NCSWICJoe Biden VERIFIES Trump 47 Justin Trudeau Resigns at GITMO [DS] Deal Cutting More!

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➡ This text discusses a product called X39 patches that are said to help regenerate stem cells and promote wellness. The author also talks about various political and societal issues, mentioning persecution of patriots worldwide and the need for vigilance. The text ends with a mention of Donald Trump’s election certification and the author’s belief that justice will come swiftly once he is in office.
➡ The text discusses global political changes and military presence, particularly in Canada and the U.S. It emphasizes the importance of being prepared for any situation, suggesting having supplies and a plan in place. The author also mentions whistleblowers within organizations revealing suppressed information. Lastly, it encourages maintaining a positive attitude and taking care of oneself amidst these changes.
➡ This text discusses the importance of self-care and community support, and shares a quote from a Trump speech. It also warns about potential dangers and stresses the need for vigilance and preparedness. The text then promotes a wellness brand called Root and its Trinity Pack, which includes products that improve performance, sleep, and overall quality of life. It also mentions the X39 patches, which are said to regenerate stem cells and were developed for Navy SEALs.
➡ The X39, available at, is a unique product that promotes natural wellness and can be worn daily. It’s designed to activate stem cells, reverse aging, and enhance your life. They offer phone support from Monday to Friday and even provide a 190-day money-back guarantee.


Cutting edge guests, awesome uncensored jaw dropping information, plus funny memes, good deeds and loads of laughter. Kind of have it all. Ladies and gentlemen, if your soul is awake, then welcome because you’re in the right place. Hey you divine lions and lionesses, you amazing sovereign souls. Look at this powerful, affordable x39 patches help regenerate your stem cells. These were developed for Navy Seals. Burns up to 500 calories. Acts like a wearable med bed on your body. So you get to wear your natural wellness daily. Order X39 now at catch the life There’s Monday to Friday phone support so you can go there.

There’s zooms and there’s a 100% 90 day money back guarantee. T@catch the life the x39 there is nothing else like it. Help activate stem cells, reverse aging and rejuvenate your life at catch the life all right, all of you divine lions and lionesses, welcome back to the Sovereign Soul show. You know we stand for love, levity, liberty, because love is greatest power in the universe. As I know Reiki master a decade practicing 22 and then bling Buddha is firing red pills from his 9 mil. As you know, he wears a punisher tattoo over his left breast symbolizing save the children.

And levity. We all know Agree’s Digest was right. Laughter is the best medicine. There is some good laughter. And there also is some great news to share today. So this is January 6th, Monday 2025. Remember five years ago, excuse me, what just happened? And sorry, four years ago, what happened on that day of January 6th. Now there’s still tons of patriots persecuted in America, Canada, UK, Australia, around the world. Kalyn Georgescu, Romania, etc. Still persecuted. Many are languishing in prisons, hauled off like Dan Oak and done on the weekends. Yayoi, his wife, Brampton, Ontario, we still get tax.

Myself personally, Pastor Arthur Pavlowski, Derek Reimer in Calgary, still across the way. So we’re going to take a high level approach, a high level look on this show what has just come out. And I’m just going to kind of sift through it because you know, it’s great that my phone, I appreciate awesome friends and patriots, you know, texted me like Trudeau, Trudeau, Trudeau and then Trump, Trump, Trump. Now here, let me just step back and go roughly a week ago and take a look at things. And by the way, whatever you’re doing, make sure you’re focused on your wellness too.

You saw that in the intro video. X39. This activates your stem cells. Your stem cells built you so they will heal you. Direct quote. Your stem cells built you. They will heal you. Okay, so if anybody has never seen these before because wellness and perseverance and what is coming and what everybody got sick on with the fog and everything too. This helps. This is a size of a quarter. Then there’s a few hairs. 100. All natural, right? American made ships to a hundred countries. You go to triple W dot catch the life wave dot com. Get your X39 best discount I can provide to all of you here.

