Operation Gladio: The Operation that Funds the Cabals Dark Projects with Colonel Towner-Watkins

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➡ The text discusses Operation Gladio, a covert operation that involved overthrowing governments and controlling them. It also mentions a company called Masterpiece that removes toxins from the body. The text then introduces Colonel Toner Watkins, who has extensive experience in the Air Force and has been studying Operation Gladio. She explains that she discovered Operation Gladio while studying strategic studies and reading a book called the Third Way.
➡ In the late 1800s, a system was created to control people by pushing them towards a third way, using a left and right entity. This concept was used in military strategies, such as the ‘stay behind units’ set up by Reinhard Galen in 1942 during World War II. These units were locals trained to act as ‘werewolves’, citizens by day and killers by night, who would attack from the rear if the German front was overrun. This strategy was also used in the Boer wars in South Africa to defeat the British, and later adopted by Winston Churchill during World War II.
➡ Operation Gladio was a covert NATO operation that overthrew governments and controlled them through blackmail. It was funded by trafficking weapons, drugs, and humans. The operation was exposed in 1990 by the Prime Minister of Italy, revealing its extensive network across all NATO countries. The Vatican bank was used as the primary money launderer for the operation due to its secrecy and sovereign status.
➡ This text discusses various historical events and conspiracy theories, suggesting that many incidents are not coincidental but strategically planned. It mentions Operation Gladio, a Cold War operation, and suggests it’s still ongoing. The text also discusses the labeling of individuals as communists to justify actions against them, and the role of the CIA in various global events. It ends by discussing the presence of CIA units in Ukraine.
➡ The text discusses various political and historical events, including the manipulation of countries by powerful entities, such as the CIA. It mentions the creation of new countries post-World War II, the use of blackmail tactics, and the training of paramilitary groups. The text also highlights the role of organizations like the World Wildlife Fund in acquiring land through questionable means. Lastly, it discusses the misinformation spread to justify actions against certain countries or groups.
➡ The speaker, a military expert, discusses the misuse of military units and the high suicide rate among soldiers. He shares his knowledge through his podcast and book reviews, focusing on the misconception of communism. He also talks about the takedown of a mafia drug operation in Italy and the dismantling of a spying company, Crypto Ag. He ends by discussing the arrest of Epstein and the fine on TD bank for money laundering, suggesting these events could be linked to a larger takedown of criminal activities.
➡ The discussion revolves around the issue of money laundering in big banks like TD Bank and Bank of America, and the role of intelligence agencies in such activities. It also touches on the connection between money laundering, weapons trafficking, and human trafficking. The speaker expresses a desire to end human trafficking and believes that to do so, the entire network of these illegal activities, supported by the same people and organizations, needs to be dismantled. The speaker also suggests that these illicit activities fund the operations of intelligence agencies.


It happened in Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Nicaragua, Honduras. What do you mean by this happened? In that. What, like they overthrowing governments? Okay, okay. Over. Yeah. And then, and then they brought in the, you know, the economic hitman. They overthrow governments and then the next phase was to blackmail them and control them. So everybody’s familiar with the economic hitman version of this, but not the paramilitary capability that affected the takeover. And that’s Operation Gladio in a nutshell. Just a quick break from your programming so I can give you a little information about Masterpiece. They are the masters at removing toxins and heavy metals and aluminum and microplastics out of your bloodstream, out of your body.

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I’m Sarah Westall. I have Colonel Toner Watkins coming to the program. I’ve been wanting to get her on the program for a while and she’s been really covering Operation Gladio from the ins and outs of what this thing is. She’s going to first talk about what her background is and how she stumbled into this thing in the process of when she’s in the Air Force and her experiences with that. But so many people that research Operation Gladio. And she talks about this as well, looks at it from the standpoint of a Cold War era relic that’s gone and it’s just not true.

It, it was one of the darkest operations. They just, nobody knew about it until it came out in, in Italy. And she talks about that, what happened in Italy at that time. And this is not until 1990. So it was a dark project all the way up through 1990. And it, and they act like it was a foregone, it’s done operation, but it’s been going on now. And we show how George Floyd was an example of that type of operation where everything has these leave behind units where they have everything ready to go until you get the phone call and then the flash points are everywhere.

But she’s going to talk about it from a military standpoint, how they get the funding, how it ties into human trafficking and drug trafficking and arms trafficking and all of that. And so this is a good one for you. So make sure you watch this whole thing. And before I get into that, I want to talk to you about these body align again. This is a little guy that you can have use for your dogs. And they have little pendants you can just use for your pets, cats, dogs, whatever. There’s so many products. This one is probably the most popular.

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Thank you for having me. Well, it’s the first time I’ve been trying to get you on. I wanted to talk to you for a while so people know who you are. Can you describe your background, you know, your military background and what you’re about? Yeah, sure. So I spent 30 years in the Air Force. I was on active duty from 1979 to the later part of 2008. I was medically retired due to vaccine injury, anthrax and long story. But I did all kinds of different things. I lived all over the world, traveled all over the world.

I basically came from very humble beginnings. No one in my family had ever went to college. And that was kind of my heart desire was to get a college education. And because of the humble beginnings, there was not a lot of future here in my hometown. I lived. I grew up in central Florida. That is where I retired at as well. And so neither one of my parents had ever graduated from high school. And it was just a very steep road. So I decided because of a cousin that had joined the military, the Air Force specifically, to also join the Air Force.

And because at the time, the big selling feature was free college tuition. Sure. So I went in and I was hooked because in the military at the time I joined in 1979, they had just opened it up to women. I was very mechanically inclined. I asked to be placed in aircraft maintenance. And that’s what I started doing. I worked on aircraft and I Loved it. And it was the first time in my life that every bit of my effort came back to me. It wasn’t like growing up in a house of three girls where, you know, you all collectively had to do everything.

