Pop Up Pundits: Who Backs them? What are their Agendas? w/ Professor Darrell Hamamoto

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➡ The text discusses the influence of media on culture and the importance of critical thinking in understanding the information presented. It also introduces a product, Mitocure Rx, that boosts energy and promotes long-term cellular health. The text warns against blindly following popular figures in the media and encourages awareness of potential political narratives or agendas. Lastly, it introduces a detox product, Masterpiece, that removes toxins from the body.
➡ The text discusses the rise of ‘pop up pundits’ in the media industry, who gain popularity quickly despite having little depth or knowledge. These individuals, often failed comedians, are used by networks to attract a younger audience. The author criticizes this trend, arguing that it detracts from serious discussion and analysis. They also question the methods used to boost these pundits’ popularity, suggesting that it could involve manipulation of algorithms or buying subscribers.
➡ The text discusses the influence of cultural engineering on society, using examples from sitcoms and the rise of certain public figures. It also highlights the impact of inflation on living costs and the importance of protecting one’s savings. The text further explores the manipulation of public opinion for political control, the role of propaganda, and the importance of scrutinizing the backgrounds of influential figures. Lastly, it touches on the weaponization of minority status and the speaker’s personal experiences with cultural diversity.
➡ The speaker discusses their experiences growing up in a racially diverse neighborhood during the 1950s, and how society has changed since then. They criticize modern social engineers and politicians for using race, ethnicity, and gender to divide society. They also express concern about the influence of big donors on media and the lack of transparency in funding. Lastly, they discuss the importance of due diligence when donating to charities to ensure the money is used effectively.
➡ A group in Seattle or Hawaii started a low-cost initiative to feed the hungry with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, criticizing large organizations for their inefficiency. The text also discusses the irony of San Francisco, a city known for its philanthropy, yet struggling with homelessness and poor living conditions. The author criticizes the political and economic order, suggesting that those in power are contributing to the city’s problems. The text ends with a discussion about the representation of Chinese people in media, specifically mentioning Bruce Lee’s efforts to portray his culture and martial arts tradition authentically.
➡ The speaker discusses the appropriation of cultural elements, such as martial arts, by different groups for financial gain. They also touch on the negative impacts of this, including the commodification of African American culture and the weaponization of political parties. The speaker suggests that understanding the historical and sociological context behind popular media, like video games, can be a form of resistance. They also propose that sharing stories and banding together can help counteract the power of larger, dominant groups.
➡ The text discusses the idea of using the strategy from the film Yojimbo, where conflicts are resolved by making the opposing parties fight each other while the mediator observes. This strategy is suggested as a way to regain freedom and peace in society. The text also emphasizes the importance of community involvement and understanding the political implications of popular entertainment like sports. It concludes with a discussion on the power of creativity and the need for critical thinking to navigate through current societal challenges.


And then they finally said, okay, we’re losing all this viewership. We need to recapture it. Let’s bring someone edgy, fast talking and british into the american sphere. Because, man, if it worked with the Beatles, it’ll work again with Russell Burnley. He is a brand for sure, and he’s branding our minds. Wow. Well, you know, and I’m always afraid to point out anybody because I don’t have to bet. No, you go ahead and do what you need to do. I was going to go in all these characters, but I’ll. No, go ahead. No go. I was going to say some other things, but without saying names because I, because I know that when I have kind of touched around the subjects, I get these trolls saying that I’m doing it because I’m jealous.

And I’m like, no, I really want to point this out because I think it’s hurting us and it’s something that’s important. If you are like so many others, you need more energy to get through the day. What you need is the boundless energy of mitochure Rx, the revolutionary solution from wizard labs. Many of you have heard of methylene blue, which only offers a temporary boost. Mitocure Rx takes methylene blue a step further by integrating urethane a and other potent ingredients. It not only elevates energy instantly, but also fosters long term cellular vitality and mitochondrial turnover. Say goodbye to fleeting fixes and hello to sustained vigor.

Your energy and mitochondria will thank you. Embrace vitality today@sarahwestall.com. under shop or with the link below. Welcome to business game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I am delighted to have a great guest today. His name is Professor Darrell Hamamato. He studied, or he was a professor for multiple decades, I think 21, 22 years in media studies and cultural studies on how the media affects culture at the University of California, Davis. And he’s noticing a lot of the same things I’m noticing on. He’s calls them pop up pundits. And we talk about the media and how it’s changing, how it’s feeding into this fifth generation warfare that we’re dealing with.

And the whole point of this conversation is for people to be able to look at this and have some critical thinking skills behind it and be able to look past what it is that’s being fed to them and what’s really going on. And hopefully this gives some more people or gives people some tools in their toolkit to be able to identify some of the pop up pundits and maybe what their goals are and whether they’re really somebody that you want to follow or maybe they’re, you put them in context and you follow them, but you don’t, you don’t just believe everything that they say and that you have to be aware that all of this is to frame a certain political narrative or to create an agenda.

And you got to know who’s funding them, what they’re behind. If somebody comes out of nowhere and they’re super popular, what’s going on there? I mean, there’s a lot of things that we’re going to talk about today, and I don’t like talking about these topics, really, because I’ve gotten, when I have brought up or I’ve challenged somebody, I get the trolls come out of the woodwork saying I’m jealous, jealous, you know, or I’m, you know, professional jealousy. Or you’re. And then I get all sorts of, I get names. I get bashed nonstop. Anyways, you guys would just, if you saw my email, my messages, you would know what I’m talking about.

But I can’t. I got to address some of this stuff because I know that it is harmful for our country or for what it is that we’re trying to get across. The biggest thing that I have a problem with is learned helplessness. So if somebody’s out there telling you that something’s a foregone conclusion, telling you the truth on almost everything, and, but they’re maybe lying through omission, they’re, they’re only showing it from one perspective. But their goal really is to create learned helplessness. And they’re, and they are being used by the globalists really, to usher in this great reset.

And they, whether they know it or not, I have a hard time with some of these people, whether they know it or not, because I know some of these top people who are being promoted. I know who’s paying them through my investigative research. And I don’t want to say names because I’m going to get creamed. Okay. Hopefully you’ll read between the lines on some of this. And I know who’s paying them. I know that what families they come from, I know that they aren’t who they say they are, but they’re being used to help bring in this learned helplessness.

