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➡ In 2023, a global march was organized and live-streamed, featuring guests from around the world. The article also discusses the political systems in Canada and the USA, highlighting the differences between the two. It mentions a letter sent to various military and legal entities, requesting US military intervention in Canada to restore order and peace. The letter accuses Canadian officials of various crimes, including crimes against humanity and treason, and calls for their arrest and prosecution.
➡ The text discusses various issues including election irregularities, child protective services controversies, and the administration of experimental injections. It also mentions a letter sent to military and political figures, urging them to investigate and prosecute criminal activities. The author encourages people to stay informed and continue fighting for freedom and justice.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the idea that people are being exploited for profit, the potential misuse of vaccines, and the existence of sealed indictments in the United States. They also mention the importance of being aware of what’s happening around us and the need to share this information. Lastly, they recommend some natural wellness products for detoxification and focus enhancement.
➡ The wellness brand, Root, offers a product called the Trinity Pack that improves cognitive focus and performance, gut health, and removes harmful toxins from the body. It’s been used by children to replace Adderall, and by athletes to enhance performance. The product is all-natural, drug-free, and approved by various sports organizations. It also comes with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee and is available for purchase at getrootnow.com.
There’s zooms and there’s a 100% 90 day money back guarantee. T@catch the life wave.com the x39 there is nothing else like it. Help activate stem cells, reverse aging and rejuvenate your life at catch the life wave.com all right your dear souls, welcome, welcome, welcome to Monday March 10th. I’m your host, Brad Wozny. You know, here at the Sovereign soul show we stand for love, levity and liberty. Because a reiki master, a decade practicing, almost a quarter century and a former Canadian infantry soldier and helitack wildfire fighter, I can tell you love is the greatest power in the universe, the omniverse.
And that is our what God. Our great omnipresence of divinity granted to us, right? So because of the news, what has just transpired in the last 24 hours in China, as you all know, and it’s so divided for the people who’ve taken the shots that are part of the symbiotic race, yes, the transbord genesis versus, you know, the pure bloods that haven’t. We’re here standing up, wide awake, speaking spiritually awake for half a decade now. And some of us had our awakenings before and some of us a little later on. We are here witnessing an incredible moment in history because it looks like we have a full blown go globalist pedophile that the white hats are showing.
The world just took took over as CEO of China yesterday, right? So if there’s any more reason to become the 51st state, as you want to call it, right? The colony of Canada. Everybody remember the colony of Canada. November 15, 1777, Article 11 of the articles of Confederation. The United States, Estados Unidos la welcome the colony of Canada in. Isn’t that amazing? And when it welcomed the colony of Canada in to the United States of America, it was and guess what? We accepted. We have accepted and sent that over now we’re just waiting for it to be signed off.
Isn’t that amazing? Now remember, I’m so grateful I had a phone call with Norman Traversy, my buddy today. As you all know, Storm and Norman, incredible, right? 25 year pay paramedic, firefighter, and a absolute freedom convoy here. And a national decorated one. And because of what the white hats are doing and showing thus in the world, just like we saw with President Trump’s speech March 4 last week, my goodness, in six days, they are literally waking up everybody, even the sleepers and those who have been transformed by those Japs. Right? So let me just put this here into the chat and thank you all so much for being on because it’s, it’s time to crack a beer.
Matter of fact, that’s what I’m gonna do. Haven’t done this since a Friday, a long time ago with one of our other great guests. I’m so blessed to have hear that. And because I don’t have a beer stein where I am down near right now, it’s a filled glass in the fridge. So I’m just going to pour this by the microphone like a real oh, oh, oh, oh. Now, funny as may say, a Canadian born and raised who lived work, was married in America, the States from Colorado to California and New York City, right. For the better part of my adult life.
You know, off on two decades, not much beer drinker. But I got to tell you, when there’s grape here, especially home brewed. This one’s not my home, though. From an old viejo hacienda. So cheers everybody for being here. Cheers to all of you. Charge your glasses. As I used to say in my regiment in the Canadian army, charge your glasses. Right? And we had the NCOs going around, the senior NCOs serving us at Christmas time is the only time to get away with that. So here you are. Oh, gosh, that’s so good. Natural volcanic spring water, the hint of honey in this bad boy, some citrus fruit.
