Operation Sandman and is the Quantum Financial System Legit? w/ Andy Schectman

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➡ The text discusses the potential economic impact of countries moving away from dependence on the US dollar, a concept referred to as Operation Sandman. It suggests that countries are buying commodities and precious metals like gold and silver as a hedge against economic uncertainties. The text also mentions the possibility of a new settlement currency called the ‘unit’, which is backed by gold and could be used for international trade. Lastly, it raises concerns about the quantum financial system and the need for more financial literacy to understand it.
➡ The article discusses the potential for a new global settlement currency backed by gold, which could challenge the dominance of the U.S. dollar. It suggests that the U.S. government’s economic decisions, including creating massive amounts of debt and weaponizing the dollar, are leading to a loss of trust in the dollar worldwide. The article also mentions Project Sandman, a possible alternative to the current financial system, and suggests that countries like Saudi Arabia and China are already preparing for this shift by accumulating gold and diversifying their trade agreements. The article concludes by suggesting that this shift could happen gradually and then suddenly, with those in power trying to take advantage of the current system while preparing for the new one.
➡ Countries worldwide are gradually moving away from the U.S. dollar and towards a new system that includes gold and digital currencies. This shift is happening slowly but will eventually happen all at once, possibly triggered by a significant event. Central banks have been buying more gold than ever before, and a new settlement currency, backed 40% by gold and 60% by digital currencies, is being discussed. This change is designed to allow countries to maintain their own financial autonomy and reduce reliance on the West.
➡ The text discusses the instability of the western financial system, particularly in the trading of precious metals like silver and gold. It suggests that the amount of these metals being traded far exceeds the actual supply, creating a risky situation that could lead to a financial collapse. The text also mentions the rise of the Shanghai Gold Exchange and the potential for a new financial system, possibly backed by gold. However, it emphasizes that setting up such a system would take years and require extensive global cooperation.
➡ The discussion revolves around the concept of a quantum financial system, which could be a more decentralized system than the current centralized one controlled by central banks. The speaker suggests that this new system might involve digital currencies and quantum computing, but admits they need to research more to fully understand it. They also discuss the potential for central bank digital currencies and the importance of backing these with assets like gold. The speaker emphasizes the value of gold and silver as safe investments, especially in the current economic climate.
➡ The text discusses the decreasing value of cash due to inflation and other economic factors, suggesting that gold might be a more stable asset. It also hints at a potential financial reset and the need for a decentralized system. The speaker promises to discuss the quantum financial system in the future and encourages listeners to reach out for a special price list for their company. The speaker expresses gratitude for being part of the discussion and looks forward to future conversations.


That’s exactly right. And that is what they are doing. They are front running it. They are using the suppression of the western system to literally drain the exchanges of all of the commodities, not just precious metals. And you look at a country like China, we’ve talked at length about their Belt Road initiative, which already represents roughly 50% of global GDP, 75% of human population, and it’s growing. Just a quick break from the program. Are you worried about the government overreach and about the freedom crushing cbdcs that are threatening to be put in place that will take away our freedom and our independence? I am too.

You can have a hedge against all these economic uncertainties by investing in gold and silver. They have been holding the price of gold and silver down. And it not only is a hedge against these uncertainties, it’s also a good investment. So contact the company that I use, which is Miles Franklin. You can contact them@infomeilesfranklin.com. tell them that Sarah sent you a and Andy Schechman, the president promised me that he’ll give you the best prices and service in the country again. Infomilesfranklin.com, tell them that. Sarah Sandwich welcome to business game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have my friend Andy Shekman coming back.

We’re going to be talking about Operation Sandman. What it is, what’s the possibility of this sudden switch happening and tanking the dollar? It’s something that’s serious that people are talking about. And what is the possibility and the likelihood that it could occur? And I think we’ve done it in the past. The Soviet Union, I talk a little bit about that, and it’s not unprecedented that this is what we could do. And then we talk about, again, the front running the system. The elite bankers are obviously doing that, positioning themselves. The suppression of the gold and silver markets is being taken advantage by the rest of the world.

Other countries are totally taking advantage of the stupidity of holding down this market, it positioning themselves while the american people who are not in the know are not buying and not taking advantage of the situation they are in these paper contracts that all of their stockbrokers and investment firms are telling them to be in. And likely those are going to go away. And so we’re going to talk about that. We’re also going to talk about the quantum financial system a bit. I don’t like what I hear about the quantum financial system because no one that is talking about it seems financially literate.

So whenever that happens, whenever I see a groups of people talking about a topic and they don’t know anything about the topic or they’re just not literate. It feels like conspiracy theory to me, but too many people are talking about it now that maybe there’s something to it. But I need somebody who is literate to talk to about it so that we can get to the bottom of it. And so he’s going to go back and do some research because he feels that way too. We’re going to figure out what it is. Is it XRP? Is it some crypto, is it something else that we don’t know that they’re developing some of those gold back commerce? Is it something that’s already in the works that they’re calling, they have a name, quantum financial system.

