Officers On Deck: LTG McInerney MG Vallely COL Sellers Bishop Jim Brad Wozny on CIC Trump Moves

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➡ This text is about a show that provides interesting and uncensored information, along with humor and good deeds. The show promotes X39 patches, a product that helps regenerate stem cells, and offers a 90-day money-back guarantee. The host, Brad Wney, introduces guests who are retired military officials, and they discuss various topics including the importance of meritocracy in the military and the negative impact of critical race theory. They also share their military backgrounds and their current work in national security analysis.
➡ The text discusses the efforts of various individuals, including General McInerney, Jim O’Connor, and Colonel Sellers, in fighting against corruption and evil in America. They highlight their military backgrounds and their current roles, emphasizing their commitment to rebuilding the country and reinforcing the constitution. They also discuss their fight against child trafficking and corruption, and their support for President Trump. The text also mentions their involvement in Operation Sinaloa, a plan to combat drug cartels in Mexico.
➡ The speaker discusses the perceived corruption and evil in the world, particularly in the Obama-Biden leadership. They express hope for a better future with new leadership in law enforcement and the military, emphasizing the need for justice, not revenge. The speaker also mentions the importance of holding people accountable for their actions, including those involved in the 2020 election. They end by discussing the challenges and changes in military tactics, particularly in underground warfare, and the potential damage done to the military under previous leadership.
➡ The discussion revolves around the current state of the military, the perceived lack of support from the public and religious leaders, and the negative impact of political decisions on the armed forces. The speakers express concern about societal issues such as child trafficking and drug addiction, and criticize the leadership for not adequately supporting and training soldiers. They also discuss the need for stronger leadership in Europe and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
➡ The speaker discusses the history of Russia and Ukraine, including issues like sex trafficking and political unrest. They also mention their involvement in arranging a meeting between Presidents Putin and Trump. The speaker predicts that more information about fraud and corruption in various agencies will be revealed soon. They also mention the restructuring of the military and potential legal consequences for certain individuals.
➡ The discussion revolves around the authors’ concerns about the lack of honesty and integrity in leadership, both in and outside the church. They believe that a spiritual awakening is happening in America and around the world, despite the infiltration of harmful ideologies. They also discuss the potential healing benefits of X39 patches, which are said to regenerate stem cells and reverse aging. The conversation ends with a call to share their message and a promotion for their product.


Cutting edge guests, awesome uncensored jaw dropping information. Plus funny memes, good deeds and loads of laughter. Kind of have it all. Ladies and gentlemen, if your soul is awake, then welcome because you’re in the right place. Hey you divine lions and lionesses, you amazing sovereign souls. Look at this powerful, affordable x39 patches help regenerate your stem cells. These were developed for Navy Seals. Burns up to 500 calories. Acts like a wearable med bed on your body so you get to wear your natural wellness daily. Order X39 now at catch the life There’s Monday to Friday phone support so you can go there.

There’s zooms and there’s a 100% 90 day money back guarantee. T@catch the life the x39 there is nothing else like it. Help activate stem cells, reverse aging and rejuvenate your life at catch the life well you divine lions and lionesses on the Sovereign Soul show. As you know, I’m your host Brad Wney and thank you so much for being here on incredible day and opportunity to hear from these fine men, these fine warriors. If you’re on God wins. You know Bishop Jim O’Connor over here, West Point 76, US army major, retired. And many of you also know my pseudo father, great friend, longtime Colonel Chuck Sellers, retired, the former deputy commander of Delta Force in 2004.

And for many of you, this is once again on my channel, another interaction with these incredible heroes for mankind, especially real American heroes. We have Lieutenant General three star United States Air Force retired Thomas McInerney joining us from his home and two star Major General Paulie Valle. Both these men helped create and stand up, Stand Up America foundation and Admiral with Admiral Sea Lions who’s no longer with us on the earth plane but here in spirit. So I’ll turn it over to Generals McInerney and Valley as this is an open conversation on what’s happening right now both in America and around the world.

And we hope this is a knowledge transfer and a great share and a couple of laughs are going to happen with these absolute war heroes over the generations so the next several generations and those who are serving too right now can learn from these fine men. Over to you generals and it’s an honor and thank you all four of you for your incredible service for mankind. Well, thanks. I want to let General McEnary lead off Tom, and maybe we can focus on what’s happening with our military right now. Yeah, I want to lead into that talk about General Brown’s relief by the President, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

And then I want to talk about why it’s so important to look at the 2020 election and what is transpiring right now with the victory that President Trump had. It was maybe an accident. The Dems really fought it hard, did everything they could to cheat again like they did in 2020. And so that’s why they must be held accountable. But a lot of the media doesn’t quite understand why General QC Brown was, was replaced. And it’s very simple. He believed in critical race theory and dei and that has no place in the military. As a matter of fact, I don’t think it has any place anywhere.

