Miracle Monday shares for LifeWave patches. A gift from God.

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➡ Michael Jacob and Dr. Annabel Garcia host a discussion about Life Wave, a wellness technology that uses body heat-activated patches to promote health benefits. The patches, particularly the X39, reflect body heat in a specific wavelength that activates a protein called GHK Copper peptide, which aids in cellular regeneration. This process can lead to benefits like pain relief, mental clarity, energy boost, improved sports performance, and better skin appearance. Users share their positive experiences, including reduced back pain and increased flexibility, demonstrating the potential of Life Wave technology.
➡ The speaker discusses the benefits of using patches for pain relief, as seen in her family members from her grandmother to her young niece. She also talks about her belief that lifestyle changes, such as less physical activity and poor diet, have led to shorter lifespans in recent generations. She shares her excitement about people investing more in their health and wanting to live longer. Lastly, she shares testimonials from others who have found relief from pain using the patches.
➡ The speaker shares personal experiences with a product called patches, which seem to have positive effects on various issues. One woman’s headache disappeared, a man felt an improvement in his vision, and the speaker’s son experienced less distraction at school and improved organization skills after using the patches. Another user, a survivor of child sex trafficking, found that the patches significantly reduced her PTSD and anxiety symptoms. The speaker emphasizes the supportive community around these patches, which has opened doors for her and others to help survivors of traumatic experiences.


Foreign just left in my bed. Hello, everyone, it’s Michael Jacob with Life Wave Miracle Monday. And we’re going to hear from amazing people that have had incredible success with Life Wave. By far one of my favorite times of the week, having people come on and share their amazing results. And we’re going to jump into that here in a second. But first of all, we’re going to have the lovely Dr. Annabel Garcia newer give us a little foundation of how we’re going to like, you know, talk and a little background on Life Wave. All right. Hello, Michael.

Hello, everyone. I’m so excited to be here because I got some hot off the press testimonials tonight. So. Hello everyone. Thank you for joining today’s Lifewave Miracle Monday with Michael Jacob. So this is where we come together because we share and we love to share our life changing experiences that we have had. Thank you to the Lifewave technology and David Schmidt who invented it. I am Dr. Anaba, a physician from New York, and I am honored to be a part of this community because we value health of ourselves and the value the health of others. And that is why we share the Lifewave technology is a holistic approach to wellness and it’s especially effective when it’s paired with a healthy lifestyle and a positive mindset.

So Lifewave and its partners do not claim to diagnose, treat or cure. And during this call we will talk about the various technologies available because of Lifewave. But we always love to highlight the X39 because it is the creme de la creme. My favorite patch to discuss because the benefits are so incredible. So what is this X39? What is life wave? What are we talking about? X39 and the other patch technologies are a wearable light technology in the form of a patch. And so we as humans have body heat, also called infrared light. And so the patch is activated when you place it on our bodies by our own body heat.

And it acts like a mirror. It, it takes in our light and it reflects it back because of the crystal structure in its sensor in a specific wavelength. And that wavelength activates a protein called GHK Copper peptide. That protein has been found to have so many amazing benefits, and one of them being a cellular health or cellular regeneration or activation of our cells, whatever form you wish to describe it. But we are regenerating at a cellular level thanks to increase in this GHK copper peptide. And so why is it important? Because these cells are important. The cells that the copper peptide activates are important for our regeneration and our Repair and we lose that ability over time as we age.

And we getting that back. So we feel good, we look good, we act amazing, and we just have a fuller, healthier life. Some of the benefits of x39 include rapid pain relief, mental clarity, energy, sports performance, and improved skin appearance. And I keep looking in the mirror and I’m so excited every time I look in the mirror because I’m like, my skin is looking better and better and better. I’m like, pretty soon I won’t need any makeup at all, which is fabulous. So Lifewave patches are a patented technology created by David Schmidt. They’re non transdermal. We wear them for 12 hours, we remove them, we give our body a 12 hour break.