And that is really not, it’s really, really bad for us. Right. And so even though if someone’s telling you the truth, so learn from that truth, but never let it affect you from the standpoint of this is a foregone conclusion, and these globalists are going to bring in this great reset and we’re screwed. Never let that be something that enters into your mind. And if it does, then you need to turn it off and go to a different source because that’s what I think the plan is and that’s what I’m seeing happening. So anyways, hopefully this is a good, educational and entertaining in a lot of ways, because you’ll learn some things.

Conversation that I have with Daro Hamamato. He’s great. Great. And if you want to follow him, he has his own YouTube channel and I have the links below for you to follow him and. But before we get into this, I need to talk to you about masterpiece. Masterpiece is this amazing detox product. And what it does is it, it’s small. You know, people are talking about nano being bad. Nano means small, okay? Super small in their case. Nano and small in and of itself isn’t bad. Nanobots that are self assembling nanobots that go in your body, okay? That’s bad.

Nano that does something that’s bad. But we are all filled with Nano. I mean, a lot of our minerals and stuff are nano. It needs to break the brain barrier, blood brain barrier to get in a lot of the minerals we have. So just saying nano is ridiculous. Nano in itself isn’t bad. So that’s another sign that you’re dealing with a psyop kind of thing or somebody giving you misinformation is because they’re just wanting you to think that all nano is bad, because that’s complete b’s. Okay, so small. Masterpiece has figured out how to get their zeolite to be very small without crushing it.

And because of that, it is able to get into places and get these toxins out of our body. What I love about masterpieces, they’re the only company I’ve found that that is gentle, pretty inexpensive for what it does, and they’re proving it with lab tests and standing behind their product. And in their blood results, they’re seeing that there’s a 30% increase right now in their baseline blood on the toxics. Microplastics, graphene oxide, all this crap that’s in our body, that is absolutely incredible that they’re dumping all this crap. I don’t know where all this crap is coming from.

We’re thinking it’s maybe from geoengineering, it’s from our food, our products, whatever. But it’s happening, and we need to get this out of our system. And this is one of this is one of the more effective ways to do it. It’s gentle. Now, some people do like a hardcore detox, which isn’t necessarily bad if you know it works. You can do a hardcore detox, but you’re still going to be bombarded daily. So you need to do a follow up with something that works on it continuously. Some of these heavy metals take a long time to get out of your system, so you need to just keep working at it.

And Masterpiece has shown to reduce aluminum and graphene oxide by significant percentages. They’re going to have the results of their next study out in the next few weeks, and I will for sure be covering that as well. But for a two month where they’re saying it’s like a month and a half supply because people are taking a little bit more than, than they’re supposed to, which isn’t bad because taking more isn’t necessarily a bad thing. So it ends up being about a month and a half supply or a two month supply depending on how much you take for $52.99.

That is a good price because it also has the marine plasma, which is highly dense, nutritious, and it gets into your cell and it gives you a boost of nutrition, which is fantastic. You’ll feel that different people are feeling that difference. Okay, so the link for that is below or go to sarahwestall.com undershot. Okay. Let’s get into my really great conversation with Professor Hamamato. Hi, Darryl. Welcome to the program. Hi, Sarah. Thank you so much for the invitation to be here. Well, I’ve been really looking forward to this because you are taking a scholarly look at how the independent media is being transformed as the mainstream media is realizing that they have to embrace this new space, that the whole landscape is changing.

And there’s a, there’s a difference in what’s going on right now. And because they’re trying to get into this space, they’re rebranding themselves as something different. Can you talk about what it is that you have been covering just kind of at a high level with pop up pundits and some of these ideas? Yes, I coined that phrase, pop up pundit, to sort of encapsulate what both you and myself have observed over the last, just very recently over the last few years as your type of show. Excellent. And I’ve been a big fan of yours for quite a while, has taken on greater salience and widespread public support and popularity.

So these people who run the networks, ABC, CB’s, NBC and their parent corporations, Disney, General Electric, all these Pentagon related operations. They’re not stupid. That’s why they’re in power. So, in a nutshell, what they’ve done is begun to exfiltrate certain talent into your world or my world. I’m on YouTube exclusively. And you have multiple platforms, but I’ve seen it happen across the board. And someone like me, who’s been doing a channel for three years, has less than 4000 subscribers, where someone who’s a pop up pundit, this is the giveaway, right? A pop up pundit will get hundreds of thousands of subscribers almost overnight.

Yep. So that has been my question, and I don’t have definitive answers. Hopefully, we can work something out here, and your audience will participate and try to give us some hypotheses, how we know why it’s happening, but how it actually operates. I’m really interested. Do you buy bots to pump up your subscription numbers, your view numbers? How do you work the algorithm? As we always heard, you know, I’d like to know the specifics of this well, and I think, you know, like, I have a tech background, so I know how they could do it. Right. So I know they could.

They could just buy subscribers or they could do all this stuff. The question is, unless you’re in the back room of Google or something, you don’t know specifically what they’re doing. But you can see the patterns, right. You can see that they’re doing this, but without a, like I said, without being in the back room or actually having the specifics, you can just theorize based on the patterns that you’re seeing. That’s what we’re seeing. So it’s kind of seeming obvious. But when we were taken down in 2019, there was a group of us that were taking.

It was kind of the death of the Internet almost. It was all of us on the same day. They just took a. Wiped a bunch of us off, and we ended up suing. We had a lawsuit against Google, and what we found is that our numbers were greater together. We were greater than the mainstream media. There you go. Yeah. And they were freaking out, and they needed to take us down and take over. So I’m absolutely positive that’s why they did it. But now. But now you were seeing. And this is. I talked to Chris, who’s my agent.

He’s. I usually never talk about him, but we’ve been having conversations about this. How? Well, they’re trying to force popularity of some of these mainstream pundits onto these other platforms, and it’s not working because they always thought, and it was weird because they’d come in, it was a couple years ago. This is something I haven’t talked about yet. They come in kind of like beating their chest. These were the big boys. We know exactly how things are done. And even my agent would say, make comments like, they know. And I mean, I. That’s not how things work, guys.

I’ve been in this industry now for over twelve years, and that’s not this, you guys, that formula doesn’t work over here. And so they just kind of thought they knew everything. But because they owned these platforms, it was forced population or popularity on people. They come over to these platforms and suddenly they have to compete in a more organic way or be propped up by the platforms. The whole formula is different. But because of that, I think they figured it out. And then they needed to bring in these pop up pundits that you’re talking about. Yes, they brought in a whole new generation, and it’s more youth oriented, which is fine.

