Pentagon High Level Gov Officials their Foot Soldiers are Planning an Insurrection: Millie Weaver

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➡ The text discusses concerns about alleged Marxist federal bureaucrats within the US Government, who are accused of acting against the government. It also mentions a company called Masterpiece that removes toxins from the body. The text then introduces a program called Business Game Changers, hosted by Sarah Westall, who interviews Millie Weaver about her investigation into groups like the Sunrise Movement and Antifa. The text ends with a recommendation to protect assets with gold and silver due to global economic instability.
➡ The text discusses how groups like the Sunrise Movement, endorsed by Sanders, are allegedly using tactics of nonviolent civil resistance to push their agenda. These tactics, coined by Gene Sharp, involve large protests and working with government insiders to shift loyalties and potentially force a president out of office. The text suggests these groups are planning to use these tactics if Trump wins in 2024. It also alleges that these groups had a role in the events of January 6th, using the media to sway public opinion and pressure politicians.
➡ The text discusses allegations of a planned insurrection on January 6th, suggesting that it was orchestrated by certain groups using Republican sentiment as a cover. It also mentions the lack of evidence found by investigations into the event. The text then shifts to discuss Leela’s quantum technology, which is backed by numerous studies and offers various health benefits. Lastly, it delves into concerns about future plans of these groups, emphasizing the need for caution and vigilance, especially for President Trump’s safety.
➡ The text discusses a complex situation involving various groups with different agendas. Some people, often at the bottom of these groups, believe they are fighting for a cause, but are being manipulated by their leaders who are making deals with the Democrat Party. These leaders aim to maintain their power and control, often engaging in corrupt activities. The text emphasizes the importance of exposing these manipulations and calls for accountability for those involved.
➡ The speaker discusses their belief that certain groups are planning to create problems and lawsuits for the Trump administration. They suggest these groups will use media allies to portray Trump negatively and incite protests. The speaker also expresses concern about the vulnerability of the country’s infrastructure, particularly in Arizona, due to potential immigration issues. Despite threats and challenges, the speaker remains unafraid due to their strong faith.


He’s even talked about physically moving the buildings, moving the governmental agencies and departments in order to try to flush some of these Marxist federal bureaucrats who are operating inside the US Government as activists, which is a clear Hatch act violation at the minimal. But really they’re also acting in subversion and sedition against the United States government when they’re having these secret clandestine planning meetings. So it’s really a race against the clock right now. Now, when you look at January6, which was pretty much a joke, were these same people involved, all these bureaucrats involved with January 6th to create a fake insurrection? Just a quick break from your programming so I can give you a little information about Masterpiece.

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You can try yours today as well by going to under shop or with the link below. Welcome to business Game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have Millie Weaver coming to the program. I’ve been wanting to have her on for a while, but she’s been doing incredible work infiltrating these groups that the Sunrise movement and then it connects to all sorts of other movements as antifa and how they orchestrated January 6th and then also how they’re orchestrating a takedown now in going on now. And she’s going to talk about that, you know, from the Pentagon on down.

And I think she has some of the best information out there on how they’re infiltrating our government at the highest levels to topple the United States. And it is not, I’m not kidding. This is what’s going on. They have the motive to take down President Trump as well. This is an all out war. I mean they’re using this time they’re probably going to use a little bit more lawfare and blackmail and other tactics, but there’s so many foot soldiers on the ground that they have that are compartmentalized, think that they’re doing good work, but they’re being used to take out to take down the United States.

She’s, she’s going to explain what she’s uncovered and how it’s tied to all this treasonous activity. But before I get into that, I want to remind you, if you haven’t noticed, the world is getting very unstable. Things are going to be happening. We’re going to have flash points. We don’t know what’s going to happen with the global economy and the financial reset. Hopefully Trump can stay, stabilize this and we can at least at the United States be safe. But you know, it’s getting more and more unstable and especially with other countries, with Israel and the wars that are, that are coming up, the brics.

I really, really recommend that you safeguard your assets and you do that. Now, I know that the crypto market is skyrocketing, but I think the most important thing that you do is protect your assets in something that is safe, like gold and silver. Throughout all of history, it’s been a safe haven in uncertain times. And if you don’t have especially some silver, I know gold is expensive, you know, a few thousand per ounce, whereas silver is less. I believe it’s at about 30 right now per ounce. If you can just get some of that and safeguard your wealth.

