Where all of the. The satanic pedophilia is based in, that’s getting torched. And then, well, one of the three city states in this world. It’s cold as hell. It’s a cold day in hell. It’s a beautiful day. They’re freezing them out of their hell. That’s good. But so, like we. Like we’ve talked about before, you’re either at the table or you’re on the menu, and, well, I’ll tell you, it’s really good to be at the table. I can’t even get to my hotel right now. I’m supposed to meet with a bunch of senators and a whole bunch of people before for parties tonight.
And I think the chief is going to hang out for a minute with us, and then we get to do all the fun stuff tomorrow and get to do two more galas and meet a bunch of people. You know, it’s. It was interesting. I never thought of being in the position that we’re in, but like you were talking about, we. I was. I was with some of my colleagues last week at home in Nashville that are celebrities and status. Oh, I think he’s coming through right now. Let me see if I can flip this over. Yeah.
Yeah. There he goes. Oh, nice, man. Wait. Here comes the motorcade. Outstanding. Wow. This is quite a tree. Good job. Yeah. He’s ruining my. My timing of getting to my hotel because he’s in the or. They were just in the Capital One arena, and my hotel is right next to the Capital One arena. They’re making life difficult. Well, you know, I think he’s moving everything around so that, you know, throws a deep state off so they don’t kill him. So that’s good. You know, it’s amazing that they, you know, for the. It’s only the second time in history that they said that the weather.
The weather was going to cause the. The inauguration to go inside. And is it not funny that it was Reagan that was the last one? They did this for the last great president, I think. Yeah. Very good. There we go. Need help. We don’t lose you, Clayton two need help. That sound good? All right, so there we go. All right, he’s back. Good job. My camera angle’s not very good, but I’m navigating here. We’re moving. All right, very good, Very good. All right, so we have, you know, we. I know we. We come on here and you and I talk about, you know, the world events and stuff like that.
You guys. You and your amazing wife Christina Rom are all over the world. You have. Yeah, like you were telling me earlier, you have. You guys have amazing results in the. The Europe and so forth. Why is Europe so receptive and America is receptive, but not as receptive, I guess, as Europe? What. What’s going on? Well, you know, I think the one key part. Can you see me? Am I. Yeah, I got you. You’re good. So the first. The first and most important part, I think is an old biblical, Biblical adage that my pastor taught me when I was back home.
Familiarity breeds contempt. And I was going over this with some of my celebrity friends at home earlier this week, and I was like, bruh, because we’ve known each other for a while, and he’s known. He’s known what we were doing since the jump. And I’m like, well, here’s the deal. Jesus was a carpenter in his hometown, and he had to go out and go for a walk in order for other people to then say, you know what? You’re pretty good at what you do. And then when he went back home, people were like, yo, why don’t you build me a table? He said, no, I turn those over now.
So the funny part, with what we’ve done anywhere at we go in the world, royalty, heads of state have all stated that they know who my wife is and they know what she’s doing. That’s why they want to work with us. But then I’ve also had royal family member friends in the UAE that have provided the insight that our country was hijacked on September 11th, and it’s controlled. Well, it used to be controlled by Satanists. Now it’s changing, but nice. So when you look at that influence, you know, familiarity breeds contempt. And what he told me when we were there, he’s like, bro, you’re.
You didn’t take outside money. You don’t have. You don’t have any investors. You’re going against the entire system. You’re going to get attacked. And you’ve probably been attacked for everything you’re doing, aren’t you? I’m like, absolutely. But the. The thing is, is there’s three things that are always absolute. The sun, the moon, and the truth. They all come out and. Oh, wow. See, Let me see if I can show you this. This is why traffic was so bad. They’re showing it on the big screen because they’re doing this rallying rally inside. So everybody’s happy inside. And I’m trying to get to my hotel.
I can’t show it, but we’re right outside the Trump rally. Wow. So, but the craziest part, it’s like we, like we were talking about the other day, and I had to do some case studies on this to validate what we were doing that in the last five years because our anniversary is on February 2nd. Not only have we coming in broken. Can’t hear you right now. There you go. For some reason, you went muted, so I still can’t hear you, though. Oh, lost him. So he’ll come back. So we’re gonna. We’re talking about root wellness. It is one of the things, like I said in the beginning, that, you know, I.