I think there needs to be a continual youth movement. But these are mostly nobodies. And this is what specifically irritates me, is that most of them are retooled comedians. They were people who had marginal or failing stand up comedian careers, and they were semi familiar. It’s like someone you see on the street, do I remember you? Or something? They put them in front there because they didn’t want to put the big celebrity out there and promote him or her, and then they grow them. And celebrity psychology as it is, this idea I call it. Well, I didn’t invent the term.

Conrad Lorenz, the anthropologist, came up with this concept of imprinting, right? You take a. Some ducklings and you have to follow a goose, and they grow up thinking they’re geese. Follow mama Goose all the way around, even though they’re ducks. That’s imprinting. So they, these people are depth psychologists. I’m talking about the network boys. They are depth psychologists. They refine their art and their science during World War Two with the mass testing of civilians to mold them into soldiers, and they just kept at it and said, well, we can do this with the entire civilian population.

That’s right. As you allude to, they had that monopoly with the networks, these, all these skull and bones type people who fund those operations for about 40 years, and then you come along as a disruptor and in the aggregate is, wow, they were really running scared to the point where they had to deplatform a whole slew of people in 2019. And they keep doing that now. Right? I mean, YouTube is a wasteland for most of us, but it’s not for others. And you have to question that. Right. And this is where the pop up pundits come, where they don’t really have the depth.

And I’ve heard you talk about this. They don’t. And we’re trying to teach people critical thinking skills here on how to identify when you’re kind of being had. They don’t have the depth or the knowledge to really represent these topics, but they, and they bring in these comedians, too, so that it’s more entertaining. And then so what do you think they’re doing with that? Because it’s. Tell us what you think they’re doing with that. Well, they’re going for the punchline, the news, the analysis that you do that that’s secondary. The primary purse for these pop up pundits who are the retread comedians is to go for the punchline.

And it doesn’t matter if it’s someone supposedly, who conservative, like a Greg Gutfeld or someone, let’s see, on the left, like Bill Maher, right. And by the way, he’s one of the prototypes for what we saw. They cloned Bill Maher and said, well, we can take a washed up standard comedian put up in front, put him in front of an audience and then make him into a pundit. Same with Jon Lebowitz, otherwise known as Jon Stewart. That was really the breakthrough. And I’ve been on the show by the, not Bill Maher’s show. I’ve been in the studio audience because I lived in LA and I used to go to all the free screenings and shows.

I’ve been on the Daily show and, you know, the format. But that’s really where young people in particular were drawn into this new model of pseudo analysis and pseudo news. That’s the original fake news, where they’re going for the punchline. And then Jon Stewart all of a sudden, not all of a sudden, it’s part of the plan, puts himself up as a advocate of veterans, for example, or some serious deepest thinker. Now I want young people, because those of us of our age, we were kind of, we were new when television came out. So our parents were going, don’t watch that garbage.

We were trained to be skeptical of everything. But they, the younger generation grew up with a, with a computer in front of them. But you just have to realize these people are stand up comedians and they do not deserve two, three, four, 5 million views. You are being amused to death. And what they’re doing to us is sucking the oxygen out of serious discussion and analysis and the transmission of news. Now, I’m all for humor. Political humorists. I idolize them. I worship them. I try to integrate some of their style and their techniques. I study them relentlessly, and I try to bring it into my show.

Right? George Carlin. Oh, yeah, he was great. Yeah. Any youngman, Lenny Bruce in the early days of television and even some of these solo shows, Spaulding Gray would do these one man shows. So that’s what I tried to bring in to my show. And it’s very funny. It’s very humorous. I don’t have any writers. That’s me. Because one of my specialties is I wrote a book on situation comedies. Oh, wow. I picked it apart piece by piece and reverse engineered it. I understand the psychology. I understand the social, the cultural engineering. I understand how Norman Lear, who created the franchise in the seventies, starting with all in the family, went to Britain and got all these british sitcoms like Steptoe and Son.

And I forgot the name of the original situation comedy that all in the family was based on. It was probably tavistockian into it. Then they brought it to America through the networks and thereby helped to re engineer a whole generation of people with all these archetypes. Archie, bunkie bunker to Meathead to Edithe. In 2023, according to MIT, living wage calculator, folks in major cities needed around $68,499 just to make ends meet comfortably. But guess what happened next? In just one year, that number shot up a whopping 40% to 96,500. Can you believe how much inflation has affected us? That’s the kind of inflation that keeps us up at night.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I sure can’t afford to keep pace with that kind of skyrocketing cost of living. It’s downright scary. But you know what’s even scarier? Not doing anything about it. That’s why I’ve been talking to folks over at Miles Franklin. They’re all about helping regular people like you and me protect our hard earned savings with gold and silver. You can lock in the value of your money and shield yourself from the ups and downs of the economy. So if you are like me and want to keep your nest eggs safe and sound, reach out to miles franklin@infoilesfranklin.com just mention my name.

Sarah sent me, and they’ll take care of you like family, because it’s just how we do things here in middle America. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Protect your future today. Well, that, that is considered, like, old, real old school now. Can you imagine putting a comedy on the show on television now or anywhere? Holy cow. Things that they were saying. But that was them. To try to break down those stereotypes is what they were trying to do. The initial thing. What do you think they’re trying to do now? Because is it just to dumb down the american people or the people of the world and then to use it as a way to sway people to whatever direction they want to because they never get in too in depth.

Right. It’s always not quite there. Well, for any government, for any system, whatever it might be, the fundamental reality is that the bosses on the top require legitimacy. They require cultural legitimacy, political legitimacy, and fiscal or economic, financial legitimacy. And if they can’t find it, they’ll create it, just like creating fate. Voc, fate. Vocal voters. Right. Just concoct them out of thin air. So they need to develop this fake consensus, and they’re doing it through these pop up pundits that are now in our world because people like you pioneered it. So what you were doing is fattening the frogs for the snakes.

That’s exactly right. We, we created, we blazed the trails for them to come in and just take it over. That’s essentially what happened. And they put society and took it all. Yeah, but they’re struggling because organically, people still want people like us. They still want to hear this. They intuitively know, and they’re sensing it and they’re struggling to get over it because, you know, some of these, these pundits that have one and a half million views, unless they’re promoted, they’re getting less views than people like me. And so they’re realizing that is probably scaring the heck out of them.