It’s a Marxist ideology and America was made on merit. Martin Luther King preached that. And yet the Biden Obama administration deliberately was pushing the DEI critical race theory, and it was to disrupt, to create problems, to make us a weaker force. I don’t think when I go into the confessional to Bishop Jim that he cares what my skin color is or where I went to school or who my mommy and daddy was. He cares about what I have done. And so that’s why I think that. And there’ll be more. The Air Force Vice chief went, the air, the Navy CNO went and all the jag, the Judge Advocate Generals went.

But it’s important that people know that President Trump made the right steps. They had to be done. And it has a signal to be sent that we will not accept critical race theory or DEI in the military. And I will just say I saw an example of DEI at the ER ward that won’t be too specific. Last Friday in which a, a young corpsman happened to happen to be a minority. But I had just had my blood taken two days before and the person who I was with was getting a blood test. There was more blood on the floor than he got into the vials that he had.

And I came to the conclusion very quickly it wasn’t on his merits that he was doing that. And that’s just a very simple little example. But I think it’s important to say why performance and meritocracy is vital to our success. So I’ll turn it back to you, General Valle, but we must get to the accountability that must be held with the past administration. Brad, I can then pass it to Jim and Colonel Sellers if you’d like. After that. It sounds good. And if I could ask a follow up question to both of you generals. We haven’t explored your, your background and I know there are folks here who have joined all of our channels who are new to God wins on Bishop Jim’s or the Sovereign Soul Show.

So General McInerney, a little bit about your background for the audience, if you don’t mind, because of the veracity for which all four of you speak. Well, I, I was a commissioned out of west point class of 59 and I went to airborne school and on the way to Ranger school went to basic infantry officers course and I got an inter service transfer to the Air Force. And it’s a little complicated how that happened, but it was the first one that year. 59 was the first Air Force Academy class. But in any case, I became a fighter pilot.

I like to jest with General Vallee that when I found out the pilots were landing the airplane and going to the bar and I was sleeping in a tent, if I was lucky, I decided to have a transfer rather than jumping out of airplanes. Right. And so and when I was in the Air Force I made sure the dear Lord and helped me that I never had to jump out of an airplane. But in any case I was ended up as the number three man in the air staff. But I also did and the reason I’m bringing this up, I did vice president for his reinventing government for all the Department of Defense.

And I had three other three stars working for me, Navy, Marine and Army. And I’d go to the White House every two weeks and I’d be the one person representing the Department of Defense. And I wish I had Elon with me. Okay. I think we, we did a fairly good job. But I can tell you, having done that for over a year that Elon is doing and they’re finding it right away and presenting it to America. It’s very transparent. I just wanted to get that in to summarize what my career was. But it’s very relevant, it’s strange, it’s very relevant to today, to the criticism that we’re giving Elon Musk and he is spot on what he is doing and President Trump is lucky to have him and he has selected the right cabinet.

So I’ll turn it back over to General Vallee. Thank you. John McNerney. I graduated two years after General McInerney in the class of 1961 and went off to infantry basic course, Airborne Ranger jump Master School. Later on served in Europe. My first tour with a battle group out of the 82nd Airborne. After that went to Vietnam, came back to the advanced course at Fort Benning, then back to Vietnam and then back to the United States and The last oh I’d say 15. I was a deputy commander US Army Pacific was my last tour of duty and that was in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Tough tour but somebody had to do it. And then last based my last 20 years, 15 years was in special operations. And just for everybody’s information General McInery and I were the first generals military hired by Roger Ailes at Fox news right after 9 11. So we got to participate there for a number of years together and Joe McInery and I were able to put a good, pretty good team together of Navy, Air Force and some other people at Fox News because Fox News knew nothing about the military. They kept calling me major all the time and I kept asking why you demoted me a major general.

You know. Anyhow, those were some good days. Fox News has certainly changed quite a bit since then and but we were very happy back in Washington D.C. to put together the Stand Up America U. S Foundation. The website on that is stand up America U.S. yeah, put the U.S. in there. Standupamerica and so we’re after a number of years we’re still out there fighting the fight and supporting America and doing a lot of national security analysis. We do a lot of radio shows both of us do now including yours and articles and books. If you go you’ll see the books General McIner and I’ve written they’re on the website.

And we really nailed at invisible treason beyond treason, the dismantling of America. But we put together all these characters that worked against America, the deep state and how they basically dismantled our country. Now as General McNary point out what we’re rebuilding now we have to build all that back again. And thank God we got Donald J. Trump. Jim to. To lead. To lead us in putting together putting back together a great country and reinforcing our constitution. But it’s not over. There’s a battle yet to be won. There’s no doubt about that. And we have to ensure that we’re on the right track and doing what we need to do anyhow.

I can pass it to you, Jim and Colonel Sellers. Go ahead, Jim. Thank you, sir. I’m Jim O’Connor. I graduated from that same wonderful institution in 76. I served as an infantry officer. I’m parachute qualified. I happen to get injured in an armored personnel carrier accident which cost me Ranger school which I would have enjoyed. But everything works out for a good reason. I’m now a bishop in the underground Orthodox church and I’d like to read a couple of things because I think this is what President Trump and all of us are fighting here. And this is from the second or excuse me, the third chapter of Micah the Prophet.

