Robert Sepehr Book | 1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History Religion Politics and Finance Part 3

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âž¡ In 1917, Weitzman, the president of the British Zionist Federation, worked with the UK’s foreign secretary, Balfour, to get the Balfour Declaration. This document stated that Britain would give Palestine to the Rothschild Zionists if America joined the war against Germany. This led to America’s entry into World War I and Germany’s defeat. The Germans felt betrayed as they were friendly towards Jews, even offering them refuge when they had to flee Russia after a failed communist coup in 1905.
âž¡ The text discusses the role of Zionists in World War I, suggesting that the U.S. was drawn into the war to help Zionists gain control of Palestine. It also claims that Germany’s defeat and subsequent economic struggles were due to this Zionist influence, leading to resentment towards Jews in Germany. The text further discusses Hitler’s rise to power, his refusal to follow international banking rules, and his issuance of Germany’s own debt-free currency, which allegedly led to economic growth and prosperity.
âž¡ Hitler’s Germany managed to revive its economy not through rearmament, but by spending on public works like roads and bridges, and issuing debt-free currency. This approach eliminated unemployment within two years. The text also discusses how several U.S. presidents attempted to issue interest-free currency, with some facing assassination attempts or untimely deaths. Lastly, it highlights the improved living conditions in Hitler’s Germany, with reduced crime rates and improved public health, and discusses the concept of National Socialism.
âž¡ The text discusses how antisemitism was used to further the political goals of Zionism, with Herzl believing that Europe would eventually support Zionism to rid itself of antisemitism. It also suggests that the Rothschilds planned to establish a world government in Jerusalem, which required forcing Jews to Palestine through persecution. The text further alleges that Zionists and Nazis formed a partnership to train Jews in farming and send them to Palestine, while non-Zionist Jews were left to perish in Europe. Lastly, it claims that the central bankers and their front men owned several publications and used them to manipulate public opinion.
âž¡ The speaker discusses the historical events surrounding World War I, focusing on the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, the role of Germany, and the strategic importance of certain geographical locations. They also touch on the Sykes-Pico agreement, which divided the Middle East between Britain and France after the war, leading to the creation of new countries like Iraq and Saudi Arabia. The speaker also mentions the involvement of the Ottoman Empire and the Zionists, and the strategic importance of certain locations for Russia’s naval access.
âž¡ The text discusses the military history of the second German Reich, focusing on the Prussian influence on German military training. It also mentions the role of Prussian mercenaries during the Revolutionary War. The text then shifts to the origins of World War I, triggered by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and the subsequent involvement of Germany, Austria Hungary, and the Ottoman Turk Empire due to existing treaties. The author ends by mentioning plans for future discussions about the 9/11 attacks.



Untold History Channel. My name is Ron Partain and it is Thursday, August 22, almost, almost getting into September. Thursday, August 22. And we are going to be finishing up, probably going to be a little bit of a shorter show because only have, I don’t know, it says 20 pages, but I don’t think it’s that long. I think it’s more like about 15, so. But it’s got a few pages left of the Robert Sheppard book and when I get finished with that kind of it, to speak, so. But in any event, let’s. What do you say we jump right in here and actually let me get the chat up here? Okay, here we go.

All right, so here we are. All right. Chapter six where we left off. In 1917 time, Weitzman became president of the British Zionist Federation. He worked with the United Kingdom’s foreign secretary, Arthur James Balfour to obtain the milestone Balfour declaration, which stated in writing that in exchange for bringing America into the war against Germany, the British would give Palestine to the Rothschild Zionists. His Majesty’s government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the jewish people and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this objective. The press published the letter one week later and the Balfour Declaration was later incorporated into the peace treaty with the Ottoman Empire and the Mandate for Palestine.

The original document is kept at the British Library. The reason that America entered World War one directly leading to the defeat and destruction of Germany was due to a formal agreement between Britain and Mister Rothschild, which promised Palestine as a new jewish homeland in exchange for America’s entry into the war. The Versailles Peace treaty or, excuse me, the Versailles Peace conference held in 1919 decided reparations that the German needed to pay to the victors. Following the end of the First World War, a delegation of 117 Zionists headed up by Bernard Baruch, Shocker, brought up the subject of Palestine.

At this point, the defeated Germans realized why America had turned against them politically and militarily, and under whose influence, namely the Rothschilds. The Germans naturally felt the Zionists had betrayed them. This was because at the time, the Rothschilds made this deal with Britain. For Palestine, Germany was the friendliest country in the world towards the Jews. The German emancipation edict of 1822 guaranteed Jews in Germany all of the civil rights enjoyed by Germans. Germany also was the only country in Europe which did not place restrictions on Jews, even giving them refuge when they had to flee Russia after their first attempted communist coup had failed in 1905.

Let’s go up here and read this. What a Palestine for Jews. Official sympathy. Mister Balfour has sent the following letter to Lord Rothschild in regard to the establishment of a national home in Palestine for the jewish people. I have much pleasure in conveying to you on behalf of his Majesty’s government, the following declaration of sympathy with jewish zionist aspirations which has been submitted to his to and approved by the cabinet. His Majesty’s government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the jewish people and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object.

It being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non jewish communities in Palestine or the rights of the political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country. I find it very interesting that they would say it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non jewish communities in Palestine. Tell that to them in 1948 after the Nakpa. I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the zionist federation. Interesting. Born in 1890, Benjamin H.

