Rare Blood Disease Transformed in 10 HoursBlood Work Normalized!

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âž¡ A woman with a rare blood disease experienced significant health improvements after using a new healing technology. This technology, which uses energy enhancement, is being promoted by UnifiedHealing.com and StayingAlive.com. The technology doesn’t cure diseases but helps the body to heal itself by enhancing cell function. The technology is available in various centers worldwide, including one in Ontario, Canada, owned by a woman named Carrie.
âž¡ The speaker shares her experience of running a wellness center that uses a technology based on frequencies and vibrations to help the body heal itself. She shares stories of clients who have seen significant improvements in their health, including a woman with a rare blood disease and another with a broken ankle. The speaker emphasizes that the technology doesn’t heal, but rather, it helps the body to heal itself. She also mentions that the technology is not a medical device and doesn’t make any medical claims.
âž¡ The Transformational Health center in Huntsville, Ontario, Canada offers affordable health services like raindrop massage and reflexology. They offer special discounts and packages, with prices as low as $20 Canadian per hour. The center is planning to expand, doubling its capacity to serve more people. The owner emphasizes the importance of reaching out to the right audience and offering incentives to attract more clients, while also partnering with other small businesses to expand their reach.
âž¡ A person shares their experiences of using social media to connect with others, even those far away. They emphasize the importance of sharing successful strategies and ideas, like their “Military Monday” initiative, to benefit everyone. They also discuss using technology to show clients the physical effects of their services, and the importance of being spiritually open to understand their business. They end by sharing their contact details and expressing excitement about future events.
âž¡ The speaker is excited about upcoming changes to improve our planet’s health, including air, soil, and water quality. They believe these changes will lead to healthier people, similar to the 1950s and 60s when most people were fit. They’re looking forward to meeting those who will help achieve these goals and invites listeners to join them. The speaker also mentions their entrepreneurial spirit and thanks the audience for their support.


A lady in her 40s who had a rare blood disease. And her platelets would fall and she would bleed, right? So she would have bruises even if she got bit by a mosquito. And she came in covered in bruises and bleeding actively in her mouth. And she did about 10 hours and she was actually following along with the same kind of group. So they saw her as she changed. And by the time she did 10 hours, no bruises, her hair was thick and curly, like she looked amazing. And her blood work has normalized. So of course the specialists, you know, have never seen that.

And it’s been fabulous because they actually want her to live in a, in the hospital because she’s always on the brink of dying and now she has her life back. And so that’s super, super fabulous. In collaboration with Jason Shirka of UnifiedHealing.com, we are about to take you on a technological journey of healing advancements that will redefine logic and reshape our planet’s future for the next 100 generations to come. Brace yourself as we are literally at the precipice of conquering all disease, allowing humanity to live much longer, healthier lives. Join us as we interview yet another energy enhancement system owner from around the world.

I am your host from Staying Alive.com in Cape Canaveral, Florida. I am also known as Mel Carmine. To find your nearest energy enhancement center near you, please visit unified healing.com. well, folks, we got Carrie and she actually happens to own a center in Ontario, Canada. Wouldn’t you know it, the same technology that exists here in Cape Canaveral, which we have, a 24 unit system. Tell us a little bit about your center. How did you hear about the technology? Obviously you must have heard about the famous interview with Dr. Sandra and Jason. But anyway, tell us a little bit about your center, how long you’ve been in business, how many chairs you have.

If you have any partners, tell us a little bit about the miracle stories. Welcome to the show, Carrie. Well, thanks, Mel. This is fabulous that you’re doing this. Yeah, so I actually started up, interestingly enough, without having a session. My friend sent me the video of the interview and I never watched it. She just kept hounding, have you watched it? Have you watched? And I like, okay, I’m going to watch it. And my whole body started to vibrate, so I knew it was my higher self saying, you need to purchase this. And so I booked my interview and with EE System and with Jason Shirka.

And Maya asked me, where did you have your first session? And I said, I Haven’t had a session. Is that a problem? And she’s like, find it without having a session. I’m like, has anyone else done that? And she’s like, you’re the second person. And it’s okay. So I did. I. The first time I had a session was in my own system. I have eight units and I have 10 chairs and two beds. Okay. And I’ve been open for well over a year, so I’m going on a year and a half. And it has allowed me to gracefully bow out of nursing as soon as I opened, because I had a over 100 people on a waiting list that knew I was opening.

