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He’s from the center for Security Policy and he’s going to come and talk about his new book called Big how the CIA and the FBI Went From Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains. And we’re going to dive into all of it. How the CIA I, you know, I question him on a lot of things and he actually is really good. I like it when I have good people that are not afraid to take on questions from all different angles. We’re going to talk about where some of these ideas originated back as far as the early 1900s and the Frankfurt School.
And how the infiltration into our country has been on purpose by people wanting to take down this country and what it’s all about. Take down western values. I raise questions about the Epstein files and the blackmail. And I raise questions about Burisma and Ukraine. We talk about all of it and we also talk about how they took it too far with some of these tactics, especially with the transgender movement and how the people it just, they just took it too far and how that is backfiring on them and what he sees as the biggest threats in this country and where he sees the country going.
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It is really the best thing I’ve ever taken to get that weight off and get it off effectively. But Remember, when you buy, use coupon code Sarah to save 10%. Okay, let’s get into my interview with Dr. J. Michael Waller. Hi, Mike. Welcome to the program. Hi, Sarah. You have an interesting background. You were an operative for the CIA, and you just wrote a book about how the CIA and the FBI has gone off the rails. Can you talk about what your background is before we dive into this? Sure. It’s kind of unusual because I was not a CIA employee.
I was not trained by the CIA, so I didn’t go to the Farm. I was an off the books CIA asset for Director Bill Casey. And I did it when I was a kid, when I was still in college. And that was at a time in Reagan’s first administration rolling back the Soviets. Casey was rebuilding what he understood when he was in the OSS, our Secret Service, during World War II, which is to recruit an army of amateurs who don’t know what they’re not allowed to think. Oh, yeah. Yep. And then that’s actually a philosophy that when I was young, they did.
They recruited me in the telecom back then, and they wanted people who were really smart and had the potential of being innovative, but could make those leaps. Same thing. Yeah. Right. So it was similar. So I did work in Central America, which I didn’t understand was worse for the CIA at the time, and. And then did later work infiltrating Soviet front organizations and disrupting them. Wow. Toward the end of the Cold War, back In your early 20s, you did that? Yeah. Wow. Okay. And then did you end up working for the FBI as well? No, but I had worked with them on several counterintelligence cases over the years, and I happened to.
I knew a lot of people in the FBI, one of whom was a senior FBI counterintelligence officer who was Robert Hanson, the Russian spy, the KGB agent, who the FBI man who had defected in place to the Soviet KGB did a colossal amount of damage to our country. But I had information that Hansen had provided me. I was a journalist at the time, but I never revealed it to anybody. So I went to the FBI and told them the nature of what I had, and they were not interested in following up on most of it. Oh, that’s too bad.
So what is your role now? What do you do now? So I’m at the center for Security Policy now and have been for many years. It’s a small, privately funded organization in Washington, and we deal with various national security and defense foreign policy areas, law enforcement issues. And so what I do now is sort of the unorthodox area of intelligence, counterintelligence, political warfare, psychological warfare, and other unconventional means of conflict. Well, and that’s what we’re going through right now. Everything’s fifth generation warfare. We’ve kind of moved into a whole nother ballpark of what war is. Yeah, yeah.
It’s pretty obvious right now that we’re doing dealing with this. Now you have been blowing the whistle. I don’t know if blowing the whistle is the right word, but maybe that our intelligence agencies have been corrupted from within and they’re no longer representing, if they ever did. Maybe they did as you. As people say, representing what the United States needs, but they’re representing a different agenda. Yeah, that was a hard part of writing Big intel and researching it, because I was aware of these problems. It was, it was multiple problems. There was a. There was a marked decrease in professionalism and strategic depth in many elements of the FBI and CIA.
Still a lot of good stuff and a lot of good people. But this decline, you could see it happen over the years. There was a rise in careerism where many of the people inside had lost their sense of mission. Many never had it in the first place. It was all. And then what made it worse was politicization and not merely favoring one political party over the other, which is bad enough. They should be impartial, they should be professional. That’s right. But. But the ideological part of it, where they. They embraced critical theory and critical race theory and wokeness, that completely destroyed the.
The intellectual discipline and the professional behavior of both organizations. Well, and let’s look at that a little bit. One thing I’d like to point at as a perfect example of merit is the orchestra. They used to claim that, you know, there was more white guys in the orchestra. Right. And they would claim that they were being as unbiased and fair as possible. And so what they did is they put, back in the 80s, they created a green screen or a black screen and put everybody behind the black screen. And. And then magically, the percentage of people who tried out, it balanced out, especially between male and female.
Then what happened in the last decade, they realized they weren’t getting enough minorities into the orchestra, and they started lobbying to get rid of that process. And they wanted to place. Force the orchestras to place more minorities. And the real problem was the minorities weren’t getting the training when they were young. They weren’t getting the investment. And so then they weren’t ready, you know, at that level. So what we saw was this really good push for merit to deal with the inequalities that really did exist. Right. I mean, and they still do it to a certain level.
And then it went too far and it ended up being the opposite of what the intention was by trying to remove it then. Is that essentially kind of the pattern that you saw in the intelligence agencies? It’s similar, but it was also ideologically motivated for. So you go in for well meaning reasons that don’t have an ideological motive. It’s more of a social motive or whatever. But let’s make it look more like America. Well, no, these are the people who gather secrets around the world. It’s not just entertainment, like an orchestra. It’s not just an art form.
This is people who, it’s more serious. We trust them to steal secrets from other countries that mean us harm. To, to detect whatever we can from terrorist organizations, detect terror networks, fight spies, fight crime. So it’s not a joking matter to say, well, let’s make it look more like America, because that’s not how the world works. You want the best of the best, and you’re going to need people from, you know, every walk of life, depending on what the task is. So if you’re doing inner cities, you don’t want some white guy working with the locals.
