Romanian government about to fall to the people and Bernie Sanders losing his mind?

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➡ Michael Jacob and his guests discuss various topics, including political unrest in Romania, where they predict a possible revolution due to dissatisfaction with the government. They also discuss the controversial actions of Bernie Sanders and express concern about his political influence. The conversation also touches on the influence of big pharmaceutical companies on politicians, and the potential negative impact of this on society.
➡ The text discusses the power and potential of frequencies, suggesting they can be used for healing, energy, and even levitation. It mentions the work of Dr. Rife and Tesla, who used frequencies in their research, and the speaker’s own experiments with sound. The speaker also talks about a watch that uses frequencies for health benefits, and the idea that our bodies absorb frequencies, which can cause changes at a cellular level.
➡ The text discusses the power of sound and frequencies, suggesting they can be used for healing and self-care. It mentions a device called the Wave Watch, which uses these principles to help users understand and care for their bodies. The text also warns about harmful frequencies and radiations we’re exposed to, and how the Wave Watch can help protect against them. It ends by offering a discount code for purchasing the Wave Watch.
➡ The company has developed a new product, a watch, which initially had some battery issues. However, they are addressing these problems and have already produced 4,000 new watches without the battery issue. The watch has been simplified from its original design, making it easier to use. The company also offers excellent customer support and various sales and discounts.
➡ The text discusses a business focused on breast health and a product called the Wave Watch, which has reportedly helped several women with breast lumps. The product has also been used by a woman who refused traditional cancer treatment and was later found to be cancer-free. Despite these testimonials, the FDA has not approved the product, leading to criticism of the agency. The company offers payment plans and discounts for the Wave Watch, and encourages others to donate so they can give more watches away.
➡ The text discusses a product called the Wave Watch, which has been beneficial for many people, including the elderly. The company is running a special offer and also has a program where people can nominate others to receive a free watch. Despite some initial issues with the product’s battery, the company has addressed the problem and improved the watch’s water resistance. The text ends with a reminder to provide full contact information when nominating someone for a free watch.
➡ The text discusses a show where the hosts respect the privacy of their audience, not revealing full names unless given permission. They also mention some technical sound issues during the show. The hosts appreciate each other’s contributions and express gratitude for their audience’s support. They end the show on a positive note, looking forward to the next episode.


Hello, everyone. It’s Michael Jacob with Unleashing Intuition. Secrets have the governor, Kevin Hoyt and Linda Baumberg. We’re going to do some really, really good information today. We have the Wave Watch we’re going to talk about, but also we have a possible revolution going on in Romania. Now, Romania in the past has been a place where you don’t want to mess around because they, they’ve taken out rulers in, in, in Romania, and it looks like we might be moving that direction. What do you think, Kevin? I think crazy times over there all over the world. But it’s interesting.

Kaylin Georgescu is the thing. I endorsed him. You endorsed him again, this was before, I think now Vance and Elon and those type people are endorsing him. But we’ve been watching this guy for a long time. The same setup. They called him a Russia supporter, a Putin supporter, when he in fact just is a pro Romania supporter. That was his big things. He used to be a member of the United nations and NATO. So this guy, by all intents and purposes, was a cabal player. And he knew that and he realized that. So he’s trying to break away from the European Union, the NATO, these things again, that we also are trying to break away from.

So I still support. Kaylin, you had a, you had a video. I want to talk about frequency today, right. And what a better person to bring on than Linda. We got some videos that I want to walk, walk people through talking about that technology. But before we get to that, we can talk about the crazy. Bernie Sanders, I sent you a clip we’re going to watch from. It just gets more and more bizarre. So I thought it’d be interesting to keep Linda in this loop, too, and maybe get her opinion on some of these bigger topics.

That’s an excellent point. Excellent point. So, yeah, definitely consciousness is shifting right now. We’ve been through this process before. Nikolai Chachesko was a communist, basically. You know, they went and voted. They voted him out, but he basically ended up still in power. Kind of like what just happened in Romania. So the Romanians are, are basically ready to revolt. They revolted on him. He tried to escape in a helicopter. He ran to the roof of the, I guess the government building because they were basically breaking in, getting ready to, like, get him. So he got on a military helicopter and flew to another area, Romania.

Then the army said, no more using our helicopter, and the police grabbed him. Then the army came, arrested him. They tried him and executed him, he and his whole family. So it is, it is Something you don’t want to mess around with a Romanian. So we’re going to look at a little bit of a video, you know, exactly what’s going on there. It’s. It’s. They shot in the face their last dictator. So you’re right. Don’t mess with Romanians. We don’t have any sound there, Mike. Maybe it. It’s. There’s a lot of loops in that mic. The sound’s horrible, too, so.

What’s that? I was gonna say there’s a lot of loops in that video. The sound. The sound’s pretty bad in that, too, to be honest. But I think we can talk about it from there. Yeah. So I, you know, I think that it’s. It’s going to kick off. They’re probably going to overthrow the government and the, I guess the corrupt, you know, judicial side is basically, you know, voting Georges go out. It’s. It’s not. It’s not going to work for the remaining people, and it’s not working for the rest of the people throughout Europe right now.

So it’s not just Romania. It’s also Georgia was also. They overthrew someone that. That was elected as well. So it’s gonna. It’s gonna stay. There’s gonna be a stampede. I think once Romania falls, there’s probably going to be domino effect that’s going to start happening throughout Europe. Yeah, well, I know. And again, what happened for other people if you’re not in Romania, essentially, they had. Caitlin. Georgescu was a people’s candidate. He didn’t represent any party. He used social media and alternative news to do his public. He was anti NATO, he was anti European, he was anti corruption and pro Romanian.