And as soon as I opened, it was just full. Like the whole. Like, I opened in July and all through the fall and into the winter was just packed. It was fabulous. Awesome. Yes. And so one miracle after another. And yeah, some of my stories I have, excuse me, a lady in her 40s who had a rare blood disease and her platelets would fall and she would bleed, right? So she would have bruises even if she got bit by a mosquito. And she came in covered in bruises and bleeding actively in her mouth. And she did about 10 hours, and she was actually following along with the same kind of group.

So they saw her as she changed. And by the time she did 10 hours, no bruises, her hair was thick and curly, like, she looked amazing. And her blood work has normalized. So of course, the specialists, you know, have never seen that. And it’s been fabulous because they actually want her to live in the hospital because she’s always on the brink of dying and now she has her life back. And so that’s super, super fabulous. Interesting, interesting. So you’ve been in business. Well, you’ve been in business just about as much as we have. August will be two years, our two year anniversary for us as well.

It’s staying alive in Cape Canaveral. And we have amazing, incredible stories. I want to make sure that the audience understands that these are not medical devices. We are not making any medical claims. As a matter of fact, these devices will not heal you, cure you, or diagnose you or anything like that. What these technology is is nothing more than a frequency, a vibration of sort that your body understands the vibration your body is. The BO is the one that actually does all of the heavy lifting and sort of like a language, you know, it’s like when you two people that speak Mandarin Chinese, they understand Mandarin Chinese, are communicating.

So when your body goes into this, you know, vortex of energy, if you will, it is your body that understands what that language is and it starts to follow instructions. The DNA code, the genetic natural motion of the DNA code designed by the man upstairs who doesn’t make any mistakes ever. And so when that happens, your body starts to produce what, billions of healthy cells as if you were a newborn. The cells that cannot be repaired get discarded. And then your body only has one choice. One choice and one choice. And that choice is to go into repair mode.

So if you have five things or eight things or two things, it will prioritize, it will immediately categorize which is one of the most crucial and it will go after that one first and right down the line. And the body repairs the body, not the machines. Did I say that correctly? Yeah, absolutely. You really have to stress that, that we’re not healing anybody. Everybody’s doing their own healing. Yes. And it’s charging those cells. And when your cells are charged, everything functions so much better. And you know what, speaking of that, like I have diabetics come in and I have to tell them, bring your monitor and bring glucose tablets because it can have your sugar like your sugars can drop because your pancreas is working so much better.

Right? Correct. Yes. I actually had another interesting story. A 62 year old lady who broke her ankle getting off a yacht. So she had to go to Toronto to have surgery and she had this chronic ache and burning. They had put hardware in her ankle to hold it all together and she did also about 10, maybe a little bit more than 10 hours. And all of a sudden the hardware started pushing through her skin like you could see it. So she had to go back to the surgeon in Toronto. And before he even opened her up, he said, this is what you’re going to expect, a walk in cast, bed rest for three weeks, da, da, da, da.

Did the surgery, she woke up, she had no walking cast on. He said, I don’t know what happened, but you’re all healed in there, the hardware is gone, you don’t need it. But he’s like, what’s freaking me out is your bone density has improved drastically. And that doesn’t happen to a 62 year old lady, you know, so this lady, yeah, go ahead, keep going, keep going. I’m going to tell you a story after you’re done. Well, I just wanted to say that this is a lady that kept saying, how come I’m not seeing anything physical, just spiritual stuff is happening.

And I, I explained to her it is happening at a starter level, whether you know it or not. You sometimes can’t Feel it, but trust me, it is. And then she called me and she said it. I was having a physical experience. She’s like, there’s no doubt about it. So that was really cool that she had her evidence given to. Yeah, we had one. That lady. Two ladies that came in. But anyway, tell us a little bit about your center, how long you’ve been in business, how many chairs you have, if you have any partners, tell us a little bit about the miracle stories.

Welcome to the show, Carrie. Well, thanks, Mel. This is fabulous that you’re doing this. Yeah. So I actually started up, interestingly enough, without having a session. My friend sent me the video of the interview, and I never watched it. She just kept hounding, have you watched it? Have you watched it? I like, okay, I’m going to watch it. And my whole body started to vibrate, so I knew it was my higher self saying, you need to purchase this. And so I booked my interview and with EE System and with Jason Shirka, and Maya asked me, where did you have your first session? And I said, I haven’t had a session.

