Liberty Round Table Podcast Hour One | 8-8-24

Spread the truth

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➡ The Liberty Roundtable radio show discusses the shift in media influence from traditional outlets to social media influencers. The host, Sam Bushman, highlights how President Joe Biden has embraced this change by inviting influencers to the White House, while criticizing Donald Trump for not doing the same during his presidency. Bushman suggests that this shift in media focus could be a game-changer in politics, with Biden gaining support through new media channels, leaving Trump and the Republicans struggling to keep up.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the influence of media and propaganda, the role of social media in politics, and the importance of precious metals as an investment. It also mentions the death of Famous Amos cookie brand founder, Wallace Amos. The text criticizes politicians for changing their positions and highlights the need for truth in media. It also discusses a rifle training event and the work of the Foundation for Moral Law.
➡ The text discusses the importance of focusing on policy over personal attacks for the upcoming 2024 elections, with a particular emphasis on Donald Trump’s potential role. It suggests that Trump should advocate for the abolition of the Federal Reserve and promote honest money. The text also mentions the need for reducing government spending and highlights the closure of a social media monitoring tool, Crowd Tangle, by Facebook. Lastly, it mentions a memorial service in Tokyo marking the anniversary of Japan’s World War II defeat and a Ukrainian drone attack on Russian air bases.
➡ The discussion revolves around the current state of inflation in America, with the speakers arguing that despite claims of it slowing down, it remains significantly higher than during the Trump administration. They believe that the government wants inflation to expand the money supply and maintain borrowing and spending. They also criticize Kamala Harris for proposing price controls on food companies and grocery stores, likening it to a Soviet-style approach. The speakers emphasize that the cost of essential items like food, fuel, clothing, and housing has significantly increased.
➡ The speaker discusses the idea of price controls on food and gas in America, suggesting that the government is blaming high prices on grocery store owners and oil companies. They express skepticism about this approach, referencing historical attempts at price controls and suggesting that it’s a distraction from the real economic issues. The speaker also mentions a variety of other topics, including a rifle training event, a honey company, and their personal experiences with their parents who lived through the Great Depression.
➡ The speaker expresses concern about the repeating cycle of history, particularly regarding war. They criticize political leaders for their lack of personal involvement in wars and their decisions that could lead to more conflict. They also discuss the issue of the Taliban showing off military equipment allegedly given to them by Kamala Harris, and express worry about the state of America’s economy and politics. The speaker ends by urging listeners to prepare themselves for potential future challenges.


Broadcasting live from atop the Rocky Mountains, the crossroads of the west, you are listening to the Liberty Roundtable. Radio talk show. Talk show. All right. Happy to have you along, my fellow Americans. Sam Bushman, live on your radio. Hard hitting news. The networks reviews to you, no doubt. Starts now. This, my fellow Americans, is the broadcast for August 15 in the year of our Lord 2024. This is indeed our one of two in the goal always to protect life, liberty, and property, to promote God, family, and country through. So on your radio, in the traditions of our founding fathers, yes, indeed, we use the blueprint for liberty, the supreme law of the land, the Constitution for the United States of America.

As our guide, we reject revolution lessons to Jesus revolution, and then we’re in. Because we follow the prince of peace and the checks and balances brilliantly put in place by the founding fathers, what are the peaceful, restorative solutions we still have at our fingertips? Man, I’m still sick as a dog, but we’re on your radio and ready to hard hit. I’ll tell you that right now. Wow. I don’t even know how to respond to this headline, but I’m going to highlight it. Then we’re going to. We’re going to bring on one of our co hosts and discuss this in detail.

And then eventually, we’ll talk about the honest money report with Brian Rust. Russ could, um, is what he’s known for, but, uh, all I can tell you is it’s just crazy. Freewater is the website for Brian Rust and crew. Honest money, to say the least. Now, here’s the headline, folks. Check this out. Are you ready? Social media influencers descend on the White House. You heard me. Social media influencers descend on the White House. Got the royal treatment, where Joe Biden calls them. Well, they calls the social media influencers. Hey, you guys are incredible. You guys are awesome.

And then he basically says, I don’t want to talk to you guys. Talking to the old guard yesteryear media. I want to talk to these guys first. And he kind of put it in the face of the old media. Now, here’s what I find fascinating about this. The Associated Press, the old guard of the old guard, they’re the ones reporting this thing. Now, I hate to say this, but, man, the Republicans, Donald Trump and, oh, Mike Johnson at the, you know, House, whatever, speaker of the House, these guys are getting slaughtered by Kamala and Joe. I’m telling you, old grandpa can’t hardly talk.

Joe did something that Trump should have done forever ago, while Donald Trump’s talking to Rich Elon Musk, which was, by the way, a good interview or a good discussion, I should say. They wanted to not call it an interview. It was good, and I’ve got notes on it, and we’ll break that all down at some point in the next couple of days. But I’m telling you, Donald getting spanked everywhere by Joe and Kamala. Kamala not talking because she’ll make a fool of herself, Joe, in very scripted moments. But they’ve done something that should have been done.

