 507 Main street, if you look at it, is the headquarters for bar, Sternberg and Moss, which is probably one of the most, you know, dominating, best lawyers in the state, right? If you look also rob Wilmington, that guy we just talked about, he set up the eins with Judge James Kalvin as lawyer in Bankton.

He covered up the sexual misconduct at sunrise daycare back in 86. And the last time we knew, before he retired, each retired move is what they’re telling us now. But his last location to work was the Samuel H. Blackmore Law Library. If you go all the way across town on the other end of Bennington, again, if you look at Judge Jonathan Cohen, his office is also the Samuel H. Blackmore law library. Or Judge Wesley Mook. Or judge, you know, it’s. It’s everybody. Judge James Colvin, again, all of his properties, Samuel H. Blackmore Law Library. So not only illegal business fronts, but I think embezzlement and tax fraud.

You were totally right when you said it’s not just Washington DC corruption, because the legs just keep going all over the country. But I will tell you, there’s no place more corrupt than Washington DC. If the good Lord doesn’t strike Washington DC down, he owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology. We just had a trial. I’m sorry. Look at the spending alone. Look at Washington DC. Look at Congress, look at the White House. They continue to brainwash all of us. That it doesn’t matter, that they spend money we do not have. And folks, you want me to tell you about a complete waste of money? Your income tax, your federal income tax, goes nowhere.

It goes to pay the interest on the horrendous debt that these crooks have caused. Then they’re going to come and arrest you. If you don’t continue to pay that, which is extortion. If you don’t pay the extortion, they’re going to come and get you. When at the same time, they’re doing this criminal spending, unlawful, unconstitutional, unconscionable spending of our money, and your income tax goes to nothing. And with all that corrupt spending, they force every christian in this country and all of us to fund a private organization that kills unborn babies and sometimes kills them while they’re being born, which is called partial birth abortion, which started under the Clinton administration.

And now we even have a former governor of Virginia, while he was governor, saying that it was okay to kill the baby if it survived an abortion attempt. Folks, this is as heinous and as debauched as it could possibly be, demonic and evil as it could possibly get, talking about authorized and legalized, murderous. And in a country that’s supposed to be dedicated to protecting life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and we destroy all three, but especially protecting life. When did you think we were supposed to protect life? I mean, yes, I’m glad that we protect life after we’re born, but it’s.

But at its most precious and vulnerable stage and innocent stage, we say it’s okay to kill that heart beating in that beautiful child. This is the extremes. Again, we have a rhino republican governor here now, Phil Scott, who’s on team Biden. He’s on. Biden’s bipartisan. He’s the only republican governor that stood against Texas. We stand with Ukraine instead. Right. And again, he’s part of, you know, the Chinese Communist Party. We have multiple, multiple videos and evidence of him meeting with Juan Ping is the consult general for the CCP that met with him. My lieutenant governor and my secretary of state.

Right. That should be interesting to everybody out there. We declared our enemy, by the way. Now, for years and years, it was a, you know, CCP infiltration conspiracy theory. But remember when we shot down that chinese spy balloon? That’s an act of war. We declared our enemy from weaponized food to poison medicine to election fraud to the CCP. So I think Pocahontas and her sister city over there and the Biden laptop connected to China and Juan Payne connected to my governor and your governor and all the other governors, we declared our enemy. And it’s us which is the big pill.

Not you, not the american people, but our leaders, our corrupt leaders. Some of the stuff I showed you, some of the american people are in that, too, so. Well, and some of them are, too. And I’ve said that, too. It’s not just the elected and appointed officials, it’s people you go to church with. They live two farms down. And I mean, it sounds so crazy to say they eat children, but that’s what they do. Some of these things we’re talking about, whether it’s cannibalism or adrenochrome or child sacrifice or some of the things we’re talking. Kathy O’Brien, the MK ultra mind control stuff, this is all very real.

