RFK Jr Trump Endorsement NEW DATA: Real Death Numbers Real Injury Numbers w/ Steve Kirsch

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âž¡ This text discusses the differences in effectiveness between various COVID-19 vaccines and the potential risks associated with them. It also introduces a new energy supplement called Mitochondria RXD from Wizard Labs, which promises long-term cellular vitality. The text also covers a conversation with Steve Kirsch about the current state of the medical system, politics, and autism. Lastly, it introduces a product called Nanosoma, which is said to help the body regulate its vitamin C and D levels, promoting overall health.
âž¡ The text discusses concerns about the CDC allegedly hiding safety signals related to vaccines and not informing the public. It suggests that many working at the CDC are unaware of these issues and believe in the safety and effectiveness of vaccines due to mainstream media and authority figures. The text also criticizes doctors who don’t question the authorities and don’t fully understand their field. Lastly, it mentions a significant increase in the cost of living due to inflation and suggests investing in gold and silver as a way to protect savings.
âž¡ The text discusses the importance of understanding the differences between various COVID-19 vaccines, using data from the Czech Republic. It suggests that the Moderna vaccine may have a higher mortality rate than the Pfizer vaccine, even when considering deaths during months with no COVID-19. The text also highlights the challenges faced by doctors and the medical system, and the potential consequences of deviating from the mainstream narrative. Despite the significant number of people experiencing vaccine-related injuries, the text suggests that these issues are often ignored by authorities and the mainstream media.
âž¡ The text discusses a perceived increase in severe cancer cases and deaths following COVID-19 vaccination. Some believe this is linked to the vaccine, but health officials attribute it to other factors like COVID-19 itself and healthcare access during lockdowns. The text also shares personal stories of people who experienced health issues after vaccination, including the author who believes his diabetes worsened due to the vaccine, leading to vision loss in one eye.
âž¡ If you don’t have blood clots, you don’t need to take blood thinners or other treatments for it. The article also discusses the importance of transparency in health data, especially regarding vaccines. It criticizes the hiding of data and emphasizes the need for public access to information for informed decisions. The author believes that the lack of trust in health authorities is due to their failure to provide clear and accessible data.
âž¡ The pharmaceutical industry has a strong influence over the medical profession, which is concerning due to potential links between vaccines and various health issues like autism, ADHD, food allergies, autoimmune diseases, and even sexual orientation deviations. This influence is so powerful that it’s difficult to challenge, but it’s crucial to keep fighting for change. The rise in certain health issues, like diabetes, may also be connected to vaccinations. Therefore, it’s important to support those who are trying to make a difference in this challenging political landscape.


We will see very similar results if we looked one year out in terms of mortality for each individual five year age group. And what we find is dramatic differences between the brands. Now, that could happen if one brand is highly effective against causing you not to die from COVID and the other brand isn’t very effective. But in order to remove that from being a complication, we just looked at people who died during months that there was no Covid. So they didn’t die from COVID because there was no Covid. If you are like so many others, you need more energy to get through the day.

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I have Steve Kirsch coming in the program. We’re going to talk about what the real numbers are, some of this new check data that he’s gotten from the Freedom of Information act, and then also what he’s hearing and what is going on in the whole medical system and with politics, with autism. It’s something that we need to discuss, right? With the RFK junior joining up with Trump, what does that mean? A lot of people are so disenfranchised. They just are like nothing. Nothing matters. But I gotta tell you, I think things matter. You know, I look at, I had an interview with Kathy O’Brien, and I can’t tell you how many positive comments we’ve gotten from that one because she’s talked about how when she first started speaking out, how nobody was, like, speaking in, into a black hole.

And that’s how I felt just in 2016 when I was covering human trafficking. Now so many people are talking about it. It’s really much more broad and widely known. And it’s, you know, and when I was doing it, just 2016, I was one of the only ones, and there’s a few of us, but it was bad. And so Kathy was even worse. But it’s the transition and how much society has changed, and that can happen here, too. But you have to keep pushing it. You push it. More awareness. The blackness, the darkness is what causes things to not ever get addressed.

But the more awareness that’s out there, they’re forced to deal with it. And that’s what we’re seeing in so many different areas. And that will happen here, too. You just have to have trust that the more you talk, the more you get this out, the more they’re forced to deal with it. And so we talk about that a little bit as well. You should be following him. He has really good data that he’s always presenting and putting forth. Tenacious just keeps going. And you can get seen at Stevekirsh dot substack.com, and I’ll have the link below for that as well.

But before we get into that, I want to talk to you about nanosoma. This stuff is amazing. It turns on all 48 of your nuclear receptors. It gets your body to start creating its own vitamin C again. We haven’t been creating our own vitamin C for millions of years, but your body thinks it is. And just that one act really changes how your body starts to heal. Vitamin D. It starts regulating your vitamin D again, your body doesn’t regulate its vitamin D, so you either get too much or too little or whatever. This will start helping your body regulate those things.