While they’re calling in stealth mode developing something else. I don’t know. We’re going to look into it and figure out what the heck this is. And the work quantum is like. So you’re just using faster computers? Of course that’s going to happen as the computing industry develops and moves to a faster next generation computing. Of course everything’s going to move to quantum. So if that’s what they mean, then whatever, that’s going to happen anyways. So we’re going to figure this out and figure out what it really means. And so I have a challenge for him because he wants to know this too, because what the heck, this doesn’t make sense.

And so I hope you tune in to that one, but this one’s a good one because we’re going to talk about Operation Sandman. We are going to talk about the quantum financial system, a bit of and how that ties in. We’re gonna talk about the world reset and a lot of things that you’re gonna wanna hear about because it’s important to you and your investment opportunity. He is offering the best prices in the country. He has a private price list that you can’t get on his website. Only way you can get access to his private price list is to email him infoilesfranklin.com comma, tell em that Sarah sent you.

They have a private price list that they guarantee to my listeners that you will get and they give you great service and you want to use that method to work with them. And that’s what they guarantee to me is the best service and the price is the only way they can do that is to have a private price list that you get access to by telling them that you’re related to me. So tell them that Sarah sent me and then you will get access to this private price list. That’s what you want. And please be smart and take this seriously for your future and your assets.

You want something. Cause there’s only once in a lifetime that this pre reset is gonna happen and you wanna take advantage of it and get yourself positioned. I mean, all the central banker, all the, everyone’s positioning themselves. You don’t want to not position yourself for whatever’s coming. And the worst case, you’re just, you just have assets sitting there because these are very secure assets. Best case, you’re prepared for what’s coming. So anyways, let’s get into this really great conversation I have with the CEO of Miles Franklin, Andy Sheckman. Hi Andy, welcome back to the program. Great to be here with you, Sarah, thanks for having me.

Well, my listeners love listening to you. They always get such great information and today’s not going to be any different. I know we’re going to talk about Operation Sandman and some other things. People should be concerned about the dollar’s value and it’s happening. What I’m seeing happening is countries are slowly trying to erode their dependence on the us dollar and then Operation Sandman is, and correct me if I’m wrong, is once they feel that they don’t have that complete dependence, then they’re going to implement Operation SandmaN and take. Yeah, it’s called the night of the switch.

It’s an agreement. And I attribute understanding this to Mike Adams. I like to give credit where credit is due and he’s a very smart guy. And opened my eyes to this theory called Operation Sandman. Now, I can’t speak to its validity other than to say that I’ve dug into it a little bit and it seems relatively credible, and that is that theres over 100 countries that have agreed at some point after theyve sufficiently de dollarized to it, at some whatever point that is, to all at once in unison, dump treasuries, dump dollars. And ive talked about that a lot, not even knowing what it was saying, that this is ultimately what should happen, that there will be a moment where the world just says, were done with taking dollars, were done with taking treasuries.

Now you could argue that this has been happening little by little by little. I often use the phrase logarithmic decay and we are seeing the de dollarization and the detreasurization little by little by little being replaced with things like gold, which has doubled the performance of the ten year treasury over 25 years, does not have that counterparty risk. The way that the treasuries do that, can be sanctioned. We’ve shown that to the world. But Operation Sandman is much more than little by little. It’s an all at once coordinated, momentous, and they call it the night of the switch.

Ive often said something like this happens on a Monday morning, Sunday night, where all of these countries dump dollars now were less than a month away, or about a month away from the meeting in Russia, the big Brics meeting, where we have been told by Delma Rusov, the former president of Brazil and the head of the Brics new development bank, that they have agreed in principle to a new settlement currency called the unit, which will be traded over Project Enbridge, which is a cross border payment system that was developed by China. Hong Kong, Thailand, United Bear Emirates and Saudi Arabia just became a full participant in it is not compatible to us dollars and will enable these countries to trade with one another using central bank digital currencies.

And if they want to settle in this new settlement currency called the unit, which is 40% gold backed and deliverable upon request, they’ve agreed to it in principle. That’s what Dalmarusov said. Now, what does that mean? Does that mean that sometime in October, they come out and say, we’ve agreed in theory, and it was in theory, in principle, and now here it is, we’re rolling it out. That could very well precipitate something like Operation Sandban, where all of these countries for the last two years that have been slowly selling treasuries and buying commodities and positioning for something like this, now have the green light that, hey, there’s a new settlement currency that will be backed and tied to gold, which they’ve all been accumulating, which is the only other tier one asset in the world since 2019 as reclassified by the bank of international settlements.

Well, guess who’s backing project Enbridge? The Bank of International Settlements. They’re involved in it, too. So to expect something like this to happen, could it? It’s very unconventional to think it could, but the pieces are falling into place to make you wonder and say, hmm, well, let’s think about, though, Andy, because, you know, everybody said that Lee Wanta was. This was a conspiracy theorist and wasn’t real, but that’s what he claimed they did to the Soviet Union, to take down the Soviet Union by selling off their currency and devaluing it and doing it overnight. It was this big operation that he claimed he ran.

