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➡ The article discusses concerns about the increasing number of children on psychiatric drugs and the rise in suicides among these children. It criticizes the lack of transparency in reporting these statistics and suggests that the pharmaceutical industry is profiting from this situation. The author argues that the focus should shift from medication to education and therapy to help children cope with their issues. They also question the effectiveness of the mental health industry and suggest that funding should be redirected towards one-on-one tutoring and trauma management tools for children.
➡ The article discusses the overuse of psychiatric drugs, particularly in children, and the role of the behavioral health industry in this issue. It highlights the lack of transparency and accountability in the industry, the potential dangers of these drugs, and the need for better legislation and resources to address the problem. The article also questions the validity of ADHD diagnoses and the potential negative impacts of these drugs on society, including increased suicide rates and criminal behavior.
➡ AbleChild.org is a non-profit organization working to investigate the link between psychiatric drugs and school shootings. They are currently seeking 10,000 signatures for a petition to prompt federal hearings on this issue. The organization, funded by parents nationwide, is also seeking donations to help educate lawmakers and the public about this important matter.
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Just for Sarah Westall listeners. Okay, go to sarawestall.com Miles Franklin and fill out that form and get access to the private price list. Okay, back to the program. Welcome to business Game Changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have Sheila Matthews coming to the program from an organization called Able Child. And she’s been working for over two decades trying to inform people on psychiatric drugs that the kids are on and what that’s doing to our children. And you know, I went and looked at some numbers and according to the CDC and the government databases and I also saw US News and World Report, the numbers of kids, there’s almost 10% of our children are on some kind of psychiatric drug.
And those number that was in 2020, and those numbers have increased by about 64% since then. It’s really increasing an alarming rate. And then preteens, from 8 to 12, the suicide rate since 2007 has increased by 60%. And according to Sheila, she believes these numbers are attributed to the psychiatric drugs that these kids are actually on. And there’s black labels saying that this will increase suicide and it will increase all these other psychiatric side effects. She believes that this industry is prescribing because there’s so much money to be made. And until we’re honest with how much money is being made and how much these drugs are actually affecting the suicide rates and the kids, we’re not going to be able to stop it.
So she’s been working really hard to get and inform people to get this message out. So if you are interested in learning more about her and her organization, able child.org is where you can find her and hopefully you can get involved. I know a lot of people are looking for things to get involved in. I know your lives are busy, but this is a worthy cause. Before I get into it, I want. First, I want to apologize. I’ve been struggling. I never get sick. I really. I haven’t been. I’m sick now, and I haven’t been this sick in probably over a decade.
This one’s a bad one. And I’ve been taking chlorine dioxide. What happened is that I got cocky and I’m like, I never get sick. I felt a cold coming on. I’m like, I’ll probably just fight it off. I woke up in the next morning and I felt like a truck ran over me. I mean, literally, one of those asphalt trucks that just flatten you out. That’s how I felt. And now I’ve been fighting ever since. I can’t laugh. If somebody makes me laugh, I’m gonna cough, so I have to be careful. But I’ve been fighting it ever since, and I’ve been taking everything I can to get rid of it.
And I can’t believe how bad. I can’t believe how bad this one is. So I. I think I’m getting past the peak part of this, but I hope you give me a little grace here during this interview. I actually. I don’t think I did that bad, but. But I just want to warn you, that’s why my voice is so bad. It’s like, holy crap. But anyways, before I get into this interview, I want to remind you about Masterpiece and detoxing and the importance of detoxing, because we are being bombarded left and right by toxins. There are pounds, literally pounds in organic soils.
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It’s really important. The link is below or you can buy@Sarah Westall.com under shop. Okay, let’s get into my really interesting. Okay, let’s get into my informative conversation with Sheila Matthews. Hi, Sheila. Welcome to the program. Hi. Thank you so much for having me on. Well, it’s my honor to have you here. You’ve been working so hard helping children in. In the foster care system. Right. It’s just the foster care system. It’s actually across the public health spectrum. So it’s in the public schools, it’s in foster care. And so it’s all kids. Yes, all kids. I don’t care if they’re in the foster care system or not.
That’s correct. Yeah. Because it’s a problem that is so broad and so wide. And I suppose kids and homes all over, whether in the foster care or not, are susceptible to this. And it is the drugging of our kids. Right. Do you do more than the drugging, or is it really the focus of the drugging psychiatric drugs? It’s just the focus of the psychiatric drugging of children. So it’s my, our mission here at Able Child is informed consent and the right to refuse psychiatric treatment. So it’s all based on the information that parents are getting and the providers that are treating the children in state care.
