Jolie west was an Mpeultra handler. He did experiments until people died in 2023. According to MIT, living wage calculator folks in major cities needed around $68,499 just to make ends meet comfortably. But guess what happened next? In just one year, that number shot up a whopping 40% to 96,500. Can you believe how much inflation has affected us? That’s the kind of inflation that keeps us up at night. Now, I don’t know about you, but I sure can’t afford to keep pace with that kind of skyrocketing cost of living. It’s downright scary. But you know what’s even scarier? Not doing anything about it.
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Protect your future today. Welcome to business game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have an interesting guest today. Her name is Penny shepherd. She’s someone that I, who reached out to me maybe eight years ago, and I never forgot her because some of the things that she said to me was so interesting. But she has an Mkultra background, and that’s what she specializes in, is helping people recover memories and learning about that. She herself has been trying to refigure her whole life, and, you know, it’s a big adventure. And she has her own show, working with whistleblowers, and, you know, working with whistleblowers is more as an investigative journalist working with whistleblowers.
That’s an investigation, too. I mean, trying to learn what they’re saying, what’s true, what’s not, piecing through all that, not everything that you put on your show is true because you’re just listening to what they have to say and then doing an investigation live. And that’s exactly what she does. And she’s going to share with you a lot of information that it’s another thing. It’s a live investigation that I’m doing with somebody who has experience with MkUltra, which is a mind control program that we knew existed. It never went away. They just, they call it other things, but a lot of people call it mkultra just to kind of go through as a word to, for that whole aspect, that whole program of controlling propaganda and mind control.
And so we’re going to talk about some of these things. I just did a mind control and fifth generation warfare ten part series that was very well researched. And everything you’re going to hear in it is something you can take to the bank unless I specifically say it wasn’t. And so if you’re interested in learning more about this area, you can sign up for my substack or my newsletter. Go to sarawesel.com. sign up for my newsletter that automatically signs you up for my substack, or go to my Substack under sarawesel substack.com dot people who subscribe paying members who subscribe to my substack because the free ten part series is no longer airing on Brighton University, you can buy the series, the whole package and get a bunch of bonus material.
And that’s $99 and you can get it brighteyonUniversity.com. or you can sign up for my substack. And once a week, I’m giving you access to that whole series, everybody who’s a paying subscriber. So again, sarahwestall.com. sign up for my newsletter that signs up for my substack automatically. And if you decide to become a paying member of it, you can watch a free episode of that every single week. And also you can do a seven day trial to see if it’s something that you want to pay for. It’s not funding this I have to pay for. My editor, you know, costs money to put a series like that together.
So that’s what I’m doing. I wish I could give everything out for free, but I can’t. I got it. I got to make a living. So if it’s something you’re interested in again. Sarah Westdal.com. sign up for my newsletter and let’s get into this really fascinating discussion on mkultra and propaganda with Pennydez Marshall. Hi, Penny. Welcome to the program. Thank you. Such a pleasure to meet you. I’ve been a fan of yours, actually. I love your work, and it’s just a pleasure to be here with you. Well, thank you. You’re somebody that reached out to me years ago, and I’ve remembered you ever since.
And I said, I really need to get reconnected with her. And, you know, I have so many thousands of people that always reach out to me. But you stood out, and you stood out because of your background and your amazing story. But you have extensive experience with Mkultra as being an mkultra victim. But you also have an amazing your survivor because you have an amazing story yourself. You have what, an advanced couple, advanced degrees. You’ve been successful. I have a bachelor’s and a master’s. Yeah. And you’ve been successful in your own life, despite what you’ve went through.
So can you talk a little bit, a little bit about your experience with Mkultra? And then I want to dive into the fact that MkUltra still exists. Right. And it’s not necessarily named that. It’s just they never stopped. So let’s talk about what is your experience? You started when you were a little child. Well, actually, I wasn’t available. The fact that I was even MkUltra until I was 58, I’ll be 66 this August. August 11, 1958, is my birthday, and I’m still trying to find out the auspices of what happened to me. So when I left, my last husband, who was a retired police officer in San Diego, who essentially, I think, was sent to me for a slow kill.
And more of it’s coming from all the events that are occurring now. More of my, my own background is becoming evidence as to why certain people were placed in my life. And I was just actually talking with Christy Tasker about the Trump shooting in which she revealed on our show, which is awake nation, that it was not the secret service that took the shot. It would. It was the police. They had police tags on them. She knows the Secret Service very well. So we’re talking about the police and the corruption within the policing forces, such as the FBI, your sheriff’s.