I recommend going to Miles Franklin and tell them that Sarah sent you because they’ll give you a private price list that they do not publicly post out there. So if you go to their website, you won’t be able to see this private price list and they’re much better prices. So email don’t forget to tell them that Sarah sent you and they’ll give you access to the private price list. Okay, let’s get into this excellent conversation that I have with Millie Weaver. Hi, Millie. Welcome to the program. Hi. Thanks so much for having me. I’ve been wanting to have you on the program for a while and I just haven’t been able to get through to you.

And so I’m so glad we got this set up. You have been doing a, a thorough investigation and with the Sunrise movement and so much more. Can you give people an idea, like an overview of what it is that you’ve done and how you’ve infiltrated these groups? And then I want to dive into all of this. Okay, so this has been really a long, ongoing investigation and infiltration operation that really began back in the 2018 time period. Even a little bit before that, I really started to focus in on these leftist antifa groups, these affinity groups.

What are they doing? It always seemed like there was something odd and peculiar around how well organized they were. It seemed like they were funded, being directed. So that’s what really sparked my curiosity to want to go and actually infiltrate inside of these leftist groups. So I built up a team and essentially what we did was we got in originally through the Sunrise Movement. And unbeknownst to me, I realized that pretty quickly, the Sunrise movement is actually horizontally aligned with many other leftist affinity groups. So like Black Lives Matter, Shutdown DC and really a list of like 26 other leftist protest groups were all working together on what’s called a spokes council.

And they also were working with a group of Marxist federal bureaucrats. That’s right, a bunch of government bureaucrats that were working inside of our government. We’re working with these radical street protesters who literally practice in trying to kick in the doors of representatives homes to take over government buildings and do a plethora of other criminal activities. So these Marxist bureaucrats, these rogue bureaucrats that literally call themselves the Deep State or the Swamp, they were working with these people for quite a while throughout Trump’s presidency. And they were training each other on how to conduct subversive tactics inside our government in order to slow up the, and gum up the bureaucratic processes, sabotage policies, leak to the media and work with their media allies through signal and other encrypted forms of communication.

And they really were handing out CIA sabotage manuals that were declassified and they were almost using them as a how to guide on how to subvert the government from within. So that’s just one component of this. The big story here is that leading up to the 2020 presidential election, they created and they were, they actually, they were part of a massive coalition called the Protect the Results Coalition. And this coalition consisted of hundreds of political action groups, so PACs and nonprofits who were all coming together to try to force Trump out of office. It was eerie in how they, they ominously predicted that there was going to be an election in 2020 that was going to be wrought with election irregularities, that there was going to be a massive flood of mail in ballots for Joe Biden and that then Trump was going to contest the election and want to start investigating the Democrat Party for election fraud.

They worked all of this into their simulation exercises well in advance of the 2020 election, isn’t that. And they pre planned to claim that Trump was running a coup when he would contest the election result. And they had people inside the federal government, inside GSA governmental positions, SES positions, senior executive service level positions that were prepared to only work with Biden’s transition team and to refuse to work with Trump’s appointees in the event of a contested election. Okay, so this is, this is deep. You’re talking about many, many things. I am in the Twin Cities, the Minneapolis area.

So it was, I got to see things kind of close up when it came to the George Floyd stuff. And the flash point, the trigger point was they were waiting. What I saw was a report from you years ago where they’re waiting for a trigger point. And then they did a flash. You know, they did it everywhere, all at the same time. And that’s why we see the eruption everywhere. But it was deeper than that. I mean, that was just an indication that something was coordinated and not right. And you found with the Sunshine Movement, Sunrise Movement, I think you found that it was this coordinated thing, it was deeper.

Is tied to all these, even to the January 6th insurrection that they planned. Now what were you doing? You were infiltrating. What did you do that got all this information? So I ran and conducted an infiltration operation. I actually self funded this operation. And I did it because I really wanted to figure out what was going on around Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders is very progressive. He has a lot of kind of Marxist communist ideologies that he espouses. But in looking at Bernie Sanders, it became very clear that Bernie Sanders was very much connected and endorsed by working with a group called the Sunrise Movement.

