Reclaiming America: How Tactical Civics Is Mobilizing Counties to Enforce the Constitution!

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âž¡ The show discusses a radio interview with Bill Ogden from Tactical Civics, an organization aiming to enforce the U.S. Constitution. The organization believes that citizens should participate in government oversight and enforcement of the Constitution. They also plan to establish lawful militias in every county, which they see as a community responsibility and a defense against tyranny. The show also touches on the negative perception of militias, attributing it to media portrayal and historical events like the Civil War.
âž¡ The speaker discusses the importance of local militias and grand juries in maintaining order and investigating corruption within the government. They argue that the federal government has overstepped its bounds, and that power should revert back to the people or local governments when the state fails to execute its responsibilities. They also highlight the role of the grand jury as an investigative body that can be petitioned by the people to probe into potential governmental malfeasance. The speaker advocates for the reestablishment of these systems to ensure government accountability.
âž¡ The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the jury system, particularly the concept of jury nullification, which allows a jury to rule a defendant not guilty if they believe the law is unjust. They also discuss the need for more public involvement in local governance, suggesting the use of grand juries as a tool for oversight. The speaker proposes a plan to increase representation in Congress by limiting the number of constituents per representative, which would require an amendment to the Constitution. They believe this would make representatives more accountable to their constituents and improve the functioning of the government.
âž¡ The show discusses the idea of decentralizing government power, suggesting that politicians should work from their home districts rather than Washington D.C. This would make them more accountable to their local communities and less susceptible to influence from big businesses. The author also criticizes the overreach of federal agencies like the EPA and the Department of Justice, arguing that they often exceed their constitutional authority. The show concludes by advocating for a more active citizenry, where people take responsibility for their own governance and challenge the status quo.
âž¡ The show discusses the Tactical Civics initiative, which aims to take back control of the country at a local level. The speaker encourages listeners to join the initiative, emphasizing that it’s not about political parties but about being American. They hold weekly calls to discuss their plans and strategies, and anyone can join these calls or read their books without being a member. The speaker also hints at a large-scale plan to reclaim counties across the country, but the details are kept secret for strategic reasons.
âž¡ The show encourages people to join a Sunday night call where they can interact with the founder and ask questions. It emphasizes the importance of taking action and contributing to the cause, rather than waiting for others to do it. The founder assures that he is committed to the cause and appreciates the support of those who have been vetted and proven to be the right fit for the organization.


You, sir. Well, ladies and gentlemen, in our next segment, I don’t like what’s going on there. My connection is not stable. This happens when they don’t like who I’m interviewing. They don’t like you, Bill. All right, we’re going to take two here. Solar storms. Yeah, sure. Where are you located? I’m in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. The aurora didn’t make it down there, but they’re seeing them in Arizona. When they see them that far south, it’s problematic. Yeah, yeah, for sure. All right, we’re going to get this done, ladies and gentlemen, in our next segment we’re going to talk about county grand juries and constitutional militias.

Now, you know, on this show we’ve often heard the great general Flynn say local action equals national impact. And we’re going to talk with the gentleman who is organizing, taking America back one county at a time for helping an organization to take back America one county at a time. He’s Bill Ogden from the organization called tactical Civics. Now, tactical civics is we the people, finally enforcing the magnificent law that our forefathers left us. And unlike politics, tactical civics needs only half a 1% of the people to take responsibility. Bill. With that said, welcome to sovereign radio and thanks for joining us.

Thank you, Scotty. Appreciate being here. It’s great to have you. We’re going to start at 10,000ft and then we’ll try to drill down into details. Let’s start with what does tactical civics do? Tactical civics seeks, as you said, to precipitate constitutional enforcement. It’s the chief law of the land. First Supreme Court ruling said any law that’s repugnant to the constitution is no law at all. That’d be a lot of them. And we’ve never enforced it, and so we plan to do that. I submit to you that had we been enforcing the constitution all along, a lot of the problems, like the border that we now face would not exist.

And it is the duty of citizens in a free republic to participate in those organs of government that provide oversight and enforcement of the constitution. That’s the 10,000 foot view. Very interesting. I’ve been hearing about tactical civics for a long time. I probably should have had this segment, had you on the show a long time ago. My dear friend Scott McKay is very much behind your organization. Ann van der Steel is a good friend of the show. She is very much involved and other people I know, and when I heard there was somebody actually talking about constitutional militias, something that we are by law by right are all argue God given right.

But it’s our constitutional right to form posses and militias, as we call them. And are these being done? I’m particularly interested in this aspect. We’ll talk about the grand juries as well. Are the militias or the posses being done working with the sheriff? Are people going to their sheriff to do that, or are they taking it under their own wing to just go form the posse? I like to take people backwards in time a little bit. Both the grand jury and the militia have 800 years of history behind them, which means we brought it here from Europe with us during the pilgrimage.

