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➡ The Life Wave foreign business team is planning weekly meetings with top members to discuss progress and strategies. They are optimistic about the company’s growth, even in a potentially down economy, due to new products and opportunities. They also discussed the importance of building strong managers and directors within the team, and shared some tools and strategies for achieving this. The team is excited about the potential for success and growth in the future.
➡ The text discusses the importance of focusing on your strengths and understanding your audience in order to build a successful team. It emphasizes the need to think globally and not limit yourself to your immediate surroundings. The text also highlights the significance of maintaining a positive mindset, as what you focus on is what you attract. Lastly, it encourages keeping things simple and not overcomplicating tasks for better results.
➡ The text discusses the importance of sharing love and positivity in business interactions, and how this can lead to success. It also emphasizes the value of upgrading customers to premium packages in a business, which can earn extra points and benefits. The speaker encourages the audience to keep track of their points and not give up, as there is still time to earn more. They also highlight the importance of setting and maintaining goals, and share a success story of a new brand partner who achieved significant earnings by simply sharing her excitement about the products.
➡ The text discusses the benefits of working extra to earn more money for personal goals like vacations or a new car, and eventually achieving financial freedom. It encourages inviting potential managers to a business boot camp in Orlando to help grow their businesses. It also discusses the importance of keeping track of points earned in a corporate program, and the possibility of having to split a trip into two weeks due to the number of qualifying people. Lastly, it advises on how to handle retail opportunities, suggesting that interested retailers could buy a premium kit and sell the extra sleeves at retail price, while offering customers the option to buy at wholesale prices.
➡ The discussion revolves around the marketing and use of a product, possibly health patches. The speaker suggests two methods for selling: wholesale or retail. They discourage investing personal money into supplying stores, instead recommending direct shipping to customers. They also suggest hosting events to showcase the product, allowing potential customers to try it. The speaker also discusses the product’s activation, which happens when in close proximity to an infrared source, but it goes back to sleep when removed. Lastly, they mention an upgraded website that can be personalized for individual sellers.
➡ The team is creating a personalized website for each member, which will cost around $50 per year. This website will look like the main “Live Younger” site but with your personal details and contact information. It will also include an opportunity video and details about different kits. However, this site will only enroll brand partners, not customers. The team is also planning to have weekly meetings to help everyone stay focused and achieve their goals.
➡ The discussion revolves around the use of a personal domain name for marketing purposes, which can be redirected to various URLs as needed. This method simplifies the process of sharing links and maintaining marketing materials. The group also discusses the idea of using stickers with QR codes for the same purpose. Additionally, they talk about using energy patches on specific body points to help clear up lungs, especially in the context of recent fires and the resulting smoke.


Foreign business builder Life Wave. Thank you guys for coming in. Looking forward to having this get together. We, we talked about having like the, the top people. We, we’re probably gonna have a, a separate once a week meeting with uh, like the directors and the people that are just right on the cusp of becoming directors. Probably about a half an hour get together or something like that. So you guys that are like Dr. Kathy and several other people that are directors and so forth, we’ll get together with or you know, send Jen a, uh, an idea when that would work out, you know, for you guys.

Uh, and we’ll uh, we’ll, we’ll start doing a, a chat to basically mastermind group. Right. So we’ll probably about a half an hour, nothing extravagant. And then once some of you guys start to move up even higher, I’ll get with those people specifically as well in another, in another group. So looking forward to more of you guys like moving up. We have uh, you know, Roxanne’s done really well. Uh, a lot of you guys are right on the cusp. Like Lynn, you just right there ready to break out. So, And Frederick. So lots, lots of people getting ready to move up.

And so we want to give you guys the best, you know, chance of continuing to move forward. Like we talked about before, probably going to be pretty substantial once the new products start coming out, the movements. Even though, you know, some people are saying it’s going to be a possibly a down economy because everything’s looking so bad, we may see, with Trump coming in, we may see it not go down. That’s a possibility. And then those, those businesses, I believe, which is lifeways, one of them that have the greatest opportunity going forward could very possibly not even see a hiccup.

And it could just, just keep going up, up and maybe even faster going up because all of the, the economy that we’re in right now, the economy that we’re in right now is pretty manipulated and it, and it’s kind of pushed, pushed in a certain direction for a small group of people. And I think that’s going to change. It’s going to be open for, you know, everybody to succeed going forward and that’s going to be phenomenal. So Jen, we had a, we had a, we talked about a few things earlier that we’re going to share with everybody.

You want to, want to like move in that direction. And I wanted to congratulate Diane Horvath’s woman, Ellen. I don’t know if I see an Ellen iPad, but she just became manager Today. So we. We’ve congratulated her through you and through our team on Live, Younger, Explanation point and Facebook. Very nice. Very nice. Congratulations. And we got Dr. Kathy here, who’s also solid, and Brad and all these people on your team that are just amazing. So. Okay, so, Michael, shall I start with the picture first? Yeah, let’s do that. Okay, I’m going to share my screen.

And we went over a bunch of things today, but here we go. And why is it? Oh, because maybe I don’t have it down on this one. You know, I got this fancy new machine. So. Michael. Okay, so there you go. You can see that this is from Connie. And I love it. It’s sort of fun. And it says. And I do a lot of these $10 tasks, $10 an hour tasks. But are you doing $10 an hour tasks while your $1,000 an hour opportunities slip away? So anyway, that’s the first one. And if anybody wants these, I can, you know, I can get them to you.

So now what I need to share is benefits of building managers. There it is, Michael. I had them ready. So the benefits of building building managers and what it is for you, it’s going to create. It didn’t come up. You still have the ostrich. Oh, my apologies. Thank you. You’re my brother. You’re teaching me. I will go back to share. Let me do that. And I have to make it bigger. Yeah, I should have done just my whole screen. And. And I didn’t do that. I. Okay, here we go. We got a big desktop. How’s that benefits to managers? Michael, do you see it now? No, just a blank screen.

