Mike Harris Interview | Is The Incoming Trump Administration Too Pro Israel/Zionist?

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âž¡ This is a conversation between Ron Partain and Mike Harris on the Untold History Channel. They discuss their views on the recent election, expressing relief that Trump was elected over Kamala. However, they express concern about Trump’s appointments to his cabinet, particularly those they perceive as prioritizing Israel over America. They also discuss their views on the influence of Jewish people in various industries, and speculate on Trump’s future actions.
âž¡ The speaker discusses their views on censorship, government officials, and the influence of tech companies. They express distrust in the government and believe that Trump has the public’s best interest in mind. They also discuss their concerns about the influence of minority groups in government and their disapproval of certain appointments. Lastly, they touch on international relations, specifically with Iran and Afghanistan, and express a desire for a more peaceful, multipolar world.
âž¡ The speaker believes that the U.S. should not aim to be the world’s strongest country, but rather the third, allowing the top two to compete. They argue that Russia is currently the strongest militarily, while China leads economically. The speaker criticizes U.S. domestic policies that led to a decline in manufacturing and believes the immigration system is broken. They also discuss India’s cultural issues and corruption, and express controversial views on demographic changes in the U.S.
âž¡ The text discusses historical views on immigration, focusing on the perspectives of figures like Franklin, Jefferson, and Hamilton. It also talks about the impact of immigration on American society, including the strain on resources like education. The text further delves into political issues, discussing the influence of money in elections and the role of incumbents. Lastly, it touches on controversial topics like overrepresentation of certain groups in power and the divisive effects of these issues on society.
âž¡ The text discusses the impact of tariffs and free trade on the American economy, arguing that tariffs can protect local industries but should be fair. It also criticizes the shift from manufacturing jobs to low-wage jobs filled by illegal immigrants, which it claims is hurting the middle class. The author supports a consumption tax, where people are taxed based on what they spend, rather than income tax. However, they believe banks prefer the current system as it encourages borrowing over saving.
âž¡ The discussion revolves around the potential collapse of the Federal Reserve and the subsequent impact on the economy, leading to a hard deflation. This could result in desperate selling of assets and a tough time for many people. The speakers also discuss the rise of cryptocurrencies and the potential for a new kind of revolution in technology and living standards. However, they express concern about the United States’ global reputation and its role in conflicts around the world.
âž¡ The speaker believes that the United States, under its current leadership, has become an oppressor in the global scene, similar to how they perceived the Soviet Union in the past. They argue that the U.S. has invaded and occupied other countries, leading to resentment and resistance from the invaded countries. The speaker also suggests that Russia, under Putin’s leadership, has managed to regain control from Western influence and is poised for economic growth. They express concern that the U.S. is heading towards a downfall similar to the Soviet Union’s, due to its foreign policies and actions.
âž¡ The speaker discusses concerns about the quality of food supply, the use of plastics, and the need for political will to address these issues. They also express disappointment in Trump’s actions, suggesting he has not fulfilled promises made during his campaign. The speaker further delves into conspiracy theories about 9/11 and the role of certain individuals and groups in American politics.
âž¡ The speaker discusses the changing public opinion towards Israel, particularly among younger generations who get their news from alternative media sources. They suggest that mainstream media and governments are trying to control the narrative, but believe that the younger generation is rejecting this. The speaker also expresses hope that the “good guys” will win in the end, despite the challenges ahead. They also discuss their skepticism towards Trump, questioning his affiliations and actions, but express hope that he has the best interests of the American people at heart.
âž¡ The speaker learned a valuable lesson in 2021 about taking profits in cryptocurrency, after not doing so resulted in all their gains being wiped out. Despite this setback, they remain optimistic about their balanced crypto portfolio. They also discussed their skepticism about the existence of a hidden organization called the “White Hats”. The conversation ended with mutual appreciation and the promise of future discussions.


And welcome everybody, to the Untold History Channel. My name is Ron Partain, and it is. Today is Tuesday, November 12th. We were recording this at about 9:30 in the morning Pacific time on Tuesday the 12th, but you guys will be seeing this tomorrow on the 13th. So if we miss a story that’s breaking later today, you’ll know why. So I’m joined by my good friend Mike Harris. And we have another, a third party who is supposed to be here but isn’t and who very possibly could join us, but we don’t know yet. So. But we’re going to go ahead and get started.

How are you doing this morning there, Mr. Harris? If I was any better, I wouldn’t be in my right mind. My dad used to say that I always thought it was funny, so I kind of, I kind of pirated it off again. Nice. At least I, at least I give him a footnote. Give him some credits on that. Plagiarizing directly. As long as you put a footnote in, it’s not plagiarism. Exactly. I should, I, I know I have many slogans and sayings that I say as a result of, you know, just repetition, hearing my father say it, and my mother for that matter as well.