Before we organized into municipalities, counties, and states, we had grand juries and militias. How else do you do things? It’s just us here. And so I usually tell stories. My great great great great grandfather was the first settler here in Clearfield. It was the 8th time he had moved in 40 years. He was 62 when he and his son came up river by canoe, carrying a canoe around the snags and stuff. Found an island in the river with no trees on it, a clear field. And the local Indians helped him get a cabin started. And he went back downriver and got Eleanor and the five kids.

They walked here, and his son. I guess I’m a namesake of. Married a bloom woman, and they were the first wedding of county residents, and they had 16 kids that lived. That’s a community organizer right there when you have 16 kids. And so we do some of that now. Here we have all the birthdays here in this room. My daughter Sarah lives over here, a putter away. Her sister Jen, maybe a nine iron. Their brother Steve, probably a two wood down there. And so we all come together periodically and son of a gun, if we don’t talk about the right way to put trash in a dumpster where you should park your cars if it snows, because Steve runs the snowplow.

Whose dog’s doing what in whose yard. These are all municipal discussions, but before there was a municipality, the community had the discussion. There’s also things like, who’s been riding a four wheeler out over the hill in my food plot? You don’t call law enforcement for that. You are the law enforcement, that it’s your property. And so that thinking was basic to the founding of the republic. You know, the people that assembled talked about how we’re going to do this on a larger scale. We’re assuming that everybody understood stewardship and ownership. They were, you know, just real common things that I still have.

If it’s to be, it’s up to me. If we had a legal problem, I would get my friends in the militia and we would go do what, you know, apprehend, defend whatever constitutionally it says. Congress shall call forth the militia to enforce the laws of the land, repel invaders and put down insurrections. We talk about it like it’s a volunteer fire department. You know, this is something you. You do. You have a community responsibility to the minutemen who were edified when I was in school, had a musket leaning against the door jamden, and the minute was how long it took you to get out on the village green and muster with your buddies before you went to do whatever.

These were heroes. These people stood against tyranny. And so that’s really the history behind what we’re proposing. Tactical civics will, as part of our four phase plan, precipitate a county ordinance. In every county to stand up a lawful militia. There will be a page on the county website. Volunteers will be vetted. There will be a. You know, just like the fire departments have an interface with the municipal government. Although they’re volunteers and independent, they also run monies back and forth. The township can buy them equipment and so on. And so it’s. It’s a reciprocal thing. It is nothing.

Most people that clutch their pearls when you say militia, are thinking of the Montana 3% that’s trying to kill John and Beth Dutton this year on Yellowstone. Again, because that’s how they’re portrayed in pop culture. The news media portrays the militia. They like to talk about islamic militias in the Mideast to make sure we all know it’s a bad thing. It’s not a bad thing. It’s the people’s. Law enforcement usually asked about the sheriff. The sheriff is not mentioned in the constitution. It is not a constitutional office. I understand about the constitutional sheriffs of America. I know them.

I don’t think they’re bad people, but it’s not a constitutional element. So, yes, it’s separate. The function of the sheriff in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania is work for the courts and kick you off your land if you didn’t pay your taxes. We call it the sheriff’s fail. That’s a whole nother issue. He’s my buddy. Except if I don’t pay the taxes. Very, very well said. You know, my favorite militia was the Lone ranger, Tanto and the half a dozen guys. They’d get together on their horses, right? And they. They’d ride into town and they take care of business.

And that’s just the way it was nobody thought anything of it. Nobody thought, oh, this is. This is wrong. Why does militia, why do so many people have a bad attitude or a bad name? Is our mainstream media and the woke left that threw the cloud over militia. Why do you think militia has a bad connotation when it’s absolutely constitutionally the way we should be governing? I’ll give you two answers for one question. There’s value right there. We happened in Clearfield county to have a sheriff’s posse because you did ask about that. The sheriff, before he was elected, this is previous sheriff, went to one of those meetings with the constitutional sheriff’s association, and he thought it would be a good thing.

There were 420 some of us, and I’m one, who are members of the sheriff’s posse. Now, they’re not exactly a heavy hitter group. Direct traffic, make a presence at various events. There’s probably a nucleus of 20 former law enforcement officers who, if there was a jailbreak or other emergency, would be called on. And so we see it as positive here in our count. So there’s answer number one. Why is the militia have a bad view? The civil war was a war among militias up here. It was the bucktail regiment of that mustered and left. I have ancestors that served in it.