Divine lines. Linus is 30 off. Subscribe and save. And you get 100 money back guarantee. So you get to use it. If you don’t feel that you’ve activated your stem cells and you start healing, you have more energy, you have better sleep. All of that kind of stuff, stars, scars start disappearing. Okay, fine, return it. Get your 100 money back. Nothing wrong with that. It’s the equivalent of a cup of coffee a day for people, you know, who are like, oh my God, it’s so expensive, right? But they’re going out and they’re buying a six pack every night in a box of wine and they’re, they’re griping about something like $3 and 50 cents a day, you know, like, okay, that’s fine, we know where, where your alignment is.

And speaking about alignment, let’s now transition it to roughly a week ago. And JT’s resignation announcement today, by the way, he has not resigned, so I just want to put it out there. Is resigning, resigning, resigning. This has been going on for months. It’s coming out. So what the original or what? The official announcement from jt and we’re talking Castro’s little bastard child, Justin Trudeau, right? War crimes, crimes against humanity, you name it. But what is being played by the white hats? And I’ll talk to you about that here in a few moments as we remind people of the incredible things that have gone up to high levels.

And as I already stated, there’s still a ton of persecution going on at the mid and lower levels across all of us for the high levels. Here’s what’s been done. Canadian Parliament in Ottawa, completely empty, vacated. All the furniture is out of there, just pillars. It’s a shell. White House, four years. For four years, the White House in dc, Not a carpet, not a painting, not a chandelier, gone. It’s a shell, like done. Nobody’s working there. Nobody’s operating there. Well, let’s go back to the Parliament in Canada Again, there’s a stage built behind it now covered.

They’ve now put up in the last few months a massive 20 foot fence barricade so you can’t see the stage. And there’s also a 100 foot deep, 10 story deep massive hole right beside it that they’re still working on right now. Depending on who you talk to, the security guards there. It’s a visitor center opening in May 2025. What did Trump said about May? Starting May for an entire year, be celebrating every single day. Greatest party in our history of nearly 250 years. Okay, so that’s happened. That’s true. That’s all done. Well, JT comes out and once again I’m going to resign.

So the official announcement made by J.T. today is March 24th. I’m going to, I’m stepping down so new leadership in the Liberal Party in Canada can step up. It won’t take effect until March 24 because Parliament is closed. So you have the Canadian government closed for any of you Canadian patriots out there. When’s the last time that happened? Right. Being announced they’ve been closed for that long anyway. We also see that going across the UK in the last week people have been putting out, you know, watch for the J6 false flag etc, right. And I think it’s always stay vigilant.

And remember, like the Canadian military taught me, who knows if they’re still doing it anymore, but going through infantry basic training to be a soldier, we were taught the law of 7Ps proper previous planning prevents piss poor performance. So you stay vigilant and you have a backup to your plan, then you have a backup to a backup to that plan, etc. Right. So you stay vigilant. So I think it’s great people putting out there just in case J6 false flag. Look what we’ve done here over here with Tesla and this Tesla truck that went off and then look what happened in New Orleans, terrible tragedy.

And then were those guys MKUltra that actually did that or not? And did it come back to the same company where they rented those cars, etc. So stay vigilant because it’s not over. Like I said at the medium and lower levels, it is not over for them. They don’t know that their big masters are gone. And for those that do know and they’re not getting their phone calls or text messages answered or they’re not going to their meetings and they’re just going to play it out right to the end. Now the great thing, one part that’s Great about this Focus on the great news.

There’s a lot that are turning on each other and they are flipping the tables and they are cutting deals and they are turning over on one another so that they can have these little deals to make sure that they don’t go to Gitmo, Guam, Greenland, Iceland and all the other bases for military tribunals. So they get to skip the military. Military tribunal, maybe keep the reputation intact publicly and turn over. And I’m talking about at every level, whether it’s the health services, whether it’s like RCMP, FBI, right. Remember there’s 7,000 female RCMP officers over the years who have come forward and have reported rape by their fellow officer.