I’m telling you, it’s delish. So here we go, folks. We have an absolute back then weft puppet globalist might still be one right now, but I feel 100 under control. Okay? And saying all the right things to motivate the right reactions out of people to allow us, those who are in Canada, 100. Look at the thumbnail on the show. Go right back to it, right? And if you can, let me see if I can slide in here and show you because we’ve been having challenges. Remember X was hit with a DDoS attack. And then we also denial of service, right.
DDoS, OS, denial of service. I don’t know what diversity stands for, even though I’ve got that tech sales, business development background from research in motion, as you all know. Right. And my audience. Let me see if I can upload this and put this here on challenges with Rumble. Rumble was hit with a big attack today too. So it likely, given the time, it was the same. So let me. There’s one we’re gonna put on this. This bad boy on screen, look to. I think it’s top right hand corner here. So the Canada that I grew up in, the Canada that was amazing for my grandparents and all of us to come over, flee the Nazi, the Satanist, the Kazarian mafia.
Turns out it’s one of the biggest strongholds for the Kazarian mafia. Right. So that Canadian flag in the top, right, you’ve got the scythe, you have the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the NATO tree, which I thought, wow, being a part of NATO is amazing. Right. And I feel that in the original inception of some of these things, they were. Then they were taken over. Now we look at the thumbnail of today. I’m going to be a close up on this. Somebody had posted this one on Twitter X a number of weeks ago too.
So I didn’t develop it. But whoever did, there were no initials, so I can’t give the credits to it. But then you just see you got Clousy Schwab and you’ve got China there for all of Canada. Well, what a massive threat to not only all of our lives, livelihood. Remember what’s happened over the last five years and also, you know, for decades prior to that with my family and close friends, they’ve murdered and maimed every one of my family. Right. These Deep State Kazarians, they have murdered or maimed every one of them. Yeah. So, you know, obviously that takes some time to get through in mourning and I don’t think you’ll ever always be past that.
But you leave it into the hands of God and faith that they found a better place and they’re still here with us. And I’m grateful to be here with all of you standing right. So from Reiki, we have love, beautiful energy, manipulation. Every morning and every night. I encourage all of you to do Bishop Jim O’Connor’s prayer. Right. Bishop Jim, Law of Encroachment prayer. Very powerful. I see Abby Jones, Deacon Abby in the chat. Awesome to have you here. I’m also going to post into the Chat. For those of you even though I’ve shared this easily over 100 times easily in the last few years on the show here, you can go to the chat right now.
For those of you here on this awesome live stream, we’re a human. Great to see you again, Alberta. Good stuff. Yeah, get the Make America again hat right. You got the Canadian leaf, just so you know on the back of the shirt it shows here. Canada Make America Great again. We all assemble together. We’re all brothers and sisters and only they created Corporations USA Incorporated Corporation in D.C. in 1871 and four years before that they created the Canadian Crown Corporation which as you can see in the link in the chat is the registered sec.gov Canada Crown Corporation documents which again Lieutenant Colonel Ricardo Boces, Australia SAS retired with the National Leader of Australia one party.
We did that show three weeks ago. Now him myself one hundred and seven. Ricardo and I have done many shows together and also on mass and group roundtables over the years. Australia Corporation, UK Corporation, Ireland, they’re all corporations and they say that they are government. So we’ll get to Mark Carney in a moment here. But just bringing people up to speed. My goodness. For good old Jerry Sword drag. You’re awesome. Great to see you From Northern Iowa. That is amazing. Thanks for being here. And we have memories from Calgary. Right on. And Pastor Archer Pavlowski on the show many times as well as his son Nathaniel and Josh Alexander once when I came up with well if you’re doing a 1 million march in Canada for the kids, why don’t we do a 1 billion march around the world.
And so I put that together. We did the 1 billion march. Wasn’t that amazing? And live streamed for nearly the entire full day in September of 2023. Right. And had these amazing guests on from Australia, Ricardo Guru others, Venus Twins, Lee Dundas, Michael Jaco. Incredible. All around the world uk Atwood, just streaming and doing the march for the kids. Yeah, speaking of the kids and Mark Kearney. So let me take off this and switch it back up to the USA as the way it should be. For those of you once again are just joining 11-15-1777 Argos Confederation Article 11 accepting the colony of Canada.
Remember the creation of American Republic. We’re all colonies right into the union. And now we have the USA and the American Corporation Canada Crown Corporations bankruptcy. And now we have this guy who shows up yesterday, blows away the Liberal party and gets four just like basement Biden. This is what happened yesterday which was a Sunday. Now under the corporation system, the Crown Corporation, the Commonwealth, everywhere from Australia, New Zealand, uk, Ireland, Scotland that they’ve implemented, it’s called a Westminster system. So you know, unlike the American system where you vote the individual as the president and their westminster parliamentary system, they’re like, well, you vote the party and the party’s leader becomes the prime minister.