And that Sunrise Movement was really, really pushing the Green New Deal. And it was kind of a youth led group of people. So that’s initially why I was like, okay, let’s, let’s get in here, let’s see what’s going on. And of course, initially we start finding things like that, these, that they’re targeting and recruiting middle school and high school age children to try to get them into their groups. But then there’s like a ladder of escalation where after they’ve been in so long and they’ve been groomed so long, they go up and up and up. And then when you get to the top, they start going into being funneled into the more radicalist, which I would call ecoterrorist groups.

Groups like Extinction, Rebellion and others who have monkey wrenching guys, they pass around on sabotaging construction equipment, pipelines and other things. So they kind of go and escalate them into more radical activities such as even getting arrested. These groups actually pre plan their arrests. So you think when you’re seeing this play out in the media, when you’re seeing these leftist protesters getting into it with police, and then the police look like they’re the big bad mean guys. All of this stuff is pre scripted by these protest organizations. They know exactly how they’re going to sit, how they’re going to interact and behave.

They have people who already are prepared to get arrested. They have bailout funds for them in advance. They have lawyers, activist lawyers, who in advance have already signed up and agreed to represent them pro bono. It’s like a big machine that they have to help to help fully protect and essentially push this agenda. And what the common goal here is that they operate under a tactic that they call nonviolent civil resistance. And nonviolent civil resistance isn’t what you think it is. You think when you hear the word nonviolent or non violence, that it actually means being peaceful and nobody’s getting violent.

That’s not what it means. It’s a term that was coined by a man named Gene Sharp. Gene Sharp. He really wrote books in manuals on how to overthrow authoritarians and dictators in foreign countries. And these books and the writings of Gene Sharp were used by many professionals, academics, and even intelligence professionals in the U.S. in other countries in order to topple dictatorships. Problem is, is now those proteges of Gene Sharp, those people who have learned those materials of Gene Sharp, they decided to turn it in on the United States, on their own people, and to use those tactics in order to try to force President Trump out of office.

The idea with this nonviolence civil resistance that Gene Sharp coined is you create massive protests. You use your protest groups to try to delegitimize whoever the president is or person in power. And then you work with people from within the government and you try to get them to shift their loyalties in order to topple the pillars of government and support. And eventually, if you do this successfully, what you have is enough people in the government are boycotting and refusing to comply, and then the people on the outside protesting in the streets, maybe even engaging in rioting, those groups are a support structure for the internal groups.

And eventually, if done successfully, and it has been done throughout other countries, you can force a person who is in power, a president, out of office. So that is that strategy that they’re talking about. And it’s important to note these groups are still alive and well in America today. And I have their plans for what they put out in their simulation exercises for what they’re going to do in 2024 if Trump wins. Because, mind you, they always have plan B, plan C. Okay? So they never are just working off of plan A when they’re doing their simulations and their scenario exercises, planning for the future.

So they have a plan if Trump won. And of course we know that Trump won. And so what they’re going to do going forward is going to look much more like what Gene Sharp does in his nonviolent civil resistance. They’re going to start working from within. And we’re already seeing this. It’s coming out that you have people within the Pentagon talking about whether or not to comply with Trump and allow him in. You have people within our own government having these discussions. This is the beginning stages of that. Their goal right now is to try to get as many people within those pillars of government support to shift loyalties away from the President.

That is what they’re doing. And that’s why Trump is up against the clock right now. And he is trying to do whatever he can to get Elon Musk in there and get his people in there and drain the swamp. He’s even talked about physically moving the buildings, moving the governmental agencies and departments in order to try to flush some of these Marxist federal bureaucrats who are operating inside the US Government as activists, which is a clear Hatch act violation at the minimal. But really, they’re also acting in subversion and sedition against the United States government when they’re having these secret, clandestine planning meetings.

So it’s really a race against the clock right now. Now, when you look at January 6th, which was pretty much a joke, were these same people involved, all these bureaucrats involved with January 6th to create a fake insurrection and the media, I mean, it was. It’s a large operation. Absolutely. So this is the part where it gets a little confusing for most people because we were all lied so much about what was going to happen on January 6th. So they had a contingency plan. And like I said, this contingency plan was that in the event that neither candidate would get the 270 electoral college votes if there was a contested election, which that’s exactly what we saw playing out and happening before us at the start of January 6th when the hearings first commenced.