I got in a root ball very early. There we go. Now we got you. There we go. I’m back. Good job. Not only have we we’ve reversed aging, got a patent on that. We’ve got all the case studies are showing all the damage that comes from all the MRNA shots and how to reverse all of it. We did that four years ago. We just filed for a patent a couple months ago on the methods to reverse autism. So we got that done. We’ve already proven that clinically, so we’ve got sports performance enhancement that we’ve never seen before in sports.
And then in the last five years, we’ve taken 100 people and I put $41 million in the pockets of a hundred people that like to like some stuff and shared with friends. Right. And didn’t charge them a penny for it. Thank you. We stood behind and you’re one of those. Right? It’s kind of cool. Oh, yeah. I’ve been very successful with Ruth. Thank you very much. Yeah. And now. Now the key. Can we check a couple bags? And I gotta go get some more. Okay, let’s go. We made it part way. Yeah. I heard it’s supposed to, like, snow big time there.
Yeah. Because hell’s freezing over, baby. But the key the key in this now is I got go get my wife and a couple more bags. Can I get a ticket for these? And then I’ll be. We’re staying here where she is. She’s coming? No, she’s at a Thai restaurant two blocks away. I’ll go get her and come back. You know who Michael Danko is? No. Say hi to Mo. Hey. Hi. How’s it going? All right, give me a second here and we’ll. We’ll walk and talk. Very nice. I’ll be right back. I’ll go get the other ones.
So maybe. Maybe you want to. I was going to stay at the Mayflower, so I. I waved off. But where are you at? Can you tell us? We’re at the Kempton. We’re at the Kempton Monaco. So I’m staying at the Kempton Monaco. And the rally is right there, right across the street. Very nice. And then right across the street over here. Which one is this? This is the. The Donald Reynolds center for American Art and Portraiture, which is a big thing. We’re going there in a. In about two hours for our South Carolina contingency. Oh, nice.
So everybody. That’s cool. In South Carolina, now that we have our manufacturing that we’re starting in South Carolina. Wow. You know, my. My home state. Good job. Good job. Let’s go, Gamecocks. But, yeah, I know, it’s the crazy part. It’s like, are you. Am I gonna be a Clemson fan? Am I gonna be a. No, no, no, no, no, no. I will tell you. Dr. Michael Makota and the crew up in Greenville with the. With the technical university that he runs up there, we are major collaborators and the work that he’s doing is outstanding. But here’s the thing.
I mean, and I’m, as my wife has defined me as the one who’s oppositionally defiant. I don’t think I’ve done a very good job of explaining to people, you know, what our real mission, what our real goals are and how we are going about doing it. But I mean, now we’ve got the proof in all of the products. I mean, Everybody’s talking about GLP1s. And Christina took it took two years to get Sculpt and Crush approved because of the peptides that she was using in the formulas. And because we’re an 80 countries, some of the governments keep changing laws on legality of different peptides.
And the gymnast Sylvestri that she’s sourcing and using to make sculpt in. Sculpt is considered a drug in Switzerland, because it’s so effective at regulating insulin that they see it as a pharmaceutical. So. But it’s hard to try to explain these things to people when the American general public has been dumbed down so much because of the narrative, because of the toxicity. Yeah, we lost again. So I’m, I’m using crush and sculpt, and it’s been the, the root wellness. It’s in the link. So I, I highly recommend them. They’ve. They’ve been very good. I’ve been losing and sculpting down lots of strength.
So, you know, I’m multi dimensional as far as like, you know, my wellness. But we, I’ve had excellent results on the, the root product. So I highly recommend them. Should definitely start out with the Trinity, which is clean slate, zero in and restore. So clean slate basically just comes in little bottle like that. Just put that under your tongue, hold it there for a little bit, and then swallow it. That cleans up to your, your GI tract and your, your gut, where most diseases basically start. And then zero in, which as you see here, basically as energy enhancement.