Senator Patrick Leahy, Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy, all you guys know him from the Trump impeachment. Again, Kathy O’Brien gave congressional testimony that he raped her daughter. Who among us is pro rape? We were talking about infant side. We just passed that. I wanted to know who among us is pro full term infant side that’s pro term. We just became a child sex change sanctuary state. Like if you, again, it’s a, it’s a medical, right. So now we can mutilate your child. There’s no age limit, by the way. And if you’re from, let’s say, New York, where my legislators say you have bad legislation, no problem.

Bring your kid to Vermont and our taxpayers will pay for that. Right? And if there’s a fight. Yeah, now they’re doing it for inmates, people who have committed crime and they’re in prison. And now the taxpayers of America have to pay for their sex change operation. The girls unit. I can see this. I know. And then they let them. And we end up with pregnant inmates. And like we said at the beginning, it gets more insane every day. And we never thought we’d be seeing, this is so outrageous. I gotta tell you, too, the sex change stuff, if there’s, let’s say, a conflict in New York state, you know, I’m going to use them.

But I say dad’s not for it and mom’s for it. There’s no need to fight, just the parent that wants it. Come on over to Vermont. And here’s where it gets really, really interesting. If both parents disagree, eight year old Timmy, all he has to do is run away and come to Vermont and find law enforcement or a medical, and we’re going to sexually mutilate your child. And we’re promising not to give them back to the state or the parents of parents. Are you listening to this stuff? Right? It’s just like the schools indoctrination centers. Get your kids out of those schools.

Right? If you call that education, it’s a question for everybody, too. We joked about education, but, man, it’s no joke. And that in Vermont, 85% of your taxes goes to that racket because they’re stealing your money there, too. But do you send your kids to school for, you know, a jump on life to get a head start? Or is it a daycare service? And I know the answer, because we’re all slaving, struggling, running three jobs, because they only give you 30 weeks, no benefit. But let me bring that. Let me bring that back, everything you’re saying, let me bring all of that back to the sheriff, folks, when Thomas Jefferson said, when all government shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided, in other words, the constitution, and become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.

He’s now referring to the revolutionary war, that we separated from this evil government. And now, folks, we’ve come full circle, and even a lot worse than any of the founding fathers ever dreamed. What happened to America? And they would be turning over in their graves. Of course they are. That we are now this ridiculously far. And now we’re embracing the very communistic ideals that our government was established to prevent. And how many wars did we fight to keep America away from communism? And now we’re embracing the very ideals that, and I hate to call them ideals, the very debauched ideas of the communist manifesto.

We’re now embracing those from within our own political structure. Folks, to whom can the people turn in every county in this country? To whom can the people turn for peace, safety and liberty? And if that’s not your sheriff, then the position does not exist. Well, this is. There is no position where people can turn for peace, safety and protection. And yes, you’ve got to be standing with your sheriff, and you’ve got to help get your sheriff educated. None of this can happen in ignorance. What did Jefferson warn us about? Ignorance? He said, if you expect to be ignorant and free, you expect what never was and what never will be.

Folks, we can’t be saved in ignorance. We can’t save our country if we’re all ignorant. And we’re falling for all this brainwashing crap coming out of both mainstream parties. Now, do I agree that the Republican Party is a little bit better than the Democrat party? Of course I do. But, folks, they’re both part of this. They’re both part of the same. It’s just different wings of the same, the same birdhouse baffle. And it’s a baffle. And you want me to tell you an example of that? How about when Trump was in and Congress the House of Representatives, the Senate, he and the White House were all republican.

Did they still fund Planned Parenthood? I know. Yes, they did. And did they still raise the national debt? Yes, they did. And did they still get us with wars? Yes, they did. Right now, was it less? Yeah, I guess so. But, folks, this all star wrestling match between the Republicans and Democrats is part of the problem. And George Washington warned us that a two party system would be the bane of american liberty. And it certainly has come to that. One other quick quote from Scalia in this decision, folks. He quotes the federalist papers. Scalia, in his introduction said that he would take us through a history lesson.