Right. So I think they’re also creating a new class of people that are telling them the truth. Kind of hard hitting, but doing it for learned helplessness, which is a whole other thing that I think is even more important to talk about the learned helplessness and the demoralization, which is really the primary function. Propaganda, strictly defined, not just misinformation. We know about that part, but it’s more of a qualitative shift in your understanding and your appreciation of what most people think is just ordinary reality. Family, friends, relatives, institutions like school, sports even. Right. That has to be torn asunder through the cultural mechanisms so that a larger sense of demoralization can grip the larger public for eventual political control.

And we’re near that point now. I happen to think that more people are in your end of the spectrum, being able to think than the other side wants to admit, these social engineers, the cultural engineers, because, as you’re saying, they’re not really. They haven’t grabbed the whole pie as they thought they could. They were just foundering on this illusion of self importance for years and years before they finally said, gee, what we need to do is grow our own. So we’ll bring over it. You know, we love english accents, so we’ll bring over this retread called Russell Brand and who was a Fabian in a previous incarnation.

You mean he was a Fabian socialist? Yes, he was. Wow. Okay. He’s a, he’s a synthetic contract construct, and he has all the NLP characterizations that we know about, the hand jive and the rapid fire talk. He’s like an auctioneer, because you never have to really think about what he’s saying, where you’re reading or hearing someone who’s, who has oratorical skills. It’s like, like a giant fire hose that you’re asked to drink out of. And it’s all very tightly edited, too. There’s these jump cuts in there that are not very jumpy. They’re very smooth. And he just appeared out of the blue.

Yeah, they try to bring him in, and on certain levels, certain movies, they had a married or date, certain celebrities to bring them a cache. And then they finally said, okay, we’re losing all this viewership. We need to recapture it. Let’s bring someone edgy, fast talking and british into the american sphere, because, man, if it worked with the Beatles, it’ll work again with Russell Brand. He is a brand for sure, and he’s branding our minds. Wow. Well, you know, and I’m always afraid to point out anybody because I don’t want to bet. No, you go ahead and do what you need to do.

I was going to go in all these characters, but. Oh, go ahead. No, go. I was going to say some other things, but without saying names, because I, because I know that when I have kind of touched around the subjects, I get these trolls saying that I’m doing it because I’m jealous. And I’m like, no, I really want to point this out because I think it’s hurting us and it’s something that’s important. And if you look like the Fabian socialist thing, I thought, wow, that’s incredible. But there’s some other pundits, if you will, that come from billionaire families, incredible sources that they’re paid by the CIA.

They represent far, far left or pretty interesting shadowy organizations. They popped out of nowhere. I mean, just kind of weird things like that. And the people are being snowed. Yes, well, that’s why it’s so important for the viewer to look at the biographical background of these characters. That’s step number one before you get imprinted by Mother Goose. You’re a little duckling. Before you get imprinted by mother Ghost and follow her around loyally. And if you dare say anything against her, no names, then they’re gonna come down on you. So. But fortunately, there’s a lot of people who are doing that.

They look at the lineage, they look at the bloodlines. They look at the institutional affiliations, education, private schools, the region, even the region where they grew up. Turns out that Kamala Harris was largely raised in Canada, so she could be seen as a five eyes asset. Really? Her father was jamaican national. That’s a part of the british post colonial array. And the british socialists, like the Fabians, were all about third World liberation from Africa, through Asia, through India. They’re all socialists, and they’re all for freeing Gandhi and everybody else in the so called third world because they saw that as the first step toward shaping a new, a one world first.

They had to demolish the old colonial system to remold it into the anglo american empire, and they’re doing it through politics. Kamala Harris is just one more recent example of this. The previous one, Prairie Sotero, has a very similar trajectory. That’s exactly right. But if you point that out, people become so offended because they have weaponized information, almost like, you can’t. They’ve weaponized the being a minority. Right. You can’t. Yes. You can’t go against certain people because you’re a bigot if you point out something that protects us. And so we’ve kind of gotten into this catch 22 situation.

Well, this is how I try to break that down on my show. I’ll often speak in black sense. I’ll often speak in what they call Ebonics, non standard English, for one thing. I love that oral tradition from the Reverend cl Franklin. You know, Aretha Franklin’s father, who had his own church up in Detroit all the way up to Louis Farrakhan. I love that stuff. I study it, I look at it, and if people write me, they’re so offended. How can you, as a yellow person, mock black people like that? I said, I don’t mock it. I grew up in the ghetto.

I’m not one of them crazy, rich Asians. I grew up in the fifties, and we were still living under racial segregation. So my neighbors, we call them Negroes back then, were Negroes. They were Mexicans, they were orientals, like me. And there were a lot of hillbillies, quote unquote, because they couldn’t afford to live in it. That was multiculturalism, and it wasn’t state imposed. So that’s my natural dialect. And you start, you just got along with people, right? Because it was a yes. When Martin Luther King said, you need to integrate, and that would get rid of discrimination, he was right.

We went to school together. We played on the street. Everybody’s dad went to work early in the morning, came back late at night. Our mothers were at home. I mean, you know, it’s like, it’s like the fifties we’re talking about here. And then these social engineers, these opportunists who use race and ethnicity and gender, like Kamala Harris, they put them in position in order to further fragment society and rebuild it according to their new world order specifications. And it’s so sad, because we do want that diversity. We do want that get rid of. We don’t question, why are we going away from what we’ve.

35 years ago, we really came along. We were really a lot better 35 years ago. We don’t want to judge people based on their sex, their color, their race, want. And then they do this to us. And it’s. It’s hard to see my kids in this environment. My kids are hispanic, right? I’m married to a hispanic man. So when I talk about what’s going on at the border, I’m talking about it from a more educated standpoint, you know? And I can tell you my husband does not like what’s going on at the border, and he has seen this stuff firsthand.

You know, they used to help families. And, you know, I have a daughter in law who’s a DACA student. So when I’m talking about human trafficking going on in the border, and I’m talking about this stuff, I am not coming at it from a racist standpoint. I’m coming at it from a very practical. People are being hurt, but when. But they just, like you, they twist all this crap. Yeah, they keep spinning it. And, of course, getting back to our original topic, that’s where the pop up pundits come in, because they’re not going to listen to some bureaucrat with health, housing, and welfare and education wagging their finger at us.