And my husband was a retired retired police officer, Carl baby, and also a sheriff at one time. Unfortunately, these agencies now are complicit and corrupt, and the police are very adept at something called NLP. NLP is neuro linguistic programming language. It is the most potent form of hypnosis that exists. My first husband’s name was Steve Zenos. That name means stranger, by the way, I’m a singer. I was. That’s what I did for my life. I worked in the entertainment industry for over 55 years. And apparently I’m still in it, but just in an alternative venue, because I believe that God sent me to David Zublic.
My brother, David Washington, murdered in Mission beach. Apparently his mission was over after he wrote an unpublished book entitled the Whistleblower. The whistleblower was about Bush, the Vatican, and my evil deep state family. He came to warn me, and he lived with the homeless people 20 minutes from my house. And he was murdered on Mission beach. And I did not get his body back. I believe that his body was actually used to make red shoes. And for those who don’t know what the red shoes are, the red shoes are made from. Made by the conquerors, if you will.
The elite of their. Their victims, their ultimate targets that they’ve murdered. They utilize the skin of that individual and they make shoes out of them. So hence, you’ve heard of the Red Shoe club. They’re just sick, sick people. Yeah, I know that at the. There’s just a group of sick people now. Your brother’s book, did you get a chance to read it? I did read part of it. He came to me when he was writing the whistleblower. He was in Oregon. He had been working at Hyperion Water district. He was trained in the army as a water reclamation expert.
And he was given boxes of information. This is how I met doctor Artis, by the way, I’m going to take a little bit of it inside. Doctor Artis asked to interview me on his show, and I’m like, why does a doctor want to interview me? Are they going to, like, say I’m crazy? And then I found out about his documentary watch the Waters. And he said that he actually, there was a guy named Ben Liu who was talking about COVID that was murdered. And he went into a restaurant with his wife, and he got a fortune cookie.
And in that fortune cookie, it said something like the secrets of one single penny will, you know, a value of, like, you know, riches and fortunes, right? And I am one single penny, by the way, just so your audience knows I am single. So he. And then on the other side of it, his wife was like, what is that? Because signs and wonders that Jesus Christ gives us. He shows us. You ask a question, and he is there. And he answers us in signs and wonders, in something as innocuous as a fortune cookie. When he turned the fortune cookie over, it had the name of the man who had been murdered, Vin Lu.
Oh, interesting. Yeah. I remember I got a fortune cooker cookie once when I was arguing, it was in college, I was arguing with the guy and about something stupid. And I opened up my fortune cookie and it said, stiffen opinions always in the wrong. That was the first time I just laughed at it. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Because circumstance and God is there to give you messages, you know, I pray a lot. And when I recently moved, I had to move in an expedient manner and I had to travel through a hurricane. So that was fun. And I prayed all the way through it.
So let’s go back to. Let’s go back to my beginning. So I was born in Hollywood, Florida, and I was born August 11, 1958, as best as I can ascertain. And in Hollywood Memorial Hospital, which I found out actually is an Mkultra hospital. Megan Walsh was born in my hospital several years later, which was weird. And I was raised in Ives estates off of Ives Dairy Road. I went to matey Ives elementary school. Now at some point I had asked, I was in the entertainment industry since I was a child, but not making money. I was involved in performing arts.
I was sent to North Army Beach Senior High School, which was a performing arts high school. I was involved in singing and plays and coffee houses, etcetera. I was working, doing weddings and bat mitzvahs, using a lot of havanagila. And then I went to New York University and I studied under Stella Adler. At the university there. Stella taught Robert de Niro and Marlon Brando. And I’ve shouted out to Robert De Niro. I studied under Stella Adler and I didn’t turn out to be an asshat. Well, he seems like he is controlling her, but he’s just a bad guy.
Well, okay, so let’s finish the one thing. Your background is absolutely fascinating once people hear about it, but your brother’s book. Yes. So he had asked me, because I’ve been writing since I was in fifth grade. I was reading in a third grade level, and when I was in third grade, I was reading at 11th grade level. And I’ve been. I wrote a children’s book when I was in 6th grade. So he came to me when he was writing the whistleblower. And the precept for the whistleblower was he was in California. He worked at Hyperion Water district, which goes to doctor Artis right.
And he found out what they were going to be doing with the water. He said, this is big. It’s like my two Jake’s only with water. He got boxes of information. He was a shop there. He was told to leave California or they would kill him and to never come back. So at one point, he starts writing the whistleblower about the events that he knows are going to happen, where they’re going to privatize the water, they’re going to poison the water, etcetera. And he comes to me and he says, look, I need to write a screenplay.