You know, Alabamians fought against buckeyes. The Mississippi regiment fought against the guys from New York and so on. It was very much a war of militias. And the victor gets to write history. The central government won that war. The central government didn’t want us to have militias after that. Robert E. Lee was asked to lead the northern army, but he could not stand up in an army against his beloved Virginian. So he fought for the south. Actually, he didn’t fight for the south. He fought for Virginia. And that’s a very real element in this discussion. There’s a whole lot of things that happened to us as a consequence of the civil war.

The Dick act, appropriately named, was in the early 19 hundreds that converted the state militia into a national guard, which is, I believe, unconstitutional because that’s a standing army within our own shores. For the state to have a militia, that’s not against the constitution, but the federal government’s done an effective job of co opting and corrupting state governments. That’s why we propose to do it at the county level. There was a question. What if the state says, hey, that’s our responsibility. We’re supposed to do that. It is your responsibility and you’re not doing it. And anything when we delegate a power to a government, we’re supposed to let them execute their function.

Well, when they don’t execute their function, it reverts back to the people or to the local level of government. If they want to have that discussion about why they’re not running the state militia like they’re supposed to, we’ll have it. Otherwise, we’re going to do it here in the counties, because it is right that we do. So, you know, we are being invaded, no question. You know, is it worse here than it is in Texas? Probably nothing. I live along interstate 80. Go to the Walmart. Just go to the Walmart and watch the foot traffic. Tell me, you know, and I’m not going to say all those people are illegal.

I’m not going to say they’re all legal. You know, we have incidents all over the state. Famously, a tire came off, a trailer broke through somebody’s windshield, the car wrecked, and they were killed. And they finally found the guys who were here illegally working construction or something, but they don’t have any insurance, and it’s just problematic. And multiply that story by, what, 15 million? Or what was the number that came across the border this year? Oh, it’s easily 22 million. I’ve seen that number and higher and higher. Yeah, well, we probably need local militias. And it’s the locals, the keyword.

Somebody said, how do you vet these people? Same way you do at the Walmart. You look at them and say, did you wrestle for Mo Valley back in? Yeah. Oh, I remember. You know, we know each other. Sure. That’s why local work. We know each other. And if I don’t know you, I might know your cousins. You know, there’s 80,000 of us in this county. I don’t know them all, but I’m older, I’m knowing a lot more. Yeah. Even in a county where there’s a half a million, there’s a way to get to know your. The guys you’re talking to.

So, uh. Yeah, I like that. The guy that created the dick act, it was a very dick move, so it was very appropriately named. Those kinds of things are why we’re in the trick bag we’re at, because there’s a lot of people who want us not to self govern and self rule. There’s a lot of people in government, local government, certainly federal government, in the media that don’t want us doing things the right way. And tactical civics is helping people do it the right way. Talk about the grand jury. That’s such a key component. Fill us in on the grand jury aspect of tactical civics.

I’m going to give you the two for one answer again. I’m doing an interview with a newspaper out of Maine, and I get a call back with questions the editors have. But one of them is, how are you going to put a militia together in Maine? We have a law. You can’t have militia here in Maine and Vermont. You can’t have more than two people with guns. And I said, really? You have that? Which amendment to the constitution was it that outlawed the militia? Well, no, we passed a law. I said, oh, okay. Well, let me answer your question.

First of all, I’m not going to do anything about the law in Maine. I don’t live in Maine. I live in Pennsylvania. So it’s not my problem, it’s yours. I suspect someone in Maine will push this to the Supreme Court, where they’ll say, well, that’s not constitutional, because it’s not, you know, it’s just you have to have the will, the time, and the money to do those things. But I said, did you not hear the example I used? You go out to dinner, you come home, the three year old’s coloring on the wall with black permanent marker, the ten year old’s in the basement putting off fireworks.

And the 16 year old you thought you left in charge comes in from the general direction of the liquor cabinet and says, oh, while you were gone, we passed a moratorium on spanking. How’s that play with you? The employees that I hired to do my government work tell me that. We’re not going to know. You’re not in charge around here. We are. We have a document. It’s called the constitution. We the people, and so on. The grand jury has the 800 year history as well. It’s the investigating jury. Somewhere on my desk here is a book, the people’s panel, history of the grand jury in America, 1643 to 1941.

Case after case after case after case. There’s another good book by Kelly Z. Mordecai, the hidden fourth branch of government, about the grand jury. This was the people that would get together and investigate things that needed investigated. It can be ordered by the DA or the judge, or it can be petitioned by the people. If the people believe that there’s an element of their government that’s corrupt, where there’s malfeasance, where there’s criminality, they can petition for a grand jury to be empaneled to investigate the same there. It varies from state to state in the size of the group.