I’ve been telling you folks, since I’ve been on the radio for 30 years, the new media is taking center stage, okay? I’ve been telling you that he who owns the media makes the rules. I’ve been telling you guys this ever since I got on the radio. I mean, it was back in 1994. I was saying, man, the Internet’s going to take over the news cycle. And everybody laughed at me and mocked me. Now, what do you say? The president of the United States brought media influencers into his realm, into the White House, treated them like gold, and said, you guys are the future of news.

And then an old guard reporter tried to ask a question, and Joe shut him down. Joe’s like, hey, man, I don’t want to talk to you. I want to talk to these guys first. I’m telling you, Donald’s getting beat at his own gate. It is beyond imagination with that Eldon stall. He’s the field coordinator for the John Birch Society, they’ve been doing this longer than anybody. The new, their incredible magazine and more. And I’m telling you right now, this is shocking. They’ve just absolutely buried the Republicans. I’m telling you, I don’t think Donald can recover.

I wish he could, because I don’t. I don’t want Kamala to be in the White House. I’m just telling you right now, when you do stuff like that, we’ve been asking for this and saying, donald should do this for years, literally since 2015 when he came down the escalator, almost a decade. And now Joe can hardly talk, and he beats them at their own game. And the Associated Press, of all people, Eldon, what the heck do you say about this, sir? Well, they’re, what would you say? Wisest serpents there, I’ll tell you that. Right? They’ve got venom, and they’re wanting to, want to use it when they, when they need to, but they.

It’s. Yeah, definitely. They’re not a lot of people. It seems like they. They point to these folks. They say, oh, well, they’re just dumb. They’re just, they’re just incompetent. No, actually, they really know what they’re doing. They have a lot of very smart people, and they have specific things that they want to accomplish, and any way they can, they will. And so it’s something that we need to realize that these are, these are people that are very focused on what they want to accomplish, and they’re going to figure out a way. Now, I don’t know how to deal with this, but even the courts are now kind of backing Joe, saying, hey, you know, joke and influence social media people.

The White House can do this, no problem at all. Now, this, to me, is a bad thing. I don’t think it’s good, but there you have it. Now we find out Kamala Harris is literally manipulating headlines so much for fake news that she’s getting sued over it by a radio station. We’ll get into that later. But all I’m telling you is they have changed the game. And Donald, I hate to tell you, is left in the dust. He just is. Yeah. Yeah. They’re. Well, you know, they, they gotta, of course, watch where the, the trends are, where, you know, where they’re going to be best able to reach their target audience.

And if it’s not through, say, broadcast television or, or whatever, they’re going to move to whatever source they need to whatever medium. And this is something that Donald should have done, though. Donald has millions of dollars, he could easily help a lot of us in the media. We’re well established. We’re organized. We’re, you know, we’re professional. But, you know, Joe didn’t do, I’m sorry. Donald didn’t do any of that. He just started his own media company, is all. He just spends his time talking to rich people. And the rest of us are kind of sidelined, going, what the heck’s going on? And now Joe has literally got the Supreme Court on his side, national public radios on his side.

The social media influences are on his side. They’re manipulating headlines in the news. Social media influencers descend on the White House, get literally rockstar royal treatment. And I’m telling you right now, Harris doesn’t have to say a thing. And the more they can do this, roll out Joe. Let Joe kind of give a quit to the old guard media, mock them, promote the new media, and everybody’s glad to take Biden Harris money, and they’ve got plenty of it. And I’m telling you right now, Joe’s on the ropes. He just is. It sounds like Donald’s on the ropes, not Joe.

My mistake, Joe. Yeah, Donald’s on the ropes, though. He really is. What is Donald saying now? Every time you hear Donald, it turns out to be broken record. Now, I hate to say that because I don’t believe in Kamala and Biden’s message. I believe in Donald way more than them. I’m not really a Donald guy either, but I’m telling you, what is Donald even saying now that’s relevant? Speaker two well, it seems like, yeah, he does repeat himself quite a bit. Of course it is talks, but, yeah, it sounds. Reminds me of the descriptions of, like, when someone from the new American would go to these un conferences.

Basically, the media, there is a. I don’t know, a sounding board or, you know, it’s just the choir that sings, you know, behind a devilish choir, I think. But, but, you know, most of them, the vast majority of those people are not legitimate journalists. They’re there to just gobble up the talking points that are fed to them and then feed them to the masses. And that’s, of course, what any, any would be dictator or whatever would want is the media that is not questioning them, that is just there to, you know, sing their praises and put forward their propaganda talking points to the people in order to stir them up to.

To support whatever cause it might be, however ridiculous it might be, too. Now, some people say it’s not misinformation, it’s amplified propaganda, says the Atlantic. There you go. What the heck? It’s not misinformation, it’s amplified propaganda. See, this is the kind of things that they’re great at wordsmithing. They beat us every time on this kind of stuff. Yeah, well, it’s kind of like, you know, an acoustic guitar, if you have your, you know, the box, that’s what resonates and actually makes the sound. So you could hear the strings don’t really make that much sound, but it bounces back and comes out the whole of the acoustic guitar.