And it’s absolutely amazing the healing that your body can have. The rule of thumb is you take this for each month or each year you’ve had an issue. Take this for a month. I think you take it ongoing. It’s one of those supplements that I got for that and masterpiece. I got it for my whole family and just said, everybody’s taking it starting now. So you can buy the first time. Buyers get 10% off. You have to sign up for the newsletter, and you get a 10% discount. And so you can use the link below or go to Sarah westall.com under shop.

Okay, here’s my really good conversation with Steve Kirsch. Hi, Steve. Welcome to the program. Oh, hi, Sarah. It’s good to be here. Yeah. Well, I haven’t interviewed Bu before, but I follow all your work. I follow your substack. I read all your articles. You have been tenacious at going after and figuring out what’s going on with COVID And there’s some new data that you got out of Czechoslovakia, from what I understand. And so I want to talk a little bit about that. I want to also talk about the fact that we’re in this surreal point where nobody’s admitting what we’ve just went through.

That’s absolutely right. Yep. Nobody’s talking about it, unfortunately. What is it? What is that? It’s very disturbing. Yeah. People don’t like to admit they kill people. That’s the only thing I can figure because the estimates I get is that we killed somewhere around one, the average around one person per thousand that were given the jab. And it’s higher if you have an older population. So that’s just a rough estimate. Over a broad range of ages is about one per thousand. So you’re looking at at least 250,000 people that were killed in America. And it’s probably higher than that.

And then injured. Right. We have all these walking injuries. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So you’re looking at about 10% of people who are vaccine injured. It could be as low as 8%. But I’ve talked to doctors and concierge doctors who say that 10% of their vaccinated patients are vaccine injured to some extent. So. So you’re looking, you know, 250 million people vaccinated in the US. Sure. You’re looking at 25 million people who have a significant vaccine injury that, you know, it’s getting up there. It’s a train wreck, basically. Do you think there’s a simmering problem waiting to happen or do you think they can just shove it under the rugged.

Oh, they’ll shove it under the rug and they’ll say that it was due to Covid. Absolutely. They’ll say that. Oh, well, this is because you got Covid and this is a byproduct of COVID They did the same thing with the myocarditis and pericarditis. They claim that myocarditis and pericarditis were primarily caused by the virus. And they say that, yes, myocarditis and pericarditis are caused by the vaccine, but the myocarditis impaired, caused by the vaccine is a much lower risk than caused by the virus. So you’re better off in getting the shots. But that’s not true at all.

There was a study that was just published out of Oxford University and it showed about the same number, about 400,000 kids in one group and 400,000 kids in the other group. And one was vaccinated and the other one was unvaccinated. There were twelve cases of myocarditis or pericarditis in the vaccinated group and zero cases in the unvaccinated group. And both groups were exposed to Covid. So it’s obvious. It’s obvious. Okay, so, yeah, totally obvious. But only. Only the kids who got the vaccine are getting myocarditis and pericarditis. So this statement from doctors that the risks are lower if you take the vaccine, it’s completely wrong.

And we know from other work that’s been done, some of it isn’t published yet. We know from that work that the side effects from the vaccine are far greater than the side effects from COVID from the virus itself. So the cure is literally worse than the disease. No responsible public health authority should be recommending these shots to anyone. They still are. They should be saying, go and get the virus. It’s the better alternative. Well, the Harris campaign. You can’t work on her campaign unless you’re up to date on your boosters. Literally. That’s her ad for working on her campaign.

Yep. I mean, so they’re still in this like I. Do they really still, do they really still believe it or are they just. They have to for a legal standpoint or they. Oh, no, this, the pride, is this like a prideful. You ignore everything because you’re so prideful, you have to be, right? No, it’s not about pride. They actually believe the statements from the CDC that everybody over, if you’re over six months old and you haven’t had a shot in six months, go get your booster and protect yourself. They believe that these shots are safe and effective and they cause no harm whatsoever.

They completely look the other way for harms. It’s like the CDC, Sarah. So the CDC knows that seven, over 700 and 7770 safety signals were triggered for these Covid shots. What is it? What do they tell people? Do they warn the american public over 770 different safety signals were triggered? This is not 770 people that got a side effect. This is 770 different safety signals. So a safety signal is something like pulmonary embolism or cardiac arrest or intracranial hemorrhage. I mean, that’s. Those are three safety signals. There were 770 safety signals. Did they tell the american public about any of them? No, they didn’t say a word.

The only reason we found out is because there was a Freedom of Information act request. So the point is that the CDC is telling people, get these shots, you’ll be safe. And they cover up completely all of the death and all of the injuries as if they don’t happen. And when they purposely lie about these numbers, they purposely lie about them. Yeah, that’s true. Right. I mean, you’ve. Are you convinced that they know and they’re covering it? Because I, I’ve been covering this for four years and I’m just watching this at this point, and I, you know, at a certain point you have to kind of back.