So another RCMP raped or gang raped them in many cases too. Right. So the justice is going to be coming and coming swift and hard after Trump gets in. Now great news. Trump just got certified by Kamala. How amazing is that? So Kamala and Joe certified the election of November 5th that yes, Donald John Trump is your president elect. Yes, Donald John Trump will be your president. 47 Just imagine all the satanic. Again, if they’re on the left, they’re Satanists 100 the ones that want to go for pedophilia, minor attractive persons. That’s pedophiles, right? And what did Christ say in scripture? Better they hang a millstone around their neck and drown themselves in the deepest ocean than to harm a child.

So now you have every satanic, remember politically they’re saying a leftist Marcus audio like they’re just Satanists and they’re pedophiles and they’re Nazis and all they want to do is murder you and kill you. But they’re turning over on each other because they want to preserve their legacy or some semblance of it, not be murdered, not go off and maybe have some redemption. So this is going on at extremely fast pace in countries around the world right now because they know that Trump is coming in. Now we know that he’s been the commander in chief and remain that all of you dear souls but they out there because what do you do with Sun Tzu, right? Act strong when you are weak.

Act weak when you are strong. So we know all that psyop has been going on because this is just part of warfare and we are continue to be under military occupation. Let me just point this out to you. Remember once again if you’ve been here following for a number of years, right? And here we are in four years with the show that on Canada Day 2020 and 2021 Trudeau put out on July 1st. Trudeau put out. Canada is canceled. All Canadians will remember that. Joe kind of did the same thing too, you know, Tapioca boy in J or J4.

But let’s go to Canada here for a second about the military occupation. So Parlin Hill in Ottawa, people would typically gather. Me being raised in Canada, you know, you’ve got Canada celebration ceremonies, you’ve got rock stars, you’ve got musicians coming in, you’ve got actors, celebrities, whatever doing speeches, you’ve got great war cenotaphs, you’ve got celebrations going on there. We remember lest we forget, right? Well, when it was canceled 2020 and 2021 and people were at Parliament on having their picnics, Canada Day picnics. Self made F18s flew over from the Royal Canadian Air Force. The Canadian Snowbirds flew over, which for you Americans is the Canadian version of the Air Force demonstration team.

Right. So your Blue Angels for Navy, your F16s for Air Force. Okay. They flew over Parliament and they flew over low flying and a C130 Herc. So the military was showing that we are still here in control of the airspace and flying over Parliament when the can government canceled that. So that’s really powerful. And what happened on September 22nd in Cheyenne, Wyoming when I was there on 2022, Derek Johnson, Mark Atwood and I are standing beside each other. Untruth to her. And you know, I’m actually literally speaking this is the first time it happened. And all of a sudden boom, just right out of Top Gun, the windows are shaking.

Was like a very cool bomb turbine, you know, went off. We looked to the left hand side where I was speaking on truth throw at that time. Tailpipe F16. 30 seconds later another one did a flyby. The kiwanis Community Center I25 north and South and Wyoming and Cheyenne and that’s a residential area now. Juana sat and called me on boxing day night, the 26th of December. First time he’s called me. So people have think, you know, like I’m. We have a lot of going back and forth, but it was pretty cool. And we talked about a few things.

It was about an hour and 20 minute phone call and covered a lot of bases. But I also mentioned, I brought that up like, you know, that was National Command Authority. I’ve had it verified here by Colonel Chuck Sellers, by Michael Jacob, former SEAL Team 6 Devguri legend, right. Bishop Jim O’Connor, former US army major airborne commander. Now is 41 Exorcist successful to him. And they all Verified that that can only be done by the commander in chief or national command authority to remove restricted airspace over a suburban area and low fly eight F16s, one after the other, 150ft off the deck raider the Qantas Community center, and then pull up right after the pond and arc and come back around.