But they will listen to Jimmy doar, who does kind of good work, but he is a retreaded comedian. Or Stephen Crowder, another retreaded comedian. And believe me, again, if you look at my work, my channel here, it’s funny, it’s humorous. I understand political humor because that’s what I’m tabbed with. They say, oh, you’re envious. This is why you mention these people. And secondly, you don’t get it. It’s only humor. But that was the thesis of my book. It was called the one on situation comedies. It was called nervous laughter. Now, nervous laughter erupts when there’s contradictory states.

There’s a contradiction between the intellect, the rationale faculties, and the emotion. So it kind of expresses itself physically like a nervous laughter. That’s what television sitcoms do to try to control and contain those contradictions. And that’s what these pop up pundits are trying to do in so called new media, which is quickly becoming very much like old media. Who’s behind these people? Who finances them? I mean, it’s expensive to buy a microphone or a camera and the lighting and to buy the materials to do the research every day, because these guys have writers. They do. And if somebody has a team of writers and they’re just getting.

Okay, let me ask you, if somebody has a team of writers and they’re just being paid through donations, do you believe that? Well, you’re in business, you know, financially, it’s not sustainable. Yeah. How credible is that? So my question is, well, who’s your donor? That’s where you have to go. Okay, well, I want transparency. Who is your donor? Because that donor, I bet you it goes back to somebody that people aren’t going to like too much. Those bigger donors. Yes. Yeah. Founders of PayPal or eBay or one of these large silicon valley fronts for DARPA and NATO and the Pentagon, those types of people.

No names, please. If all you have to do is start looking. And if I may recommend a friend and colleague of mine, Kirby Summers, who has a sub, she’s been deplatformed multiple times, but she’s on substack right now, and her specialty is going in multi generationally because it doesn’t start with that person who’s out in the front right then and there, like a Leslie Wexner. It goes to their parents and to their grandparents. She’ll take it back to the old world. She’ll take it back to the ukraine. She’ll take it back to the secret societies that were around during american colonial times.

The daughters of Isabella. Yeah, it matters. And why does that matter? Because I have my answer for it. But it gives them a power structure that they rely on to get that kind of information and power to be propped up. Right, right. Well, I mentioned the concept. Not unique to me. It was Max Weber that came up with a whole theoretical explanation. It’s the question of legitimacy. How do you maintain legitimacy amongst the subjugated population? You build them hospitals, you build them universities, you build them museums, and you slap your name on it like Sackler. In the meantime, you’re addicting the american population to opioids.

Right? And then they blame it on the Chinese, the chacoms, even though they were subject to two opium wars. But no, it’s always the perpetual perennial enemy, the Chinese. And that’s a lot of people on our side. Supposedly they’re falling for. For that meme. And that affects people like me. Yes, as a yellow person. And that’s one of the reasons why I do my show. It’s partly to say, listen, man, we are not going to be your scapegoat this time around again, just because you want to get your political agenda across. It’s not going to be done on our back.

So, yeah, legitimacy, they 4 July parades, they’ll wear a little funny hat and drive little clown cars. And I’m not putting down genuine philanthropy, but that we know by now that most of that stuff is just very sophisticated tax avoidance. But they do all these institutional. And they own property, prestige properties in order to say, hey, listen, we are. This is their favorite phrase, we’re giving back. Right? And for certain celebrities out there, people, wannabes or I, the ones in place, they have to deliver on the con, the blood contract that they. That they signed initially and say, listen, you’re going to be our spokesperson for human rights and we’re going to call you George Cloney and we’re going to marry you off to a so called human rights attorney.

Does it sound familiar? Yeah. And they do. They actually set up marriages and stuff. It’s not people. It’s as bizarre as you can imagine. That’s nobility, right? The house of Sac Cobra gotta. They were famous for interbreeding with the most of eastern, central and western Europe and America, that was their specialty, is creating these marital alliances to consolidate political power. So it’s. They’re also doing it on the popular level, these celebrity power couples, right? It could be Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, fondly known as Brangelina. These are all scripted. They are actors, after all. They are, right? Yeah.

And make them look kind and benevolent and friendly towards the so called third world and have them adopt children of all different races and nationalities, like Madonna, Chicone. Isn’t that her specialty? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I’m. Again, I’m not putting that down. I’m just talking about the cynical use of what we can all see as a very heartwarming scenario. Well, yeah, I mean, adoption, for God’s sake, it’s a great thing. And giving the charities, that’s a great thing. Make sure you look and make sure that charity is using. That’s why they are expected to give you the amount, the percentages that they’re donating.

If they’re only giving 3% or 2%, like the Clinton foundation did to them. Right? Yes, but if they’re giving over 80%, then it’s probably a good charity. Or 80%. I think they think about 80% because you need a certain percentage just to run your charity. Certainly. Yeah. But you have to do your due diligence as a donor to make sure that you’re not funding human trafficking operations. That’s right. That’s absolutely right. That’s why when it comes to charities, I won’t give to any charity unless I know what it is. And then I specifically find out what is it going out.

And if we can get it directly to the person, that’s even better. Okay. See, there are solutions. You don’t want to necessarily give money to a poor person. That’s not necessarily, but as close to the solution as possible. Right. There are people, and I love this story. You got to hear this story. There was a couple, and I can’t remember their name. And they were feeding people, I believe is in the Seattle area, and they were feeding Hungary there, and they were so tired of all these great big, huge organizations spending. Maybe it was in Hawaii.

God, I can’t remember. I got to look it up. It was a couple years ago, and they were so tired of all these hunger organizations. And so they came up with the peanut butter and jelly ministry, and they were feeding thousands of people with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and keeping it at a really low cost thing. And it was just flourishing because it doesn’t have to be that complicated. It doesn’t. Yeah, no, social. They call it social philanthropy now. It’s a huge industry unto itself. Look at one of the most wretched cities currently, because I think it’s going to come back in the United States.