We have another little book here called Grand Jury Handbook. It’s a primer on how the grand jury works. These are all written by David Zuniga. David’s the founder tactical civics. He’s the brains. Worked with some other founders for a number of years. Putting all this together, the investigating jury is seated by the. Drawn from the voter rolls, seated by the judge and sworn. The judge leaves. They are equal to or superior in authority to the judge, superior to the sheriff, superior to the DA. All resources in the courthouse are available to the grand jury. They can subpoena, they can issue search warrants which may have to be executed by the lawful militia.

The militia and the grand jury work together. Somebody said, why is that? What if the sheriffs who were investigating. Sheriff hires the deputies, right? The deputy is going to go search the sheriff’s house and find stuff. I’m not going to impugn their integrity, but I might wonder how they feel about their job security doing that. Because they got to be thinking, what if they don’t convict this guy? So the militia is clearly necessary to work with the grand jury on corruption. The grand jury can veer off. They can follow the trail wherever it leads. In investigating, they can also investigate places where there aren’t a crime simply to measure function.

When you were in school, the teacher walked between the desks to make sure you weren’t cheating on the tests. You weren’t cheating, but they still walked unchecked. It’s called proctoring. The grand jury can do that. They can go make sure that somebody’s office is operating as it’s designed if they feel that that’s necessary. And why is this a bad thing? I was on a radio show last week. I sent it to you, and the guy had these concerns. I said, I get your frustration with the current elections thing and so on. That’s the hiring process. And we do want to make sure we hire the best people, but then we really need to supervise them once we hire them.

And that’s the part that’s missing. Tactical civics proposes to do by ordinance, a county grand jury, the webpage and so on, and the county militia to supervise the people we hire to do our governance. Where in America can I get a job where nobody checks to see what time I’m at work? The dress code doesn’t apply. Ask Senator Federman. You know, who knew cargo shorts and a sweatshirt worked in the Senate. And I know it’s not a law or anything, that he has to wear a suit, but come on, these people are trading stocks the day before you and I get to getting rich.

You know. We all know they’re corrupt. We all know they’re corrupt, but nobody checks. And yet, if you do something as simple as hire a guy to do your lawn work, you go out and make sure the clippings are blown off the sidewalk before you pay them. Why don’t we do that with government? Well, we used to. It was called the grand jury. We used to. I do a lot of working with groups, and I ask questions. It’s interesting, the number of people who do not know. There’s two kinds of juries, the grand jury and the petit jury.

Petits. Your twelve man jury block, jury of your peers. Most people don’t know that. They don’t know about jury nullification. Judges absolutely hate jury nullifications. If you look in your little grand jury handbook, there’ll be a section on nullification, and it works like this. If I may. The king appoints the judge. The king makes the law. Twelve man jury of your peers. Rule on the facts in the case, the law. And so there are several answers. If I’m on a twelve man jury, I’m looking to figure out why Scotty’s not guilty. Now, maybe you’re guilty, but, you know, probably you’re not.

And so it’s, I know Scottie, notice, I know, jury of your peer. I know Scotty. He wouldn’t have done that. Not guilty or, I know Scotty, and if he did do that, he probably had a good reason. Not guilty or jury nullification. I know Scotty. You’re damn right he did it. It’s a bad law. Not guilty. We rule on the law. It was a check and a balance with the general. Public doesn’t know that even exists. Here’s what the public knows. They know how to get out of jury duty. Universally know that. Well, who told them that? Where do you learn how to get out of jury duty? Where’s the incentive to go and, you know, protect my neighbors? And I don’t know if that directly answered your question or not, but we want to stand these back up.

We’ve got a grand jury ordinance. One half of 1% of the folks that voted in the last municipal election are necessary to petition to seat a grand jury. In my county, it’s 85 people. 85 people is not a big hill to climb to get a petition to see the grand jury. I believe the chief obstacle will be the county won’t want to pay for it, but they don’t want to pay for anything anyway. And most of the time, I don’t want them to do it. Let alone pay for it. Grand jury, we want that because it’s the people’s role in oversight.

You know, my dad was a golden glove boxer in the United States Marine, and he was real big on a one two punch. And he spent hours teaching me a left jab and a right hook. A left jab and a right hook. To me, you guys have the one two punch to take the counties back. The juries and the militias are absolutely the way we the people can gain control over our backyards. Again, it’s. It’s very clear to me. J. Edward Griffin has been talking about communism inside the United States since 1969. There’s videos on the Internet of him in 1969 warning us that the CCP and communism is alive and well in America, and it’s in your backyard.

Well, we know that CCP money, Soros money, and other dark money have infiltrated and subverted our counties down to the school board. I’m not accusing every school board president of graft or bribery or blackmail, but there’s plenty of them that are taken from the wrong people. And this is a way, to me, the grand jury is a way to right the ship. You get these people in front of the grand jury, you can take care of business. You know, I have a lot of people that I’m in contact with bitching and moaning about what’s going on at their school system.