He’d already written the book. I never got the book. I told him, put the book on the copyright office, which he did. And now he. Since he’s died, in order for me to get that book, I’d have to sue the copyright office, which I don’t really need to do that. But he asked me how to write a screenplay. So he sent me the screenplay, and I read portions of it, and I actually put it in the safe. And when I left my husband in 2016 to go to Chicago to stay with my brother, who I believe is a bona fide spook, that property was taken from me by an agent for a church that I was at that also knew my first handler, Darrell, who I believe is the son of Albert Spears.
I know it’s a lot. Okay, so if you guys are watching this, you know, go back and rewind it. And also, anybody that has any questions, feel free to text my phone. I won’t answer unless you’re in my contacts, but my phone number is 619-779-9771 that’s 619-779-9771 the nines are in. In the middle, and I will be more than happy to assist you. I now help people recover their memories. So back to David’s book. It was taken from me and also a briefcase that I had and my laptop, all taken from me by an agent of Darrell’s who was my first manager and agent and fiance for five years.
And I believe that he is an expert in MkUltra. Fast forward six years later. I did not know that Darrell knew my other agent, John, very well. So much so that I found out from my. I’ve been married twice, so I found out from my first husband, Steve Zenos, who was also my guitar player. He was also a psychologist. He had his ma in psychology, and he ran his parents, MFCC. That’s marriage, family crisis counselor. He ran their business, and they were not very good people, but he told me that my former agent, who I had an affair with in the nineties, and I left my band because it was wrong.
He told me that he was my brother. So that conversation. Yes. Okay. But he’s not admitting that he is. Okay, so you lost a lot of your. Erasing memories is actually pretty easy. Courtney Turner, journal independent journalist. She believed she was in a program, and her memories were wiped. And from my. They can do it in any ways. They can do it by drugs, by hypnosis, by a combination of the both. Well, they can just overwhelm your brain stem or part of your brain, and it just erases. Overwhelm, overwrites it right after you experience the memory.
According to neuroscientists, it’s easy to do trauma because trauma will erase your memory. So if you’re raped or tortured, that trauma in conjunction with. If they utilize neuro linguistic programming, it’s like this never happened. You wake up. You don’t even have to do that. You can just pump frequencies to your brain and do it. Yeah, I guess it’s really easy to do, but, yeah, trauma does it, but. Okay, so you are trying to. Are you still trying to recover your memories? I’ll be recovering memories until I’m 140, yeah. How do you know if your memories are real or planted? Because planting memories is something that they’ve been working on for a long time as well.
That is true. And I’m trying to achieve. I asked God. So, you know, when I got out of my last relationship, I asked God’s help. I said, God, reveal myself to me. And that was my journey. In 2015, it took me another year to get out of the situation that I was in. I was married, was with this person for 26 years. Five years I lived with him on and off. And then we were married in 1997, and he died in 2018, six months after my first husband died, which was eleven days after I talked to my first drummer and said that Steve had revealed to me that my agent was my brother.
He told me so he wouldn’t have lied. And then he died subsequently. I know that he did have some heart conditions, but I believe that after he revealed that, he was subsequently dispense with. What do you think was the purpose of your activity with Mkultra? And Mkultra is just a general of the whole program that they’re doing. It never went away. They claim it did. It didn’t. It’s very well documented. But what. Why you? What do you think they were using? Well, here are the questions that I started asking after I left my husband and then started regaining who I actually was, started regaining memories.
I went back to every place that I’ve been at to try and figure out what happened to me there. I asked my former agent, let’s just call him John, because that’s actually his name. There’s a lot of John’s. Why he looked like Joseph Mengele, why I look like Irene Schonbeen, who married Joseph Mengele, and why my murdered brother David looked like Rolf, their son. That was a bad question to ask. So do you think that you’re a genetic clone of. I couldn’t say whether I would be a clone or not. I have an individual that’s on our show, and his name is Pano Salvos.
As a matter of fact, he’ll be on tomorrow. He is a scientist by nature, and he can clone people. He can or cannot? He can. Okay, and what does he mean by clone? He takes the DNA and put it in and to insert it into, like, kind of like dolly was back in the day. You insert it into a fertilized egg and replace the DNA with the DNA of what you want. If you are like so many others, you need more energy to get through the day. What you need is the boundless energy of mitochurer Rx, the revolutionary solution from wizard Labs.
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He’s literally a person of integrity. So he has basically stated that he’s on the finite end of it. For 40 years, he’s been involved in male reproduction, which for female, we have gynecologists, but they didn’t have anything from men. And so he, you know, he helps women, through in vitro fertilization, have children. And if they decide that they want to clone one of their children, say their child died, they can retrieve that DNA, and they can. They’ll never bring that child back again, but they’ll bring the likeness of that child. The genetic sequence will be, the genetic sequence will be identical.