San Francisco. That’s the headquarters of all these different so called social philanthropies. That’s what they are. That’s their headquarters. And they’re the ones who are calling the shots for the social agenda. They’re the ones who are putting all these elective officials in place, from Gavin Newsom to Kamala Harris to willie the pimp brown to whoever else. That whole machine out there is dictated by these people who are donating megabucks. And more recently, it’s moving south from Nob Hill in San Francisco, it’s moved south to Silicon Valley. And what do you think? How can a city that claims that they’re into all this charity have a total cesspool in their backyard where there’s actually maps of where the feces are? It should be the gold standard of a beautiful environment for people to live in.

And they have that. It’s obvious, isn’t it? Yeah, that’s the irony of it. Visibly, they cannot escape the reality that these people are the feces that have floated to the top of the political economic order and they’re making their sidewalks approximate what they are as individuals, as human beings and the american public. And even some of them have said enough. So the US Supreme Court said, okay, you can get rid of the encampments now. And even the mayor of San Francisco, she’s turned on a dime 180 degrees. Her name’s London Breed. What a great name. London Breed.

She’s, she’s more aggressive than any nativist to get rid of the encampments now. And they’re going away. They’re going. If it’s just a matter of political will, and it doesn’t even take will, it just takes the understanding it. You are fouling your own nest for a temporary political agenda which will also see that you are destroyed. That’s right. They’re finally getting stupid, stupid, and they’re starting to figure that out. So, okay, getting back to our. I really want to talk more about this trained helplessness and the fact that truth is coming out there, but it’s causing people to almost want to give up.

And I always say you’ve got to look for people that are actually talking about solutions and not saying this is a foregone conclusion, because if they’re talking about foregone conclusions, then they’re just helping bring in the great reset. They are. And they’re doing it in the guise of informing us and sympathizing with us, but they are part of the demoralization effort. Now, one of the persons that pop ups that we have alluded to already in my comments, because I did a complete talk on her. I was into her early on because of certain information that I was privy to.

And they say she makes me feel bad and she has a sense of glee when she’s reporting all this doom and gloom. And I said, exactly. That’s what she gets out of it. It’s called Duper’s delight. You can read in these people micro expressions, right? The ones who are cheating you, the con men or the people who say, hey, listen, you know, I really hate to tell you this, and I’m only doing it for your benefit, but really, they’re getting off on it. Right? That’s those people in our life. We all do. Yeah. They’re called frenemies.

Yeah. They’re called Debbie Downer. Right. The cartoon character. And that’s. That’s the Persona that these people have perfected. And if we understand that, what their motivations are and look at them as. As highly motivated individuals and not as celebrities and as Mother Goose following them around, because I notice there are a lot of kind of beta males that like to get behind certain personalities, right. They can go after, you know, follow some woman who’s soft and hairless, or they’ll go with someone who has a lot of testosterone, with a lot of hair like Joe Rogan. And there’s someone for everybody there, someone who’s a muscle head and someone who’s female.

And they’ll have lots of black people for sure. There are no yellow people yet because we’re banned from the media. We’re the perennial enemy. Well, because of this whole anti. Yes, of course. Even. Yeah, they have. There has to be an enemy. It’s got to be either Islam. Before Islam, it was the Chinese. Right? I taught asian american studies, so called. I don’t use that term anymore, at the University of California, Davis, for 21 years. So that’s been the history of the american republic. In fact, it was against the Chinese that other ethnicities came together. The Irish, the Jews, the Greeks, all the other groups said, oh, at least we’re white people.

Let’s get together and let’s beat up on the Negroes and the Orientals. And that was. I’m watching this series that was created, I think I’m watching it on Netflix. I think. I don’t remember what I’m watching. I think it’s Netflix, but it’s about, it was created by Jackie Chan, and his daughter is directing it. And it’s about San Francisco. It’s about all the chinese people coming in to say it’s really, really good. And I think it is. I mean, what is your, is it really accurate? I think it’s really good because it’s the nuances of all of that that you’re talking about and how the Chinese were used and, and they were viewed this way, but they were really brought in as, as it’s such a parallel to what we’re seeing today.

Well, in all honesty, I haven’t seen it yet, but I used the phrase earlier, which comes from a rhythm and blues song from the 1950s, Jackie Chan and his daughter. Thats another example of fattening frogs for snakes. I was doing that work and my colleagues who built up the discipline decades ago, just like I was talking about race, ethnicity and gender decades ago. Then the corporations got behind and said, hey, we could spin this for our use. This is what I suspect is going on in the case of Jackie Chan, who is a globalist asset for sure.

I’m sure. Yeah, I like him. You know, he’s fun. He doesn’t have any mars. No, Chan. It was Bruce Lee. I’m sorry. Why? Said Jackie Chan. Bruce Lee was born in San Francisco. He was the real deal. It’s Bruce Lee’s daughter. And I apologize to everybody why I said Jackie Jack, it’s okay because we all look alike. I don’t know why that came into my head. Well, they’re both Marth, they’re both martial artists. But Bruce Lee on a serious Bruce Lee was animated by the same anger that you hear from me here in 2024. He wanted to do these movies because of the struggles of his people in San Francisco, in the United States, throughout the entire world, including Hong Kong, where he grew up, up, which was a british colonial colony, right? I mean, it was a colony.

It was a colonial possession. And we’re talking about the sixties now. We’re not talking about the Hong Kong of the present, which is beautiful and well, well designed, and it’s a financial center. Right? So he was animated by the same sense of alienation. And he says, well, I’m going to correct that with my body and the tools that I have, which is my culture, my tradition of the chinese martial arts, which are being appropriate. They put, put kwai Chang in that position. Remember, while you’re too young, there was a show called my husband loves it. He made me watch it.

Yeah, I like it. He was the lesson. We used to sit every day with my, or every week, once a week with my dad. And we watch it because the lessons were really good. Well, you know, he casted a white guy in the role. Yes. David Carradine. Yeah. Who supposedly died of auto erotic asphyxiation. I remember that. Yeah, you remember that one. But you know who was up for that role? Bruce Lee. Was he? Exactly. Yeah, yeah. And they didn’t pick him. I remember that. And they didn’t think that they could have, and so they use, they didn’t think they could have an Asian in that role.

And he great in that role. But of course it’s going to be appropriated because it’s so that the concepts behind that fighting. And I remember my parents were in karate and stuff that was working towards a black belt. He had his brown belt, broke his ankle and then never got his black belt, which he should have but didn’t. He went pretty high. Yeah, he went really high. And, but, but the lessons of that is phenomenal. I mean, that’s a, so how do you not incorporate that once you realize, because you watch the Bruce Lee stuff and you watch the street fighters and there’s a scene in this, you got to see, there’s a scene in this series where he’s watching.