Friedman was a successful jewish businessman of New York City who at one time who was at one time the principal owner of the Woodbury soap company. Starting in 1945, he spent the great pondance of his considerable fortune, at least two and a half million dollars, exposing the tyranny which had enveloped the United States. Mister Friedman was personally acquainted with Barar Baruch, Samuel Untermeyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, John F. Kennedy and many more movers and shakers of our times. The following shortened excerpt is from a speech given by Mister Friedman at a packed audience at the Willard Hotel in Washington DC in 1961.

And if you guys want, are interested in listening to that, I actually have it on my channel the entire thing. World War one broke out in the summer of 1914. Within two years, Germany had won that war. Not alone won it nominally, but won it actually. The german submarines, which were a surprise to the world, had swept all the convoys from the Atlantic and Great Britain stood there without ammunition for her soldiers, stood there with one week’s food supply facing her. And after that, starvation. At that time the french army had mutinied. And that’s true. The french army did mutiny.

A lot of you guys, a lot of you may not be aware, but the french army down, the french army down by like I think was Verdun. They lost so many guys and they were, and they were so pissed off at their leaders for the incompetence that they had and just the countless deaths that were occurring. It’s, forget this, we ain’t fighting no more. We’re done. So they lost six. This is the time of the French. Here they lost 600,000 of the flower of french youth and the defense of Verdun on the Somme. The russian army was defecting.

They were picking up their toys and going home. They didn’t want to play war anymore. And the italian army had collapsed. Not a shot had been fired on german soil. Not an enemy soldier had crossed the border into Germany. And yet here was Germany, offering England peace terms. They offered England a negotiated peace on what the lawyers called a status quo anti basis. That means let’s call off the war and let’s let everything be as it was before the war started. England, in the summer of 1916, was considering that seriously. They had no choice. It was either accept the negotiated peace that Germany was magnanimously offering them, or going on with the war and being totally defeated.

While what was going on. While that was going on, the Zionists in Germany went to the british war cabinet. And I. I am going to be brief because this is a long story, but I have all the documents to prove any statement that I make. If anyone here is curious or doesn’t believe what I’m saying is at all possible. The Zionists went to the british war cabinet and they said, look here, you can yet win this war. You don’t have to give up. You don’t have to accept the negotiated peace offered to you now by Germany.

You can win this war if the United States will come in as your ally. The United States was not in the war at that time. We were fresh, we were young, we were rich, we were powerful. They Zionists told England, we will guarantee to bring the United States into the war as your ally, to fight with you on your side, if you will promote, if you will promise us Palestine after you win the war. In other words, they made this deal. We get, or we will get, the United States into the war as your ally. The price you must pay us is Palestine after you have won the war and defeated Germany.

Now, England had as much right to promise Palestine to anybody as the United States would have had to promise Japan to Ireland for any reason whatsoever. It’s absolutely absurd that Great Britain, that never had any connection or any interest or any right in what is known as Palestine, should offer it as coin of the realm to pay the Zionists for bringing the United States into the war. However, they made that promise in October of 1916, and shortly after that, the United States, which was almost totally pro German. Totally pro German because the newspapers here were controlled by the Jews, the bankers were the Jews, all the media of mass communication in the country were controlled by Jews, and they were pro German because their people, in the majority of cases, came from Germany and they wanted to see Germany lick the czar.

At that time, everything changed, like the traffic light that changes from red to green, where the newspapers had been all pro German, pro German. Where they’d been telling the people of the diff of, of the difficulties that Germany was having fighting great Britain commercially and in other respects, all of a sudden, the Germans were no good. They were villains. They were Huns. They were shooting Red Cross nurses. They were cutting off babies hands. They were, they were no good. Well, shortly after that, Mister Wilson declared war on Germany. That’s how the United States got into the war.

We had no more right to be in that, to be in it than we have to be on the moon tonight. Instead of this room. We went in there. We went where we were railroaded in it. And if I could be vulgar, we were suckered into it. That war merely showed that Zionists of the world could obtain Palestine. Now, that is something that the people of the United States have never been told. They never knew why we went into World War one. After we got into the war, the Zionists went to Great Britain and they said, well, we performed our part of the agreement.

Let’s have something in writing that shows you are going to keep your bargain and give us Palestine after you win the war. The Balfour declaration was Great Britain’s promise to pay the Zionists what they had agreed upon as a consideration for getting the United States into the war. The United States went in the war. The United States crushed Germany. We went in there and its history. Now, when the war was ended and the Germans went to Paris and the peace conference in 1919, there were 117 Jews there. As the delegation representing the Jews, headed by Bernard Baruch.

I was there. I ought to know now what happened. The Jews at that peace conference, when they were cutting up Germany and partialing out Europe to all these nations that claimed a right to certain part of european territory, the Jews said, how about Palestine for us? And they produced for the first time, to the knowledge of the Germans, this Balfour declaration. So the Germans for the first time realized, oh, that was the game. That’s why the United States came into the war. And the Germans for the first time realized that they were defeated. They suffered this terrific reparation that was slapped onto them because the Zionists wanted Palestine and they were determined to get it at any cost.