That’s basically how the media works in the UN. And for these people, that’s where they, they want it to work. Not, not something that says, hey, let me ask you about this. You seem to contradict yourself. You know? Nothing like that. Of course not. No, sir. You can spin on a dime if you’re the Democrat. You can change your positions and be glorified for it. Yeah, they don’t even question you. All right, egg. Tight, quick pause. Brian Russell, want to get his taken seconds and we also need an honest money report? We’ll do it on your radio.

Attention marksmen and adventure seekers. Join us at the Garth kill pack range in Springville, Utah for the ultimate rifle roundup. Enjoy 4 hours of elite rifle training with tactical cowboy, a dollar 400 value and lunch on the range. Training runs from 10:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m. bring your carbine or semi automatic rifle, 300 rounds of ammunition, safety glasses and ear protection. General admission tickets are dollar 250 and includes ten entries in the crofter market sweepstake. Visit for details. This is a battle. A battle between truth and deceit. A battle between forces that would enslave this country in darkness and between a media that wants to present you with the truth.

We are being censored. America’s news outlets no longer provide the truth. 90% of news outlets in the United States are controlled by six corporations. The mission of the epoch Times is to chase the truth, to ground all statements and facts. the foundation for Moral Law is a nonprofit legal foundation committed to protecting our unalienable right to publicly acknowledge God. The foundation for moral law exists to restore the knowledge of God in law and government and to acknowledge and defend the truth. That man is endowed with rights, not by our fellow man, but by God. The foundation maintains a twofold focus.

First, litigation within state and federal courts. Second, education. Conducting seminars to teach the necessity and importance of acknowledging God in law and government. How can you help? Please make a tax deductible contribution, allowing foundation attorneys to continue the fight. You may also purchase various foundation products as located in Montgomery, Alabama, the Foundation for Moral Law is a nonprofit, tax exempt 501 founded by Judge Roy Moore. Please partner with us to achieve this important mission. dot oh man, this is absolutely psychotic, man. It’s crazy what’s going on, ladies and gentlemen, Donald Trump getting absolutely spanked by Joe and Kamala.

Kamala in her cave, not talking. Although of course, they throw out a position or two of hers and she doesn’t have to defend it. They just throw it out and go, she’s changed her mind on this and she’s distancing herself slightly from Joe, and it’s no problem at all. And don’t worry about that. She thinks differently now and she, whatever. Don’t worry. She’ll get to her positions later. We don’t need to get to them now. We’ve got plenty of time. Idea. Meanwhile, we’re hurtling towards the elections. But now social media influencers literally descended on the White House and got the royal treatment from Joe.

In fact, a reporter asked a question, and Joe said, I’m not talking to you, I’m talking to these guys over here. First, referring to the social media influencers, Supreme Court sides with Joe Biden administration and social media case, saying, hey, the White House can work with the social media people and it’s not considered influencing. Don’t worry about it at all. Never mind they’re paying to manipulate headlines and everything else. We’ll get to that later. But now influencers, which is much presidential access, as the press, I’ve been telling everybody forever, the new media is going to take center stage.

I just thought the conservatives might get the clue and do it first. But now they got beat by Joe. Brian Rust, what the heck is going on, sir? Well, hey, that’s a good question, Sam. Looks like we’ve got. Well, it’s a good move on that, on their part, as far as the youth and that of social media. I mean, obviously, that’s where they’re tied. And to reach out after that, their vote, and to help support them a bit, I think that’s going to be a good move for that party. There’s no question. We’ve been begging Donald to do this forever.

And Donald sitting down with Elon Musk. It was a good interview, don’t get me wrong. It was a great conversational interview, which let us know a lot more in detail what they think. But it’s two rich guys talking. Okay? Donald needs to be reaching out to guys like us and supporting guys like us with a little bit of his campaign money and everything else, but he’s done no such thing. He’ll go on CNN all the time and ABC and everybody who hates him, but he won’t appear on Liberty Roundtable Live. But Joe just beat Donald at his own game big time.

Right now, Sajo’s incompetent. Sajo can’t talk. Say whatever you want, but I’m telling you, this was huge, and it changes the game and leaves Donald Trump. I hate to say this in the dust, though. It really does, Brian. Well, can I wonder, you know, what his next move will be? Will he have try to reach out himself or what do you think he’ll. I’m not sure what he’ll do or what their plan is, but, yeah, I agree that it’s, it’s not a good, good thing for him. Wow. Anyway, I just find that interesting. All right. Over the past 50 years, Brian Rust and Rust coins has been working to educate folks to really understand precious metals and make a difference.

And anyway, to learn more, freewater coin but Brian, I want to hear the honest money report. Where’s gold sitting? Gold is $2,448.91. 2324-2448 yep. .9191 wow. That’s down quite a bit. No, let’s see, last week we were at 20, 413, 90. So what’s up? Okay, 244891. That’s crazy. All right. And silver. Silver’s at 28.25. And that’s slightly down, I think, but not much. Right. Well, that’s actually a dollar from last week, tell you the truth. Oh, really? Okay. Yeah. It was 27 36. And so we’re at 28 20. So it. Yo yo silver’s more of a yo yo game right now because they’re, they’re apt to, you know, they can still play the paper game there and manipulate that market up and down, up and down.

