Mind Control Experiments on Kids: Drug addicted Depressed Suicidal by Design w/ Eric Meder

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➡ A Forbes article revealed that Facebook conducted a study in 2012 to see if they could manipulate users’ emotions. The study divided users into two groups, exposing one to negative images and the other to positive ones. The results showed that distressed users were more likely to post and agree more. This highlights how social media platforms aim to keep users emotionally charged. The text also introduces Eric Meador, a 25-year-old who has developed a program to help young people think critically. He shares his personal journey of overcoming mental health struggles and the negative impact of social media and mainstream narratives on his life.
➡ The speaker discusses his past struggles with substance abuse, mental health, and family issues that led him into a self-destructive lifestyle. He also talks about the negative impact of social media, which he believes manipulates emotions and can lead to desensitization to violence and gore. He criticizes the current state of masculinity and femininity, stating that both genders are under attack and misunderstood. Finally, he mentions a program he’s developed to help young people understand themselves better and navigate through these challenges.
➡ The speaker discusses a program designed to help young people, aged 10 to 20, develop critical thinking skills and emotional discipline. The program, presented through engaging videos and a workbook, aims to counteract what the speaker sees as harmful brainwashing in society and schools. It encourages young people to question their beliefs and not to predict a negative future for themselves. The program, available at afterschooltalks.com, costs $19.99 a month with the first month free.
➡ Hi, this text talks about a dangerous situation where people are being tricked and harmed without any physical violence. It mentions the presence of harmful individuals disguised as harmless ones. The text also hints at the importance of voting as a response to this situation.


Modern social media is totally a brainwashing machine. There’s an article posted by Forbes called in 2012, Facebook did a study on 689,003 people to see if they can manipulate their emotions. And the article, I recommend everyone reads it. It’s astonishing. But they talk about how for two weeks they took this group of people, they split it into two different groups and they didn’t tell anyone. And so one of the groups was seeing photos of, like, dead dogs, awful things. And then the other group was seeing cute babies and happiness. And they wanted to judge the emotional differences, how it interacted with social media and stuff.

And they figured out that when people are more distraught, they’re more likely to keep posting and they’ll agree more. So the goal of social media is to just keep. Keep you emotionally charged. It’s no balance there. It’s all about pushing you emotionally. Just a quick break from your programming so I can give you a little information about Masterpiece. They are the masters at removing toxins and heavy metals and aluminum and microplastics out of your bloodstream, out of your body. We are being bombarded with this crap from all over the place and we need to get it out of our bodies that you are more susceptible to every disease imaginable when that’s in your bloodstream.

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And he talks about how what social media has done to him, what big pharma has done to him, what his friends are like. And so he’s been on this personal journey to where he unwound his life, got healthy, and realized that there was a major problem in the youth and created this program to help the younger ones with critical thinking skills. And he does it in a lighthearted way. And he has this video that I’m going to show that gives you an example of what he does. And I’ll play that before we start the show. But I think he will be impressed by him.

I think it’s. It’s what we’re dealing with. It’s what these youth are dealing with and, and why. There’s a huge disconnect between the generations. And I think you’re going to be really impressed with what he has to say. But before we get into that, I want to remind you about body align and the frequency patches that I have. First, they have this frequency band. It has over 300 frequencies that help you with wellness and just feeling better. It makes an excellent Christmas gift for people. And they have the pet tags and they have the sleep patch, which I use all the time.

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Our younger generation is facing a threat that no other generation has before. Social media companies are some of the biggest companies that have ever existed. They’re also some of the most evil. They’re designed to harvest data and manipulate you with that data that they collect. Just take a look at this article posted by the Guardian. Can you believe that they actually said that they’re targeting insecure and worthless teens? They created these platforms to socially and culturally control people, to censor opposing viewpoints, and to spread the woke agenda. I wish I could say that social media was the only attack on our youth, but I’m sure you’re aware of what’s going on inside of our public schools.

They’re pushing radical social and cultural agendas on our youth. Just last year, a child was sent home for wearing a T shirt that says there are only two genders on it. The worst part about the schools and media outlets is that they’re teaching the kids that parents learned racist and sexist ideals and that it’s the younger generation’s responsibility to teach their parents about how to be woke. It’s pure manipulation. And to be honest with you, I bought into it myself for a while, too. My friends were woke, my school was woke. And for a while, I didn’t have what it took to think outside of the bubble that I was in.