Like, you are tenacious, which I’m really, really, I think that’s really admirable because someone like me, who’s been covering for four years, I just, I’m like, I can’t do it anymore. I don’t even know how they could even. I mean, what’s wrong with these people? I think there’s something wrong with them. I don’t understand. No, no, no. There’s. Sarah, there’s nothing wrong with them. There has to be. I mean, if you’re purposely lying. No, no, no. Because only certain people in the CDC know that there’s 700 safety signals triggered. Most of the people who know who work at the CDC are completely clueless.

They just believe what they’re told and they go to work. There is there, they’re watching CNN, they’re reading the New York Times or reading the Washington Post Journal, whatever, and they’re believing what they read and see in the mainstream media about these vaccines being safe and effective. And the CDC officials, of course, go on camera and say, get the vaccine. Hey, if you haven’t had the shots in six months and you’re six months or older, get the shots and protect yourself. That’s the public service message. And so these people who work at the CDC are completely, they’re as brainwashed on this stuff as most of my former friends still are today.

So it’s not about them being evil people, it’s just about, I’m evil. I think the ones who are purposely covering it up are. But the ones who believe it. With all this evidence and all this stuff, it’s like, how can you be so brain dead? People believe it. I’ve been covering for four years, so I haven’t extensively over the last year, but it’s so obvious to me that I think that there’s almost something wrong with their ability to think. Yes. Manipulation. I mean, really advanced manipulation techniques or something. Yeah. So they, it’s not advanced manipulation techniques.

It’s just that people have been conditioned for the longest time to respect authority. And when you go to medical school, you’re told that vaccines are safe and vaccines are the safest interventions ever. And that’s the end of the vaccine course for most people. It’s, this is it. They’re safe. Don’t question the authorities. The authorities have it. Right. And so all these doctors go around thinking like, okay, the vaccines are safe. Oh, my gosh. I had one person per thousand die after the vaccine, it looks like it was related to the vaccine, but it must just be me because I’m not seeing this in the press, I’m not seeing, you know, everybody else reporting this.

So people look at these, these events and they see a higher rate of events. But ill tell you, doctors are not really good about tracking down event counts and doing the math and doing the, oh well this is like ten times greater than I saw before. I always talk to people and I ask them, so whats been happening? Oh, were seeing a lot more. And I said well, is a lot more, is that 10% more, 20% more? And they cant quantify it. So people don’t keep records and when they see this stuff they just, it doesn’t register, yeah, it doesn’t register what they’re really looking for.

I’m really disappointed in the whole profession because you need to understand the work that you do, right. If you don’t understand, you know, if you’re an engineer and you build a bridge and it falls down, you’re responsible for understanding why it fell down and fixing it and doing something better in this field. They don’t even understand what it is that they’re putting out to people. They’re just listening to authority cross eyed. And supposedly their professionals, they should understand their profession and they don’t. If all you’re doing is a listening to authority, you aren’t worthy of having a doctor title.

Yeah, well the problem though is that, so most doctors are pretty busy, right? They have patient loads and all this and so they don’t have the time and usually they don’t have the expertise to go into the data and double check everything. So they’re basically taking it on faith because they have no reason not to trust authorities. They have a lot of reason not to trust the authorities. If you are considered an absolute expert in your area, then you need to be an expert. You don’t just listen to authorities, you understand it. That’s what gives you your expert credentials.

And after this amount of time, if you don’t understand it, then you’re not an expert. So the problem, I’m just like, I don’t understand the whole field, but why is your field not held to a higher standard? Well, but the problem is that all the health authorities hide the data worldwide. Except we were able to get the data from the Czech Republic, which we’ll talk about shortly. So the data is kept from people. People don’t have an expertise. The doctors don’t have expertise in analyzing this data and seeing statistical trends because the effect sizes we’re looking at are 10% increase in all cause mortality caused by these shots, essentially 1% thousand.

We’re looking at a incremental increase in number of deaths of the order. But that’s not injuries, that’s death. 1010 percent, you know, eight, 8% or so when they could have used, when they could have used something else besides a vaccine. It’s illegal to push an experimental vaccine when you have other treatments available. That’s why they shut down these treatments. But that’s right. I mean, don’t they connect the dots that this vaccine hurt 10% of the people? But if I did these treatments, they’d be fine and nobody’s injured that didn’t get the vaccine. Sure. So the way they rationalize that is they look at, there’s a study done in the Lancet, this Lancet study said that there were a bunch of people for everyone who got the shot.

Like 30 some odd people were, were saved. And so they do a calculation by, they take the 5.5 billion people, multiply it by this number, and they come up with, oh, we’ve saved 20 million lives. And so these physicians can look at that Lancet paper, which is a modeling study. It’s not based on real statistics. It’s just an extrapolation based on hypothesis, which is completely bogus. But it gets published in the Lancet, and the Lancet says 20 million lives were saved worldwide by the COVID vaccine. So when you’re a physician and you’re looking at, oh, well, 10% of my patients had an injury, but wait.