Oh, good. It took a second, I guess. Anyway, so benefits of building managers creating duplication. Building team depth. So what Connie said in our group is said have at least. They’re saying three now on each side. But we started out always telling people at least two on each side. And so, you know, three will help you because when one falls off, you’ve got the other one behind. And then you still are a manager. And so, you know, it just helps you. And then Connie reminded me yesterday, we were talking about. And Darlene, you asked this in the meeting last night.

When you go into your back office, you go to organization and it has. It has a roller tree view and that’s a line straight across. And why is that? And Connie said, that’s a useless. Don’t. Don’t look at that. It’s useless. But she says it’s there and you are. You were right. It just shows Every one of anybody signed up under that person that looks it up. So, Darlene, all your people were in a straight line like that. But it. We don’t need to use that. We need to use the binary and so that we, we understand it better.

But I did get an answer for our team on that. And so, you know, the benefits for the new brand partner would be that it helps them to move up. And the minute they become manager, they start making more money because it turns over. And also, you don’t want to drop out by not buying once a month because then you lose everybody under you. So those are the two things, you know, you want to make sure that your people are able to keep going. And I hope, Roxanne, that you’re entering, you’re helping these people that are entering.

Okay, so, so what I’m going to do is there’s one more share, Michael, and that one is manager to director. So I’m going to bring that down. Well, maybe I’ll go out and come back in again because I think that you’ll see it better. We were talking about that wonderful list, the manager to director, which is also in. Michael, I think it’s in your newsletter today. We. We talked about putting it there and, and I sent it. So this is. Excuse my phone. It’s home phone. I never answer it. Anybody calls. Okay, so this is going.

I’m going to share again my screen and I’m going to share it. It’s the simple empty one. But we think. And I think it’s a great idea. I did it myself. I printed up one and I haven’t had time today to fill it out. Tomorrow I’ll be doing that. I’m going to pick new people and put them there. First sheet you should do is the people you’ve already got and then the ones you want connect with further down, you know. But if you’ve got a lot of people, which I do, I’m not going to put anybody that I’ve already signed up.

I’m going to put new names there and then I’m going to go after them. Does that make sense? And so. And you just look through your phone book. You get wherever you meet them. Literally, a guy came to fix my window things and he owned the company. Boy, did I hit him up. So, you know, talk to him, shared everything and told him why it works. So anyway, that’s the. Those are the three things that Michael and I talked about today to building from. It’s so important to be a strong manager. And then that Brings you to director and then brings you on up from there.

Does that answer Michael, your questions? Yeah, that’s very good. And then we also talked about, you know, you need to, like, you know, focus in a way that’s going to build you or your team the. At the maximum level that you can go. So for me, I just did a show a couple nights ago with a guy that’s on Brad’s team on a. On a YouTube channel, and he has thousands of subscribers. And it was fun because it was with a guy that when I did the Navy SEAL hand to hand course, one of the guys.

We had to come in. We had to come. We had to come in was on that show. And I hadn’t seen him in, like, they’re 30 years. It’s almost 30 years, so. And he’s talking the same language. And. And then, of course, you know, I talked about Life Wave at the end, and he was super interested because he has pains. You can imagine someone that teaches hand to hand, you know, for most of their life, you can probably have a lot of pain. So he’s. He’s super interested in it. You know, he has tens and tens of thousands of people that he has, you know, his clients and access to and so forth that does these courses and does these shows and all that kind of stuff.

And then those guys are doing that show are, you know, they’re reaching, you know, tens of thousands of people, too. So that’s. That’s perfect for what I do. And Brad was, you know, lined us all up. And I’ve done several shows with people that Brad has lined us up, lined me up with to help build his team. And of course, it builds my team and, you know, all of us. So it is. That’s one of the things you. You want to focus on. You know, don’t go to an elementary school and get, you know, elementary students, you know, to use Life Wave.

When you’re like a college professor, know, it’s. You want to. You want to stay within, you know, what you’re good at, what you understand, and the people that will understand you and you can, you know, motivate them, attract them, build your bigger business. So that’s one of the things that we’re trying to get you guys to focus on. Connie, do you want to add anything to that? No, I’m just enjoying watching you two. I think it was great. If there’s a question you guys can ask me, I just caught part of it. I do want to.

You know, we’ve talked about expanding. Well, First, I want to give a shout out to Roxanne because what she does on Thursday night is priceless. Absolutely priceless. So great job, Roxanne. And it’s building her leadership skills. It’s building her up to become more and more confident as she’s supporting the entire team. So it really is amazing. And, of course, Jen’s always looking at how can we support the team best? What does everybody need to fill in those blanks? And so that makes a huge, huge difference to all of you as an organization. I do. We talked about thinking global, thinking big.

Right? Don’t. Don’t just think about your own little backyard, but where else can you expand? So I want to give a shout out to Terry and Fred, who just signed their first international brand partner. So that’s pretty fun. You know, it’s like I said, I came into this business and my intention was I am going to have, um. I mean, I remember first thing I was telling clients, I’m going to have an international business with a bunch of doctors on my team. Don’t ask me why, but that’s literally what started to happen. And I knew. No, I didn’t know all the doctors.

You know, all the doctors that are on my team. I didn’t know most of them, and I didn’t know anybody internationally, but that’s kind of what happens. So, anyways, great job for all of you. If there’s anybody else who has had, like, a big win recently. I know you said. I know Diane Horvath, a new manager, and I know a lot of people are working. So if any of you have, like, something really exciting you want to share, I’d love to hear it. Definitely. And. And before we jump to that, I forgot to put in there.

Michael and Connie, January 25th, the Vision 2025. Please have house parties. Do whatever you can. My house is filled with BO boxes, so I’m having a private house party. I’ve got a few people, but that’s it. I can’t do it open. But I. I hope that you all will, because you will probably sign some new people up when you do that, you know, so that. And then, of course, the boot camp in just two. A week later, practically second to the 6th of February in Orlando. And they’ve got that on Michael’s newsletter, correct? All those links? Oh, yes.