My name is Eric Meader. I’m 25 years old, and I’m a truth seeker. I had a wonderful childhood and a normal life, but I went through some very hard times in my teenage years. But over time, my depression spiraled. I became very suicidal, and I hardly survived that part of my life. I came to a crossroads, and finally I decided that I should go get professional help. After getting professional help, my life began to spiral even harder. Before long, I became a legal junkie that weighed over 300 pounds, pumped full of antidepressants, antipsychotics, and benzodiazepines. I realized that if I continued on this path, I would most certainly kill myself.

I quit all of my prescriptions cold turkey, and I stopped going to my psychiatrist and therapist right away. Within the next year, I lost 100 pounds and I really began making progress. During my personal growth, I learned a lot of lessons that allowed me to see through the brainwashing and madness that’s going on in the world today. And that’s what inspired After School Talks. After School Talks is an ongoing training that is designed to help teenagers and young adults grow into strong, independent, free thinking people. In less than an hour a month, you can help protect the youth in your life from the hardcore brainwashing that’s going on while giving them important life skills that are not being taught publicly today.

So click the link below and I’ll give you the first month completely for free. That way you can watch it and decide if you actually like it before you buy it. Okay, now I’m going to get into my interview with Eric Meter. Hi, Eric. Welcome to the show. Hi, Sarah. Thank you very much for having me. You have a really interesting project that I think is probably important for the youth and for them to help get out of this mindset that we’re in. I’m. I’m really impressed with it. Can you talk about what it is that you have at a high level? And then we’re going to dive into it? Yeah, of course.

So I created a program called After School Talks. And the whole point of the program is one, I want to help rebuild the family, the nuclear family, strong family bonds, because I think that has been under attack. And I also want to teach the youth how to see through manipulation that’s going on because public schools have become very poisonous. Mainstream media, social media, all of these things are just brainwashing our youth. And I wanted to create a program where the youth can learn high level Critical thinking skills and emotional skills that allows them to create their own opinions on things without me telling them what to think.

Well, and can you talk about your own journey and how you got there? Which is. I think a lot of people in this country are seeing this in the younger generation and it’s been such a, you know, it’s a gulf. Can you talk about what you personally has gone through and your journey to get to this point? Of course, gladly, yeah. So I am. I’m 25 years old now and I went through some hard times during my teenage years and especially when I got to around 18, 19, 20. So about five years ago, I was going through some really hard times.

I dealt with a lot of anxiety, depression, and so I didn’t know what to do. And I turned to the mainstream route of getting therapy, going to psychiatrists, stuff like that. And quickly I became what I would consider to be a legal junkie. I got countless medicines. I think at one point I was on like seven different medicines that included Xanax, antipsychotics, antidepressants. Then I blimped up. I became £300. I was super depressed. I don’t remember six months of my life even. I didn’t question any common narrative. I became estranged from my family and my friends.

Yeah, definitely thought I was hopeless. And it was a really hard time in my life. I can imagine now was. Was this whole £300 thing related to the drugs? Were you eating more because of the drugs? Was it because you were so toxic? What do you think happened? I think it was just a mixture of everything. Yeah, I think I just began to spiral because I also started drinking a little bit and smoking, like, marijuana. I just started going down, like all the wrong paths you could imagine. And so I think health wise, I was doing pretty much everything you shouldn’t do and it allowed me to learn the hard way.

And the doctors were telling you to do this? Yeah, I mean, what shocked me is when I would go to the psychiatrist, he would ask me, are you feeling better? Are you feeling worse? And no surprise, every day I’d say, I’m feeling worse. And then he’d either up the dosage or give me a new medicine and it was just, yeah, like a legal drug dealer kind of. And why do you think you got there? What happened that you started spiraling out of the control? I think everyone has different things. For myself, I went through some pretty hard things in my personal life with one side of my family.

I basically separated myself from half my family and it was pretty Heartbreaking for me when I was young and it included some pretty tough experiences. And after that I just fell into like, I listened to a lot of Nirvana and then it turned into heavy metal and then it turned into like black metal and I just became. I fell into this thing where I was listening to the most depressing music, watching only awful horror movies, actually like 24 7. Even when I slept. I created this hell mindset that I was living in goth. Like a goth reality.