So they didn’t like him. He wanted a landslide by, like 300, 000 volts over there. That’s a landslide, right. The other two were like 40 apart, 300,000 behind. So they declared. They stopped the election after the first. They have different rounds in Romania, and then the second round, they canceled because of the war. Right. You can’t have a election during the war. And now they’re. They’re proceeding with elections again, but they said Kylan can’t be a candidate. So when we hear these typical, you know, mockingbird media terms, a bloated democracy, right? This is. This is a NATO country where everybody should vote and everybody should have a fair share.

And they’re supposed to be getting down with the new way, Right? So the idea that someone can’t run in the election is the blow to. Again, they say Democracy. We want a republic over here. And it even gets crazier than this right here in Vermont state. Again, we’ve been reporting, Mike, a lot of crazy stuff. The trans genda, that’s the new word of the day. And the things have been happening. We’ve got a trans cult terrorist gang. It’s shooting our border patrol agents. I think on our last show we talked about Senator Becca Balint again standing with Maxine Waters and Pocahontas.

You know, bring out your inner scrappy lesbian. There’s a real agenda going on here in Vermont, and Bernie is no exception to that. Now, I got another video, but before we play this, I gotta warn people there’s some pretty graphic words and lyrics. And it’s not me, it’s Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont. I just wanted to put that out there before we play this clip. If you got kids in the room, they probably don’t want to watch this. Yeah, it’s pretty, pretty extreme. There is foul language in this and there’s also, you know, some religious, you know, connotations that you might not appreciate too.

So, yes, just before Warren, before we, uh, we go down this road and go ahead, pull up that link. You can’t get more bizarre. Yeah, Pure evil. Bernie Sanders teams up with transgender punk rocker performing a blasphemous, explicit song. Does your God have a big fat and. Cause it feels like he’s me. So not. Not good stuff. The lyrics are just over the top. You don’t want to. Should I play it? No, you probably shouldn’t play it, but people can read the lyrics. The lyrics are there. And again, this is from the Gateway pundit, so they are biased.

But once again, we have a trans punk rock band singing blasphemous songs. This was at an incredible rally, I guess, in Wisconsin. Bernie pulled out the numbers. They said 3, 500 people clapped and cheered along and laughed as they played these songs again. Now, I don’t know if that’s media. They say, you know, he gets 5, 000 supporters here in Vermont. I’ve been to his rallies. He’s lucky if he gets 500. So I don’t know if that’s a real number or not, but they say 3, 500 people in Wisconsin. Of course, they wear cheese on their heads.

No offense to the people in Wisconsin. Right. I don’t know what’s going on there, if that’s a real number or not, but this is disgusting and I think over the top optics, once again, keeping Vermont in the headline news. I told you, we’re going to stay in the news. We’re going to stay, we’re going to be one of the first. Yeah, it’s pretty, it’s pretty sad. You know, we, we have Bernie who went to Russia when it was a. So when it was a Soviet Union Communist and got married there. So he’s a communist, avowed communist Marxist.

And uh, we just talked about how Romania basically threw off is its communist dictator. And now we have Bernie Sanders trying to impose himself on the beautiful state of Vermont and try and make a, you know, I guess solidify Vermont as a communist state and then start to branch that out because that’s their intent to basically get it in one place. They’ll, they’ll push it other in the rest of the states. Well, I think Bobby Kennedy did a good job. It’s important to know that Mr. Free Healthcare Bernie Sanders received about $2 million in payments from Big Pharma.

He was one of the largest contributors. Right. Or benefit beneficiaries from Big Pharma. I think that’s important. And what we’re watching again we’ve reported before from Voodoo donuts to overcoming barriers. I think there’s some deeper darker things going on. I don’t think that’s burning anymore. But Linda, as a mom, what do you, what do you think of just watching this craziness? The one I, the one I just heard was Whoopi Goldberg had gotten 6 million, you know, to be able to share more diversity on her on the channel, on the View. And that one’s one that really upset me too.

But all of them are upsetting, you know, so you hear this and you listen to this and you just. Well, what I tell everybody watching is that news is not for us. That’s to wake up people. It’s again, if we were comfortable, we would never move. Are you comfortable? Do you feel protected? Do you feel represented? Are you sick of losing your rights and freedoms in this type of stuff? Whether it’s drag story hour in your public tax funded libraries or infant side full term abortions and beyond. Like these are crazy top level topics that we have to get through, but they are upsetting.

That’s why I want to talk about frequency. And you’re the perfect girl for that too because. So I just need to point to my sign up here. Remember, love is the biggest frequency of all.521 Hz. That’s why it’s there. That’s why reminded us to share love. Michael, Michael knows all about that in his love bubbles. Right? That’s the one Frequency I can’t play. We laugh about that. But again, frequency, not just for healing, for all sorts of kind of things. Every frequency is incredible. So I’ve got a video. This one’s I think a little longer, but it shows a whole bunch of different stuff.

Everybody calls me crazy when I talk about this, but when Joe Rogan talks about it, they’re all like, oh, wow, this is real, right? So we got a couple clips from Joe Rogan in the mash, but I think frequency is. I think it’s free energy. I think this is healing. I think this is quantum. I think there’s a whole bunch of things that we’re just starting to realize in discovery. So, Mike, again, thanks for being my. My wingman here. Can you pull up that video and we’ll watch that one? Yeah, let me transition over there. Then we’ll talk about the healing aspects and the watch afterwards.

How it works I want people to understand. And water experiments you can do with frequencies. And you can look at that. So the electricity running into the water makes the spout is connected to a speaker. The speaker is being controlled by an oscillation of things. But if you do all the hertz, you can see. Oh, my God, this is incredible. This is just one experiment for this. There’s a lot of other really, really cool ones. So if you change in frequency, the patterns change. So the ultrasonic waves are causing these objects to levitate. So they’re levitating in the ultrasonic waves.