You saw Arizona first come forward in one other state, and they first submitted their rejections and their, you know, they were contesting those slates of electors for Biden at that point. Biden didn’t have the 270 electoral vote, electoral votes that were necessary. It didn’t matter that Trump didn’t have a proper alternate slate of electors. That was Always a red herring. The Democrats knew that all that had to happen was neither be able to achieve the 270. And then of course, right when the storming of the Capitol happened, that’s when you saw Pence was directing both the House and the Senate to go to their separate chamber hearings.

That’s where we were going to hear a bunch of election fraud evidence play out in front of us that Rudy Giuliani and others had prepared in advance. Witnesses, documents, evidence. The whole American public was going to be informed. It was probably going to be one of the most televised hearings ever. And if still Joe Biden wasn’t able to get the 270 because you had people contesting, the next round was going to go into one vote per state and it was going to go based off the state delegations. The state delegations. They already knew, the Democrats already knew that the way it was mapped out, it was going to be most likely 26 for Trump, maybe 23 for the Democrats, or 27 somewhere around there.

Trump was going to win. They knew it. So that was a red line for them in their scenario exercises. At no point was it allowed to go there. So they had a plan to physically take over the capitol building on January 6th to make it impossible for the electoral electoral college vote count to happen. They had a plan to physically take it over. And in their zoom calls with Lisa Fithian, she was training these provocateur, antifa rioter, professional rioters on how to physically take over government buildings by breaking the windows and getting into them. She talked about wearing disguises.

She talked about, you know, she, she passed around target maps to target the DNC or the RNC to target Republicans or the Democrats, depending on how it was going. There was a contingency plan if it looked like maybe there was a minor Trump, a slight narrow Trump victory. They were going to pressure and target the Democrats to try to get Biden to not concede. If it was a slight narrow Biden win. There was a potential they were going to target the Republicans to try to force Trump out. So they had contingency plans for whichever way it was.

But the ultimate goal was to force Trump out of office. And that’s exactly what these people did on January 6th. And then of course, they used their media allies to do the wrap up smear to switch the morale of these Republicans who were in the Senate and in the House, and to switch the morale of the electors who were formerly contesting those slates of electors. Everyone got scared because of the massive op that was ran and the media running headlines that Trump did an insurrection. So that’s what caused them to then cave and then give Biden the slates of electors and that’s how that went down.

Well, that’s incredible. Okay, so they, they are the ones that did the January 6th insurrection. They did the insurrection. They, they did the provocateurs. They are the ones that got all the people, they use the Republican sentiment, the protesters, as a, as a cover for their own, their own insurrection. And then the media backed them up and then they had the lobbyists, if you will, or the people go in and scare the hell out of the representatives and the, and the senators just to not support Trump. So it was a big operation. They did the insurrection and then they turned it and made it look like these guys did and these people in prison are being wrongfully accused of something they did and they pulled off this whole psychological operation.

Absolutely. And that’s the thing, like for all of the J6 clown show committees and investigations that the Democrats ran when they took power by force, they were not able to find any real evidence of any type of planning of an insurrection. No pre planning, no nothing. With all of the money, all of the resources that they exhausted and all the people they interrogated, they found nothing. But meanwhile, over here, due to my infiltration of these leftist organizations, I have them on video pre planning an insurrection to a T, handing around coup guides and manuals. Insurrection for January 6th? Absolutely.

This was in October of 2020 that they were planning this all out. Experience the groundbreaking advancements of Leela’s quantum technology. Now backed by over 40 placebo controlled studies conducted by elite institutions and renowned universities worldwide. This revolutionary technology surpasses previous achievements as confirmed by prestigious organizations such as the Emoto Institute in Japan. Scientific investigations reveal that Leela’s technology not only enhances blood, health and circulation, but also neutralizes the adverse effects of electromagnetic fields, expedites wound healing and elevates ATP production in human cells. Embrace the extraordinary benefits of Leland’s tech as recognized and utilized by world class athletes, esteemed functional medicine practitioners and leading figures in the field of biohacking.

Explore a range of transformative products from the HEAL capsule shielding you from harmful EMFs to the quantum block allowing you to infuse frequencies into your cherished possessions. Dive into the realm of innovation and shop or by following the link below. Yes, this was before January 6th. It was always a contingency plan because they knew that the election wasn’t just on election night. That this was going to be the election was a massive timeline culminating all the way until Inauguration Day. And they had to make sure that they were running defense on all the points to force Trump out of office throughout that entire timeline.