It was me getting to put 100% of my effort into something and getting the rewards of that effort. And that’s addictive. Well, to get the rewards of your effort is actually unique too, but keep going. Well, and for example, some little things. For example, I was constantly being put in for. There’s like a recognition program called Airmen of the Month or Airmen of the Year and Airmen of the Year. And I worked with a bunch of maintenance guys who didn’t like dressing up in their blue formal uniforms and going before boards because they liked being a mechanic.

Sure. Most of them uniforms were not kept up to date or whatever. And so they were constantly like, it was a punishment to me, putting me in for these rewards and I kept winning in them. Oh, that’s funny. And so that is what propelled my career because eventually I’m like Airman of the Year and I have all of these. And they get documented in your personnel record. And so when I submitted my application to receive a ROTC scholarship, the Reserve Officer Commissioning Program Scholarship, to have my last two years fully paid for at a university, Indiana University is the one I applied for.

I got approved because I had all of these awards that I had accumulated over the last, you know, five years. That’s awesome. My record looked much more impressive than I was. Well, I doubt that that’s. That’s awesome. I. My grandfather was a colonel in the Air Force as well. He retired way before you even joined. But I hear, I used to hear stories about the Air Force and different things, and I think it’s, it’s fascinating what you’ve done. Can you talk about. You’ve been exposing a project called Operation Gladiator Gladio. And in the media, you know, people go and they research it.

It looks like it’s a cold air, you know, war era operation that’s no longer in existence. And you say, no, that’s not true. Can you talk about what Operation Gladio is and then how you stumbled into that? Like what? So, yeah, it probably is better that I tell you how I stumbled into it and then tell you what I discovered. Okay, yeah, I’m going to change that up just a little bit. Okay. As an attribute to the current program that we have from a taxpayer’s perspective. You guys paid for all of my education. Right. Not only my schooling, but my college Education was paid for 100% by taxpayer dollars.

As a result of that, I have a couple of master’s degrees. I have a couple of bachelor’s degrees. So I love reading and I love learning things. And I’ve always had that kind of inquisitive nature about me. I love puzzles. I love jigsaw puzzles and putting things together. And so I’m just naturally curious. So I, from 2002 to 2003, was a student at what the Air Force refers to as Air War College. It’s a master’s degree in strategic Studies. They send you. You get to specialize in a particular area. Mine was Southeast Asia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Japan.

I went to all of those places during this year. We studied the entire globe from a political perspective, a military perspective, and an economic. Because wars are always fought over resources. So you kind of get the lay of the land, of how all of the world interacts with each other. In all of that study, I had never heard of Operation Gladio. So I’m reading a book. I’m a like a amateur historian. I’m reading a book called the Third Way. And this author basically premise of this book is there’s these forces located in New York City and in London that back in the late 1800s, created this dynamic where they were going to create a left and a right entity that was going to act as cattle prods to control people and push us all into a third way.

So you have one way and you have another way, and then you have their way. Yep. And I found that fascinating. And at towards the end of the book, there was a mention of a thing called a stay behind unit. And it was clearly in a military context. And I’m like, well, that’s weird. Why have I never heard that term? So I just did a simple search on Safari, and I’m like, whoa. Stay behind units. That was something that Reinhard Galen in 1942 set up inside the Nazi apparatus of which is the right. And basically their function was to.

If you are going towards the East. So let’s just take World War II. Nazis were invading Russia. They’re pushing east. They were going to set up in what was at that time Russia. Stay behind units where you bury caches of weapons, explosives, and you train people that are locals so they’re not. They don’t stick out. You know, they’re not German. They speak the language. You train them to be what they referred to as werewolves, citizen by day and killers by night. And you train them on the weapons and everything and where they’re at and there’s these little kind of detachable cells of them, almost like what you and I would think of as modern day terrorism.

And so they were placed in these strategic places as they went further east in case the German front got overran and the Russians came back into Germany, which is in fact what happened, that these units would pop up behind the Russian front and attack them from the rear. Now interestingly enough when you start looking into this, the very first documented case of a stay behind unit was in the Boer wars in South Africa. The Boer Boer wars and the UK went down there twice to. Because they knew gold and diamonds was in the area. There were farmers and they didn’t want to give up their land.

So the British attacked them and they used the stay behind unit concept to defeat a much superior in numbers and technology force of British soldiers. Just like annihilated them. But there was. How did they annihilate him? So the stay behind unit would do what? Because when I was reading about it it was psychological operations. It was terrorist kind of cell stuff. Originally it was just kinetic warfare. It was not psychological, it was just people with weapons. So they buried weapons. So the British soldiers go rushing into what they thought was the camp. And all of these weapons were pre positioned and the people kind of snuck in because they know the terrain better.

It’s their terrain. They snuck in with the pre positioned weapons and logistical stuff in order to overrun the British forces from behind. Very smart guerrilla warfare that strategically. Very smart guerrilla warfare. And there was an embedded journalist with the British forces by the name of Winston Churchill. He’s taken notes of all of this. Interesting. Yeah, he goes back and works his way up through the government of the UK and obviously is in charge during World War II. And he sets up a very similar operation called Jedbergs for the British in case the Nazis come across the channel.

But Hitler has this whole thing figured out. He’s got them everywhere. Every country they overtook as Nazis they set up stay behind units in. So think of all of Eastern Europe has these stay behind units. Towards the end of World War II. Galen, Reinhard Galen, General SS. Reinhard Galen and his trainer SS Major then Lieutenant Colonel Otto Skorzeny for all of these units. Otto Skorzeny was kind of the planner, trainer, executor of special missions. And by the way he is the guy physically that flew in to an island off of the coast of Italy and rescued Mussolini and brought him back to Hitler.