The information they use in order to get more and more children onto these psychiatric drugs. What do they do? They, I mean because the psychiatric tell us what the psychiatrics drugs do and how bad they are and then I want to know how they work to get more kids onto them because that’s really kind of. And that’s awful. Right. So the psychiatric drugs are antidepressants, antipsychotics. So you have drugs that are not FDA approved for use in children and they’re being used off label prescribing, meaning the doctor weighs the pros and cons of doing it and then writes the script.
And so these drugs have a black box suicide warning on them that increase the risk of the child taking their own life. And so that is like death. So that is the black box suicide warning is the strongest warning before taking a drug off the market. So that’s answer to your question 1. And then as far as how they’re doing it precisely is through a drug formulary in each state that these behavioral health providers are contracted with the state and they use this list of approved drugs. And often they’re putting these children on a combination of these drugs that have never been tested in human beings.
So you could put them on an antipsychotic and antidepressant and then eventually the, the child is taking multiple mind altering drugs. Very dangerous. And it, how much does it result in suicide versus just being kind of comatose? The question you asked about how many children are on the psychiatric drugs? That’s the precise question that we have been asking for years. Only have what they the states are providing us and they’re not breaking the category down correctly. So they bundle the suicide deaths of these children that are already on these psych meds into the overall statistics for suicide.
So it’s, it’s. And then they use those suicide statistics to try to get more and more funding. So your question is the specific question we keep asking lawmakers. How many of these children are on these psychiatric drugs that are committing suicide and they just don’t know, do they not, do they have a suspicion and they don’t don’t want it to come forward? Is that what you’re thinking? Oh, I know that they are concealing it because if, if you took 10 suicides and eight of them were already on these psychiatric drugs, then you would pull the drugs from the market because they’re inducing the suicides because we have the evidence with the black box suicide warning that is on the drug.
So they’re not letting this information out because it would affect the, the product. Geez, how many suicides do we do, you know, in general with kids, is it, is it growing? Yes, this is a really a level that we can see because they report these suicide statist per state through, you know, at the end of the year through the children Department of Children in the, in each state and then they’re brought to a federal level and you can look at that raw data and it increases per year. So it’s across the board. Suicides are up and we keep throwing more and more money at this and we’re not solving the problem.
In other words, people are not getting better, they’re getting worse. The more and more access that they have to the mental health industry and the drugs that they’re prescribing at an alarming rate. It’s, it’s a negative correlation. It’s a negative correlation. And we have the. Even their own industry says that there’s a mental health crisis. More and more children are, are killing themselves. Their own industry are using. It’s not, I’m saying that they’re saying that, but what we’re saying is they’re not breaking the data down. They’re not telling us how many have already been treated or being treated during, you know, these, that led up to the suicide attempt.
So they’re commingling the data and they’re, they’re giving kids these drugs because it’s easier. They’re giving these, these drugs because it’s profitable. It’s not easier. It would be easier on society if we educated these children. But all the educational money is now in the public education system is going towards the association of school psychology where they diagnose these children and they say they can’t learn, they can’t pay attention, they have attention deficit disorders. So it’s a lot harder on our society and it’s more profitable for them. I don’t think it’s easier. It certainly isn’t easier for the teachers because, or the people in the school system because we have these alarming mass killings that are going on, these mass shootings and then they’re withholding that data and we can’t find out what psych drugs that these shooters were on.
So it’s certainly not easier easier. It’s more dangerous what they’re doing. But I meant like for sure, society Wise. But I’ve had people in the past tell me that when they go to a psychologist or go to, it’s just, they just prescribe instead of trying to. They don’t have the resources and stuff to really work with these kids to help them out of the trauma based abuse that they’ve been facing or so many other things that they’re facing it they just go to drugs instead of going through the therapy and the, the treatment. Well, the therapy and the treatments itself.
What you’re, I guess you’re, what you’re asking, what I’m kind of looking at as what you’re asking me is is it easier for that industry to write a prescription? I guess. But that industry itself is not the answer. They have claimed psychiatry and psychologists claim to be these experts that can solve these children’s trauma issues. But they don’t. Number one. And they’re abusing these children within their industry and then they don’t get ever held to account. So I would say that model in which we use this India, if you want to go and go seek mental health treatment outside of the school system and foster care, you should be able to do that.
If you want to go on drugs, you should be able to do that. I’m telling you that the experts that we’re leaning on are not experts. That there’s another industry that can help these children much better and that is the educators and the teachers, not the psychiatric industry. We have to teach the children how to cope with educational issues through education. So they’re robbing that. I don’t, I don’t look at that industry as that. It’s easier for them to do that. That’s what their industry is built to do. Does that make sense? That’s what they are trained to do, but they’re not doing it right and they’re getting funded.
