OUT OF DARKNESSSheriff Mack Battles [DS] Is Raising Up a GLOBAL Posse of Constitutional Sheriffs

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➡ The text discusses a product called X3039 patches that help regenerate stem cells and are beneficial for health. It also emphasizes the importance of investing in gold and silver as a means of wealth protection due to the declining value of the US dollar. The text also introduces a show called the Sovereign Soul show, hosted by Brad Woznie, which discusses various topics including financial control and spiritual warfare. Lastly, it introduces Sheriff Richard Mack, a former law enforcement officer who has won a landmark case for freedom and advocates for drug policy reform.
➡ The speaker, a former sheriff, led a significant court case that reached the Supreme Court, with the help of six other sheriffs. He emphasizes the importance of preserving the right to bear arms worldwide. He also criticizes the U.S. government’s spending habits, particularly the funding of Planned Parenthood and foreign aid, and calls for the abolition of the IRS. He believes these changes are necessary to prevent a financial crisis worse than the Great Depression.
➡ The text discusses concerns about various global issues, including the perceived misuse of power by organizations and governments, the violation of constitutional rights, and unethical practices. It emphasizes the importance of people standing up against these issues, advocating for constitutional law, and working towards a more just society. The text also highlights the potential dangers of not addressing these issues, such as the loss of sovereignty and the potential for harmful consequences. It calls for collective action and the need for everyone to contribute to positive change.
➡ The text encourages people to demand investigations from their state representatives, governors, and attorneys general regarding issues they believe are unjust. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the role of government and voting for individuals who prioritize the protection of civil rights. The text also highlights the need for active participation in fighting for freedom and against complacency. It concludes by urging people to turn back to God and the Constitution, and to be worthy of blessings by actively working towards a better society.
➡ The text discusses a group, referred to as a posse, that aims to educate people about state sovereignty and the importance of standing against government oppression. They offer membership for a small fee, which includes access to weekly webinars and other resources. They also sell books, including one about a historic Supreme Court case where sheriffs sued the federal government and won. The group encourages people to join their cause and help spread their message.


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This is about financial control. Diversifying your assets with gold and silver puts you in control of your wealth at Buddha Loves Gold Dot com. All right, welcome back to the Sovereign Soul show, all of you divine lions and lionesses on this next Send It Sunday episode. And I’m so grateful to be joined by Sheriff Richard Mack. And we’ll get into his incredible background and dire messages. Right now for the men and the women, all of you around the world, this is not just an American issue. Once again, because we’re fighting evil and it’s literally Satan versus God.

We know God wins in the end, but we’re also being looked at to make sure that if you want to have the freedom, have a return to sovereignty and our great spirit and creator across the world, we have to be and we have to do to have in order to have. So we’re going to talk a lot about the doing and what people can do from their own locale, from your own laptop, even watching this broadcast or listening to this on the podcast. Those of you don’t know, I’m your host, Brad Woznie. And at the Sovereign Soul show, you know our ethos is standing for love, levity and liberty because love is the greatest power in the universe and.

And levity, both from laughter is the best medicine as well. Like Rear’s Digest got it right. And also an elevation of our spirit gets it right. Even though as a former Canadian military and a HEL attack firefighter, been a Raiki master about a decade, practicing 22, we know the spiritual warfare which continues to go on here. And now to this incredible man who’s joined us from his home on this Sunday afternoon to share these important messages for our future and our children’s children’s future as well. Sheriff Richard Mack Ty joins us and he is the head of the Constitutional Sheriff and Elite Peace Officers Association.

And this is something once again which can be global. For all of my great Australian patriots, New Zealand patriots, we’ve got our uk, Irish, Scotland, and again, thank you so much to all those in France and Germany and Africa and Romania translating this on your own accord to get this powerful message out there to the masses on the planet who stand for freedom. Sir, thank you for your continued service and for your prior service as well as you and your wife and what you do. Welcome to the show. Well, thank you, Brad. And thank you for the work that you’ve done over the years and for your service in the military.