Oh, man, that’s way better than if they had lost their life from this. And so they make this calculation in their mind to say, well, it was better that I recommended the shot. And even though they got injured, at least they’re not dead. And so they’re not experts. They don’t even understand their field. I’m sorry. I expect more out of somebody who has a doctor by their name. I expect them to be an expert at what they’re talking about. And I expect them to follow authority and be blind. They need to understand their field and they don’t.

And so we got to move on because I am just, I am done with that field almost. There’s doctors who do understand and they deserve the respect. Anybody that has a doctor’s name and they’re not an expert because they don’t even understand the material. They shouldn’t, they’re not worthy of the title. But anyways, I want to, it’s funny. Do you find yourself defending. In 2023, according to MIT, living wage calculator, folks in major cities needed around $68,499 just to make ends meet comfortably. But guess what happened next. In just one year, that number shot up a whopping 40% to 96,500.

Can you believe how much inflation has affected us? That’s the kind of inflation that keeps us up at night. Now, I don’t know about you, but I sure can’t afford to keep pace with that kind of skyrocketing cost of living. It’s downright scary. But you know what’s even scarier? Not doing anything about it. That’s why I’ve been talking to folks over at Miles Franklin. They’re all about helping regular people like you and me protect our hard earned savings. With gold and silver, you can lock in the value of your money and shield yourself from the ups and downs of the economy.

So if you are like me and want to keep your nest eggs safe and sound, reach out to Miles Franklin at info. Just mention my name. Sarah sent me, and they’ll take care of you like family, because it’s just how we do things here in middle America. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Protect your future today. Them much? Probably not. So it’s kind of an interesting. I do because, look, you know, doctors are very specialized. You know, you go to redness specialist and they should be an expert, but go ahead. No, no, but you know, doctors are specialized in their particular field.

So if you’re in internal medicine, you should know more about this stuff than, say a retina specialist. But, you know, medicine is so specialized and it’s so difficult to do these studies and to understand these studies and be an epidemiologist and really, I don’t think so. But understand that. Yeah. I mean, I’m an engineer and I can go through these studies and I can pick out the, the good studies. Yeah, it’s not that hard. Yeah, yeah. I’m an engineer too, so I’m like, in my field, I wouldn’t be able to be this bad at something. You can’t be bad.

You, it’s too obvious. And if you don’t understand why it was broken, then you’re not competent and people move on and hire someone else. It’s the way it works in the real world. But for some reason, they’re not held to the same standards as everybody else. But regardless, and they can’t, they can’t speak against the narrative or they’re going to have their license taken away. That’s the other thing, there’s no incentive for them to look at the truth because if they deviate at all from the narrative of safe and effective and recommending the shots and don’t recommend Ivermectin, and if they go off the party line, they’re going to have their license removed.

They’re going to have their board certifications removed. Look what happened to Pierre Corey. Look what happened to Paul Merrick. You know, these guys are heroes. They are heroes. They’re actually got their board authorities. They’re actually, they’re deserving of the title of doctor. They’re experts. They’re standing up and saying, hey, this isn’t how it works. And you guys aren’t understanding what your own discipline. And then they are the ones that got canned for it, which is exactly. But people are saying that the medical system is in collapse. And I know doctors, especially older doctors, are very frustrated.

They’re saying the younger doctors are coming out of the medical schools and they’re just doing whatever the computer spits back at them. And so there is this frustration. The whole medical system is really in a turmoil right now. But let’s talk about the new data you have from Czechoslovakia because that’s pretty interesting because we can’t get the data here and they’re doing everything they can to keep it away. I know people like Bobby bounds who introduced us. He’s been trying to do, he’s been asking for this data. He’s been doing what freedom of information acts, all this stuff and one hell of an effort.

But you guys got it from Czechoslovakia. Can you talk about what you have? Yes. So someone did a Freedom of information act in the Czech Republic. So it’s not Czechoslovakia anymore. It’s the Czech Republic. Okay. Czech Republic. Yep. And Slovakia. So that freedom of Information act request was responded to. And they actually did a very good job of doing that. So we actually have record level data, which means we have one record per person, and the record per person has their year of birth, not their date of birth, but their year of birth. And that protects confidentiality.

And then it has their exact vaccination dates and vaccine type for each vaccine that they got. And so what I did is because it’s very difficult to make a comparison of vaccinated versus unvaccinated because typically unvaccinated are under accounted and it appears that they die at a higher rate. And plus anybody who opts for a vaccine tends to be healthier than people who don’t opt for a vaccine, meaning unvaccinated or actually healthier as a group. In other words, if you have a choice, if you’re a given person, you’re better off going the unvaccinated route versus the vaccinated route if you want to be healthy, you know, so if you have a given health status.