Epic. Epic energy enhance enhancement. And then you have also restore. So you tear that little piece off and you just drink the little. Nice restore. It has, uh, has everything that’s going to keep you well, uh, going forward. So it’s like Clayton’s back again. Every time my phone, phone rings, I get kicked off. These people don’t know what do I want. Well, this is the best one yet. So whatever happened, it’s, it’s good. Perfect. It stopped snowing too, so it is cold here, though. Holy cow. I had to give my coat to my wife because hers was in her luggage and it’s nasty.
Ow. Go inside here for Thai food. All right, very nice. I’m gonna say hi to Michael. I’m on with Michael, Jaco. I’m doing a life. She’s like, no, don’t talk to me. I know she’s warming up with Thai food. She’ll say hi here in a minute. Oh, it’ll be spicy, spicy, hot. Yeah, there we go. That’ll get her back to the hotel. You’re. Your girl is still waiting to get in, so we’re all golden. I just talked to her. Yeah, I got this. Yeah, we’re good. Holy snikey. So do that. I’ll be out here for real quick.
So, you know, it’s kind of crazy because with all information, there’s so much disinformation. You know, all of the marketing, you know, you get people that are making make deals so they can become famous. And 80% of what they say on social media is wrong. And people are like, oh my God, he’s with these people, so it must be right. And, you know, it’s hard because if, and if you listen to other podcasters, people are talking around the subjects. And my wife got pissed at me a couple days ago because I did an interview two weeks ago and I was like, yeah, I put it on my Instagram a snippet.
I’m like, look, I’m oppositionally defiant. So. And I looked up what that means. It’s like you get triggered by. You get triggered by stuff, things you disagree with and if things are bad going on around you, you’re going to respond to it. So, yes, I hate Satan. And my wife’s like, you can’t use his name. I’m like, no, him. We win. There’s a reason there’s a frost in the middle of our logo. There’s a reason we do what we do. And it’s a key part of being, being a real American in what we’re doing. Because no matter where we go in the world, we are still, still what people look at, unfortunately.
I mean, royalty and heads of state are like, you know how jacked up you guys are and hopefully you can get your together because we need you, you know, and it’s like rock. It’s like Rocky and it’s like, what, you know, Michael, what you’ve gone through and what. My, my cousin, I was talking to my cousin a couple, couple days ago because I’m ringing his bell because he was in 226, served on Team 10, was in operation Red Wing, and my cousin was one of the first three special operations guys that was active to do psilocybin and MDMA and to work on dealing with PTSD through those aspects.
I was like, oh, of course my cousin would be the one that’s gone through that has now become an MD and was one of the first three people to do this. And we’ve got the collabs with the leading ibogaine clinic in Mexico that we’re going to be working with. And I’m. We’re going to be launching root care here really quickly because I’ve done. I built a collab with the leading health sharing, one of the leading health sharing companies to be able to provide benefits to our community so you don’t have to pay for shitty health care and start doing what we need to do.
Because we had to go, I mean, I had to go to 80 countries, you know, prove out everything we’re doing in order to come home and maybe have people believe and understand what we were doing. Let me have to get there. She’s there. Yeah. Here, let me have the bag. You want to say hi to Michael real quick? Sure. Yes. Here, I take this one. You got. I got them. Oh, I got it. No, here, you take that. Hi there. Hi, Christina. Good to see you. He tried to put me on, and I had a bite of, like, tie in my mouth, coming out of my mouth.
That would not have been attractive for you all. You’re awesome. Well, good you guys are there, and you guys are. Are doing some amazing stuff, and we’re having a great conversation, so thanks for popping in. When I see you, I’m like, all the women should be like, you know, wanting to look like you. My. My lovely wife, she, you know, I have a beautiful wife. You’re beautiful. Women should go, that’s. That’s who I want to look like. I want to try these products. And men should be like, ah, yeah, let’s do that. God, she’s beautiful. So, yeah, thank you for being, you know.