And I, I think law enforcement’s very similar. We’re all about protecting our country from within and the military protecting our country from without. And we need both. And we need honorable people in both. I entirely agree and what I’d like to do is give people a little bit of a background. And this is, you know, from your lovely wife Don, who has sent this over as well as part of what you can find everybody@cspoa.org you’ll see the link in the description both underneath Rumble as well as Apple in the podcast platform. Just to give you a little bit about the incredible experience this man brings to you in his wise and his wisdom.

During the past two years, Sheriff Mack has been a speaker at more than 70 different tea party rallies across America, ranging from Honolulu to Bangor, Maine. So we’ve got it all covered. And he has supported this noble movement because it’s both effective and peaceful. But how did he get started? He spent 11 years at the Provo, Utah Police Department where he decided to return to his childhood turf in Arizona and run for Graham County Sheriff where he was elected in 88 and served two terms until 1997. He he was then named the Elected Official of the Year by the Arizona New Mexico Coalition of Counties.

In 94 received the NRA Law Officer of the Year Award, is inducted into the NRA hall of Fame. Incredible. Received the 1995 Cicero Award, the Samuel Adams Leadership Award from the Local Sovereignty Coalition and the Gun Owners of America Defender of the Second Amendment Award. During his tenure, federal officers informed the sheriffs of that state that they would be required to enforce the so called Brady Bill and run background checks at their own personal expense under this legislation. So in 1994, Sheriff Mack, you see here, and six other sheriffs from across the country challenged the constitutionality of the Brady Bill and ultimately bought it all the way to the United States Supreme Court.

When we talk about people who come on the show who have been there, done that, this man has done that over and over and over again. So he fought it all the way to the Supreme Court, this coalition where they won a monumental decision for freedom. And three years later, in a landmark 54 split decision based on the 10th Amendment of the US Constitution, Sheriff Mack and his folks won the case. He’s also a graduate of the FBI National Academy and some of his other positions of service include a patrol officer, undercover narcotics officer, hostage negotiator, youth officer in schools and a school resource officer, communication supervisor, detective search and rescue supervisor, a jail administrator and a DARE instructor.

That is DARE to keep your kids off drugs, right? That was very powerful campaign. He’s Been a consultant on numerous cases regarding police abuse, brutality and other misconduct by public officials. And he has joined other members of the law enforcement community to speak out in favor of massive drug policy reform especially needed now. He’s a graduate of Brigham Young University, byu, and lives with his lovely wife dawn, near Phoenix, Arizona area. So you’ve been in the thick of things, sir, for a good nearly half a century and leading the charge at so many different levels, at a local, municipal level, all the way up to the federal level across country.

And doing so now, along with your posse, which we’ll be talking about, too. My first question for you is about Elon and Vivic, the Department of Government Efficiency. Doge. Right. What would you do if you were sitting with Elon Musk and Vivic Ramaswamy right now and advise them? They turn to you and go, sheriff Mack, with all your experience, what should we do for the great people of America as a template for the world? Well, thank you for that. Thank you for that great introduction. Yes. I want to stress one thing. We won that lawsuit, folks, and it’s available.

What I’ve done is I put it in a little pocket sized booklet and that’s available. Every one of you from around the world should familiarize yourself with this case. And I studied the case for days, actually weeks, and I put all the highlights of the case in this little book. So this will save you a lot of time. You can look up the case, look up Mac Vus. And I’m also proud to say that I was the first sheriff in America to start this case, start this movement, file the case in federal court. And then six other sheriffs joined me in the lawsuit, which I’ll be eternally grateful for.

They helped save the case and they helped make the case go to the Supreme Court. If I had been by myself, it wouldn’t have made it to the Supreme Court, but it did because others got involved. And we had two circuit courts that gave the opposite ruling on the case. And that guaranteed us a trip to the Supreme Court, where Justice Scalia wrote the decision. And I actually met James Brady, for whom the Brady Bill was named, who was shot during the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan in March of 1981. So it’s a huge case. It has lots of ramifications.