Is that a problem? And she’s like, finding without having a session, I’m like, has anyone else done that? And she’s like, you’re the second person, and it’s okay. So I did. I. The first time I had a session was in my own system. I have eight units, and I have 10 chairs and two beds. Okay. And I’ve been open for well over a year, so I’m going on a year and a half. And it has allowed me to gracefully bow out of nursing as soon as I opened, because I had a over a hundred people on a waiting list that knew I was opening.

And as soon as I opened, it was just full. Like, the whole. Like, I opened in July, and all through the fall and into the winter was just packed. It was fabulous. Yes. And so one miracle after another. And, yeah, some of my stories I have, excuse me. A lady in her 40s who had a rare blood disease, and her platelets would fall and she would bleed, right? So she would have bruises even if she got bit by a mosquito. And she came in covered in bruises and bleeding actively in her mouth. And she did about 10 hours, and she was actually following along with the same kind of group.

So they saw her as she changed. And by the time she did 10 hours, no bruises, her hair was thick and curly, like, she looked amazing. And her blood work has normalized. So, of course, the specialists, you know, have never seen that. And it’s been fabulous because they actually want her to live in the hospital because she’s always on the brink of dying and now she has her life back. And so that’s super, super fabulous. Interesting, interesting. So you’ve been in business. Well, you’ve been in business just about as much as we have. August will be two years, our two year anniversary for us as well at Staying Alive in Cape Canaveral.

And we have amazing, incredible stories. I want to make sure that the audience understands that these are not medical devices. We are not making any medical claims. As a matter of fact, these devices will not heal you, cure you, or diagnose you or anything like that. What these technology is, is nothing more than a frequency, a vibration of sort that your body understands the vibration. Your body is the, is the one that actually does all of the heavy lifting and sort of like a language, you know, it’s like when you two people that speak Mandarin Chinese, they understand Mandarin Chinese, are communicating.

So when your body goes into this, you know, vortex of energy, if you will, it is your body that understands what that language is and it starts to follow instructions. The DNA code, the genetic natural motion of the DNA code designed by the man upstairs who doesn’t make any mistakes ever. And so when that happens, your body starts to produce what, billions of healthy cells as if you were a newborn. The cells that cannot be repaired get discarded. And then your body only has one choice. One choice and one choice, and that choice is to go into repair mode.

So if you have five things or eight things or two things, it will prioritize, it will immediately categorize which is one of the most crucial. And it will go after that one first and right down the line. And the body repairs the body, not the machines. Did I say that correctly? Yeah, absolutely. You really have to stress that, that we’re not healing anybody. Everybody’s doing their own healing. Yes. And it’s charging those cells. And when your cells are charged, everything functions so much better. And you know what, speaking of that, like I have diabetics come in and I have to tell them, bring your monitor and bring glucose tablets because it can have your sugar like your sugars can drop because your pancreas is working so much better.

Right? Correct. Yes. I actually had another interesting story. A 62 year old lady who broke her ankle getting off a yacht. So she had to go to Toronto to have surgery and she had this chronic ache and burning. They had put hardware in her ankle to hold it all together and she did also about 10, maybe a little bit more than 10 hours. And all of a sudden the hardware started pushing through her skin like you can see it. So she had to go back to the surgeon in Toronto. And before he even opened her up, he said, this is what you’re going to expect.

A walking cast, bed rest for three weeks, did the surgery, she woke up, she had no walking cast on. He said, I don’t know what happened, but you’re all healed in there. The hardware is gone, you don’t need it. But he’s like, what’s freaking me out is your bone density has improved drastically. And that doesn’t happen to a 62 year old lady, you know. So this lady. Yeah, go ahead, keep going, keep going. I’m going to tell you a story after you’re done. Well, I just wanted to say that this is a lady that kept saying, how come I’m not seeing anything physical, just spiritual stuff is happening.

And I, I explained to her it is happening at a starter level, whether you know it or not. You sometimes can’t feel it, but trust me, it is. And then she called me and she said it. I was having a physical experience. She’s like, there’s no doubt about it. So that was really cool that she had her evidence given to her. We had one, that lady, two ladies that came in, they were at a massage therapist and they told her that we have a problem. They just got back from the doctor. The doctor wanted to admit her that same exact day.