Is that ice? I don’t even think it does exactly what they’re floating there. It’s probably just a piece, maybe like rice or piece of paper or something holy there. But people speculate this. This may be how the pyramids, because of the frequencies that people think they make or could have. Eddie Griffin said, outside the com once, high as cigarettes vibrates at a frequency. And if you know that frequency, you can control things. This is the model. This is all the frequencies of the elements and what their vibrational frequencies are. Those frequencies are all the numbers we get from looking at these ancient traditions that occur over and over and over again.

And so through somehow, through this technology, they’re able to move stuff stones or cut stones or all the above. You know, engineering is all about finding a way to make the impossible possible. So that’s what we do. Wow, that’s a good one. Of course, I love things like this. I have been crazy about these kind of things for years, you know, and it’s just a great video that you got. Thank you for sharing that and finding that Kevin, so what’s a compilation? And again, these are things that were not only, you know, they were banned. They weren’t just hidden.

They didn’t allow these things because they, again, I think this is a direct connection to free energy. We’re working with the, you know, energy people. And I can’t even tell you about some of the things we’re working with, but it’s amazing. And then you’ve taken that same thing. People are familiar with the Rife machine, Dr. Rife, and again, I know a lot of people that bought those very expensive machines. And the hard part was trying to find the frequency. Did you see that window? The car window and door bending? And it’s all. Everything has a frequency.

So Mr. Rife again clued that in with our illnesses and our, the effects of our body. And then you kind of perfected that the hard part of the Rife machine was dialing it in and finding the right frequency. But, you know, and you practically had to have some kind of a degree, you know, a health type degree, to figure out, you know, the book itself. So, you know, 15 years ago I had the idea that we could put it on a watch. And that actually was before the Apple watch. So that was kind of fun. But the tech technology was not there.

And, you know, finally it arrived and I could proceed with my idea, you know, and so thank you for that connection there because Dr. Rife gets all the credit. But I like to give a lot of credit to Tesla also because he had developed his own plate. You know, he had a vibration plate and he used that and tuned it into various things. And I guess one of his friends was Mark Twain, and so they got together regularly and played with frequencies. And that idea, I just think that’s fascinating. So we need to keep playing as people.

This is the whole idea that you are showing people is that we can play with it. One of my favorite things was with a friend, I was showing her a song site and I’ll, I’ll mention it for everybody. It’s 8 Crazy Experiments of Sound and it’s on YouTube and you can see how to do these things and you can download a, an app that. There are several types of toning apps that just make a sound and you can turn it to 852Hz or 228Hz or whatever. Hertz, as long as it’s within the acoustical frequency sound. And so my friend and I downloaded one of these apps.

We went out on my deck, we had a table, we put A rock on it, and we were able to mess around with it and move that rock from one side of the table to the other with sound. That was my personal little thing, and I’ll never forget that, you know, so we need to get everybody to doing something like that, you know, so that they can see. And then the water ones are amazing also, because what is our body? 70% water or more, you know, and so it changes with each. Each frequency that it is exposed to.

And we don’t have to just hear sounds. We absorb them through our skin, and we absorb them through our bones so we can be amazingly changed. I’ve got lots of videos or, excuse me, some slides on showing that too. Some of the work that they’ve done. How they can tune heart cells, and they have a picture of every single tuning with a different frequency on a heart cell and how it has changed, how the blood changes in that cell. So fascinating thing. So thanks for introducing more ideas about frequencies. I want to go into how this works.

And again, I know it works is about all I could. I’m still just a deer hunter, but I got the concept. But again, a modal mike, we’ve referenced a moto a lot. Right. But how it works with the water and vibration, it just goes through your. Your body at four times the speed of sound. Yeah. We make everything seem so hard, you know, and it’s simple. Our body is already absorbing frequencies. So when I put it together on the watch now I have. This is a new, updated 2.0 version, but it has speaker on the back side of it.

And it touches. Oh, it touches your bones, it touches your skin, you know, so that speaker is putting the exact frequencies that were measured by rife. And there have been some other newer frequencies measured, too, for different ideas. But once it does that, it. Your body is absorbing it. And it’s so simple. Every cell has about 70 receptors, and so they are feeling that frequency and they start to vibrate. So that vibration makes the next cell vibrate, and then that makes the next cell vibrate, but it goes through, like you’ve already said, at 4.3 times the speed of sound.

Yes. Remember back in the day when we had those giant speakers and you, like, crank the music on it, and if you had anything sitting on those speakers, it would fall off. You’re like, what you. When it first happened, you’re like, what the heck? And now we’re starting to see, you know, the science behind it, the. The levitation effect. And I saw where way back, I think it was like the, you know, mid or late early 1900s, a guy went to Tibet and the Tibetan monks were like doing this drum. They had it in a particular position and they levitated a stone by drumming and it went up the side of this mountain and they were able to like, you know, build this, you know, beautiful temple up, up this mountain because they were levitating the stones up the side of this mountain.

So incredible. So Linda, I, I want the, the levitation because I want to be able to levitate around. So I wish have more slides just right here for you. But have you seen some of the old Sumerian, ancient pictures where they have these Sumerians with. That’s right, that looks just like this, you know. And there was quite a discussion on the, you know, Facebook or whatever social networking it was that hey, they were levitating with it or they were telepathic with it, you know, whatever they were doing with it. But different cultures have been amazing with sound.