And every single person in this country, in the world, in all these other countries, France, Belgium, Germany, all of you should be very involved in this case. Australia especially, because of the gun control nature. But we have got to preserve the right to keep and bear arms throughout the world, that is something that every citizen has the right to do. And so when I saw that. And by the way, this wasn’t just Arizona, this was every state. The other, the other sheriffs that joined me joined me from Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Vermont, Montana and Wyoming. So there were six states involved, but sheriffs from across the country.

There were seven of us out of 3,100 sheriffs. And I’m proud to be the one to say I started the whole thing, but I’ll guarantee you it wasn’t my idea. And this was put on. This was put in my heart and my mind by God Almighty. And I’m proud to say that I obeyed. You know, so it’s a miraculous case. It’s the most powerful 10th Amendment decision in the history of our country. These only cost $3. Sorry, three for $5. And you should get these. And folks from around the world will make sure you get them.

It’ll probably be double the price if you’re from. If you’re getting it from Canada or Australia, but let’s get them to you. Or if you order, we can get to. We can get you some in digital form and we can email them to you. I also want to tell you we’ll accept your membership from wherever you are, join the CSPOA posse and let’s start getting posse’s going and where you are, and let’s get us involved. The whole thing is we’re involved in a solution that’s peaceful and effective. The more we get in, the more peaceful and more powerful our movement becomes.

So, yes, your question is probably one of the best ones I’ve ever been asked. Yeah, there’s the. Yeah, there it is. There’s the monthly membership. It’s 11amonth, 99 a year. That will be the same for wherever you live. And this is a worldwide movement and it’s a worldwide effort. And it’s not just for police. In fact, it’s for we the people, the first three words of our Constitution. So we want the people involved so that you can help train and work with your sheriffs. And he only reports to you. In America, the sheriff only reports to we the people.

We are his only boss. That is powerful stuff, folks. We the people, the first three words of the Constitution, we bestow all power and authority in our country. And we’ve got to be more involved now than ever before since the Revolutionary War. So I’ll answer your question, Vivek and Elon. If we were sitting down together and discussing what we need to cut out of the Federal Government. First we would look at the corruption of spending in Washington D.C. and we would say, why is it the Democrats and Republicans alike, not all Democrats, but almost 98% of them, and not all Republicans, but about 60 or 70% of them believe we can spend money we don’t have.

Yeah. Okay. That is a very corrupt, illegal, unconstitutional and immoral practice that we could just give all this money away to entitlements and programs. And doesn’t matter that we can send billions of dollars to foreign countries, many of them who are enemies to us, but we’ve done that for some stupid reason. And, and, and that we can just keep doing that and Biden doesn’t have to ask permission from Congress. He can just do it. That’s illegal. It’s against the law. Only Congress control the purse strings. And so what do we look at? First we look at $36 trillion in debt that is totally unaccept, unacceptable and unsustainable and it’s going to drive us into bankruptcy and our dollar is going to crash and then we’re going to have another.

If you think the Great Depression was something, this will make it look like kindergarten. Okay, so specifically what should they look at? Where we’re spending money that’s illegal and immoral. So foreign aid would need to go, but the first thing that would have to go is Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is not part of our government. They are a private club, a private organization. And for some reason, corrupt politicians in Washington D.C. thought it was okay to steal taxpayer dollars and funnel it to this organization that provides no government service whatsoever. In fact, people could say just the opposite.

They are providing death squads all across the country for babies in the womb. Yep. And so that would have to be the first one because. Do you even know, do people on our show know how much money we give to Plan Parenthood every year? No. Half a billion dollars. Half a billion. So every two years a billion dollars goes to this organization that sells body parts from the, the, the babies they kill? Yeah. And they. People say, well, there’s a moral reason why we don’t kill a seven month old who has been born and she. The baby’s 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 years old.