As well as you guys can find that both of those under events in healthiswealth biz. Yes. Perfect. Dr. Kat. I’m gonna be quiet. You know, I went to a professional woman’s Network meeting today and I’ve been wanting to go for a while, but you know how it is. It’s just, it’s the timing. So it was a small group because again, it’s cold here, it’s January. So you know, it’s just going to be a small. There were about five people, all professionals. I met a retired doctor. I met a interior designer. I met someone who works at a, at a high end furniture store and does a lot of design work.

I met someone that has their own business in it. So one of the things that she had us do was to think of one word, okay, that, that we want to start off this year. What’s one word that comes to mind? And I’m going to tell you, everyone picked a word. Mine was energy. Okay, because of all the things that are coming down. But someone picked focus, peace, joy and happiness. So I looked at all those words and I’m thinking, you know, you need to focus your energy so that you can go ahead and have peace, joy and happiness.

Oh, and another, she said do three things in a day. So if you can focus your energy to do three things, income producing activities, you’re going to have joy, peace and happiness. I thought that was kind of cool. So I took that from that and I’m going to go ahead and see about implementing that. Three things is all I have to do income producing activities every day. Very good, very good. And you know, what you focus on is what you attract. That’s, it’s, it’s like, it’s like mathematics. You know, it’s almost you do one plus one and you get two.

If you, what you focus on, you attract. So if you’re, if you are scared to talk to people, then you won’t talk to people. If, and that’s what you focus on. But if you’re like, I’m going to talk to people and that’s all you focus on, then it’s like people are attracted to you. They’re like come up to you and start talking. Like, ah, I don’t even, I’m not even going to talk to people. So, and that’s what, you know, the show that I did just a few nights ago, it, it all starts in the mind.

You know, when you’re, you’re in a combat situation or you’re in an urban situation where there’s some hinky stuff going on. Everything has to be right in your mind. You have to think the right way because if you think the wrong way, then you’re going to attract to you And I, I, I’ve told people many times that the guys are, I was in combat with that, focused on, they were fearful and they wanted to get in a fight, they got in a fight and they’re all dead, you know, so you want to focus on what it is.

You want to attract yourself. If you want to grow a bit a big business, if you want to have a little business or whatever you want, focus on that thing. And you know, that thing that works is sharing. So you, you share with as many people as you can. So, you know, this week I’ve shared with hundreds of thousands of people Lifeway, because I talk about it, my shows, I talk about in other people’s shows. So it’s out there. And then, you know, from that people come in and start to use the product or sign up and so forth, or sign up in your teams, because some of you do that.

So the show that I did wasn’t about my specific team, but the guy that’s running the show is for his team. So he’s gotten a lot of people signed up. And he may have a big person that may become a director very easily, and he will have that really quick. And then I’m sure he’s the type of guy will have another person really quick. So you want to start to build those legs out. And that’s what we have been focusing on. Connie, Jen and Roxanne and I, we’ve been focusing on, you know, creating more directors. And Roxanne was so focused on it, she became a director.

So, and that’s, that’s, that’s what you want, you know, so continue to, you know what it is that you want and completely focus on it. Don’t think about not having it because you will attract that. You have to think constantly. Focus in yourself. Like Dr. Kathy was talking about, you just keep it simple. Just keep it super simple. We have a, this, this thing in the, in the, in the Navy, in the military. It’s kiss. Keep it simple. Stupid, right? So don’t be stupid. Keep it simple and don’t get all like it. It’s got to be more complicated than this because, God, I, I see all this other things.

No, it’s very, very simple. And everything that I’ve ever done, if I think into it too much, it becomes complicated for me and it doesn’t, I don’t achieve it. So you want to simplify things as much as possible. And not just in your business life, but every aspect of your life. And if you’re focused on the business aspect and Starts to spill over to the other aspects of your life. That’s great, right, Connie? And that’s, that’s what’s beautiful about this business because it can teach you, you know, aspects that will. That will flow into other aspects of your life and make your.

Their entire life. Because I see all the people that are successful in life wave and they’re just amazing people. And that’s, that’s what’s going to happen for you guys as you, you know, create these businesses. You have interactions with people, you’re. You’re sharing out of love. That love comes back to you. Give the love, you get ten times more back. So it’s. It’s amazing. Anybody else want to share anything? Any questions? Can I ask a question of the group? Sure. Who is tracking your putamita points for the next incentive? Any hands? Anybody want to go? So Michael’s already qualified.

He’s qualified. I see a few people that are on your team who are, you know, trying to. That are real close and don’t give up. I mean, several of you, you know, got there on the last one toward the end. And I remember getting on with Terry, I mean, literally right before it was over, and just saying, terry, have you looked at your points? Like, are you counting them? Are you tracking them? You. Where are they? You go back in and. And you start. I went back through mine again today and looking at a couple things and upgraded.

There’s a couple things that get big points, so it’s a possibility to look at. You never know. One that gives kind of double points is people who were either bronze, silver, or gold or platinum before we switch to the new kits. If they upgrade to premium, you get eight points. And even if someone was platinum and you upgrade them to premium, you still get the full eight points. So they’re giving you extra points for taking people who have kind of maybe been out for a bit or maybe they bought a pack, but then they kind of didn’t buy further.

They’re giving you a lot of extra points to go ahead and upgrade them. So I know I took somebody who was sitting at gold, upgraded them to premium. Today I’ve got a few more on my list, so I can make sure that I can go and hang out with all of you. And the other thing, and looking at customers, I have a preferred customer. She’s been using the product for almost since I started, and she’s been consistent month after month. And she came to the event that Michael and Tracy Jo did with us in Arizona and came out to lunch with Us.