And profit loss, gold doesn’t touch. But the demand for gold right now with, with, you know, your major world players, your governments, your china and main big investors, I mean, most people that have money are buying metal and central banks as well. So it’s. Yeah, it’s showing strengthen. All right. Anything unique for us to keep an eye on here? Any special coins to buy? Anything unique to focus on there? Oh, I don’t know about unique. I think just, you know, I like nine, you know, the constitutional silver, my quarter, like I say, still gets me a gallon of gas has forever.

And I remember when gas was a quarter. So I think that’s a cool, a good play to have some of that. So great bartering tool times, quarters, half dollars. We still got nickels that are, that are under melt. So, I mean, those are all things that are good bartering opportunities. I’ve got a lot of clients that want, you know, those that are spending a little more money and so on and have more money are buying gold as well. And that’s just a good hedge to protect your paper in all aspects. There you have it. Any comments on that, Eldon? Well, if you have an ounce of gold, I guess that’s quite a bit of wealth when one little coin there, that’s amazing how it’s gone up.

Well, I mean, it can’t help but go up in my mind, especially with some of the news we’re starting to see right now. There’s a lot of changes going on. Believe it or not, people don’t really realize this, but there’s a lot of changes going on in the news. Let me give you an example to make the point. I don’t know if you know, but famous Amos, okay, Wallace Amos, or they call him Wally, founder of the iconic cookie brand. Famous Amos cookies. I’m telling you, those are delicious, by the way. And I know they say that I’m a racist, but he’s black and his cookies are great.

And I don’t care what color he is. His cookies are fantastic. Anyway, he died Wednesday at the age of 88 years old. He died peacefully at home. And I guess he, it was following a battle with dementia. So our prayers are with him and his family. But, man, what, what a, what an icon. No, you know, they say, oh, man, the blacks are downtrodden, can’t make it in America. This guy got it done. Brian. There you go. I think that’s great. More stories like that would be great represented and so on. And, you know, the good reverend you had on yesterday, I mean, he, he brought up some good points.

And yes, he did. He’s, he’s fighting for his groups and, and, which are Americans. I mean, as we say, it’s not about the color of our skin. It’s about all of us as Americans. And, and, yeah, just some good programs the last couple days there, Sam. It was awesome. All I’m saying is rip, rest in peace, brother. Famous Amos, because, man, your cookies are great. And he was the guy that was able to find out how to make these cookies, one, you know, bite sized and tiny and delicious. And anyway, family recipe. And many became famous over it.

Everything else, that just kind of shows there is hope in America for everyone and there is opportunity in this land. And the more regulation and whatever we have, the harder it is for everyone. Anyway, I thought I’d bring that to your attention. VivEK Ramaswami, interestingly enough, has an interesting point that I really think is important, Brian, related to you and to the economy and everything else. Here’s what it says. Vivek Ramiswami is urging Trump and the Republicans to shift their focus to policy rather than personal attacks if they want to win the 2024 election. He says, if we do it, I think we win.

If we don’t do it, I think we lose. RYAN I’ve been saying this for days, brother. That’s right, Sam. That’s why somehow we’ve got to get you and Trump on the same page, I mean, page, so you can, he can bring you in. And you’ve been saying it for days, for years. So it’s I agree that, I mean, what Donald needs to do right now is he needs to stand up and say, listen, we’ve been fleeced for over the last hundred years. The Federal Reserve is the enemy of all people. All the inflation, all the national debt, all this stuff is basically blamed on these clowns that claim that they, you know, protect and safeguard the economy and keep inflation to a low level.

And all these lies are bogus. If I’m president, I’ll abolish the Federal Reserve. The sooner Donald says something like that, the greater chance he really has. Because then social media influencers like us that are conservative, that understand, could start to promote the book, the creature from Jekyll island and really talk about the truth on this thing and really push for honest money. And if you say, well, we can’t drop the Federal Reserve, open it up to honest money, good, honest money, if we had that in play, we could audit the fed, show what clowns and dishonest thugs they are, a banking cartel with their own self interest.

And we could first audit and then end the fed. And it might take a little bit of time, but we can open it up to honest money and have good money drive out bad money. And isn’t that a solid plan that people have talked about for, you know, literally nine to a hundred years, Brian? I think it is. That would be great. I mean, you know, sometimes he, his agenda, I don’t always understand it. I mean, I get, he loves to be in front of the people and talk and pound on the negatives of the other side.

I get all that. But, boy, I’ll tell you, he’s missing the boat. It’s kind of like these, these young social media influencers. I mean, yeah, I mean, if he, if he’d slow down and maybe, I don’t know who’s, who’s running the, helping him run the show, but sometimes I just wonder, gosh, just the policies in that just talk that, I mean, it’s not hard to let them destroy themselves. You just bring up the policies and where we should be. And I think you’re, you know, we move forward at ease without contention and some of that stuff.

So I, I’d like to see more of it. No doubt about it. Even Elon Musk, in the conversation with Donald Trump the other day said, hey, man, we need a commission to reduce wasted spending and reduce the spending in government. And he offered to sit on a commission to help make that happen. And Donald’s like, well, that’s a pretty good idea. Well, duh. They’ve got groups out there like the National Taxpayers union and all kinds of groups that have been putting forth policies and highlighting government waste forever, ever, Eldon. Oh, yeah, yeah, for sure. I mean, there’s all, there’s all kinds and, well, you know, yeah, if, if Donald Trump would speak in favor of HR 8421, probably got, don’t have that memorized.