And we don’t want to give them credit because we’re not going there, we’re going to a pill. You know, we went so far the opposite direction. So that’s what the wave watch is doing, hopefully is taking you back to realize that frequencies can do something, you know. So we have some wonderful. And it’s ease, the ease of doing it, it does it so much faster. And I know we’ve gone over this time and time, but when you take a pill, it does kind of turn into a chemical vibration. Oh, thank you. There you go. We’re in a wave watch.

Yeah. So you know, we’ve gone the opposite direction. We don’t use anything common sense and simplistic and. What about the Bible? Frequencies are everywhere, you know, how about Jericho? How did that happen? You know, that was all frequencies. You know, you were spoken into existence. We were spoken into existence and we’ve just completely forgotten sound and all of the references to it in the Bible, you know. Well, that’s one of the amazing parts I think with the watch for me is it not only it makes you learn your body because you got self care. You got to figure out what’s wrong with you.

It’s the first part problem. Right. But I, I think it teaches my body. I think this is a tool where this is a med bed on a wrist and eventually I’m going to become the med bed. And I think I’m already starting to experience that. Like, I don’t know if, if my body by absorbing the sound just like the, you know, the potential how a virus is or a Vaccine is supposed to work. They give you a little bit and then your body gets used to it. Do you think that takes effect? Because I. I swear I’m doing it myself now.

Well, your emotions have their frequency, every emotion. So if you are looking at the wave, watch you go, oh, I need, you know, kidney stone. I need something for kidney stones. You’re already vibrating kidney stones. Kidney stones, kidney stones to me. I’m not saying that that’s medically verified, but yes, I would say that you can become your own person and your own healer. That’s what I mean. That’s what prayer does. It’s sound, you know, and your body is absorbing that sound and it. It’s just us needing to pay more and more attention. And I spend a lot of time trying to teach people, you know, about that with different ideas that they can get for their own self care.

Well, and it’s not just the good guys that use this, by the way. It’s the bad guys too. Mike, this is something we should talk about next. Rad. And again, I think about EMPs and all these different frequencies and radiations. They were all surrounded by. You can’t get away from it. Top of a mountain out in the country. It’s absolutely insane. This has an EMF blocker on it, by the way. It’s another button. I think we were looking for the Buns of steel button at one point. Check out this clip right here. This is. And we want to make sure that you know that these are ultrasonic sounds, right? They are not acoustical.

You can’t hear them. That’s why they’re so dangerous. They’re ultrasonic. Crazy. Okay. I just wanted to take a minute to address some of the questions and comments that I’ve received about these electromagnetic pulses we’re seeing going across the country from east to west at night while we sleep. There’s a few people that seem to think these are birds or water condensation. Okay, you see this right here? All right, that’s weather. It’s moving. All right? That’s how you can tell. These. These are tower installations. These are nexram stations. When they light up, they don’t move. It’s easier to tell right here.

It’s harder to tell in Texas because there’s so many. They just meld into each other. But look down here. You see this? When this lights up, you see it radiating from the central point, which is black radiates outward, right? Let me stop this here. You can zoom in and see these positions. All right? Stationary positions. They’re not birds. Birds move. Water condensation, it moves. These towers don’t move. Okay, that’s your first clue. Here’s your second clue. This is a map of the 160 Nexrad stations all across the country. Does that look familiar? I know it’s yellow and the other one is blue, but it’s the same thing, all right? It’s the same freaking thing.

Those identify the towers you’re looking at. See these right here? All right, you got three there in Arizona. Those are the easiest ones to see. Now, the important thing here is that you see down here. This lists the height above ground level of these fields. In yellow, you have 3,000ft. Orange is 6,000ft, and blue is 10,000ft. Now, these are all so close together, it’s really hard to see that 10,000ft. But if you look over here, isolated towers that are not next to others, you can see that blue ring is 10,000ft. That’s like two miles, baby. Okay? Now, regardless of what excuse they say they’re doing this for, you have a cause and effect relation ship of being radiated with this frequency at this power, all right? It’s not difficult to find the evidence to show that I’ve put together.

And again, this is what the bad guys do to us. And what’s in that and what’s it do to us? I’m not really sure. I don’t like it. And you can see it. You see how it’s like a. It’s a wave, how it comes across. So they’re using this again. Dr. Artist, he talks about grounding and makes grounding max, and there’s a lot to that, too. And again, we got a button on here for all of that. But we’re being bombarded with this stuff. Whether you believe in it or don’t believe in it or use it or don’t use it, they’re using it against you.

So we can use the same technology to defend ourselves. What do you got to say, Linda? And I was thinking, I heard between 1 and 3 is when they let loose those frequencies. Is that what you’ve heard? That is, yes. When we’re sleeping. Yeah. And I don’t know how that goes across the U.S. if it’s, you know, but what the changes are, but so important to protect ourselves. So the Weight Watch does have those frequencies on it, emf, and it’s in the detox category. You know, you’re detoxing EMFs and radiation, and that’s really important. But if you are still not there yet, Just be really common sense.

I mean, what is this? This is something that God gave us and it has a frequency. Guess what the frequency is. A frequency for radiation and for EMFs, you know, so guess what I have sitting right beside my bed. And right here I have a set of this, you know, and that goes by my computer, you know, so you can have fun with lots of different things. But you know, the one that for personal health, really close and on you, that you can travel with is the Wave Watch. Right. And this isn’t connected to the Internet.

There’s. There is a battery in it, so there’s obviously some sort of a radiation coming off of it, but I couldn’t even pick it up on the EMF detector. So it’s microscopic, it doesn’t hurt you. And again, it’s one and done. As far as payment, we’ll get into payments. And as always, if people’s interested in this, it’s Wave Watch. Wave and vibration. So there’s no E, W, A V W a T, c h wave watch dot com. And Jayco100 is a promo code where you can save a hundred dollars. If you’re interested in this product, you punch that in and purchase.