When the Germans realized this, they were not. They naturally resented it up to that time, the Jews had never been better off in any other country in the world than they had been in Germany. The Jews were doing very well in Germany, no question about that. Now. The Germans felt, well, that was quite a sellout. That’s how Germany felt towards these Jews. We’ve been so nice to them. And from 1905 on, when the first communist revolution in Russia failed and the Jews had to scramble out of Russia, they all went to Germany, and Germany gave them refuge, and they were treated very nicely.

And they were sold German. And they sold Germany down the river for no reason at all other than they wanted Palestine as a so called Jewish Commonwealth. The Jews themselves admitted that it wasn’t that the Germans in 1919 discovered that a glass of jewish blood tasted better than Coca Cola or Munchauser beer. There was no religious feeling. There were no sentiment against those people merely on account of their religious belief. It was all political. Nobody cared in Germany whether a Jews went home and pulled down the shades and said, Shema, Israel or our father. No one cared in Germany any more than they do in the United States.

Now, this feeling that developed later in Germany was due to one thing, that the Germans held the Jews responsible for their crushing defeat for no reason at all. Because World War one was started against Germany for no reason for which they, the Germans, were responsible. They were guilty of nothing. When Germany realized that the Jews were responsible for her defeat, they naturally resented it. But not a hair on the head of any jew was harmed. Not a single hair. Now, the Jews sort of tried to keep the lid on this fact. They didn’t want the world to really understand that they had sold out Germany and that the Germans resented it.

I will tell you, I’ve listened to that Benjamin Friedman speech probably 20 times in my life, and probably why I was able to read that so well, because a little like, and as I’m reading it, I’m listening. I’m hearing it in my head of Benjamin Friedman talking. And I did not know that he spent a lot of his money. I didn’t know that he was. That he owned that soap company, that he spent two and a half million dollars in 1945, which was a tremendous amount of money, probably somewhere in the neighborhood of about $10 million today.

So, I mean, that was a lot of money, maybe even more, because money was just different back then. This is not. Excuse me. This is not in any state or federally funded schools. This. This was, however, the great betrayal that Hitler always talked about in his well received speeches, even long before he had any political power. This is what attracted the german public to him not because they were racist. Hitler’s driver was a jew, and so was his cook. German hostility and resentment towards organized jewry and freemasonry was not based on aryan superiority. It was a reaction to a.

To. It was a reaction to. On a covert masonic conspiracy. Forces occultists or occult forces. Subtitled the Mysteries of Freemasonry, unveiled for the first time on this screen is a french film produced in 1943 during occupied France by ex Freemason, who, after the war, was executed for making it. The film recounts the life of a young politician who joins the Freemasons. Here is the institute for historical reviews, or IHR’s, description of the film. This 1943 french production is perhaps the most important anti masonic feature film ever made. It tells the story of a young member of the french parliament who joins a Freemason lodge at the urging of colleagues.

Although made with german encouragement and support, it nonetheless reflected broad french sentiment. After France’s liberation, the film’s director, producer and screenplay writer were severely punished and imprisoned for their role in this production. Director Jean May, Jean Manny or Paul Richie, a former Freemason, was sentenced to death and executed. With english subtitle. And this is with english subtitles. I’ll see if I can find that. That might be an interesting watch party. I could find it. Horses. Occultists was the last film Paul Richie directed before his unjust execution. The total running time is only around 50 minutes and the film is available to watch online for free.

All right, so, yeah, yeah, this is. Yeah, this is chapter seven. So this is going to be a short show, guys, but I may. I may kind of do some. I may go into that, a little bit of that speech and just kind of give some. Some of my thoughts about how and why that took place. We are all familiar with the story of Hitler and that Rothschild controlled mainstream mainstream media would like the world to believe Hitler has been made out to be the most evil person to have ever lived. By starting. By starting needles, or sorry guys, by starting needless wars and slaughtering millions of innocent people.

The same story has been echoed throughout Hollywood for decades. And by now, it’s safe to say billions of dollars have been spent to convince to post world war two generations of this black and white good versus evil perspective about the nazi regime. What if it isn’t entirely accurate? After investigating the work of others who have documented history in an unbiased fashion, as well as those who I have interviewed, people who closely worked with and lived alongside Hitler, I believe that there is strong evidence to suggest that what we’ve been told is extremely inaccurate. When Hitler came to power, the german people had no work, no money, and were starving as a result of the cruel and brutal reparations imposed on Germany after World War one.

A wheelbarrow full of 100 billion mark banknotes could not buy a loaf of bread at the time, and many Germans were living in shacks after countless homes and farms had been seized by Rothschild, Rockefeller controlled banks. In his 1967 book, the Magic of money, Hitler’s Reich bank president, doctor Hamar Horace Greeley, shot, let out the big secret. The Marx dramatic devaluation began soon after the Reichsbank was privatized or delivered to private investors. In other words, the german government was not responsible for the post war hyperinflation, but rather the privately owned central bank in Germany and its monopoly it had over the creation of money.

That sounds kind of familiar, and that sounds like the situation that we’re dealing with right now. Germany’s economy was crashed and devastated by bankers. That is until Hitler arrived. When Adolf Hitler’s period as chancellor of Germany began, he refused to play ball with the Rockefeller Rothschild rules and instead issued Germany’s own currency, known as Reichsmarks, which were debt free and uncontrollable by international finance interests. Hitler fixed the corrupt debt based financial system by completely thwarting the international banking cartels, resulting in Germany printing its own currency instead of borrowing it on interest from a Rothschild bank, which is.