Wow, he’s not small fries here. So he is the expert in stay behind tactics and guerrilla warfare. So at the end of World War II, in order to save Otto Skorzeny and Galen’s hide, Galen contacts Allen Dulles, who we know goes on to be the CIA director, right? So he’s, he’s in Switzerland at the time and he makes a deal with Reinhard Galen. They put Reinhard Galen in a military, an army four star uniform, fly him to Washington D.C. and debrief him on where all of his stay behind units are. The whole concept, everything that becomes Operation Gladio.

They decide when they stand up NATO that they are going to run this entire network, not only of what already exists, but create them in all NATO countries. There is a secret agreement that every NATO country had to sign to be a member of NATO to include the United States, that they would create these Gladio networks, well under the guise of anti communism. So the whole purpose of them was to defeat communism. But if you start researching this, you find out that, and the best example of this was in the Congo. So the Congo had just recently been given its independence by Belgium.

They weren’t actually going to give them their independence, but there was this whole 1950s push to give all of the previously designated colonial countries their freedom from primarily Europe. But we had a couple and instead of actually giving them their freedom, they had already figured out a way to give them their freedom without allowing them to have freedom. And the Congo was a great example of that. So the Belgium officials come down and say, you know, here’s your freedom in 1960. And Lumumba was the first elected Prime Minister of the Congo. So he tells the Prime Minister of Belgium while he’s down there giving him his freedom and that he wants all of the Belgium military out of his country.

And they go, oh, no, no, you misunderstood. You’re not actually free. You can fill the enlisted ranks with your people, but our officers are going to stay here because see that uranium mined over there and the gold mine, they cared about the resources, they wanted to have control of them. So we have a contract with the United States for all of your uranium and we get our cut and you’re not going to get any. And Lumumba goes, yeah, that’s not how that’s going to work because you’ve left 99% of the population in the Congo ignorant. They have no education, they have no healthcare.

You cut people’s hands off as little kids if they didn’t pick enough rubber for you. So no, we’re done with you. Get the hell out of my country. And they kindly said, okay, well if that’s the way you want to play, we’re going to go to the area of your country that was called. Most of the resources in the Congo was in a state within the Congo called Katanga. So we’re going to bring in all the CIA and Otto Scorsini, the trainer slash executor, and we are going to. It was called something df. When was the name of the operation? But they decided that they were going to kidnap and murder Lumumba and get rid of him.

But first we have to cut off all your resources. You’re not allowed any IMF loans. And we’re going to blockade all of your surrounding area so nothing can get into your country. And then we’re going to attack you. And when we attack you, the only other place in the world that is brave enough to send you weapons against us, a collective west, was the Soviet Union. So as soon as the Soviet Union would step up and send one of these people that was targeted by the Western imperialists for their resources, they would label them a communist.

And in America, what that allowed them to do, as soon as a label of communism was attached to your name. One of the most consequential lies of history is that Karl Marx put forth an economic theory or doctrine. He did not. He put forth a totalitarian religion. This was a rape of the body of Christ. He said the ultimate objective was to destroy Christianity. Those were his words. And Khrushchev bragged about it. We’ll take America without firing a shot. Hi, I’m here to impoverish, enslave and murder you. They were actual communists. The result, you can see we have to stay woke.

There are ravening wolves in sheep’s clothing all over the place. It immediately allowed the CIA in their anti communist rhetoric to target you to get funds from the White House. And in this case it was President Eisenhower and Vice President President Richard Nixon. They targeted and signed a finding to kill Lumumba. Geez. Okay, so they execute him. The CIA does. They carry him around in the trunk of a CIA agent for two weeks inside of the country. After they’ve kidnapped and assassinated him, they temporarily bury him. And then they decide, well, we probably don’t want to do that because if they find him, they’ll martyr him.

So they boiled him in acid. It’s a clone act. Okay, so then the only way we even know that part happened was the Belgium NCO that was responsible for collecting this decomposing body and sticking them in acid to get rid of the evidence was because he had taken a gold tooth out of Lumumba’s mouth. And like in 2020, it got returned to Lumumba’s family. He tells the entire story of what happened. So this happened over 80 times around the world. It happened in. There was a sub operation called Operation Condor in Latin America. It happened in Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Nicaragua, Honduras.

What do you mean by this happened in that. What, like they overthrowing governments? Okay, yeah. And then. And then they brought in the. The, you know, the economic hitman. They overthrow governments and then the next phase was to blackmail them and control them. So everybody’s familiar with the economic hitman version of this, but not the paramilitary capability that affected the takeover. And that’s Operation Gladio in a nutshell. That’s okay and then. But it’s also more though, right, because it was the ongoing funding that’s still occurring through the funding of drugs and human trafficking to fund their operations.

Yes, Right. So it was black, so nobody knew. Go ahead. Covert. Yeah. Run out of NATO. And so I’m a concept person. So when I began reading my first book on the actual Operation Gladio was Paul Williams book called Operation Gladiolus. And as you read that book, you will begin to get a picture. And my picture was a wagon wheel, like the old wagons, you know, on the train, the horse and buggy kind of thing out to the west. So if you look at that wagon wheel, there’s spokes in it. The spokes are weapons trafficking, drugs trafficking and humans trafficking.

So those are the funding apparatuses for the will, which is Operation Gladiator, the middle of the hub, in order to keep this whole wheel turning down the road. Is blackmail. That’s right. It’s what greases the entire operation. That’s where my mechanic background comes in. That’s. Yeah, I called it the currency of the powerful. Blackmail is the currency of the powerful. So you perfectly understand the concept. And then what you find out is after World War II, well, during World War II, actually, in China, they had a warlord feud going on with Mao. So Mao had came in and he wanted all of the feuding warlords to get along.

