American Memory Hole – How the Court Historians Promote Disinformation w/ Donald Jeffries

Discover how World War One shaped our global economy and made the dollar king. Learn about Nanosoma, a product that helps your body make vitamin C. Explore the concept of mind control and fifth-generation warfare. Dive into the dark side of the American Civil War. Uncover hidden truths about U.S. presidents and the media’s role in shaping history. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Robert Sepehr Book | 1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History Religion Politics and Finance Part 3

In 1917, Weitzman and Balfour worked together to create the Balfour Declaration. This document promised Palestine to the Zionists if America helped in the war against Germany. This led to America joining World War I and Germany’s defeat. The Germans felt betrayed, as they had previously offered refuge to Jews fleeing Russia. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Mass Production of Robots in China: The Singularity is Closer Than You Think

Join Tommy Truthful and his team, The Truth Mafia, as they delve into intriguing mysteries of history, culture, and the ancient world. Listen as they discuss topics like the rise of robots in China, the power of frequencies, and the future of AI. They also explore curious companies and innovative devices. Tune in for a thought-provoking journey! …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

TruthMafia News EP #10: The Olympic Connection to I PET GOAT

Our blog post explores the 2024 Paris Olympics, discussing potential threats and controversies. We delve into concerns about Russian cyber attacks, violent groups, and possible sabotage. We also discuss the symbolism and predictions related to the event. The post ends with a discussion on the future of broadcasting such content due to censorship concerns. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.


This blog post warns of a potential economic crash, worse than 1929, due to rising prices and poor government handling. It suggests that diversifying assets and investing in gold, silver, or cryptocurrencies could help protect individuals. The post also discusses the potential downfall of the dollar and urges readers to safeguard themselves economically and spiritually. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

There Were Five Brady Bills So In 5 Years the Brady Bill Would Have Destroyed the 2nd Amendment

In 1993, a new gun control law called the Brady bill was signed. It made sheriffs all over the country enforce it. If they didn’t, they could be arrested. A re-elected official from 1992 and some sheriffs didn’t like this. They thought it was unfair and sued the government. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

UCC Legislation was designed for the Great Taking of your Home Assets w/ Rep. Julie Auch

This blog post discusses the need to change old laws that let banks claim your assets first during a financial crisis. It introduces Lila’s health-boosting quantum technology and warns about blockchain misuse. It urges people to understand these issues and support laws that protect their assets, regardless of political beliefs. It also highlights the importance of challenging the Uniform Commercial Code to prevent big banks from …Learn More, Click The Button Below.


Dave Hodges, host of the Common Sense Show, warns that Kamala Harris’s economic plan could cause a big financial crisis. He suggests investing in gold and silver, and changing retirement savings into a Noble Gold IRA. He also worries that her housing plans, like giving money to first-time home buyers, could cause a housing market crash. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Robert Sepehr Book | 1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History Religion Politics and Finance Part 2

Ron Partain, host of “The Untold Issue Channel,” faced challenges when guests couldn’t join due to internet issues and cancellations. He discussed Robert Sepper’s book and a 25-point plan by Meyer Rothschild to control the world. The Illuminati, secret societies, and their influence were also discussed. Despite setbacks, Ron continues to engage his audience and plans …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Liberty Round Table Podcast Hour One | 8-8-24

“Liberty Roundtable” radio show talks about how social media influencers are changing politics. The host, Sam Bushman, says President Biden is using this new media to gain support. The show also discusses other topics like the importance of honest media, policy focus for 2024 elections, and the current state of inflation in America. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.


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