But again, that’s not the leader of the country, it’s the governor General which oh, by the way, in our letters to Advocate Generals, here’s the latest one. Let me see if Google will allow me to share this because I just had to download it because the Mozilla Firefox browser is not. No, but if you go back to the shows, many shows I’ve done here with Major General Paulie Valley, US army retired, absolute hero and also Norman Traversy. It was August 16th last year, 2024, we sent our second and final Jag letter, we called it to the Judge Advocate Generals both to JAG for the United States Navy, JAG for US Air Force and Space Force, JAG for Naval Legal Service Command and the JAD of the U.S.
marine Corps Judge Advocate Division, including sent it to Commander in Chief President trump then. Right? 45, 47. Remember everybody, the ICC International Criminal Court, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and Brigadier General Robert Holman at the Office of Java General and National Defense Headquarters, nehq. I should know that, right? Being a former soldier and but I’m a soldier of God right now, I’m telling you and and always have been 101colonel by drive, Ottawa, Ontario, which basically said, hey, once again you have Trudeau CEO, Crown Corporation in Canada and under the Law of War manual, since we are still in a wild wartime across the world here to the jags that it is time and requesting the intercession of the United States military to augment those who are good in the Canadian military, good in Canadian law enforcement because we know there’s a lot of baddies everywhere, right? And that we are peaceful civilian non combatants.
Having followed I’m reading our second paragraph right now from this. Having called the law of war manual doctrine for resolution to address, overcome and thwart support by voice, by protest and by legal realms, our efforts to discuss peace, come to a truce and thwart ongoing mass genocide, the continuance of war crimes wrought upon Canadians, we further hereby request immediate intervention of the US Military to assist restoring lawful order, security and peace upon the land. And here it is, the third paragraph. I, Norman Traversy, have personally signed and served three writs of Coronto on April 22, May 5 and July 1, 2024, co signed by US Army Major General Pavali, retired, and other signees, which include myself, Brad Wiseney, which you will also find attached here.
It is our position, consistent with the doctrine of proper law, that the law of war is in effect in Canada and has been since March 11, 2020, that being the date of which the World Health Organization fallaciously. Excuse me, fallaciously is the proper way to pronounce it, declared COVID 19 to be a global viral disease pandemic. Total. We all know. Right. Therefore, under the aegis of the Uniform Code of Military justice, we’re demanding your office arrest those responsible, including Mary Simon, the Acting Governor General of Canada, which is supposedly the number two in the Commonwealth. Right.
For complicity in the following list of crimes and to prosecute its perpetrators to the extent that the evidence permits. Crimes against humanity, war crimes, violations of the Nuremberg national security breaches, treason, sedition treaty violations and any other violations of domestic or international criminal laws. Which of course, USMCA section 27. Right. As they have failed to respond to all three duly served writs of Coranto demanding proof of her authority. Mayor Simon, then acting as a Governor General of Canada and Canadian Brigadier General Robert Holman and the Provost Marshal, Brigadier General Simon Trudeau. That’s right, everybody. Justin Trudeau appointed his brother Simon to be the Provo Marshal, which is in Canada, the representative for all law enforcement to be sitting there with a military designation.
So Simon, Simple Simon, along with Canadian armed forces have failed to carry out arrests. We are left with no choice but to ascertain they are control of a belligerent transnational terrorist crime syndicate. That’s what we said. Canada Crown Corporation is right. Not the Canadian people, not the Colony of Canada, not the actual values of divine law and the law of the land, which we shall all stand for and be judged against when judgment day comes with our creator. We’re talking about the Crown Corporation selling out to China, CCP and all these others, right? And you just saw, and I’ve shared her on the shows, everybody, just few weeks ago picked up a newsfeed, hey.
All of a sudden the largest fentanyl lab in the world ever, which could kill 5 million people 10 times over with the amount of fentanyl was found in Vancouver, bc. All of a sudden found is where they said the CCP and the Mexican cartel are bringing the fentanyl in through Vancouver, BC. So continuing with our last three paragraphs in the JAG letter of August 16, 2024. It says, Consequently, in compliance with RRO 1990 Regulation 194 R 51 03, Section 2 of the Rules of Civil Procedure and established jurisprudence on the deemed admission rule, where there is no response, Mary Simon is deemed to have admitted to the allegations of fraud, sedition and treason and to possess the requisite mens rea and actus rea necessary to be completed implicit in those crimes.