So, yes, they had a plan for January 6th, and as I said, they were pre planning to take over the buildings. It’s really amazing just how detailed they were in their description of this, even to the point of, oh, when you take it over, let’s be somewhat peaceful and not break our, you know, like the Hong Kong protesters did when they took buildings over. And many of these people who were part of this group, they have a background in orange revolutions and Ukrainian revolutions. They have a background. Right. Books on it. I mean, these guys aren’t all Americans either.

They’ve been imported from all over the place that. Well, they are. The majority are actually Americans, Americans that work in foreign embassies, Americans who do overseas work, USAID employees, intelligence people with top secret clearances. Okay, big deal. Okay. So we know there’s no line they’ll cross, won’t cross to win. I mean, these guys are win at all costs. I mean, if they’ll do what they just did, they’ll do almost anything. Right. So what do they have planned for 2024? I mean, for now, I mean, that’s why you’re saying Trump is running against the clock trying to clean this up.

What are, what have you uncovered for their current plans? So for their current plan, what was really ominous is they had a plan that, that really, if Trump, they had, they had simulations if Kamala won versus if Trump won. Right. And so if Trump wins, they’re going to definitely go more to. They will have some civil disobedience and protest, but it’s not going to be. They know that they’re not going to get too violent in the streets because that actually can play against their hand. It can actually make whoever’s in power seem like they have more righteous indignation or more like they’re in the high ground.

They learn from squash them. They learn from the last one. Like from what George Floyd and all the burning of the cities. They realize that they, that wasn’t necessarily okay. So they say they might not necessarily go that far with it, but it’s more along the lines of internal sabotage and litigation, lawsuits. I’m more worried about what they’re doing internally right now. But the other thing, and I’ve heard a lot of people express this concern, I don’t have anything necessarily that points to this in their documents at all whatsoever, which it wouldn’t be. But I’m very concerned, as we’ve seen.

I mean, Trump has almost nearly been killed two different times. Okay? So what I’m worried about right now, obviously, and clearly, is President Trump’s safety. I think he needs to take his safety very serious at this time, period. I’ve heard that from a lot of different people, because I think what the. What the Democrats want right now and they’ve wanted for the longest time, they keep trying to draw people that are conservative out into the streets. And I’m seeing this. I’m seeing people who I’ve been concerned about possibly being Feds or gloys or some kind of assets who’ve implanted themselves in the conservative movement, calling people out to the streets or to the Capitol, and people are kind of scratching their head, like, well, this is pretty bizarre, because why would we even want to go protest anywhere right now? Like, we won, Trump won.

Why would we be doing that? So I’m concerned about that. But I think that right now, the best thing Trump can do is continue to do what he’s doing right now. I mean, I think that they’re like a cornered, a wild animal that’s been cornered. So in that you. You really can expect the Democrats to take drastic moves right now. And that’s why I said Trump needs to be very careful. And these aren’t typical Democrats. I mean, these aren’t just our normal. What we grew up with. These are a different breed of people that are trying to make you think that they’re just Democrats.

These are extremely extremists that have taken over the party. This is not normal. Yeah, it’s not the. It’s not like these are just your everyday Democrats that, you know that live in your town. Like the lady down the street that just is a Democrat. No, these people are many of the people, the politicians who’ve taken over the governor. The Democrat Party today are organized crime. They are fully, fully immersed in organized crime. And the protest groups themselves that they use as their foot soldiers are heavily Marxist, heavily Communist. They want to abolish the United States. That’s what they talk about.

Abolishing the Electoral College, abolishing the United States, giving it back to the Native Americans. They hate white people, and they think this country is a white settler country. So that’s kind of what their sentiment is in many of these protest groups. But it does vary across the spectrum. But. But the one thing I’ve found in this whole process, that’s been actually pretty shocking, and I Guess I didn’t see this one coming. And I don’t know why I didn’t in hindsight, after I put out my huge report showing how Lisa Fithian was, you know, having this, this zoom meeting of training to take over the government buildings, and when I actually went through and I showed all the participants that were on the call, you would think it would have just only been these antifa rogue protester rioters.