And he singled one out specifically, which. His name is Chiang Kai Shek because Chiang Kai Shek was paying for his warlord sabotage of the Chinese establishment. And they deposed the emperor and all kinds of things. But Chiang Kai Shek had a very unique model. And he had been in bed with the British, who was bringing Indian opium over to China, which eventually results in two wars called the Boxer wars. And basically The Chinese, Mao included, was trying to push the drug smugglers out of China. Now one of those drug smugglers was a Chinese general by the name of Chiang Kai Shek.

During World War II, they had a common enemy, which was the Japanese. So we befriend Chiang Kai Shek and Paul Heliwell, CIA agent, is Colonel Paul Heliwell slash CIA agent because the military, either they ship dip sheep dip CIA agents into the military to give them that cover, or they’re co opting military officers. Either way it’s bad because a lot of these criminals wear military rank one way or the other. So Paul Heliwell was signed as the military attache to Chiang Kai Shek. And he’s gone and he’s part of OSS at the time and he’s going, wow, look at what this operation this guy’s got.

He’s got this whole field of opium and he’s selling it for cash, completely untrackable, and he’s funding a war machine. Picks up the phone and calls Allen Dulles. And while Bill Donovan, in charge of the oss, his bosses, and he’s like, you’re never going to believe this. We got to do this. We’ve got to basically buy this operation for after the war because it’s going to allow us to do everything that we want to do for what I refer to as the international syndicate. And the international syndicate is all of the bankers and the industrialists and the oligarchs that want all these resources so they just don’t want their hands or their fingerprints on.

Oh, for sure. Yeah. So Paul Heliwell comes up with this great idea. He talks to Alan Dulles and to Wild Bill Donovan and they’re like, dude, that’s it. So protect Chiang Kai Shek. So long story short, that’s how we came up with the drug funding, which then turned into weapons trafficking, because you got to get them weapons. And none of the weapons can be traceable because they’re in these stashes. So then you zoom out in your post World War II and you get this NATO secret agreement. And there’s two entities at NATO. One was called the Clandestine Planning Committee, and the other one was called the Allied Clandestine Committee.

Those two organizations were orchestrating this entire setup. So in Italy alone, which we know the most about because they’re the only one post the exposure of Operation Gladio that actually did an intensive investigation into the structure of it. Yeah, they had like 400 caches of weapons all over the country of Italy and thousands of people that were Trained to fall in on these weapons when they got a phone call. Wow. And so if you look in Italy, there, there were the famous train bombing that killed several people. There was a bank, a bomb, several bombs that went off at a bank during like on a Friday afternoon when all the farmers were bringing their money to the bank.

Killed a whole slew of people. There were assassinations everywhere. Anybody that wrote anything about this as a journalist was instantly murdered. Oh, geez. They really covered it up. Wow. It didn’t get exposed until 1990. What? Go ahead. The day it got exposed. And this is why I want everybody to understand this because this. Doubt this at this point it became personal to me as I’m reading and uncovering all of this stuff. And oh, by the way, the Vatican bank was their primary money launderer during this because the Vatican bank was the most. The only view into it is completely secret.

Except the Pope. The Pope is the only. And so it was completely dark black. Correct. It is a sovereign entity. So they were not subject to any international monetary from anything. Because even the banks, I know the banks currently have those kinds of funds now. I like seeing documents and stuff. Yeah, they have, but. But they still can get busted. They still can be looked at, whereas the Vatican bank can’t be correct. Yeah. So when it became personal, like a personal mission to me, when I got to the part where it said that the Prime Minister of Italy revealed on August 2, 1990 that not only did Operation Gladio exist, but it had existed for a very long time since World War II and the extensive network and that it applied to all of the NATO countries.

It just so happens that the 2nd of August was the day I stepped foot in Italy for my three year assignment to Italy. So I remember that day like it’s burned into my brain because I had never flown into an international airport. You know, I’ve been to Mexico or to Canada, just over the border kind of things. I’d never been. So in 1990 was my first overseas assignments. I get off the airplane in Rome, Italy and every other person there is a carabiner with an AK47. And I’m like, what the hell’s going on? Is this normal? What? You know, our airports don’t look like that.

I’m like, what’s going on? Yeah, well, that’s the same day Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. Oh. And in the past when stuff like that happened in that area, Rome airport was a target. It had had terrorist events happen there coinciding with international events. And so they were on heightened alert. So like the 2nd of August is like burned into my brain. And so when I looked at that, I’m like, oh, wait a minute. So you’re telling me that in the aftermath of this exposure, all of NATO, all of NATO countries wanted to distance themselves from any questions about Operation Gladio.

And it just so happens that Kuwait gets invaded by Saddam Hussein on the exact same day. Are you kidding me? Weird. So then you go back and research why did Saddam Hussein invade on that day? Because the week prior the ambassador to Iraq tells Saddam Hussein, if you do this next week, we’re not going to do anything. There’s an age old grudge with Kuwait and Iraq where there’s an oil field down there and Kuwait had sideways drilled into what is clearly in Iraq’s oil field. They sideways drilled so they could get to the oil. Yes. And so that had been a point of contention.

And Saddam Hussein had kept saying, which by the way, he was cooed into office by the CIA as well, just so that everybody knows that. So he’s a puppet of the west and he then does what he’s told. He invades the next week. And it just so happens to be on the exact same day that the Prime Minister gets up. And then you know what happens after that is all of the journalists that had been working on this undercover, because they don’t want to get killed, goes around to all of the European heads of state and they go, oh, we can’t talk to you, we’re in a war.