By virtue of these facts, Mary Simon has acquiesced to the charge of her illicit occupation of the Governor General’s office must vacate or be vacated from this institution’s offices immediately. Additionally, there are specific needs to investigate organized crimes in the context of. Everybody charge your glasses. Have a sip. Oh, God bless all you white hats. God bless all that have served the light. God bless all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, and God bless all of you sovereign souls for continuing here. So additionally, there are specific needs to investigate organized crimes in the context of continental and international electoral tampering, especially as it would apply to RICO laws in the United States and to determine if such activities were coordinated by state or non state actors.
Well, what did we just have yesterday? That in the Liberal Party. Back to the Westminster parliamentary system. Okay, so you elect the party, but the leader of the party becomes the de facto Prime Minister. Okay, all right, so but then yesterday they had a vote in the Liberal Party of Canada. Remember? Dominion voting systems. Canada. Same thing in the us we know where Dominions come from and we know who was messing around with them. Right? Just go ahead and watch. 2000 mills if you haven’t. Great one from Dinesh D’Souza did an incredible job on that expose.
So have some other incredible truthers too. Now yesterday the vote for the Liberal Party was. Oh, Mark Carney or Christopher Freeland. Right? Remember she wrote the biography for Soros? Somehow she became the, you know, CFO of Canada and you know, she’s got all problems going on. Looks like it’s from adrenochrome withdrawal as well as if she decided to take the jabs or not. I doubt she did. She knows what’s in them anyway. So it’s probably a dream Chrome withdrawal from that sick disgusting Satanist. So then we digress and continue though with Truth Can Hear. They were supposed to elect their leader yesterday.
Carney, some other. Some other. I don’t even know these names. Right, because again, they’re all complicit for need to be investigated for work number one. Euthanasia, medical assistance and death still ongoing cover ups, fraud, treason, sedition, drug smuggling, Trafficking, Human trafficking. Absolutely. Fully in violation of President Trump’s executive order. Right. On combating human trafficking and online child exploitation. January 31, 2020 executive order, you know, not the least of which, by the way, is a moral issue. Right. And what did it say in Scripture? Oh, yeah, Jesus, if you mess with the children, your soul’s gone. That’s it.
Like you’re. You’re done. Hell, forever. So they’re soulless. So that’s yesterday. What did they do? Oh, four times as many votes were cast for Carney as there were people who could vote. Isn’t that amazing? So you have a basement Biden again, where Biden got more votes, having never run for that office before. Then Obama. And Obama was doing all those specials. Remember that? We’re watching. It’s incredible. So, Susie Fl from Florida. That’s awesome. Thanks. Good. Good to see you here too, Abby. Love it. Yep. Hello to all of our soul brothers and sisters. Amen to that.
Susie Fl and Abby Jones. Deacon Abby Jones, everybody. This is an amazing patriot in North Carolina again, unfortunately. Lost her husband to the big pharma deep state murder plan as well. Has a son who is a U.S. army serving Ranger right now. Continued. Says, when the saints come marching in. When the saints come podcasting in. Thank you so much for that. And big old cheers. So well done. And that link on the sec.gov, you can find it for all corporations. But share all that. Get it out there. People are still waking up. Remember last night you saw the cast of the show I had with Jeff Weitzman on accessing your strawman, saving your kids from Child’s Protective Services or Children’s Aid in Canada.
They’re trying to come after you. And you had a child who is in remission from cancer. And the parents are not signing the document to say, well, we’re going to put them back on chemotherapy. And the parents like, whoa, whoa, whoa, my kid just went through all of this hell in their life recovering from these expenses. Child Protective Services or DFS in Vermont or Children’s Aid in Canada, we’re not going to sign to send our kids back to chemotherapy when they’re in remission. And they’re like, oh, you don’t have best interest for the kid. We’re going to come in, snatch them, put them in orphanage foster care, and you’ll never see them again.
That’s what’s been going on. So Jeff, Jeff is sharing all of that. Right. Including taking care of things. So this is why getting the truth out there, waking people up to the straw net, waking them up to the, the D state system, waking them up to the stolen elections that now you have these liberal, just like you saw with Trump’s speech on March 4, the divide. Right, Those who stand on the Republican side. Yeah, we have a 13 year old child, young boy who has went through a dozen brain cancer procedure treatments and is still here.
