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➡ Dave Hodges, host of The Common Sense Show, discusses the importance of sharing his work to wake up America. He also promotes a health product, a nanosomal spray, that he claims has significantly improved his health. He then discusses recent political events, focusing on RFK Jr.’s decision to suspend his presidential campaign and endorse Donald Trump, which he believes could greatly benefit Trump, especially in swing states. Hodges ends by criticizing mainstream media’s coverage of these events.


Hello, America! Dave Hodges here, host of The Common Sense Show. We are the show Freeing America, one in slave-minded time, and to our friends around the world. Welcome! We ask all of you to please share our work. We have a slumbering nation to wake up, and we’ve got just over 70 days to get this done. I mean, America hangs in the balance. Your future, your fortune, and even your life hangs in the balance with it. And I’m not exaggerating, people. And if you’re finding that to be radical or exciting, you need to come back here more often, because we prove the case every single day.

So please, please share far and wide. We are brought to you by a great, great product here that I wouldn’t be here behind the microphone today if it wasn’t for this product. Some people are saying, I wish you hadn’t found it. Certainly not you nice people, but the liberals who I expose every day, they probably don’t like that too much. I want to talk to you about, especially, the nanosomal spray. Five times, sprays, once per day, maintenance dose. On the other hand, if you’ve got a crisis going on, you can’t OD on this. You can use it as much as you want.

I was using it when I had the RSV strip lung linings. I was using it every hour in the hour with that maintenance dose amount. You know, Dave, well, I was sleeping a lot too. I was probably sleeping about that. About 13, 14 hours a day. But for the 10 or so hours, I was up, I was taking 50 sprays a day. It turned me around where the antibiotics and the prednisone wasn’t I couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs. Now I run upstairs. Now I run sprints. Now I play basketball. I’m doing things I haven’t done in years and that’s because of the spray.

And if you go to I want my health back.com slash Dave Hodges I want my health back.com slash Dave Hodges You’re going to see testimonials. You’ll see how the product works. They lay it out for you. I want you to be the best version of yourself. You need to because we’re going into some really, really difficult times. You’re going to have to be as healthy as you can possibly be. I want my health back.com slash Dave Hodges I’m going to read to you a little bit from the Guardian. Oh, the mainstream media is pissed off like I haven’t seen for a while.

They’re all bashing RFK Jr. Well, you probably know what’s coming. I alluded to this last night. We told you this was coming. Okay, this is from the Guardian, but it could be from NBC ABC CNN. I mean, they’re all saying the same thing. Let me give you a cue. A few statements here. This is this is a game changer for the election. Independent candidates campaign seen as threat by both Harrison Trump has been dogged by controversy and RFK Jr. Suspends his presidential campaign. Now it’s how he did it. That’s really interesting. And this is probably what hasn’t pissed off.

He didn’t just quit the race blanket. He did something that’s going to greatly assist Donald Trump. This is really interesting. RFK Jr. Okay. Independent presidential campaign threatened to drop votes votes from both Republicans and Democrats has suspended his campaign and endorsed Donald Trump. If he’s endorsing Trump isn’t it reasonable to assume that at least 60 70% of these people will follow him to Trump, of course. They’re going to go with the guy they aligned with Kennedy said he’d be removing his name from the ballot. Listen to this in critical swing states. So he took his name off this morning.

I got alerted to this in Arizona. He’s off the ballot. That’s great. Because here’s the deal. Let’s say he’d have got 10% of the vote in Arizona. Okay. All right. I believe 8% will go to Trump. That might be an increase of four to 5% of what would have happened had he stayed on the ballot. And he’s only doing this in swing states. Listen to this. This is really telling. He goes on to say he’ll remain on the ballot in other states where voters could still vote for him. I don’t think a lot of them will.

But you know how aware is everybody and they may just vote for him out of Prince. I hate Trump. I hate. I can’t vote for either one. So our case down the belt. I’ll vote for him as a statement of position. Okay. First of all, he’s swinging the balance of power in the swing states right now. Today, that’s been accomplished. The second thing is states where Trump might have a chance in blue states and they’re close. This could push him over the top. That’s why RFK Junior is staying in the race that non-swing states. This is a double whammy against the Harris campaign.

I couldn’t be happier. Okay. Now, listen to how mad they are. We’re going to talk about some of the adjectives that they use in this article from the Guardian. But it’s the same thing, like I said, in all the other mainstream media. I’m not just picking on the Guardian. This is so good. In a rambling statement that started three quarters of an hour behind schedule, I bet these people didn’t mention that Trump had to wait 45 minutes at that ridiculous interview from the Black Association, a black journalist, I believe it was. I mean, I’m sorry if I messed the name up.