And this is a good place to talk about the bad parts. Linda. Which is fun. And he’s got it up here. I guess I’ll kick into that first that we have a sale going on now. So you’ll get 100 off with the Jayco 100 and then you’ll get 69 more dollars off. It just goes in automatically when you put that code in. And you’re going to get a free warranty and also an extra wristband so that you can actually put two wristbands on and make it for your dog if you would like, or your animals. That’s what my son’s had so much fun with.

And then extra screen protectors for that, you know, 69. So you were asking about some negatives. We have developed a new product and we had a little bit of trouble with some batteries. And so if you are having short battery time, you know, just let us know. That’s what we have a customer support service for. And so we’ll get those, get that right. According to whatever we need to do for your. Your particular watch. But so again, we did have some battery trouble and we’re getting it taken care of. That’s what we’re for. You know, that’s why I have customer support people.

So. And we get rave reviews from that customer support. By the way, you call you Actually talk to a person, they answer your questions and you’ve got a good warranty. And today, again, this is part of the special. Linda runs specials all the time. Sometimes the best part of the watch is sharing it. So sometimes she does bulk. You can get two or three or four and you save a whole bunch of money. And whenever you see those that Jayco 100, that code still works. All the other sales apply at the same time. The manufacturing piece, again, me and Michael, when we started this, we told everybody we were going to report the good, the bad and the ugly.

And it’s been nothing but good. We really had to search for negative 5 effects. The bad again would be part of the manufacturing. Again, we did have a, an issue. This technology is not available in the United States, by the way. I think that’s an interesting thing. But again, we had some manufacturing problems and like a great business, you take care of that. I have to. You know, it’s so exciting to be able to provide something that helps people and you don’t want one idea to mess it up. You know, it’s just a battery problem. We’re going to get, we are getting it fixed, you know, and we have in 4,000 new watches that don’t have that battery problem.

So we’re set, we are ready to go, you know, letting people know that we have a new unit that is simpler. And so we did have a unit that I started out with and I developed this when I was 65 years old. I didn’t retire, I retired. And so the first unit was square and had a 25 page booklet to go with it or 24 page. And this one is round and it just has a one page, you know, so we’ve very much simplified it for you to use. And some people of course were kicking and screaming and saying, no, I want my square one back, you know, and others are going yay.

So it’s, it’s really funny, but when we were developing the, the square one, they were saying, you need to make it round. Now that it’s round, they want it square again. Because guess what? Apple came out with a square watch. Copycat. Well, and I was one of the guys. And I think it’s again, part of that change. In fact, somebody commented on one of our Michael Jaco videos, we had three or four people on. Everybody had the old watch on except Michael. But part of that was again, Micah Clark from Camp Patriot. He won the old watches.

So he had the old watches. And I just didn’t like change. I mean, if it’s not broke. Why fix it? I love my. My lovecoin all. And again, that’s. We’re gonna give away a couple watches on the show, too. In fact, I’ll be first. I’ll go first. Because what happened with me is I got my new 2.0. And like always, I had a friend that said, man, I wonder if that’ll help me. So I. I gave it to her. So then when I was doing shows, I was wearing my old one because somebody else was wearing my new one, right? And her name is Michaela LeBeau.

And Mick is a good friend. Single mom. She’s been vaccinated. She deals with Lyme disease. She’s got. Well, she’s a basic hypochondriac, but I love the idea that she was from the younger generation and she was interested in this because it’s all old people like me, right? So we got somebody that is under 30, and she’s going, hey, what is this? Can I do something? I said, well, here, try it. And then, of course, I leave her alone for a couple weeks. I finally run into her. I’m like, hey, how’s that working? I’m cured. She said, it cured me.

And we can’t say it’s going to cure you. We can’t say it’s going to fix or treat or. But I’m going to tell you the effects that it has, right? So Mick has promised me a testimonial, and I hope to give that to her or I hope to get that from her. And that’s my giveaway today. I’m gonna let Mick actually keep my watch. He’s still dealing with a lot of things, and she’s a great mom trying. So I’m gonna just go ahead and let her keep that one. And we’ll. We’ll report in on how she’s doing with that a little bit later, I guess.

So. Congratulations, Nick. Yeah. I’ve been using the. The muscle recovery setting quite a bit because I. I have. I’ve been. I’m in my muscle building phase in the winters where I go super heavy, and it’s. It’s definitely been helping me out. I love it. You said. You hear that? Yeah. Yeah. Well, again, there’s so many different things I’ll tell people. For me, again, I’m not. I’ve never had a stroke. I don’t have leukemia. I don’t have these type things. But because I was a skier, I had joint pain and inflammation in my knees and my back or shot.

And that’s Not a problem anymore. From an allergy standpoint, people that suffer from allergies in the fall, people that know me, again, I could push out my cheekbones and it would squirt out my nose. It was bad. You think you can’t understand my Yankee accent now. You should see what I’m completely plugged up. Right. So, again, it was a problem for me. And since I’ve got this watch, zero, I don’t take any more Big Pharma. We talked about those double serpents and how bad we’re finding out that poison medicine is. As we use products like this, we’re getting away from those and we’re getting some really, really incredible results.

Kidney stones, you mentioned Again, I. I did give birth to a kidney stone about a month ago, but it’s been two years instead of having four or five a year. And I mean, if everybody’s done that, that’s not a pleasant thing. If you’ve never passed out from pain before. Great. Or vomited from pain, it’s quite the experience. I don’t wish it on anybody. Again. I don’t pass out or vomit anymore. When I just had one last month because I got pain settled. And I think what’s happening is these stones were so big up, my body couldn’t pass them.