Immediately go directly from the, from the doctor, directly to the hospital to get opened up like a chicken, to do a triple bypass. Five arteries in your heart. Three of them were completely blocked 100% and one of them was halfway blocked. So she’s operating on 1.5 arteries and the testimonial lives@staying alive.com. watch the testimonials and it will resonate with you. But you’re closer to her, so you go see her. Or you might be in Florida, you know what I mean? And you might go to her website and see a testimony that resonates with you and you come see me in Florida.

See how it works. It’s called cross pollination. The birds and bees figured that out a long, long time ago. So. But the reality is that interesting about. Yeah, good. Oh, sorry. I just wanted to interject about that. We go to Sweden to visit family and I knew there was centers in Stockholm, so I sent lots of friends and family members to Stockholm. And we were laughing. I’m like, too bad they wouldn’t, they can’t reciprocate. And then I ended up having a couple that works with the owner of one of the centers in Stockholm and they live like 40 minutes from me.

So they came and had sessions here. Exactly. That’s the way it works. And so with that said, let me get back to my story. So she’s got one and a half arteries. She said to the massage therapist, we need a. A magic wand. That’s what they asked for at the massage therapist. She goes, well, do I have a magic wand for you. It’s called Staying Alive. It’s in Cape Canaveral. Well, they came, they did 40 hours in the system. She went back to her doctor. Okay, her heart surgeon, and they said, what the F did you do? Because your arteries are squeaky clean.

Now. That video is a 7 and a half minute video that lives at Staying Alive. Alive is now spelled with two E’s. You go watch that video and you could be in Canada and you say, oh, my God, I got the same thing. I got to go see so and so. Yeah, exactly. Bingo. You got it. It’s exciting. We’re maybe a little bit ahead of our time because I think, you know, I don’t think they’re knocking anybody’s doors down. Yes, some of us are making a living, some of us less, some of us more. But I think, Kerry, you’ll agree that they’re not.

It’s not like they’re coming to your website and saying, sorry, we don’t have any availability for the next, you know, four and a half months. That’s probably going to be the case in maybe six months, seven months, eight months down the road. I believe there’s a lot of us that are getting very close to cracking the code. And when we crack that code, we’re going to come after you. Medical industry going to come after you hard and heavy. You know why? These guys were allowed to make quadrillions of dollars over the last hundred years, serving up a bunch of garbage that keeps people in a zombie like state.

And it’s time we take this planet back. Do you agree? Oh, yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I’ve been doing complimentary alternatives since 2005, so I actually offer those in my sessions as well. So you can opt for a bio feedback session or raindrop massage or reflexology while you’re in the EE system. So that has been huge. A lot of people are taking advantage of those as well. Yes, yes, absolutely. So how do you see your center going forward? It’s called transformation. The name of center is Transformational Health. And you’re located exactly where Huntsville Ontario, Canada. Great. And do you have any, like, specials? Somebody wants to buy a bulk of hours.

What does that look like? So every month I generate a newsletter. I put it out on the first of the month and I change the specials up. So November, we focused on veterans, and then I included seniors, so they have a special discount. And yeah, I have packages, you know, I. I’m pretty cheap. I’m $40 an hour and $40 Canadian. U.S. canadian. Canadian. There you go. There’s a big difference now. Yes, there is. And I do that because I’m not in a very highly populated area and it seems to be the correct number. That’s working out the best for me.

I’ve been playing around for that year, you know, adjusting prices, adjusting prices. And now this is what fills me up. And yeah, so they can do 100 hours for 2000, they can do 30 hours for 900 or a package of six hours for 200. And then children are free. So I do all my children. Okay, let’s break that down for somebody who needs to stay in the system long term, like my good friend Donna, who’s there right now. Who’s got stage four? You know that one that starts with a C we’re not allowed to discuss yet because we don’t own the language.

Soon we will, but I will, I will tell you. I will tell you that. 100 hours. 2,000 Canadian. Correct? 2,000, yes. What is 2,000 Canadian? 400 hours. So that’s $20 an hour, right? That’s amazing. And then those are people that are really sick and need overnighters. And so when they do an overnight, they actually get the whole facility to themselves. And. Or if they want to bring a friend or a family member. And what’s the exchange rate? $20 an hour. I mean, $20 an hour Canadian. $20 an hour. Correct. 100 hours, $2,000 Canadian. What does that $20 translate over into? U.S.

in case there’s somebody from the U.S. visiting Ontario. I think that happens from time to time. Probably, you know, five bucks. It’s pretty bad right now, right? It’s a dollar 41, I think, Canadian for an American dollar. So we’re hurting with that. So. Yeah, 11 bucks an hour. Yeah. Like 12 bucks an hour. That’s crazy. Yeah. Us. Yeah. Everybody could afford that. Congratulations. And you know what? And that’s the key is making it affording affordable so that people can have repeat sessions. Right. Not only make it affordable, how about you make the room double the size and you could double your money instead of figuring out how to charge more money.