You hate good, love evil. You violently pluck off their skin from their bones and their flesh from their, from their bones. And that describes what the child traffickers do. And this describes what some of the deep state does. Her princes have judged for bribes and her priests have taught for hire, and her prophets divine for money. We see all this kind of crap going on and we have a good president that’s fighting it. And this happened and this was written before the Babylonian captivity almost 3,000 years before now, long time ago. And we still have these issues and we finally have a president and an administration who’s actually fighting this.

And, and you wonderful generals and I know Chuck and Brad and I are all fighting against this in the ways that we can now. And, and I think this is really important. By the way, Jim, Gerald McInerney and I did visit Babylon. We were on the grounds of Babylon and boy, going back in history, that was something to be there at Babylon because so much history evolves around Babylon. I just thought it through. I just remembered that. Oh, that’s pretty cool. Yeah. Colonel Sellers like this, you gotta jump the. I got commissioned in in 78 as an infantry officer.

Did my first tour with the 2nd and 4th infantry in Germany. We were the the infantry unit that was protecting the Pershing Pershing missiles then in in Germany Went to Special Forces qualification course in 82 and was went to 10th group after I graduated and was in with 10 special forces in in Beirut Lebanon 83, 84 when the, when the Marines got blown up at the airport there. Very very interesting time frame in Lebanon. Went back went to selection for first SFOD Delta in 87 and I basically spent the last, the last 17 years that I was in the army and in the unit.

I went there as a captain and retired as the deputy commander in 2004. Took part in went with the unit, took part in just Operation Just Cause in Panama, first Gulf War, Colombia multiple times culminating in Pablo Escobar’s death in 93. I was the OIC for Joint Special Ops Command there when that happened. Bosnia 95 and again in 99 and 2000 and then two tours in Afghanistan in 2001 and again in 2002. Back to you, Brad. Amazing. I’m just the technical guy making sure this all comes together. That’s it. I send emails and put together a zoom and it’s such an honor.

A few key points as well. General McInerney has done four tours of Vietnam and flown 407 combat missions. Bishop Jim O’Connor as well has performed over 40 successful exorcisms, been witness and privy to 50 plus spontaneous healing miracles. And his order, he had mentioned, has access to all 777 books of the Bible. So we’re looking at this as well from a spiritual war context. And then it’s carried out right now from a spiritual as well as lawfare, financial, military, you name it. I can’t think of any better men to have accessible to any of our audiences for a roundtable on what’s going on and how to defeat evil everywhere and how even common citizens around the planet can do their part.

That’s. So this has been out on the news, but just go back. I see where the 10 Special Forces Group has been deployed, deployed out of Mexico to work with the Mexican armed forces. I just saw that last week, which is, It’s. That’s awesome. I mean, when I read that initially, I was. I was thinking, finally people are, I mean, leadership, and I’m talking about our leadership. Finally things are starting to make sense, you know, and, and reflect what is actually happening on the ground as opposed to like, like the generals were talking about DEI and all of that.

I mean, it’s just so refreshing to see a common sense move being made. Brad, we can talk about the cartels now if you want to a little bit. I think it’d be a perfect natural progression. Yes, sir. A segue in your Operation Sinaloa. And if possible, we could also add subterranean warfare, because Colonel Sellers in 95 through 2002 was also training in the unit in Fort Bragg and other places for breaching underground facilities and training in a subterranean environment and confined battle spaces. Yeah, well, Joe McInerney knows all the background on Operation Sinaloa, but we prepared that for President Trump.

I think it was 2018 called Operation Sinaloa, and it was both from a military standpoint, it was a defensive operation as well as an offensive operation. And the President was only able to do the defensive part, putting up more walls, stay in Mexico, closing the border restricted and so on. So he never got to do the offensive part. And so now he’s conducting, in the process, conducting an offensive operation. They have drones now over the five provincial areas down there, over the cartels, especially Sinaloa. But we got some intelligence in that the cartels are fighting with each other now, and they’re spreading out because they got the word that Trump’s coming in, he’s going to Take them out and destroy their international laundering of money and so on with the Department of Treasury.

But the offensive operation was a special ops operation. Colonel sellers. Basically 2:00 in the morning, we watch them for about 30 days from overhead drones and overhead surveillance. Watch where they’re going, where they exist, where the factories are, all. Until you got all that intelligence in those four or five provincial areas. And that way, with a joint special ops mission, go in, basically take them out in 10 days. And we can do that. And so that’s sort of where we’re at now. I know the president of Mexico, she sent up, I think, 10,000 of the military to the north to assist.

But you got to understand, the cartels control the whole government. Yep. They just did a survey down there of the Mexican people. They’ve been so brutalized by these cartels, hanging, burning, chopping off their heads like the jihadists. They hate the cartels of Mexican people. And so they’re all behind President Trump doing what he needs to do to take them down. And a lot of American people never get that word of what’s really happening inside Mexico. I mean, they’ve, they’ve completely controlled the border towns. The drug trafficking, fentanyl, killing, General McNairy said, many times, hundreds of thousands.