And they’re not even clapping for that. They’re not even clapping for other patriots in the room. So this is wonderful as far as I’m concerned. And once again if you’re just joining us, charger glasses, because the white hats are putting on a full effect here showing Canadians themselves at the worst of the worst, which it’s all unit party, whether it’s Liberal, Conservative, ndp, whatever. They’re all in it together and they’re probably all, most of them, if they weren’t on Epstein island together, might have been picked and picked for them. Wow. Remember that it was only a year ago in December of 2023.
Remember we’re in 2025 now. So December 2023, January becomes 2024, where the RCMP were attempting to destroy over 15,000 pieces of evidence gathered at the Picton Pig Farm. Why would they want that? Because you had DNA matching evidence. You have slaughter of men, men, women, children and trafficking there and prostitution and a lot of other really nefarious stuff that went on. So we need to wake people up to that. We need to keep people sharing, we need to do it with love, we need to keep speaking out about it. We need to keep getting out there in our communities at the same point in time, continue to do so with love in our hearts that there is great justice coming.
Let me finish off here, by the way, the final three points, the final two points out of our last three points on our JAG letter that Norman, General Vallamy and myself, just the three of us, signed and sent off. So point number two, the administration of experimental injections which employ dual civilian and military use technologies that were known to be toxic to humans, especially infants, children and minors. Now we’re talking about dual civilian and military. Remember you have the smart technology. Go find out what smart stands for from a military acronym definition. Smart technology employed in those 2019 chemical, biological, radiological and technological bioweapons.
I mean it’s a CBRRR right across, right. You keep the N off because you can’t say nuclear yet. But if it has radium, you know, my argument is, well, if you have radium in there, it’s got cadmium aluminum all These other toxics, nano technology, MRNA gene editing and everything. Then CBR is chemical, biological, radiological, that kind of gets around to that. Nuclear. Right. But anyway, some people say tomato, some will say tomato. It is what it is. It’s just nasty stuff. And there’s only a few ways to come back from that and convert that which we have seen, thank goodness, it’s make America Healthy Again wellness and it’s what we support here on the Sovereign Soul Show.
So that was point number two, the third and the final point we made in this letter, the last letter, August 16, 2024 to all the JAGs in the military, once again to the ICC and to Commander in Chief Trump that we sent to him as well. Signed again by myself, Norman Traversy and Major General Paul Valley. That third point said to investigate the information served on the alleged governor general on June 8, 2023, and to prosecute criminal perpetrators to the extent that the evidence permits. These actions are necessary to restore national security across North America and must be implemented immediately.
Any delays will prolong the suffering of Canadians. A continuing threat to American lives will, with many being grievously wounded. We remain. And then you have our autographs so you divine lions and lionesses. Obviously there is a time when overtly that President Trump and the white hats as well, from a resource standpoint, could not act on that in full at that point in time. But it allowed us to plant a flag in the sand. And we had hoped, definitely it was not without hope. We had hoped that that would take effect, that that would happen across Canada.
And we saw these shows from Manon in France, from a number of other truther channels across the world in multiple languages, get downloaded, translated and then posted on YouTube and give hope to other freedom loving, freedom fighting, peaceful movements, resistance movements against the deep state, which is the Satanists. And so here we are now, which is why charge your glasses, have your favorite beverage. And I’m not promoting alcohol or anything. I just happen to have an amazing homemade volcanic spring water beer that was granted to me to celebrate this optic, the optic that last night that Mark Carney, who is pictured in the photograph, now I haven’t verified the authenticity of the photograph where he’s pictured sitting on a beach, which is Lane Maxwell and Tom Hanks and if that’s Epstein island, but if you go to the wikipedia or the LinkedIn that he had, you kind of see things that, you know, quack like a duck and you know, walk like a duck and swim like a duck and act like a duck.
Everybody knows the Expression. Have a little fun here too, right? Number one, 2008 Governor of the bank of Canada. Then became the governor of the bank of England. So Kane goes over and does that. Did his time at Goldman Sachs. Now I remembered of the still analog video on YouTube when President Reagan was giving a speech on the south lawn of the White House and the head of Goldman Sachs at that time in the 80s walked up to him, was infuriated the head of Goldman and said hurry up. And Reg went oh, oh yeah, sorry. And then wrapped it up in My fellow Americans and God bless America.