You need someone from that area who, who, who people are comfortable talking with. This is not what happened to the FBI. What happened to the FBI was an imposition of a militant ideology, critical race theory, critical gender theory, to politicize everything, to, to, to pull the FBI from its roots of upholding the Constitution. Because the Constitution was written by straight white people, many of whom were rich, many of whom were slave owners, and they were building an oppressive patriarchy to control everybody else and be exploiters. So, so our founding principles are all bad. We need to, we need to make amends for that.
So you think they were damaged? You think there are damaged people? Essentially, because that’s a hurt. They’re, they’re in pain, they’re damaged, they’re victims. And they’re implementing revenge on an organizational structure and that undermines everything. Do you think it’s that basic or do you think there was also influence from another source and an agenda? Both. So. And you can’t have one without the other. Because these, these, these wounded, disturbed victim type people aren’t going to get it. They’re not going to get hired unless there are people in the system looking to hire them. But then, even then, you won’t have hiring on any scale unless they’re ideologically committed individuals hiring them, seeking them out for recruitment.
So if you look at the X page for FBI jobs or you look at the, now it’s pulled down the CIA website for recruitment, you see they were directly going out and recruiting these individuals. Now if you’re recruiting FBI agents and analysts who have a victim complex and who think that their job is to serve as change agents to change the United States of America and not uphold the law, or to even worse, to weaponize the law, then we’ve got a terrible problem. And the same with the CIA. If you’re viewing the CIA as some way to make the world change for the better and that makes, you know, color revolutions or rainbow flaggery or whatever else making the world a better place, that is not the CIA mandate, It’s not in there.
And if you have, then they’re collecting intelligence based on this warped view of the world they see they’re going to miss a whole lot. And then we as a country get into a lot of trouble. Well, isn’t it true that you should be hiring in those kind of difficult positions? They should be hiring the most mentally stable type merit based people, period, Whatever that means. I don’t think it’s bad necessarily to want the world to be a more respectful, better place. I mean that’s a, that’s part of being a good person too, right? And hopefully being an FBI agent wanting to uphold the law or wanting it to be a better environment is a good thing.
Unless you have, you’re not mentally stable and you have some victimhood thing going on. Right? I mean, you want people who, they’re devoting their careers to public service, that’s what you want. They’re devoting their careers to our country. That’s what you want. And, and, and when you see the FBI or the CIA being weaponized or being used to do regime change or being used to do criminal networks or to do any of this stuff, you would want them to naturally not want to buy into it, right? I mean that’s a good thing. Well, yeah, but I do have a, an issue on regime change.
But I’ll tell you why. The, it’s important for us as a, as a nation to be able to exercise power in our national interests any way we can and to limit as much as possible any need for military intervention. What’s happened is we’ve gotten some groups with military intervention that we don’t until recently, until all these lost forever wars that we, we wasted. But would you say that with that idea we’ve moved into fifth generation warfare? And so war is different anyways now, right? It is. But if you’re looking at those, like a lot of people are, are really bashing what the CIA had done in the past, overthrowing hostile governments and influencing politics of other countries, I think all that was fine.
That was in the pressing American national interest. So if you had. Right after World War II, when we defeated the Nazis, but Stalin still wanted to conquer Western Europe on his terms through infiltration. And the only real large organized political party in Italy was the Italian Communist Party, which was loyal to Stalin. Was it really in our interests, after we had liberated Italy to simply allow the Soviets to covertly take control of Italy through an election in the messy aftermath of World War II? So I think these are examples. Keep going. I have. So you had a brilliant CIA man, James Angleton was in Italy, and he worked with the Christian Democrats, that’s the center right political party of Germany, to organize, got funding for them, and they won the 1948 elections.
That was a case where it was judicious exercise of American covert power to influence the outcome of an election in another country, really to everybody’s advantage except the Communists. Can you imagine had Italy been part of the Warsaw Pact? Yeah, that would be awful. But okay, so are there examples? Is there enough checks and balances to. And maybe that’s why you are writing this, where we do regime change, but we no longer have the best interests of the country in mind, or we’re confused and it ends up creating a backlash against the United States that puts us at odds with too many people around the world.
Sure, yeah. Well, everything we do is going to cause a reaction no matter what. So we just can’t throw up our hands and say, well, we’re not going to do anything because it will cause a reaction. What you raised, though, who’s in charge of this? Is the president lawfully instructing that this be done? In the case of the 1950s coups that the CIA backed? Yes. 1960s, yes. The presidents all personally signed off on it. It’s what’s called a finding. And that’s required by law. It wasn’t then, but it was then. It was then legislated into law.
That’s fine. And there were no congressional oversight committees until the late 1970s. So for us to look back now and say, well, there was no congressional oversight, well, that was by Congress’s choice. So they addressed that after Watergate in the, in the Jimmy Carter era. So you have this oversight now, but the oversight has been weak. Congress has been deliberately weak in doing its oversight work. I’ve talked to a bunch of congressmen and senators who really think they’ve got no right to question what the CIA or the FBI are doing. Yep. So when you have lawmakers whose job is to oversee the actions of the agencies that they are appropriating our money for and then giving lawful authorization to do, not doing their, their oversight jobs, it’s understandable that agencies are going to do what they’re going to do.
So you see this with usaid and this gets back to your point about color revolutions. Those were not CIA revolutions. Those were USAID revolutions. CIA was doing what the, or the USAID was doing what the CIA used to do, but under no oversight at all. Not even control of the Secretary of State, where USAID is under, not under presidential control. And certainly there has never been a, a congressional investigation of USAID since the agency was founded in 1961. Isn’t that crazy? Because they were a coup. And this is what I’ve heard. There was a coup regime organization with fronts that look really good.