But the point is that people who are undetect, the whole class of unvaccinated includes people of all different health statuses. And if you look just statistically, you’ll find that people who do not opt for vaccines are less healthy. But it’s not because they opted, they didn’t opt for vaccine. It just has to do with, for socioeconomic status. So the best way to do a fair comparison is to compare the vaccinated people with the vaccinated people. So ideally, in a randomized trial, you compare people vaccinated with the placebo versus the drug. But we don’t have that. People get vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna or whatever.

So I said, hey, let’s make Pfizer the placebo and let’s make Moderna the test shot. Now, if these vaccines are both safe and effective, then we will see very similar results if we looked one year out in terms of mortality for each individual five year age group, and what we find is dramatic differences between the brands. Now, that could happen if one brand is highly effective against causing you not to die from COVID and the other brand isn’t very effective. But in order to remove that from being a complication, we just looked at people who died during months that there was no Covid.

So they didn’t die from COVID because there was no Covid. And we find that there are still dramatic differences between the different brands, with Pfizer being the safest. And it looks like Novavax is even safer. But we didn’t have enough data on Novavax in the Czech Republic. Data. But Pfizer was the safest. Is it safer but still not safe? Yes. Yeah. So we don’t know. Right, because we have to estimate that. But isn’t overviews too, isn’t there, like some. Yeah, but some of the Pfizer batches. Go ahead. Yeah. People who analyze batches, a lot of the batch analysis, they don’t take into account the age and comorbidities of the people who got the batches.

So they can be, those batch analysis have to be looked at with a healthy degree of skepticism. And I’ve talked to people who’ve done batch analysis, and I said, well, did you do it by stratified, by AiH group. And did you realize that people who got shot early have higher comorbidities? And so they tend not to account for that. But what we did is we looked at people who got vaccinated at the same time, you know, who got vaccinated in January of 2021 with the Pfizer shot and the Moderna shot. And we looked at one year out, what percentage of those people aged, say, 65 to 70, 65 to 69, five year age range.

And we looked at what percentage of those died if they got the Pfizer shut. And we looked at what percentage of the people who got vaccinated at the same time, same age, and we looked at what’s their, how many of them survived. What we found was that Moderna had a much higher mortality rate than Pfizer did. When you compare the two, but they’re supposed to be the same, especially when you look at deaths only in months of no Covid. Now, if they’re not the same, then it’s very troubling. It means that the vaccine, which is higher, is definitely killing people.

And we’re seeing 10%, 20%, 30% higher death rates in people who got the Moderna shot. And we’re seeing that in all of the individual five year age groups. So it’s not what’s called age confounded. What this means, what this means is that there’s no doubt that the Moderna shots are a death shot. They’re not helping people. Even if Pfizer was 100% safe, Moderna increases your all cause mortality by 10%. That is a non starter. That is a immediately stop it, because the whole point of a vaccine is to reduce your all cause mortality, so not to increase it.

So now, what’s the data, when this data has come out, have you had people, you don’t have to say names, but have you had anyone in authority reach out to you genuinely interested in this, or are they all just ignoring it? They all ignore it. It’s ignored in the Czech Republic, it’s ignored by the authorities, and it’s also ignored by the mainstream media. But with 25 million people walking around the United States with vaccine injury, can they ignore it forever? I mean, will it? Or do you think it’ll come boomerang back? Is it enough people where it will? I mean, people are saying, I mean, I hear all sorts of dire predictions.

Right, right. But let’s. What is the true reality? I mean, 25 million people with vaccine injuries that are meaningful, that’s a lot of people. Can they truly just ignore 25 million people and their families, who all have to experience their loved one being injured, that now we’re talking a lot more people. Yeah. And the answer is yes. They’ll convince you that your injury was due to Covid, or they’ll say that your injury was. It’s just one of these things that happened. Oh, you presented with stage four cancer. You were fine before your cancer scans were fine, and two months later you have stage four cancer.

Oh, gosh. It’s just a coincidence. Yeah. I know some people who would think that. We don’t know. We don’t know what causes it, but it wasn’t the vaccine. Yeah, I know people with cancer who just won’t connect it to that. But cancer rates have gone up by, like, 20 times or something. Some of these stats that I’ve seen, what are the true numbers? Is that the correct. I, you know, I haven’t been focused on the cancer stats, but I know that the people who are cancer specialists are just seeing lots of these, what we call turbo cancers, which means the person perfectly fine and presents with stage four cancer, like overnight.

Yeah, well, I had a. Just like that. Just like that. They go from normal to life severely. I had a doctor tell me he, in his practice, he usually has about four cancer patients a year. He has over 90 right now. And a lot of them are the turbo kind, which is like, just incredible. Right. And that’s a great stat. I had four before and I had 90 now. And so does this doctor that has 90 now. Does he ascribe it to the vaccine? He does, yeah. But he’s a, he’s been fighting this. He’s in Mexico.

He’s just been fighting it from, since day one, doing everything he can to do it. But he’s like, yeah, it’s. Maybe he gets more people referred to him. I don’t know, but he’s like, I’m pulling my hair out. I don’t have, I can’t believe the difference of what it was before to what it is now. Yes. And so he’s awake, whereas the typical physician will say, wow, that’s odd. I wonder what that’s from. Yeah. And that’s what I’m seeing a lot of. But now they’re not going to be able to cover it up for everyone. There’s more chatter about people saying, why Hashem, the illnesses increased.