And then we had C130 Hercs doing it. And then for five hours we had Blackhawk helicopters, low flying. And you’ve got your crew chief, you’ve got your gunners on the side, you got your pilot and your co pilot, and they’re just waving at a slow, low fly hover as they just kind of go over during the entire part of the truth tour. So military occupation 100%. Here we go now once again at the mid level. And the minions on the front lines, those satanic cockroaches, they don’t see it yet. So what are they doing? They are still wreaking their havoc.

So what you need to do, your family is do is remain vigilant. Remember rule of seven. Ps, you’ve got all your extra water, all your food supply, extra batteries. You know where you have your, your go bag, your one day, your three day, your seven, you’re all set to go. If you get to half a tank in any of your cars, you top up the tank, you have extra cash, maybe some silver, some gold, you have some crypto, you’re not 100% reliant on a cell phone in case that goes down for a little while, right? You’re just ready.

But you don’t need to live in fear because when you’re prepared, you’re ready to go, just in case happens, you know what to do, right? So we have those great signs of Justin Trudeau, the actor playing him, mentioning March 24, turning it over when Parliament comes back during the Queen’s speech. By the way, that was in the, in his comm today that we saw on the video during the Queen’s speech. So if you’re all awake, you already know what, what’s going on with the lizard queen, Right. And what happened then? Remember the hologram I was coming through of her waving during the funeral? Yeah.

So you’ve got Trump certified. What’s he going to do on day one, January 20, should he be inaugurated on that day? Well, quite a lot. It will be amazing what you see dropped. Now, Cindy Young was on here a week and a half ago. And as we put out on the show and where she did, she said, I’m not here for a pardon. I did nothing wrong being at J6, right? America’s J6 grandmother Cindy, and there’s other grandmothers who’ve been persecuted as well, too. She said, I want to be exonerated. I’m not being pardoned from anything.

And the same thing with everybody across the board. Well, let’s see what happens with the stock market now on the news over the weekend. Again, brought back up JT’s resigning. You see Il Donaldo Trumpo putting out right away. Pretty amazing. You know, once again, Trump, oh Canada, the oh Canada song. Bring it in, right? Remember, everybody and almost every fourth or fifth show, you pull it up. You can go there now because people will put in the comments like, can you show me where that link is again? Can go to securities and Exchange Commission, right? you do an Edgar search, just like a man’s name, Edgar, and you go and look for Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc, and they’re all corporations, right? So a corporation, a business, cannot actually practice law, cannot practice common law, law of land or maritime law.

But that’s what they do. That’s what they put over us. So as Juan said on the phone with me on the 26th, he said, we’re going to take Australia, take New Zealand, welcome Canada back into America and buy Greenland. And he said, I’ve been saying this for 15 years, so I’m not telling all of you souls anything new. You’ve been hearing it from me. You’ve been hearing it from Ricardo Bosi when we’ve been doing shows for the last four years. Dave Guru Graham, other patriots around, right? Dolores Cahill on here on Ireland. You can pull it up.

There’s Dun and Bradstreet numbers for the police force of Ire, the government of Ireland, the Ministry of Health about. It’s the same thing. Anybody has been part of the commonwealth and goes to Washington D.C. or the city of London and then it goes to the Vatican. So again, you also see what’s been coming out on the irs. So cash app Patel right now appointed as director FBI by Trump. So what has he been saying for years? He’s like the first thing that I’m going to do if I was FBI director is close down the FBI on day one and day two.

I would open up the Hoover Building in Washington D.C. as a museum. So there’s a lot of stuff going over there and it’s been already articulated many times across many channels in ours that there are FBI agents who are turning over and who are coming out or those who have been suppressed are coming out and actually blowing the whistle on stuff internally. So in every organization right now, which is great news for all of you, that there are those who are blowing the whistle or finally coming out or have been suppressed, pushed out and are back and are blowing the whistle, which is awesome.