I don’t know if that’s true or not, but we did know the Soviet Union went down and their dollar or their currency at the time collapsed through something that this. I mean, so it’s not. It’s something that might have happened in the past? Well, I think it’s a much easier way to defeat the west than to get into a hot war, is to do so with currency and debt instruments like the US treasury. It starts with the treasury. And when you look at the decisions that this government has made, I think none of these discussions are of really understood until we bring into the equation Jared Bernstein, the lead economic advisor to the US government, a man who has a degree in music and a master’s degree in social work.

He is an inclusionary economy, whatever the hell that means. It means he’s a modern monetary theorist and he believes in equality rather than equal opportunity. And that’s not the way that socialism. But when you look at his theory is to lose the reserve status. Look, weaponize the dollar. When we took 5 billion in assets from Russia, that was not anything other than a default or a outright theft. And what makes it even worse, as the world reserve currency, we’re supposed to be neutral. And instead we’ve decided to take those 5 billion and give it in the form of weapons purchased through the military industrial complex, to the country they’re in the midst of a war against.

You don’t come back from that. When you talk about weaponizing the dollar, when you talk about the fact we’re now creating $100,000 of debt every second, on and on and on and on and on, 24/7 that’s a trillion dollars every hundred days, roughly every three months. It took 200 years to do that. So we’ve weaponized the dollar, we’re distorting the value of the treasury market by. By, you know, taking it and weaponizing it, creating copious amounts of debt. Now we’re lowering interest rates and all of the things that we are doing on top of letting the country fall apart.

Open borders, questions, whether legit or not, half of the world thinks, geez, I wonder, are their elections fair? Is their judicial system two tiered? Or is it fair? Are all of the ideals that made America great, like you’re valued on your merit rather than your lifestyle type of deal? These are the things that made this country great. Even something as basic as the nuclear family. It’s all being obliterated. Our culture is being whitewashed. But this isn’t lost on the rest of the world. So when we talk about Project Sandman, look, if our country was what it was when you and I were little kids, growing up in Minnesota, I would think that this has a snowball’s chance in hell of really working.

But when you look at not only the mismanagement of the world reserve currency, the weaponizing of the dollar, the massive amount of inflation and the distortion of everything this country holds near and dear, starting with the nuclear family, all the way up to the institutions that made this country special, the fair and balanced elections and judicial system that are now being questioned. Yeah, I think that something like Project Sandman is highly, not only likely, but bordering on the fringe of probable in the respect that we are incentivizing the world to find another solution. And instead of clinging to the privilege of being the world reserve status or world reserve currency or the arbiter of the world reserve currency, we are doing everything we can to dismiss that honor and to, frankly, spit on it.

So, yeah, could it happen? Absolutely. And I think it probably will to some degree. Well, the petrodollar has changed, right? It used to be 100% in dollars, and now, as of last year, what was it? I don’t remember the 20% to 30% of it. The exchange was no longer in dollars. I don’t know what it is in 2024. Well, the big thing in 2024 was that just about two months ago was the 50 year anniversary of the petrodollar deal that was signed by Kissinger. And Saudi Arabia came back and said, listen, we’re not, not going to take dollars anymore, but we’re not going to re up the exclusivity of it, which opened the door.

So, in other words, last year they were doing 20%, to your point, of all oil trades, in other forms of payment, whether it be in gold or other currencies, now they come out, and that was done very privately, like we just found out. Let me give you the exact number here, because it’s very important. We just found out that Saudi Arabia, and this is how they do things, they’re kind of playing both sides right now. The Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority has secretly purchased 160 tons of gold from Switzerland. And this is information that they did not disclose.

They did it very discreetly without public announcements. But the swiss customs data kind of said, ah, look at this, 160 tons of gold is a lot of gold. And they’ve been. This is what they were caught on. And when you realize that that’s the Saudi Arabian monetary Authority, that’s the saudi government, but if they had a sovereign wealth fund or a commercial bank within Saudi Arabia that was buying directly from, let’s say, refiners in South Africa or in Switzerland. It would not be reported to the IMF the way it is when it’s done through the government.

That one slipped through the cracks. A lot of the stuff that they’re buying, we would have no idea that they’re doing this. They got caught on, but they don’t want the west to know. And it’s the same thing with the way that they are doing things. They said, look, we’re not, not going to take dollars, but we’re going to take other currencies too. That’s huge. What that means is that the hegemony is dead, the supremacy, not yet, but the exclusivity, the hegemony gone. And that’s the beginning of, to your point, of a greater movement towards project Sandman or something of its life.