Why is the cancers increased? Because they can’t hide the fact that it’s increasing. So the important thing is, okay, guys, this is increasing. Will you at least look at why it’s gone up by ten times or 20, I don’t know. Yeah. And then the health officials will say, oh, probably a combination of COVID and access to health care during the lockdowns. And this is what’s causing this. And it’s all hand waving like we think this is. So they’ll never do a correlation analysis on the actual data to show that their explanations fit the facts, because their explanations don’t fit the facts.

And so they won’t show you the r squared number, the correlation coefficient, to show that in fact, these things are correlated. Well, see, but that gets back to my. Hold on 1 second. I want you to continue. But that gets back to my point where this profession is not held up to the proper standards, but keep going. Yeah, that’s right. And so Professor Fenton and Martin, and Professor Martin Neal did this analysis, which they called the devil’s advocate analysis, and they said, okay, let’s look at all these possible excuses for the numbers and let’s look at, well, maybe it’s caused by Covid.

Now let’s look at the correlate. No, not there. Okay. Maybe it’s caused by that. Not there. The only thing that there was a correlation on was the vaccine, and it’s the one thing that the health authorities never look at. So there was a paper. That’s not a thing, guys, because we, we’ve already determined it’s safe and effective, so we won’t. Absolutely. So there’s a paper, there’s a comment published in the Lancet, and one of the authors is Sarah call from the UK ons, the Office of National statistics in the UK. And in this paper, it says, well, we had like a 7% excess death, excess mortality in the UK and this year, and it was eight point something in the next year.

And possible explanations are this, this. And absent from the list of possible explanations is that the COVID vaccines might have caused this. So they basically don’t look. And as the saying goes, if you don’t look for something, you can’t find it. So that’s what they’re, that’s essentially what’s going on. It doesn’t exist. It doesn’t exist. I think there’s legal issues too. I don’t want to get a possibility. Yeah, it’s just we don’t see it. It doesn’t exist. Okay, well, let’s talk a little bit about your own experience. How did you get involved in this? Because you originally took the shot, right? You didn’t think that it was an issue.

What did you, how did you stumble into this activism. Activism. Visit. Being an activist. Yeah, I took the shots. And because I trusted the authorities, the FDA said this was safe. The CDC said it was safe, and I don’t have time to be an expert on everything for sure. So I was focused on early treatment, and they said, okay, these things are safe. And I said, okay, well, I know about early treatment and that’ll keep me safe, but I might as well have an extra edge. So I got the vaccines. And then a month later, I started hearing from my friends, and one of my Twitter followers contacted me and said, well, she said, are the vaccine safe? And I said, yeah, of course they’re safe.

Safest, you know, things ever. I’m assured that they’re safe. And I said, why do you. Why are you asking? She said, well, three of my relatives got the shot, and now they’re dead a week later. And they were perfectly healthy before. And I said, that’s impossible. And she said, yeah, but they’re dead. It’s not. It happened. Yeah, yeah. And so that was my first wake up call. And then a week later, my carpet cleaner shows up in my door and he’s wearing a mask. And I asked him why he’s wearing a mask, because if you have two shots, you don’t have to wear a mask.

And so I’m totally believing the party blind. And he says, well, I got a heart attack one week or, sorry. Two minutes after I got the shot, I had a heart attack and I had to spend the night in the hospital. I’ve never been the same since. And he said his wife was also vaccine injured. So at that point, I started looking at the data, and the data was very clear. These shots should be removed from the market. These shots are not saving any lives at all. They’re not saving a single life. My own doctor got the vaccine, had to be on oxygen, and Washington died.

Okay. Yeah. Do you know of anything there. There are no success stories. There is no. There is no nursing home that will go out and say, hey, yeah, we were. We’re getting like ten COVID deaths a month, you know, and then. And then the vaccines rolled out and all of a sudden, all the deaths stopped. And every, you know, we’re back to you, like, you know, one death a month, and we were getting ten deaths a month, and they were all COVID deaths. There are no success stories. I have never heard of a success story. Not a single success story.

Have you ever heard of a. Because I’m always trying to look at all sides of something. I try really hard to be objective and look at all sides. If I’m doing my job right, that’s what you have to do. And that’s why I’m so adamant against it. That’s why I’m making the comments I’m making, because they’re not held to the proper standards. But you are you, did you get vaccine injured or did you have anything personally that happened to you, or is it more just people around you? Well, I had, I think my diabetes got out of control as a result of the shots that led to a bleeding in my retina.