But it’s a Federal Reserve Board Abolition act introduced by Thomas Massey that would help it get some momentum. It’s stuck in committee, has 23 co sponsors, which is a good start. But, you know, boy, if Trump could speak in favor of that, that would really help to get going. You ready for the new hashtag, gentlemen? Hashtag? Come on, don. Let’s go. Liberty roundtable. That’s right. Exposing corruption, informing citizens, pursuing Liberty. You’re listening to Liberty News radio. Just grin and bear it or bite the bullet. When it comes to everyday pain, don’t try reliefactor, a drug free daily supplement that helps your body fight pain naturally.

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Jeremy House reporting NATO member, Poland paying tribute to its historic victory over the Red army by honoring fallen poles and showing off the modern armed forces it had hoped will deter the threat it sees in modern day Russia. Some of Poland’s new weapons replace soviet and russian made equipment sent to neighboring Ukraine after Russia invaded Ukraine. dot a memorial service in Tokyo marking the anniversary of Japan’s world War two defeat. Japan’s prime minister has vowed to step up his country’s efforts to defend a rules based international order in a peace pledge made on the 79th anniversary of Japan’s defeat in world War two.

At a solemn ceremony at Tokyo’s Budokan hall, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said we must never again repeat the devastation of war. He said Japan will stick to the country’s post war pacifist resolve whilst endeavoring to resolve difficult global issues. Kishida accelerated Japan’s military build up and spending as the country further deepens military cooperation with the US. I’m Karen Shema. Satellite images show that a ukrainian drone attack on russian air bases has damaged at least two hangars. Ukraine’s daring raid into the Kursk region of Russia is now into its second week. More on these dot attention marksmen and adventure seekers.

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Order online from dot Loving Liberty Network salutes the spirit of the American decades after Jimmy Carter, Joe Biden picked up where he left off. With America surrendering to terrorists, Biden’s foolish spending is causing inflation, which means more pain of the pump, higher prices on groceries, devaluing your retirement savings when you need it most. Once was a mistake. Twice is a disaster. America needs strong leaders, not weak ones. Save America. JFC is responsible for the content of this advertising. All right, what do you think of my hashtag, gentlemen? Come on, don, let’s go. What the heck’s happening right now, man? He was on top of the heat, baby.

I mean, nothing he did could be stymied or shut down. Now. The guy’s just flat out on the ropes. It’s just shocking to me. Come on, Don. Anyway, there you go. But I just, I kind of just find it shocking how this turnaround has really happened, and to the degree that it has. But there’s a headline that I really want to talk to you about, Brian, because everybody’s talking about inflation, inflation, inflation. No doubt it’s here, but no doubt it slowed down. They tried to trap JD Vance on this, and they said, hey, what do you think now that inflation is down? And JD Vance called it, right.

He said, what are you talking about is down. It’s down from what its high was, I agree. But it’s still 30% above where we were under the Trump administration. So, see, they’re calling it right on the points. They’re just not getting the headlines, they’re just not getting the focus. So they’re getting buried because no one really hears what JD Vance has to say unless guys like me kind of help promote it and stuff. That’s the point, isn’t it? Anyway, but so they say, uh, inflation is down. It’s not even close to down. It’s way up. It’s just down from the high.

It’s kind of like, uh, if every year I get a cost of living increase of 10%, and I’m like, hey, this year I’m going to cut back. I’m only going to take an 8% one. Well, I’m still up 8% is the point. Well, that’s kind of the inflationary discussion we’re having, Brian. Yeah, well, they. That’s exactly right, Sam. So they changed their little policies or their wording or so on to make it look, inflation’s not, I mean, it’s not down. It rose in July. And they say, well, it really wasn’t, but it was. I mean, if you look at the fact the government wants inflation.

But it doesn’t want you to know that they want inflation because inflation allows them to expand the money supply, maintain borrowing and spending, and that’s what they do. I mean, you look, FDR and Richard Nixon severed the dollar from the gold standard so that they could fund the wars and the welfare with sound money. See, they want inflation. So for us to buy into that narrative, and most people just watch the little news or this, that and the other, and they’re clueless. But, I mean, it’s hitting their bottom, it’s hitting their wallets, and hopefully they can see the truth, but they want inflation.

So for them to say that, yeah, it’s a crock. Do you have a comment on this one, Eldon? I kind of find that interesting, because, again, we’re just playing games of words here. They tried to catch JD Vance, but he was too good. He spanked him with it, at least. Yeah, this is like, you know, we took. Took all the food away from the dogs, and then we just put. Put a few crumbs off the table and say, see how generous we are. See, see, we’re giving you the, you know, these crumbs, and we’re supposed to say, oh, thank you so much.

You’re wonderful. You’re so nice. Things are looking up. Yeah. Things are looking up. Having. Right. Yeah. Yeah. It’s. I mean, it’s such a. So many psychological type of games that they try to play with people and to get them to be so subservient and, you know, worshipful to the. To the state, it’s. It’s just. It’s terrible anyway. I don’t even know how to kind of respond to it, exactly, because it’s just so. I mean, it’s just. It’s really clown show stuff. I mean, at this point, it really is. Yeah. It’s like, how are we even talking about this? I don’t care what you say about inflation.