And so the political opposition can point to these fronts that are doing good work. And, but the whole back end organization is doing these criminal type organ or doing things that are against the United States interests and that has to be exposed. So how do you deal with, see, I think that this is a critical juncture on how to deal with these, these front organizations that are doing good. While, you know, you don’t, you have to be careful because the average voter is not that informed. So then they’ll, they’ll trail these people out left and right who are showing all these people who are getting hurt because we’re cut, we’re cutting.
Good work. Meanwhile, they’re going to ignore this whole back end. Yeah, unfortunately it’s become so, so grotesque and so out of control that, that the whole thing has to be shut down and something new created. Now USAID is not being shut down completely. It’s just being severely cut back and ground down to a stump. So Trump can’t abolish it because it was created, well, by President Kennedy, but then later through an act of Congress. So it’s a, it’s a, it has a law, a basis in law. So it can’t be simply abolished. That might be okay because now Secretary Marco Rubio has named himself, or the President named him to be also head of usaid, which is the proper mission.
USAID was created to be under the control of the Secretary of State, but it was never under the Secretary of State’s control. So now he’s Bringing. He’s slashing it, bringing it back under Secretary’s control, and then probably will spin it off again as an agency answerable to the Secretary, but. And therefore to the President and to Congress, but very changed. So that whole culture of impunity, that sort of insider corruption culture that it had it developed over the years, that’s going to be gone because that whole corrupt contracting network is going to be gone. Well, and that’s what we need.
Right. That’s the being careful to try to figure out what all the good fronts are, the good works, and then getting rid of everything else. Right. And then having that before. And it’s necessary to do, you know, every, every forest needs a forest fire to stay healthy. Every house, once it gets too old, imagine you built a house in 1961, it’s going to need to be gutted and renovated. At some point, if you have a car from 1961, you’re going to have to have a total remake or junk it and use the spare parts for something else.
So this is normal for anything. It’s just we as a country have developed this idea that because a bureaucracy is always there, it should always be there. That’s not supposed to be that way. Well, okay, let me ask you. I think that I love what they’re doing. I mean, I’m just ecstatic that they’re doing this. I think that government should be held up to high standards. I don’t think that kind of standard should be held up to an individual citizen. We’re free people. We shouldn’t be tracked, traced, and made efficient. That is different. But I do think the government does.
And I think people are freaking out and saying that this is a process that’s going to infiltrate into them, tracking and tracing and watching over everyday people. And I think that I would be completely against. But going up against the government and making it efficient and analyzing everything it does and answering to the American people is exactly what we need. Sure. Absolutely. And it’s way, way, way overdue. We wouldn’t have this crisis today had previous presidents and Congresses done their job and made sure that these organizations acted within the confines of their legal and constitutional mandates and not have impunity.
Right, Right. They have impunity. And these, all these NGOs are above the law. Right? Yeah. And, and they’re doing things on their own. If you want to do something with private funds, fine. As long as it’s legal. Taxpayer funds. Not hurting other people, but go ahead. Well, but within the law. Right. So, so, so, I mean, hurting Other people would be unlawful. But in terms of doing whatever political movement abroad, I mean, this is not some. Foreign aid is not a charity. Foreign aid is a foreign policy tool. Foreign aid is funded by taxpayers who are coerced to pay the government.
The government then spends the money that’s supposed to be in the interests of the taxpayers or the citizens at large. But when those taxpayer dollars are coercively taken from them and then spent on whatever with no oversight, then that’s. That’s fraud and corruption on the government part. Especially when the government officials dispensing the money are dispensing it to their former colleagues who have now set up their own contracting companies to which they aspire to work once they leave government service. This is just a racket. Oh, they make a killing. And you can see all the, you know, charging $400,000 for toilet seats or something.
I mean, they just. They just gouge the American taxpayer. Yeah. And to what end? Sometimes you do have to have. You do have to have waste in order to achieve something because there’s no efficient way to get something that must be. We all have that. You know, think of the credit card bills we pay.25% interest on credit card is colossally wasteful. But sometimes you need that line of credit. Well, and you’re not perfect as humans, and you have to give people a little bit of rope. Right, right, right. And bureaucracies are human institutions. Yeah. But as human institutions, they gravitate toward their friends.
They shut out people who question them. No one likes to be audited, so you’re going to resist that auditing. And then whenever, anytime somebody tries to come in and find ways, fraud and abuse, to say, oh, but the children will be hurt. Oh, the poor people will be hurt. Oh, you’re a racist. Because this is people of color. So this is usaid. Imagine this now permeating our intelligence services, similar mentalities, except these people have the ability to, as you were mentioning, to spy on you, to collect data on you. And the data that they can collect is astonishing when you think of it.
Now, J. Edgar Hoover at his worst, he ran the FBI for 48 years with no oversight. At his worst, he was never as powerful and abusive as today’s FBI. He didn’t have computers, he didn’t have. He didn’t have tactical SWAT teams. He had nothing like that. Well, the Stasi would be drooling over what they have. But, you know, and the people complaining that Doge has access to these, this data files, I’m like, oh, gosh, the intelligence agencies have access to everything way more than what DOGE has access to. And you know, we had Snowden, we had Bill Binney, we had all these NSA whistleblowers coming out and saying this was like 20 years ago, talking about how this is, they already have access to all this.