So what are you going to do about it? If you got a grand jury, you can do a lot about the, you got to be able to prove it. Got to be able to have the evidence that the lady on the school board is committing a crime. She’s taken money or she’s been blackmailed. That’s why she’s bringing in a transvestite to read drag queen story hour to our kids. There’s a reason for all this happening, and it doesn’t smell right. And to me, the one two punch takes work, though. This is not a simple solution. It’s a great solution, but it takes work.

Take. Talk to me about how you are organizing now. There’s 3000 plus counties in America. You are organizing in over 1000 of those counties. What’s the process of organizing? How long does it take? And how many people does it take to do the work? We are somewhere over 50% of the counties now. We have a presence. And accelerating since March of 23. Geez, we’ve grown 16 or something. Fold in numbers across the republic. We’re just adding people. People are looking. They want to take control. We’re looking to build chapters in every county of about half of 1% of the county population.

That’s 401. Here where I sit, it varies from county to county. That number is derived. David Zunigan, his brother Oscar are engineers, and they ran whatever equations to figure out how many people you needed in a county produce how many people at the state house for another event, you know, and so whatever the numbers are, just. Just give me a number. We’ll get it for you. We have a variety of ways that we communicate with the public to introduce them to tactical civics. Those who are so led can join us. I want everybody to be aware of it because everybody lives here.

I don’t know if you know Brad Wozniak. He’s a canadian expat. They’re ripping you off, too, Brad. If you’re here, they’re stealing from you. I mean, they don’t care what party you’re in. That’s kind of the joke to me. I hear people argue, taste great, and Lex filling all day long. I said, they don’t care. Just drink it. You know, they don’t care. While you’re fighting with your brother, their hands in your pocket. I usually say something like, everybody that’s ever had a delinquent teen knows. The teen will try to get the parents in an argument.

So they’re not worried about what he was doing over the weekend with his friends. That’s right. They’re too busy fighting. And so we got to stop that. We have a four phase plan to bring this dog to heel, as it will. Number one is to build our county chapter structure. We are in the organizing standpoint. While we’re organizing, we want people to get themselves educated. This is a primer. David Zuniga wrote the great we set available on Amazon. Or we can get it to you in PDF, simple download from your tactical civics website once you’ve joined, which certainly it’s affordable.

Get all our books for free. We encourage you. Download them all. Download the audiobook, download them all. Have them all on your desktop, laptop, whatever. Our second step is to do the two ordinances. We will move in x number of counties in Y number of states in the same 30 day period to establish ordinances. I tell people that Eisenhower put the men, materials and machinery in England first. Then he invaded Normandy and he didn’t tell the occupants he was coming. We are going to move that way as well. We’re not going to go one at a time piecemeal so that we can be marginalized.

And it’s like sending five guys over in a dinghy to see if the Germans are awake yet? No, we’re going to do it our way. Once we have those ordinances in place, we’re able to do local oversight and so on. The next step is we’re going to find 27 states to ratify what would have been the First Amendment. It’s an amendment that caps a federal congressional district to 50,000 souls. Currently in my district, there’s 750,000 for one federal representative, and that’s a pretty good average number across the republic. You’re just not getting represented at that scale.

You just can’t be. Washington was. The only thing he spoke about constitutional convention was to make sure that the people are represented by keeping the district small. They wanted it to be 30,000, maybe grow eventually to 50. There is a pending amendment that’s been ratified through twelve states. 200 years ago, Connecticut failed to turn in their homework or it would already be law. We need 27 states and I can start naming them. West Virginia would do this, north and South Dakota would do this, Texas would do this. It’ll take a half hour on an afternoon when we’re ready to move.

That will create 6800 and some odd congresspeople. Tactical civics will identify, vet and help get those people elected. There’s no office space in Washington. There’s no place for them to meet other than a football stadium. Swearman first act of business has passed, the bring Congress Home act, which you can read about in the appendices of one of our books. They will serve in the district where they’re elected. They will live and work among the people who they represent. You will see them on the sidewalk, you will see them in the church, you will see them at the Walmart or the Piggly wiggly or wherever it is you go for groceries.

And they will have to deal with Misses Johnson for a change. Who comes up says, sonny, what’s this foolishness you people are involved in in Washington? Yes. They don’t have to be in Washington to legislate. We proved that a couple of years ago. They can do it by Zoom, as you and I are doing. I’m in Pennsylvania, you’re in Mexico. We don’t have to pay for all that expensive stuff. But here’s, here’s the fun part. When Trump was elected, it was fashionable to call him a fascist. That was, that was the big. So I looked it up.