I don’t even know what it’s up to now. Fentanyl, they’ve killed our young people, laundered money inside of they. They’ve been tracked, even influencing our elections by funding some of these elections. That particularly was done in Arizona. So this is a good thing for America, good thing for the country that these cartels be destroyed once and for all anyhow. Well, just adding that General Valley people we’ve lost to drugs. Being driven by the Chinese through the Mexican factories, then across border action is exceeded the number of killed in action we had in World War II. Think of that.

She never did Biden ever approach Xi Jinping and say, knock it off. And so I’m waiting for the president to take out all those drug factories and we could do it in one day. I think you all know how we would do that and it must be done. It’s destroying our youth and families, etc. So we’ve been blessed, I think, Bishop Jim, that we’ve talked about it, but the 13th of July, I just want to, I can’t help from refraining about 13 July in Pennsylvania, where the Dear Lord put a bullet between the skull and the earlobe.

That only the dear Lord could have had such accuracy. Certainly the clown that they did that didn’t have that accuracy. And so the Dear Lord has intervened because he knows the world needs America. He knows the world with all the evil that is going on today in the world. And I’ve heard some things about the Pope that I’m not happy with, Bishop Jim. And you could probably, you probably feel the same way, but, yes, sir, we’ve accepted far too much on the evil of the Obama Biden leadership, primarily led by Barack Hussein Obama. And the world will be a better place.

And you can see with Cash Patel now coming in the FBI and Dan Bongino going to be his assistant, that we’re going to finally have a law enforcement agency that is not corrupt. And so finally an attorney general, finally a military leader that gets it, understands what unity is about. It’s very important. But what I wanted to make sure we understood, we do not want revenge, we want justice. And if we do not do it, General Vallee and I are very well aware through certain reasons, how we won this election because it was done fairly. And the cyber campaign that we saw in 2020, that was stolen from us, if anybody doubts us, it didn’t work this time.

The Dear Lord assisted us in that. But the fact is we are going up against evil people. They do not love this country. And so with Pam Bondi and Cash Patel and Dan Bongino and the right people, we must hold them accountable. We have the details and in depth on how they stole the 2020 election. It goes right to Barack Hussein Obama, John Brennan, Jim Clapper, Comey, all this. I saw that they’re going to investigate Comey and what he did. And it’s very important, not for retribution, because we don’t do it again, it’s going to happen again.

We won’t be successful next time. I think the four of us fully understand why, or really the five of us, Brad, understand how critical and how close we were to losing this democratic republic. And when you see the things that are going on and USAID and all the money that they’re just throwing out to deliberately destroy the dollar and destroy our republic, they wanted to do that. And so now we must make sure that they can never do it again. None of us expected, when we took the oath of office to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that in our lifetime, domestic enemies would be our greatest threat.

And so that’s why I think it’s important that we bring this up, Brad, and let people know what President Trump must do, is hold people accountable. And if to include, for instance, a Former Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Milley, who wanted to know about this. White, white ring, please, please. That was another Marxist ideology coming from the chairman. And his replacement failed in that score as well. And so we are playing against people that do not love America and do not care about it. That’s why so many things must be laid out to the American people to understand about jfk, when he was assassinated.

Those facts should come out. Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King. We must understand those. What happened on the 13th of July in Pennsylvania and why hasn’t that come out? Why did they consume the body five or seven days after out of the initial sniper that fired at President Trump? That should not have happened. Why have not more facts come out? And having been part of this system, I think there’s four of us. Five of us, probably, Brad, know that that was an inside job. That had to be an inside job. Yeah. Couldn’t be deliberate incompetence. And then when you get the director of the Secret Service that was worried about the pitch of the roof being too stupid, being too steep for anyone to do it, there was hardly any pitch at all.

And then she resigns. Rightly so. So we have a problem. And, and we must clean out these cancers. And it’s very important, Brad, what you’re doing, allowing us, the four of us, to talk about it. But these are issues that are on our mind, and we intend to help resolve them and educate the American public that they must be addressed. Over to you, General Valley. I was just going to ask Colonel Sellers and then Colonel O’Connor. Colonel Sellers, looking at now the military, and you’ve been on duty more recently than General McInerney and I have been on active duty when we retired back in the 90s.

What would you see as the priorities for the. Hopefully new generals and admirals will take charge of our military. What do you see as the priorities? I think, actually, Brad, you had sent out, you, you sent it. I think it was a transcript of an. Of a. Of an interview with a. With a Delta operator that took place maybe four or five years ago. Right. But he was, he was really explicit. I mean, it was a really, really good interview, very detailed about underground combat. And this is a big deal that’s going on. This, this underground.

These underground battles, I mean, are happening as we speak. Many of them have already happened. But the, the description that, that, that operator gave of what’s going on underground is amazing. I mean, they’ve. We’ve had to change tactics, techniques, procedures to be able to do it. The Enemy is not an enemy that probably any of us expected that we were going to be fighting. I mean some of these guys are potentially hybrid creations that are, that are that we’re fighting against down there. And it just, it what calls into my mind, they’re, they’re, that’s what’s happening now.