Okay. So you’re like, what? And nothing’s coincidental in any of this stuff anymore. That’s very interesting. Well, when you look at. Let’s zoom out and look at like George Floyd event or the flash point of that they learned from these operations, having it all strategically placed everywhere and then go. When you at a moment’s notice go correct. Because that’s what that was. All those riots across the country was exactly that. You probably know. You were like, okay, this is exactly what this is. Exactly. And that’s why when people tell you that this went away after the Cold War, they’re lying to you.

I can, I think 911 was that because another telltale pattern, and that’s what this is all about is pattern recognition. As soon as you recognize the pattern, their jig is up. One of the patterns that I discovered in researching all of these operations is they schedule simultaneously with the operation. An exercise. Yeah. So if you go back to 9 11, you had the nor ed exercise of airplanes flying into buildings. So when airplanes fly into buildings in the F16 unit at the DC guard doesn’t scramble in time because they think it’s an exercise. It plays right in.

All of the assets are pre mobilized for the exercise. So they’re in control of everything. They are. So now that you’ve been studying this for a while, there’s no doubt that because they try to limited hangouts is what they do. They give you enough information about it to think that it’s done. And so the push with Operation Gladio really is because I’ve been doing a bunch of research on it. This is a Cold War operation that’s done and it’s far from that. There’s. It’s kind of like MK Ultra. They made it, they made it look like, oh, it’s done.

It’s. No, it’s not. So if it’s done, why do they still happen? And why is the CIA still behind them? That’s right. Or intel. And I use the CIA a lot. But they are not alone. The if modern day intel agencies were all created after World War II, except MI6, and that’s the granddaddy of them all and 100% involved in all of this. You have the German B and D, which is their CIA. Well, guess who ended up in charge of the German B and D? Reinhard Galen. What? I thought West Germany was de Nazified. No, we’re going to put the guy that created the program in Chancellor Adenauer, the very first West German Chancellor after World War II.

We’re going to put the Nazi in charge of his intel apparatus. Are you kidding me? Why wasn’t he at Nuremberg? He murdered hundreds of thousands of people and his stay behind units were responsible for it. But mysteriously he was saved from Nuremberg and so was Otto Scorsini. There was a lot of people saved from Nuremberg, people that I’ve had because they planned on using them in this operation. The Operation Paperclip? No, the Operation Gladio. Oh, those two. So Operation Paperclip is the limited hangout for Operation Gladiolus? Well, in a way that I would say that, but it’s all part of the same.

Sure, but the thing is they tell you parts of it, but Gladio was way buried right until 1990, like you said, and then now it’s being spun as just a Cold War thing. I mean, look it up. People can look it up on Wikipedia and watch these things. That’s what every thing says, but it’s just not true. So let me address the Cold War thing because I showed you the example of how they label somebody A communist and then attack them. Yeah. The rest of the Lumumba story is that when he took over, he came to the United States in 1960.

He had an appointment to see Eisenhower. He was going to try to work out an agreement directly with the United States. So both the Congo and the United States, he was going to honor the 100% of the uranium coming to the United States. He just didn’t want to give any of the money to Belgium. Belgium had colonized them for 350 years. He was dead set against giving them another penny of their wealth after what they had done to the people of the Congo. So he comes to Washington D.C. and Eisenhower won’t see him. So he ends up meeting with Vice President Nixon.

And Vice President Nixon says, yeah, pound sand. We’re not going to honor that contract and if you push us, we’ll just take it. Which is what they ended up doing. So that was when they labeled Lumumba a communist by framing, isolating him, making him reach out to the ussr, which was his option of last resort. In every case that I’ve examined, that’s the case. They try to work with the United States and the west in general. And when they are turned down and attacked, as they were, and their resources stolen, it is at that point they say, all right, fine, I’ll call the Soviet Union.

Because they’re the only ones that will stand up to the big bullies. And it’s not ever the Soviet Union that’s the big bullies. It was always the west in every situation that I’ve researched. So that’s how they come up with the mantra of all of these communists. Right. They were never communist. If you go back and you look at Ho Chi Minh, Ho Chi Minh was part of our OSS during World War II. He worked with the OSS, the Paul Heliwells over in Vietnam to push the Japanese out. He went to Paris in the peace agreement with a copy of the Vietnam Constitution modeled after hours.

And yet we were all brainwashed to think he’s a communist. He was never a communist. He was a nationalist that wanted the entire Vietnam away from the French, away from the Japanese, and left to do whatever they wanted to do on their own. He was about freedom and being almost what we were about. So the Russians really are Communists? Were. And the Chinese really were communists, but anybody that had a relationship with them and that they wanted to control, they would frame them as that. Correct? 100% correct. And we were brainwashed in the psyops of getting under our desk to Fear those dreaded communists that were going to bomb us any minute.

So when we grew up to be you and I and we get told someone’s a communist, it’s like having PTSD flashbacks. Oh my God, that’s bad. They’re going to bomb us. And so they had the ability to laser point a laser on anybody that they wanted to take out with this communist label, whether or not it was true. Well, and now you can just say they’ll shut you down like they did with COVID and they’ll force you to do things and force vaccinate you and all these things. And that’s labeling. They’re still labeling is the reason MAGA is the recent label.

Right. Well, Maggot didn’t do that. I don’t know who did that. Oh yeah, yeah. Oh, for sure. And then they, after 9 11, after 9 11, they created the truthers. And that backfired on them because everybody was like, well, I’ll be a truther. What’s wrong with magazine? Kind of backfired on him too, didn’t it? Yeah, it did. But make America great again. What’s wrong with that? Yeah, but you have January 6th, right, because of MAGA. And they staged January 6th. They entice these people in there to entrap them. And this is exactly Gladio to a T.