And so where were these people complaining back then? And now they’re just freaking out because they’re, it’s, it’s a ploy. I think it’s a, it’s fifth generation warfare. Sure. Think of it. You’ve got, think of the thoughts we all put down on our computer keyboards. Think of the, then the browsers and the cloud based, the cloud based word processing software that we use records every keystroke, stores it in a server somewhere. We don’t know, but we all say it’s okay when we click, you know, yes on the user agreement. Think of what, think of what they have.
Think of how now that one of that big word processing company works with communist China. Think of how the big search engine and browser company built China’s own censorship system. Yeah, they did. They did build that. According to Bill Benny, a lot of that tech came out of here, not China. Oh, sure, yeah, it came out of here and, and with, with Chinese nationals as employees developing it, but also just the Chinese regime stealing it from us. So, so what we’re putting down in our words, you know, your car spies on you. It listens to you.
If you have Siri or Alexa or anything else, they’re, they’re, they can all listen to you. Where does that go? Well, we don’t really know. Somebody knows, but I don’t know. But you know, it is there. So there’s no privacy anymore. And when you have, we’re all responsible when we click okay, or we buy the product and it’s a private company. But, but it’s illegal for our government to do this to us unless those private companies volunteer it to the government agency, so. Meaning we’ve got this giant electronic spy apparatus that nobody controls that we aren’t aware of.
And when our intelligence community, including the FBI, become politicized and start using our information against us illegally, that’s where you have the danger. And that’s why people are screaming about the reforms that Trump’s imposing. That’s right. And that’s why I find it crazy that they’re arguing about the treasury, you know, analyzing the Treasury Department and auditing when all this information has been used, weaponized against us. Let’s talk a little bit about the Epstein files and I just heard that, you know, just in the last week that they are seriously thinking about disclosing who’s on these Epstein lists and things.
Now, Epstein was notoriously an intelligence blackmail operation. It couldn’t be a better example of intelligence gone awry. What do you think of that? And the fact that they’ve turned blackmail into art form? Well, we don’t know anywhere near all the facts yet. And we don’t know who they are when referring to intelligence. Was it American intelligence or was it foreign intelligence, or was it American intelligence that had been penetrated and manipulated by a foreign intelligence service? Because our foreign intelligence capabilities really aren’t what people think they should be. Just a quick break from your programming so I can give you a little information about Masterpiece.
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You can try yours today as well by going to sarahwestsell.com under shop or with the link below. So we don’t know just on that score. And then what kind of blackmail and extortion took place to compromise corporate leaders, social, cultural leaders, political leaders, all sorts of other leaders, and to whose advantage? So how has our country been manipulated through the blackmail of a bunch of sexual deviants and perverts? This is the first thing that hostile foreign intelligence services look for when trying to assess and recruit and blackmail or otherwise compromise somebody. This is, this is what deep full field background investigations are for.
When people go to get a security clearances, what is it about you in your past that a foreign adversary could use to corrupt you and to compromise you and cause you to betray your country? Well, James Ross don’t have to go through security clearances, their security clearances that they were elected by the people. That’s right. Yeah. Corporate leaders don’t necessarily have to go through security clearances. So you can have a company that does classified work, but you don’t have a clearance yourself because you just own the company or you’re just the CEO. So you don’t have the classified information.
And then also presidents can give clearances to people without requiring a full field background investigation. He can. President can appoint whoever he wants and authorize that person to be cleared. So imagine if you had somebody like Epstein as an asset bringing these people to his island, having them bring their friends to his island. So now you have a former President of the United States or, you know, other, other big. A future president, whoever might be with their networks of people. Imagine how you can compromise them. That’s right. Well, I had James Rothstein, who, you know, Jimmy Boots, he was a New York detective and he worked.
His informant was Roy Cohen, who everybody knows who Roy Cohen was. And they took down more pedophile networks than anybody. And I did a. I did a six part series. I was at his house for hours, you know, on six different occasions. And the day that Epstein died, I was. I drove. Pulled right into his driveway, heard it on the news and I, I interviewed him right at that time. And he told me that that’s just the tip of the iceberg, that this is a problem within our intelligence agencies and with. And outside the intelligence agency that, that these kind of networks to compromise politicians, to compromise business leaders, to compromise people is, Is rampant.
Yeah. And this is standard. It’s throughout human history. This is nothing new. So you have this, you know, you go back into the Bible and you can see this. So it’s been throughout recorded history. This is why we’re commanded to, to behave in certain ways for, for, you know, for, for spiritual reasons, but for common sense reasons also. So. So that’s why. So to get back to the Epstein files, they have to be released unredacted. And then what do you think about. Because I heard dirt’s talk just in the last few days ago, actually, and he’s.
He claims that he is completely innocent. He wants everything released because then it’ll. It’ll free him. Like, because it’ll show that he’s not. I don’t know about Dershowitz. He was Epstein’s attorney, so there’s some weird stuff there. But regardless, he. He thinks that, that without that, that the people are going to be victims. But part of it is too. Could there be a witch hunt on? I think it all should be released. Right. But is. Could there be a witch hunt? As somebody who just happened to be Epstein’s garage, you know, cleans his pool and stuff and he’s on his black book and ends up getting sweeped up into something and all he did then was clean his pool Right.
Well then he’s okay. I mean, just because you’re in the file doesn’t mean anything. I hate, you know, look in my own phone. I’ve got all kinds of terrible people in there who, who have either tried to reach me or I’ve needed to talk to or have, you know, went bad or whatever. It doesn’t mean I like them. It doesn’t mean I did anything wrong. It just means they’re in the phone. So this is where people, people like Alan Dershowitz or this hypothetical pool cleaner, they’re always going to be under a shadow if it’s known that they’re on the list.