Because when we give our body a break, it allows the body to rest and do what it’s meant to be doing, courtesy of the patches helping activate those peptides. We use them daily because when we use them daily, we will restore our bodies to a balanced, healthier state. And we are patient with using them because as individuals we can never predict how quickly you will respond. But we do know you will respond. You just may not feel it from day one. But the patches begin working from day one. The general recommendation is to use the patch for one month for every decade that you have been alive to start.

And I love to stay. Now stay positive, be patient and patch daily and your desired outcome will manifest. Some housekeeping rules, please use symptoms only. We love to stay compliant. No diagnosis names. Tell us how you felt before, what patches you used and how you feel now. And thank you everyone for joining us. Thank you for sharing and always, always super excited to be here. Thank you, Michael. Thank. Thanks, Dr. Annabelle. That’s awesome. Jen, I see you got your camera fixed. Good job. You’re muted. Sorry. Yes, I was working on it through the whole introduction, but I got her.

I, you know, I turned on the big camera, Michael, and it started to work well, then I went, no, I got to get rid of it. When I did that, I messed up. So anyway, I am very excited about tonight. I’ve, I’ve talked to a lot of people and Diane Horvath’s here. She’s going to share her story, which is really good. Good. And then a lot of your big peeps have all written in. Dr. Annabelle being one of them. Dr. Kathy, Patty Lynn, Scott Hagerman. And so we’ve got some really good shows. And I did, just so you know, I had some people calling me and asking me about the Anna Allen’s experience with those crazy cells.

And I tried to get her on tonight. She’s. She’s a massage therapist. She’s busy tonight. But she. And she promises that the minute she’s free, she’s gonna try to get to us to. To do that story again. But I did find it on, like, a couple months ago, and I sent it to the person that wanted to see it. But anyway, yeah, great people. So here we go. All right. So, yeah, to start it off, if you want to share your experiences, raise your hand. If you go down to the little react button, there’s a. When you click on it, it is.

There’s a little thing that has raised hand. Click on that, and that’ll. That’ll get you up to, you know, the line. And then we’re calling you, you know, throughout the night. Diane. Hey, everybody. Hey. I used to have pain in the back, in the middle of my back when I would stand at the counter chopping up vegetables. And you’re cooking and stuff, and you’re just doing a lot of standing and not a lot of moving around that much. And the other thing I noticed was whenever I would scoop out the litter box every morning, after you go to.

I would go to stand up. I am doing the worst job of this. After I would go to stand up, my lower back would be very stiff and ache, and the middle of my back would just ache when I’d stand in the kitchen cooking. And all of that just went away after a few weeks on X39. And that’s what Jen wanted me to tell you. All very good. And probably all of us have, you know, over time, you know, had little tweaks and pains like that, and, you know, just sticking a patch on seems to do the trick.

I think I have another one. Okay. If you don’t mind. I have been using the performance bundle from practically the beginning, and I’ve been probably for about a year at least. And also carnosine, which helps with flexibility. And I’ve noticed that when I do my workouts, it seems like a little bit goes a long way with them. I don’t know if everybody else has experienced that, too. And just flexibility. I hadn’t even been, like, trying to do stretching on a regular basis, but it’s like I have. I just am so much more flexible that I don’t know, maybe I should try out for Cirque du Soleil.

I’d love to see that. I love Cirque du Soleil, so. Yeah. Which. Which one would you do? I would dangle by my foot, twirling A circle with a blowtorch in each hand. Good response, Good response. I love it. Thank you. All right, great share, Diane. Appreciate it, Dr. Annabelle. I don’t think I’d be trying out for Cirque du Soleil, but I can be in the audience. Diane, I’ll clap for you, definitely. Thank you. So my testimonials really span a huge age range. It’s incredible. So I’ll start off with the oldest one of the three. It’s my 93 year old grandmother.

She is living in Puerto Rico and she’s my father’s mother. And so she gets the patches. And she’s been on the patches now, I would say about nine months, almost closer to a year. And so of course I want them to feel good. And she has various conditions, blood pressure, the sugar issues and all. But my favorite thing to say is that she’s been patching and she patches consistently. And despite her age, she’s on the dance floor dancing when there’s family events. You know, she is very lively and strong, full of energy. You would never think she’s as old as she is because she is a little spitfire.