We cannot murder that child. We make a moral judgment there. But we make another immoral judgment and say, but we can kill the child in the womb or even while it’s being born. Partial birth abortion, that came popular under Clinton and promoted even more by Biden. And then of course, Obama really hit that hard too. A baby’s being born, partially born and they kill it. And so I don’t even. For this, for this argument, I don’t even want to get into pro life or pro choice. It has nothing to do with this. It has everything to do with appropriate constitutional and moral spending of taxpayer dollars.

That’s why that one would have to be first, because there’s no way that that’s appropriate. And I’m telling you right now on your show, if the, if this government fails to get rid of Planned Parenthood funding, I will stop paying my federal income tax to this evil organization that thinks it has a right to put me in jail if I don’t pay to this organization. And then what does that organization do with the money? They turn around and give that money back to politicians who believe in abortion and especially the ones that are the most vocal about it.

They pay them for their campaigns and probably pay them to come speak. And so our tax dollars just keep going in a circle, a horrible circle of evil spending. So the first one on my list is definitely Planned Parenthood. Right after that, it would be tied for second. Abolish the IRS and get rid of this gestapo organization of America who is merely a collection agency for the Federal Reserve, who is not even federal. The Federal Reserve is made up of international bankers. And the U.S. constitution says that Congress shall regulate the value of our money and coin.

And coin money and regulate the value thereof. They have completely turned it over to a private organization. And, and that needs to absolutely stop. It is not part of the federal government. They have manipulated the whole thing where it is now a private banking syndicate. And, and these pe. These bankers have everything to do with regulating the value of our dollar. And they can increase the tax, the interest rate anytime they want. And, and Congress has nothing to do with it. And, and they are required to regulate the value of our money, not these private bankers.

So those, those would be my top three. And then you could work your way down there with other NGOs who interfere with the border situation and promote illegal immigration and man, that needs to come under control as well. But that’s my push for, for cutting spending. And, and if we abolish the IRS and came up with a fair and honest simple way to do it. A flat rate. Yeah. We spend $20 billion a year to hire those people to go after the American people unjustly. They are a group of bullies. That’s why I call them the Gestapo of America and freedom.

And the IRS cannot coexist. And we’ve seen every year how that is true. They do not follow the Constitution, they do not follow probable cause of the fourth Amendment. And this is a anti American, un American organization that should be abolished. Well, they’re completely anti God too. You know, let’s go back for everybody to expand it to a global perspective. Sheriff Mack. And I’m totally with you on that. Absolutely. So imagine everybody as you’ve known and everybody has seen on the show in the audience, right? We have transnational syndicate terrorist cartels which say that they are the country of Canada, yet they are a registered corporation with their business headquarter address in Pennsylvania avenue in Washington D.C.

on July 1, 1867. The multiple shows that I’ve done with patriots around the world and regularly, whether it’s Lieutenant Colonel retired SAS, Ricardo Boces, Australia, one party all the way. AJ Roberts in the UK, Dr. Jan Halper Hayes, Pastor Archer Pavlowski, Lee Dundas. We just did another show a day and a half ago regarding the fact that Alua county in Florida, you know they’re, they have the 300% increase in rapes and child and murders and even Governor Rotten DeSantis issued an executive order to look into the judiciary as well as number of law enforcement there to these crimes.

And she’s about to be there tomorrow on Monday at 10:00am just letting know because Lee reached out to me right before he came on that this has to stop and it’s up to we the people around the world to stop it. Right. And expanding us out here. Imagine like you have in China, medical assistance and death euthanasia. The same thing has happened in Canada and Australia, in New Zealand, the UK and Ireland and Scotland and France and Germany and they’re doing in Romania too and other countries right now around the world consistently with this lockstep playbook that they insert and they take over and they ensure that you don’t know about this fully.

