My name is Dave Hodges. I’m the host of the Common Sense Show. We are the show that is freeing America, one enslaved, nine at a time. And I got to tell you this story just really sis me off. It does tremendously and it will you too. But let me give you something that you can feel like you have some measure of control over your life. 110 food processing plants have been destroyed since Well, since the last two years have expired. And then we have the problems with the chickens. We have the problem with all kinds of things.
Transportation of food now has become an issue. The transportation secretary is nowhere to be found. And he hasn’t tried to address any of these issues and we could be headed for some very serious food shortages. Prominent farmers have told me this. People connected to the agriculture industry have told me this as well. And so I’m just saying, why take the chance you need to get as much storeable food as you possibly can over the next few weeks. I think we’re in a real danger zone. Some people say we have until the summer. I don’t know. I don’t know of any economist is saying that we have beyond the summer that it’ll be next year.
I’m not hearing that at all. So let me suggest to you strongly right now that you get storeable food for my Patriots supply restaurant quality. You get 2000 calories per day breakfast, lunch, dinner snacks, lots of variety with the food and they have specials and they’re going to give you $200 and survival gear. All that’s explained at preparewithdave.com. That’s preparewithdave.com. And if you’re coming to us on mobile, you’ll never see the description box and some other things unless you click the more button and it’s really important to do that. So anyway, take care of your storeable food needs now.
The other thing here that we want to look at that I think is really, really interesting and it’s really interesting. And it’s having to do with what the governor tried to do before, but it got struck down by the courts. If you had sniffles, if you had a they could quarantine you. The potential for political abuse is obvious. Oh, look at that guy near side of the aisle over there. That’s a Republican. Didn’t he just wipe his nose? Didn’t he just cough? It could take something that minor to get you put away. I’m not exaggerating.
I’m not exaggerating. There was no medical standard set for confinement. It was all in the opinion without any criteria that the governor of New York got this law passed that we can confine you. And if you haven’t taken your shots and if you haven’t done prescribed medical procedures that we think is necessary for any reason, it wasn’t just COVID. It was any reason we can basically put you in jail. And you have no appeal. Well, it didn’t take the federal courts long to say you’re going a little farther, Huckle. Actually, you’re going way too far.
Well, here’s the deal. Now, Huckle is resurrecting this and she’s appealing this to a federal appellate judge that’s a Democrat. So what the people are doing now is they’ve launched an initiative and they have a meeting on the 1st of March, a rally. And that’s why I’m encouraging people in New York to go to this rally. You need to get organized so you’re not the victim of Huckle’s tyranny and it’s called Say No to Quarantine, March 1st. Now, you can look it up, search engine, say no to quarantine, March 1st, and you’ll get all the information you need to go to this rally.
You’ll get all the information you need and you can attend. And I strongly suggest if you’re in New York, I strongly suggest you attend because the potential for this to go through is greater than 50-50 given the judge that they now have. This is a problem, folks. It’s a big problem. And this is the beginning of being able to snatch you for political beliefs but we’ll say it’s medical. We saw you wipe your nose. We heard your sneeze. It can be that minor. It’s the opinion of someone. And after all, if you’re a conservative, we already know you’re really sick and we need to confine you.
Well, that’s it for the Common Sense Show. Please share this far and wide. Thumbs up. Like us. Make sure that you are a member of the commonsenseshow.tv for the very best in investigative matters here. We have a panel of experts who do a great job. We do charge, but we charge only for bandwidth. It’s pennies on the dollar. We don’t want to go broke, but we’re not looking to make money. This is a venture where we want you to be prepared and make good decisions, and that’s why we bring this panel of experts on no commercials, no censorship.
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