A lot of it. How many billions of dollars have they spent on training for subterranean warfare? But we started training for this. We were. When I was a squadron commander at the, at the unit between 95 and 97, the main focus of everything that we were training on was underground warfare and, and to the point where one of the most extensive and expensive exercises that I’ve ever been on was in a nuclear. Former nuclear weapons storage facility in New Mexico. And I mean, we’re talking breaching reinforced steel doors, multiple reinforced steel doors. You’re talking about an hour, hour and a half to get through a door.

At least with the technology as it was back then. I’m sure there’s better technology now. But you run into all of the problems that come with subterranean warfare. Light breaching a door internal in a set of tunnels. The smoke and the, the toxic, the toxic atmosphere that’s caused around there forces everybody to be on, on rebreathers or on, on oxy, you know, on. We use draggers back then. I don’t know what exactly they’re using now, but it’s a non breathable atmosphere. So you’re working in an environment that’s really harsh. Communications. When we went, we, the minute we went underground, we realized that none of the, the radio communications we had were going to work.

The first time you turn in a drift and you turn to go in a different direction and you’re not line of sight between the radios. It didn’t work. No, no comms. So what, what, what did we do? So you have to have an, you have to have an answer. We went back to methods that were used in World War I. We started stringing in common wire with the lead element, rolling wire out wherever we went in the tunnel and doing it just like they did it in World War I. Between the trench lines with common wire and hooking in and the new technology, at least we had the ability to take the phone that we were going to use to communicate and clip it into the wire at any point along the, along the route.

And it allowed us to, to talk to the, to the troops on the leading edge. All these things are just brand new, you know, brand new to us. This is back in 95 to 97 a lot of that now, but I think it’s worth looking at the history of it. Okay, I was just going to ask has the Special Operations Forces, Air Force, Navy, army, have they been degraded through this whole dismantling that’s been going on the last years under Obama and Biden, or have they been able to hold a solid ground as far as readiness and capability? I think the core of them probably are still, but are still, you know, good and capable.

And you’re going to see it down in Mexico, I believe. But the, I think there was, there was damage done. I really do believe there was damage done because I don’t see how that couldn’t have been because the infection was at this, there was infection at the top levels like you mentioned, General Milley. And you know, there were others. But that, that infection does. It spreads down through, through the chain of command. So there were, there were weak spots in the chain of command, I believe, as you went down. So that will, it’s got to have an effect on, on the people.

I do believe that the thing the, the, the lower ranking officers and the NCOs that were holding it all, they’re the ones who probably held it all together and I believe kept, kept the fighting force, you know, to the point where it was still a fighting force. What do you think, Jim? I’m just going to. Not that, Brad. I’m not taking over your job there. I was just trying to come up with some things we can talk about. But Jim, what do you see priorities for our military now? Well, I have a little different slant, sir.

And as you know, I see this all as a battle between good and evil. And one of the things that really bothers me is how silent the pastors are in this country about the battle between good and evil. So the public support isn’t where it should be. I mean, we’re fighting people who traffic children. We’re fighting people who make sure there’s addictive drugs that turn young people into economic slaves. Because once you’re addicted, you have to have it and you got to do everything you can to get it. And we have these brave, brave, unbelievably brave soldiers fighting underground, fighting probably devils.

Yeah. And there’s nobody really backing them. And people are complaining about all sorts of things but not getting them, but not complaining about how a small group of thugs have stolen an election, have put in place evil princes who take bribes like this. Passages in the Bible says and, and the churches are so silent, but they are collecting the money they want and telling People, you give us money, you’re good. No, you do the right thing. You’re good. Our soldiers are doing the right thing. Even though they’ve had some pretty crappy leadership. They didn’t have the kind of leadership that they had when you generals were in charge.

They had these guys that were DEI and woke. A woke guy doesn’t scare anybody on a battlefield. You know, you see some guy wearing a dress trying to fight you, you just kind of laugh your butt off. That doesn’t scare anybody. And they couldn’t be doing more harm to our country than normalizing the weirdest stuff in the world. And, you know, and unmasculating the, the fighting force and making sure they’re not getting trained properly. I remember when Carter was president, we couldn’t start, we couldn’t fire weapons for qualification to make sure we stayed sharp. Yeah, we’re supposed to have 90% of the.

Of our toe force on the line, the front line in Germany. And we, we were never even well enough off to be just rated combat ineffective. We were a disaster. And it wasn’t that we worked. Didn’t work hard and train hard. We didn’t have any. We didn’t have any soldiers. And even you could be a major with 16 years in and two kids and a wife. And you were on. You were in the poverty line and qualified for food stamps, even though you could have a Ivy League master’s degree. I mean, that’s how. And Carter wasn’t anywhere near as bad as Obama and Biden.

Right. You know, you know, these politicians are doing horrible things to our forces. And, you know, and if you say anything, they try to label you as someone who’s against people. Yeah, exactly. You know, when you allow these drugs across the borders and you allow this terrorism from drug cartels and you don’t fight for decent things, you’re the people who hate people. And our pastors have really let the people down and haven’t educated them. Their job is to fight between good and evil, not to just collect money and say everything’s okay. Yeah, follow the money. Right, Jim? Yeah, that’s.