And as we were talking, I said, you know, have you ever thought about this? You know, in the future you might want to be a brand partner. You know, maybe it’s not timing right now for you to build, but if we upgrade you to brand partner, you get to the option of not. Of not only always buying at wholesale pricing, but you can get maintenance kits, you can get other things. And she, after seeing the show that Michael and, and the doctors did for us in Arizona, she said, you know, my mom really should be on this, and I think I need to force my husband and get my son on this as well.

And she started kind of thinking in a different way than she’s ever thought before about it. She was just a consumer. She was just using it for her own health. And so by getting her to an event or getting her to see something, maybe even like vision with you, you might get somebody who’s a customer who says, oh, my gosh. Or you might get someone who’s been hanging around for a while just as a brand partner, just utilizing the product to get excited and come back in. So timing’s everything. So I would encourage you to go back through your back office, look at all your personally and enrolled people in the personally enrolled report.

It’ll show you which pack you can take the rank. And if where it says rank, if you sort it, you will pop it up to the higher ranks and then it’ll just say the packs they bought. So you can literally go through and see, oh, they bought a gold pack. Oh, they bought a silver pack. Oh, they bought an advanced. And you know now what the option is. And so you can talk to them about the one I upgraded today. I said, you’re going to be active for three months. You don’t have to order any product.

You get a great price. You can stock up on everything. And you don’t even have to place an order for three months because you did a premium pack. So I’m just going to encourage you to go back and look, don’t give up yet. We still have a month to go. Get your tracker sheet out. It is on HealthSWealth biz under Business Tools. Get the Punta Mita tracker. Take a look. You also get points for you ranking up and you get points for anybody that you personally sponsored that you help to rank up. So Diane Horvath, you know, you just helped Ellen to rank up.

Well, now you get points and Ellen gets points for, for that. So get them on your tracker sheet. It’s. It’s a ton of fun. To go on these trips. Yeah, it really is. And I, I love to go on these trips because I get to hang out with all you guys. So I want more of you guys to play, play with and then we can brainstorm, you know, we can, we can talk and stuff like that. So, like, kind of was saying, you know, from starter to premium, you get eight points in gold, platinum to premium.

So eight points. It’s. There’s a lot of points there. And of course, if you make managers 10 points for every manager you make, uh, start making directors 15 points. So it’ll start to add up pretty quick. So. And you also get, you know, points for maintaining your. Your status as well. So lots of different ways you can move up. So looking forward to seeing all of you there. No prep. I’m not like, you got to be there. It’s like, I’d love to. For you guys to be there, so, you know, share the business. You have till, I think mid February, so February 23rd I think it is.

So you still have over a month, you know, just. So now people are coming out of the Christmas, you know, paying off the bills or whatever, and we’re going to start to, you know, see people come back and want to get involved and stuff. So this is, this is a perfect time. You know, the. What. What are you going to do for the rest of the year? What. What’s your plans? What’s your goals? A lot of people will, like, you know, have goals in the beginning of the year. And, you know, I see him in the gym.

I. I’ve been members of gyms for most of my life and for, like, you know, few weeks a month, you see the gyms fill up and then they slowly whittle down. You want to have those goals and you want to stay focused on those goals and then help other people find their goals. Like, we’re talking about very important time frame. So this is a great time. I’m going to do a show within the next week or so and just really get people. Okay, here we are. We’re a new year. You really need to have a goal where you’re going to, like, you know, great health, sharing with other people and, you know, potential of building an amazing business where you can have freedom.

So these are the goals that, you know, most people would love to have. And we have the. We have the perfect vehicle for getting them there. So. Diane kind of little in this. I just wanted to say how proud I am of Ellen. She just signed up to be a brand partner in late November, and She does not know everything there is to know about what every single patch does. She doesn’t know everything there is to know about the compensation plan. She doesn’t know what school David went to when he was a little boy. But she did talk to everybody.

She did share her excitement and enthusiasm about the products and the company and the technology. And she just kept talking to people and just signing them up. She made $405, I think, on her first or second day as a brand partner, because she signed someone up with a premium package, and that didn’t suck. You know, that was pretty awesome. So I’m just very proud of her. And it just shows that you just do those simple little things every single day. You don’t have to do them for eight hours, you know, just a few minutes here and there, maybe, you know, a couple hours here and there.

But it every little bit adds up to big things. Oh, absolutely. And she grows a little bit more. And that’s like a vacation, you know, that. Yeah, probably wouldn’t have. I went years and years and years without vacation because I didn’t have that much money. I worked and worked and worked and worked, and it’s like, never had enough. So. And then when I had vacation time, I worked extra. So this is. This is a great vehicle, like we’re talking about, where you can earn some extra so you can have a nice vacation or get a. A better car or, you know, lots of different things that you can do with that extra money.

And then eventually maybe just have complete freedom. You know, you decide, you know, when you work and what you do and so forth. So that’s ultimately the goal for all of us, and I hope everyone achieves that. Thanks, Diane Lynn. Hey, Michael. So I had a couple things. I wanted to encourage everyone to invite any of their people who they think might become a manager and want to grow their business to the boot camp in Orlando. So I looked on my list, and I keep in touch with all my people to see where their heads are at.

Are they ready to grow the business? Do they have to pull back? Just I’m constantly in touch with them. So everyone that I knew was. Had it in their mind that they wanted to start their business or try to. To grow it a bit. I invited them all to Orlando, and I did have a brand partner in Ohio. Say yes. So that’s exciting. I just want to encourage everyone to think about that. And I also did the same thing to invite everyone to the Vision 2025. I went down all my people that I thought that this would help them and maybe boost them and get them excited to want to do more, reached out and have several people that have signed up.

So I want to encourage people with that. And then, Connie, I had a question for you about the point tracker. So I’ve been getting emails from corporate about the points that I had and I remember with Punta Cana, the points were really not quite there and accurate. Is that. Are the email email points more accurate this time or. They seem to be, yeah. Because it’s corporate, it’s not running through a program. What you do want to look at though is they’re not necessarily to date. So the easy way to see is like, so I went back and I looked, I just printed two emails out.