But do you see, this is what I see. And probably something like it. It’ll happen either slowly and then overnight, or just, well, that’s probably what happened, whether it’s, it’s officially was project Sandman or just happened. But it seems that the powers that be are. We talked about it last time, they’re front running the system. It seems like they are trying to sell as much as they possibly can, take advantage of the system as much as they possibly can while they’re still in charge. Do the take from Russia, buy the weapons, take advantage of this as much as they can because they know it’s not, and then front run it so they’re in position when the thing goes down and established in a position of power in the new system.

That’s exactly right. And that is what they are doing. They are front running it. They are using the suppression of the western system to literally drain the exchanges of all of the commodities, not just precious metals. And you look at a country like China, we’ve talked at length about their Belt Road initiative, which already represents roughly 50% of global GDP, 75% of human population, and it’s growing. And all of these countries are resource rich. So China comes in and builds roads and bridges and maritime channels, and helps build all of the infrastructure, the oil refineries and rigs, the gold and silver mines and everything, and the ability to pull it out of the ground and to transport it to markethouse, to industrialize the country.

These are all underdeveloped countries. At the same time, you look at their trade agreements that they’ve done. They just were awarded a massive $2 billion deal to modernize the largest airport in Iran, and they’re paying for it in oil. They’re buying soybeans and corn from Brazil, paying for it in digital yuan, which is immediately convertible into gold on the Shanghai Gold exchange, which is what? The only other tier one asset as classified by the bank of international Settlements, who is standing behind Project EnBridge that Saudi Arabia just became a full participant in and is not compatible with dollars, you can see the pieces are being put in place.

And so when you talk about little by little, then all at once, like you said, where this will happen little by little, but that’s exactly what’s happening. The de dollarization, the deals are being put into place, the all at once hasn’t happened yet. That will be on a Sunday night. That will be the night of the switch. When does that happen? That is the question. What precipitates it? Well, I mean, we have their big meeting at the end of October, we have the election in November. Something has to break between now and then. And when we see the movements that have been made along the way, the draining of all the metal out of the exchanges, the huge deliveries that we are seeing, the stupidity in lowering rates again, all of the things that we are doing, which, by the way, as soon as they lower rates, the back end of the curve, the ten and the 30 year went straight up.

And so that’s not how it’s supposed to go. That’s the rest of the world saying, what the hell do we want? Any duration debt instrument from you. Why would we be dumb enough to take that? A country that has chosen to inflate over making or normalizing their balance sheet, and one that if we don’t align with you, you’ll take our treasuries, you’ll take our assets. We have no interest in this. And so they’re moving to a trustless system. And when you look at, for example, gold, which in many ways is replacing the treasury, it’s doubled its performance over the last 25 years of the ten year treasury, but it doesn’t have that counterparty risk.

So yeah, these things are happening, Sarah, to your point, they are happening, they are accelerating. And I don’t know when that all at once moment is, but I think you can see the little by little by little by little is definitely happening. If you look close enough, you can see it well, and it’s the fact that they can see it, they’ve been planning for it, and they’re putting themselves into a position of power to be able to handle it later and then have power in the new system. Correct? Absolutely. Well, thats exactly right. And the elite always front run.

Always. And do you think theres any coincidence that the most well informed traders in the world, the central banks, have bought more gold over the last two years than at any time ever in the history of central banking? And back up from there. Do you think theres any coincidence that it was made a tier one asset? Bye, the bank of international settlements. I want to read you something interesting also. Let me pull it up here real quick. A simple Google search pulled this up for me. One of the things thats important to understand is that the new settlement currency that theyre talking about, this unit, is 40% gold backed.

I read the white paper, but before I tell you whats in the white paper, this was just a simple Google search. And this is over the last two years, most of it just recently. These are the banks that have brought back their gold from the New York Federal Reserve. And see, since for the last, I dont know, 50, 60, 70 years or longer, the countries of the world would leave their gold at two places at the New York Fed because it gave direct access to the Comex market, which is the price setting mechanism of the world and its in western jurisdiction and western rule of law, etcetera.

And the same thing would be true of the London Metals Exchange with the bank of England. They would leave it there because it was safe and had access to the LBMA. These are the two trading platforms. So just over the last couple, several months, really, these are the banks, the central banks that have brought their gold home. Give it to me. I want it. Most people would say, well, it’s because they’ll take it from us, they’ll weaponize it. Sure, that’s part of it. But there’s more, and I’ll get to that. Here are the countries, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Argentina, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Belgium, Egypt, Senegal, Romania, Nigeria, Poland, Ghana, India, Turkey, France, Serbia, Venezuela, Algeria, Cameroon, South Africa, and Czechoslovakia, to name a few.

India bought one and a half times the amount of gold they bought all of last year, which was a record year. Just within the first four months of this year, brought it all home, including 100 metric tons that they’ve held at the bank of England since 1991. Now everyone’s saying, well, they’re bringing their gold home because they don’t trust the west, and damn right that is part of it. But if you read the white paper on the unit, this new token that Delma Rusoff, the head of the BrIcS new development bank, the former president of Brazil, said, we have agreed in principle to this new system.