Well, she is beautiful. I would love to be with you guys. I want to come down there and spend some time with you all. Yeah, we’ll come up there and spend time with you guys, too, when it warms up. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I can’t. So you’re not in D.C. obviously, right? Well, I was planning it, but I was like, we’ll wave off. It’s. It’s kind of. Kind of sketchy. But I’m glad you guys are there representing, so thank you. Well, yeah, I think it’s good if some of us are there and some of us aren’t are here, because you’re right.
It’s. It’s a lot. We’ve got three balls. So I’ll represent you guys at all of them. And tell your wife she owes me one. She is to go with me next time. Time. Oh, that’d be great. Yeah, she’d love to. That’d be great. Excellent. I would love that, too. So what have you guys been doing? Well, we’ve been. We’ve been a little traveling and, you know, enjoying. Enjoying the weather before it turned. We got a little cold. I. I predicted this would be cold, a cold year. So here we are. Yeah, it’s pretty. Pretty cold. But I think this might be something we’re going to see more often.
Unfortunately, going into a cold, cold spell. I agree with you. I. I thought the same thing that it was going to be one of those years. I didn’t know how. How cold, but, gosh, they’ve got one cold front after another. Nashville’s had more cold weather than I can remember. So Clayton and I are trying to get more people involved here in the U.S. you know, you know, he was talking about how Christ, Christina. Christina was basically, you know, had to. Had to go out from, you know, his hometown and, you know, drum up some support. So I know you guys are very popular in Europe and Middle east and so forth, so hopefully we can get you guys really cranking here.
I think now that President Trump’s coming back, the pressure probably you guys are feeling here in the States is going to come off, and you’re going to do really well. Yeah, I do, too. I think this will be a great change for our country and for everything that we’re doing. So I’m super excited about it because we. We need this for our country right now and for the rest of the world. I think one of the big things I’ve noticed the last two years traveling everywhere is just the need for strong leadership from this country, and it was missing a little bit.
And I know we always respect any president that’s in office because we’re citizens, you know, we have to support. But I think this will be a great change for all of us, and I think we will be able to do a lot of great things in healthcare together. Oh, that’s fantastic. Yeah. With RFK Jr coming in, I think it’s going to be a monumental change. So I know you’ve been in that industry for a long time, and you. You’ve come up with these outstanding products that basically counter some of the damage that’s out there. Well, a lot of the damage, actually.
And we look forward to, you know, really getting your products promoted out there. So thank you so much. Thank you. Well, I look forward. I’ll send over some more, because we have. So we had the peptides and Crush for weight loss and for muscle growth, especially for people that are older. And those have been phenomenal throughout the world. And I think our biggest thing we’ve done this year is jump into manufacturing, because the patents I had got approved to detox any plant vitamin C during that process. And I think that’s what’s so important, because we do have GMOs, we do have pollution.
We also have a great country. But we’ve got to make sure that we’re putting good things in our body that are clean. And so that’s really my growth, my mission, and What I’ve stepped in to do. Yeah, I’m really excited about the peptides you guys are in. I’m doing the face serum stuff as well. I just started about a month ago, so I just ordered some more. So I’m looking forward. I’m having great results from it already, so I’m looking forward to, you know, using it over time. I had great results from the Crush. I think it’s a great product.
So all the products, obviously are great. So we’re going to look forward to the more peptide stuff in the future. So thank you. Well, anything you want, Michael, or anything your wife wants, please let me know and I can help facilitate that. And then also I’m looking at new products and what people really need and what they want. So any ideas you or your audience have, please let me know. That’s something I love doing, is creating new dynamic products for the world. I really do. That’s one of my funnest things I actually enjoy. That’s fantastic. Thanks.
And, you know, the. The Trinity pack, there was. There was a time when I was using Trinity Pack and I had excellent results, you know, obviously when there was, you know, some. Some infections that are out there. And. Yeah. So I felt that I was safe with that and I didn’t want anybody around me unless they were using the Trinity Pack. A lot of my friends started using the training pack, so they hang out with me. That was fun. Yeah. Yeah. And I could tell you, Zero in just became the official energy supplement for eGaming, which was huge for us because, you know, eGamers and the mothers adopted it as their official.