Which is what currently is in place in America under the Federal Reserve, or fede. Hitler lifted Germany out of the heinous economic depression which was imposed on it, ushering in a decade, excuse me, ushering in a decade. Let’s find out where I was sneezed. Let’s see. Hitler lifted Germany out of the heinous economic depression which was imposed on it, ushering in a decade of self determined growth, prosperity. Germany started offering completely debt free finance for constructing new roads, bridges, dams, canals, port facilities, and much needed repair of public and private buildings. None of the public money that the Nazi Germany issued owed any interest to the international banksters.

As Hitler said, for every mark issued, we require the equivalent of a mark’s worth of work done or goods produced. The unemployment problem had been solved within only two years and Germany was back on its feet. It’s been claimed that Hitler’s success in reviving his national economy was based on government spending and rearmament. This is a myth. As the renowned british historian AJP Taylor noted, Germany’s economic recovery, which was complete by 1936, did not rest on rearmament. It was caused mainly by lavish expenditure on public works, particularly on motor roads. And this public spending stimulated private spending also, as british economist John Maynard Keynes had said it would.

While nearly everyone else in Europe expected a great war, Hitler was the. Hitler was the one man who neither expected nor planned for it. If America nationalized their currency, as Hitler did for Germany, they would effectively sever all ties with the international bankers. The manipulation of their government and economy would cease and they would live debt free, just as Hitler issued debt free currency for Germany. Abraham Lincoln set up an interest free banking system in the United States when he was president, and he was murdered for it. I don’t totally agree with that. He did. I, you know, I’ve got to give credit where credit is due, and Lincoln did do that, but I don’t think that was why he was murdered.

But that’s a topic for another discussion. Former US president Andrew Jackson issued interest free currency and two shots were fired at his head in an assassination attempt. Shots. The shots misfired and he survived. John F. Kennedy issued interest free currency during his presidency and met an untimely demise. That is true, but I mean, if you really want to. I don’t know if I could count on both hands the amount of people that Kennedy pissed off. Um, so at least at the upper echelon of level. So, I mean, there’s, there’s a number of different. The people that the elite wanted to kill Kennedy for.

I’m not just, I’m not dismissing the currency aspect as one of them, but, I mean, where to start? That list is long. In his 1976 book, the twelve year Reich, author R. Grunberger stated that there were significant drops in the rates of murder, robbery, theft, embezzlement and petty larceny during the Hitler years. Many foreigners were impressed by the improved outlook and health of Germans, including Sir Arnold Wilson, a british member of parliament who visited Germany seven times after Hitler came to power. Wilson wrote, infant mortality has been greatly reduced and is considerably inferior to that in Great Britain.

Tuberculosis and other diseases have noticeably diminished. The criminal courts have never had so little to do and the prisons have never had so few occupants. It is a pleasure to observe the physical attitude of the german youth. Even the poorest persons are better clothed than the. Than was formerly the case, and their cheerful faces testify to the physiological improvement that has been wrought within them. A prime philosophy of Germany at the time was that all citizens should share the same standard of living. With this in mind, Nazi Germany boasted one of the largest public welfare programs in history with the slogan, none shall starve nor freeze.

Every year, high ranking Nazis and citizens would take to the streets to collect charity for the unfortunate, which generated a feeling of comradeship towards those in need. And that’s true. You know, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You know, we in the United States, we in 2020, we hear the word socialism, and we think government subsidy from, you know, cradle to grave, that’s nothing. That’s not what socialism was. To the national Socialism, to the National Socialist, national Socialism was, you were very proud to be german. That was the whole nationalism. You were very, you were very much a nationalist.

And the socialist part was more, you know, and if, you know, just, just to kind of paraphrase, it was more or less a social contract that you had to be the best person you could be to, to help everybody come up. So it was, it wasn’t a, it wasn’t government welfare. It was, it was like a, it was just like I said, it was like a social contract that you had to make everybody better to help your fellow man come up. Okay? I mean, we talk all, you know, all the time. We talk about, you know, oh, you got to be in the 4d or, you know, everybody’s in four d and wait till we get to 5d in terms of understanding or three dimensional, five dimensional whatever, you know, and I would argue that that sentiment existed in the mid to late thirties in Germany.

Maybe not to the same degree in terms of like, you know, like telepathy and, you know, that sort of thing, but in terms of elevating everybody at the same time, that did exist in Germany. And I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, I believe this is what’s coming to the United States. I believe, and I’m going to go off on a little bit of a tangent here, but I believe that when Trump wins, and he’s going to win, we’re going to have a very, very rough period. But we, the United States is going to come back so fast, it is going to make people’s heads spin, and we are going to be the leaders of the world again, and we’re going to wipe out all of the shit that has been forced upon us, you know, by these, by these international bankers, where it’s, it’s, it’s going to be, it’s going to be a golden era of being american, you know? And, you know, I’m really looking forward to that.

So, uh, anyway, let’s see, chapter eight. And I think this is the last chapter should be, yeah, I have 70. It says 70 pages, and I’m on 62. So, uh, the very first public mention of the word Holocaust in regards to World War Two came as early as 1936 from the leader of labor Zionism, Chaim Weitzmandae, while addressing the World Zionist Congress. And that’s not technically true, because it actually appeared in newspapers going back into the early 19 hundreds, I think like 1902 or 1903 in newsprint. But in terms of, like, orally, he could be right here.