And the reason, Sarah, that I’ve been talking for years with you about a BRICS currency backed by something is because Sergey Glasiev, the architect of this, the Eurasian Economic Union financial minister, has said this for years, that this is what it will be. Well, guess who the meeting was with? Delma Rusov, Sergey Glasyev and Putin. And she came out and said, we’ve agreed in principle to the new unit settlement currency. We intend on having a meeting here at the end of September in China any day now, with the intention of possibly ratifying it and rolling it out in October.

Now, whether or not they roll it out in October, the ball is in motion and it’s coming. But if you read the white paper, something very interesting comes into play. And that is this. That the new unit token will be a basket of 40% gold in kilo bar form, deliverable upon requests, and a basket of 60% brics plus currencies with no more than 30% of any one currency comprising a basket. So Russia, China, India, they can have their own central bank digital currencies and whatnot. That will comprise the 60%. All of this will trade over project Enbridge.

Let’s talk about Enbridge for 1 second. Enbridge is a cross border payment system that allows these countries to trade central bank digital currencies without interference of the Swift system. So this is not a BRICS currency, this is a settlement currency. Each country will have their own central bank digital currency. Each country will trade back and forth like we’re seeing right now. China trading with Brazil and yuan, or India trading with Russia in rupee or ruble. It will be digital cross border payment. Now, if one country says, listen, I have enough rupee, I don’t want anymore, or you know what? For my oil, or for my.

For my wheat, or for whatever it is, I would like the new settlement currency, please. Okay, fine. What is the settlement currency? Settlement currency is the unit that trades over Enbridge. And remember Enbridge, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, UAE. Bear bear, 7th largest producer of oil in the world, just joined BRICS. Member of OPEC, said, we don’t want to take dollars for oil anymore. Publicly, a few months ago. And the bis, the bis is backing all of this? They’re the ones who reclassified gold as the world’s only other tier one reserve asset. Now, if you go back two years before they made this admission, all of a sudden we see all these central banks, the Dutch National bank, starting with the German Bundesbank, Hungary, Austria, Turkey, Poland, they all started bringing their gold back.

And then two years later, it’s announced as a tier one reserve asset. After they not only repatriated all their gold, but went on a massive buying spree. So now we see all these countries bringing back their gold, and who’s behind it? The Bis. Why do I say that? Because it’s not just because the west is stealing everyone’s assets. If we don’t align ideologically. The white paper says that the tokens that will be minted, of which 40% is gold, in kilo bar form, 60% brics plus currencies, will be pulled out of circulation, both of them put into an escrow account that will be independently audited continuously, but within the borders of the countries that possess the golden.

So if I’m India, I don’t have to send my gold to Moscow or to Beijing. I’ll hold it myself. I will have it independently audited in an escrow account as part of the unit ecosystem. Massive penalties for deviation from the ecosystem. So, in other words, each one of these countries will have their own monetary autonomy. Each one of these countries are setting the stage to dump the dollar because they have now gold, which will replace the treasury, which has doubled its performance over the last 25 years with no counterparty risk. And central bank digital currencies back and forth, north, not using the dollar, not reliant upon the west, maintaining a very tight financial monetary house.

In other words, they’ll all be responsible for keeping a good ecosystem for their own central bank digital currencies. But if they want to trade in energy or in commodities, that’s where the unit comes into play. And if I want to take possession of the gold, give it to me. And it’s held in an escrow account in my own borders. That’s why I’m bringing it back from the bank of England. That’s why I’m bringing it back from the New York Fed. I don’t need to trade on those platforms anymore, because those platforms are for Gazi. And those platforms where the London bullion metals exchange.

Sarah admits to trading 2.9 billionoz of silver per day. That’s 3.5 times annual global mine supply. They only have 300 millionoz backing those trades. Ten times the amount of silver is traded every single day than they have available to deliver. The world realizes that the western exchanges are full of shit. And the way that they are beating us, instead of bitching about it, is to drain them. And then once no one is stupid enough to sell at these stupid prices, that’s when it switches. There’s your night of the switch. And when that happens, the metals exchange in Dubai or get this.

Over the past four months, the cumulative increase in volume on the Shanghai Gold exchange is up almost 400%. It has surpassed the Comex. It’s the number two most heavily traded exchange in the world. So bang like that, the Comex and the LBA is rendered a scam. Just like Bernie Madoff, who ran a great program until everyone stood for delivery. Give me my money. Sorry, I don’t have it. Scam. And that’s what’s in the western system. And that’s all those gold and silver, what do you call them where they have the certificates? You buy the gold certificates? Yeah, it’s just like a contract.

That stuff’s going to just disappear. That’s really risky. Not only will it will drag down with it some of the biggest banks in the world. That’s right. Banks are the ones. Sorry about that. These banks are the ones that are selling all the paper contracts on the LBMA. Over 90% of every contract that they issue is paper. It is not backed by anything. But they tell, they sell those big stock houses that are managing people’s pension funds are encouraging people to buy these. That’s what they want everybody to buy. So now everybody. Yes. And so everybody’s.