So I love my grandma dearly and she’s always. And I love to see her dancing. So then you have my other grandma who’s 88 years old, and she’s another one. Like my lineage is fantastic because these ladies don’t stop. They are constantly moving and doing things extremely independent. And my other grandma, so this is my mom’s mom, is so funny because she also uses the patches now. She’s been on it for almost two years. She started close to the time when we did too. And so whenever she has a little ache or something, she already knows intuitively, she takes the patch from her C7, the back of her neck and she puts it wherever she needs it.

And I find that so adorable. And of course, she’s always complaining about shoulder pain because again, this woman does not sit still. She’s constantly doing something. So I said she just intuitively knows to put the patch wherever she needs it and it works. And then you go all the way down to my four and a half year old niece. So my four and a half year old niece is a very active child. And unfortunately, the patience of adults is not as much as it should be. And of the school system. So anytime any child is a little more active or doesn’t behave quite as well, you know, the always the result is, oh, you need to go see your pediatrician.

They might need to be on medications. So I told Her. Absolutely not. I don’t want her on medications. We need to do something. And so my mother has been begging her, you need to be on the patches. You need to be on the patches. So we brought her over. She came over my house this weekend. I patched her up. Normally, like, she just takes things off, but she kind of kept them for a while, which was nice. So I put carnosine on her and eon. And so she kept them on. And I told her, at least for this first day, let’s keep it on for 24 hours.

Fine. Sunday, she got a little rest. Today she put them on. My mother put them on her. And the teacher told her today was a great day in school. And I’m like, what? This is incredible. So she got to my mom’s apartment, she took her socks off because we put them on her feet. She took her socks off. She took the patches off. And then my mom said her behavior was miserable. I’m like, that’s an awesome testimonial. Thank you. So we will be patching her and we’ll see how she does. But today was day one and she did great in school, and that’s awesome.

That’s beautiful. Now, why do you think, like, the generation you, you have your. I had my grandparents, they lived to like, you know, late 90s, close to 100, but not quite. And then the next generation, they didn’t live as long. But now I, I feel that we’re gonna like, start to live longer again. What, what do you think happened in that, that generation in between, you know, going back maybe I guess, 20, 30 years? What. What happened during those time frames? My theory is everything that we’re exposed to, you know, we became, we went from cooking home cooked meals to a microwave society.

So that in and of itself, irradiating our food, it’s not good. So. And then the quality of the food and the produce is not good. The level of, or I should say, the time spent outside is dramatically less. My grandmothers both raised in Puerto Rico, born in Puerto Rico, and lived and labored outside. They did work for themselves. These women were no joke. They raised children on their own. The husbands, unfortunately, were not in the picture. And so they’re made of tough stuff like that. A lot of that is what we’re exposed to. So my theory is the toxins in the food, toxin, the air, the water, the city, living or in close quarters or just not promoting health, and everything has to be, like, sedentary.

So we became much more sedentary. And all of these Factors just are very detrimental. And not to mention all these mixed messages about fat is bad, carbs are good, low fat is the ideal way. So like all these fads that we were fed and that whole food pyramid being a big joke, it’s just all these factors just kicked in. And then telling people, you know, we got a pill for every ill just really just decimated people. So I’m excited that more people are investing in their health and they want to learn more. And most people, and I’m excited of people that want to join our community because we truly are promoting health and we want to live longer, we want to lengthen those telomeres, we want to activate ourselves, we want to live to our fullest.

That’s fantastic. Yeah, that’s, that’s a good summary. I, I totally agree with you. Thanks. You’re welcome. Ellen. Good evening. How is everybody tonight? Good. Well, I have been on the patches for about 15, 14, 15 months. And I guess over time, before I started the patches, I’m 76 and of course I had a lot of aches and pains. I had shoulder pain, hip pain, all kinds of little pains. And then over the months and I really didn’t know exactly when everything went away. It just pretty much just went away. I just realized one day that, hey, I’m not having all these issues anymore.