That’s why this case is so damn powerful. Folks, you’ve got to get this. Hand these out. This is great ammunition to hand to local officials so that you can prove to them that the federal government is not our boss and that states are autonomous and sovereign and that we the people are the ultimate power. And the ultimate power of your protector is called the conservator of the peace, and that’s your sheriff. And so, folks, let’s get busy and let’s do this because we can and we better. I was going to say my. It gives me a chance to brag.

Actually, you’re talking about, you know, the. My five. Go ahead, speaker one. I forgot to, I forgot to do. Oh, you didn’t get to it. This is the quote. He quotes the federalist papers and it’s federalist 51, quote. Hence, a double security arises to the rights of the people. The different governments will control each other at the same time that each will be controlled by itself. Folks, it’s your local government’s job to protect you from tyranny, abuse and oppression. How could any sheriff swear an oath of allegiance to the constitution, which he is required to do by law, by the supreme law, article six of the US constitution.

We all have to swear an oath of allegiance to the constitution. Which presupposes what? That we know it, that we understand it, and that we enforce it and we live it. Folks. The different governments will control each other. It’s our job. It’s what we swore to do. And your sheriff’s sitting back and saying, oh, I don’t have the authority to go against the federal government. You have a promise that you made to the people in your county that you would uphold and defend and preserve the US Constitution and thereby what? Protect the civil rights of all Americans within your county.

And now look at what’s going on. And now we have to play catch up. And sheriff it’s your job to get moving and work with your people in every state, that’s for sure. And again, what we found out here, at least in Vermont state, is the people have nowhere to go. Right? Again, all we have is each other. But I think that’s how we are going to be. Okay. One of my, again, she comes out and does a few show. Her name is. I still believe that there’s a. There’s a few good sheriffs, most of the states.

I hope so, too. And again, I know, even if they’re part of the sheriff’s association, I bet they didn’t know it. A lot of them didn’t know it. I know there’s a lot of great deputies because I’m friends with a lot of them. But we’re looking for that second tier. The first tier. Your government had one job. Everybody watching, they had one job that was to protect you. Do you feel protected? Do you feel represented? I’m going to give you these stories, but again, one of my, again, content providers t asked a question for you, and that is how do we get you to come to Vermont? And that our sheriffs, or how do sheriffs.

In other words, again, that top tier failed us. The second tier. All you sheriffs out there, law enforcement, doctors, that second tier of management, we’re counting on you. A lot of you already failed us. How do they get involved with constitutional shares? Well, it’s actually a process that all of you need to be a part of, people. If I invite them to come to an event that you are helping to plan, and all of you people are helping to plan, and none of his constituents invite him to come, he’s probably not going to come. Gotcha. I would also like to contact, uh, sheriffs and say, can we get all the sheriffs together in Vermont in one place, maybe the capital, maybe some other place and use training? There’s only 14 in my whole state, man.

Yeah, there’s only four. Yeah, we only have 15 in Arizona. So let’s get together and let’s go over this trading. And how many of you would like to see the only time in us history, in 245 years that sheriff sued the federal government and won a case to protect the office of sheriff? Wouldn’t you like to know what that is? Would you like to know about it? Where are you? How could you possibly ignore a supreme court case won by sheriffs? To protect sheriffs, you guys, right? And to defend the constitution. Where are my countrymen? This is where we can join that.

Exactly that you’re talking about we are the pressure we actually have. They work for us like, just like you. That’s right. Right. So by applying that pressure, go see your sheriff, call your sheriff, write your sheriff, let them know that this is a good idea. And we love our sheriffs. I back the blue. I want to be perfectly clear with everybody else. I would not defund the police. I believe in peace officers. No, I give them more money because I believe in better training and equipment. And I want safer streets. The opposite of what we’re getting right now.