They do it in animals now. Like China does it. Yes. They’ve been cloning animals forever in. In the horse field. They’ve been cloning, you know, 30, 40 years. But there’s a very famous horse called copycat, and that’s a clone. So, you know, they. This is something that they’ve been doing for a very, very long time. I wagered that they’ve been doing it probably since the late twenties. But it’s just technology that we don’t. That we don’t have, and one hand does not know what the other hand is doing. So even though Pano salvos is very ethical individual, that does not to say that that technology is not available for people making chimeras or whatever.
Now, that was part of Joseph Mengele’s protocol, was he created a twin town, I believe, in Argentina. Yeah. But my computer kept getting breached from Sao Paulo, Brazil, which was weird because he moved there for a while. But his premise, and I believe that he actually worked with Harito Ishii from World War Two because he, Harito Ishii, killed, I don’t know, 50,000 people doing Joseph Mengele experiments. But he is primarily focused on bio warfare. So after the war, we brought him into America to, I believe it was Fort detritus. And he gave us some of his experiments on bio warfare.
But I think at that time, it’s just my premise, my supposition that he worked with Joseph Mengele and that they cloned people, like in the boys in Brazil where they clone Hitler boys. Wow. So, okay. But they cloned because from a medical experimentation standpoint, they want identical, genetically identical people so that they can get a better experiment. I mean, so for them, it was all science. And I mean, as warped as these guys are, technocrats, they don’t care about people, but they wanted the purification of science so they could do their experiments. Yes. And they follow these experiments to their fruition, meaning throughout your lifetime, until you die, you will be monitored and followed in some capacity or another.
So, you know, hence, you’re like, what was important about you? Well, I believe I actually am the daughter of Irene Schoenbean and Joseph Mengele. I’ve not done any genetic testing because I believe that they actually tried to. They’ve taken enough of my DNA. I think they’ve taken my ovum and created genetic anomalies. When I was in, John sent me to Kodiak and they said, hey, you have to get this shot, because everybody says, okay, I’m just gullible. So I said, okay. And I went in and passed out for, like, half an hour. And so I don’t know what they did.
So why. Why don’t you want to get your DNA to prove it to yourself? Because I don’t need to have it proved. I’ve already asked who I am. God has revealed to me who I am. I don’t need to go to John’s house and get a spit test. As a matter of fact, I probably will never see John as well as long as I live. I know my husband, my first husband, redeemed himself, told me, John’s my brother. I believe that. I don’t need a genetic test, okay? They have enough of my DNA. I don’t need to prove anything to anyone, and I don’t need to prove it to myself.
I know it in my heart. Okay, so. But. But claiming you’re the daughter of Mengele is pretty hard to claim without. To the general public. Yes. I don’t actually. Right. I don’t actually even care about what the general public thinks or doesn’t think or believes or doesn’t believe. I know in my heart what I was told regarding who my brother is. And now I had questions as to why he and his son both looked like Joseph Mengele and did that. That was traumatic. No, no, you just. Crazy house after that. Oh, okay. So they. For a year, they sent you to a mental institution for a year? Okay.
Yes. Because you asked those questions, or what else? Because I asked those questions and because of the high political positions in which John and his son were in at that juncture. Wow. Because you didn’t. Did you do anything more than just ask the questions when they threw you in the institution? I wasn’t actually doing anything. I actually was in a church when that happened. And I was told to go to some coordinates at a Starbucks. I was in Chicago at Willow Creek church, and I was given coordinates on my phone. I thought I was going to go to meet John, but in fact, what happened was I saw a clone of John, looked exactly like him walk in.
I’m not going to go up to that guy and say, give me your DNA. Are you John’s brother? So I sat and I watched. My sister in law said, what are you seeing? Because I started crying and I said, it’s not John, but it looks exactly like him. And the tomorrow, and his voice is different. And then if you’ve ever seen the movie Hearts of Atlantis, it’s with an individual who was in the Mkultra program, and he has special abilities. So I do have special abilities. And I was told there was a post that my grand niece put on Facebook said, drink water.
Turn around. I was like, well, I’m a little dehydrated. I drank some water. I turned around, and the car pulled through the drive through, which I snapped a picture of, and it said P 48. And I knew the next day that they were going to try to 5150 me. And it happened because I have certain psychic abilities to see things and to decipher them. And P 48 would be, Penny for 88 is Heil Hitler. And that’s what they tattoo with the white supremacist tattoo on their arm is 88, which means Hal Hitler. So Penny for Hitler, we’re going to 51 50 you.