And off he went with that analog video capture live hot mic of a president of a Wall street bank walking up to the president of the United States mid conference and telling him to hurry up. If that was not an insightful communication for people to go, who controls you? The banksters and what are they all about? Then I don’t know what is. So I want to thank the white hats for making sure that the liberals and everybody around are cheering for them. And all of a sudden those who never wave the Canadian flag never stood up.
There is a quote out there in a report that it was 63% of Canadians called the cops on their neighbors for not wearing a mask. We’re not social distancing. Full on. Right out of the Nazi playbook, right? Yep. And all of a sudden you see all this patriotism everywhere. We’re not for sale. Oh my gosh. Get people educated. You’ve never been a country, you’ve been a business. And they through the birth certificate record have turned around and are selling you and using you. They’ve been doing it to all of us for decades, for generations, like cattle on their stock market.
And they’re profiting off you every which way, especially the misery. So you wake people up to that. Like the show last night that you saw aired with myself and Jeff on the straw man on saving the kids on the straw man shows I’ve done with Susan Brierly on the strawman shows where I showed you, hey, if you’re Canadian here, you can access your account. Oh, Manulife is trading you. Or if you’re an American, two years ago I showed how do you access your account? See your stuff on treasury, see all of your trades and oh, by the way, Fidelity Investments is trading.
You know, by the way, it was a little bit more than roughly about two months ago. But one of the members of the Treasure went, you know, hey, we, we found all these bonds in treasury with, with Americans names on why we’re gonna go Check that out and see what’s happening. So thank you, White House, for putting it front and center. And thank all of you divine lions Lioness is here. Got nearly 300 on this Wednesday night because we’re here on lovely Rumble and also on libertyclub.net Todd Calendar’s new platform, Censorship Free, built by amazing Chris Heaven and his team.
We are here to get this message out. So I hope all of you do and you share and you have a wonderful year evening ahead. For those of you I did mention, you know, Remember, we’ve got 5 to 6 billion people have been recorded as taking one of those chemical, biological, radiological shots. Okay? Now, some may have been placebo or not. I don’t have the actual data to that. But we definitely all have seen the Pfizer data, right? We’ve seen the people sharing the heck out of that like crazy. You’ve heard and seen the lawsuits and the J and J and the modernas and the bears and the HMOs, what they’re coming after them with the standards of care, the Blue Cross Blue Shield providers, all the sea levels, all the board of directors, right? Who all knew before and during.
That’s why there’s 800,000. Just think about that. That’s one of the reasons why there’s 800,000 sealed indictments in the United States right now which contain up to 99 names. And each indictment for a particular crime can include the same name on various. Each indictment specific to a crime. And then the other indictments could have the same name for the different crimes. Right? Okay. So propagated vaccine, genocide. All right, so that’s this name of this doctor or school teacher or entrepreneur or whomever. Right? Okay. Profited from their deaths. Maybe that’s the same doctor or school teacher or judge or law enforcement.
They’re all complicit in the background, human trafficking, whatever it may be. Now think about those numbers. If you plug in 800,000 times 99, you’re going to come up with equivalent of roughly 78 million. And that’s in the States now with a rough population depending on when the last census was. And if that was actually true, I think it was around 350 or 60 million. And then when you look at that, I don’t know how many from 18 and up. Common sense, right? You’re a real adult at 18 up. Which by the way, if you’re going to be able to vote, if you’re going to be able to be conscripted or go in the military and shoot a Weapon.
Let your people be able to buy a beer now. Governors now. When you look at 78 million to be arrested, it’ll take a little bit of time. It’ll take a little bit of time. Fortunately, when you look at the Law of War and the Art of War and the Art of the Deal, which is amazing that President Trump required every member of his senior team for years to have read and know the Art of War and the Art of the Deal, which are amazing books. And Canadian army never promoted it, rarely talked about it, but thanks to a couple of American military officers at the highest level that I had been reading and following before joining up in the military, I went and bought the Art of War myself and read it before I even went into the infantry.
And it’s also great for business and life and parenting. It’s. It’s really actually amazing. Sun Tzu wrote all those millennia ago, when you’re looking at it from this standpoint, 78 million, give or take, maybe it’s wrap up 65 because they’re on there multiple times over. Maybe it’s only 50. What Obama and the Clintons and the Bushes did and rolling out through them and the deep state machine behind them, because remember, they are the figureheads, the puppet masters. Just like I gave you that example that you can still find an analog of President Reagan giving a speech on the South Lawn of the White House and the head of Goldman Sachs walking up and say, hurry up.