Right. You guys are all seeing it. It’s Vermont used to be so safe. We’re not safe anymore. I wanted to take the chance to brag because my five times great grandfather Harry was the first free Hoyt. Him and his father David fought against England. Right. For the rights over my. Well, I have to tell you that one of the sheriffs that joined me in the lawsuit was from Vermont. But that was back in 19 94 95 in Orange County. Sheriff Sam Frankenhein man, that’s a great shout out. Sheriff Frank. Yeah, he’s not sheriff anymore. No, I want to, I’m looking for one politician.

I’m looking for one, you know, again, I, as a candidate for Vermont state governor, they cut my brake lines in April of 2022 trying to kill me. They just force injected me. And July 4, what a great day to go to jail, right? Bunch of things going on here. I’ve called the attorney general, it’s the highest up the food chain that you get, you know, I don’t know, 25 times and I can’t even get a call back. These people seem to be disappearing over here in Vermont state. I have no explanation for it. Again, if you want to hear my theory, I think there’s two arresting agencies right now.

I think there’s some stuff going on is what I think happening. That’s not Joe on tv if you ask me. Right. So who is it and who is he playing for? What happened to the real Joe? Right. But the same thing is happening in Vermont. So we’ve removed 150 elected officials in the last two years and nobody knows about it. They resigned, retired, moved, you know, just plain missing. We’ve arrested a couple, but not what they’re telling you for. I think there’s bigger things in play. But I’m just a deer hunter. So again, I have no confirmation.

Just a lot of intuition and really, you know, some cool friends here too. But is it true the sheriff, a sheriff can deputize anybody, is that correct? No, no. Okay. He can, he can, he can call out or deputize or call out everyone in his county to be posses, but people outside his county, no. Okay. It’s got to be in your county and in your state, so gotta be in his county for your county. A sheriff can deputize anyone or everyone. That’s probably not a good idea, but let me tell you a story about that. So during COVID a sheriff in Tampa, Florida, arrested Pastor Rodney Howard Brown just for having church.

Just for conducting church services within the United States of America, where we’re based on freedom of religion. The corn shop, the number one right listed in the bill of rights. Yes, sir. Yeah. Okay. However, that was Sheriff Chronister. He arrested him, charged him with two misdemeanors, and called a press conference to brag about it. Astonishing. Absolutely unbelievable. Then in New Mexico, Pastor Caleb Cooper went to his Sheriff, Sheriff Glenn Hamilton, and said, sheriff, I am not going to close my church. Not one single Sunday won’t happen because I’ll tell you why. The government does not run my church.

Jesus Christ runs our church, and that’s how it’s going to stay. And I want to ask you, sheriff, what will you do to protect me and my congregation while we’re trying to stay open and worship the lord as we choose? And Sheriff Glenn Hamilton told him, if it takes me having to go to jail myself, then so be it. Because I will do everything in my power to protect you and your congregation. So the state police came to shut them down. Sheriff Hamilton told them, I have deputized every single person inside that church. They are under my authority and they will stay open.

And guess what? The state police left and pastor Caleb Cooper never shut down one single minute, not one single day. That’s an awesome story. I wish we had those. Well, that’s the whole point here, sheriff. Sheriff Hamilton came to our training in 2017. Sheriff Hamilton was dedicated to his oath and to his office. Sheriff Hamilton was dedicated to America and the principles upon which our country was founded. Can any sheriff do that? Yes. Even Sheriff Jeff Allen in Bernalillo county, which is Albuquerque, stood against his governor, Governor Grisham, when she declared the second amendment null and void in the county, or this and the city limits of Albuquerque.

And the sheriff, a Democrat, stood against the Democrat governor and said, we will not enforce this because it’s unconstitutional and we’re not going to enforce unconstitutional laws, folks. Those are constitutional sheriffs. And let me ask you first, let me ask the sheriffs of America, which sheriff are you? Are you the sheriff who would arrest a pastor? Or are you, a sheriff that would defend a pastor in his constitutional God given right. The other one, folks, I want to ask you, which sheriff do you want in your county? Then join with us and help us do this bigger, better and faster.