I do have some innate abilities, which I believe we all have these abilities. I believe that we all can communicate with one another through telepathic means or through other means other than just our normal perception, existential perception, per se. For some reason, I’m very linked to Tom Altos, which I know you interviewed Tom, and Tom and I are working together now, and his story is more understandable and believable because he actually has hard facts behind his. I don’t have that proof, but I’m not actually even seeking any proof. I know that in. In God’s time, that proof will be presented to me, but I already know it in my heart, so I don’t.
I’m not out there dancing and saying, you know, you know, I’m making money off of being the actual eleven and stranger things. That that’s not even a factor for me. I know what my job is now. And because of my brother, David died after writing an unpublished book entitled the Whistleblower. And he tried to get to me. He could have walked to my house. They arrested him over 50 times, and he was murdered on mission beach. And I believe that my actual mission, I was guided to David Zubik, who’s one year older than me, because of David’s book, the Whistleblower, because that’s what we’re doing right now.
We’re showcasing whistleblowers. My story is incidental to but a grain of sand on the beaches on this planet. It’s really incidental to what my actual mission is right now, which is to host other whistleblowers, to garner information and to try and disseminate the truth from the lies. That’s a difficult task enough as it is. That is very true. Okay, so it really is. So what do you think with your experience? You’ve been learning a lot, trying to figure out who you are and get evidence to that. And understand the MkUltra program in that journey of yours.
I’m sure you’ve learned a lot. And do you see, or how do you see that program being used every day on the american people or people of the world, but specifically in America, because that’s where we live? Well, let’s take an example right now of a very recent event on Saturday the 13th in which Donald Trump was affronted by snipers. Now, I’ve been asked, was that sniper Mkultra? You know, vacillated between number one, his parents were psychologists, and psychologists are very adept at neuro linguistic programming. However, he also did a video with an individual for Blackrock, which we know is CIA.
So let’s just say the parents weren’t his handlers initially. But he picks up a CIA contact and he gets MK altered. Psychiatrists, doctors are not all of them, but many of them are working within the cabal. They want to keep their licenses, so they do operate for MP Ultra. Take a look at Jolie west. Okay, Jolie West. I believe that my husband, Steve Zenos, his parents worked with Jolie West. Jolie west was an MP ultra handler. He did experiments until people died. He worked with Sidney Gottlieb and Alan Dulles for MkUltra experimentations. Killed an elephant with LSD.
I mean, how much more evil can you get than that to kill one of God’s creatures and drug it until it dies of heart failure? They wanted to see what. They wanted to see how much LSD would kill an elephant. Is that what they were trying to. I can’t even presume to tell you what was on their depraved minds as to why they did what they did and kill one of God’s creatures. The LSD was for expansion of the mind, and hence it has been a favorite of mkUltra. If you watch Wormwood, about an individual who the children sued afterwards, they were told that their father jumped out of a window.
He did not. He wanted to quit the MkUltra program, and they laced him with LSD of announced to him. And then I think they laced him again and pushed him out a window. Yeah. If you give somebody a head blow and you push them out of window, then they just die from a fall, right? Yeah. Okay, so you’re seeing MK, but I think that they’re doing. They’ve been doing experiments, learning how to do psychological operations against people en masse. And the mainstream media does it to us on a daily basis. Yes, they do. And they’re doing it.
What I was going to say now, yes. What I was going to say about the Trump shooter. Right. So what would engender this individual? Let’s just say it wasn’t the parents. But what would engender this individual to do what he did? We have a mainstream media that’s vitreous. We have, you know, I was, I was shocked that CNN, after seeing the debate with Biden, actually said, we need a new candidate. You know, I refer to them as communist news network. But you have a vicious and vitreous, you know, media that is even after, I think it was one of our newscasters, most recently George Stephanopoulos, who actually said that Trump was to blame for the violent rhetoric.
Now, you know, you’re to blame for your own assassination, when in fact, it is the media that is stirring up the hatred and the misinformation and the lies. And then we have a weaponized DOJ, which is coming against each and every american. And that’s what we saw with Trump. It wasn’t about Trump. It was. But it wasn’t. He said it best when he said, they’re not after me, they’re after you. If they can do this kind of law fair to the president of the United States, what are they going to do to you? And they are taking people who are whistleblowers, they’re throwing them in crazy houses, and they’re falsely diagnosing them with maladies that they do not have in order to discredit their, their actual opinion when they come forward.