How about we figure out how to you guys. Everybody recruits three. And those three bring in three, and those three bring in three. Why do you want to do that? I’m going to tell you why. Because I was I a Brooklyn New Jersey boy, okay. We ask a lot of weird questions. My mother, because I’m a Sicilian heritage, my mom raised us to believe that everybody is out to take your money, everybody’s out to take your energy. Screw you. She literally embedded that into our DNA and she did a fantastic job at that, let me tell you.

So When I interviewed Dr. Sandro the very first time, I said, if the room is full, right? If the room is full, are those people stealing my energy? Because I thought, you know, the energy’s got to get watered down. A lot of people. She goes, no, no, no, no, no. The opposite is true. She goes, because we’re made of 70% water, the energy increases by a factor of five. So what are you doing? Not only are you getting a discount because the room is full, but your energy, you’re getting five times the amount of money, you know, as far as what you’re buying.

Okay. If you were to just be the only person in the room. So it behooves you to tell a few, who tell a few, who tell a few, who tell a few. Until we reach mainstream. We’re going to reach mainstream with the people not mainstream. Mainstream has no motivation to come at us and say, you know what, hey, forget the medical industry, the western medicine. Yeah, you’re right, guys, they’re junk. You guys are the new kid on kids on the block. We’re going to bring all the business to you. That’s not going to happen. Well, so I’m home based business and this has been tough.

So we actually are making preparations to move to on our property, but beside us. So we have the road, the land is cleared, we’ve got the driveway, it’s paved. And now and my husband is in construction. So we’re going to build another facility and maybe increase from 8 units to 16 or something. Yeah. So it’s been great. I, I have been so grateful to have been introduced to this. It’s been so life changing for our whole family. And well, my immediate family, you know, I, I have a huge family. My dad had 16 brothers and sisters.

I have tons of cousins and I put it out on Facebook that anyone can come for free. I just own two hands. I can have tell you how many people have come out of over 200. So sometimes it’s just you know, it’s not your relatives that you have to speak to. You can’t give it away to people who are not, who are three dimensional, who are not spiritually aligned because they don’t understand this. It’s like you’re talking Cambodian and I’m talking Mandarin Chinese. It doesn’t matter how much we’re going to talk. You don’t understand what the hell it is I’m trying to convey.

Does that make sense? So you got to talk. Absolutely. You got to talk to people who listen to, for example, Joe Dispenser. That’s like for Bullseye audience. Or people who follow David Ike or people who believe in UFO abductions. That’s your audience. How about Gaia? How about coast to coast am? But George Nori, that’s your audience. You reach that audience, they understand Nekolite, Tesla. They understand Raymond Royal Rife. They understand the energy technology, understand that we’re about to get free energy technology. They understand all of it. So you got to figure out who your audience is and boom.

And then tell them word of mouth and give them an incentive. Hey, you bring in three people, we’ll give you, you know, a few free hours in the system. Whatever, you know, whatever it takes to break the mainstream. We got to get creative as business owners because we got the, we got the magic bullet, right? We got the, we got the real deal. But now we got to get creative and figure out thinking way outside the box on how to get them in. And we’re not that far away. I don’t believe we are. Well, you must know that this attracts the most amazing people.

Like, I’m truly finding my tribe and connecting others like crazy. We actually built a cabin right beside us so that people can take their conversations to a cabin and continue on. So you’re right. I’ll tell you how right you are. Oh, my God, I’m getting goosebumps just thinking about what you just said. We’re doing a quantum summit, 1776. Com and you have no idea how many people are coming that are, like you said, our tribe coming to the Quantum Summit, listening to speakers like Dr. Sandra is going to be taking center stage with Jason Scherka. You got, you know, these people who are going to be working with rfk who are the best of the best of the best when it comes to cleaning the soil, taking the pollutions out, bringing the solutions in, and growing nothing but organic for the next, hopefully hundreds and hundreds of years so that we can all have, you know, incredible, healthy, wealthy lifespans.