No, it was the trainers and the facilitators of many different. Of the. These like radical protest groups. Yes, the trainers and facilitators were there, but you also had members of these Democrat NGOs, nonprofits, political actions. You had university professors and deans from really like Harvard, Cornell. You had a laundry list of people who now are even like working in the main governor’s office, city council members, interns of Nancy Pelosi, okay. It goes on a policy advisor, Representative Rashida Tlaib, and federal government bureaucrats. So when I put this information out there, the thing that I didn’t see coming was I actually started to get people in some of these leftist antifa groups like the Extinction Rebellion and others started writing me on X saying basically indicating that they were.

They were shocked that they didn’t realize that their leadership was working with one, the Democrat Party, but two, with the federal bureaucrats. Okay. So they didn’t realize they were. Their leaders are working with the feds. Okay. So it freaked them out. Okay. So, so they had something planned. And from what I got from some of these people was that their leadership was talking a lot about a revolution lately. Okay. And so even they’re not bought in. That’s the whole point. Like, because I was just going to say the Native Americans, I talked to a lot of Native Americans.

They’ve been used and abused for a long time. Right. There’s a whole record of it. But these people aren’t. Don’t seem like the same. I mean, some of them would be. Right. But most of those Native Americans are. They’re infiltrated too. And so it’s not what people think it is. Yeah, they didn’t realize because they keep it very compartmentalized on purpose. It’s also security reasons. So if you have all these pockets of affinity groups, but then you have somebody like Lisa Fithian who can dip into each of these groups and kind of move them around on a chessboard.

It gives her the ability to kind of strategize from like a bird’s eye view down and move people around to positions for a bigger agenda. And they might be read on to some of what’s going on. But then she can work with small, isolated affinity groups that are smaller in number and have them do the very, very high risk illegal activities. And that way it mitigates the risk of people telling authorities or leaking things out or ratting out on people. So they do keep things compartmentalized for that reason, but also in that compartmentalization. Many of those people who were doing the footwork, the dirty work didn’t realize that the leaders were directly working with the Democrat party and the federal bureaucrats, which to them, I think it upset them to a certain degree and it caused internal fighting and chaos within their groups after I dropped that report.

So that might have actually affected whether or not they did do a higher level, higher risk level street activities right after the election. Well, that’s what’s so important about exposing this now is because the more you expose it, the less likely they are able to pull this off. Right. And that the people that they’re trying to manipulate will be clued in on how they’re going to be manipulated. And it’s just so important. The work you’re doing is incredibly important, Millie. This is really good work and that. And their goal is to destroy the United States and.

But what would they supplant it with a tyrannical dictatorship of communism? Right. I mean it’s not like this freedom oriented thing. It is to overcome corruption and abuse. It’s more. We live through Covid. We live through this. It’s more tyranny and control, but in their way. Absolutely. And there’s different. It’s very interesting because there’s what the people that are like these antifa super soldier foot people, footwork people that are actually doing some of the criminal actions. It’s. There’s what they believe and they think they’re getting out of it. But then there’s what their leaders are making deals with the Democrat Party.

That’s right. In order to help them. Right. And then there’s obviously what the people higher up in government, the deep state, et cetera, are doing to work with this whole situation that they have. So the people at the bottom might think that they’re getting something out of it that’s entirely different than what those at the top are getting out of it. And for them, those at the top, they want to continue with their military industrial complex. They want to continue with their complete corrupt control, their hegemony that they have over this country. And yes, that means suppressing us, taking away our rights, continuing to act Corrupt and going after and politically persecuting anyone who gets in their way or stands in their way.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a politician like Donald Trump was that wanted to actually run and that the American people wanted to elect, or it doesn’t matter if you’re an American journalist. They will come at you and throw whatever they want at you. Because they’re a group of corrupt people that don’t want to be called out and don’t want to get in trouble for their corruption that they engage in, whether it’s money laundering, bribes and payoffs. That’s the majority of it, is these people all padding their wallets. But then it’s also, you want to get into the human trafficking, sex trafficking side and the other illegalities these people engage in.

But that’s why these people are doing what they’re doing. They want to maintain their ultimate power in their control. The people at the bottom are being used. They have another idea. And then obviously the federal bureaucrats, the swamp, those people who are pushing the paper and doing that other dirty work, they also have their version of what they think they’re getting out of it. That’s why they kind of compartmentalize it is so they can get everybody working and playing a role that they need them. The role. The role to play so that they can move everybody on this big game board.