And they elect their little puppets and put them into power so that they can go out and they can murder children in their God’s name, Satan, Moloch and Ball. They can set up their federal syndicate of cartel money runners which is the Federal Reserve Board. Nothing federal nor reserve about it. And then also they’re going to grind up the children that they have murdered in the womb or after coming out of the womb and they will feed them to you on Doritos in Pepsi. And this is all 100% fact check. And they create these little chemicals and these preservatives that you don’t know until you go down the rabbit hole and actually see what those patents are for those chemicals, and it’s actually aborted baby fetal tissue or liver or kidney or lungs, and they’re feeding it back to the population of the world, unbeknownst to us, because that is their agenda.

So this is why it’s so important for everybody to be part of the posse, to be part of those webinars. When you get on it, for example, and you’re in Australia or you’re over in the UK and you have a chance to speak one on one or many on one with Sheriff Mack and the other members of the posse in setting this up. Many Canadians even don’t know that we have sheriffs in British Columbia and Alberta, those territories that predate the original registration of the Canada Crown corporation in Washington D.C. on July 1, 1867. So there’s amazing force already set up there as an infrastructure in place to switch over to it when we return to sovereignty, when we take down peacefully, metaphorically, because of the truth coming out, all of the transnational corporate syndicates around the world and good people stand up, like Nigel Farage in the UK, for example, stand up to help govern the new infrastructure for the people.

And we follow divine law, natural law, the Ten Commandments, and also constitutional law. And I think we have the greatest template right now with the United States Constitution to leverage across other countries and territories around the world. Because we’re literally following do no harm. And if you do no harm, well, then there are these consequences for those who do harm as well. And everybody gets together in their community, their neighborhood, and then at a state, provincial, territorial level, and they band together and they look seven generations forward where we heard that before from the indigenous people and the native North American Indian people.

And all of these folks in the tribe say that’s where we need to be and that’s where we need to band together under one mankind. Because we are created in the Creator’s own image of man, woman, and that’s it. And if we don’t do it, nobody’s going to do it and we’re going to lose. So it’s up to all of us to be do in order to have. Go ahead, sir. You alluded to something that really hit me strong because this is, this is our message. We’ve got to get back to independence. All we’ve got to get back to our Constitution.

Folks, the reason America is dying and the reason that we almost had Kamala Harris as President of the United States is because our Constitution has been put on her deathbed and we got a reprieve and I think it’s a two year reprieve. We have a two year window open until the next 2026 election. And we’ve got to get to work on what Trump is trying to accomplish. The sheriffs of this country have got to get behind him and help him, help him with deportation. Tom Holman and I have been in touch with about this and I’ve told him I don’t believe that deportation can happen without the sheriffs being involved.

And if you, look, if you, if everybody will remember, after the election, it was two or three days afterwards, they put a map of the United States across the screen. It was 85% red, 85% of the counties of this country, of the 3,100 counties, all supported Trump. Yeah, it was almost the same four years ago when Biden supposedly won. And, and we don’t buy that at all, quite honestly. But the thing of it is, the miracle happened and Trump won and the red wave happened. And now if we don’t take advantage of this, when we have a chance, if we don’t get involved, it’s not going to happen.

The solution, the answer is very simple. The solution and affecting it and making it realized is where we have a lot of work to do, folks. Our Constitution is hanging by a thread. It’s barely making it. And if we don’t take advantage of this two year window, we’re going to end up saying goodbye to all of this in two years. Now, Trump will probably still be in, hopefully, praise God that he will be. But the thing of it is, if we lose the Senate and lose the House and lose the Supreme Court, which shouldn’t happen, but I guarantee you the Democrats, as soon as they get a chance, they’re going to stack the deck on the Supreme Court.

And they’re already trying to stack the deck in the States. And the reason that they brought 20 million people into the country was to get them registered to vote. And there’s about 25, at least 20 states, I’ll be careful and conservative, 20 states that are already giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. And it doesn’t matter where they’re from, if they’re, they’re from terrorist organizations, they’re from the cartels, they’re from the Venezuelan gangs, the trend agua, the Sinaloa cartels, it doesn’t matter. These Democrats are willing to compromise the safety and security of America so that they can gain their monopoly over political power in this country.