And he went, oh my God, yes, okay, sure, no problem, sorry about that, and wrapped up the speech. The FEMA camps, the tunnels, the thumbs, the deep underground military bases and deep undersea Marine bases are wonderful ways to store and process just that amount of criminality. And the USA incorporated borders long, which might also be extended to Canada right now. So put out prayer, put out celebration, put out the truth, and pat yourselves on the back. Everybody, wonderful to see you here. And as I leave you with the bookend to how this opened on the X39 and that we have over 5 billion registered that have taken at least one of those chemical, biological, radiological shots which are gene altering.
Not even a therapy. Therapy is something like, I go to physical therapy to get better. This doesn’t get better. It converts people to cyborgs. And not only are they hooked up to the Internet of things, which is brutal, the other thing it does too is mass turbo cancers, mass ailments, paralysis, all these things, right? Myocarditis, periodicarditis, you know, just go look at those 1250 pages of Pfizer 1 and 3 for 70 years. 75 years. Right. And all the other ones complicit in it now, clinically proven ways to reverse that, number one. And you’ve seen it here many times.
And Ali is going to talk to you guys as soon as I hang up on here. And I’ve had them on many times. They’re also members of the board Make America Healthy again. Dr. Christina Romm and Clayton Thomas Root based out of Franklin, Tennessee, Nashville. For most people, Clean slate. This little teardropper, okay. Bottle is the most powerful. I’m telling it’s the most powerful chelation of heavy metal toxins out of your body. So you get a bottle of this, this is a 30 day supply and this evacuates and gently takes out heavy metals in your body.
Especially because it’s still spraying in the air. Especially because there’s still directed energy weapons and sudden wildfires in Brooklyn and Long Island, New York and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Wildfires in the middle of winter. I am a wildfire. Or I was a wildfire fighter, right? Initial attack wildfire fighter, fire ranger, wore the badge on the arm. Jumped out of helicopters in Ontario, in the Yukon, fought wildfires. That doesn’t happen unless you’ve got an accelerant or directed energy weapons. And what helps feed those on? Maybe there’s some white phosphorus. That and silver. What is it? Dioxide that they spray in the sky.
That stuff gets in and and inhaled into our system. So radium, cadmium, aluminum, barium, mercury, all of this crap that’s also put into the tap waters. You think it’s going to happen overnight that it was issued on January 20th or actually when Robert Kennedy Jr. RFK became the Secretary of Health and Human Services that every city around the United States of America Inc. Borders change your tap water. No way. Deep states well embedded. So this stuff getrootnow.com links below description I will drop it in here as well. That’s key. That’s getting the heavy metals, right. The nano.
They remember YouTube I’ve shared many times over the years here. We had it before and then YouTube banned root for the video or took knocked the video down, you know, and, and censored him because a drop of this on nanotechnology underneath a microscope dissipated it. Clean slate. All natural wellness American made. Getrootnow.com you go to the wellness page, you get clean slate shifts to about 100 countries. The other thing too, especially with the kids and Adderall and Holy crap, I didn’t even know. I just found out two weeks ago that freaking adults are taking Adderall to focus.
So what is it works for? I’ve had people on here and we had Dr. Christina, Ron and Clayton say, listen, on average Adderall works for focus about 45 minutes and it has crazy medical side effects. So another part of root is the zero in, right? So it zeros in your focus. So these are amazing. They come in these little like little supplements, getting all natural. You put it under your tongue. It’s intention based. So it’s quantum nootropic. There’s no mushroom, no fungus in here whatsoever. You also have to be very wary of the mushrooms that you imbibe, the natural ones, right? Because it’s still fungi in your system.
So some interesting studies about that. So there’s no fungi, no mushrooms in this stuff. Okay. This is all again also natural. But there are children, which they have in the clinical studies, which you can ask them. You go to getrunow.com you can send, put in your email address, your name, ask a question in the contact and they get back to you. Kids are off Adderall within three days because they’re taking one of these, focusing, right? You have a 40% increase in performance, cognitive focus and performance with zeroing with one to two during the day. It’s incredible.
And it’s intention based. It’s God’s design. And they’re on the board of Maha. It’s amazing. So through that their trinity pack with the clinical studies and training pack of ivermectin, they’ve shown with 30 days Olympic athletes, the Hungarian team in particular, summer and winter, they actually who had all had two shots or higher, showed no evidence of those shots in anything in their system. Urine, stool, blood, saliva, you name it, the gene altering MRNA shorts. And there were athletes actually in the study who had myocarditis and pericarditis as a result of those shots. Didn’t have it, then got the two shots, then had it go back through years now, right? And no evidence gone.