Weizmann, who would later become Israel’s first president in 1936, made the following dreadful pronouncement. Perhaps only 2 million Jews will survive the upcoming Holocaust. Yes, he used that word, but they will be strong and good for the land of Israel. The rest will be blown into the dust pile of history. And keep in mind what we talked about yesterday, and I don’t know exactly where it was, but in this book, he talked about the. The people, the Jews who lived in Europe. They didn’t want to leave Europe. They liked Europe. So the. The. Basically the. The elite were going to.

They were going to make living in Europe as uncomfortable. It was possible for the Jews to force them to get out of there, which is what they did. Where’d they go? They went either to Israel or to the United States or to. Or to Russia. The term holocaust. The term holocaust is too often used without regard to its true meaning. Rabbi Marvin Anselman states that well before World War Two, the religious term meant burnt offering, as in sacrifice. He quotes Bruno Bethelheim, who said, calling the most callous, most brutal, most horrid, most heinous mass murder of a burnt offering is a sacrilege, a profanation of God and man.

Whose sacrifice was it? For what purpose? Obviously, it had something to do with the sabbataean frankist occult political agenda. According to jewish author Henry Macau, every time we use that word, we unwittingly join their sacrilege. In his book, published in 2005, Zabatai. Labor Zionism and the Holocaust. Israel author Barry chemish poses a sensitive question, then offers an answer hardly ever discussed in the mainstream media or academia. In 1932, how many organizations in Germany represented german jewry? Over 250. In 1933, how many? One and only one. Labor Zionism, Rothschild money and jesuit power initiated the so called enlightenment.

The final aim of the movement was to establish a sabbataean Frank estate in the historical land of the Jews. To foment the idea, life had to become so intolerable for Europe’s Jews that escape to Palestine would appear to be the best option. But that’s. But, but was this plan a conspiracy theory, or is this conspiracy a documented fact? Theodore Herzl, the father of modern Zionism, claimed that the jewish establishment. Excuse me. Claimed that the establishment of a jewish state would cure anti Semitism. But he also promoted anti semitism to further his cause. I. In his published diary, Herzl boldly stated it would be an excellent idea to call in respectable, accredited anti Semites as liquidators of property.

The anti Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti semitic countries, our allies. The israeli historian Benny Morris describes how Herzl foresaw and calculated the COVID ways in which antisemitism could be harnessed and exploited in order to further expedite the realization of the political goals of Zionism. He states that Herzl regarded Zionism’s triumph as inevitable, not only because life in Europe was ever more untenable for Jews, but also because it was in Europe’s interest to rid the Jews and relieved of anti Semitism, the european political establishment would eventually be persuaded to promote proponent, say that five times, be eventually be persuaded to promote Zionism.

Herzl recognized that anti Semitism would be harnessed to his own zionist purposes. According to historian Christopher Joe Burke. I don’t even know if I’m saying that right. Jewish support was the only thing lacking in the Rothschild’s plan to establish a world government in Jerusalem. With a Rothschild ruling as king, they could bankrupt Germany and Turkey. They could bring Russia to ruins. They could buy Jewish near do well or nerd do wells. They could even buy the pope. But the only way to force Jews in large numbers to Palestine was to put Hitler and Stalin in power and persecute jews on a massive and unprecedented scale.

Jewish author Barry Chamish, who also. Excuse me, who in the summer of 1982, fought in the Lebanon war for the israeli defense forces, and whose grandparents died in a concentration camp in Poland, published his book, publishing his book that we now jump to 1933. Less than 1% of the german Jews supported Zionism. Many tried to escape from Nazism by boat to latin and north american ports, but the international diplomatic order was to turn them back. Any german jew who rejected Palestine would be shipped back to his death. And I believe that is true. The. If I remember correctly, there was a stairs.

There are stories of ships with Jews came to the United States and were turned around. I said, no, go back. We don’t. We’re not accepting you. Go back. By 1934, the majority of german Jews got the message and turned to the only jewish organization allowed by the Nazis, the labor Zionists. For confirmation of the conspiracy between them and Hitler’s regime, read the transfer agreement by Edward Black, perfidy by Ben Hecht, or the Sacred and the doomed by Jacob Nuremberger. According to Chamish, the deal cut worked. Something like this. The German Jews would first be indoctrinated into Bolshevism in the labor Zionism camp and then, with british approval, transferred to Palestine.

Under the 1935 Nuremberg laws, only two flags were permitted in Nazi Germany. One was the swastika. The other was the blue and white banner of Zionism. According to Lenny Brenner’s book, Zionism in the Age of Dictators, the zionist party was the only other political party in Nazi Germany to enjoy a measure of freedom. Zionists and Nazis had a common interest that developed into a formal partnership, making Jews go back to Palestine. The pro eugenics labor Zionists got the Jews they wanted by training them in farming in nazi camps and let the millions of orthodox religious Jews, the ones against political Rothschild, Zionism, and other non frankest, perish in Europe while their wealth was liquidated and transferred to the labor Zionists.

See the transfer agreement. While the non zionist european Jews were in mortal danger, zionist leaders in America deliberately provoked and enraged Hitler. They began in 1933 by initiating their worldwide boycott of nazi goods. I’m Weizmann, the zionist chief and leader, first president of Israel, said, every nation has its dead, or had its dead in this, in its fight for the homeland. The suffering under Hitler are our dead. Rabbi Moshe Schoenfeld accuses the Rothschild Zionist of collaborating in the nazi slaughter of european Jewry. Directly and indirectly. He makes these charges in his book Holocaust Victims accused, which was published in 1977, Rabbi Schoenfeld calls the zionist war criminals or usurping the leadership of the jewish people, betraying them to be slaughtered, and then reaping the moral capital from their own treachery.