As a result, I think of the diabetes injuring blood vessels. And I was on this spike detox protocol just because I took the vaccine. I didn’t want to have blood clots and I didn’t know that the supplements I was taking were potent blood thinners. So what could have been a very tiny defect in my vision caused by the diabetes, caused by the vaccine, turned into a war zone. And I’ve lost most of the vision in my right eye as a result of it. So. But I wouldn’t have been on this spite detox protocol had I not been talked into taking the COVID vaccine.

So in a sense, I’m very, I consider myself to be vaccine injured because I was taking something to prevent further injury from the vaccine and it ended up backfiring on me. I wouldn’t have taken those things had I not gotten the vaccine, had I nothing talked into taking the vaccine. Well, the spike protocol is good for people who don’t have diabetes and other, other factors that. Well, I would say that the spike protocol should only be used if you have a need to thin your blood. That makes sense. If you don’t have a medical need acknowledged by a doctor that you trust for thinning your blood, do not take the spike detox protocol.

That makes sense. You should only be taking things based on a risk benefit calculation. I agree with that. If there is no benefit to you from taking this because you’re not experiencing a high d timer, then do not take the intervention. And that goes for supplements. And when you’re saying d dimer, prescription drugs or vitamins, meaning you d dimers a blood clot. Yeah. You have blood clots. Yeah. If you don’t have blood clots, you don’t need to deal with blood clots. It’s like, don’t fix something that’s not broken. Exactly. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

Okay, so I see your report over and over again and I think they’re just absolutely excellent. I think people need to follow you on substack because you are putting out things in a very clear fashion. I know you’re working with a mutual friend, Bobby Bounds, who he is just adamant going through and combing through this data. You have a team of people who are just really wanting to get to the truth of this by looking at the best data they can find. So I’m really impressed with what you’re doing now. Do you believe you’re making a difference? And there’s a lot of people, I mean, I’m watching it, but, you know, I’m not.

You don’t have to sell it to me. I’ve already been, you know, hyper doing the investigative work. This just helps me more. But what about some of these other people who are trying to learn? Are you noticing more people are maybe even silently becoming aware because that is important, too, even though they might not publicly being acknowledging it if there’s a silent, growing awareness that makes a difference over time? Yeah, well, you know, more and more people are coming to our side, and I don’t know of anybody who goes from this side of believing the narrative and then disbelieving and then goes back and saying, no, no, I was wrong, should have trusted the authorities.

I was wrong for doing that. So it’s always a one way street. You’re always going from, from trusting authority to not trusting authority. Very hard to make that transition back. And the reason is there’s no data to support the move back. People moved the one way because they saw the data, but there’s no data to support that. These health authorities are trustable. They’re not looking at the data. They don’t want to explain the data. They censor people. Anybody who uses censorship as a weapon, those people are the people that you should not trust at all. Like, we don’t.

None of the people who are saying these vaccines are unsafe are calling for hiding the data. That’s right. Sarah, have you ever heard anybody on our side saying, oh, we’ve got to hide the data? Well, everybody on our side, here’s the thing, and this is why you don’t trust them. Everybody on our side is like, we just want the best data possible. We want the truth. We want this to be fixed. We want people to be healthy and healed. That’s all we care about. They claim they care about that, but they’re hiding the data. It’s like, we don’t want the data hid.

We want to see what the truth is. You’re hiding that. I mean, I don’t know why it’s not so obvious, but that’s right. And in fact, I was talking to Tom Jefferson, and Jefferson is one of the most trusted names. Tom Jefferson, one of the most trusted names in science in terms of evidence based medicine and trusting the evidence. And so he did the reports on the masks where they did this independent analysis of the masks, and he found that masks don’t work. And he got a lot of flack for that. He said, but that’s what the data showed.

They don’t work for a particle that is smaller than the pore. If you have a particle that’s larger than the pore, because there, like, when I went to China and there’s some toxins and stuff, if the toxins are larger than the pore of the mask, it’ll help. But if it’s not, then it doesn’t. It’s pretty simple. It’s not that complicated. Yeah, it’s a little bit more complicated than that. But you know that your concept is basically right. And so. But the point is that Tom Jefferson is a real scientist. And I asked him, I said, so, Tom, do you think the vaccines have killed more people than they’ve saved? And he said, I don’t know.

And I said, well, why don’t you know? And he said, because they’re not giving us the data to enable us to make that determination. They’re hiding the data, that’s why. And he said that the British. That a committee in parliament asked for the data so they could see it. And that request was refused by the UK government. So UK parliament, asking the people that they control for the data, and their request was refused because that this was considered to be company confidential information, confidential to Pfizer and Moderna. And so therefore, these government agencies could not respond to the request from parliament.

And Tom Jefferson thought, you know, this is. This is preposterous. These government. These parliament should demand that this data be made public. And the point is that he’s frustrated as a scientist, because nobody in the entire world is exposing the data publicly so that anyone can make a cost benefit analysis. Now, why, if the vaccines are safe and effective and are saving millions of lives, why would they want to hide the data from the public? It’s pretty obvious. Exactly. It’s obvious now. I don’t think they can get away with doing something like this again, because those of us who were more on the fence, we were just kind of watching what’s going on.