And that’s why they again over and over and over. And now, thanks to the kidney stone combo, it’s breaking down. And I’m just starting to play with the. The emotional stuff in here. And Linda, this new watch, I have to say, again, I didn’t like the switch over, but now that I got it, this is so much easier. You’ve simplified it and put it in sets and, you know, you play everything all in one shot. And I think you’re doing it fantastic once you talk people into using it. Yeah. Because we were having lots of feedback, you know, from people so that we could develop a new product.

And they were saying, well, we don’t know which one to play. You know, there’s seven in that category, you know, so now we made the category and they have to play all of them because. So everything that was on the first wave watch is on the second wave watch. It’s just a much easier way to do it so that you play everything to protect you. So very, very easy. You have to play. That’s. People ask me all the time, well, it didn’t come with a lot of instructions. Put it on. You gotta wear it. First of all, you have to wear it or it’s not going to help you.

Right. Part of the deal. So when you, when you actually put it on, just start playing with, with everything, see what helps. It’s pretty easy when you got a headache, right? Joint pain, inflammation, that’s pretty common. Try the settings. And again, has all sorts of testimonial and features and, and things that you can look up on there too. You do a great job, Linda. Oh, thanks. And maybe if I can get one of my testimonies again. But I always talk about breast health. Sorry, guys, I’m. You might be interested in it too, but, you know, because both my mother and sister had breast cancer at the same time.

That’s really why I got busy and started developing this because my doctors just wanted me to have a double mastectomy and forget about it, although I had nothing going on. So I kind of looked at them and, you know, I’m screaming at them in my mind going, you are crazy. You know. But I did start a business and these women that I have worked with for 15 years in breast health, a business called Bras B R A S acronym. So many of them were great when I was developing the prototype. And I’ve had nine women have breast lumps go away in about 30 minutes.

You know, I mean, just makes you cry, you know, I didn’t say that it was cancerous. They were just lumps. Then most women go in and quote, unquote, you know, they’re having breast surgery the next day and scared out of their minds, you know. So I’m just very, very pleased with that. Well, let’s, let’s talk about that too. Because I can say the C word. Because we had testimonial from a woman that again, she had cancer in her lung, right. So that she went through chemo and all the pills and stress and radiation and years worth of that.

They ended up removing half of her right lung. And then when she was in remission for two years, but you’re tested all the time, she developed cancer again. They did a biopsy. It tested positive for cancer in her left lung. So they wanted to set her all up and get her back in and surgery and chemo and the hole. And she said no. I just went through that. I can’t imagine doing that again. I’m not going to do it. So she walked away from Western medicine. I’m not recommending that anybody does that. We’re not saying that.

No. But she bought a wave watch and that’s all she did. And then four months later, she’s clear, she’s cancer free. So we can, we can report that was an actual experience. It was written testimony. This woman was. Again, something happened there. Right? Again, we can’t say it was the watch. But that’s the FDA. That was one of the reasons for the 2.0 also. And I think that’s important by putting all these things together. A lot of it is because the words, they don’t want us to know these words. The fda, the same company that just approved organic vegetables would be sprayed by Monsanto with poison.

They’re cool, right? Human meat and your hot dogs and so many rat hairs and feces. And that’s okay, but we can’t use words that say we might be able to treat your chronic pain or illness. Right? That’s disgusting to me. Pain is a no, no inflammation. You can’t use those words according to the fda. So unless you’ve done double blind studies. Right, sorry about that. So we are getting studies, but. Well, let me think about this. There’s no doctor, there’s no prescription, no big pharma, there’s no government, there’s nobody involved and it works. I can’t imagine why they’d ban it.

Can you, Mike? Can you imagine why would our government ban that? Well, you know, there’s, there’s lots of reasons why they would ban it. But you know, they’ve, they’ve, you know, promoted. Some things are extremely suspect. You know, with the last COVID pandemic they, they basically promoted something that was very, very bad as we’re finding out. And they still hide that. But they want, they don’t want to like you know, promote or let something be promoted like this, which is obviously with the testimonials, is by, by far extremely valuable for humanity. Right. We’ve got one of those testimonials actually from the Susan Nader.

She was busy today. By the way, we give away wave watches and I’d love to give away more wave watches but we can’t afford it. We’re doing the best we can. Jaco 100 will save you $100 everybody, every day, anytime. But again we have a Give Send go where if people want to donate a dollar, five dollars. When we get enough money we again use our own promo codes. We buy another wave watch and we give them away. Susan 8 or became the susinator because she started buying whole watches. She’s an incredible woman and I want to give her that shout out.

I wish she could be here. I love it when she’s here. She glows and loves to share and help people. So if you guys want to get. If you want to participate at that level, we’ll make you the Dug Inator or the Jake Andator or whatever you are. And I’ll bring you on if you want to help us help other people, help save the world. How’s that sound? So again, Mike, you want to play that again? She’s got testimonial, and then another giveaway for you guys. All right, keep. Keep talking. I got to bring that one up.

I. I kind of missed that one. Keep talking. You gotta talk or you’re lucky. Look, I usually get yelled at for that, Mike. They can’t shut me up. But again, I think Susan’s a good woman and she’s given back. And I’m. I’m hoping that inspires other people to do this, the same thing. And when she joins us on shows, I want people to notice that glow, because the same for me. I’m doing this for myself. There’s a lot of satisfaction and helping other people. Go ahead, Mike. Hi. I also have a testimony I wanted to share.