All these pension funds, all these people in all their retirement, all the normies, all the people who aren’t listening, they’re all buying this stuff, and their whole house of cards is going to fall and they’re going to lose. I mean, think of what they’re. It’s going to be so sad. Well, I mean, but. And, yeah, of course it will be. And that’s why you’re seeing the one thing I admire, you know, look, I’m a patriot, Sarah. I mean, this country’s giving me more than I could ever, ever ask for. I thank God every day. I was born in this country, and I’m so saddened by what I see by, and it kills me.

But you can argue if I respect anything in the way that the BRICs have handled their affairs, people need to understand, this is 18 years long already. This is not something that just came out, out of the ether. It’s 18 years. And the way that they do things are methodically, they are slowly draining the exchanges. Like how many people know that the Chinese bought the London Metals Exchange? The London Metals Exchange is not the precious metals. It’s base metals. Copper, zinc, lead, you name it. And you know, and they’re building warehouses in Beijing to stockpile the metal traded in London on the London Metals Exchange.

They’re striking deals all around the world. For every form of commodity, from, from food based commodities, soft wheat, soybeans, corn, to precious metals, to base metals. And they’re striking relationships all around the world in a cooperative fashion even. And that’s what it takes. Organization, it’s in their namesake, and it’s the largest regional military and financial group in the world. They’re doing things very differently from the west. There will be that moment, that operation Sandman, somehow, some way. But we could argue in all of the things that we are seeing, it’s the little by little by little by little by little by little by little thing is Operation Sandman.

But, okay, so this is why the quantum financial system that just waiting in the dark to just take over, why I don’t believe it’s real, okay, is because when I look at the bricks, you look at a financial system. It takes years of setting up the relationships. It takes years of making sure all the banks and all the financial institutions are connected to it. It takes major work to get everything working. So they can’t have this system that nobody’s connected to, that nobody knows anything about and then just implement it, can they? I mean, you. Well, Project Enbridge, if you, if you look at Project Enbridge, they speak of how, how it is very adaptable and it’s used to trade central bank digital currencies.

If you look at all of the countries that make up the world’s gross domestic product, 100% of the GDP of the world, 99% of those countries have a CBDC, a central bank digital currency in development or in operation in the west. It’s now something called Project Agora that the G seven has signed up to, and it’s their version of Project Enbridge. Now, will it be compatible? Will Enbridge want to trade with the G seven? Will those countries? Maybe, maybe not. Don’t know. I mean, the BIS has their finger and the IMF has their fingers in all of these things.

So could it be we are heading into that type of a system where it’s, it’s, you know, a gold backed system of the west and a gold backed system of the east? I don’t know, but it does appear that we are heading in that direction. Would you call that the quantum financial system, the gold backed system that they’ve been working on for years? Is that what they are going to claim? I don’t know if that’s the quantum financial system or the quantum financial system takes over when this system fails. I don’t know, because this is certainly not decentralized in any shape or form.

What they’re quant, yes, but in order for something to take over, you have to be working on it for years and setting up all those relationships, which I do know there are people trying to work on financial systems all over the place. This, you would think that it would maybe be part of this. If it’s real, that certainly could be. As an interesting side note, maybe it fits into this very well. There’s a man named Jim Sinclair who I was very close with. He died. He was known as Mister Gold in the seventies. And he said something to me once and he said this publicly so I can say it and I’m not disrespecting his confidence, but he said to me, andy, I only buy american gold coins.

I said yeah, I understand that. And he says, do you know I’m jewish? And I said well no Jim, I didn’t. In fact, Sinclair is not a very jewish name. But why are you telling me this? He says because I want you to know something. He says, you’re right, it’s not a jewish name. I took my mother’s name because I went to catholic elementary school and I was picked on for being jewish. And when I went to the middle school in another town, I took my mom’s maiden name. Sinclair never went back. And my father was actually a very famous commodity trader on Wall street named Murray Zelligman.

You google Murray Zelligman, you will see he helped unwind the Hunt brothers position. He was very well known and he was Jim’s father. And I said well Jim, why are you telling me all this? He says because I am related to the Goldman’s and Goldman Sachs. Now I want you to understand Sarah, that I can’t validate this other than to say that he told me this to my face. And he was a very very very well known man, Jim Sinclair. Google him people, you’ll see what I mean. Anyways, and he said to me, now this could be to the point what we’re talking about, the quantum financial system.

And what I said maybe this is the system that they’re setting up, quantum financial system to follow after. And he said that the reason that I only buy american gold and silver coins is that I was told that there would be two resets. Now I would argue we’re in the midst of the first reset right now for sure. And he said the first resets man made and will fail. And when that reset happens, when it fails, there will be a second reset ushered in by Mother Nature. And when that reset happens, the us government will confiscate everything that is not american made, I cannot validate that.