Well, that’s exactly right. And that’s why they use the Republicans protest against them. So it’s the same thing. These players at the bottom that think that they’re fighting for the little guy and fighting for all this altruistic stuff are just being used to do exactly the opposite of what they think they’re doing. And then you have like the people in the conservative movements who had fallen victim to some of these militia groups, who their leadership became Fed informants. Or you find out that some of these groups had like that Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping event that happened. Come to find out when they looked into it, there were more feds and informants in that entire plot than there were actually real people.

And that’s what you found out, happened around January 6th. It came out Revolver put out some of their groundbreaking reports showing that many of the people who were out there were FBI assets. And so even I forget which representative he was showing the ghost buses that are, that are commonly used to bus in these FBI people. So, yeah, there was completely a big op that went on on January 6th. And I believe that you had intelligence professionals who were guiding people there who needed to be there so they could be set in position and be used in order to try to paint a massive smear campaign and frame Donald Trump and his supporters for an insurrection on January 6th.

Because these people needed to cover their butts for their own sedition and treason that they had committed months prior when they planned a coup on the sitting President of the United States. Well, my understanding is that this goes all the way up to the Pentagon, that people in the Pentagon are involved in trying to take down the presidency now. And it’s almost, almost a warring, a war inside the Pentagon. There’s like two factions and that these, this is serious business now. Do you expect this to, you know, escalate? I mean, what are we going to see? I know it’s so hard to predict the future, but what are you seeing on the ground with your infiltration? You’re probably one of the most informed people in the country right now as to what you’ve seen and actually witnessed.

So what do you think is actually going to happen? So I think what they’re going to do right now is they’re going to kind of gather themselves, try to regroup, try to come up with a strategy going forward. I don’t think that they thought that they were going to lose the trifecta, okay? That’s the House, the Senate and the Presidency. I think what they’ve been trying to do for the past week or two is they’ve been trying to use their Democrat controlled states, okay, States with Democrat governors and Democrat Secretaries of state. Notice that they’ve taken forever to get their votes counted.

I know, okay. They’ve grinded the voting like it’s grinded to a halt, okay? Because they’ve been trying to find ballots, they’ve been trying to do anything they can to try to get back control over that House because if they had the House, then they could try to run their phony impeachment trials of Trump and go after. But they know if the Republicans have the House, watch out, because that’s when the House could actually have hearings on these Marxist federal bureaucrats who were, who were running sedition against our country and our president. And that’s what I would really like to see.

If anyone were to ask me what I would like to see come from my work, it is I want to see those people actually be drawn into hearings and have to answer in front of the American people to what they were doing. I want accountability and I want these people to fired and criminally charged. That’s what I want out of this. But I know that that’s obviously what they’re trying to prevent right now. So what they’ve been trying to do, they’ve been still trying to figure out a way to sequester. They have their assets in the field trying to get out in front of some of this stuff or create gates, create blockades, anything they can to try to disrupt this is how these people are.

And the other thing is, is I don’t think that, you know, although I initially thought, okay, maybe they could go into civil disobedience for a little bit, which we did see some protests happen. I, like I said, because I put this stuff out, it caused ripples within their own organizations, it caused them to panic, and they didn’t go as hard with it as they could have. Okay. But right now, what they’re going to be doing is they’re going to be talking internally about what they can do from the inside to create problems and lawsuits for this administration going forward.

The law. Yeah. Sabotage, law, fair, anything. They can also working with their media allies in the mainstream media to try to paint Trump in a narrative in a way that’s going to help them. Their. Their goal right now is going to be painting him as a dictator, painting him as an authoritarian, as a Hitler, as a scary thing so that they can rally their people and ready their protest movements. And all they have to do is wait for a trigger point. Yep. Okay. They just have to wait for some kind of a trigger point, and then they’re going to enact massive protests and civil disobedience, and they’ll have the media ready.