Yeah, yeah, I fell very far and yeah, I don’t know, it just, it all, it all became, it was all self destructive is basically what it was. And I, I don’t think I knew how to express what I was feeling and I turned it inward I guess. And now how do you see the public schools and other kids also having these same issues? I’ve seen it like through all my friends actually. So I’m like I said, I’m 25 years old and most of my friends don’t have any jobs, they don’t haven’t had really any girlfriends. They live in their, their parents basements and I don’t want to like sound like I’m talking trash on my friends.

They’re good people, but they’re lost. I think a lot of people are lost nowadays. They don’t know what the point of life is. I think both, you know, men and women have been attacked on a gender level and they, they don’t have a strong identity in who they are. They don’t have purpose and they just don’t see the point. And I think a lot of that comes down to a lot of poisons that are. Whether it’s their diet, whether it’s the media, whether it’s what they’re taught at school. And I think they just feel very lost and it’s, it’s pretty hard to see.

I can imagine. Yeah. And the kids are, are they getting into, with the social media, getting into dark kind of niches? Yeah. Before I quit social media, my Instagram reels was literally just gore. Like it was just people dying, real videos of that. And that’s how most of my friends feeds are, where it’s just like car crashes or people falling off buildings or killing themsel and to the point where some of my friends even laugh about that stuff. But it just goes to show that they have fallen, you know, into a very bad state of, of mental living, I guess.

So social media can all pretty much automate and aid in a complete downward destruction, destructive spiral by only feeding you stuff like where people are Committing suicide and things. Oh, yeah. Oh, totally. I mean, that’s. That’s if people don’t know. I also have a business with my father called Privacy Academy, and I’ve studied very intensively on the surveillance state. And I think modern social media is totally a brainwashing machine. There’s an article posted by Forbes called, in 2012, Facebook did a study on 689,003 people to see if they can manipulate their emotions. And the article, I recommend everyone reads it.

It’s astonishing, but they talk about how for two weeks they took this group of people, they split it into two different groups, and they didn’t tell anyone. And so one of the groups was seeing photos of, like, dead dogs, awful things. And then the other group was seeing cute babies and happiness. And they wanted to judge the emotional differences, how it interacted with social media and stuff. And they figured out that when people are more distraught, they’re more likely to keep posting and they’ll agree more. So the goal of social media is to just keep. Keep you emotionally charged.

It’s no balance there. It’s all about pushing you emotionally. And it works. Right? And the more fear, the more gore, the more violence, the more emotionally you’re engaged. But isn’t it almost go to the opposite where you start to be numb? Yeah. I mean, that goes back to what I said with my friends laughing about the gore, where it’s like, I don’t think they laugh because it’s funny. I think it’s, deep down they know that they’re uncomfortable about it, and that’s why they laugh because they don’t know how to react. But they’ve gotten so numb to it where, I mean, even today, if I see it, I feel pretty numb just because how much I’ve seen it.

I feel bad for them. It’s awful. But yeah, I think how does, like, how do, like Andrew Tate in that kind of. That kind of environment where you’re dealing with, you know, turning people into objects, I think it’s awful. I think Andrew Tate’s specialty is actually targeting insecure men and turning them, you know, he. He tells all men what. He tells all insecure men what they think the answer is. He sells them this vision of what masculinity really is, and it creates this group of men that are very insecure and weak, and then they, you know, objectify women and they chase money and all these different things that.

Where it’s not really what masculinity is about. He’s taking advantage of this this time where Masculinity is under attack. And we can also see it on the other side with some. Some modern feminists as well, where gender is just deeply under attack. Well, the females are deeply under attack right now too. Right. With the transgender and everything else. And we need to get to a point where we just respond back to each other and love each other. And strength is. Is the opposite of some of these weird stereotypes they’re putting out. Strength. A male strength is not somebody.