We’re, we’re talking about every level of society and every country on the planet right now. So keep up a high vibration. And again, love, levity, liberty and being in a Reiki master, you got to keep a high vibration. Stay vigilant, but do not be complacent. Right? You’ve got to act, dear souls. You got to act to take care of yourself right now. And you do yourself first, your family next. It’s not families first. And that’s the core difference. When you understand that you need to be the best you can be so you can be there for them, your friends, your family or community, to protect them, take care of yourself to take care of them, and then extend that out and band together, which is so, so key.

And I’m going to give you a quote that Trump had just mentioned in a speech I was told about, he just gave in Arizona. And he said, when I’m president, this woke is over. He said those words and the crowd is cheering in Arizona. And he said everything Democrats touch turns to so. So he is coming out with some very powerful hardcore words and language. And people are cheering it on because they’re seeing it. And now those leftist satanic pedophiles known as demon rats have seen Kamala and Tapioca, Joe Biden certify that Trump’s coming in. Absolutely amazing.

What else will this do? Well, there are going to be those who are just going to want to go crazy and fight, fight, fight, or do the false flags and whatnot. You got to be vigilant about that, right? You’ve got to have your backup plan in place just in case. Unfortunately, if it’s true, a New Orleans happens again or something works, and God forbid that happens, we definitely don’t want that. We don’t want that in the collective consciousness that it will. So we have the ability as quantum reactors, that we are our divine sovereign souls. Look at scripture as well as look at anything in the indigenous and the North American Indian, and going back our sovereignty we have because we are the king or the queen of our own being male or female.

And speaking of king and queen, by the way, Trump also said in that speech in Arizona that when I’m president, which is about to happen, right, 14 days from now in the inauguration, I’m President, there’s only will only be men and women, nothing else. And of course men can’t compete in women’s sports and vice versa. So he’s tearing it down. He also talked about the education system, about that woke being gone, etc. So all good things back to the wellness so we just saw with the fog that went through in North America a week and a half ago, there are three people I know personally are very healthy, no mask, no jab, do their best to stay around from all those who’ve been jabbed, who are exosome shedding, who are issuing their spike proteins on other people, right? And because that fog came through, they got extremely sick.

So your root Trinity Pack is very key to ensure you continue to take the if you’re looking for groundbreaking nutritional products which revolutionize the way your body operates, you have to check out this cutting edge American made all natural wellness brand Root. The Trinity pack from is a game changer. Let me show you. Zero in is the world’s first quantumceutical, an all natural adaptogenic nootropic which skyrockets your clarity and creativity. Professional athletes have reported over a 40% increase in their performance in only 90 days. Restore is a supplement that completely restores your gut health, optimizes your true brain, helping you tap into quantum consciousness, also known as the God Mind Altogether with Clean Slate which gently wipes out harmful heavy metals from your body, gently evacuating toxins including graphene oxide.

Trinity Pack from Root Altogether helps you increase your performance, longevity, deep sleep and have a far greater quality of life. Register to grab your Trinity Pack then hit subscribe and save to get $15 back every month. Trinity Pack has also received the gold standard, a worldwide BSCG approval allowing those in the military to first responders to the NFL, pga, NBA, FIFA, World Cup, Soccer and more feel assured it is indeed all natural and drug free. Trinity Pack even comes with a 30 day satisfaction guarantee. So when you grab your you can feel good knowing it’s endorsed by tier one special operations warriors to Lightworkers, benevolent healthcare heroes, professional athletes and Olympians, detoxing their systems and unleashing their greatest self from across the globe.

You can also get rewarded for being part of the root community. See you there. The X39 at a minimum that activates your stem cells. So let’s remember what happens when you activate your stem cells, okay? Because you see the images, what we’ve been re sharing with RFK Jr still wearing X39 and loving it as the CEO of LifeWave and the inventor for the 170 patents, right? 150 plus issued, 170 total pending that have been filed for when you wear this, it’s actually patented as a photo therapy wellness patch. So that’s one of the many patents on the X39.