It was this big fight that they needed, that they needed the prize money, right? This really rich guy was going to give out this big prize money. And so they had thugs from all over the country going to do fighting. And so they brought in this guy who’s one of the best kung fu fighters. Right. I, and they were, this guy was, that he had to fight was awful. He was a street fighter, top thug, killing people. And they said, you think it can beat him? He’s like, yeah. And he’s sitting there watching him. He goes in and it was kind of funny.

He goes in and one kick, he’s done. Okay, the fight’s done. So, I mean, it’s such a more powerful, effective way to fight that. Of course it’s going to be appropriated, right? By Stephen Seagal. Yeah, well, yeah, barely move. He can barely move. And he’s like 100 pounds overweight and he is the martial arts master. So anyway, it might seem trivial, but that translates into political or power or the lack thereof in the larger society. That cultural capital is expropriated and trans. It’s made into financial capital for the producing classes. And they’ve done that to every single group in America, not just the Chinese.

Look at african American. I mean, geez, that whole culture, the rich tradition that comes out of the christian faith, has been commodified. And they even decided, hey, let’s debase parts of it and feed it back to the community and create some sort of cultural pathology so that we can boost up our police budgets and destroy the cities and the families and then weaponize the democratic party against themselves. Exactly. Because you’re given handouts in exchange for squalor. And then we’ll bring in the traditional opium lines from Asia, which certain families, as you well know in America, have have monopolized for multiple generations.

And they’ve built great institutions on that wealth, such as Yale University, the Russell Trust. That’s all in bones. That history is all there. And that is part of my history as well. That’s integral to my world. And that’s what I want my viewers to understand. I am not just some alien off to the side. I am very much, much more integrated it. I have a greater claim to american culture, society in economy than some Tavistockian called Russell Brand. Well, you studied this for many decades and that’s. I’ve lived it. And that’s what I was so fascinated by is your meta analysis, your zoom out on what’s really going on.

And to glean some lessons from this is really fascinating listening to. You’re fantastic. So how do you, what are some of the things that is a practical that people can do? Because we all know, I mean, we, you know, the lessons of Martin Luther King or the lessons of Jesus or the lessons of all these great wisdom. We know what kind of, we have the tools, what are some of the solutions that we can do? Well, this may sound trivial, but it’s actually much deeper than I’m presenting it. But I just recently dawned him, just like I made a career out of studying television and film, most of its dreck, but there’s some really gold in the garbage there.

I made a career out of that, I think the current generation, because I want young people to start thinking along these historical, sociological, anthropological lines instead of going after some guy who’s really hairy and muscular and cracks jokes. And as a retread, he’s supposedly a mixed martial arts. They can’t call it asian martial arts. It has to be mixed martial arts or it has to be called brazilian jiu jitsu or it has to be called Gracie jiu jitsu. No, it’s Chinese. Really. They, that group that I’m trying to reach, right. They’re mostly male, albeit if they just look at those video games they’re playing and look at the history, the stroke of research that goes into the gameplay, they’re going to get quite education because the people who construct those games go into all these different historical nooks and crannies that we’ve touched upon here, Sarah, you know, they talk about the Knights Templar versus the Assassins and they’re rooted in history and that there’s a good game.

What game? Are you referring to. Because I know I got. I actually bought Assassin’s Creed. Yeah, that one. Assassin’s Creed. Yes. I wish I had grown up with games. I think I’m aged out of it because you have to be. You have to grow up with it, I think. But I think the young people, they can make a career out of figuring out what’s really behind Assassin’s Creed. Because the political battles historically rooted between the hashishin or the Ishmaelis and the Knights Templar is still being fought out today in the United States, America, 2024, hundreds of years.

Right. We’ve got the Knights Templar, JD Vance representing them out of Ohio, which was very strong and still very strong in the midwest. And you’ve got the so called islamic threat of the Hashashins. It’s a transcoded video game of political, ideological battles that are raging today in 2024. So that’s a practical solution, partial solution to the question you pose. It’s also painless because they’re doing it anyway, and they’ll get a big kick. In fact, I know they are because I look at their youtubes and they’re just nerdy. Now, all the different historical nuances of Assassin X and thousand.

There’s a new one called Shadow Assassin’s Creed, the latest iteration of the franchise. It’s Ubisoft, by the way. It comes out of Canada. I think it’s an intelligent operation. By the way, if you want to see my previous talk on Barack Obama as the assassin’s Creed creation, because these political campaigns are built on video games, not just like they used to be built on television scripts and movie scripts, now they’re being built on video game scripts. That’s. Obama is Assassin’s Creed personified. But anyway, the most recent one, going back to earlier conversations, and it’s called Shadow.

And now guess who the samurai hero is. Now they finally put an asian person. He’s a samurai. But guess what? He’s black. He’s the black samurai named Yasuke. Never mind the real historical sound, but he’s got to be black because of his beyond tokenism, right? And just make sure that you alienate everybody or incorporate them at the same time. He’s also gay. Oh, yeah. So young people who are watching everywhere, they’re trying to. They’re trying to bring homosexuality into everything. Yes, but the young people who are watching your show right now, Sarah, they’re going to say, hey, I’m going to create my own game.

You know, I’m going to write code and create my own video game. Franchise which will be adapted into movies. You know, all of that. Right. Because there’s always a counter force. That’s right. Against the dominant. That’s right. Because the counter force is what’s cool. It’s. It’s like nature. There’s always a countervailing force keeping things together. You represent that in your field. You’re outperforming the subsidized people. It’s not too much fun being the counter force in the front. Yeah, it’s not. People might think it is. You people have no idea what my email box looks like and my messages.

I’m sure they’re trying to put a naked chokehold on you and submit you many times for sure that they’re going to try to make you tap out. I think that, yeah, they. As Janda, you know, I have a couple really good colleagues that we could call and do just when we really need to talk. And he’s right. He’s like, they’re just trying to get us to quit is what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to starve us out is what they’re. Yeah. Oh, and your observation there is one of the solution, and that’s to share these stories, band together informally.