Fascism is when big government and big business are in cahoots to abuse the citizenry. Like the military industrial complex, like big tech big pharma, big media, big education, big whatever. When we bring them back to the district, in order for Raytheon to come and bribe my congressman, they’re going to have to come here. Then they’re going to have to go to the next district. And if he wants to meet with Raytheon, he can meet with them at the diner in town. We’ll go sit and watch because we’re going to know the guy. Fascism ends when we bring Congress home.

Those three steps, the grand jury, militia, the amendment and the bring Congress home circumscribes federal Congress and suddenly they represent us again. When they represent us, it breaks the back of the chain of money that flows from Washington to the state capitals. So it fixes that too. But here’s another fun fact. When they live in the district, they are subject to the county grand jury just like you and I are. Again, every good criminal knows that you skirt the law by jumping jurisdictions. Washington DC is a different jurisdiction. It’s federal and the Constitution gives Congress the authority to dictate what the federal courts can and cannot hear.

So it’s a safety valve for them. Let’s bring it back here and see how they do in the state courts. In Pennsylvania, breaking your oath is perjury. And so a well meaning but misguided Congressman who brings up some sort of gun control, violating their oath of office to uphold defend the constitution, has committed perjury. And they can either rescind their bill or we’ll just have a trial and a special election because it’s perjury. You broke your own. It’s a felony in Pennsylvania, someone that blocks the forming of militias. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of free state.

It gives the people the control they should have always had. The numbers in Congress gives a representation that we should have already had. They call this flyover country. I go outside and point to, I even know where they’re going now. I know when they’re flying to Syracuse, they’re not coming here. There’s an author named Selena Zeto who she’s based in Pittsburgh. She wrote an article that the most important 42 miles stretch of highway in America is between Butler, Pennsylvania and East Palestine, Ohio. I didn’t realize they were that close. She said that this was big union country where Democrats used to come and get their pictures taken with union workers.

But now that the popular thought is to export business overseas, they don’t come there anymore. Trump went to Butler, he’s going back. JD Vance goes every two weeks to East Palestine with two boxes of bear claws to see how everybody’s doing down there. I don’t know their politics, but coming to see the rest of us instead of just centering in New York, Los Angeles and Washington seems like a good idea. Yeah, well, I’ll tell you, the multinational corporations, the NGO’s in Washington, DC, that’s fascism. Put those three things together and we have a fascist world that we’ve been living in.

These multinationals, big business, the NGO’s, like the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization, trying to dictate how we live here in America, in the district of Columbia, with our representation there. Certainly I agree with you. We are dealing with fascism in the true definition of the word. So you guys got a strong ground game. If I look at this as a football, you’re a football coach. You got a ground game going here, and it’s a long term game. You guys are not looking to rush this thing. You’re going to do it across the country long term.

What’s the timeline? Is there a game plan with a timeline? How long is this going to take to get where we need to go with this activated and operational? Because you’re in the organizational phase, you got a long way to go. How long do you think it’s going to take? We can get it done this year if we applied ourselves to it, but we have to. We have to apply ourselves to it. This is a we the people moment. And my neighbor needs to understand that he’s the government now. By virtue of defeating the British in the revolution, the mantle of government fell upon the shoulders of we the people.

But somehow we think if we vote, we can go ahead and watch the Steelers the rest of the year and not worry about it. It doesn’t work that way. I had a 45 minutes conversation with a township auditor this morning about township government malfeasance. You know, you simply cannot ignore it. It must be discussed in the fields. It must be discussed at church. It must be discussed in the hallways of. Of whatever shops and merchants we’re at. We must keep. I think it’s Robert Kiyosaki. He says, mind your own business. The government’s my business, okay? It works for.

It’s one of my enterprises. And if I ignore it, they get into all sorts of mischief that then takes a whole bunch of my attention that I could be doing something else productive with. When we get it back on track and it’s running properly, it will be a lights kind of like a hula hoop. It takes a little work to get it spinning but once it’s up, if you know what you’re doing, it just runs timeline. I really believe we can do this yesterday. I’m constantly surprised by people. I find the following to be generally true.

About one third of the public has their head buried in his hand. Things get better on their own. I don’t want my name on a list. You know, they’re going to pay the cannibals to eat them last kind of a thing. Are you talking about apathy? Apathy? Yeah. I don’t know. I’m not sure what it. Fear. Fear. You know what? If they’ll be mean to me, they’ll kick me off facebook. They’re being mean to you now. This is what they don’t understand. You were, you know, Scott McKay in his intru uses a declaration of independence. And the big dramatic line is, but when a long chain of usurpations and abuses have occurred, well, that’s where we are.