So that’s a good thing for me. I didn’t have anything in particular, but if I have little issues that I have found, I have an issue in my gut sometime in the lower left hand side that it wants to act up every now and then because my diet hasn’t been very well, I might be eating a lot of seeds or popcorn or something like that and it’ll act up. I have found that if I will put the X39 or the Aeon down at night, if I use the AON during the day, the X39 down in the area that it helps to soothe it right away.

And it never gets bad, which is a really good thing because it can be very painful when it gets bad. But this past weekend was really great because I have a sister in law that has had several back surgeries over the years. And she started having a pain in her hip that goes all the way down to her foot. So we tried the, the ice wave on her and it took about 30 minutes and her pain was gone. We actually put the tan patch on her hip. We took the white patch and put on her foot between the big toe and the first toe next to it.

And like I said in 30 minutes, her pain was gone. All of a sudden, she gets up and she says, I can’t believe this. It’s gone. I mean, she was amazed. And at night, we used the Aeon, and she found that it really helped her to sleep better, and she woke up more refreshed. I did sign her up this weekend, so that’s a great thing. So she has ordered x 39, and she has ordered the Aon and the ice wave as well. So I’m looking for really good results for her. So I’m excited about it. That’s fantastic.

Ellen. Thanks a lot. You are so welcome. Isn’t. Isn’t that amazing how, you know, the. I. I’ve been to so many. I’ve been a lot of events over the last couple years, and in most of these events, they have people come up, you know, with pains, and within. Like, you’re talking about within seconds. My own amazing story is, like, you know, I would have pain for, you know, weeks or months in my formerly shattered kneecap, and I. I used the ice wave on it, and the pain was gone, and it really hasn’t come back ever since.

So I’ve seen that happen to other people. And everybody’s the same. They’re like, wow. Like, it’s amazing. So great share. Thanks a lot. Terry. Hi. I have a few good shares. My mother had called me and on Saturday, and she reminded me that the full moon was coming. She was in pain, and. But she patched up, and she was fine. And then I said, oh, you know, Mom. I said, I got to. I got to send a message out to the. My. My brand partners are pain victims, so to speak. And. And I said. So I sent out a message, everybody.

I said, warning. I said, full moon on the 13th. I says, Pain could be more intense. Patch accordingly. So I had one brand partner respond and said, oh, Terry. Yeah. I says, every full moon, my head starts hurting, and I got a headache, and it started the night before. And so she was working, and I looked at. She’s kind of a new brand partner. And I realized she didn’t have the patches to do the hat protocol. So I ran up to her work, and I dropped off the patches that she needed. And in the meantime, I said, let me just see if we can get you out of pain while you’re working.

And I did, because we didn’t have a hat there or anything. And I did the ice wave and gone. And she. She was like, when I got home, she’s blowing up my phone. My gosh, it’s Gone. And then today she said, terry, my headache is still gone, and she’s all happy. And then while I was there, it was really interesting. There was a gentleman in the store, and he. He was wondering what I was doing. And I says, I told him about the patches, and I said, you want to try? And he goes, sure. And I says.

So I put an X39 on him, and I said, you may feel it, you may not. It’s not uncommon not to feel anything. So we’re sitting there talking. We had something in common. And he goes, well, after about 20 minutes or so, he goes. He goes, wow. He says, I think I feel something. And I’m like, not uncommon. They said, well, what about if I say, let’s give it a month run? And I said to him, honestly, don’t waste your money. I said to him, because I said, how old are you? And I said, you know, and he told me.

And I says, you need to really be committed for six months. I says, to really see where the patches can take you and then decide. And he’s like, all right. So we’re standing there talking. He goes, oh, my gosh. He says, my vision’s even clearer within just, like, the half hour we were talking. So he was like. He says, yeah. He says, you know, I’m in. He says, let’s do it. And so he was just. Couldn’t believe. Could not get over the vision enhancement just in that short period of time. And I have one more testimony, which is more in a personal level, which I’m really happy to say.