But they have no way of exonerating themselves for their own behavior. Now you don’t have any of the British royals or Clinton or anybody else demanding that or Bill Gates demanding this list be released because they’re not proclaiming innocence. But this will allow. First it does two things. Releasing the unredacted list will exonerate the innocent or at least allow them to exonerate themselves. That’s right. And it will also show us who is it that could be blackmailed, who was in a position to harm our country. And it shows how widespread this blackmail operation is and people can start understanding how this works.
Yeah. And stop being so naive. Right, right. And the Soviet KGB was great at doing this. The Chinese secret services are wonderful at doing this. In terms of professional, I mean they’re terrible, but they’re, they’re doing an amazing job. It’s an art form. The French secret service has done a super, the British, the Israelis, you name it, they’ve done superb jobs at this. There was even a KGB led operation in Washington D.C. in the 1970s and 80s that recruited CIA officials who into a wife swapping club. And then they do their swapping and their orgies with journalists and with a US Senator was involved and so forth.
One of these rings was exposed, another one was not publicly exposed, but, but it was proven that these were KGB controlled operations. So you had, 50 years ago, our foreign adversaries were, were, were blackmailing people here for their things that they would do that they would never want to be known and really would have cost them their jobs had they been exposed at the time. So this stuff has to come out. It does. Otherwise it puts our whole country at risk. Right. And people need to be cleared and we have to, we have to move past it.
I mean, we’re not always going to have blackmail operations. But shouldn’t the intelligence part of being a good intelligence agency is to break those up and make sure it’s not affecting our politicians as much as possible. Sure, sure. If you have. This is what the FBI’s job is. Its job is to conduct counterintelligence. It’s one of the most important jobs of the FBI. But if the FBI is covering up, maybe there were FBI personnel involved. You had recently the case of a man named McGonagall who was head of Russian counterintelligence in the New York field office.
He turns out he was on the take from some Albanian businessman. So you’ve got a guy at the biggest field office of the FBI in one of the most important and prestigious jobs, hunting Russian spies is taking money from Albanian businessmen. Do we really think they were just Albanians or. They were not a cutout for the Russians? So he left the FBI, went into business. He was busted then for this, and now he’s in prison. But the FBI never treated it as a counterintelligence case. They just treated it as a criminal case. And this is where we’re falling really hard.
As in the case of Hanson, when the Bureau didn’t want to know certain of the secrets that Hansen had compromised because. And I got this straight from the CIA counterintelligence chief who was on the Hanson damage control assessment team, Paul Redmond, told me the FBI did not want to know how much damage was within the organization. Well, that’s. That was the early 2000s. That’s crazy, because we would rather be ignorant than to clean up our act. And they were willfully ignorant. But let’s look at Burisma. Burisma was an obvious. Another blackmail situation. And people were being compromised and paid off.
And the money laundering through Ukraine is, you know, incredible. And they just kept covering up and pushing it forward. Right? Yeah. This is one of the big dangers that’s. That’s been in front of everybody’s face for years. But that you have one particular group wants no investigation of it. So Burisma being this very large energy company, their business model was really importing Russian fossil fuels from Russia through Ukraine through their pipelines and then distributing it. And what do they do? They put Hunter Biden on their board. What value did Hunter Biden have? Zero. Except that his dad was vice President of the United States and had been chosen to be the foreign policy OG on the Biden team because.
On the Obama team because Obama had none of that experience. And Biden had been chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. That was the value Hunter Biden added to Burisma as an influence operation. Now Was it just a Ukrainian influence operation? Which would be bad enough and would explain a lot about why the. This huge Ukraine lobby that’s so tightly tied in with USAID grants and other federal funding is so protective of Hunter Biden. But also look at the Ukrainian oligarch behind it. The fact that he was paying Putin’s people for the fuel that he was then exporting into Europe.
His whole business model depended on Putin’s largesse. So who is Burisma really working for it? Could it have been a Russian operation to compromise Vice President Biden, the Obama foreign policy decision making team, and then the Biden presidency? We just don’t know. And we might never know. Well, that’s the whole point is when you cover this up for years, you end up not knowing because everybody’s so busy covering up the truth. Yeah. And it’s so tiring too, just to follow it. People just say, let’s just move on to something else. We’ve heard enough of this for years.
And then everybody gets away with it and it plays over itself. It replicates again. Well, if they get away with it, then those same people are more prone to repeat the past behavior. And others will copy it. That’s right. And they’ll copy it because it worked. It made me millions of dollars. So let’s just do it. And this. The Americans are stupid. Yeah. 10 for the old guy. And then what was Hunter doing with the Chinese? What made his artwork, his kindergarten style artwork, so incredibly valuable? What was all of that? And then how did that influence our national security strategy? Why were there so few investigations of Chinese spies in the United States under Biden? Why did they cut off the Trump program to go after Communist Chinese penetration of our institutions? How does that, what does that have to do with our naval deployments, our shipbuilding programs, our aircraft programs to counter the Chinese military? What? We don’t know the damage that this has caused, but this is the damage that one agent of influence can do when properly placed inside the US Government.
That’s right. And then the fact that they worked that hard to cover it up, to, to protect it. And what, what is the most astonishing thing that you’ve seen over the years that just doesn’t fit with your ethics and the morals that these organizations should have. Wow, that’s a tough one. I was happier when I thought it was just incompetence. And I think there’s so much malice in there that it’s really. And we can sense a lot of that in the public. We can sense the malice. But like Corruption and what’s being exposed by Doge. We haven’t seen anything but a tip of the malice right now.