No insult intended here. But the event that was held on ABC and Trump was treated so rudely. That wasn’t covered as far as being late. The microphone, mainstream media didn’t touch that. They sure jumped on this, didn’t they? Okay, so he’s 45 minutes late. Okay, and then it says Kennedy would be giving his support to Trump following a series of conversations with him, the first which took place days after the Republican nominee survived an assassination attempt on the 13th of July. I was surprised to discover we’re aligned on many key issues. Okay, aside, Donald Trump Jr.

And he’s not speaking for his dad. Let’s not make any mistake. But this sentiment must be there and discussed or it wouldn’t be on Twitter. Don Jr. tweeted today that RFK Jr. And this is before the announcement would make a great director of the CIA. Do you agree? Yes or no. I was like, Whoa, wait a minute. Wait a minute. The CIA, in my humble opinion, and from the research I’ve done, was the first mover in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I don’t think they had their own people on. No, they weren’t, but they were the first mover.

There’s pretty good evidence to support the fact they were involved in the assassination of JFK was RFK Jr.’s uncle. And they were involved in the assassination of RFK Jr.’s father at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles after he had won the Democratic primary in California. This is huge, people. Do you understand what a house cleaning will take place? Trump better stand behind more than just glass shields when he speaks in public now. This is incredible what I’m looking at here. RFK prays Trump for a call to the Russia’s end war with Ukraine yet. Look, the only solution is to give Putin that buffer he wants with eastern Ukraine, mostly Russian speaking anyway, to Putin, and the war so we don’t go into nuclear conflict where 80% of the planet could be destroyed.

Okay, I totally agree with this. This is unbelievable. RFK goes after the war on our children, a phrase covering his well known opposition to vaccines in which he has peddled conspiracy theories. Okay, Guardian, hey, move your ears up here because you uneducated, ignorant individuals. I know children might be listening. I got news for you, Guardian, and the rest of the mainstream media. It’s not a conspiracy theory. Study on Lancet, right, the online version, random survey of autopsies, the United States, covering the last three years, 74.6% of them are due to vaccine related causes. That’s not a conspiracy theory.

This is scientific fact. So up your nose with a rubber hose, start telling the truth while you can’t so I’ll tell it for you. Kennedy’s campaign was seen as both a threat to Harrison Trump no wasn’t, it was much more threat to Harris, because Kennedy is mostly Democrat. Only people that hate Trump Republican would come over and it wasn’t that numerous. This is mostly a threat to Harris is another lie, a bold face lie that they know is not true that they printed. Okay, and as his election bid floundered Okay, that’s insulting but true. Kennedy reportedly made overtures to the Harris campaign in August.

RFK Jr denies this vehemently and I don’t believe he did. I don’t believe he did. Now, wait a minute. Why would he be talking to Trump and now the endorsements given just following the assassination. July 14 was our conversation the first one. Okay, and now it says in late July, he approached Kamala Harris be part of her administration, while talks were going on with Trump. I’m sorry, I don’t believe it. Again, more mainstream media misreporting. And now they go on in this article to further debase RFK Jr by quoting political. Okay, I don’t even need to read the paragraph I’m not going to waste my time with it.

Because when you’re quoting Politico, you’re quoting political fiction, you’re, you’re quoting a George Soros mouthpiece in my humble opinion. Alright, this is pretty amazing here. See how they tried to juxtaposition. There’s been evidence that Trump D did see Kennedy as a threat. No, I was hoping RFK Jr would stay in the race, because he would have pulled significant democratic votes out. But I like his swing state, non swing state split with his candidacy. It’s the most effective thing that could happen. And it just happened. So, so bad, so sad. Kamala Kamala You got an uphill battle girl.

Roll up your sleeves, you better start telling the American people more of what you stand for now you’ve dropped some hints. Stay tuned to the next segment. We’ll talk about those hints, and they paint a picture. That’s really undeniable. Stay tuned for that. Thanks for joining us. We will see you back here again next time. Happy days are here again. RFK Jr. Big salute to you and you people who have supported him. We welcome you. We may not agree on everything, but we agree on one thing. We are not for the intentional destruction of the United States and its people.

And the people that are running this country right now are they have gotten everything wrong. And after a while, you can’t say she’s just law of average. They’re just bad decision makers. No, this is intentional. And they’re out to destroy us. So welcome to our side of the fence. Glad you’re here. Thank you. [tr:trw].



Spread the truth

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