I’m not telling people to go rush out and sell all of their australian or canadian coins or whatnot, but I will tell you he believed that. And Bill Holter, who is a very dear friend of mine, was his partner. Bill Holter runs all of his trades through my company. Bill only buys american stuff for the same reason. Could it be, don’t know. Could that second reset usher in the quantum financial system? Maybe? Because to me this doesn’t seem like a quantum financial system. This is the same system ushered in by the central banks that have created the mess to begin with.

Could this be first reset? Maybe. What is the quantum financial system then in your mind? I am not qualified to answer that question with any form of authority, just simply to say a system, and I would argue probably be something far more decentralized than centralized. And how would you, would they have it all, here’s the deal. Would they have it all set up to, say, all you, they probably would have to be secretly working with all the different financial institutions or enough of them so that they could have all the ties set up and test it out.

And then overnight they would say, okay, in order to get set up with this new system, you need to go here and do these four things. And now you’re set up. And they would just declare it, but they’d have to be working on it for years. And working on it for years, of course. Yeah. And would it be crypto, would it be CBDC? Would it be, would it be the CBD, the horrifying CBDC? Or would it be a distributed one? I mean, just because people are excited about quantum financial systems, like, well, I need to know the details of this sucker.

I mean, something more along the lines of XRP because it’s something that seems legit. I mean, it’s eliminating swift. Well, you could argue that’s what Project Enbridge is. It eliminates swift. It’s a system that takes out of the equation the traditional banking system. So I don’t know if what we see in front of us would be the quantum financial system or one that rises from its ashes, which would be more decentralized rather than one that is centralized by the central bank. So if I had to guess, and I’m really not the person that has spent enough time understanding it, I would simply say that, no, this is not the quantum financial system.

It would be a byproduct of this system that they are moving into failing. Maybe I’m wrong on that. I think it’s something I should certainly polish up on. I’m sorry, I don’t have. No, no, that’s okay. Because I’ve been thinking about it for, for a long time, and when I hear the people talk about it, I, the people who talk about it claim they have sources and they’re very ignorant to banking. So I’m like, you guys don’t even know what you’re talking about. So I want to talk to somebody that, that’s why I have a hard time believing it’s real, because the people talking about it don’t even know it.

I mean, they’re just so financially illiterate. So I want to talk to somebody who really understands this to see if it’s real or maybe it’s XRP and all these other things, and it’s just, they just don’t want to say that’s what it is. Well, I’ll put it to you this way. If indeed it has to do with quantum computing more than anything, and if it has to do indeed with changing the system the way that it is with the commercial banks and whatnot. Yeah. I mean, if it is central bank digital currencies, if that’s what it is, if that’s part of it, there’s no question in the world we’re heading in that direction.

When 99% of the countries that comprise 100% of the GDP of the world having a CBDC in operation or development, then we’re there. The question that I would have is it, is that what they mean by it? I guess that’s something I need to research and quantum computing to say it’s a quantum, well, it’s like, that’s just a faster, more advanced computer. Okay. Okay. We’re going in that direction. If that’s what they mean, then. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Well, and think of what, how quantum computing, what that means to cryptocurrencies. I mean, if a quantum computer is able to solve complex algorithms much faster, what does it mean to the safety of an ecosystem like bitcoin, as an example, which is an algorithm.

Could it be hacked by quantum computers, perhaps? I don’t know. I’m just simply saying we are heading into a digital landscape, and whether or not it immediately is what people talk about, about the quantum financial system, and I am not the person to ask on that or one that comes as a result of it not working. And a second reset that remains to be seen. But ill tell you this, and ill promise you this, that by the time we talk next time, I will have researched the quantum financial system enough to be able to answer a question like that.

Perfect. I want somebody whos done some serious work, whos economically illiterate, to talk to me about it because I don’t even want to. It just seems too conspiratorial until somebody who has some literacy is talking about it. It has been my understanding, and I guess I could be wrong, but my understanding is that it’s a decentralized system, like the quantum financial system. That’s all our cryptos, that’s all sorts of stuff. Right. Well, that ain’t, that isn’t what this is. So what this is right now is centralized to, you know, to. Oh, you mean the bricks, Laura? Is the west, is the western system challenging Enbridge? But that is, you know, you got the Federal Reserve behind this.

So this is not a decentralized system. And this would be exactly what Jim Sinclair was, would be talking about a mother nature reset taking the place of manmade reset, which fails. Could that be, what does he mean by that? Like we. It just. The system fails because people are frustrated and it’s just not working well because central bank digital currency not tied to something is just fiat. So does that mean they’re going to tie any central bank digital currency to a commodity, to an asset to back it? I mean, I’ve always said that. To me, the logic is you combine the technology of blockchain with a commodity like gold and Peggy, now you have a system that is pegged.