He states, the Zionists approach the jew. That jewish blood is the anointing oil needed for the wheel of the jewish state is not a thing of the past. It remains operable to this very day. In a famous statement, Georgetown University professor Carol Quigley, an insider who was Bill Clinton’s mentor, said, the central baker plan is nothing less than to establish a world system to dominate the political system of each country. By 1940, publications owned by the central bankers and their front men included the New York Herald Tribune, the New York Times, PM, the Chicago sun, the Cowles Group, uh, Time Life, the Washington Post, and the Baltimore sun.

In his book, Crimes and Mercies. James Bach describes how he confronted New York Times reporter Jude Middleton with the evidence that after the war, the United States sarved death over 1 million german pows. Box writes, what Middleton told me basically was that, yes, he had lied in 1945, and no, it did not matter to him or the New York Times. If I expose this, Middleton’s sense of security, his sense of New York Times power, took my breath away. But worse than that, Middleton did not care about his atrocity. The New York Times witnessed it, then denied it that it happened, and it’s gone and has gone on to deny it into the nineties, Bach estimates.

And Bach wrote a book called other Losses, which is very. It’s disturbing, to say the least. Bach estimates that during the allied occupation, from 46 to 1950, an additional eight to 12 million Germans were deliberately starved to death. The war did not end in 1945. For five additional years, Germany suffered physical and physical and physique trauma unparalleled in history. Red army soldiers raped up to 2 million german women during the last six months of the Second World War, around 100,000 of them in Berlin. They also raped russian women released from german labor camps. We live in a feminist era.

Have you seen any movies about these women? Outlined in the Rothschild, Winston Churchill, and the Final Solution. Clifford Shack states that through infiltration, stealth, and cunning, this invisible network has come to rule us all. 41 years after Zabatai Zebbi’s death in 1717, they would infiltrate masonry guilds in England and establish Freemasonry. Zevi’s successor, Jacob Frank, would have a great impact on the inner core of Freemasonry, known as the Illuminati. Formed in 1776, Freemasonry would become the hidden force behind events like the american, french, and russian revolutions. And I contend that Russia didn’t actually have a revolution.

Russia had an invasion. And same thing with friends, same thing with the French. And I do believe, in a certain way that Freemasonry did have a role in the formation of the Americans, to stand up against the British and ultimately fight them. And then the French came in and helped us beat them. The creations of the United nations. Let’s see here. Let’s see. Freemasonry would become the hidden force behind events like the american, french, and russian revolutions, the creations of the United nations and Israel. Both world wars, including the Holocaust and the assassinations of Kennedy brothers, who, together with their father, tried to thwart the efforts of that network on american soil.

Sabbataean Frank is that, I believe Sabatayan Francis also referred to as the cult of the all seeing eye. Look at your $1 bill to begin understanding their influence in your life. Our political and religious chameleons, they are everywhere. There is power. There are good guys and the bad guys. The World War Two era is a prime example. David Livingston, author of Terrorism and the Illuminati, a 3000 year history says that the all occult movements originate in the Kabbalah, which he dates to the 6th century BC, Babylon, maintaining that most Illuminati bloodlines, including european royalty, are heretical Jews and crypto Jews, Jews who pretend they are from other religions.

In this book. In his book, Livingston details how the Kabbalist. Kabbalist bankers operating through their control of Saudi Arabia, the Bank of England and british american imperialism conspired to break up the Ottoman Empire and keep the Middle east backward. He also meticulously explains how this shadow world government continues to use a variety of cults like wahhabism and Salafi and the Masonic or. And masonic secret societies like the Muslim Brotherhood to divide Islam, to create fanatical fundamentalism and to foster terror in preparation for the coming war of civilizations. And that is that. Let’s see here. Let me just kind of check the chat here for a second and I want to see what some of the people are saying here.

Hello, Mel and Sofirah and Barrett. That’s a new name I don’t recognize. Welcome. Just like that heart cellar act, where in knowing change the racial makeup of this country. Exactly. Frosty Hugh. That’s a kind of a newer name. Maybe Lincoln didn’t die. He retired. Living his life out of Montana. It’s already here. I’ve never heard that. I’ve never heard that at all. Mel, my feeling the majority of people in this country will help others. The minority will not either because. Do you mean they will help or they will not help? The minority will not either because they follow the left policies or don’t want to better themselves or their neighborhood.

Okay. I think I understand what you’re saying. Okay. So I’m actually because. Because I kind of finished a little bit early here. Let me look. I’m going to look something up. Let’s see. Let me see if I can find this one about Berry Cheamish. Very chemish. And there’s a. There’s a very good video out there done by Robert Scheffer which talks a lot about it goes into significantly about the. What happened in Germany. And unfortunately, because I changed my doggone computer, I don’t have. I can’t like find it. It’s it’s not. It’s not as easy to find for me anymore, but I’m gonna see if I can’t.