We trusted them. We have zero trust now. So there’s going to be a hard red line that won’t be crossed by half the population. I mean, literally. And the reaction will be so strong and so severe that the people who are still believe it will be timid, I think, because people are dying. I mean, people, it’ll be such a severe reaction. That’s what I think. Just on understanding how people behave. Yeah, well, you know, I hope so. But, you know, we can look back at this, we can look at cigarette smoking. Like, how many decades did that take a.

Before the medical community admitted that cigarette smoking was bad for your health? We can look at autism. Hey, it’s been known for decades that vaccines cause autism. But I read an article on CNN saying the medical community doesn’t know what causes autism, but we know for sure that it’s not vaccines. Well, I had an ethics professor at the university. I taught at the University of Minnesota for five years. I had an ethics professor get upset with me and wouldn’t come on my show because I question autism and vaccines. From then on, I wasn’t allowed to teach at the University of Minnesota.

This kind of stuff hopefully will come out and it’ll be a reckoning in society because too many little ones are injured because of this and they need to get to the bottom of it. But you know what? You’re right. It took 30 years before just simply washing your hands. You know, we had midwives that would deliver babies and then it went into the facilities and the facilities didn’t wash their hands. They used to go from birth to birth without washing their hands. And they had all this death and problems and things. It took them 30 years about before they recognized that just the simple washing their hands and having a sterile environment increased dramatically or decrease dramatically the deaths of newborns.

Right. That happened in the twenties. That seems like a simple thing. It is a simple thing. And here I have polled doctors and I’ve asked them, okay, sorry, how many people do you have in your practice? So one guy will say 500. How many people died from decomposition shots? Yeah, in one case he said five. So that’s a 1% rate. And of course, a 1% rate of 270 million would be 2.7 million deaths. And he’s got a adult practice. Then there’s a geriatric practice that had a 2.5%, 3000 people in geriatric practice and had a 2.5% death rate from the shots.

And they know this because these are their own patients now. It’s higher because it’s geriatric practice. It’s higher than the, the 1% or so that we would normally see. So when you talk to doctors and get their actual numbers. It’s pretty staggering that you’re seeing this 1% or 2%, or sometimes even more, depending on the age of the cohort. But anywhere from 0.1% to 1% is a disaster. That’s right. You know, one per thousand. It’s supposed to be one per million. That’s right. For a safe vaccine. A safe vaccine shouldn’t kill more than one per million.

This is a thousand times a thousand fold more deadly than what a vaccine is supposed to kill. It’s essentially a 10% increase or so in all cause mortality. And that’s kind of what we’re seeing in the US from these shots. Well, it looks like the pharmaceutical industry still has just so much power and there’s so much control over the whole medical profession. And it’s not just big pharma. I think there’s more to this, but the power structure is so strong, I hope it at least can start to be dismantled, even quietly, from behind the scenes, because it’s too.

We need to heal, and there’s too many things that we talked about. And one out of 30 children have an autism. I mean, to not even stop and pause and say, what’s causing this? This is an absolute nightmare for society is reckless. I mean, it’s just. How can the health authorities, authorities ignore it? It’s not possible. It’s not possible. And keep respect. Yes. And yet that’s what we have today. Nobody’s speaking out against autism. Vaccines and autism. And it’s not just vaccines and autism. It’s vaccines and adhd, it’s vaccines and food allergies, it’s vaccines and autoimmune disease of panda pans.

Even these sexual orientation issues, for example, are also correlated with vaccines. It turns out that the more vaccines that you got as a kid, the more likely you are to have some sort of sexual orientation, type of characteristics that deviate from what we think is normal. There’s a lot of stuff that’s being driven by vaccines. Until recently, diabetes was a rare event, and now it’s so prevalent. What happened? What changed in America to cause that? Well, one of the things that we can correlate with is also with vaccination as well. And so it’s causing a whole host of issues in America, which is why RFK ran for president and why he’s joining with President Trump to try to rectify things and makes a difference.

Because politics is ugly, and sometimes your enemy of your enemy is your friend. And, I mean, people understand it’s not you know, people are all disillusioned. They’re upset. It’s like, well, you gotta understand, when we’re talking about dealing with the mafia and some of this incredible evil that we’re dealing with, you gotta. You gotta understand that politics is a rough and tumble game and that there’s a lot going on. Not that I’m naive. I mean, I don’t know what’s written, but I’m just saying, you have to keep fighting. You can’t give up. You got to look for the people locally who you can support.

You just can’t. You got to realize that there’s more in this game and that you can’t just check out. Because if you check out, you’re done. Yep. Absolutely. So, okay. Tell us where we can follow you, Steve, because they should be following you. Yeah, I have a substack. It’s called kirschsubstack.com. kirsch. And you can also follow me on Twitter. I’m stkirsch. S t K I r S c h. Thank you so much, Steve. I really appreciate you coming to the program. Thanks, Sarah.



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