I bring up the, you know, like the Navy seals. Some of the best interviews I have are with these Navy seals who are the epitome of just a strong, badass guy. But that’s the last thing that they push out there. They only do it when they need to. Other than that, they’re all about, how do you. Are you compassionate, how do you communicate, how do you lead through quiet strength, all this kind of stuff. And then when you need to be strong, frickin get out of their way, man. But, yep, that. That’s what it was about.

You know what it’s about. Exactly. No, I’m glad to hear you say that, because that’s exactly how I feel. And, you know, it just goes to show how lost men are nowadays, where they feel like, that’s Andrew Tate is someone that you can look up to as masculine. And it’s partially because of this woke left nonsense of the radicalization of, you know, attacking, beating men down and beating women down and just gender in general. So they’re lost. They don’t know what to look for anymore. So, yeah, that is. And. And I think what’s lost in this is men are being beaten down and they’re rising up the wrong kind of attitudes.

And then with females, they’re doing the same thing where they’re getting beaten down and being told, now women are running everything right now, where the women are like, no, we’re not. We’re getting beaten up. And so everybody feels beaten up and the wrong messages are going to these people. And so you have a program to help young people learn how to critically think and get through this maze. Can you talk about that? Yeah, definitely. Well, so I broke it up into different months. Like, the first month is all about self awareness, your self identity. I think it’s very important that you know who you are and where you are if you want to be able to change it.

Because before I was able to make any growth, I had to look at myself and realize these things like, oh, maybe I’m doing this wrong. Maybe I’m doing this. And that allows you to grow very far. So that’s month one. Then month two is. I call it the words that you use. And in that lesson, there is a lesson of totality. Totalities. So, for example, I would always say I. That’s a good example of it. I would always say things like, I am never going to be happy again. I will be like this for the rest of my life.

And so I said this subconsciously so much that I began to believe it. So if you can challenge the way that you think and realize that you’re using words that predict a future that doesn’t exist yet again, like the word never, that’s an easy way you can cut out never from your internal vocabulary and you can grow very far based off of that. Yeah. Month three. Oh, sorry. I was going to say with the never. Whenever anybody says there’s no solution or you never can do, don’t ever listen, that’s where you say, don’t ever. Don’t ever listen to somebody that says there isn’t a solution for us to get out of our problem.

Right. I mean, you might have to look at it from a different angle or whatever, but I won’t take that. But keep going. Exactly. No, that’s all. That’s what month two is all about. And I think that can help you challenge anxiety and depression to a high level as you. If you figure out how you speak to yourself after that. I talk about emotional awareness and emotional discipline. And so that is first being aware of what emotions you’re feeling and how they affect the way that you react, and then emotional discipline, as in detaching from those feelings, trying to think logically.

That way you can react logically instead of emotionally. So, yeah, that. That’s a really good lesson. I think it’s very important to learn because people have been very emotionally manipulated. This is very much seen with the woke left and in turn the woke right. Now we’re seeing it too. So, yeah, that’s pretty important. Month four is the importance of skepticism. And so that is, you know, I never questioned anything. And if you look at our younger generation, they’re taught not to question anything. And we’re taught more so to. To believe that if you question anything, you’re crazy.

And our parents learned racist ideals, sexist ideals, you name it. And which is just a. Shows how deeply the brainwashing goes. Yep. And you. And it was. It’s almost as if the youth is trained to dislike the generation like they’re to not like your parents. It’s being trained into them. And Is and American history. Yeah. America is horrible. Your parents are horrible. Everything’s horrible. And now you’re living in this horrible environ existence. Life is horrible and it’s not right. And so you want people to peel that back? Oh, yeah, yeah. No, complete. So what, what would it be like? How would people.

Is it a pro software program? Is it. What is it that you have? Oh, so what I do is I have a highly edited video where I cover the topics. It is. I have a camera crew come in, we edit it. It looks kind of like a, I guess a TV show that you could see on Netflix, filled with graphics. I do funny skits in it to keep it light hearted. And then I also have a workbook. And the goal that I have with it is that I want parents to sit down with their kids, watch the video.

My goal isn’t to try to teach your kids anything. I want to be a stepping stone. That way you can have conversations with your children. Because what I can’t stand is these public schools are pushing, you know, radical cultural and social ideals on our youth. And the only people that should be talking to our youth about these things are our parents. So my biggest goal is I want to have this building block for families. Now, is it. What ages is this geared for? I’d say you could probably do 10 to 20s. Yeah, 10 to 20s. Okay.