And two of those athletes went broke Guinness book world records. So there’s hope. So it’s up to all of you amazing divine lines, lionesses to share the hope, share the truth, get it out there to help save everyone, to be there. And congrats to the white hats for putting Mark Carney in. Oh and and you know, it would be terrible, really terrible that all of these Satanists who are still kind of maybe not wrapped up, maybe not on the the right side yet, haven’t redeemed themselves or they never will if they see a photo of Mark Carney with what appears to be a real photo, but again, I haven’t been able to to fact check it, but it’s on a thumbnail.
What if it turned out that he, since he’s been saying that he supports the World Economic Forum agenda, everything all the way through 2030, 2040, going back decades here. What if that photo got really circulated wide, that the new CEO naming himself Prime Minister of Canada is sitting there on a beach chair on a beach, smiling away with Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein’s girlfriend and Tom Hanks 51st state and how it comes or the colony. Thank you all so much for being here. Really appreciate you. This is an impromptu show because it was to be like one day off and take care of a whole bunch of other things.
And God bless you all. And you’re hearing it from a guy who’s, you know, entire family in Canada was named or murdered by all these deep staters, right? And still here, still going. And for me it’s about making sure all the children are safe. I would hope for all of you at a gut level that resonates for you as well. But also make sure that you’re taking care of yourself first because it even says in scripture, love thyself before loving anything else. Guess what? God is within you. So you are a reflection of God’s source, of our Creator.
I am a reflection of Creator. Everything you create is a reflection of Creator. But you have choice, which is amazing. And that’s about being sovereign, right? And I’m not talking about the sovereignty and straw man right now. I’m talking about the inner reflection of our spiritual, our soul, our sound of unlimited uniform love which connects us all, which is infinite. After this life walk is done, after all this stuff is over, what you can take are your memories and what it is that you did and how you treated others. And there’s a time for rightful justice and law and order, and there’s a time for laughter and there’s a time to be sad and to mourn.
And by the way, take it from me, if you ever feel sadder, it’s time to mourn. And you can do so safely. Allow those motions to process. We are in a massive ascension timeline right now, everybody. Not only is it about making America great again. In Canada, in North America, we’re returning to the seven Kingdoms. And then we are also going up into the fifth dimensional level. All of our bodies are converting to crystalline, more than crystalline and carbon based. We are the carbon that they wanted to erase, right? We are the carbon tax. As you all know.
So thank you all for being wide awake, for being spiritually awake, which is far more important than Patriot Awake. Spiritually awake. And I’m going to leave you now with Alex. You get to hear a bit more about Root and I encourage all you it’s got a 60 day money back guarantee for all the products and it ships to nearly 100 countries and you’ll have it in a matter of days. And we have so many testimonials of people for just like a couple bucks a day who are having incredible results with Root and activating themselves and also with X39.
So I leave you with this now. God bless you all and have yourself a wonderful night. Cheers everybody and mahalo to all of you. If you’re looking for groundbreaking nutritional products which revolutionize the way your body operates, you have to check out this cutting edge American made all natural wellness brand, Root. The Trinity pack from getrootnow.com is a game changer. Let me show you. Zero in is the world’s first quantumceutical, an all natural adaptogenic nootropic which skyrockets your clarity and creativity. Professional athletes have reported over a 40% increase in their performance in only 90 days. Restore is a supplement that completely restores your gut health, optimizes your true brain, helping you tap into quantum consciousness, also known as the God Mind altogether.
With Clean Slates which gently wipes out harmful heavy metals from your body, gently evacuating toxins including graphene oxide, Trinity Pack from Root Altogether helps you increase your performance, longevity, deep sleep and have a far greater quality of life. Register now@getrootnow.com to grab your Trinity Pack, then hit subscribe and save to get $15 back every month. Trinity Pack has also received the gold standard, a worldwide BSCG approval allowing those in the military to first responders to the NFL, pga, NBA, FIFA, World Cup, Soccer and more. Feel assured it is indeed all natural and drug free. Trinity Pack even comes with a 30 day satisfaction guarantee.
So when you grab your trinity@getrootnow.com, you can feel good knowing it’s endorsed by tier one special operations warriors to Lightworkers, benevolent healthcare heroes, professional athletes and Olympians detoxing their systems and unleashing their greatest self from across the globe. You can also get rewarded for being part of the Root community. See you there.