Wouldn’t that be wonderful. This is. We got 38 speakers coming from all over the world, and a lot of our tribe will be at the Quantum summit. You should come too, by the way. Yes, I saw that. It looks fabulous. Yeah, it looks awesome. And speaking of tribe, so that’s what I’m doing. Like, these amazing people are coming in and then you chat with them and you find out that they also have a little business. And so then I’ve been partnering with them and they’re bringing their clientele and I’m mixing mine with theirs and then we’re expanding together.

Awesome, awesome. And I’ve been interviewing, I’ve been interviewing other small businesses and the people that try out the center and see, you know what especially their first experience. Like the first two hours you come in, that’s the wow, wow, wow effect. Right. And your body’s like, what just happened? Exactly. And that’s when I like to interview them. I just had a medical doctor who lost her license during COVID and she has been sending people to me. I don’t even know her. She saw me on social media on one of my platforms and she doesn’t even live in my vicinity.

She lives like about four or five hours south of me. So very interesting. Right. So you just have to keep posting and posting and posting because you never know who’s following you. At the end of the day, we all win. If we all set our sales to sale in the same direction, if we’re all on the same sheet of music, does that make sense? Right? Oh, yeah, absolutely. You know, so imagine 600 centers all communicating with each other. Hey, yeah, I want interview. Yeah, Yeah, I want to interview you. Yeah. And next thing you know, it just becomes this nucleus.

So one of the things that I’ve done that has been really amazing in its turnout is gone to trade shows where I meet other like minded people. And then we’ve had, you know, these shared business ventures and it’s turned out fabulous. And then I’ve also started presenting at businesses. So I’ve gone to businesses and just explain what I do and, and offer them a free two hour session. Right? Yeah. And that’s worked out really well. So, you know, always thinking how to keep full. Yeah, we do military Mondays and I, I’m, I’m, you know, I’m very open.

I’m very transparent. I don’t. If something works for me, I want it to work for you. I want it to work for the center in California. I wanted to work for the center in Texas and so on reason Why I say that is very simple. If you got something that works, you want to share it with me because I’m not in competition with you. You’re in Canada, I’m in Florida. Right. You understand you got great prices. We got great prices. We get. We’re right there with you as far as pricing is concerned. And we try to make it as affordable as possible because we want even a minimum wage person who lives with four roommates to be able to afford this.

And they can, based on our price points, which are very similar to yours, by the way. And so the bottom line is like, we do a Military Monday, we’re very grateful for our veterans, okay? Obviously, we don’t believe in war. There’s a new leadership coming to town that’s going to get rid of all these wars. I believe they’ll do that in the first two weeks to two months. And I believe that, you know, by, for example, in my area in Brevard county, the average income is $102,000 a year. So we got some veterans that came in, they got a little bit of this.

They say, hey, this stuff really works. Yeah. So now they’re coming as a customer and they’re bringing their friends who are not military people telling them about it. That’s how you get the ball rolling. So Military Monday, every center, as far as I’m concerned, should be doing Military Monday. And I learned that from my friend in West Virginia. I can’t think of her name off the top, but thank you for giving me that idea. It’s worked out fabulously for her. It’s working out fabulously for me. So we got some data on it that it works. So Military Monday is something that we all should do from, from 10:00, I think, till 5:00, they can come in every Monday free of charge.

Two hours. That’s the least we could do for our veterans. These guys put their, their life on the line so that we can and have something called freedom. You know, something else that I do is I use devices that show them that something actually is happening while they’re having the EE system. So the heart rate variability device that Joe Dispenza uses. Dr. Joe Dispenza, and also live blood cell analysis, you know, because a lot of people, their blood cells are all clumped together like rulo, it’s called, and then they have their session and then it’s free floating.

And that’s what you want, right, your red cells to be free floating so the nutrients and oxygen can get to the Rest of the organs, and they love that. So if someone’s not really in tune with their body and they’re not really sure if they. How much is going on. Yeah, they slept or they were relaxed, but what else was happening? And then you so show them at a cellular level, and it’s like, wow, you know? Yeah, yeah. You have that machine that they stick their fingers in there and it reads their aura before and after and all the problem areas and all of that.