So I think right now they’re in a period of regrouping and strategizing going forward. That’s what they’re doing. But they did already have that plan of what if Trump wins. And for the most part, it all entailed subverting within, sabotaging within, and toppling the pillars of government and using Gene Sharp’s methods to do so. So if you guys haven’t watched about Gene Sharp, he has. There’s a documentary on him. Learn about Gene Sharp. Because that’s what I predict this next four years is going to look like, what we’re going to see them engaging in. Well, and some people are saying that Arizona is almost ground zero.

We have all those immigrants coming through, which aren’t necessarily immigrants. You know, there’s good people coming through and there’s victims, you know, all those children who are victims. Oh, my God. But there’s a lot of non immigrants coming through and Carrie Lake losing and, And Everybody but all the Democrats won in Arizona except Trump, and. Which is really questionable. It doesn’t usually work that way. And you know, Carrie Lake lost against somebody who’s literally involved in the cartel, who abandoned his family. His wife was eight months pregnant, she had three kids, and he abandoned her completely, doesn’t support her, and he flipping beat Carrie Lake.

Right. That’s how bad this is right now. But the concern that they’re having in Arizona is that’ll be a flash point for the immigration issues. That’s what I’m hearing on the ground. Are you hearing any of that from what your investigations are showing? Because they’re, they’re, they’re a border state. Well, I know the protest groups definitely would rally around any type of deportation. So if we start to see more deportations happening, that’s obviously going to be something that they’re going to exploit. They’re going to use. They’re going to try to draw on heartstrings, they’re going to try to use that in the media to villainize Trump.

So obviously, as soon as that starts happening, you can bet your butt that they’re going to exploit it and they might try to use that as trigger points to start rallying people and protesters out there. So that’s something. But, you know, one thing I’m seeing across the nation as a whole, but you know, when you say Arizona, it reminds me, because I know this is happening as Arizona, in Arizona as well. We are. We’ve never been more vulnerable as far as our, Our infrastructure goes. Our infrastructure is incredibly vulnerable right now. Our power grid is vulnerable.

Our hospitals are vulnerable. There’s typhoon attacks going on. There’s essentially, from what I hear internally, our government’s been paying ransomware hackers to keep the lights on. And it almost seems as though this is intentional, that our government has intentionally neglected our infrastructure. But I would be concerned as well about our infrastructure in our country right now. So that’s something I’m concerned of going forward, especially Arizona. Oh, for certain. With everything. That’s good. Because now how. What you’re, what you are covering is so explosive. It’s so important right now. How are you staying safe? You do have any extra protection? I know staying public is important.

Go ahead. That’s funny. Everyone asks me that. They all ask me, aren’t you worried? Aren’t you concerned? I mean, you have this information. Are you concerned they’re going to come after you and kill you? Look, they’ve already tried coming after, after me, okay? They’ve tried imprisoning me, tried taking my children from me. They’ve tried. And guess what? It failed. But. But the. The. The real thing here is, is honestly, I have such a close relationship with God and Jesus Christ that I’m not afraid. I. I really am not afraid. Like, these people could try to come at me and.

And hold a gun to my head tomorrow and take me out of this world, and I’m not concerned about it. Like, I don’t care. That is where I’m at in this movement. I’m like, I would rather go with Heavenly Father and God in his kingdom than live on this corrupt planet a day longer the way it has been. So that’s just where I’m at in my mindset. And I think you kind of have to be there in that mindset in order to do what it takes to take our country back. I agree. Better believe that that is where a lot of our founding fathers were when they decided to do what they did.

That is where the people were on the battlefield when they held up our American flag. And that’s where your mind has to be if you’re going to take your country back. Absolutely. I agree with you. I think there’s a lot of us on the front lines that have had that. They just don’t have the fear for some reason. And that’s what it says, like, hundreds of times in the Bible. Be not afraid. It’s the number one word in the Bible is fear. And they do not fear. That’s in there more than love. Do not fear, because fear is what holds you back.

Yes. Yeah. Oh, you’re. You’re awesome. I just really appreciate. We all appreciate what you’re doing, what you’re uncovering, how you’re fighting this. It’s so important. How do people follow you? You can follow or Millennial Millie on YouTube or Millie Weaver on X. So are you on Rumble? You can find me. I’m on there, but I don’t really post stuff on there very much. Okay, so you’re on all those channels. Okay, well, thank you so much. People need to follow you. You’re doing excellent work. And I really, again, I really appreciate everything you’re doing. Awesome. Thank you so much.



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