I, you know, we’ve been patching for a while, and I. I never patched our son because I thought, ah, you know, let’s. Let’s just, you know, just wait. He’s, you know, not of age or anything like that, but I said, let me. I said, do you want to try? And he’s like, yeah. I said, you know, nothing’s really majorly wrong, but, you know, who knows, right? So we started patching him about six weeks ago, and he’s been faithfully using it. And, you know, he’s. I asked him, what do you notice? And he says, you know, he says, I find myself.

The noises, the distractions in school does. They don’t distract me like they used to. So, you know, because sometimes he has the attention things where if, you know, something in the background, like a pen drop, it would distract what he was doing. And he says, this doesn’t bother me as much. And I’m like, okay, you know, that’s a game I noticed, you know, his handwriting better. And the really thing that excites me is, you know, I’ve always struggled with him to clean his room. And with my son, certain tasks can be daunting because it’s organization and it’s, you know, and somebody with some of the things that he struggles with.

Just the thought of, you know, organizing and doing all this is just too much for them. For the first time in his entire life, he, all by himself, without prompting, cleaned up his entire room, organized it. Yeah, tell me about it as a mom. Wow. And I was like, I walked in there and I’m like, you did this? And I’m like, I was just amazed. And, you know, the only thing different as we’re patching them. So that’s it. It’s amazing. I had to just say it. I love that. Yep. I’ll leave it at that. And I’ll just keep patching.

Very good. Yeah, Great story. Great successes out there. Just be patient and they’ll come. Thanks, Siri Lynn. Hey, Michael. Hey. So Saturday was National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. So in honor of that, I thought I’d briefly share my testimony and how the patches have helped me. So with my background, everyone listening, I’m sure has heard, but I was in a child sex trafficking house from birth to 5 years old. And then I was experimented on in a lab underneath US University Medical center in conjunction with the government. And because of that, all my life, I’ve had severe PTSD and anxiety, and I’ve been on a healing journey for several years.

But in February, I was listening to one of your shows, Michael, and purchased the patches. And this was last year. And within a few days, the PTSD and the anxiety decreased by 70%, which is huge. And that is from. I mean, huge. And that is from the X39 and the Eon. And I always knew I was damaged at a cellular level and I needed massive cellular repair. And my therapist has always told me that she could help with some of the mental, but not the physical. And so I actually also did the X49 because I wanted maximum cell repair.

And. But the, the EON too, especially calms down the central nervous system. So at this point, I’m here to help other survivors. One of the things with aftercare, and I want to encourage people that these patches will decrease, they’ll calm down your central nervous system and they will help your neurotransmitters pop again and increase the positive chemicals in the brain so that, that way we can heal from this. And, and it’s not just the mental and physical healing, but it’s also the Life Wave community. Because of the community, so many doors have opened for me. Like, I’m.

I’m still amazed. This year I’ll be doing. Kathy O’Brien has asked me to do a lot of things to help her together, other victims who have survived this horrendous worldwide scourge. And I’m super excited about that. So Life Wave is not just the healing, but it’s the community, too, that also brings healing. And so far, I know I can’t make promises and guarantees, but 100% of people who’ve reached out to me and joined with me have had significant turnarounds in their PTSD and anxiety. So much so that some are able to now come out from their social isolation and want to be in community with Life Wave and to share patches and to help others.

So I just consider this miracles all around. And I wanted to speak to other victims who survived because we don’t offer patches. We offer hope. We offer hope. That’s very good. So do you work with, you know, ptsd, people that aren’t involved with child, you know, survival type stuff you’re talking about? Yes, I do, actually, because PTSD is ptsd. Right. So it can come from anything. It can come from car accidents, it can come from deaths in the family, it can come from veterans, it all kinds of things. So I do. Yeah. Because PTSD and anxiety is PTSD and anxiety, and the patches help significantly.

Excellent. And so if someone wants to contact you, how do they do? How do you do that? So my email is LynnHagerman.com and you can see how my name is spelled there. And then also I have my rumble channel, the Lynn Scott Hagerman show, and people can reach out there. Very good. So that everybody can see your Lynn Scott Hagerman. There it is right there. Yeah. All right. Thanks, Lynn. You’re welcome.



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