The alarming part here is our taxpayer money is funding that industry. So like this past bill that they’re fighting about in the Senate right now, this big beautiful bill within that bill is an increase to the behavioral health industry that is going to give this industry more money. More money means more access. And they, that’s what they push. We need more access. We don’t have enough resources. But they’re lying. They’re lying. They are commingling suicides. Why should we trust this industry? So we should be winding this money down to the psychiatric industry and putting it back into tutoring one on one with children and children who have trauma.
The last thing you want to do is sit and focus on the trauma and the trauma and the trauma. You have to give them tools in order to overcome that trauma. That industry has not done it over the past 30 years and we’re funding it. So I would say we need to abandon that model. There’s a lot of money to be made on psychiatrics. Do the, does the industry, who makes this money? Do the psychologists or the psychiatrists that write the scripts? Do they make money when they write a script? Yes. And Diane Sawyer. Able Child provided Diane Sawyer with a whistleblower in the state of Connecticut and she did a one year long investigation of the providers that were getting.
They have these big behavioral health contracts with the state. So like they get paid and they have like I’ll give you an example. In the state of Florida, Henderson Behavioral Health was treating Nicholas Cruz who killed all those people at the high school in Florida, Parkland. And so that vendor is funded 70, almost 70%, 80% by the state of Florida and federal governments. They never lost any contracts. They were never held to account. He was treated by them. So that industry is getting millions of dollars and we still have the same problem. So my approach and Able Child’s approach is we need to look at the higher.
We can’t just continue to have a conversation. It’s, it’s easier or some kids need drugs. No, we have to go to where the money is going. So you’re right on with asking that. Who’s making money? It’s the behavioral health vendors of the state and they make a lot of money, don’t they? Isn’t it a really lucrative situation? Big Pharma makes a lot of money too. I mean there’s a lot of money in prescribing drugs. Just a short break from the program to share with you an amazing peptide to help you lose weight. It’s stronger than Ozempic.
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So we have a society that is so over drugged and it’s, it’s not just me saying that it’s all the reporting over the last since I’ve been in this the last 20 years over prescribing ADHD is out of control and so it’s a big business but unless we focus on the drug dealers which is the behavioral health industry we’re not going to be able to get legislation done that prevents this from happening. How many kids are on drugs? Well that’s another good question because they we have to not our organization. Another organization, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights they foiaed for that information in foster care and it varies by state how many children in foster care in on Medicaid that are on it but they the latest report is one in four Americans are on at least one psychiatric drug and that’s all age.
That’s all age. But again without this data, without the raw data of their industry which claim to be experts holding the data, manipulating the data and commingling the data we don’t have those exact answers. Human rights organizations are on the outskirts right now and we’ve been fighting for over 20 years to get this data. Once you’re on some of these drugs do you have to stay on them for the rest of your life? That’s a really good question. They’re never. And that’s part of informed consent. You know, parents aren’t told. When you’re giving your child this Ridin or Paxil or Effexor or Adderall, which is being crushed up and sold by kids in, in college, they don’t tell parents that, you know, it’s addictive.
The Berkeley study says that this is a gateway drug to addiction. So it’s very hard to come off these drugs, and you have to do it with the oversight of a doctor and blood work and get tapered off. And right now we have no plan as America to do that. And we have no. We have various resources. Some brave doctors have come out. Dr. Peter Bragan wrote a fabulous book about withdrawing from psychiatric drugs, and he’s a psychiatrist who spoke out against his own industry. So, yeah, there’s no plan right now to help people get off these drugs.
And the, and the drug company and the behavioral health industry have no accountability because they’re. They’re not. They’re not coming out to say, oh, once you’re on this drug, you have to stay on this for life. But, you know, you can’t go off by yourself. Is there any positives to the drugs? I mean, are there some kids that, you know, get on an ADHD and they go from a, you know, barely passing to being an A student and things like that? I mean, are there some success stories with some of this? Well, you would, you would just look at all the drug advertisements.
I don’t work for them. And so I would never. I would never promote their drug or use any of their stories because they’re not telling us the whole thing. If you put somebody on cocaine and you want them to complete a task, I’m sure they’ll do it. But again, the diagnosis itself as ADHD is fraudulent. You know, these children are being misdiagnosed because there’s no way to diagnose them. There’s no way that you can say they have it or they don’t have it because it’s done off of a checklist. If you look out the window, if you get up from your seat, you have adhd.
There’s. There’s no blood tests, there’s no brain scans. So this is the biggest fraud in, in my opinion, in the medical community and as a society. I don’t care who. Who you are. This affects you. This affects your liberty. Because, you know, being that there’s no such thing as attention deficit disorder, it’s a made up thing. Your liberties are then impacted and, and often people say it’s a rail to jail. You know, our young men are being diagnosed and drugged and they commit these violent behaviors because the drug induces it and then they end up in jail.