That’s right. You have people in there who, some of them are in there because they were compromised or loyal to our foreign adversaries or our foreign friends and allies who will use us for their own purposes against our interests. Then you have others there who really hates American founding principles. They hate what our country stands for. They hate Western civilization. They’ve totally bought into the critical theory nonsense, the critical race theory, dei, and this is their way of reparations. And they want to fundamentally transform America, like Obama said. And this is really pernicious because what is the root of DEI ideology? Well, again, it’s based out of critical race theory, but critical race theory comes from critical theory at large.
And this is one of the things I tracked in Big Intel. I wasn’t looking at it as a philosophy or an ideology. I was looking at it as a counterintelligence person would look at it. What were the origins of this hostile ideology? The origins were a 1922 meeting in Moscow with the Bolshevik leadership and the leaders of the foreign Communist parties, including the head of what became the KGB and a personal representative of Lenin. And they thought, and they agreed at this meeting that the there could not be a Bolshevik revolution replicated in the West. There was no appetite for any violent revolution in the West.
So what they would do is take a multi generational approach to infiltrating all the institutions, starting with schools, starting with intellectual outfits, starting with culture, journalism, law, politics, religion. Just in America alone, there were over a thousand Soviet agents who were sent into the seminaries to become clergy. And then they’d be clergy for 40 or 50 years up through 1970s. So you look at some of the churches and you can kind of see how that those revelations from back in the 1930s about this penetration really manifested themselves by the 1970s, when you could see but not prove that this had indeed taken place.
Anyway, this is where critical theory was developed and cultural Marxism was developed. So they took the Karl Marx of 1843, five years before he wrote the Communist Manifesto, he was declaring war on Western culture. Destroy a sense of patriotism, destroy a sense of faith in any authority, legal, family, family, religion, church, anything else. Destroy it all down to the nuclear family, just as you said, and sexualize young children. This is what the bolsheviks did in 1917. Did they. Did they push this no genders crap? I mean, I think they went off the deep end and that’s when they.
They Got too cocky, went off the deep end, pushed it too far. And everybody was like, whoa, I’m okay with you being anybody’s sexual preference. I’m okay with an adult wanting, as long as, you know, there’s always a small, small percentage that want to get a sex change. But I am not okay with convincing hordes of young people to go get a sex change. And then, right, that went that way. That went over the line for average people. They overstepped. Yeah. I don’t think even, you know, the Bolsheviks could not have imagined, you know, more than one sex or gen, more than two sexes or genders.
I mean, that was probably beyond their comprehension, you know, as it should have. This is how things just went nuts as they go along. Was that just a sign of losing their mental health? I mean, I just don’t understand how anybody could think that pushing it so hardcore on a population was a good thing to do. I mean, they weren’t, they didn’t realize that they’d have this. I mean, that, that was one of the biggest pushbacks I’ve ever seen from everybody from every walks of life, Democrats and Republicans, everybody push back against that agenda. Yes, that creepy trans stuff was, was really a blessing in disguise if you think of it.
I hate to call it a blessing at all, but if, if they hadn’t overstepped with that, the public never would have pushed back. Because we’re so tolerant and we, we might not like things that are being surfaced and even pushed in our face, but at some point you’re going to push back. And this is. We’ve had it all pushed in our face and people were still not ready to push back, even though nobody liked it. It was when you start messing with the children and you take government employees, meaning in the public schools, to turn children against their parents, to sexualize children in weird ways.
Not just natural ways, just freakish ways. This is the exact social revolution type of formula that the Bolsheviks actually executed in Hungary in the Hungarian Bolshevik Revolution that only lasted for a few months. But the, the, the, the Hungarian official responsible joined the Bolsheviks and he was actually at that 1922 meeting in Moscow where they. Which was the origin of critical theory and what we have today. So we can see a direct continuum going back more than a century from the sexualization of young children. It’s just that to sexualize young children back in the early part of the last century meant mass murder of anyone who resisted.
Geez. Yeah, see, they’re not going to do it this time. But what they are doing or tried to do or did do. They didn’t use that. But they use mass information and behavioral control and censorship to allow this to happen. They did. The, the tools that they have today to manipulate the kids is so incredibly powerful. And us adults who didn’t grow up with social media don’t, didn’t quite understand it. We were left flat footed because we didn’t know what they were surrounding these kids with all the time on social media. And you know, my children’s generation who they’re in their 20s now and they grew up with it, they’re the ones that understand it and they can really push it back and put some context into it.
But I don’t think people our age quite understood what these kids grew up with. No, we were ignorant to it. We still are to a large degree. Yeah. And to see, and it’s, even if we see it, it’s not normal for us people in their teens and twenties now. It’s, it’s normal for them. They kind of get it and they’re more tolerant of it and they’re more open to it or understanding of it where I much prefer being completely intolerant of it and, and wiping this out. It’s an, it’s been an ideological attack on our society.
Oh for sure. Attitudes don’t change on their own. There’s always a driver. Well, you know, and, and I want to talk about the sexualization. You know, when, when I was in school we had sex edge even in like middle school to help people become comfortable with this, you know, sexual kind of things. But it was, was done in a really respectful, normal way. I, I thought it, they didn’t cross a line even though it was kind of, you know, out there. But I remember and I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. And then I started seeing what they’re doing today.
And it’s not that I’m a prude and it’s not that I’ve become more conservative in that way. I just saw it as them grooming these kids to think like there would be whole groups. This isn’t how it works. There was whole groups of teenagers, teenage girls going in to get sex changes or to get puberty blockers. It doesn’t work that way. And it used to be that you would have to go through years of psychiatric evaluation and really self examine yourself to make sure this is something that you want. They went to a point from that which actually worked.