And they’re torturing them, too. Yeah, that’s true. They want them to appear crazy because then it’ll discredit them to the public. And so it’s important for anybody that speaks out to look like they’re nut bags. Right? And I know targeted individuals, part of that targeting is to figure out how to make people look crazy because they just, it invalidates everything they say. So that’s part of their process. But, you know, this whole Trump Derangement syndrome, I think it’s two ways, though. I mean, they’ve created this polarization in the country for a purpose. This Trump Derangement syndrome is real.
But I get nervous that the idolation of Trump is opposite of that. That creates this polarization that could create a civil war. I mean, no president should be idolized. Like, that’s too much power for one person in a representative republic. It’s not how, unfortunately, I think that those who do not have a close relationship with God, my close relationship with Jesus Christ, they will seek a human figure to idolize. I do not do that. I don’t idolize man. That’s not who I consult with for my walk. Since I was three, I consulted with God and with Jesus since I was three.
So there’s nothing else that’s going to take the place of God or of Jesus in my life. No man. So I don’t idolize any man. And I do see what you’re saying in regards to that, and that would be my advice to anyone watching this broadcast. Please do not idolize any man. You know, I take my counsel from God, and he saved my backside more times than I can even say. I should not be here. I died several times, but I’m here for, you know, it sounds corny, but at times it’s just this, because I know what my actual mission is at this juncture.
Help people read through some of this. Now, unity with him is, you know, unity to fight. What we’re fighting is important, but not to the point where you don’t question the actions of the people around you and lose your ability to have critical thinking. Yes, he’s a man. Yes, he’s with foibles. Yeah. So regardless, so that’s what I’m seeing. I’m seeing this dichotomy, this extreme. And the unity talk is actually really positive. People talking about being unifying and actually talking through the issues and focusing on issues. And I think that’s what your role is, is to allow people to focus on that, talk to whistleblowers, even talking through.
Because I worked with targeted individuals, and I’m telling you, a lot of them do come across as crazy. And some of them maybe are legitimately a little off, but the majority of them probably went through something that they’re targeted. Right. And so we have to give them a little grace and listen to what they’re, what they have to say, because there’s a lot of learning here. We are all being targeted. This mass media is, they’ve perfected their targeting schemes. They’ve perfected their psychological manipulation schemes, and they’re putting it into the independent media now, too. And you, as an expert on NK Ultra, I’m sure you’re seeing it everywhere.
And not just this Trump thing, but just everywhere. Yes. Even within the truth community, there is a lot of misinformation. I won’t say purposeful deception, but, you know, that is the job. The job is to try and discern the truth from the lies. I even tell people, you know what? Don’t believe anything I said because I know what, I know what God has said to me when I made that prayer and I said, reveal myself to me. And then all of this stuff started coming out. And I have no. No desire to go and do any DNA tests or to ferret out anything or to go back and, you know, knock on my brother John’s door and say, hey, can I have a DNA sample? That’s just not even in my purview.
Because while it is in the past and it is in my present, it might not necessarily be in my future as even a point of contention. I know the truth and I don’t need any verification on that aspect. I did have questions. And, you know, I mean, Rolfe Mangle is still alive. He was born in 1934. I believe he was third. Joseph Mengele was 33 because Joseph Mengele was born in 1911 and he’s still alive. He was older than my brother David, which my brother David was born, who he is. Not. Everybody knows who he is.
Joseph Mengele is known as the angel of death. And he was responsible for. He was a scientist and he married Irene Mengele, who I look like. And he was responsible for when the trains came in to the concentration camp saying, you live, you die, and you get experimented. He also was involved in the creation of the uber super soldier and genetic hybridization and clones. He created a twin town. I also believe that he created a slew of genetically engineered children for the Fourth Reich. So that would be the Third Reich. And then after the Third Reich is the Fourth Reich, which are the children, which were the.
To be the. To run the world. And I believe that during the paperclip operation, many people have said, well, they brought over 5000 scientists. I say, don’t believe every statistic that you hear, but my feeling is that they brought over anyone who was beholden to the Reich. And that means millions of people that believed that Hitler was doing the right thing. And so with the levers born babies, I think they said they had something like 20,000 babies. It might have been 200,000. Not sure on that stat, so don’t quote me, but I believe whatever it was, it was much grander than we’ll ever know.
I believe my mother was one of those Hitler babies. And I believe my mother volunteered for MkUltra. She was gay. And I didn’t find this out until I was 17. And I left the house. And then I found out, you know, we’re engendered to be queens of denial. I sang that song by Pam Tillis and to basically deny a lot of times, things that are right in our face. And we’re seeing that Mkultra go on right now with Biden. So when after Biden finished his debate and then, you know, he lost, I don’t know, $90 million in funding, and Hollywood was meeting to say, what are we going to do? Because they realized what bad shape he was in.