It doesn’t have to be anything formalized so that we, as a collectivity, can go up against these, you know, the big boys here, because they’re atomized, they’re fragmented as well. In fact, that’s part of my, I call it the Yojimbo strategy. And that’s to play the different factions off against each other. Yeah, because they have multiple factions. The goal, the global world order that they’re trying to create, the reason why it’s so chaotic is because there’s factions there. They’re fighting. Yes, pretty clear. We want to work the fissures, the cracks in the edifice, and we want to share with the public all the different smut, the intrigue, the scandals, their real bloodlines, in a humorous, light hearted way, perhaps sometimes, so that they’ll keep fighting amongst each other and as they’re occupied in trying to outdo one another, let’s say Biden versus Trump, Trump versus whoever else, that’ll leave little people alone to live our lives as it should be.

So that’s my strategy. Not, you know, we’re not going to overthrow anything. We’re not going to get rid of any system. What we’re going to do is to live for another day as the peasantry while the big boys find it out at the top. So long as we don’t get drawn into their wars. So that’s the Yojimbo strategy out of the Kurosawa Akira classic film, Yojinbo, where he’s a masterless samurai, a ronin, and he hires himself out to do different gangs in the village. They don’t know it, of course, and he gets them to fight each other while he just sits up and watch it unfold.

And after they destroy each other, the village can go back to its peaceful ways. Well, then you win. Then you have your freedom. Yeah, that’s the freedom that we’re trying to gain. This is what Kurosawa was trying to tell us. And he did this after World War Two, the Pacific war. He did this after decades of imperial conquest and being manipulated by the militarists, right? And the military. This movie came out in the fifties. So said, how are we going to escape this modern forms of tyranny? You go back to community and we get these people to fight amongst themselves.

We publish, we write, we speak, talk, talk, excuse me. And we don’t sit on the couch. We get active in our own communities to make sure that people understand what’s happening. It can be done. Like I said, the video gamers are already doing it. They’re halfway there. They just don’t realize it because they think of their or even the sports people are looking at strictly as entertainment. But if they saw it as being a metaphorically related to political battle and struggle and social struggle, then we have something. That’s why professional sports, MLB, NBA, is so concentrated in the hands of the network still and the ownership, because they wield a lot of political power by capturing those masses.

If those masses were to understand these baseball diamond or gridiron struggles as being more epical in nature, historically based, I think we have the possibilities of helping to reconstruct the larger society. And baseball, football, basketball, particularly major sports, golf, it’s done. Incredible amount of has had benefits to such a large and diverse population. Men, women, people of all different nationalities. I mean, I’m still trying to figure out how can a small country like Jamaica dominate in track and field. I mean, they’re usually. I mean, the US had some victories recently, but Jamaica, well, I love the Olympics.

I love sports. I come from a sports background, so, like, the Olympics is absolutely fantastic. But then we watched this, this farce go on, and it was big occult symbols, right? Yes. And one of the worst things that I saw, there’s a lot of bad stuff and a lot of people are pointing it out. But there was the course of the apocalypse that came through. And then as they passed every country, they put up their flag and they followed. It was like they were following him into death. I thought that was the worst symbology of the entire Olympics.

Yes, but you notice how quickly people are catching on. Well, it was too obvious. They’re like, well, we don’t. What the heck is this now? It’s obviously, Sarah, you’re a pioneer in this field. You know how far the public has gone. You’re absolutely right, because they see it now thanks to being educated. Well, when we first started human trafficking back in 2016, this is something I talked to Paul, John Paul Rice about. It was like we were talking into a black hole abyss. It was awful. And now the world is at a. I mean, compared to 2016 to where it is now.

It’s a yemenite completely different world. Yeah, you’re absolutely right. Yeah. If they raise the question, well, what are you doing here? Nothing’s going to ever change. No, you’re wrong. We can quantify, we can measure, we can demonstrate that we are on an upward trajectory and there’s no end in sight. Now, you allude to something in your observations, Sarah, that I had a question for you, and that is that we’ve gotten to the point where people are so informed, they’re hyper informed that everything is a staged event. Now, you getting that? Oh, yeah. It was ketchup. It was a squib.

Yeah. And I think that we’ve, we’ve come to the conclusion, and I tell people that, you don’t know, we’re in fifth generation warfare, so they’re going to do all this stuff against us. And you have to be comfortable with not knowing and not. And if we get to the point where we’re so cynical that we can’t trust anything, that we’re going to end up taking ourselves down. And so you can’t. You can’t. It’s that learned helplessness again. But it’s a. Yes, it’s a different thing. It’s essentially the same factor or the same result, shall I say, where we do nothing and we just destroy ourselves.

And that’s part of the, that’s why the dark horse of the, or the horse of the apocalypse with every country going through that image was the worst image I have probably ever seen in an event ever. Because that’s what, what it is that we’re dealing with now with this fifth generation war, and we have to zoom out and be more comfortable. We have to go with the lessons that we know. We, you know, for christians, you have good lessons. In Jesus. And I’m not talking all the b’s that’s around that, you know, pair it out and look at those lessons.

Those are beautiful. Look at Martin Luther Kingdom. Look at, I don’t know, whatever other leaders, you know, really wise. We have this and we can go on those lessons, and then we just have to fall back on that because we are smarter than this and. Absolutely. Yeah. These are institutions that are organic. They came from us. And what happens is the power elite has studied these institutions. They studied the anthropology of them, the sociology of it, so that they can use those techniques to turn it against us. That’s right. But we are infinitely creative as created in the image of God.

We’re not God, but we have that creative capacity, which is what the Luciferians really envy about human beings and wish to destroy. That’s right. They’re turning it against us. Yes. It’s a blessing, and we could use that. We’re endowed by God with this capability, and we can express it in different forms, too, through music, through the arts, through sports. It doesn’t have to be on my little tiny subscribe podcast or your mega show with millions of viewers. It doesn’t, you know, it doesn’t really. That isn’t. That’s secondary. The fact is, the message, the energies are going out in that direction.

That’s right. That’s exactly right. Yeah. You know, Daryl, thank you so much for coming on the program today. I really appreciate you. We got to have you back at some point. I like this. I like the smart dialogue and the thinking of it, and from a broader standpoint, because that’s what we need to do. We need more people like you stepping up and putting context for people so that we can get through this nightmare that we’re in. Yes, absolutely. Well, it takes two, Sarah, and it’s been great chopping it up with you. Well, thank you. After following your work for years and years.

So keep at it.



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