There was only, there was 99.9 something a very high percentage of people were Very were happy at the end of the day with what they ended up doing with the sex change to. And they went through this really in depth process and then they went to this one meeting with the counselor. Next thing you know, you’re on puberty blockers. I mean it was such a huge swing without the parents knowledge. Yes. And, and that’s I think is what really freaked people out. Yeah, it still is. I mean if they gave the kids. If the teachers gave the kids cigarettes, that would be a crime.
But to give them puberty blockers is. Okay. Well, and I, I interviewed a father whose son has. He. They were in Texas. The mother fleed to California. The son still has this puberty thing in his arm. And they just put in his arm. He’s 12. They have about six months. This was a couple months ago. To get it out of his arm. Otherwise it’s going to create permanent damage. And California is protecting the. They’re his right to get puberty blockers. He never went through this extensive stuff that I’m talking about. And I don’t believe any child has the mental capacity to make a decision that’ll make you infertile and will change and make you on drugs for the rest of your life.
I, I just don’t think that’s. And that’s not accepting who you are. Right. I mean, come on. And, and, and so we still have these extreme agendas going on. Yeah. And you have even the FBI covering this up. Imagine the Nashville Christian school shooting. It was a trans. Very mentally disturbed trans person who was the mass shooter. FBI took control of that manifesto from the Nashville police and won’t release it even though there’s nothing classified in it. It publishes other mass shooter manifestos. Why this one? Because the FBI is enforcing a trans orthodoxy. You look at the FBI’s now since removed web pages, but you can still find them on X.
The FBI was, was promoted. First they went to. To LGB and then they added the T on to trans lgbt. Now it’s. Then it became lgbtqi plus whatever the. I don’t even know what all those things are. Right. But this became, this became an orthodoxy that was imposed by FBI Director Chris Wray on all FBI personnel. You had to subscribe to this ideology or you were not welcome. You were contributing to a toxic work environment. And it wasn’t a question. And it was gradual. It took place over several years, but it wasn’t sort of. Well, this is FBI policy.
I’m just going to keep my head down, not say anything and do my job that wasn’t good enough for Director Wray. You had to be what he called an ally of that movement. Oh, geez. You had to go. You had to manifest your support for this movement in the workplace. It wasn’t mean. You just don’t make comments. You know, they can make comments, but you can’t make a comment back. But they were saying, join these affinity groups. Go out in the streets and protest. This is all in big intel. And it was all pulled straight off the FBI website or what? I got an internal FBI training course from 2021 that once.
So many. There was so much pushback within the Bureau that Director Chris Wray had it pulled down from the FBI website. Somebody got a copy from within, gave the copy to me, and then I published the contents in the book. But this was to. To. To say, you can. You have to. You’re entitled to mispronoun people twice if you’re not used to pronouns. The new. The new pronouns three times and you’re out. That’s a professional mark against you. And the way the Bureau works now with the careerist pattern, if you get those black marks on your professional record, you’re not promoted.
If you’re not promoted within a certain amount of time, you have to leave the Bureau. So everybody goes along. That is. So, see, now, here’s the deal. This is where the pushback goes. I don’t. I think as a respectful person, if somebody went through this incredible process and they decided they want to do a sex change, I would respect that decision. And, okay, they’re a human being. I don’t. I don’t care. I have a problem with this. This whole blanket structure that they put in place to convince people that everybody might want to get a sex change.
And every. You know, that. That we’re all fluid and all these. I think that is promoting this idea that you. You very opposite of what they’re saying, of not accepting who you are. Your body is who you are, for God’s sake. Right? If that’s not who you are, I don’t know what is. But if you’re in that state where you’re like that, you’re not suitable to hold a security clearance. You’re not psychologically sound. But that whole profession says, oh, no, you have the problem because you say there’s a mental problem. These folks, a lot of them are so mentally tormented and emotionally tormented, but they demand not just respect.
They demand privilege. They demand that everybody go along with them and affirm them. That’s why it’s called Gender affirming care. It’s not sex change operation. So if you’re not for gender affirming care, then you’re a bad person. That’s a mark against you. That’s a toxic work environment that you’re creating. You’re not suitable for public service. Same thing in the CIA, same thing in the Pentagon. That’s all. That’s all come to an end. It’s so bad. So now are. Have we crossed the line back? Are we on the downhill? Are we on the other side of this nonsense? Are we.
I know that Trump came in and just said, done, we’re done with it. But from a cultural standpoint, are we on the other side? Because I look at young people and the young people have been really brainwashed. I have people, my people in my family that live on the west coast, and I talk to some of these young people. I am just amazed at how much this brainwashing has worked on them. Right. So we, this is pretty serious. How. Where are we from a cultural standpoint? Is this pushback going to take hold or is this. And why is it so important in the first place? Why is this a line when we have so many other things that we’re dealing with? Is that part of the psychological war, the fifth generation war, is getting us fighting on things that are kind of trivial? And I mean, it’s not trivial.
It’s cultural and it’s important. But you know what I’m saying, It’s like, why is. Well, it really doesn’t matter. It affects. It affects a minuscule microscopic fraction of the population. It should. They don’t have to rub our faces in it. We don’t want it. If they want to do it, great. Don’t do it at our expense. Don’t rub my face in it and don’t expose it to my kids. Let them do it if they want to, as long as they don’t make the rest of us have to pay for it. But they’re making us pay for it financially.
They’re making us pay for it with the degradation of our intelligence and counterintelligence and law enforcement services. They’re making us pay for it in the public schools. They’re making us pay for it everywhere we go. Because in some of these places, our tax dollars are financing these sex change programs and all of the hormones and drugs and everything that are required for it. This is just among adults, to say nothing of the children. So when you talk about the personnel benefits, President Trump just put a stop to it. But people join the Military, not to serve the country, but to get that sex change operation that they crave.