No. Do you think he’s just dementia? He’s just dementia, or do you think he’s also mkultra or both? Well, at this juncture, yeah, he’s for sure Mkultra. Both. But yes, I believe so. You think it’s both. So, yeah, he has Alzheimer’s. And I think he actually, as I looked at the difference between, is it possible to have Alzheimer’s and sundowners at the same time? The reason I say Sundowners is my mother in law had sundowners. However, you know, he’s talking about, well, they don’t want me to present after 08:00 at night. Okay, so what happens at 08:00 tonight? Well, the sun goes down, and then your dementia gets exponentially worse, which is what we saw in the debate.
Well, they knew, though. I mean, they set up the debate. They did an early debate. They wanted him to be exposed, and then they turned on him right after the debate. So that was an operation that was pretty clear. Yeah, but I think there were many people that most assuredly, like in the CIA, one hand will be cloning somebody, and the person in the booth right next to you will have no idea. So there are those that are close that absolutely did know. You bet your booty blinking knew because he had this look on his face on air force one with his buddy looking across the hall going, oh, my God.
You know. Yes. People in his inner circle. He had run in the country. Everyone knows he has Alzheimer’s. I don’t know if we have absolute evidence that she is versus people in his cabinet and stuff. I mean, well, she put it this way, when she stands there after the debate, helps him down the stairs, and then says, oh, Joe, you answered all the questions. Let’s go to get some waffles and some ice cream, Joe. Well, yeah, seriously, she obviously handles him, but doesn’t mean that she was running the country, right? I mean, we don’t. Well, I’m not saying she’s running it.
Totally, totally. But she is in proxy for him, put it that way. She’s definitely handling him and his theater. Okay, so what do you. You said you help people get their memories back. What do you do? I do. I just basically tell them what worked for me. What worked for me may not work for everyone. I also utilize what I deem, it’s a term that I kind of coined it called the military industrial entertainment complex, which works hand in hand with the military industrial complex. They’re synonymous. One cannot work without the other. So when you’re having a war, you need the propagandist arm of the media to be able to sell that war or to be able to sell a president with dementia as he’s, he’s a great candidate.
Right. That’s, that’s MK Ultra in action, selling to the country that somebody who has dementia and never doing press conferences, never is actually running the country. To me that is pure Psyop, but pure example. Yes, I think the media is the, this is just my personal opinion, but I think it’s the propagandist arm of the left, the leftist agenda. Not saying that the right’s not involved because there are bad people on the right. I think Fox News is pretty much a propaganda arm too. You have to be very careful with them, but keep going. Yes, I agree.
Yeah. Here’s the part of what work, what we need to do as individuals, not as a country. In order to discern, you have to weigh everything. And sometimes you’re not going to get the answer right away because the information is the war. Okay. So they may leak out certain details and then other details might be covered and you’ll never know them. You know, do we know whether Biden actually had a psychotic event on Air Force one and was drugged and then skippity doo died down the stairs? But it looks a little strange. Even Laura Loomer had mentioned it looks a little strange the next day when a doctor is at the White House for like 7 hours.
You know, are they drugging this man to keep him propped up? So that would be the MK Ultra, the propagandist arm, which would be the media. And then, you know, you ask the question who’s actually running the country? In reality? It’s not the president, it’s not Joe Biden. I believe that it is big pharma and corporations and people that have the money. Well, they’re obviously, yeah, they for sure have the power and they, they press the power. Right. But there’s like, who’s actually making the decisions and doing the thing? I think it’s maybe some cabinet members and then they, they have take direction from the globalist cult.
They sit down, it’s council be. Yeah, we say it’s one person. It’s not one person. So if we’re looking for one person sitting on top of the world, you know, with the magic wand saying, you do this and you do that, and pull up his chains, it’s not, I say it’s a conglomeration of individuals. Everyone wants to point to Soros. I, you know, I’d say he’s one of many who’s pulling Soros strings. Yeah, I think it’s probably the wealthier banking families that are actually the top of the, that makes the most sense is the wealthy banking families.
And then they, because they own so many assets and so much of the country that their power is so significant that they can push, you know, but of course, they balance each other out and they have a council. I think that’s where the evidence shows the pace sewer family is pretty powerful. I think they’re more powerful than the Rothschilds because the Rothschilds are public and they aren’t. But I guess, yes, there, there are many families that are more powerful than the Rothschilds. They’re apparent. They’re like the levels of popstar, if you will. I know that the conte’s are very high on the list, and that’s an obscure name that many people don’t know.