Yeah, that’s a terrible thing, but that’s what they’re doing. Jim, did you see the latest army ad that came out last week? I don’t know, sir. I didn’t see it. It was this big Sergeant First Class. I don’t know whether he’s bench pressing or about £350 versus the guy that was wearing the dress. No way. I don’t know whether you saw that one or not did you. Oh, I gotta see that. Yeah, just. It just came out. And I’m not sure General McNally seen it either. But I just saw this guy, he’s Venture doing £350. And that’s the new ad.

Excuse me, if I was a young man, I’d want to be following that guy. That’s right. Yeah. Well, Jim, I think it’s flip the script on that. You’re 72 years old and you’re bench pressing £320 39 times. I think they’ve got to add. We got to get Pete Hegseth to get you in the next version of Assad and say army strong forever. And here we go, right, because it’s army strong right across the board. And at 72, do you want to be benching 32039 times? Like the dude that’s the sergeant here at 22 doing 350. So I think that’s.

I admire the guy that can do £30 more, you know, that’s quite a bit. Yeah. Amazing, amazing. Well, and you know, generals and gents, another thing here too, right? When you look at how they’ve went through to dismantle America, the playbook was across all commonwealth countries and all those puppets stood up. You have the treasonous elections across all countries. And they leverage dominion voting systems. So we have this kind of lockstep project right across the board. They normalized wanting to cut off the genitals of children. And even in West Point just recently, a few months ago, they gave a medal to Obama where Bishop Jim has said many times, hey, if everybody looks at Strong.

Yeah, yeah. If they look at Strong’s concordance, it’s Luke has already said and reposted what Jesus. And putting it in the vernacular for the 21st century kids watching, right? Reposted by the way, folks, is written down the Bible under Luke’s drawns concordance where Jesus said, I saw Satan fall as lightning bolt from the sky. And when you break it up in strongest concordance, that spells Barack, always a bridge word Bama in Hebrew. And Barry Sotero now the birth certificates coming out in the mainstream in Kenya. There you are. They actually set him up in that CIA dark deep state operation to be the antichrist for the chapter.

That’s Luke chapter 10, verse 18. And that’s I saw Satan fall from the highest heights being the heights of heaven. And word 1116 is Bama, which is the highest heights, the heights of heaven. And one word 1, 2, 9, 9 in Strong’s Concordance. And this is. In the Hebrew section is B, A, R, A Q, barak, which means lightning. So it’s very, very clear that Jesus names the Antichrist and we’re letting him call shots and destroying us. That’s got to stop. Yeah, it has stopped now. I think, Jim, you notice how he’s gone into the closet, so to speak.

He and Mike. All right, Ian, Michelle, we switch to Europe. We’re talking about West Point army, military and leader. Please. Sir. Yeah. Can you name one European other than one, and I’ll name who it is that have any cojones. They have no leadership in Europe at all. It’s unbelievable. The bravest is Moroni from Italy, and it’s a woman and Urban from Hungary. Other than that, they’re following on their derrieres all over the place, and they want to continue this stupid war in Ukraine. Pushing it. And I mean, it’s just ridiculous. I mean, Europe has got to get its.

Well, I won’t say shi. What I’m talking about together, because I. I’ve never seen such a number of men without any gonads, if I may use that vernacular. I have to throw a few military terms in, I guess, but there’s nothing there with these guys anyhow. No brain. No brains either, General. Just an opinion. And we. And during that time frame when the Ukraine started, I mean, we. We under our old leadership, were greasing all the wheels on that thing as a country, and it’s. It. It’s just absurd. And all you got to do is go back in history and read the history of Ukraine.

Yeah. And what it really was. Nobody does, though. And. And it tells you this, the entire story, because the. Because exactly what’s happening there right now was happening there in the 1500s and in the 1700s, and other people had to handle it, like, namely the Russians. But, I mean, people really did really should go and do the history. History lessons on what’s going on in Ukraine, and it’ll open your eyes to what’s going on. It didn’t make sense. Yep, absolutely. Imagine what would have happened in heaven if. When Satan revolted, if St. Michael the Archangel didn’t do anything.

And we have all these pastors and priests not doing anything. And when you know the history of the Ukraine, like all you gentlemen do, and how they’ve sacrificed children for thousands of years, and you sit around saying, well, war is so terrible. You got to be kidding me. The first war that was ever fought was fought in heaven. Yep. And St. Michael the Archangel cleaned heaven out for. For the Lord. And we need to clean the Ukraine out. And these evil. Well, evil bastards. I’m sorry, I get emotional about this. These evil bastards who are doing these things to our children and our grandchildren.

That’s got to stop. You know, you’re right. I’m glad you pointed that out, because if you go back, none of these people under Biden, Obama did the history on Russia in Ukraine and that whole area over there. But I can remember the sex trafficking was most predominant out of Ukraine. I remember being in Paris, walking down the Champs Elysees, and I group of five or six young girls, 13, 14, coming up, you know, hustling. And they’re all Ukrainians, right? And a lot don’t realize, you know, the. The eastern part of Ukraine is pro Russian. They were bombed for over a decade, as Colonel knows, bombing the Azovs, the Nazi battalions that supported Zelensky were bombing all of these people in those four provinces in the east, killed many of them.