So they only have two reasons to do it. Destroy America from within or Change the voting power of America. Change it to their democratic monopoly. That’s the only two reasons that they could be doing this. And if they, if they accomplish the one, they will accomplish the other in destroying our country if they take over political power. These people are so evil and un American. They do not care about you and me. They do not care about our families. They do not care about the children who one get murdered before birth or at birth or the 400,000 children that have been misplaced.

They’re not misplaced. And people know where they are at high levels of this government. They’ve been sold. And some of the families coming up from Latin America cannot afford the 7,000 to pay the cartels. So they sell their children. And folks, that is what has happened. And this border thing has been so evil and absolute criminal that we want these investigations and we want sheriffs and governors and county, county attorneys and attorneys general to launch investigations against the people in Washington D.C. and across the country in state governments that have aided and abetted illegal immigration and have in some cases willingly participated in bringing illegals into our country.

That’s a crime and that needs to be investigated. And you need to work with us so that we can train you to get your sheriff going on every bit of this and, and get your state reps, get your governors, your attorneys general, turn all evidence of this over to them and demand investigations. After that we’ll see who prosecutes. Yeah. It’s at every level. It’s at every school. And just imagine if we actually had this organization prior to the plan Demic and the lockdown. We would not have seen the fact that they are deming domestic terrorists. Parents who are standing up at PTA meetings saying don’t mask my child.

That would not happen. FBI would not be kicking down doors like Alpha Warrior because something I said online or memes. Yeah. We had over 550 sheriffs stand against the COVID mandates. Yep. Which was amazing. So we’ve been pushing this for a long time. After The Sandy Hook 2012 Sandy Hook Biden and Obama, of course the Biden team were going to initiate gun control and gun confiscation and 500 sheriffs wrote them a letter and said we are not going to tolerate any more gun control. The sheriffs have saved the, the sheriffs of this country have saved the second amendment and they have stood up to the federal government.

And now we got a lot more of that we need to do. And folks, with you on board, we can make this happen, be part of this solution. That’s both peaceful and effective and that’s becoming a member of the CSPOA posse. You know Brad, if we were to count how many organizations in this country are both very effective and peaceful, you would probably come up with two or three. Of course the main solution of this country is turning back to God and turning back to our Constitution. And that’s exactly what we want to do. But we have work to do besides just pray and, and think God is going to heal our land and heal the evil in our land while we’re sitting watching TV and, and drinking Pepsi.

That’s not, that’s not the way it goes. We have to be worthy of that blessing. After we turn our hearts then he’ll heal our land. Most definitely, sir. Absolutely. Let me just take it from a global perspective for the moment with the audit rest of the audience here, Sheriff Mack. So those who are watching around the world and listening to this right now going okay so become part of the posse. What is it that they would also learn so that they can put together in their neighborhood? Like we’ve had great people on here talk about standing up.

Like we’ve had Pastor Archer Pavlowski consistently standing up. Probably the most persecuted Canadian patriot going back over two decades plus he and his brother David grew up in communist Soviet Union run Poland. At the time escaped there thought Canada was beacon of freedom and what they’ve done to him as well. Right. And so many others. What is it that they can sit here and go well I’m in Ontario, Canada or I’m in Glasgow, Scotland or I’m in, you know, Sydney, Australia at this moment in time we don’t have sheriffs yet but this is something that we’d like to bring back because back in the day there were right.

How would this be of help to them? If you could just describe that. Well America got our sheriffs from the old, that goes back in the old Anglo Saxon law over a thousand years ago. That was the reeve of the shire and then it was the shire reeve and then it was the sheriff. Three signers of the Declaration of Independence were former sheriffs. So we precede America’s foundation. Sheriffs do. And, and the responsibility and duties of the sheriff remain pretty much the same. They are the ultimate protector of the people. So folks, you that that are around the world, I don’t care where you are, I don’t care if you’re the Middle East, I don’t care if you’re in China, I don’t care if you’re in Australia.