I don’t care if you claim it’s up or it’s down or it’s left or it’s right or it’s. Well, it’s really down, but it was up. And it’s up, but it really was down. All I know is this. And I don’t care what they put in the core, what they take out of the core, what they claim needs to be included and whatnot, and they manipulate all that. In the end of the day, there’s four things that I need, Brian. I need. I don’t want. Just want. I absolutely must have. Are you ready? Yeah. Food. That’s like food and water, right? It’s way up, buddy.

Fuel, gotta have it. It’s way up, buddy. Clothing, gotta have it. Unless I want to be the streak. Okay. It’s way up. And housing, shelter, it’s way up. And I gotta have those four things. In fact, they say housing is responsible for 90% of the inflation this time. No wonder we got so many homeless, Brian. That’s exactly right, Sam. But they, you know, don’t think for 1 second that they want to kill inflation. You know, free money. Free money basically fuels government, right? So that, that fuel means price inflation because it’s free money we can spend.

We can do, you know, you know, what we want to do. And so, yeah, they’re, they’re not, they don’t want us to know. They’re trying to, you know, to rein in the dragon, I guess, or whatever and so on. But they don’t want to kill the dragon. They just want to rein it in or make it, you know, call her the dragon. So it doesn’t sound like it’s, you know, things are bad, but they tell they want to spend money. Holy smoke. Look what they’re doing. They need inflation. It’s a very hard thing for these people to disguise.

Most difficult thing, because nobody has to knock on your door, send you a flyer at all every time you look in your wallet or your bank account. You know that you’re spending a lot more when you go to the grocery store and when you fill up the tank and all of these things and your money just does not go as far. No politician has to come and tell you that. And it’s very difficult for them to blow sunshine in your anatomy to try to persuade you otherwise because, you know, and you’re reminded of it every single day and often multiple times a day.

So to compete with that is very difficult. Amen. I don’t even know how to respond. It’s just getting crazier by the day. And like I say to me, those four keys to inflation are what matters. Food, fuel, clothing, and shelter, those are what matters. So here’s the headline for Kamala now. She’s literally trashing grocery stores and food companies, and it’s their fault. Everything is so out of control. They’re just all greedy. She says, kamala now blasted after unveiling a, quote, soviet type style price controls. Her goal? To stop inflation, they say. Now, let me try and say this right.

They’re calling it Kamala nomics now. So you went from bidenomics to Kamala nomics. Now, Ryan saved is bringing this up and stuff, and so it’s a Kamala nomics. You got that, don’t you, Eldon? Kamalanomics. Come on. Her aristonomics? I don’t know. Psychotic melonomics, man. Okay, yeah, it’s kind of like an ebonic word. Come on. You know, and see, now I’m a racist because I said it was an ebonics word. See, maybe that’s the problem. It’s an indian word. It’s not a black word at all. It’s an indian word. And that’s why it’s so hard to say.

We just don’t know, you know? But I find it fascinating. Kamala nomics is what we’re talking about now. I just find that interesting. But they say soviet style. She wants price controls on food companies. Price controls at grocery stores. Price controls everywhere, because, man, it’s out of control, Brian. Yeah, well, sorry, go ahead. Well, we’ll get in. We’ll get in one line for Brad, and then that control will put us over here. One line for some meat, I guess, and. And then another line. No meat for you, buddy. We’re doing beyond meat, bro. The soup Nazi.

No meat for no soup. No meat for you. Yeah, no, no, beyond meat’s the only thing we’re doing. Now, you’ve. You’ve seen that beyond meat stuff, right? It’s like out grown in a lab and all this weird stuff, man. You grow deer, but it’ll be good for you, buddy. Absolutely. Well, you need a 30 year, because you like to listen to talk radio. There you go. I love it. Oh, my heavens. What do you think, Eldon, of this, though? I mean, really, price controls on food. Now, they’re talking about literally in America. These guys are literally like the guys that do sleight of hand.

Once you find out how they do their trick and you know where to look, it’s not a mystery at all anymore. And they result to this. They resort to the same tricks every single time. So now with this economic thing, you know, like I said, you can’t ignore it, that it is a problem. Now, the best thing they can do is try to distract you and just divert your attention and say, see, it’s not the government’s fault. It’s those evil grocery store owners. They’re the ones that are charging you so much money for the food so that they can make a profit, and they’re making obscene proper.

Or, oh, it’s those evil oil companies. They’re the ones that are charging you so much for gas. So, so then they say, well, you know, if you give the government more power and we can have price controls, then that will fix it. As if that has ever, I mean, price controls, is that a new idea? That’s the oldest idea in the book. I mean, we’ve had price controls. You can go back to the roman times and they tried that. It was, this is, this is absolutely ridiculous. Everybody, anybody knows any history, it is. But I got news for you, Eldon.