And I mean, it goes back and back. And now we find out all that money has been laundered through the oligarchs. There were four oligarchs that supported Zelensky. They funded them, they. As a puppet. And so again, I mean, I, I watch Fox News and I watch some of these people that are basically neocons. General Keane, for one, he gets on there, he’s a neocon. He doesn’t understand the Russian side of things. And then I get Sean Hannity, who I really get ticked off, calling Putin a murderer and all of that things does no good. And when you go back in history, you find that, you know, Russia had to learn a hard lesson over the years, and they did in that regard.

But hopefully Trump will get this settled within the next. I think he’ll meet with Putin shortly and they’ll get something worked out. Well, in general, to that point, you are the man who facilitated the meeting with Presidents Putin and Trump, right. During Trump’s 45th presidency. Not at first administration. Would you mind just sharing with the audience what that experience was like, what it was maybe that they spoke about because of the alliance. And again, back to history, everybody. Russia and France came to the colonies to support them, battling the English, the British monarchy in the Revolutionary War.

So your allies were France and Russia in order to stand up and have the Declaration of Independence take form of the Constitution and have these colonies form United States of America Republic. Well, yeah, it’s a good story. I’m not Even sure John McEnary knows that full story. I don’t think I’ve ever Told it to him. But In March of 2017, I was asked to go to Moscow and participate at an international Middle east conference. And so the people there were very high ranking from Pakistan, from the West Bank. We had Palestinians there, but it was focused on the Middle East.

So one afternoon, a gentleman named Alistair Crooked name name out of James Bond. Right. But it’s True, he was MI6. He came over to me in the early afternoon. He says, the President wants to meet you. I’m sleeping. The President? President Valday. That was the conference. V A L D I E. It’s, it’s like our Heritage Foundation. And so I found out, no, it was with Mikhail Bogdanov, who was Putin’s top guy for the Middle East. And led off the conference, he wanted to meet with me. So I, I took Mike Maloof, my liaison, and we walk about four blocks to the Foreign Ministry.

And so we go through security, this big Russian guy, and we finally get there and he says, there’ll be a young lady coming down to meet you. Well, it’s interesting. The seventh floor is where the Foreign Ministry is, just like our State Department. He’s on the seventh floor. And so we’re talking up there and a young blonde comes out to do the interpretation translations that we needed. And so Mike and I and Ambassador Bogdanov are there. So something came into my brain. It had to be God inspired Jim, I don’t know. And I said, why don’t we plan a meeting in Reyevik, Iceland, and redo Reagan, Gorbachev.

This time it’ll be Putin and Trump. It just came to me. I don’t know why. And so the head of the American desk there was a young Russian lady, I’d say young, about 40, 42. And she says, well, why don’t we do it at. I think it was the G10 conference coming up in June or July. Why don’t we do it then? I said, well, yeah, let’s look at it. So anyhow, I come back from Moscow and sent an email to the White House and said, we can set up a meeting between Putin and Trump in I think, June or July of 2017.

And that’s when they met. And I, you know, just one of those things, it was just historical in nature. And, and then of course, all the Russian hoax stuff. Car started coming in, by the way, General Mike Flynn left three months after I did to go over at the 10th anniversary of RTTV. And that’s what he. When he sat with Putin at that table. I don’t remember that. But that’s. So he called me on the way over. So I give him some background. And then they criticized General Flynn for meeting with Putin. He was just there at a dinner, at a banquet with him.

But that’s how they distorted all the events with Putin in Russia in those early years of Trump’s first administration. So, wow, just a story. Incredible, incredible story. Well, and gentlemen, what do you see what happened between now and March 4th as we tie it off here over these next 10 minutes? Sir. General Valley, your thoughts between now and March 4th, what you anticipate may be coming up unless you know something you’re allowed to. Oh, I think there’s going to be so much coming out on the fraud and all of these agencies, they haven’t even really looked at the Pentagon in depth yet or I don’t think they’ve done the State Department yet.

They’ve done a lot of agencies. I think what you see coming out, that $2 trillion that that Elon has suggested can be saved, I think it’s going to be a hell of a lot more than that, especially when they get into what where all that money was laundered in Ukraine. So I think that’s a big thing. I think you’re going to see more on the FBI and the Department of Justice holding some of these people responsible for the lies they told and how they incriminated the president, continued attack, make full accusation. I understand AOC is in deep trouble right now and they may press charges against her for what she’s been doing against Tom and the everything’s going on with south of the border and shipping.

Everybody back. Tom Homan, I’m sorry, almost lost it there. So I think that’s going to be real big, the revamping of the military restructuring. Pete Hegset just came back from Guantanamo. There’ll be more going in there, that’s for sure, as they’re transporting via Guantanamo back to where country they’re going to go to. So a lot of things there that are out front. And Trump had his first cabinet meeting today, which was very successful, as I understand. So anyhow, day by day, it’s a lot happening, that’s for sure. More to come. General McNairy may have a different it probably has the same vision because he and I talk about these things all the time.