One I got a week ago when I got today. And like the person I upgraded today isn’t on here, but there are the two points since a week ago are added to it. But from what I can track of the amount of points, the one I got to that, what I got is current. So when you look at maintenance points, if you’re, if you’re a, anything below se, below executive director, you get a point for every week that you hold it. So if you look back and you know, let’s say you’re a manager and you know you’ve held manager all the way through.

If it says eight points, it’s only up to the eighth week. And so I’ve kind of been taking note of that to make sure, like I’m looking at the points going, okay, what is the date and how many weeks? So I know that it’s on track. And with the exception of the one that just got upgraded today, the points look, look like they’re on track for me because I’ve been keeping track. But I do think you should always print out that tracker and what I do. Yeah, I put every single thing. And then I put. When it is somebody upgrading or enrolling, I put the date that I did it in there as well just to make sure that I’m, I’m tracking with that.

But I did find out one of my brand partners who went, senior Presidential Director. I was talking to one of the executives today and I said her points aren’t on there. You know, she gets 50 points for that. And the 25 I got, because you get half when you personally sponsor someone who ranks up. So the 25 I got was, is included in mine, but her rank advancement has, was not included in her. So she’s like, oh, I only have this many points. I said, how is that possible you got 50 just for going SPD. So I do think it’s important to keep notes on your.

Your own as well. There’s also just so you know, for those that are going, there’s going to be. There’s so many people qualifying that they have already over. Basically. One of the executives said, we broke the venue. Yeah. We have too many people. So they’re going to have to do two trips, two weeks. And what I’m suggesting to my team is, you know, because we’re not one of the massive, massive teams, bringing a ton of people is like, let’s try to not pick our week. We want to go until we all figure out who’s going and coordinate so we can all try to go on the same trip versus having some people on this and some people on that.

So if you do get it, don’t automatically before you go and pick a week, find out what the team is doing. Yeah, yeah, we want to find that out as soon as possible too, because remember how the flights dried up real quick, too. That was frustrating. Well, it’ll be a lot easier to get to Mexico, I think, and to Puerto Vallarta, I think, is where you fly in. That’ll be a lot easier than going into Dominican Republic, I believe. Good, good. Yeah, Sally. Thanks, Michael. Hi, everyone. I’ve got a beginner’s question and would love some advice on it, please.

I spoke to a woman this week who, who runs a retail collective for local artists. And I went in and was chatting with her and she was looking at my Instagram and at top of my links is Life Wave. And she said, oh, what’s this? And so I chatted with her and she said, oh, that’d be great to have in the shop. And I thought, oh, well, I don’t really want. I don’t want to buy a whole lot of inventory because it’s hard enough buying it for us at the moment. So is there somewhere to, you know, what should I say next or where could I go with this? Because she was very interested in it and she said, well, lots of people come into the store for the natural health products.

So what’s your. What’s your thoughts on that? Yeah, so my thought is, is it’s very similar to a doctor’s office or a hair salon. You know, that they, a lot of times like to carry inventory and sell retail. And so one what I would. That’s a lot of times the people who buy a premium pack. So what you might do is say, is say, absolutely, you can do this all Kinds of ways we can, they can set up. Where. Where is it located? Where’s. Where is her place located? In New Zealand. In New Zealand. Okay. So basically it would be a matter of let’s.

Of, um. Absolutely. You know, she may want to get a premium kit and then what she can do is she can take those extra sleeves and she can sell them for retail, get the contact information of, of who she’s retailing. Say, you know, if you would like to buy at my wholesale pricing, I can set you up an account through the company and you can buy at wholesale pricing. And so that’s a way where if they want to just buy it and pay retail, they can. But she’s got to mark it up in order for her to make some kind of profit.

She could mark it all the way up to the 150ret price or she could just mark it up, you know, $20 if she wants. But if she can get their contact info, that’s the magic. Or say, hey, you know, if you want to buy it for wholesale instead of retail, I can help set you up an account with the company and you’ll buy at my retail price. But the company still gives me, she, you know, a bonus for connecting you. So then people start to understand, oh, there’s a business, oh, I can buy it your wholesale pricing, but she can retail it if she wants to as well.

So that’s one of those things. And if she’s very serious, then it may be doing a zoom. You know, getting on a zoom with someone would help. You know, maybe getting on a zoom with Jennifer or with Jennifer to start, see where she’s at, what she wants to do and get. We can help her set up from there. But yeah, doctors do it all the time in their, out of their clinics. They sign people up if they want wholesale pricing and then they, if they want to just buy retail, they carry an inventory in their store or their clinic or their salon and someone can buy for retail.

Jen, I have something to add to that. Only because of retail. Sally, can you hear me now, sir? Madam? I can, but I missed. I missed Connie’s last few sentences because the sound broke. Sound broke when you were talking. Oh, all I said is that’s very common for doctors, clinics, hair salons, different people who have a retail venue to give people the option. You can buy at my wholesale pricing and I will enroll you with the company and it’ll be shipped directly to you. Or if you prefer and you just want to buy it retail, I can sell it to you.

Retail right now, so they have the option. So what I was going to add to that, Sally, I have a feeling she wanted you to pay for the product and bring it in. Is that correct? Consignment? Absolutely. I’m a retailer, so I got it. But he wasn’t interested. Yeah, you can’t, because then you’d be broke because you’d be supplying all the stores. But I have a connection in Tampa, and I would be glad to connect you with him and me. His name is Victor, and he’s a lifewave salesperson. He owns Abby’s Health Food, which is one of the most successful health food stores in tampa.

He’s with Dr. Carrie Medea, by the way, folks, he’s not on our team, but who cares? You know, we all help each other, and I’ve become friends with him, and I’ve used that shop for my own product for years. So what I want to say is, if you want her to connect with someone who owns a very big health food store in Tampa Bay to learn how do you make money on that? And he successfully. He had. Dr. Stacy came, Connie and talked. You know, I’m in my store a block from my house, and Dr. Stacy’s coming up from St.