And oh, by the way, it’s already been documented, they had Ukrainians. Let’s talk about Ukraine for just a second. Because the CIA couped them in 2004, they cooed them again in 2014, and after the 2014, guess what? They set up stay behind units throughout all of eastern Ukraine. And guess what they did with the stay behind units. And oh, by the way, if you don’t believe me, go read that article two months ago in the New York Times that supposedly disclosed all of these CIA units operating on the edge of the Donbass region. Those are the stay behind units, by the way.

Yeah, because the CIA, we really did have, we really do have military in Ukraine because they try to act like there’s absolutely no soldiers in Ukraine, but there are. So I’m not talking about the military. I’m specifically talking about the CIA. Well, which may or may not be dressed in a military uniform. Okay, I’m talking about the actual CIA and the CIA. Well, the CIA trained them. Right, that’s, that’s the, there’s a whole thing about them training them. But see, we didn’t know. If you don’t know about Gladio when you read that article, you’re not going to understand the depth because Bandera and Stetsko were the two people that auto scores any trained and azov Battalion and RightSector are modeled off of and claim Bandera as their godfather.

Everything that they do. Can I ask you, you know I had a whistleblower on a banking whistleblower, John Christmas, whose banking system in Latvia is probably where they funneled all the Ukrainian treasury through because they stole the entire treasury, bringing it down to like $67 literally. Was that part of the takeover of the bribe? The blackmail? If you’re going to have any. I mean they pretty much took the entire country down to its knees. If you don’t do what we’re going do, say going forward, your people will literally die and perish and we will give you the money to replenish your government.

I mean that is like a blackmail tactic. Yes. And that’s what they do. And for the people that were in the ethnic. That the Ukrainians that are ethnic Russian in the eastern part, we call the Donbass region, those people after the 2014 coup by the CIA using rights sector, which is established in a court of law by the way, in Ukraine, it was Reich sector that did that, which is a Nazi entity with traces back to Otto Skorzeny. They began assassinating the mayors throughout the Donbass region. They literally launched attacks. IHOR Kolomoisky was appointed by the fake president in Ukraine, a governor in the area where they started the very first CIA stay behind units.

He hired the entire brigade of Azov to bring over there as protection. Well, I don’t know why you need protection. They weren’t at war at the time. They. The people in Donbass region just voted the wrong way. So it’s quite obvious. It’s quite obvious they were bringing the people there. Now if you’re looking at patterns, why they bring all these people here? Because they thought we were going to vote the wrong way. Oh, you mean here over the border and everything that they’re putting in place that now they didn’t. They. They haven’t pulled the trigger on that operation.

Do you think they will? That we know of. So let me go ahead. The. The depth of this is unimaginable. I know people. Yeah. So let me give you another example of what they do on our soil just so that you think they would never do that here. I don’t. I’m not someone who doesn’t think they would never do it. There might be people in my audience that does, but I. They haven’t pulled the trigger yet. And it’s. It’s eerily calm after the election here. Well, we have already had two assassination attempts. That’s the reason why I won’t say they haven’t pulled the trigger yet.

Okay. There is a long line of options for these people if you go back and you study their tactics. So they pulled at least one or two triggers, literally. Okay. So we have been another conditioning of the PSYOPS campaign is we’ve been conditioned to believe that Tibet was at some point, its own country, just like we were conditioned to believe that Ukraine at some point was its own country prior to World War II. Those are both lies. Tibet has always been a province of China for as far back as you can research. Ukraine in a Russian dialect, meant like border or boundary territory.

Like, literally the word means that. Go back and try to find that on a map. Prior to World War II. So one of the things that they did after World War II, in this strategy of tension, which is what’s gladio is referred to, is they redesigned the entire world map so we created countries out of whole cloth. Pakistan did not exist before World War II. Pakistan is one of the biggest propagators of terrorism there is today. And they went to war with India, they went to war with Afghanistan up in the Kashmir. Nothing but problems. And that’s by design because that keeps the military industrial complex churning.

Right. We waged the entire Afghan campaign, both the first one with the CIA and the second one in the actual war out of Pakistan. We have used. I would tell you that it’s my firm belief, after having done this research, that Pakistan is a vassal state of the CIA. You go to a place, and I know it’s very controversial to say this, but Israel was created after World War II and has been a source of tension every cent. And it is milked by this international syndicate for every penny that they can get out of the United States.

People out of everybody else. Yep. So go around the world. Taiwan. Taiwan didn’t exist. It was called Formosa. And guess when it changed its name? Right after World War II. And do you know who they put on the island of Formosa? Chiang Kai Shek, the drug guy. As soon as he got there, he murdered all of the Formosans that weren’t happy with him being there and taking over their island. Like the ambassador. There’s declassified cables of the ambassador actually saying he. They’re goring people in the streets with spears, like, mowing them down. And that was done under Chiang Kai Shek with US Money.

And he moved his drug empire to Taiwan. And it was ran out of Taiwan for the next 40 years because he declared martial law. And they lived under martial law for 40 years. Why don’t we know that? Well, we don’t know a lot of things. And we also, you know. So get to Tibet. Tibet was the exact same scenario. Tibet was always a state within China, but we wanted it. So we co op the Dalai Lama and we plant paramilitary resources after World War II in there to do another, like, cut death by a thousand cuts operation against China because we want China back for Chiang Kai Shek.

Lots of opium in China, by the way. And so this whole thing was instigated with Tibet. Well, you know where they trained those paramilitary people that they put into Tibet? In Colorado, they set up an abandoned military base and trained paramilitary people how to assassinate, use explosives, and they were doing it in our backyard. Well, I know they do a lot of training and housing in indigenous in the reservations. Well, we’ve been trying. You should say that because one of the big, like, rabbit holes I fell into was the World Wildlife Fund. The World Wildlife Fund is like the safari club.