So this really could be something that homeschooling parents do, although they’re not in public schools, or that schools, you know, teachers that are noticing it in schools, schools that are trying to break out of this. The. Because the schools themselves could use this as a tool. The ones that are trying to break out of this paradigm, they could use your program as well. Oh, yeah, yeah. And if you have a kid, I would definitely recommend taking the course. You don’t have to tell them there’s anything political behind it, because the truth is there’s nothing political about it.

It’s just critical thinking skills. The reason I created it is because I’ve noticed this awful brainwashing. And I guess you could say that’s political. But I’ve made it a very important point that I keep my belief out of this program because like I said, I don’t think it’s my place to talk to the youth about this stuff. I don’t think it’s anyone’s place to. But yours. But it’s. It’s to help them regain a sense of power and learn how to critically think, challenge ideas and to not allow that self hatred, you know, to hatred to grow out of it and learn how to grow.

It’s a. It’s a foundational tool set you’re trying to give them. Exactly. Yep. Excellent. Okay, so where can they learn more? Where can parents learn more? And I know people are going to be interested in this. I think there’s a lot of educators that may be interested in this as well. And it also could be for college kids, Is that what you’re saying? Yeah, I mean, I think it could be for anyone. It could be for parents. I don’t know. It just depends what stage your life, what stage you’re at in life. But it’s just teaching maturity, kind of.

I’m thinking of. I used to teach at the university, and I’m just. I remembered how the anxiety levels. I was floored at how the kids were just so different than my generation and how much anxiety they had and how, you know, I brought in a psychologist to help them through stress and anxiety every semester because of that. And we did a whole, like, class on it. And I couldn’t tell you the overwhelming response from the kids of thanking me. I first thought this was going to be kind of dumb, and then it was an overwhelming response from the students that I kept doing it every single semester.

And I could see this being a tool kit for people who work with kids to help them. Yeah, I’d absolutely love that. I think a big part just depends on your kids. If you have a young kid, I would recommend starting early as possible, whether it’s my program or just anyone’s. Just teaching your kids critical thinking skills. Because if they’re young, that will really help them for the future. If they’re already, you know, in their 20s, they’re. They’re, you know, super lost, maybe deeply depressed. It. It’s, you know, it’s up to them if they want to take the first step.

But, you know, extending the olive branch and giving them a good tool set is always a great, great way to do it. So where do they go if they want to learn more about this? Yep. The program’s called afterschooltalks.com that’s excellent. And is there. How much does it cost? It’s 1999amonth, but the first month’s free, so you can. Yeah, you can just cancel it if you don’t like it. Okay, excellent. Thank you so much for joining the program and sharing this with me. I’m. I think, you know, the future is bright when we have young people like you trying to make a difference.

So this is really great. And I And I think, I hope educators read out, reach out to you. And the reason why I was talking about educators, because you could reach so many more people all at once. Yeah, I’d love to. I mean, this is, this is a passion project for me. My main goal is, my business is Privacy Academy with my father. But I just wanted to scrounge as much free time as I could because I see there’s a real problem with our youth. And I, I personally have lived through it and I don’t want that to be the future of our kids for the, you know, I don’t think kids should be brainwashed.

It’s disgusting and evil. Kids need to be protected. Everybody. Nobody should be brainwashed. We’re in a fifth generation war to stop. But we need some tools. It’s not going to be easy. We need tools to help people nourish their souls and to regain some footing. If we don’t, we’re going to have some serious problems and we’re going to have some serious problems anyways. So if we can get as many people as possible having some balance, emotional balance, we’re going to need that. So thank you. Thank you so much. I really appreciate this time that you spent.

Yes, no, thank you very much for having me on. One of the most consequential lies of history is that Karl Marx put forth an economic theory or doctrine. He did not. He put forth a totalitarian religion. This was a rape of the body of Christ. This said the ultimate objective was to destroy Christianity. Those were his words. And Khrushchev bragged about it. We’ll take America without firing a shot. Hi, I’m here to impoverish, enslave and murder you. They were actual communists. The result, you can see we have to say vote. There are ravening wolves in sheep’s clothing all over the place.



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