So no, I’m. You’re spot on, Paul. Spot on. A lot happening. Excellent. Well, thank you, gentlemen. We’ll go over to your books here in a moment. And Colonel Sellers and Bishop, Jim, you know, your, your final thoughts on what you see are. Any questions for the generals here? I, I think I’m just. I agree totally with what General just said, but I think it’s just a breath of fresh air watching Pete Hegseth come in, you know, on the ground running, watching. Watching Cash Patel, Pam Bondi. Lord have mercy. I mean, she did right there. She. All you got to do is look at what she’s doing and, you know, this people that are scrambling for their lives right now.

Yeah. And all of that is a breath of fresh air, I believe. I know it’s one for me and for my family. And I. I think that it’s probably based on the landslide that, that. That President Trump won with. I think that a lot of people feel the same way. No. And I think we’re going to see kind of a unexpected thing. Two of the great pastors during World War II were Maximin Kolbe, who was a Roman Catholic priest who died in the concentration camps saving someone, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who fought the Nazis, too. And I believe that many of the mainstream churches are going to get exposed by Pam Bondi because of their ties to Epstein and P.

Diddy and all that kind of stuff. And I think people are gonna really start to do one of two things. Either, you know, Chuck religion or people are going to become very spiritual in the bounds of, you know, good Christianity, good Judaism, and that those who are in the spiritual churches, like the description of the Church of Philadelphia in the third chapter of Revelations, are going to be quite busy ministering to people as they wake up from the terrible shock of finding out that some of these leaders who they thought were holy men and women were some of the biggest scoundrels that ever lived.

And I think a lot of that’s going to happen very soon. Jim. I wanted to point out General McInerney in our book America’s End Game for the 21st Century. I think I’ve mentioned this before, but General McInery and I put in that first chapter, the Spiritual Awakening of America. That was the first chapter, and we wrote that book two or three years ago. And getting back to honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, all those characteristics that make good leaders of our world, whether in the church or outside the church. Church. But Joe McIner and I are very concerned that we put that in there.

Yeah, America’s End game for the 21st century. So I just wanted to add that. Jim. Oh, thank you, sir. That really makes my point. I mean, it’s a tremendous book. Thank you. Well, we’re seeing quite a revitalization of. Of faith and Christianity in the country itself. I think it’s not as obvious because, Bishop Jim, as you know, the revelations that you were talking that are about to come out, I believe they are like you, that they are about to come out. And the evil that those people have done has not been disclosed yet. But it will be, and it will be disclosed with the overall swamp and theft of the election and what has transpired in America today.

But it’s not only America. You look at Europe, you look at other countries and what we’re seeing, and I. I do believe there will be a very aggressive revitalization of. I say Christianity in the world, but of religion in the world. And it’s. It’s very important that we get back and get the basics that are so important to any. Any society’s success here on Earth. Absolutely, I agree with you, General. And, you know, one of the things that, you know, we’ve talked a little bit about the Marxist ideologies, but we really didn’t. I’d like to add something about Marx.

During his last two weeks on Earth, he wrote a love poem to Satan. Marx was not an atheist. He was a Satanist. And all these communist ideas that have infiltrated our society are really from the devil himself. And so many of the churches have embraced them and as part of devil worship. And they. They word curse themselves. They word curse their congregations, and their congregations follow their lead and word curse them. No wonder we’re so. We’re in such trouble. But I. I still have a lot of hope that people are waking up. Yep. Well, thank you, Brad, for having us.

Maybe we can do it again. I think that would be lovely, sir. I think you’ve got heads, heads nodding all around here. And as a final point, all of these fine men, with exception to Colonel Sellers, he is a fine man, by the way, have went through West Point, as everybody has heard. And that West Point, New York campus, is the place where George Washington disbanded the Continental army, which included, once again, the 2nd Royal Canadian Regiment. It was actually the 2nd Canadian Regiment then. Nothing royal about it. So we look at uniting as an entire Continental army again and one nation under God.

I think there is no way that anybody would ever pick a fight, pick a battle, or ever do the stuff that Cartel has been doing, or with the Doge type and the Trump leadership, ever attempt to usurp and conduct any treason anywhere ever again with these types of eyes watching, first and foremost led by men like each one of you for. And it’s an honor to know you gentlemen, and we’ll definitely do this again. And thank you so much. Thank you. Continued service. Good to meet you. S. Okay. Thank you, Brad. God bless. Thank you. Hey, dear soul, if you know anybody who needs deep healing has pain.

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My back is a. Is a. It’s a disseminated idiopathic skeletal hyperastosis. DISH disease, which is a degenerative back disease that’s genetically passed down, but what it leads to is total calcification of the spine. And so jumping out of airplanes just made it come quicker. Yeah. I didn’t know that I had it until. Until 2002, after I’d been in the army for 24 years. And I’ll jump in and all of the parachute jumping and opening shock and everything. So when I was, what, 48 when I got out? Something like that. In one application of the patch later, we went to a rodeo on Saturday.

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