It doesn’t matter. You’ve got to understand the proper role of government. This case will help you with a lot of this. But the Declaration of Independence where it talks about the proper role of government, what is the purpose of all government? And we see that in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. And folks, we’ve got to all focus on this. You’ve got to focus wherever you are. England, Ireland, Scotland, China, doesn’t matter. Australia, you’ve got to focus on voting. Voting for people who know and understand the purpose of all government. It is not for them to be served.

As Mel Gibson said, as William Wallace said in Braveheart, you think the people exist to give you position. In truth, your position exists to give the people freedom. And folks, that’s exactly what it is. In the Declaration of Independence right after it talks about that God bestowed upon us life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. How are we doing with those three principles of liberty? And then he says the answer and he gives the answer to the purpose of all government. And that’s what all of you across the world, all of us, especially in America, because we have forgotten this.

Yeah. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men. Didn’t say in America, it said among the world, among all humankind, that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among all men. So my duty as a sheriff, and I haven’t been Sheriff for like 27, 28 years, but I’ve been working with sheriffs and government ever since I left the Sheriff’s office in 1997. This is what I do. I preach this. I preach the Bill of Rights, I preach civil rights and use Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks in my presentation. And then we teach the foundation and principles of all government being for this purpose, protect the civil rights of all human beings.

You’re not here to serve government. Government is here to serve you and to make sure that your liberty is never violated. Your God given rights. And, and the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence talks about that the laws of nature and nature’s God. That’s what this is about. And that applies to everyone, not just Americans. And so folks, if you could get your politicians to focus on the supreme sublime purpose of all government, that is to protect our God given rights. What’s usually the first one? They violate my right, my right to the fruits of my labor.

They think they own the fruits of my labor. They do not. They are to protect that right. And taxes should be extremely limited and very seldom. And if they do it right where the, the, the pie gets bigger. Every year for all of us. If they’re really doing it right, that’s what it’ll be for the world. Honest open trade with all countries and honest and. And fair taxation. And none of this. None of this crap about, oh, we all need to every year pay our fair share. Well, who says what’s fair? They do, folks. It’s simply back to the basics.

It’s back to Independence Hall. There’s our solution, and that is a worldwide solution. Our constitution, our fundamental beliefs in the brotherhood of mankind. We have got to remember that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men. Lightning in a bottle when you hear this. And for those who are watching, I once again we have to do in order to have this, we have to participate actively beyond what we’re working at, beyond raising children, beyond having to fight against the tyranny and the terrorism of these control syndicates. What they concerned themselves as governments right now. Which governess mentis to control minds.

The derivative of that beyond your mortgage, which is too French nouns. Malgash is death pledge. Returning it to sovereignty. And God in this law is all up to every single one of us to take that stand and to hold that line. As we saw in the freedom convoy. The same thing like you mentioned with William Wallace, Sheriff Mack, you want your freedom, you need to fight for it. Freedom is not free. You know that very, very well in all of your decades of service at multiple levels and continued right now, too. And for those who are listening to certain shows and whatnot out there and you hear that adage, you know, sit back, grab some popcorn, watch the show, that is complacency.

And when you breed complacency, as Dick marchenko, commander of Seal Team 6, the guy who actually founded Seal Team 6, Vietnam veteran, wrote in Leadership Secrets of the Rogue Warrior, complacency kills. And as Bishop Jim O’Connor, my bishop, who is also a friend of General Valley and Lieutenant General McInerney, who also attended West Point and graduated 1976 as a US Army Airborne Commander, who has now done 41 successful exorcisms. When we talk about spiritual warfare here, which we know, our founding fathers and their families, they pledged those last eight words. Our lives, our fortunes, our sacred honor.

As Bishop Jim says multiple times, the devil owns the fence. So if you’re complacent and you don’t act, the devil’s got you in his grasp. And as Martin Luther King has continually said, as we look back at that man’s great quotes in his life, if you turn a blind eye to evil or those who turn a blind eye to evil are just as guilty of perpetrating evil. In order for evil to exist is just for good men to do do nothing. And so that posse, which I love the way it was named and I’m so grateful we’ve had this first show together and we’ll continue and put this forward as we’re also part of sovereign radio with Scotty Sacks, Jimmy Schwinn and so many others informing up this posse.