Pete to talk and teach because he’s on her team. And I’m like, what? Okay, so we learn to help each other. And. And so what I want you to do is see if we can help her learn why, you know, we require. And David chose not to put the patches in stores because he doesn’t want everybody coming up and touching them, you know, and then three inches away, they’re activating them. So if she purchases a large package and then has it available and maybe has a sample of an X39 or something to get people going, whatever she chooses, she could just have the videos.

Personally, I’d probably just have the videos. I’d have a little TV thing. Fred knows how to do that real well. And cherry. But just have that running. And people are going to ask her for those patches. They’re going to want to buy them. Does that make sense? But it’s not your investment, Sally. It’s not. Yeah, I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t recommend that because, I mean, yeah, when we first started, we were giving away patches and that people just wanted for free. You know, they. You. They need to get some skin in the game. So ideally, she would use the patches and she really, you know, believes in the patches.

Then she’ll get the patches and start to market them. Now, another way that you can do it. Sally is like, what we do, and this works tremendously, is to have an event where you basically showcase the product and then you can patch people with one patch and let them try it. We’ve, we’ve had tremendous success with that, going to different events. I know Kathy Wong has done that. We’ve, we’ve had several events we’ve been at. And, you know, if there’s like hundreds of people at those events, thousands of people of those events, depending on what the, uh, you know, the people are that are attending those events.

Uh, we went to a Sedona event where there were hundreds of people there, and we had tremendous response. And then we did another one where it was in here in Florida. Another great response. So that’s, that’s one of the options that you have to do an event. Basically, you set up a table and, you know, you showcase it. You have like a display of what the patch is. People come up, ask you, you patch them. It works. It works really well. And you get contact information. We’ve done that in many events. We went to Costa Rica and then that.

Connie. Connie showed me how to do that. I learned. And then from that point on, I’m doing those events constantly now. So. And Roxanne’s involved with that, Bread’s involved with that. And we have several other people that are. They get involved with that. So it’s really, really, uh, amazing, uh, response when you do something like that. So. Yeah. So, okay, ideally we have Arthur. I see Arthur’s in here too. Arthur gets involved with that as well. So depending on what the VIN is, you can do that. You just try it out. It’s almost like a house party with a, with a big group and people that you don’t know.

You meet them. So it works out really nice. Christopher. Hi, Michael. How you doing? Good, good. Jen just made a comment that just got me wondering the, that David didn’t want to put them in stores and have everybody touch them and activate them. So we get a sleeve and there’s 30 patches in the sleeve. When we reach in and let’s say you grab two, are they, are they activated or just by reaching into the sleeve and, and touching them, does that activate it or. I think the answer is no, but. No, it’s. It’s yes. Once you get in close proximity, they’re lighting up, but when you pull away, they go back to sleep.

So it’s only a few seconds or whatever. But if you, okay, so take them and you like, you have them next to you that they can. The whole sleeve can be lit up. So you don’t want to do that. I have a. Like a box that I keep mine in. A metal box. Yeah. And then a. Like one of those pouches that are infrared proof. So you don’t want them. You don’t want anything activating them, because they will be activated by infrared. Your infrared source or someone else’s. Right. So if you’re. If you’re grabbing them out of the sleeve and you’re putting them in your little.

A pouch, and let’s say you grab 10 of them and put them in your pouch, is that activating all 10 as you put them in your pouch, or just like you said, they. They just go to sleep and they’re. They. They’re full. Have full power. Yeah, they still have full power. So it’s not like you. You touch them, they’re activated, and within 12 hours, they’re dead. Because. Right. Just. Just for that period of time that you’re in close proximity. Okay. I tell people, Christopher, not to carry them in their pocket because then they’re wearing them. That’s the difference.

Yeah, exactly. But if, as Michael said, we’ve got these things we hold that protect rfd. RFID for your charge cards. Right. I had them in there. And also, you know, I. I just took 10 out and put them in today. Filled my little packet thing. I don’t worry about. As Michael said, it’s like the hat. We tell people with the migraine hat, put it on, and if it goes away in 10 minutes and take it off and keep reusing it. So think of how many times. But it’s while it’s on that it’s activated. Right. I got you.

Okay. Every time that I go through my bags, I don’t know if everybody else has witnessed this too, but they always open my bag that has the life weight patches in it. It. Because it’s. They. When they do that, that. That scan, it’s like, what’s that? They open your. Yeah. So see a bunch of little circles. 30 little circles. And they. Yeah. Crystalline structure in there. And they. They kind of. Right. They’re wondering what you got. Y. That might be a good way to get people interested in it, though, too. Probably all those guys are using it.

They’re like, oh, yeah, we. We found out about this, but. Right. Okay. Thanks. Appreciate it. Yep. Thank you, Frederick. I just wanted to mention that the website got an awesome upgrade. Very professional looking. And I. Before, it wasn’t as good as it is now, and I feel very confident sending people there. It’s almost like having a little patching party. Explanation right there on the page. If you can get them through that first five minutes, they’ll know if they’re interested or not. And, and people will be able to pay money, Michael, to have it become their own site.

They’ll be able to put their name on it. I think It’ll be like 50 bucks. They haven’t come up with a price yet, but very little. And it’s 250 to 400 right now for Liz to, you know, do individual. But they’re, they’re going to make it so that we can all use it in the Live Younger team with our name like the Life Wave, Jen Allen. It’ll be Live Younger Jen Allen and I cannot wait. I wrote to them today. When. When. Yeah, we’ve signed. Gregory has signed the contract with the replicated web company. We’re working on the one page.

Thank you, Fred. Because it’s. It is beautiful. We’ve worked really hard on it. We looked at all the other websites of the leaders around that had websites and picked what we thought was best and then went through. So the front page is done that everybody gets for free. And then we’re working on the second page. It’s really close if as soon as that second page is done. So what would happen is if you paid, we’re looking at about A$50 a year, which is nothing to get your own replicated site. And so the beauty will be once that’s set to go, it’ll be a link which I’ll put on HealthisWealth Biz and Michael Promote as well.