This is an amazing one. I’m just going to read a little bit. In 2021, this woman was in the intensive care isolation for 11 days. She had Covid, Epstein Barr, and shingles. She is allergic to most of the allopathic drugs that they were giving her. So she was really limited to what she could touch tolerate, but she was exposed to more than what she really should have been. She was sent home at the end of 11 days on oxygen with instructions to arrange for palliative care. And she said she kind of lost hope at that point, but she really had studied natural therapies, actually earned a degree in them years ago.

So she knew a lot about things she could start up when she got home. So she did make some progress. But very soon after that, she heard about the wave watch. So she put her life in God’s hands, and they found a way to buy the watch. She immediately began using it, she said, literally 23 hours a day. So she started with the detox protocols, Epstein Barr. She used a lot of settings, the COVID settings. Adrenals, Bach flower, headache, lung, heart anemia, ptsd, love, bacteria, dental, joint, eczema, general pain spike, proteins, allergies, anaphylaxis, mental clarity, and many more.

So she really ran the gambit on here. At the end of using the watch for about a year, she realized she was now able to do most of her daily care. She was cooking meals, vacuuming, dusting, just normal household chores. And she said the wave Watch helped to save her life. So she said she’s still using the detox setting regularly and a few others when symptoms occur. She is on oxygen, but she went from 16 liters down to 3 liters now and she’s actually able to turn it off for an hour or so without any bad effects.

So that’s amazing. Anyway, she’s catching up on some long overdue dental work and of course she’s going to use those settings to heal much faster. She’s just so pleased, as you can tell, and she truly believes that this aided in her healing and is why she’s here today. She helps tons of people in her community, especially in the veteran community. So I just wanted to share this with everybody because this watch is really an amazing tool that you can carry with you and you can share with others. So I highly encourage you to hop on the the website and order the watch.

They have it set up with payment plans so you can buy a watch interest free with a smaller payment. You can use your FSA or HSA account at work to purchase the watch. So I really feel like it’s a tool that you can’t go without. So thanks for listening and thank you for sending in this wonderful testimony. Man, that’s a good, good wow. I mean, Susan does a good job at that. And again, the payment piece again, they can’t afford beer on Friday, right? You can’t afford to do that. What are you paying for Big Pharma right now? How much would 700 worth of pills get you? And is it working? Co pays and taxes and office visits and is it working? This is one and one.

Unless you set up options payment plans. So again, I think it’s, it’s worth everything in my perspective. It’s changed my life too. Linda, I thank you for that and something. I’m really excited. There’s an elderly woman, Pat is her name, in Bennington, Vermont. I was telling about this product. I let her try it. She liked it, it worked. She actually went through a, a senior, some sort of an assistance program. I just spoke with her the other day and she said, hey, I got a watch. And I’m like, oh, you bought one, awesome. Good for you.

And no, no, they bought it for me. So again, I’m not sure again, if this was somehow covered as part of her disability or if it was through, again, some sort of an advocacy. I’m looking into this because that excites me. If we have people in those positions and those agencies that are actually helping people get better, I think that’s good news. So I’ll have to report back on that, but I. I hope we got a little help for people from our government. I love it. They love the watch is what it is. My cat, I can’t keep it away from.

Sorry. At least he’s not noisy or she’s not noisy. That is so exciting about the. You said assisted living. Again, just a story to my own heart. I developed this when my mother was it assisted living and then memory care later with Alzheimer’s. And I had a watch at that point in time, but they would not use it on her. They could. They could not take the time to do it. So the fact that somebody else actually possibly ordered one is amazing because it could be something so easy for every elderly person. Well, and she doesn’t know it, but that advocate’s probably going to get a free wave watch from Kevin Holt.

Wait, so we can get more testimonials and help other people? But I like that idea and the concept behind it. So anybody that’s out there again advocating for these alternative and scalar light frequency. We got color and light therapy, amino acid. We got so many other exciting things that are coming down the pike right now. The medical community needs to look at that. I think that’s what excites me about you too. Your background with breast cancer and the medical. And that’s why you did it. That’s. That’s important to me. Again, you did it with the. The right reasons and intentions and you actually did it.

I’m still so impressed by it. Mike, you want to add anything? So, you know, we, we have a lot of people that are, you know, desiring the weight watch. You can see it in the chat. A lot of people want it, want to get it. How long does the. The special last? The spring special? Two more days maybe. Yeah, just two more. 10. I think it’s 10. Okay. 10. Okay, good. That’s a lot of 10 somewhere in there. Yeah. Okay. Third or so. I’m hoping so. But if I’m wrong, I’ll instruct my crew to make it to the 23rd if we need to.

Okay. Excellent. Excellent. Good. So there you go, guys. You still got plenty time to get that special. It’s 169.97. That’s. You can’t beat that. That’s off. It’s off that much. You know the original price, so you can make some payments on it. And it’s still less than what people spend at Starbucks. I mean, I go to Starbucks and it’s $7 a drink, you know. You know, well, it’s one and done. And the biggest. One of the biggest benefits for me, like I said, is sharing. I love sharing. It makes me feel good to help other people.

When I first got the wave watch, I was like, oh, my God, it actually works. And I bought one for my dad, my sister, and all my friends. Now we’re giving them away to you guys. But one watch can. It’ll help a whole household when you get it again. These people to. To win a free Wave watch. By the way, if you’re interested, it was back up in that clip. Go back and look. Grwn freewave is. And you can nominate anybody except yourself. Right. So we’re using this as I. I say a rewards program. I want to know how that person is giving back, whether it’s doing the dishes in the household, helping that mom out, or if it’s, you know, to the community or the state or whatever.