If I can’t try, because it’s really good. It kind of goes. It’s very. Cheam is talking about it, and it would be perfect to. Let’s see here. Sorry, guys. I don’t mean to be doing. All right, I’m just going to do this all over again and see if I can’t find this. So apologize for the delay here, let me see if this is it. Best and worst dinner for your waistline. Sweet potato. Try to find the purple sweet potato. They’re the highest level of polyphenols. You can find pasta. Nine out of ten Zionists are not juicy.

All right, I’m not gonna. I’m not gonna try to do that. Maybe I’ll. Maybe I’ll make that as a part four of this and play it. But let me. Let me just kind of go back and touch in touch upon why Germany was brought in to world War one. Okay, so Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated in Belgrade. Right? And actually, you know, you know, that might be a good idea. So let me see here, if I can. Let’s see here. Do this, and I’ll make it. I’m going to share this screen here, and we will have some fun.

Okay, if you guys. I don’t know if you guys can see this. I’m going to share with you just so that you see the. I’m a freak when it comes to, like, geography and maps and stuff like that. And I always look stuff up. And so every time I pull this up, I. A lot of people probably see all these marks on my map, and that’s because I’m. I’m always showing. I leave marked these places, and he said, hide. Hide on map. Okay. That’ll make it a little bit easier. Okay, so let’s come over here to, um, Europe.

All right. I can draw with this. So here’s Germany up in here. And in 1940, or, excuse me, in in 1914, they, uh, assassinated Archduke Ferdinand, I think, was in Sarajevo, actually, not Belgrade, which is down here somewhere. Let me zoom in here. Sarajevo is right here. Okay, so he was. He was assassinated in Sarajevo. Well, you. What you had is you had basically the. You had the. The Germany had two. That was a trench warfare, and the trenches went all the way, like, down here. And then on the eastern front, they were all the way out here.

All right, well, the French are. The Germans. The the Russians, rather, they quit. And the Germans put all their troops on the. In 1917, they put all their troops onto the western front. Well, at the same time, the United States came into the war, and they came down here into France, into the southern part, and the british soldiers all packed up their shit and they went down to the Middle east. Well, the ottoman turkish empire was basically like, all this down in here, all this. This was the Ottoman Turk empire, all right? And so the British went down and attacked in here.

And ultimately they were able to. To take this away from the Ottoman Empire. The ottoman empire basically crumbled after world War one, and Turkey remained Turkey. But then what they did is then they had the Sykes Pico agreement, and the Sykes pico agreement completely reshaped, uh, Saudi Arabia and Britain, uh, like, they gave. I think this part up here was for France, and then this part down here was for, uh, was given to Britain. So Britain now had control of this land that they could ultimately give to the Zionists, which is what they wanted. Uh, I’m sure you guys have heard about, uh, when Winston Churchill went down, or he was head of the admiralty, and it’s what got him ultimately fired, is he.

He sent a bunch of New Zealand troops to Gallipoli, and Gallipoli was in the Dardanelles, I believe. Yeah. Let’s see. Where’s Gallipoli? Gallipoli. Okay, so, yeah, here’s Gallipoli. And they sent a whole bunch of troops down into Gallipoli. If you. If you guys look really closely, this straight right here is extraordinarily important. Right here. This is the only route right through here and through here. It’s the only route to get up into, like, the Odessa and the warm water ports of the Black Sea, which is what we’re dealing with today with Ukraine and, you know, and Crimea, wanting to be part of Russia.

This is. This is why Russia was so adamant about saying, hell no, we want. We’re not going to let Crimea go because this is the only warm water port that Russia has. That’s it. And the russian navy, if they. The russian navy, I believe, is down here in Sevastopol. And so if for the russian navy, if they want to send out their ships to get out into the world, they have to go from here all the way down through the Dardanelles and then out here. So it’s extraordinarily important for them to keep. Well, Gallipoli was a big deal.

So they, uh, Churchill sent a whole bunch of troops into Gallipoli, and they got massacred. It was like 20,000 guys died. It was horrible. And as a result of that, um, just catastrophic failure, he was fired as british, as head of the admiralty. Um, but ultimately they prevailed and they got the Sykes Pico agreement. In fact, let me look up the Sykes Pico grid, Matt. And. Okay, here we go. Let’s see. This is kind of a. This is a much better one. Let’s see. Open this in a new window. This will give you an idea of.

So, a was, I believe, the french area, and b is the british area. And you see here that the british area incorporated Palestine all the way up into Haifa, just south of. I can’t really see what that is. Say to. Anyway, the point is that that’s what Britain did. When Britain bailed out of. Out of the eastern. Out of the western front in France, they came down into Germany, or they came down. Oh, I’m not. This isn’t sharing what the. It is sharing, but it’s not showing this. This particular page. Damn it. Why is this not sharing? Oh, I don’t understand.

I don’t understand this. I’m still learning my new computer, guys. I’m sorry. So anyway. Oh, I know why. Because. Let me do this. Okay, here’s the. Here’s the map of the Sykes Pico agreement. Sorry about that, guys. So the Sykes Pico agreement. And this was done after World War One. One after they cut up all of the. All of the Middle east. And this is where they. This is where they. This is when Iraq was carved out of nothing. And they gave. They made it to the cold. They made it named Iraq or Iraq. And they also did Kuwait at the same time.