And they all talk about, oh, and by the way, the World Wildlife Fund’s emblem is a panda. Not anything odd about that. But the World Wildlife Fund goes around the world after we install a dictator like we did after we assassinated Lumumba Mohatsu. However you say his name, we bought him, we installed him in the Congo. And we tell him, you go to the IMF and the World bank and you ask for $10 billion loan, they’re going to give it to you. So he gets it and he siphons off money for his family and this guy over here and this guy over here.

And then he pays off all the US politicians that arrange the whole deal and the WWF people. And then the WWF people come in and go, you know what? We’ve raised all of this money in our philanthropic endeavors, and we’re going to forgive that loan or pay that loan off for you if you give us the Serengeti and you give us this thing over here. That’s right. And so then they get. They get these parks. UNESCO comes in and labels them a UNESCO Heritage Site. They kick out all of the indigenous people. They set up a massive park ranger paramilitary.

Then they put camps in there. And all of the indigenous people are like, hearing explosives and gunfire. And the local communities start disappearing because they actually do live fire on the indigenous people. Oh, my God. How did. How do you know that, like, the indigenous people are used as hunting Groups, because we have found documents that actually talk about this. Entire villages just disappear that are on the border of these camps. And they’re used as a ex. As a training exercise to go in and wipe out the village. Yes. My God, I wonder what the soldiers are feeling.

I mean, what they’re. How they. The psychological operations they have to run on those people to get them to do those kinds of actions. Well, let me just. Let me share this with you, because I talked to a couple of guys that were involved in the El Salvador attack on Nicaragua, and we were told the Nicaraguan president was a communist and the controvers were the good guys, which was a multi. Lie that Reagan told. And Reagan knew that that was not true. By the way, when the military people that were down there training the assassins to go and do this to the people of Nicaragua, they were told that the people in Nicaragua that they were doing it to were communist, that they had infiltrated that government and that they were going to use that place as a launching bed for attacks into the United States.

We have been systematically lied to by these people in a way that is. It’s hard for most people to even fathom the level of depravity that it would take to manipulate entire military units into conducting basically mass murder, which was done in Vietnam, by the way, under the guise of these people being communists when they were never communists. Well, but that’s probably why the military. The suicide rate in the military is so high because they can’t handle what they went through in many cases. Yeah. Okay. My gosh. You have a. You are a whole encyclopedia of knowledge in this area.

Where can people. And we have to have you back so we can dive into more of these issues. Where can people follow you and learn more about this? So I have a sub stack. It’s called the Colonel’s Corner. I have a Rumble podcast called the Colonel’s Corner as well. And on the Rumble Channel, I do book reviews. So I’ve got 67 books at last count on this subject alone. And I have read most of them. And we go through the ones that I have screened out that some of the authors. It’s very kind of monotonous when you’re going through these books because they keep.

They actually believe these people were communists, but you have to go through that in order to find out what they did, even though they didn’t know. That makes sense. And they also. They also take material from everybody else. And a lot of it’s not new and fresh. Yes. So I’ve done several Book reviews there that expose this. But probably the most extensive inventory, starting from the very beginning was it is contained on Alpha warriors podcast on Rumble called the Alpha Warrior Show. And it’s. If you click on the playlist and it drops down, you’ll see Gladio series.

And if you click on that and go to podcast number one, we go over the whole origins with Churchill, the Fabian Society, the eugenicist that created this whole thing and bring it into World War II and then out of World War II into the present day. And right now we’re going over this organization that was called the World Anti Communist League. Again, another rabbit hole. And the entire thing was set up by criminals like Chiang kai Shek, the two Japanese World War II crime people that were never held accountable in Japan, and Reverend Moon, the Moonies, that the Unification Church is basically a front for this organization, this Gladio apparatus.

You can find them in Paraguay and several other places actually as paramilitary people. They love you using the church to infiltrate, just like with the Vatican. They love doing that. It’s a perfect cover. Non profit. It is trafficking organizations. They’re perfect. Yeah, yeah. So I’m on X at Colonel Towner and I’m on True Social at Colonel Watkins. So do you think we’ll get out of this? Do you think we’re in the process as humanity learns about this? Because we have to be aware. You can’t solve problems without being aware. Do you think we’re in the process realistically of dismantling all this? Yes, I do.

And I’ll tell you a couple of good news stories and that’s a great way to kind of give you because I wake up every day excited about both finding out more about it. But the good news that I can see happening. So during Trump’s initial administration in 2019, there was the takedown of a massive. And I’ve lived in Italy in this area, I know how massive this takedown was of an entire mafia multi generational drug apparatus. It’s like Denostrous is the name of it. And they had to build in the two years prior to the actual arrest of the people.

It was all done in an undercover operation. And if you guys don’t know about Operation Greylord, go read about it. They did that on steroids in Italy. That was a takedown of all of the bad people in Chicago at one point. Not that they didn’t regrow them, but anyway, they did this in Italy, in the southeast area of Italy. And they conducted the entire operation in a covert manner. They built an underground Facility where they held the trials so that everybody could be protected and not assassinated for actually being a judge or a prosecutor. So they had, they went out and within 48 hours arrested all of them, over 300 people.

They secured them and sequestered, sequestered them in this facility and they went through the entire two year trial process of the witnesses and everything and everybody was protected. We don’t know that that’s not going on now because no one in Italy knew that it was going on until after the announcement was made of who was convicted. Wow. So that’s huge. They also did a takedown of a smaller but very notorious operation in Argentina. But probably the crowning thing for me is a lot of this operation was coordinated by spying on communications. And one of the systems that they used during World War II and in the aftermath of World War II was a company called Crypto Ag.