What? You have never seen Kamala? Nomics work, my friend. Oh, yeah. Kamala. All right, let’s, let’s take the break. Hold on. Yeah. Kamala’s peppermint Patty. Loosenomics, ladies and gentlemen. Yeah. Yeah. Or Lucy. Lucy, right. The spirit of the American west is alive and well in Range magazine, the award winning quarterly devoted to the issues of the American west. Each issue contains informative articles, breathtaking imagery, as well as the culture of cowboy spirit today and gift ideas like this year’s Buckaroo calendar. Order online from loving Liberty Network salutes the spirit of the american dot I think that my family has always had a big influence on me for not smoking because since I was little, I was taught that smoking was wrong.

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So purchase your delicious raw honey back with you live. Yeah, Eldon, you just don’t understand, buddy. This is Kamala nomics, my friend. This is a new opportunity for you. It’s kind of like the new deal, man. Don’t you get it? What’s the matter with you? Oh, yeah, yeah. I mean, it’ll work this time. Yeah, don’t worry. Kamala’s figured out a way to make price controls work. I mean, she’s, what, she, uh, talking with the ghost of Richard Nixon or what? What exactly is she? Or maybe she’s, you know, top of the presidential ticket without a vote, buddy, you think she’s capable? Come on.

I mean, are we going to get a letter like my great grandparents? Got that? Hey, you guys shouldn’t be hoarding food. You know, this is unpatriotic of you, and you’re, you’re, you’re not obligated to do this, but if you don’t do it, it’s a felony. So I think it’s volunteerism. It’s kind of like voluntary taxes. Brian, you volunteer, buddy, you’re going to jail and losing your house. We volunteered, and, you know, elder mentioned history. See, they want, they’ve taken history out of the picture. They don’t, they don’t want you to go back and look at any kind of history, you know, pull it out of the books.

Take those, those books out of the library. There’s no history. This is the new, we’re in the new world, Kamala. Economics. Kamala. Yeah. No, man. Kamala nomics. Come on, now. By the way, just so you know, just so you know, why these guys are having a hard time pronouncing it and why I’ve got it together so well. It’s not because I’m a talk show host. It’s because I actually practiced it for 20 minutes before I came on the radio so that I can make sure I know how to say, come on. Come on. Yeah, they’ll come back and say, no, it’s common amics.

It’s not Kamala nomics. It’s, I don’t know what I’m gonna start calling what I do that. I’m gonna call it common omics, then, right? It’s common amics, baby. Child. Kamala’s plan to destroy the country. Come on, come on. Call it common amics. It’s easier to say. It points out the truth. What more do you want than that, baby? It’s just, I just can’t believe we’re having the discussions that, gentlemen. Oh, boy. Yeah. Believe we’re having these discussions. I really can’t, Brian. Well, I can because it’s part of that circus that’s going on, and they just want us to kind of, you know, they want to change the narrative every few days or wherever just so that we can’t really understand where they’re going.

We don’t want. They don’t want us to understand inflation, so they’ve got a. They’ve got to change it a bit or whatever they’ve got to do just so that we. Oh, what’s that? That’s a new. Oh, okay. You know, I mean, it’s just kind of throwing us another curveball, I think, Eldon, I think this is part of the manipulation before the elections, though, to derail us and everything. Kamala doesn’t even have to talk while this is going on. We do all the talking for her. Right. Right. You know, can’t wait to get out my ration card.

You know, I used to ask my grandma and grandpa, how was it using ration cards during World War Two? Oh, well, you know, we. We got along, but it wasn’t very pleasant. And good thing we don’t have to do that anymore, and you kids don’t have to endure that. Oh, well, sorry we didn’t learn any lessons from you, grandma and grandpa, but. But we’re just going to go back to having those ration cards. Can’t wait. And I remember, see, I had parents that were way older than I. Than me because I was adopted. So it wasn’t normally parents.

It was like being raised by grandparents in many ways. And I’m not doubting them. I love them to death. I’m just telling you, they were way older than, my dad was 48 when I was born, for example. And I was adopted and everything else, and he was a great man. This is not a knock on him at all. But the point is, they grew up with a depression. So even though I’m way young for this, I kind of grew up with, you know, depression parents. I mean, they would hoard stuff when they run out of stuff.

My dad’s like, we need to buy a keg of them because, you know, what if we run out again? That’d be horrible. And we. Okay. And they would eat, you know, if my dad would basically, you know, take a piece of bread, break it up in a bowl, create a poached egg, or, you know, cook a poached egg, dump it over it, dump some milk on it and eat it. And you want some, Sam, sure. So I’d eat that, and I’d put some hot sauce on mine so it tastes a little better. And then I’d say, I’m still hungry, dad, and say, you can have a radish if you want it.

Okay. Thanks, dad. And so, you know, I’m just saying that’s kind of how they grew up, and I’m not doubting them for that. I’m just saying, are we going back to that? Are we going back to eat it? It’s good. Oh, man. No, it looks weird. It’s fine. Oh, I’m. Brian, I’m scared. Good old vinegar pie. And, you know, making tin foil into tinsel and all the things that they did back then. And they had to, I’m not doubting them or anything. Yeah, they had to very. So it’s, are we facing that world, Brian? Is that really what’s coming? Well, it seems like history repeats itself.