You can go to the link below the description, click it to join everybody. That’s really like 30 cents a day, not even for 11 bucks a month to join to get the facts. Maybe you come together if you can’t afford it, with another neighbor or two and you attend on a weekly basis. It’s cspoa.org join links are right below the description of the show. They’re also on your screen right now. And sheriff Mack, you had referenced once again several times the book on supreme court case for state sovereignty that you’ve been holding in your hand. Is that also on the store or is that something people get on on? It is on the store.

It’s on the store, yes. And people who want to get it from around the world, we can do that digitally. Anybody who’s listening to this program, I don’t care where you are, you can make a donation and work with us on all of this. If you make a donation, you want some of these books, we can do that. And then this, this historical book, the county sheriff America’s last hope. Yeah, it’s, it’s a small one, it’s kind of Thomas Paine pamphlet like stuff. This one’s only nine or ten bucks and you can get all of these.

But the most important book is the review of the supreme court case and you can see the name of it on there. Supreme court case for state sovereignty. And folks, this is the only time in u. S. History, in 240 years of America when sheriffs, a small handful of sheriffs sued the federal government and won. It’s the only time in history, amazing where a sheriff or a couple of sheriffs or sheriffs did that ever. It is so miraculous, it is so powerful. If this decision came out a few days ago, everybody would be going crazy over it.

Yeah, it came out June of 1997. Why aren’t we going crazy? It’s the same thing. Get as many of these as you can and hand them out to other public officials and your friends and let’s get this message out. And you just reminded me What I really like to close with when I talk about this is join us in this holy cause of liberty, because the Founding Father said this, the last sentence of the Declaration of Independence. For the support of this Declaration and with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.

I’ve done this. My wife and I have pledged all of that and we’ve lost it all. And we’ve. We don’t care. We just want to do God’s work and we want to save America and we want to save people from tyranny and government oppression. That is what we’ve dedicated our lives to, our lives, our fortunes and sacred honor. We ask that you join us in this holy cause however you can. Yeah. And, and folks, it’s time. This is our time. And we have a two year window. And I think they’re going to do some things to try to diminish that they already have started.

There’s already been about 10 attacks, cyber attacks and physical attacks, and it’s getting, it’s going to get worse. And that’s why another thing, I hope, I’ll say this, towards the end of this whole thing, I hope President Trump and any of us who can get this message to him or to his people should cancel the inauguration, not expose himself or family to millions of people all around Washington D.C. that there’s no way they could check all those people. And, and let’s just get to work, have a private ceremony where we can all see you sign your oath of office, and then let’s get to work.

And we’re with you, Mr. President. We have your back. We pray for your safety and in so doing, please forego the inauguration. Pomp and circumstance, totally unnecessary. We don’t need, we don’t need that. We need you. Yeah. Okay. Amen. Amen to that. Going to leave it there, everybody. Once again, right below the description, you can go there, join the posse. I love how you said that. You know, join our loving liberty. And that’s the purpose that we’re sharing right here@cspoa.org join and then you’ll be on the weekly webinar calls or the recordings. You can catch up with this amazing man as well as his team from around the world and interact with them and build this out in your own community, which is so needed right now as a great protector of mankind.

We can all do this together. Thank you, sir. Look forward to having you back on the show in the next one to two months. And pray for everybody else out there. Because once you make America great again, you literally make Earth great again. And we must save it 100% with everything we’ve got. Amen. Thank you, Brad. Thank you, Sheriff. Hey you divine lions and lionesses, you amazing sovereign souls, look at this. Powerful, affordable x39 patches help regenerate your stem cells. These were developed for Navy Seals. Burns up to 500 calories. Acts like a wearable med bed on your body so you get to wear your natural wellness daily.

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