It’s hard to choose. I want. Everybody deserves healthy and happy. So that’s why we. We hired Susan Hater. She’s the lucky one that gets to pick and choose. And it’s horrible because. Because there’s so many deserving people. Right. But again, nominate somebody and send it in. The same with testimonials. Grwn free wave gmail dot com. And again, good luck to everybody. We can’t give away, you know, we can’t give away them all. I’d love nothing more than to read names for an hour, but Michael Jaco can’t afford that. I can’t either. I appreciate you guys getting involved with this humanitarian program and giving back and I know, Mike, we have one more video from Susan Aider where you’re going to give away a watch, too, I guess.

Right. All right. Is that in there? Let me see. I think so. I hope so, because I don’t know who she picked. She does an excellent job, by the way. Susan gets back with every person. Thank you. Yeah, I’m not seeing that one in here, unfortunately. Let me see. Maybe it’s this one. I sent a bunch this time. Sorry. Yeah, I think the last one’s the last one that I have. Okay. It was like a minute. It was a real short one. And I forgot, though. I mean, we can save it till next. Next time if you can’t find it, just give away two on the next show.

But it was a really short one. I think what happened is it didn’t create a link in the email. It might have been just the video itself. But if it’s not available. We’ll just hold off and give away two on the next one. That’s okay. Okay, great. Either way. Either way, it works. And again, thank you, Linda, for getting involved with this program and helping so many other people. I think that’s important. The same with the. Again, we talked about the, the problems, the diff. Every business has got problems and difficulties. It’s part of business. And when I first said, hey, Linda, we’re getting some complaints right now.

And again, she knew about it. Yeah, it’s the battery, Kevin. We took care of it. But when you go to a company and I say, hey, let’s, let’s go on your company, I want to talk about all the negative stuff. And we had to search and search far and wide for those comments. And she was like, yeah, let’s, let’s do that. That’s impressive to me. I mean, again, every business has difficulties and there’s always lemons and manufacturer difficulties. They admitted it, you know, so we’re getting a fix. You address that. That’s what I said. That’s impressive, the fact that you be transparent and talk about it on podcast.

Well, it’s embarrassing. What can I say? You know, it is embarrassing to have a problem because you want it to just be woo, you know, but a little bit of battery problem. And if that’s what we can do to make it better, we’re. All we need to do is fix the battery. That’s great. So that’s right. And the manufacturer, again, this is a manufacturer’s warranty. That again, if something goes wrong, you guys, the service raving people love that. And now you’re given the extended warranty, the bonus again through the. The savings. People want to buy it today or in the next 10 days.

And again, you always have these sales where you can buy multiple. And whenever you guys see a sale going on, Jayco100 again, I’ll save you a hundred dollars right off top every day. But those other sales apply, so that’s pretty cool too. Thanks for giving that. These new watches are very much water resistant, more than the other previous ones. That’s what we had trouble with before, you know, making a new product and finding out that people loved them and they wore them all the time and they wore them in the shower when they really weren’t that, you know, waterproof.

And so these are very much more water resistant, you know, and 40 lighter, you know, all kinds of improvements. So looks like you found something. I found that video so I had to download it, but here it Is. Hi, Kevin. Hi, Michael. I picked one for Michael Jayco today to give away. I have a gal by the name of Ladonna. She sent this in requesting a watch for her daughter. She’s 28 years old, just recently got married. She’s been having health issues since September. Her gums. She has healthy teeth, but her gums have started to recede.

She’s had a few biopsies. She has swollen lymph nodes and she’s losing weight. So something’s going on and hopefully the weight watch can help whip her back into shape. Now. She also, her new husband just had brain surgery in January. So I don’t know what that is all about, but hopefully this can help him to heal from the surgery. Anyway, so this is going to come directly to you, Karen, from Michael Jayco. Congratulations. That’s a deserving one. Goodness. Yeah, yeah. Glad to help them out. Yeah, that’s cool. Again, thanks for all the people that nominate your loved ones and hopefully they can get some of the benefits from that too.

So congratulations to them. We didn’t read any names. I like when people, when you send your names in, they gave us their full name and contact information. That’s very important. That’s one of the biggest complaints that we get from the Susinator. You got to give us the information to contact you, you and your nominee. Right. And Susan, eight or does a great job of doing that. We didn’t read names in that one because people asked us not to. So again, if that’s how you feel and you don’t want us to come out with your full name the same when sharing, you know, I want to buy this watch for this person.

Be mindful of, you know, HIPAA and, you know, if we want to spill everybody’s medical dirt in the public because we’re gonna so again, limit your. Your comments and be mindful. And if you guys don’t want us to read your full names, just tell us in the emails and if we pick you, we will not read your names. So want to put that out there. Very good. Very good. Well, guys, this has been an awesome show. Linda, always, I love when you come on with such great information. Kevin, love the way you put those videos together.

It was really good. Good job. Nice. I think we had a little problem with sound. I think. I don’t know if it’s Streamyard or whatever. I. I had trouble hearing it on this end. Hopefully the audience heard it. Yeah, yeah. I think it’s when you. When it plays back and when you’re in the, the show, it doesn’t play back as well for people in the show, for the audience. Well, I appreciate you having us, Mike. Like I said, I. I love to help other people and everything you do, you’re still, you’re still standing, man. Still one of my favorites.

So thanks. Thanks again for everything. Well, thank you guys. Yeah, I’m still standing because we do amazing things, I think, you know, and God protects us. Love frequency. How’s that? You are the most frequently you are the person most into it and you come in and you have your cuffs of average like Wonder Woman. You just take that. I love it. Good to see Tracy in there too. Yeah, good to see you guys. We appreciate you telling you. I was feeling it yesterday. All right, guys, thanks a lot. Lots of love you and we’ll see you guys next time.

See you, Linda. Bye. Bye. Bye, Tracy. I like.



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