I’m hoping it’s not that history. I just, you know, but you look back, you look at history, and it kind of comes back around. Here’s the cycle. Here’s the cycle. And it’s going to repeat itself. And, and it’s kind of, that’s what’s happiness, you know, is, is, and I don’t want to say this in a sense, but if, if we keep kicking the can down this road that they’re kicking and so on, we will be in a line. We’ll be at war, more war. I mean, we’re involved in these wars, but we’ll be full fledged war now.

We’ll have the, you know, you’re going to have to sign up for the draft, and you’re going to have to, I mean, all these things that we, we hope wouldn’t happen again. It just seems like this history repeats itself, and these politicians or these leaders of our country are just, they don’t care because they’re not going to war. They’re not serving in military, even though some of these. What’s the Kamala’s running mate? Is, oh, I served in war. I went out there. He didn’t, and they proved that he didn’t. But others are going to have to.

And that’s the issue that you have, is the negative effects of what they’re doing is nobody owns anything or has anything. Nobody has any money. And you’re in lines waiting, you’re rationing food, and now we’re war in major wars. I don’t know. I hope that’s not the case, but I got an interesting headline for you that may make the case, and it has to do with what we’re going to be talking about next hour is why I’m kind of bringing it up right now. The publius national Post is where I got this headline and it basically says, hey, the Taliban is now showing off the military equipment Kamala Harris gave them or gifted them.

Yeah. Yeah. Wow. I don’t know how to handle that comment. Really. Well, what else would we think? I mean, we gave him this stuff. What else would we think would happen eventually? I mean, holy smoke. Why the heck would we give this to them? I just don’t understand why we’d even do that in the first place. But I agree. We did, right? Yeah, there’s no, it’s stupid. It’s pathetic. And money here, not only are we going to give you all these guns and tanks and our technology, but here, how about we give you 400 billion to go along with it? Does that sound, I mean, it’s pathetic.

It’s just out of control. Reckless spending and corruption. Well, an arming the taliban. What the, what the heck is going on, Eldon, except for they’re gearing up for war is my only answer to this. It’s the only I can surmise. Right. Yeah. It kind of reminds me of this, that there’s an old talk listeners can look up. It’s, it’s really interesting. Called a Touch of Sanity with, by Robert Welch. So this is from the 1960s. He was the founder of the John Brewer Society, and he finally gets to this point talking about the Vietnam war at the time.

And he says, it’s more strange than you would think. The purpose of being at war in Vietnam is simply to be at war. And it’s such a profound statement. And this is kind of the situation we’re involved in. None of this makes sense unless you kind of boil it down to some sort of nefarious thing that they’re trying to accomplish. A touch of sanity, Brian. Boy, do we need that in America today, sir. No doubt about it. I mean, to Vietnam war. I mean, it was a joke in a sense, because here we’re going to send these troops over.

We don’t want you to fire your gun at anybody. Only unless they fire you, you’re going to have to. I mean, it was a no win situation, realistically in that war. I mean, you know, I was always taught, look, if we’re going in, we’re going in hard and we’re going to take, we’re going to, you know, we’re going to, we’re going to settle this war right now. We’re going to end this war right now. A lot of people are going to die, and it’s not a good thing. Not a good thing at all. And I don’t, I don’t say we need to, you know, you know, advocate for this kind of a war thing, but that was not good.

I mean, we were in harm’s way all the way along. Don’t you, don’t do that. Oh, just go and, holy smoke, you can’t, they, we were losing tremendous amount of people. So it was just, it wasn’t a good scenario. And that’s probably the same scenario. Ah, there you have it. Anyway, a touch of sanity, ladies and gentlemen. Robert Welch is an oldie but a goodie. I’ll tell you that right now. Created in the seventies, but he was as right then as he is is now, even though he’s not even alive to tell a tale. His words are virtually prophetic is all I could say.

I mean, literally, the Taliban showing off the equipment Kamala and Joe gifted them. And now Kamala’s promoting price controls in America while the cost of housing surges and inflation out of control. And they’re telling you that it’s down. And then we find out a, Vivek’s just saying, why don’t we talk about policy for a minute instead of just kind of telling everybody they got an ugly nose, you know, maybe without at work. And I’m thinking, wow, good idea, Vivek. I mean, he’s right as rain, but, wow, is this a day late in a dollar short? And it’s just shocking to me what we’re seeing in America.

Here’s the sad part. There’s a very good chance Joe Rogan’s predicting that Kamala wins now. Well, it’s certainly possible, but, yeah, I tend to agree with Vic is, you know, the policies that these people are promoting with Harrison Walls guy. I mean, these guys are, they might as well be out and out Marxists. I mean, final word to you, Brian. Only seconds left. Preparation is peace of mind. Prepare yourself. Amen to that, brother. Thank you so much. Brian Rush, ladies and gentlemen. We appreciate all that you do, sir. Thanks, Sam. Have a great day. Freewater coin, everybody.

You got a friend in the honest buddy business. Freewater coin Ellen Stahl, the John bird society stays with me. Second hour. We got another incredible guest coming up to talking about world war three. Is it coming? We’ll keep an eye on that ball just for you as well. spread the word, share the love and God save the republic.



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