So like I say, we don’t really know who’s puppeting the puppets of the puppeters. Okay. There’s so many of them. That’s a great way to say. So where can people, people follow you? You have, you try to work with whistleblowers and you’re just, you’re an investigative journalist, essentially, working with whistleblowers. So you’re bringing all sorts of information public, trying to sift through what’s true, what’s not true, and just investigating on the fly, essentially, what you’re doing. Yes. You know, in order to get answers, in order to get true answers, sometimes it takes a long time. And, you know, we’re such an instant society, we need to instantly know, well, you may not, you know, get that information instantly.
For God, when I asked him reveal myself to me, it took six, seven years of research to just even get to a point of congruity. And so you’d asked me earlier, how do I help people with MkUltra? So I have had the procedure that worked for me, which I actually utilized movies. And because the CIA is actually in control of Hollywood and they have CIA writers in every writing room, even asked Tracy Torme about that. He was on our show for a year. He died in January. And his father was Mel Torme, very prolific and famous singer.
And I said, he did sliders and fire in the sky Travis Walton abduction story. And I said, were you aware that maybe some of the things you were writing about at sliders were true? He said, well, I wasn’t at the time, but I am now. And I said, were you aware that CIA were in your writing rooms? He said, I wasn’t at the time, Penny, but I am now. And so we don’t really know until we get to a certain point and we elevate past the mundane to try and search everywhere for answers. Answers. We live in a supernatural world.
I serve a supernatural God, and we have to expand our thinking. So for me, some of the things that I did was I utilized movies. I don’t have a tv. I watch some things on my computer, live streaming, because the commercials are mkUltra. They just will tell you, you’re sick, you’re sick, you’re sick. You need this. You need this, you need this. And I looked at them for satanic references, for frequencies, for light, for sound. When, as a human being, when you’re gathering information for your memory banks, you gather it like a supercomputer in pictures, in segments of your life.
So you will see, you will smell something that you smelled the first time, cologne, maybe the first time you met your boyfriend and your husband. You would smell that cologne, and it would take you back to that particular memory that would be called olfactory, or you would hear a song. I’m a singer, so I’ve sung for over 50 years. You hear a song, and that song will elicit memories of the first time that you heard that song or a specific event that occurred to. It’s rigorous. I tell people, write just like Kathy O’Brien. We’ve had on our show several times.
Writing is integral. Write down your dreams. Write down the memories that are coming back. I had to literally construct an entire timeline because I’ve been erased so many times that I went back to my first husband when I was getting married the second time and said, when did we get married? I just. I knew that we were married, and things came giving, but I didn’t know the year or the day. And then I found out later on that they’d actually altered that wedding certificate when I had to get the wedding certificate 30 years later. So, you know, retracing your memories, recessed memories.
And here’s the other thing. I prayed and I said, God, reveal myself to me. That’s a very powerful prayer. If you don’t want those memories, and not everyone does, then I suggest, don’t pray that prayer. If you don’t want those memories, you think you can live your life without having those memories, then that’s okay. But if you do want those memories, I believe that that’s where your healing comes from. I believe most dis ease comes from Reese. Repressed memories of trauma that the body is overtaking within it. That’s the. Yeah, I’ve heard that from doctors. Those are just some of the methodologies.
Oh, that’s fantastic. Okay. And can you tell us where the people can reach you again? Yeah. So you can find me Monday through Friday on the awakenation. That’s 08:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. central. 09:00 a.m. to twelve noon Eastern. You can also find me on the dark Outpost, which is at Darkoutpost TV. But that is a subscription based program, which is like $30 for a year. And you get incredible things. We’re going to be going into doing documentation. You could also email me@pennyarkoutpost.com or you can text my phone. And please say who you are because don’t just say hello because I will probably block you.
I don’t answer any calls unless you say who you are. Then I put you in my contacts and I’m pretty fast on the draw. I will get back to you. So again, my phone number. If you think maybe you might be mkultra or you do desire to get some memories back or maybe you want to make an appearance on the awakenation or the dark outpost, please text my phone at area code 619-779-9771 that’s six one nine. And no, I’m not in San Diego or California anymore. 619-779-9771 well, you are much braver than me because I don’t like to give up my cell phone.
But that’s. I take my cell phone out because we have so many guests that I communicate via telephone. No, that’s great. And I mean, that’s what you work so hard. You work on every day during the week. You’re on the air for 3 hours a day. Wow. I was just telling you that. Wow, that’s a ton. But thank you so much for coming on the program. It’s really interesting hearing what you have to say. And thank you again. Thank you.