Is that what they mean? I don’t know, but when you talk about decentralization, that is not what this is. It’s a centralized system that if it’s not pegged to something, it’s just another fiat currency that’s digital. It’s a central bankers. It’s just the central bankers next system because they’re all front running it and they’re getting it. This is the central bankers at the BRIcs. Okay, I just keep telling people they need to be buying gold and silver. We’ve been saying it for years, but it’s the only thing that is safe right now. I mean, there’s other assets like land and things.

Maybe long term it’ll be. But gold and silver in this climate and environment is something that you need. Not only that, gold has outpaced every traditional asset on the planet for 25 years. It’s doubled the performance of the ten year treasury. It’s bettered the performance of the s and P 500 with dividends reinvested, which has averaged 9.4% per year, compounding for 25 years. Gold’s 9.9% with no interest paid. And yet the biggest money in the world is buying it like it going out of style. But silver is way suppressed. I mean it’s way the most undervalued asset on the planet, no question about.

And yet we see India buying it off the hook. In fact, in August alone. Let me pull up the number. In August alone, India imported 45.4 millionoz of silver. That’s 1.316 billion or 45.5 troy million troy ounces. In August. They’ve imported 700 plus million over the last two years. That amount that they purchased just in the month of August is about the total amount of silver held in the Comex in the registered category. Those are the bars that are available for delivery. That’s one month’s worth of purchase. These countries know what’s coming and they’re using the suppression of the western markets to drain them.

That’s right. We’re suppressing it and allowing these other countries to grow and get powerful and the elites to do the same thing. We need to take advantage of it while this is in this situation. So if you’re not, I mean, you’re not gonna. This is a once in a lifetime situation for you to get ahead of this reset and you need to do it. And I think if you’re a country like Saudi Arabia who’s been selling oil for dollars, which have been losing value every single year due to inflation, every year dollars going down to inflation, whereas gold has gone up by 9.9%, compounding for 25 years straight.

Now check this out. There’s a guy that I respect a lot. His work is fantastic. His name is John Little and he wrote something and I changed the numbers to be correct to where they are now. But he said, with gold at 25 90 nothing, Saudi Arabia quietly purchases 160 tons of gold quietly worth $10 billion last month. And that’s just what they got caught doing. But with gold at 25 90 in oil at $70 a barrel, you can buy 37 barrels of oil with an ounce of gold. So in your purse, if your purse would hold 20 pounds, a heavy strap, yeah, it’d be hard to walk around all day, but you could do it and run to the car.

That’s 290oz of gold. That’s worth 10,730 barrels of oil. So what would you rather take if you were Saudi Arabia? 290oz of gold. That’s worth 10,730 barrels of oil or the cash equivalent, which continues to lose value. That’s right. Due to the inflation and the money creation and the lowering of interest rates and the quantitative easing and the weaponization of the dollar in the treasury market itself, where if you don’t fall in line, Saudi. Well, we’re going to take your assets. And so that’s what the world is slowly transitioning away from. And it’s too stupid to be stupid.

It’s as if it’s planned to initiate a reset. And when you talk about Jared Bernstein, whose whole thesis is this, and when you look at what we’ve done on the inside of the borders and add it to what we’ve done on the outside of the borders, including creating a trillion dollars of debt every three months. Yeah. The day of reckoning is upon us. It’s coming. It’s just a matter of how it plays out. Is it orderly or is it a bang? Night of the Sandman, Night of the Switch? I don’t know. But something’s coming, Sarah. No question.

And I promise you, the next time I talk with you, I will be able to speak with a little bit of authority on the quantum financial system. And at this point, the only thing that I would say is that using my intuition, this isn’t it, because it lacks decentralization. And that’s what the quantum financial people talk about. That’s what I feel. Okay, so what I need to do, as soon as you’re ready to talk about it, we’re going to have you back. I will. And for your people that want special pricing, and that’s the most important thing, don’t go to our website.

We do have a new website, another new website that’s almost ready to be rolled out. But send us an email, infoilesfranklin.com dot. Sarah sent me. Just ask for the price list. We have a price list. What we don’t publish, that will blow away almost every company in America. And we’re very, very adamant about keeping that close to the vest and not publishing it. Any questions that you’ve heard on this interview or any others, or precious metals, iras, anything that you want to ask, put your phone number down, we’ll call you. But if you just want the price list with no obligation, Sarah sent me in the subject line, and you’ll be glad you did.

And it’s a price list pretty damn hard to beat. And we will make sure that your listeners get the white glove, I promise you that. And I will reach back out to you, certainly before the election, because I think there’s going to be a lot to talk about, especially with the BRICS meeting here at the end of October somewhere between the BRICS meeting and the election, I will reach back out to you. We will talk BRICS, we will talk quantum financial, we will talk election and everything else that sprung up around it. And I. I love coming on with you, Sarah.

You’re awesome, lady, and I respect you tremendously. And thank you for having me be a tiny, tiny part of what you’ve been doing. It’s an honor. Thank you. Absolutely. I look forward to chatting with you soon.



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