And if you look up that company, it was supposedly a German company in Switzerland. And the guy that created the technology of this encrypted device, sold it, knowing that the precursor to the CIA and the CIA had built a back door into it. And so all of the governments around the world, over 100 of them, bought this encryption device, put it in all of their embassies. And over the course of the next 70 years, the CIA and the German BND, the Nazi, Reinhard Galen, were able to spy on every communication that was transmitted over these devices.

So if you go back and you think of every negotiation that has occurred, like the Oslo Accord. Yeah, everything. Yep, we knew everything. And supposedly the CIA was surprised multiple times. Well, how are you surprised if you knew everything? So that company was taken down and dismantled in 2020. Well, I think that’s great. The concern I have is that they have other means of spying so they don’t need that anymore. Oh, absolutely. Well, I don’t know. But yeah, but it’s a good, it’s good symbolism, especially the Italy story is really great. So Epstein was arrested. Just Epstein.

Great. Yep. Tip of the iceberg, but still great. The biggest cherry on top was the recent. And if you go back to my ex account, you’re going to see because I momentarily forgot myself when TD announced that they were being fined or the SEC, whatever and DOJ announced that they had levied a fine on TD bank for $2 billion for money laundering. Think about that. $2 billion. And normally the fine is a small percentage of what they actually money laundered. So is it the. I don’t know. When I look at the banking and the 2 billion.

And I think, well, what kind of I get to the blackmail thing? Like, why are they blackmailing this bank? Let me tell you why. It’s a good news story. Okay, so if they went through the process of all of the investigation, which took years by the way, to document all of the money laundering that occurred. Well, why do you money launder? Because you’re doing activities that. Sure. Now the goal is to go past that and look at those activities. Well, so my first tweet after that announcement was, why are they arresting and fining the banks? Where are the actual criminals being held accountable? I got up the next day after sleeping on it and went, oh shit.

What they’re doing is documenting the crime by convicting td. So now they can go out with, yes, that makes sense. Because you need a. You need somebody convicted of a felony so that when you go after them, you can point back and say you were involved in this. That makes sense. So then what happened? Within a week of that announcement, two massive drug cartels were taken down. Oh, that’s good. Well, and I know Diddy. You know the Hollywood. Hollywood is going down. Which I think. How do we know that Diddy was not part of that takedown? I think, well, I would.

There needs to be more than Diddy, but you know, Epstein and now Diddy. And I’m just hoping. It feels like Hollywood’s collapsing, which is excellent. I agree. Excellent. Do you see? Do you see how all of them could be related? You get Epstein and then Jessine, who everybody believes talked and that’s why she was moved to this white collar. She was prison. I don’t know if she talked to. She was his handler. Right. So there might be deals going. Handler. Yeah. But I believe once she got arrested, she might have talked. Yeah. Okay. And then you’ve got TD bank that gets exposed for money laundering.

Well, what were they were doing with their blackmail money? They were money laundering it. Her dad, Robert Maxwell was the guy that sold promise software to all of these countries for anti money laundering that supposedly they stole that from Inslaw, a company that was contracted to the DOJ created. There’s two copies of it. One goes to the CIA and one goes to Mossad. Robert Maxwell was the guy selling it all over the world for Mossad. And they were tracking other people that were money laundering through this software and covering up their own money laundering using this software.

Well, evidently we’ve been able to figure out who’s money laundering without that software because TD bank just got taken down. And you know who’s a Bigger money launderer than TD Bank. Bank of America. That’s right. That’s right. And you know, I’ve done a lot of shows pre covered Covid and all the banking stuff. Right. And there was. There’s so many. You know, when HSBC was taken down and all that stuff host 2008, they had something like 15, 16,000 records and they just sealed them all. They wouldn’t let anybody go and look at them so. Well, I’m hoping that they are taking it more seriously now.

Like they have some teeth. Well, I do think there’s different people involved now, but there’s been a lot of declassified information like the bank of bcci, the bank of Credit and Commerce, you know, that was in Pakistan. That’s a CIA bank. Castle bank was a CIA bank. Nugent Hand was a CIA bank. There’s a lot more material out there about how this whole banking setup worked as it relates to Gladio and the money laundering aspect, because. And, oh, by the way, our government’s all Gladio. It’s all back to Gladio, I think. And it’s all back to Gladio.

Yeah, because you have to weapons traffic in order to get the weapons to put in these caches for these terror events. You also have to protect your drug plots, which you do with wars, which creates the flow of weapons for you to siphon off of. And the wars create the refugees to human traffic. It’s the perfect combination. The human trafficking is so awful. It’s like I would even turn. I would turn a blind eye to drug trafficking now if they would just get rid of all the human trafficking and let people be free. Unfortunately, it’s the same people.

I know, but you know what I mean? I’m like. I do so much worse that I’m like, okay, if this world has some bad stuff in it, I’d be okay with some of that. Knowing that if we could clean up all the rest. I don’t know, just some. It’s just I’ve seen so much now, and I think people are starting to see so much now too, that we have to have the human trafficking has to stop. It just has. Correct. You know? Correct. But you have to take down the entire network. Because I think you’re right.

It’s the same people. And that’s a Jimmy Boots. Detective Rustin always told me, Sarah, they’re the same people. It’s the same networks, it’s the same tunnels coming out of Mexico. It’s all the same stuff. And I believe that the intel agencies are behind every bit of it. There’s not a single cartel that does business without their approval. And you can tell that by the takedown of Noriega. Noriega got a little big for his britches taken out. Saddam Hussein got a little big for his britches taken out. Well, and the sad part is they keep it going because that’s how they fund their operations 100%.

So. Okay. Well, people need to follow you. You are a wealth of information. So thank you so much for joining me today. We’re going to have to have you back. I would love to come back and thank you for having me. SA.



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