And you guys can go in and you guys can sign up pay and that Live Younger will become again your own replicated site. So what page two, what it’ll look like is. I know, Lynn, you have one that was made for you, but it’s going to look just exactly like Live Younger with your header at the top, your contact information, your picture. The footer will also have your contact information and where it clicks join, they’ll go to page two. And on page two will be an opportunity video along with the benefits of being a brand partner.

And it will also have the. We’ve worked out really nicely to help explain what is in a court, what you can put into a core kit, an advanced kit and a premium kit. And then when somebody clicks to join, they will be taken to your back office into the brand partner enrollment. So whatever side you are, you know that you’re set to have somebody enroll on. That’s where it would enroll through. But this site will only enroll brand partners. It will not enroll customers. And so all of them are getting changed because right now all the sites that were previously made are non compliant and you have to change them all individually.

So this will be what it is. And as you can see, Michael, as soon as you turn this on, the. The video plays automatically. You just have to unmute it if you want it unmuted. And then as you scroll up, you’ll be able to see it’s. It’s so beautifully done. Yeah. And it’s two minutes. Two minutes. So. But then they have all the other comparisons in there. I mean, you guys did a great job. I mean, everybody’s working with them, but. And Robin explained, she said she almost had a fit when she found out how much Gregory paid to do this, but she’s.

That’s why the $50 they’re asking is just a. You know, it’s nothing compared to what they had to do to get this for all of us. And it’s just for our team. So, you know. Yep. So again, this is free. It’s the replicated site that somebody would pay for if you want it to lead to a join button so that when you. Someone goes to it, if they get all excited and you haven’t followed up with them yet, they’re not going to run off and buy somewhere else. They can purchase right there at your wholesale pricing.

Yes. And I don’t need to put the sound on, but you know, it. Oh. So here’s the rest of it. My apologies. We’re looking at the video, but this is the. A lot of this was from the site before, and you got your comparisons, you know, but you hit each of these, as they said, and it’ll. They’ll get bigger. So you can just see. Yeah. They get really bigger. I’m gonna use my next show. I know. I’m so sorry. I forgot. I did say to Connie, we were talking about putting it up tonight, and you got all your doctors for.

So, Sally, you can show the doctors that, you know, the. The. The store can recommend. Because doctors recommend it. Brain balancing, you know, and so it tells you everything. It does. And. And so. And then the sports, all the professional athletes. You know, I love this guy. He’s. Wasn’t he the world champion? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He was trying and trying and trying. And then he used the lifeweight patches and he made it. Yeah. And. And so, you know, and then, of course, what’s going to happen for you in becoming a partner. Here’s the, here’s the virtual tour of the new warehouse.

Whatever you call it. Global headquarters. I should say it nicer. And then you have the water or is this. No, this isn’t the water. This is another video. But anyway, be the light. So it’s just very classy and really nice. So you’re right. Everybody right now can go to live and they can share this with anybody. I do it quite often. If there’s somebody that’s already signed up on my little phone app then I’ll share this with them. But anyway, so there you go. I hope that helps. And we also. Yeah, there we go. So we have.

I wanted to let everybody know we’re not going to be meeting on Monday. Right Michael? I forgot about that. So we want to. Because of the election or what? The inauguration. Yeah, Inauguration, yeah. Isn’t it Martin Luther King Jr. Day? Yes, it is. Oh amazing. So the, the inauguration is going to be indoors now because of the weather. So I’m glad about that. Yeah. So we’re. Let me, let me show you guys the people we’re looking at for this little get together. Wong, Roxanne, Brad, Arthur, Hendrick, Diane, Richard, Darcy, Frederick and Lynn at this point. And so hopefully we adding some more soon.

And that’s, that’s going to be a nice little get together. A little mastermind group. I love the mastermind groups. They’re gonna be very help you like really excel and achieve. So that’s what we want to help you guys with. We’ll see more of you guys in there eventually and it’ll be maybe we’ll have to do a longer one. So I’ve done these, I’ve done these in the past and it was, it would be a handful of people, then it would be like a dozen people, then it’d be dozens of people. And it was at first it was like half an hour, then it be an hour and then it’d be longer.

It’s like wow. So I don’t mind. We can do that. But yeah, once a week, half an hour. Once a week we’ll get together and we’ll play see if we need to add time or whatever in the future. But it’s going to be one of those things I think would be very helpful to everybody to keep you guys focused, keep your guys goals and dreams alive and you know, have the team, you know, working together. So come. So give Jen, you know, a time frame that would work good if it’s on the Weekend. That’s fine. Maybe not everybody makes it for the weekend, but we’ll, we’ll make it available somehow.

Maybe I’ll record it and then send it to the group or something like that. Won’t put it out in the uh, the public. But uh, we can, we can do a zoom like we’re doing right here and then the copy could be sent to everybody. So we can do it that way as well. So let’s see. Got another question. Annette? Hi. Thank you. Connie. I do have a question. Or maybe Michael. So I love that new Live Younger website. I think that’s just beautiful and awesome. I’m just wondering about our personal cards that we’ve already had made with forward/our handle.

Are those obsolete now or do we. How does that work? Well, you’re still, I mean you still. That can still get them into there. But what happens is when you use the Lifewave site, there’s a couple things that sometimes get funny and glitchy. One is, is that somebody if, if they sometimes will take them into Google Ads, put them into another brand partner stuff because Google will grab something Lifewave and you have people that are optimizing websites and all of a sudden they put something into a search. They don’t go click straight on your link. They copy and paste or something with the QR code.

It’s a little more likely they’re going to get right to your page, no problem. Now when they get on the page you do have to explain to them that they need to click the join button versus the shop button if they’re going to sign up as a brand partner. So that’s the only difference is that. And so we just found that if we were to do first of all we wanted to be able to give the information of Live Younger because until corporate’s going to redo the website but that’s not probably till the end of the year or next year that it’ll actually.