I feel definitely usurpated and abused from a bunch of different directions. A bunch of people that don’t live here think they can tell me how to live. EPA. This is a game we’re going to play. After the four phase plan and we get set up and running, we’re going to start playing the game of. Where in the constitution did you get the authority for that? Out west. It’s BLM, you know, that made the news when they were being mean to the Bundys. And they generally don’t like the Mormons out there who live on the land and so on.

They’re a government institution with their own arm. No, we’re in a constitution. Where does it say that you can own two thirds of a western state? Because it doesn’t. That goes to the state. Back here it’s the EPA. The EPA says we can’t do a billion dollar investment in Renova. They object. Well, they don’t live here. They don’t get to object. That’s our business. Coal. I live in a coal rich and a gas rich county. Camilla has promised to ban fracking. She has no idea what fracking meant to this part of the world when it came in.

Now I live in the middle of it. I have bald eagles flying up and down the river in town. We have the best fishery we’ve had in my lifetime. I’ve got elk coming in over the hill. They graze in the old strip mines from the forties that were abandoned because it was against the law to backfill them during the war. We’ve got beaver. It’s just a garden here. Does she really think that we don’t care about our environment here? That she has to care? Take us. Who is she? You know, where do you get the authority for this? EPA got its authority from an executive order by Richard Nixon in 1972 after the Love canal incident.

A very bad deal for those people. But why do I have to be abused and on and on with this stuff in the news. Department of justice, that was a part time job for one guy. FBI was, I guess, you know, they’re not working for department education. Trump, I heard, just vowed, get rid of it. Have schools test scores gone up since we know it’s just a money thing. Department of Energy, how many gallons of gas do they produce? None. And on and on. I want the benefits and the risks of freedom. They want to make me feel like they’re mitigating the risks by limiting the benefits.

And, you know, my great great great grandfather didn’t traipse all over upstate New York and wherever else in New England running from or running toward the redcoats so that we could have somebody else be the boss of us today. It just doesn’t work that way. Listen, Kamala is out and out marxist, and Marxism is a nanny state. And the nanny state is that I’m going to tell you what’s good for you and how to live your life right. I want to point out to the audience, when Bill mentioned BLM in conjunction with the Bundys, he was talking about the Bureau of Land Management, not black lives Matter, folks.

So just point that out there because BLM has taken on a whole new meaning. So, Bill, what’s the, the future? You think it can get done in the next year? I’d be really happy if it got done through 2025 or 2026. If we could go in the next couple of years and take our entire country back county by county, that’s the ticket. Because those of you who listen to this show, no, we talk about a white hat organization that’s got a plan to oust the central bankers and change the financial system and change the political system, but it ain’t coming to our backyard, folks.

This plan of tactical civics is necessary because we’re going to have to take back our counties ourselves. This plan of the white hats taking back the country is at a, actually, it’s at a global level. It’s not even so much a federal level, it’s a global level. Taking out the central banks around the world so that we can have a sound money system and get rid of all the dark money in politics and so forth and so on. But how can a listener get started? I know you got a call every Sunday night. Talk about that.

How. When’s that call on Sunday nights. And how do people get a get on that call? Bill, we have a call every Sunday night. You’ll find it on our website. It’s right on the landing page. You don’t have to join. It’s at 830 Eastern. And there’s a phone number somewhere. The advent of phone cell phones, I quit memorizing numbers. I just look for your name now, right? Working on remembering your name. That’d be the easiest way. Go to and look that you can join for $5. Join, check us out and quit. I. That’s where your heart’s at.

If you’re going to join, I would ask you to do more than just be a number on a spreadsheet. I’m looking for people that want to actively take a role in helping me find other people. You know, we got to get big first who are willing to pick up a book and read it and understand some of what we’re about. And you might learn some things that’ll honk you off. But then you were taught some things that honk me off. You know, the. The schools didn’t necessarily teach us. They didn’t teach entrepreneurship. They taught me how to fill out a w four and a 1040 so I could pay the most positive tax.

Funny. Funny you say that. Somebody called me and said, well, that tactical civics, they want me to join and be a paid member before I check them out. I said, that’s just good entrepreneurship. Because people kick in the tires is not the intent here. You gotta get involved first. And as you said, if the $5 is a big deal, you just cancel your membership. I’ve done 40 plus interviews that are on rumble somewhere. I’ve talked to Scott. I’ve talked to Ann. I’ve talked to Kevin White. I’ve talked to Sarah Westall. I’ve talked to John Fredericks. I’ve been on Lindell TV, I don’t know, a couple times.

I’m all over the place. If that doesn’t work for you, David Zuniga has got interviews. He’s the founder. He’s got a good one with Jayco, Nino, and Scott that you can still find on the interview. It was very enlightening. We don’t have any secrets. But if you got a problem with $5, quit going to McDonald’s. Quit going to Starbucks, too. It’s one cup of coffee now. I mean, seriously, nobody’s getting rich off this, including me. I’m a volunteer. We’re all volunteers because I want this fixed. I want this solved, you know? And I guess that’s what people have to take stock of.