The mothers of egamers as their official product too, which was great because we don’t want to just make nootropics adaptogenics that help adults. We want things that will help everyone and keep kids safe. Keep us safe. Yeah. Instead of the Adderall and everything. So I’m super excited about the ability that we’re doing in that area for a younger generation because, you know, I have four kids and that matters to me. Very good. Yeah, that’s. That’s amazing. Yeah. I’m gonna hand this back to Clay, Michael. I really would love for us to do a podcast too, with your wife.
So let’s talk about that. Yeah, that would be awesome. Thank you. I’d love to have you on our podcast because we really risen like in YouTube and Spotify our numbers. So I would love to have you on and you guys just talk about your mission and what you’re doing. I would love that. Yeah. Thank you. I’d be honored. Thank you. Yeah. The power couple. Yeah, There we go. Don’t you always love being entertained by being on a live with Clayton? And then at least he can came in and I’m eating, and he asked me. Sometimes he comes into the bathroom or the kitchen.
I have zero makeup, zero clothes, and he’s like. I’m like, not right now, Clayton. Not right now. That’s typical Clayton. I know. And we love him, so it’s great. Absolutely free card. Like, you’re special. Very good, Very good. All right, all right. You guys are. You’re. You’re involved in these events, so thanks for coming on. I don’t feel obligated you have to stay on any longer, so we got a nice little show out of this, so thanks. Thanks, guys. Have a great time, and we’ll. We’ll look forward to hearing how the event went. Me too. Thank you so much.
I have to get my makeup and hair done, so I look at least a little. Okay. Normal. Your wife can tell you you’re looking great. Naturals. Thank you. Thank you, Michael. Thank you so much. Okay, we’re 207, so just up the ramp to the right. Here. You go ahead. There we go. Now you got me. We’ll get to. You’re up this way. I know. I got it up that way and then just to the right. I’ll grab the rest of the stuff here real quick. Craziness. I’m sorry. Here, I’ll take you over here. Let’s go. And I’ll come back and get the bags.
See the joys of the journey. That’s it. That’s it. Walk with us as we go find our room here. Well, Clayton, I can let you guys go. I know you’re like, you know, I appreciate you coming on. So we’ll. We’ll do another show. Christina was talking about doing a show with my. My wife and I, and it’s. It’ll be really, really good. Yep, I’m in. She says she wants to have you on the podcast. I gotta introduce you to Brett, my cousin, too, because you got. Yeah, yeah. Because that’s going. You talk about. You talk about stor tales.
Tales from the wow. From the real tour. I think that’ll be epic on the battlefield. Yeah, definitely. Very nice. Well, how. How they give me a room to 207. All right. So they gave me a room to someone else’s room, but she’s working with us, so there’s that. It’s always nice when you walk in you go. Wait a minute. We’re not supposed to be here. Ah, double booked. Ah, I hate that. Hate when that happens. All right, brother, I’m gonna let you go so you can figure that out. So thanks. Here, take yours. Happy New Year.
Happy New Year. Happy Inauguration Day. Let’s freaking go. They put us in the wrong room. Oh, well, okay, let me. Let me confirm real quick. All right. All right, brother. All right, everybody, like I’ve said again, the root products are absolutely fantastic. Let me present the actual website, the Root Wellness. And there it is. The Root Wellness. The root brands dot com. The rootbrands dot com. So all the products are there. There’s some of the best products. Like I said, I’ve been using these products for well over three years, I think going on four years now.
So I know a lot of you guys have been using these products over the years. They have new lines like the, the peptide line that we’re talking about. So highly recommend those. I’ve been using all those for, well, the, the facial stuff, serum stuff for about a month, and then the, the crush and the sculpt. Been using those for about three months now. So really, really good results from those. All the products are good. I’ve used every single one of the products. So get in, get some. All right, guys, lots of love. Stay in the love vibration.
Get on those root products and we’ll see you guys next time.