They’re doing it but it’ll be actually done. So in the meantime we just found that some people really have a hard time with follow up and sometimes people have a hard time with enrollment and if we could give them to the site and it really was the information we wanted them to see versus what corporate corporates had to do because of restrictions around using the word stem cell and all of those things and so could really get them to this page. And then they had a place once they got there and got excited to buy it was were probably going to capture more people.

And it was going to duplicate easier because it’s an easy duplication system. Right? Same thing with the app. You’ve got a link on your app that says enroll now. And if you send that to somebody through the app and they click on it, easy peasy, instant checkout, super easy enrollment. But the core pack, the advanced pack, and the premium pack all have to be x39. So it works good if somebody wants all x39s. Doesn’t work if you want to change it around. So that’s why we’ve been trying to figure that out. So on your, on your card here, it does say so you will have that.

That one will work fine. But if you want the new URL, you would have to change it. So let me tell you what I did just. And Mike Michael’s done and a few of us. So you guys want to know. Everybody has access to buying a domain name. So what I did is I purchased a domain name for myself. And so all I have to do is that’s what’s printed on my cards and my marketing materials. So no matter where we point it that domain name, I can point it to my URL at Lifewave. I could point it to my.

To my Live Young new. I’ll point it to my new, you Live Younger, wherever you want. It can be pointed. So when I make my marketing materials, it never changes. It’s always my domain name. Does that make sense? I wish I could say yes, but I’m very. Do you know what a domain name is? So domain names is like. So mine’s. So if you, if it was, you know, Live Younger with Annette or whatever you wanted to get, you purchase that like through GoDaddy or one of the other places that you buy domain names. And you can purchase a domain name for very, very inexpensive.

And then when you get your marketing tools made, you use your domain name and then you have that is directed to it. And that might be advanced for some people, but it is a way to make things simple. Maybe I need to talk to somebody again because you said a whole lot and it all sounds really great, but I don’t think I can sort it all out. Yep, once you’re ready, you can. And the small and the short of it is in that. Yeah, you know, don’t. You can always get. Keep your same marketing materials and maybe just get some new business cards made.

Once you buy a new URL and just hand them and say, hey, use, use the. This is where I want you to go, you know, do you need a new ULR or, I mean, whatever QR code, too. You would if you, you would on your cards. If you’re going to use a forward slash. Annette. Okay. You see what I’m saying? I’m wondering if there’s a sticker maybe we could have. Oh, I’m sure you could do a sticker. Absolutely. You know, because then you could have an additional maybe or, or block the other one. I don’t know which.

That’s a super smart idea. Super smart idea. You could. Absolutely. Once you have your live domain name, then you could go and have a QR code made for it and have that printed out in stickers and you could put them on. That’s a great idea. I knew I was good for something. This is fabulous. Thanks, Annette. Thanks. Thank you, Jen. Yes. A couple things, and I was thinking you could just type up on one of those label sheets in your computer, your name with the code and just stick it on. You don’t even have to go anywhere to get it done.

You do it yourself off your computer. You guys are so smart. I’m cheap. The reason I had my hand up is Michael and I, we really want to make sure that everybody out in California is getting help. And David has offered to help anyone. And you’ve got this big team tonight, Michael. And well, I’m just asking if any, anybody knows of anybody that lost their home or really suffered because of the fires, please let me know. Let Michael, let us know. And we will submit to David their name and their, we have to have their ID number and that’s it.

And I’ve already done that with people I know. And on top of that, I have talked to our group last night and I think if Michelle’s still on, because she’s out there. Hey, Michelle, What I heard in Lynn Hagerman, please speak to this is that Dr. Tom and Lynn had talked about the fact that if you put energy patches on left tan white right, right here and the glutathione right here, that really clears up your lungs, Michelle. So just know that. And so Lynn, do you want to speak to that also? Because I called you Today, I called Dr.

Tom, Michael, also. Also. But I haven’t heard back from him. He did send me a text, but it didn’t, he didn’t give me the quote I wanted. So go for it. Well, just, I mean, yes, that’s true. Just bottom line, I mean, it significantly helps push this stuff out a lot faster using Those patches on those exact places. So you use them because of the fog. That is the fog chemical. Exactly. Because I. I was super sick and the symptoms that I had weren’t normal. I knew something was really, really wrong. And then you had sent a text out, Jim, and suggested we all check our filters.

And I just, I was so sick. But I got up and checked the filter and I lived in my house for 14 years. I. I faithfully change them every quarter. They’re white as snow. My hvac H vac guy is like, why do you do this? I’m like, just peace of mind. I went to them and they were black and I changed them. And the next morning I was significantly better until I went out in public to people who hadn’t changed their filters and I went straight back down. But. But that’s whenever I figured out the energy patches because I’ve been wearing the glutathione and I’m all patched up.

I do believe it would have been worse, but then I thought energy patches and I put them on the lung points and that’s when the turnaround came. So please spread that, Michelle saying thank you. And we have that, that special that’s going on now for a couple weeks, the Free Energy Enhancer. Receive a free energy answer when you buy the Lifeway Y age system. So I’m going to stock up on it. I’ve already had a lot of those patches, but I’m gonna stock up some more. But, but you never know. You might have to help some people out, like, like the fog or, you know, fires or whatever.

So I like to have. I like to have it on board to, you know, distribute it if it needs be. So keep that in mind and maybe, you know, give that information to some people that could benefit from it or send them as a care package or something. So a lot of crazy stuff’s going on out there. So help each other out. All right, guys, that’s. That’s the end of the show for tonight. Really great stuff, great information. We appreciate you guys. Love you guys. You want to unmute and say goodnight? Thanks, Michael. Thanks, everyone. Good night, everyone.

Good night. Have a good weekend, Sally. Have a great weekend. Thank you. Thanks, everybody. Thanks. Good night. Thank you. Night,



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