So as far as asking able child if there’s any redeeming benefits. Yeah. I’m not going to say no way, I’m not going to say that. But I understand because you’re seeing so much bad stuff that you don’t want to say there’s any good stuff. But I bet you there are. I mean there has to be. Well, here’s the thing. If you’re, if somebody diagnoses you with cancer and you start taking a cancer drug. Right. But what if you don’t have cancer? I don’t know. And then you end up saying I’ve never gotten, you know. Well, there’s a lot of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer who don’t have breast cancer.
I don’t know if you knew that. I. Yeah, yeah, that’s a problem because they don’t, they’re not diagnosing it properly. Okay. So I don’t know how they can claim all these benefits from these people. There’s been no long term study of children being on a cocktail of drugs. I see that parents are given misleading information and then they make these decisions. Maybe your child will never commit a mass murder, but it’s certainly. Yeah. Change the direction of your child’s behavior. You know, I don’t know if that’s good. Well, the bottom line is that there, there are suicides increasing and this is part of the problem.
Too many kids are on drugs and there’s, we know it’s causing suicides and they’re covering it up. I, I believe that to be true. I testified before the FDA to help get that black box warning on it. And I could tell, commingling the information, we just returned from Wyoming where we were explaining that to lawmakers that, that if anything, if what I’m saying isn’t true. Right. Why wouldn’t you break it down? This, this child received treatment and killed himself. This child didn’t receive treatment and killed himself. And then you tally up the number which is greater.
I mean it’s just a matter of mathematics and looking at the data. Why would you withhold that data? Especially when death is involved and children. So looking at that industry again, I believe that they not only are making a tremendous amount of money off of this, but they’re fraudulently labeling children and Limiting their liberty. I’ve had people from the foster care system come on the show and talk about how kids who are really abused, they immediately put them on these psychiatric drugs because they, they, they’re strapped with resources and that’s just easier to do it. And so they have all these kids that are on all these drugs.
It’s, that’s what I’ve been told from people who are advocates, you know, in those fields who are working really hard to get those kids off psychiatric drugs. They say it’s just like a gate where they immediately put them on these drugs. Right. And you know what? It’s people like that, that come on your show that are the real heroes in this. But there is not a lack of resources. You just look at the, the spending on it. Billions and billions of dollars in this latest budget where, you know, President Biden wants a mental health clinic in every system.
And then now this new bill that’s coming in is going to fund it even more. There is no way that there’s a lack of financial money going to mental health. The problem is the behavioral health vendors are making the money, the small few at the top, and they, they don’t want to solve the problem of trauma to children in foster care. And it’s, it’s cyclical. I don’t know if that’s the right word. It’s like, it’s, you know, you get a parent that’s uneducated and is in the foster care system, they grow up and they have a child.
It’s, it’s poverty driven. And so the behavioral health vendors are making the money. And believe me, there’s plenty of resources. They’re just not getting to the people that are working with the children. They’re just not well. And if you drug them, you’re not fixing the underlying problem, are you? No, you’re not. You’re masking it and you’re making it worse. So the real heroes are the women and men that have come on your show and said, you know, the first thing they want to do is drug these children. Because in their mind, they’re like, well, I know I can, I can work with this child, but I’m not giving the salary to do that.
I’m not giving the, the resources to do it. But to put a child on multiple drugs and then have all this rash of mass shootings and then never want to look at the drugs that they were on is crazy. It’s, it’s, it’s, it’s really. Their industry has gotten away with murder and Generationally, you know, it’s. This has never been. When our parents were growing up, this is never, you know, it really started, you know, in the 70s. So now we’re just. We’re just pushing it forward. Well, I don’t think when I was a kid, I really saw that either.
I mean, it was so different to today, you know, the mental health issues. What can people do to get involved, to help to learn more you about your organization and what you’re doing to try to reverse this? Sure. They can come to ablechild.org we have a petition trying to get 10,000 signatures for federal hearings into the link between psychiatric drugs and school shootings. And that doesn’t cost anybody anything to sign the petition. And then we basically are working with the state of Wyoming right now. So if you’re in a particular state, if you want to reach out to ablechild.org we’re happy to help.
In your state, we need donations. You know, we’re not funded. We’re not getting any of those grants. So we’re not funded by the fate of federal or state government. We are funded by parents across the country. And so we are 5013C. So you can give and allow Able Child to educate more lawmakers and the public. Well, thank you so much for showing up today, Sheila. This is such a worthy cause. Thank you for doing it. I know you spent over two decades of your life, so thank you so much. We need more people like you. Really? Well, thank you.
Thank you for having us on, and we appreciate your work and we just love your format and we’ll be pushing it out as well. So thank you for having Able Child on. We are a nonprofit and we are just looking to protect children. Thank you so much, Sheila. You’re great. All right, thank you.