And their chakra. Well, the heart rate variability does seven parameters of Western medicine and seven parameters of Eastern medicine. So, yeah, it shows the chakras and the auras as well. Yeah. But it’s really good for showing how the stress levels decrease. Yeah, you’re gonna be shocked. I have the most amazing chakra. You do? My. My chakra is like so aligned. I’m like a poster boy for chakra. I sent it to Dr. Sandra. We did it before and after, and it was sort of like, not exactly perfect. But by the time I did a three, four hour session and I did a test again, my chakra was, with the exception of one yellow ball, was a little bit over to the right.

But everything else was completely in line. Magic. Your solar plexus, which is. Yeah. So do you. Do you have gut feelings all the time? Many. Like. Like, you sense stuff? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re a highly sensitive person. I can tell. Yeah, I. I also astral surf. So yesterday I was looking at faces. I was seeing faces everywhere, literally, you know, floating in outer space. I have no idea who these faces are. I have no idea where I’m at, but it happens very frequently. Astro traveling. Yeah, that. Actually, we had a funny thing. A lady was astro traveling in my center in this.

This room in her chair. She said. And then she said. And you came in spiritually and told me to sit back down. Interesting. Yeah. I’ve had. We’ve had some of the most outrageous stories, my friend Gil. Somebody came, literally came out of body, and they were looking at themselves sitting in the. In the. In those lounge chairs. Okay. Say, no, you don’t understand. He goes, how. How did it go? Oh, yeah, you know, he goes, I just came out of body. And they’re like, yeah, yeah. Okay. To like, dismiss that. No, no, you don’t understand. I came out of body.

I’m just like, you know, stuff like that. It’s like, how do you explain that? But, you know, that’s why this business is only understood by people who are spiritually inclined, period. Right. I’ve had people See their Akashic records. I have a lady that comes in and she cleans energy a lot all over the world. And she’s part of a radio program every Sunday out of Scotland to help prevent natural disasters in the world. And she comes in my room and she does all her stuff, like, so fast. She’s like. It just amplifies all her abilities. Right, right.

By the way, I wear. I wear the glasses because I’m highly allergic to the screen. Otherwise I start to tear. Yeah, that’s why I don’t wear them to be cool, because I’m. I’m really cool with. You know, I got beautiful eyes, but I have to wear them so I. I protect myself from the. The bs. Maybe you just forgot to take them off your motorcycle ride. Not at all, not at all. I don’t have a motorcycle. I used to have a dune buggy. But anyway, listen, this was great. How can people reach you? Give them the name of your website, a telephone number, what are the hours of operations, etc.

So I’m open Monday through Saturday. I take one day off, except for when I participate in the One heart collective at first Sunday of every month. And my website is transformationalhealth ca. And my phone number is 705-783-9599. And you can also email me at carriegalensformationalhealth ca. And it’s K A R I G A I L. And I’d like to thank you again, Mel, for interviewing me. This has been phenomenal, and I really, really, really appreciate it. And I’m going to take you up on that podcast and I’m going to see if I can get some other centers and try to interview them and get put on social media.

That’ll be awesome. We got to get that started. We got to do that sooner rather than later. Yeah, you got something going there. Absolutely. That’s why you said, you know, you get gut feelings only about a billion and a half every hour. You know, my mind’s constantly going, man, are you kidding? Get Carrie. Listen, here’s the deal. I would love for you to come down to the Quantum Summit and also, is it, Listen, you know, Jason’s going to be there, Dr. Sandra is going to be there. It’s going to be. It’s going to be a festivity because we won the New World Order.

I like to call it odor, because there won’t be not even an odor left when we get done with this nonsense. You know, we’re taking our planet back. We’re taking our health back. We’re changing the air quality, we’re changing the. The dirt quality, we’re changing the water quality. Everything is going to change. And in 36 months, 48 months, you’re not going to recognize the people around you. Because if you look at the videos of 1950, 1960, everybody was nice and skinny, everybody was in shape, and all of a sudden, everybody’s nice and fat, including myself. You know, I’m still trying to shed a few more pounds, Right.

And it’s this constant battle because we know what they’re doing, and we. We got to figure out how to beat them at their own game. Well, the guys who are going to beat them at their own game are about to come into town, and we are excited and we can’t wait. Would love to see you. Maybe bring some of your fan club with you, because I know they would love to meet Dr. Sandra and also Jason Sher. An incredible party. Qfs1776.com I got my fingers in a lot of pots. I apologize for being an entrepreneur, but that’s what I am.

Thank you for coming. All right, have a great day. Thank you. We’re going to hold you back. Thank you.



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