So they carved up the. The British, the Zionists, at the peace conference in Versailles, Treaty of Versailles in Paris. They carved up the Middle east and gave France a portion of it. And then they took the British, basically carved up the Middle east and just redrew all the lines. So that’s how you got Saudi Arabia. I’m sure you remember Lawrence of Arabia. And then Lawrence got pissed off because he felt betrayed. He used the Arabs to help, you know, stirred them up to go fight the. The Ottoman Turks. And, you know, they. They ultimately defeated the Ottoman Turks, taking possession of the entire peninsula.

So. But that was the whole purpose of world War one. And to. And the reason that they brought Germany into the war. The reason they brought Germany into the war is because. So Germany’s right here, and Austria Hungary is down here, and Austria. And then you had the ottoman turkish empire, which was basically here. And they were all allied together. And then you had the triple Entente which was. Which was France, UK and Russia. And these three worked together to attack Germany. And ultimately they lost because even, you know, Germany actually had what was called the Schlieffen plan.

They. You got to understand that the german military was. It was probably the word, the world’s first true professional military. I mean, maybe that’s not totally accurate because you had the british army, too. But in terms of. In terms of Germany, when Germany came together, because Germany was a whole bunch of little like states, almost like the United States. And when they called, you know, they call it the Third Reich, right. Well, the Third Reich was. Germ was basically the third iteration of Germany or the Third German Reich. The second German Reich happened in, like, 1870, all the way up to the end of World War one.

That was the second German Reich. The first German Reich is the Roman Empire. So the. Anyway, the second German Reich, the military arm of it was really prussian. It was the Prussian. The people of Prussia, who they were, they were like the really hardcore military guys. They came in and they basically trained all of the Germans to, you know, be a militaristic. Not a militaristic society, but a. But, you know, but train their army to be very professionally, you know, military. And remember, it was the. Remember during the. During the Revolutionary War, what was our. What was one of our lowest points? It was like Valley Forge.

Well, just prior to Valley Forge, I mean, we. We’d been getting our butts kicked, you know, six, no, six, one, half dozen the other. And it was the. It was Christmas. It was either. It was either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day when we went to. We crossed the Delaware. That’s that famous picture of. Of Washington crossing the Delaware in the Durham boat, and they went. And they attacked the german Hessians. Well, those Hessians were from Prussia and they were mercenaries that were hired by the UK to come over and fight for the UK. And they were stationed in Trenton and that’s where, you know, that’s how we got that.

So when they. They went out there and they killed them all and then they got their. They got their weapons and their cannons and everything. And anyway, that’s. But the. Anyway, getting back to the original point, the whole reason that they got. They started the war here with the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand, who was basically the guy who was going to be ultimately in charge of Austria Hungary. And Germany had a treaty with them that if they were. If they gotten into a war, they would have to come in and fight on their side. And the same thing held true with the Ottoman Turk Empire, they also had the same treaty, but their treaty was more with Germany as opposed to Austria Hungary.

So Austria Hungary was the flashpoint. Germany came in for them, and then Austria Hungary, by treaty, had to come in and fight. So that was the origins of World War one. So let’s see here. Wasn’t there a prussian officer who helped with training the continental? Very possible. I don’t. I’m not sure. I’m not sure about that. So have the British. I have heard the british troops use the sphinx for target practice with their cannons. That’s. I don’t know about that either. I would doubt that, though. I don’t know. Maybe because, you know, it was. It was Napoleon who, after his conquest of Italy, went down into Egypt and, you know, did a lot of excavation and archaeology and whatnot of Egypt with the, you know, with a lot of the art, you know, the.

A lot of the stuff, you know, the artifacts and whatnot in Egypt. So, anyway, guys, I’m rambling now, so I’m going to shut up and let you all go. Enjoy your evening. I’m at about the hour mark, so, like I said, I’m trying to keep these shows at about an hour. So world War two, they practice on the sphinx with the guns. Okay, I’m. I. That could be true. I have never heard that. I will have to look that up. That would be kind of like. I would be very british of them. I mean, the arrogance knows no bounds.

And, you know, if you really analyze who the true enemy of the world is, it’s basically. It basically comes out of London, specifically the, you know, the city, as they refer to it, which is downtown London or the City of London. So that’s where the banking sector is. So, anyway, on that note, guys, I hope you all have a wonderful evening. Tomorrow night is the watch party, and I will be doing something along the lines of 911 for the next several weeks, getting ready for just kind of like, there’s a. There’s a lot of stuff out there to play, and I’m gonna play something.

I’m just gonna play something on 911 for the next several weeks just because it’s. It’s know, it’s coming up, the anniversary. Hard to believe it’s been 24 years since, or 23 years, rather, since the. Since 911. That’s just insane. But time flies. All right, guys, y’all have an awesome evening. I hope you enjoyed the reading of the book 1666 by Robert Suffer. I hope you got something out of it. I certainly did. Um, one of the things that I got out of it the most was the realization that the the Zionists in Europe did everything they could to make life so unbearable for the Jews of Germany and for the Jews of Europe that they forced them out.

And they blamed it on, um, forces that were not jewish. Meanwhile, the the forces that were primarily in charge of wreaking havoc for those people were the was were the elite Jews themselves, which I find extraordinary, but that’s what they do. So, anyway, guys, y’all have a great evening, and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Talking about something about 911. And very, very likely we’ll have a watch party afterwards, so. Or, excuse me, an after party after we show what we do, so. All right, guys, enjoy the remainder of your evening, and we’ll see you manana.

Have a great day.



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