We were blessed with our first great grandchild this year. I am, in fact, a great grandfather. I thought I was a good grandfather. Now they’re telling me I’m a great grandfather. His name is Colton Ray. I’m sure he’s going to have a mullet and a future in country music. I can feel it. But at some point, 20 years from now, I just hear him saying to me, what were you doing back in 2024 when things were really dark for this country? I’m hoping it’s not dark when he asks me that question, but whether it’s dark or light, I still am accountable to him for my answer because I know what the people that came before me did to provide for me the world I live in now, and I just can’t sit on my hands and watch this thing go down the drain.

So I’m not. I’m taking a stand. I’m doing something. And that’s what I’m asking your viewers to do. And the people they know come join us. Who can join us? Just about anybody. Just about anybody. You know, I tell people there’s four, four things we do here. You can read all our books. You don’t have to be a member to read our books. You can come to our county meetings. You don’t have to be a member to come to the county meetings or public. You can promote us all day long. And if you feel so led, you can be a member.

Our number one promoter and advocate is a guy named Scott McKay, who’s a non member, but he promotes us all over the country. My state legislator comes to the meetings, he’s a non member. So don’t get all hung up on that. And I don’t care what party you’re in. I’ve already addressed that. You know, you live here. This is your problem, too. Whether you like it or not, it’s going to take all of us to solve it. All of us. Ignoring it caused it. Yeah. This is not about a party. This is not a conservative versus liberal Democrat Republican thing.

This is an american thing. We got to take America back, and this is a way to do it. One final thought. Tell us about a county that’s in implementation phase that are actually doing it, where there’s a grand jury and a militia. What county can we look to. That’s actually implementing tactical civics. We are in the staging set, delivering our supplies, machinery and men to England before the invasion. Gotcha. When the invasion hits, you’ll be on the list of first to know. Although you’ll hear about it, it’ll be all over the news. Because when multiple counties in multiple states all move forward with these people’s eyes are going to be like, what’s going on? You’re going to have them all go forward at once.

That’s the thing. That’s what you’re doing. I got you. It’s a strategic initiative. You know, it’s funny, somebody was asking me about parties and I said, you know, it just depends on who’s in office. Half the public right now thinks they’re criminals. So it doesn’t matter what party you’re in, right. You agree that the problem exists. And if we think they’re criminals, we need a grand jury to nail their ass. Right. And we need a militia to round them up because they’re not going to go. They’re not going to volunteer to go. The grand jury simply determines is there cause to go further.

Right. If there’s cause, they produce an indictment and then the individual or individuals have to defend themselves in court. Absolutely. It seems fair. Well, Bill, it’s been very enlightening. I think this is initiative that will take hold. And I want to be aware of the day that they stormed the barn in every county. Wow. The next day after will be quite a day. People go, what the hell just happened in America? Well, tactical civics pulled the trigger on their plan. They stormed the barn and we now have 2000 plus counties. Is there a number on the board for how many counties you’re in before you pull the trigger? Is it all 3000 plus or is there a 70%? How many counties are you going to be in when you implement and pull the trigger? That’s one of those closely held figures that, uh, I got you.

You know, we may be going to run the ball up the middle or maybe we’re going to run wide, but we’re not going to tell the defense. I like it. General Patton didn’t either. So it’s a good, good move. I respect that. I like the answer and we’ll stick with that. So one more time, Bill, tell our listeners where they can find you, both the website and that Sunday night phone call website. Just go to there’s a big red button in the middle push to join. At the bottom of the page is a great big phone number that starts at seven to get you on the Sunday night call.

You’ll have a chance to interact with the founder. He takes questions all the time from the public to help you sort this out. You know, some people toe dip, some people jump in. I don’t care if the water’s hot or cold, I’m getting wet. Let’s go. What are we waiting for? You know, Scott, he’s got an expression, LFG. What’s, you know, how bad does it have to get before you decide to take an action? Or you’re just going to let someone else do it? I’ll do it. Here’s one thing you can all have confidence, I will do this because I’m not stubborn.

I won’t have to do it alone. We could all be done a lot quicker if you’d pitch in. You know, I know how Scott McKay does his vetting. I rode on his bus when we were strangers and he thought I was on his bus as an infiltrator. And he vetted me for 90 minutes on that bus. And I know if he vetted you guys, that and you guys come out looking good, that you’re the right organization for a time such as this. So I thank you, Bill. We’ve been listening to Bill Ogden from tactical civics. Bill, great job.

Keep up the great work, guys. Thank you.



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