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So you get their take of what it’s like to be on the ice and playing with against teams and hall of famers. Then the other one is for today, where we’re going to have some, I believe, incredible comms, which are being dropped by the White Hats. Now we’ve seen, I grew up grade six, right? Many of you in the audience have been with me for a few years, you already know the story. Like by the age of grade six, I’d read all the Hardy Boys books and Nancy Drew books. So I switched to Red Cell, Rogue Warriors, you know, Dick Marchenko, who founded SEAL Team Six Development Group, and Tom Clancy.
And one of those first books by Tom is great. He read with some of all fears. Now you have the parallels of people, you know, Ben Affleck, Morgan Freeman, Ben Affleck playing Jack Ryan, oh my gosh, all this Super Bowl. And then we saw with Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight, where, oh my gosh, president is attending a football game, because obviously they don’t call it the National Football League in Gotham City in that. And Bain sits there and backs off a, well, he takes out the field, right? It’s not an atomic or something nuclear, but then takes over the city.
So all this is coming back. We also saw the Delta for today, a Q Delta, is that Q goes active again. Now, by the time that I’m posting this, I haven’t seen Q go active yet, but that remains to be seen. A few interesting things, which have come up. Last night, when you asked Grok on X, who won the Super Bowl tomorrow? They say, well, Kansas City Chiefs won. They beat the Eagles. 35-37. Let me just verify that one more time again, as I’m staring at you all here on the screen and telling you exactly what they said.
It was 35-38. 35-38. So what did you see with the helicopter? Unfortunately, it looked like that was remote controlled over the Potomac into that civilian airliner. Unfortunately, it does look like a lot of lives are taken through our children on that. And the missile that was shot into the district neighborhood of Philadelphia. People forget that we’re at a war. It’s a spiritual war first, and everything else after that. And there are still some very bad fears on the board to be removed. And that’s part of us as mankind of our sole contract being here at this time, literally going, what side am I going to play on? Am I going to be on the right side or the dark side? For example, after a half a decade, and it’s unfortunate to see this, in Toronto, there was an Ottawa, Vancouver, I believe it was, between the NBA games just recently, the Raptors, in Toronto, NBA, and then the NHL a week or two ago, where you have Canadians that are booing the American anthem.
The MK Ultra and the Stockholm Syndrome is still rampant upon people. And while I think it personally, it’s absolutely disgusting, that show of behavior, yet it’s also a marker to show us how many people are co-opted. Remember, they took the multiple jabs. They are hooked up to the internet of things. You have massive rates of vagranitis, pericarditis, brain cancer, turbo cancers, aneurysms, and everything like that. Then you also have the voice to skull technology. Then you also have the opinion that’s been swayed on them, DI euthanasia, right? So you look around, and what you’re seeing is, remember, people went and learned history of Nazi Germany or Stalin and Mao, and like, how could people do that? How could there be the killing fields of Cambodia? How could they do that? How could they allow it? You’re seeing that still today, alive in certain pockets of civilization across the world, including Toronto, Vancouver, in Washington state, etc.
Because they’re so whipped up into a froth. Now, they also aren’t showing you the Canadians who went absolutely no, and they put their hand over their heart, and they sang the American anthem, and wait until they finally get shown that, hey, you’re all Americans, and you know, like, why aren’t you all getting along over this? But people didn’t stand up for a 23% carbon tax, 63% of them were reported that, hey, if you’re not wearing a mask, you’re not doing it for grandma, we’re just going to call the local law enforcement on you and report you, right, and get paid for that, or get some type of spiff, all from the same playbook.
Now what we have with the Super Bowl, we have President Trump attending for the first time in any of his presidencies, live the Super Bowl. And we have Elon Musk declaring that there’s about $40 million in advertising he’s paid, what else is going to be shown? So yeah, I’m totally in that FOMO type of, I’m excited to watch what is said from a calm standpoint, because it’s 100% rigged, it’s been rigged for a long time. And even before that, I just wasn’t somebody to go, yeah, I can’t wait to sit there and watch basketball on TV or NFL or whatever.
Like, it just wasn’t me. Anyway, and for some people it is, it’s totally cool. For other people, I’m like, I don’t mind putting on a snow cross every now and then watching snowmobiles fly through the air and, you know, the guys are doing some flips, right? And they might go, Brad, we’re not going to do that either. But just is what it is, right? So Blingwood and I are going to hitch our ride to a cool little place and head over there and see what gets said online and on the screen.
And I say, stay frosty. And by the way, there was a poll which was taken. And I think this is pretty awesome on X to this point. And Bishop Jim, thanks. He sent this over just before I came on. Two things actually, sorry, Jennifer, Grandma, Jen sent this and then Bishop Jim sent something else. I’ll show it to all of you for good laughs. Who fans are rooting for in the Super Bowl? Chiefs, barely any. Eagles, barely any. The Doge commercials, like 98 percent, right? Yeah. And what a great way as well to wake up people with this Super Bowl, right? There’s the most watched sporting event in the United States.
So if you want to wake up in Americans, we’ll just leave it off with a funny meme, right? And we’ll get it going. Bishop Jim just sent this over on our group text. And he said, you know, this is going to be great. Texting for seniors, BFF equals best friend. I’ll try and say all these at the straight base. BTW, instead of, by the way, bring the wheelchair. TTYL, talk to you louder. BYOT, bring your own teeth. LMDO, that’s new for me. Laughing my dentures out. Instead of for what it’s worth, forgot where I was.
IMHAO is my hearing aid on OMMR on my massage recliner and rolling on the floor. ACG, rolling on the floor, laughing and can’t get up. So leaving it there with some humor, right? And obviously on the thumbnail, the big balls humor as well. It’s time to really kind of relax and receive this. Honey and I had shared with all of you, if you’ve watched on our ascension series. Thanks for every bunch as well on the live stream yesterday for those who were watching and attending. You know, we’ve messaged live stream several times.
Doesn’t happen on Zoom. Royal Studios, just not there. Cloud Hub is totally fine as well. So there’s some problem with StreamYard. We’re asking them to really work it out for us. Otherwise, instead of live streams, then we’ll have to go to another platform. If you do know another platform, which is great for live streaming, please let us know. Put us in the comments in the chat and have a good one. We’ll see you all later and stay frosty. Still stay vigilant out there. You know, don’t let your guard down yet. But keep your vibe high because we’re pretty much there.
Pretty much there. See everybody later. Bye-bye. [tr:trw].