Another one is it’s patented to reverse aging. So remember, you have to prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt with your clinical studies that you’re going to activate stem cells and it reverses aging. And then people are going out and paying like freaking seven and a half thousand, twelve thousand dollars. Get stem cell injections and there’s on average a 30% increase chance that those aren’t going to take to the body. And there can be an issue, no bueno. It’s like three and a half bucks a day cup of coffee, right? The other thing that with David, when you activate your copper peptides in your body, which activates your 2,000 to 6,000 stem cells when you go to, when they go to sleep as you age, is you activate immediately the 4200 genes in your genome.

And what stem cells do is they have a triage effect. Just like if anybody knows triage and there was a mass accident or crisis that happened, you take the most mission critical patients, you know, head wounds, sucking chest wounds, head wounds, head trauma, whatnot, right? You put them first and if somebody’s got a, a, a little scratch or a cut, you’re going to get to them after, right? Because you, you’re focusing on the principle of saving life. So the triage effect, stem cells, by divine design, our creator, triage the body. The very first thing stem cells do is go to the brain, the heart and the lungs and heal them first.

How amazing is that? Now, depending on your age, it’s recommended that you wear these daily. 12 hours a day, brush your teeth in the morning, put it on, brush it at night, take it off, right? Put it right between your shoulders and where your neck and shoulder, your spine meet C7 point, you put it on there underneath your clothing and you wear that for about one month for every decade of life. So you’re 20 years old, two months, if you’re 50 years old, five months, right? And remember at catch the you got 90 days on the subscription for 100 money back guarantee.

So pretty amazing. So stay in the positive. Dear souls. That’s my end message to you right now. On January 6th, and for those who are still being persecuted, attacked, oppressed, suppressed, and that have also paid the greatest price, keep them in your heart, in your prayers. When you’re meditating, meditate on peace, love and harmony in the world with law and order and justice. That’s what we want to see. And we want to return everybody to sovereignty and God across the planet. That’s what we do see working itself out. But we can’t just leave it to anybody else to do it.

As Dr. Martin Luther King said, those who turn a blind eye to evil are just as guilty of perpetrating evil. And I’m not saying anybody meditating is turning a blind eye. You’re putting a good vibrational harmonic resonance in your community. And we even know through actual studies that proper meditation can produce an uplifted harmonic vibration of enlightenment in a community. It will quell crime and will increase the efficacy of men and women and children with one another. So powerful because we are created in thy Creator’s own image. And as Jesus said, these things I do, you can do in greater.

So let’s live up to that. We’ll see you next time, everybody. Bye bye. Hey, let’s go. Hi there and welcome to Life Waves Global headquarters. Oh, my gosh. It’s one of those things where you have to be there to understand the magnitude of what you experience. When you walk in, it literally is giving me goosebumps. Like, it’s just mesmerizing. All I can say is, wow. It felt like you were on a journey in outer space. Just simply amazing. What an incredible, breathtaking experience. I cannot believe what I saw, but I saw it. Whoever you bring here, they will be sold.

The genius and the vision and the work that went into this was absolutely amazing. It’s just honestly mind blowing to see the technology, the evolution of this company. The sky’s the living, that’s all I can say. I’m just speechless. It was so beautiful. I don’t even know what to say. This is the most exciting jaw dropping presentation I’ve ever experienced. Hey, you divine lions and lionesses, you amazing sovereign souls, look at this. Powerful, affordable x39 patches help regenerate your stem cells. These were developed for Navy SEALs. Burns up to 500 calories. Acts like a wearable med bed on your body, so you get to wear your Natural Wellness Daily.

Order x39 There’s Monday to Friday phone support, so you can go there. There’s zooms and there’s a 190 day money back guarantee at the X39 there is no nothing else like it. Help activate stem cells, reverse aging and rejuvenate your Baby love you have to know.



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