And I’ll tell you right now, we need funding and we need all of you part of this, and we can’t do it without you. And we’ve been doing this now for almost 1415 years. And every bit of this money goes right back into the movement. And sometimes my retirement funded this same. Now, that’s right. Most of the people doing this, you know, alternative news there, you know, we’re living in airstream trailers and thawing out pipes with hairdryers and starving, and nobody’s getting paid. We had to find alternative ways to figure this out. We’re doing it because it’s the right thing to do and it’s so much bigger than politics.

That’s exactly correct, folks. And did the revolutionary war happen without funding? Right? No. And Washington, Washington, over and over, was so ticked off at Congress for not sending more supplies and finances to this ragtag army that he had. And, folks, he absolutely ripped people for not funding his mental. And if they weren’t dying of dysentery, they were deserting, and it was almost impossible. And so they did the impossible. They marched into Trenton and bid it on Christmas night so that they could go in and capture the Hessians that were the mercenaries from Germany. And it was an absolute miraculous victory, victory for the continental army and these ragtag, poorly equipped and very sick soldiers from the United States.

And Washington’s leadership and his trust in the Lord saved the revolution time and time again. And if they had lost at Trenton, the war would have been over. And Washington had the guts and the leadership to get his men back up, even though some of them had no boots and they were walking in ice, and they saw the blood prints from the feet of these men in the snow. And, folks, this is the type of courage that we need to garner today. And I’m asking each of you to reach down and be a part of this movement.

It’s as important today as it was in 1776. And if you could, you know, I know we’re close to being at the end here, and I do got to go. But let me end with this, the last line of the Declaration of Independence. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. We must do likewise today, my friends, if we are going to be victorious. We must do likewise. And folks, let me tell you right now, the peaceful and effective solutions that we have left, you can count on two fingers, and one of them is that the good Lord will intervene on our behalf.

I just don’t think he’s going to do, I don’t think he’s going to do that until we repent of, and we haven’t repented yet. Don’t you think? I mean, I think God is here. Jesus is here and walks among us and he’s, he acts through us. I surrendered a long time ago. It’s no fun. Warrants and break lines and all the stuff that we all go through and nobody’s having a good time right now. But I think that’s part of the plan. His plan. I’m counting his plan here. If we were comfortable, we’d never move. I don’t think too many people are comfortable.

And it’s not going to get better until you, you, you, everybody watching gets off your butt and participates. I hope you’re not missing this, actually, this is a remarkable, unbelievable time in history. It’s unprecedented. I can’t tell you what’s going to happen. Sheriff Mac. Nobody can because we’ve never been here before, but I love to. We’ve never been here by making. It is really, really cool. And I’m going to have to go talk to my sheriff now in my county. Cause I can only imagine. Deputy kevin I’ll arrest my whole town tomorrow. Like, I will. So we’re going to have that let’s make this vermont sheriff meeting happen.

I’ll be there. Love that. I would love to do that. I’ll hold you to that. But let’s see if we can put that together because I do believe there’s a couple guys out there. The new sheriff in my county actually met with me as the first guy to call me back. I shook his hand. Seemed like an honorable guy to me. In fact, he said he’s going to try to look into some things. So we’ll see. We’ll see if we can get him to look into this too. Everybody else, we appreciate you watching. Remember to get in.

Your sword is your voice. So click the rumble button. Share this talk about constitutional sheriffs and Peacekeepers association. The links are in the peace officers. Peace officers. Thank you very much. The Constitutional sheriffs and Peace Officers Association. I love it. And the citizen posse. Be part of the posse. The whole house of cards is falling. Come help us push. Thanks, Gareth. Mackenzie. Thank you so much. Kevin. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, and may God bless us.



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