They can’t afford it otherwise. To get that sexual reconstruction surgery that they could not afford, to get the permanent hormones and drugs that they could not afford. But once you’re on those hormones and drugs, you’re not deployable. Well, so therefore, what good are you in the US Military? But you also are. It’s one big social experiment because they don’t know what it’s going to do to you long term. I think so. It’s, it’s. But I am going to reiterate here what these young people believe is it’s not. It would normally be. I believe it normally would be a small percentage of the population.
We should have, we should care about these people and we should have respect because they are suffering and their psychological needs and they’re saying, and whatever, okay. But they’ve turned it into this much bigger issue. Like I was saying, whole groups of teenage girls going in, wanting a sex change. I mean, they’re being convinced that it’s better to be the other sex. And I want to, whatever reason they do, but whole groups of people, that’s not normal. No, it’s not normal. But if you, if you trace the roots, then this was what, one of the purposes of writing Big Intel.
What is the ideological chain of custody from the origins of this to the present day, or the way I did it was backwards from the present day to the origins. I thought it might have been created in the 60s and as an outgrowth of the 60s. But when you see that this was, this was the outgrowth, a much expanded, you know, metamorphosed outgrowth of something that was planned over a century ago. And they said at the time, we’re going to just destroy Western civilization from within, from every element, and it’s going to take many generations to accomplish.
And was it the Frankfurt School really involved with that? The Frankfurt School was instrumental. So this is the origins of the Frankfurt School came from that 1922 meeting. And so those were the. The people. Imagine we welcome immigrants from Nazi Germany to come in our country because they’re being persecuted back home. They come here not to become Americans, but to set up a subversive communist movement to destroy our culture. That’s the Frankfurt School people. We even brought some of them into wartime service During World War II in the OSS, the Office of Strategic Services, which was our wartime intelligence service, the precursor to the CIA.
And if you look at some of the CIA’s own material still available on the CIA website, they name one of them, Herbert Marcuse, as one of them. Wow. The CIA has not rejected this. The CIA has, has embraced this. And the FBI, whose job it was to protect us from these foreign subversive influences and did a great job of it for decades, ended up starting under Obama and ending under the present Trump administration, internalize it as part of their own operating system. There’s so much house cleaning that needs to go on. It’s absolutely incredible. So one last thing.
You know, talking about the Frankfurt School and now we’re watching what’s going on in Germany where the tyranny is kind of jaw dropping, honestly, when it comes to free speech. The fact that they’re actually going to homes because of somebody posted a meme they don’t like. Right. It is kind of like in the German DNA. Yeah. And so not the first time they’ve done this stuff. It’s, it’s because that when they, after the war, there was still a lot of people that believed those, that method was good. Right. And when they merged east and West Germany, the East Germany people, there were a lot of people that still believed in that.
And so even though that was pushed down and suppressed, these people rebuilt, didn’t they? And now they had the support of this worldwide movement. I mean, is that what we’re seeing, is that these people just regrouped, essentially? And it’s not just Germany, it’s all across Europe, it’s just the liberal elites. But if you look at them, look at the Germans who were condemning Vice President Vance, they’re all the Social Democrat Party, they’re the old German Socialist party that were collaborating with the Soviets during the Cold War, that didn’t want us defending even their own territory during the Cold War and were compromised from top to bottom with Soviet agents.
In fact, their former head of their party and their former chancellor is a fully recruited Russian asset right now in Germany. And they’re okay with that. So they come here to lecture us about free speech. They cannot have their globalism, they cannot have their central administrative state. And the, and the liberal orthodoxy, the left wing orthodoxy, post Christian orthodoxy that they demand without censorship. So they have to call censorship free speech or they have to call it protection of free speech. And this is what Orwell was all about in 1984. Yeah, everything’s opposite. Come on. This is who makes it the one thing, you know, 60 Minutes just did a, a thing that they post posted recently and this journalist, which 60 Minutes is highly compromised now.
It’s a propaganda network. I’M convinced of it. And they did a thing with the German, German journalists and German politicians talking about how great this was, you know, how bad their problem was. And, but they were supporting this whole effort and the journalists didn’t even ask who decides what’s true? That wasn’t even a question to think about asking. That tells me they’re completely, our, our institutions, our journalists are completely compromised when they don’t even ask a question that basic. Yeah, it doesn’t occur to them. So. And it’s kind of normal because most, most of these sort of what they like to call themselves, the prestige media, they know the truth.
They’re the arbiters of the truth. You aren’t. I’m not. We don’t have a right to be there. You know, they don’t call us to be on their shows. They don’t do puff pieces on us and what we do, anybody like us, because they really view themselves as arbiters of the truth. And when you view yourself that way, censorship is fine because it maintains your truth and shuts out any of anything that’s dangerous to your truth. Anything dangerous to you and your power structure needs to go away because it’s misinformation, it’s hate speech. And that’s what we’re watching.
And they’re delusional. Well, you’re awesome. This was a great conversation. Where can people buy your book? And they should. The best place is Amazon. You’ll get it cheap. It’s cheapest at Amazon and it’s on Audible and Kindle. You can get in other ebook and audio formats as well. But don’t go to Barnes and Noble stores because they made the corporate decision to cancel Big intel when it was first published. Some stores carry it because the managers might want to carry it, but overall. And it’s a lot more expensive than on Amazon. That’s too bad. We’re still having book burning, aren’t we? Modern day.
In effect, it’s censorship now and again. It’s a private company. They don’t have to carry the book. But I don’t have to recommend people shop at their store either. So Amazon’s the best deal. And then I’m on x MichaelWaller and my organization is the center for Security Policy, which is@securefreedom.org thank you so much, Mike for joining the program. I had a good time talking to you, Sa.