So. But there’s, it’s, it’s, it’s a, it’s been a week since the election and I don’t, we haven’t really talked much since the election. So you’re kind of, we’re kind of get each other’s raw feelings on this. My feeling is that it was way too easy. Well, you know, first of all, let me say I am in one part of me is very relieved that we have Trump as the president elect and not Kamala. That’s a relief. However, there’s also another set of tensions building where Trump is putting all these Israel First Zionists into his positions of power in the cabinet and other positions.

And so I find that extremely troubling because Trump was elected to be make America great again, not make Israel great again. And, and quite frankly, as an American, I’m sick of Israel. I’ve lived my entire life listening to their nonsense. They’re whining about the Holocaust, that many of us are skeptical if it even happened. And how they’re always the victims. They’re always, you know, they’re mean neighbors. Well, if they weren’t killing their neighbors and killing people around them, they wouldn’t have to worry about that. But Israel has taken its mask off and shown us for the genocidal psychopathic maniacs that they are.

There’s no denying it. And this is what they’ve always done. I mean, you. You go back and you look at the Bolsheviks who were, who are all Jews, and they, they killed what, 80 million, 100 million Russians. Wow. And the Bolshevik Revolution. And it seems to be their MO and the Talmud supports this, and that is they murder people and steal their property. That. That’s their law. That’s what they do. And it’s. They’re really a sick class of humanity that they’re so degraded that I don’t even know if they’re human or not. I have to question them.

I have to question if they are human or not. Yeah. You know, one. And I’m. This is, this is an extraordinarily fine tooth comb. When I nitpick when I say, you know, when you say Russian revolution, I don’t believe it was a revolution. I believe it was an invasion, just like Solzhenitsyn said. No, I agree with what Solzhenitsyn says as well. I really do. Well, you look at Palestine, was that a revolution or an invasion? Clearly an invasion. Yeah, clearly. But. Well, the point I’m making there is that I feel as though that invasion has. We have also been invaded, you know, very, very clandestinely over really the last 100 years.

You know, and I’m, and it’s, I just find it. It’s like, look, it’s a fact of life that whether, if you look at the, at the hierarchy of the banking system, the entertainment industry, the music industry, the. When I say entertainment, I’m talking about television and, and movies, not necessarily music. Well, let’s expand that a little bit, Ron, because I want to make people aware of something. Look at the NFL ownership, look at the NBA ownership. Look at all professional sports. That’s where I was going. Look at who, who the owners are. They’re, they’re, they’re, they’re not blacks.

They’re, they’re, they’re not, you know, white, Anglo Saxon, Protestants, they’re not Chinese. They’re. They’re majority Jewish. And look at, here’s what I found out. The UFC is now owned by, by the tribe. Members of the tribe. Really? Yes, the ufc. And so if anything is successful, they want it, they want to control it, and they. This is all part of their mind control efforts for the rest of us to keep us docile. And it keeps us. It keeps us, you know, looking at things of lesser importance than focusing on things of more import. Although I will say that I do see a seismic shift in people migrating away from that and focusing a lot more on current events just because it’s impacting their pocketbook.

And I think the most efficacious way to wake people up is to impact their pocketbook. And I do feel that that’s coming. I, you know, maybe this is, Maybe this is naive on my part, but I tend to think that Trump is drawing these people in to expose them very similar how to how he did with Fauci and Burks with the COVID thing, you know, putting them on the center stage so that they can expose themselves. I think there’s a, you know, there was a lot of things that he didn’t do in his first term that, you know, that I had a lot of hard time with.

But, I mean, since. Since he won on Tuesday, I’ve seen, you know, just a waterfall of clips coming out and saying, we’re going to do this, we’re going to do this, we’re going to do this. And, I mean, you see the Russians and the Ukrainians are starting to talk peace. The, you know, the. There’s peace in the Middle East. There’s Iran, Saudi Arabia, China. All these people are, you know, all these countries that they’re coming in and they’re saying, hey, you know, we. We want to peacefully coexist. Because I think they are fearful of not the.

Fearful is not a. Not the right word. They tend to respect Trump more than they do. Well, they respect and fear him. So, I don’t know, what are your thoughts? If you’ve ever read Machiavelli, which I’m sure you have, he states that it is the duty of the prince to be both loved and feared. But if you can only choose one, it’s better to be feared than it is to be loved. Amen. And because you’re going to have less treason and treachery around you because they’re so afraid of you. Whereas, you know, if they love you, they’ll.

They’ll still stick a knife on the back if they can make a quick buck or that kind of problems. That reminds me of the joke where the guy where the king has these two servants come in, and one he asks, what do the people think of me? Oh, sire, the people love you. The people worship you. They adore you. And then the second guy comes in and he says, oh, what do you. What. What are the people think of me? He says, the second guy comes in and says, all the people. The people are terrified of you.

And. And then ultimately he kills one of the guys. And who does he kill. He kills the guy who. I’ll ask you. Well, the guy who said he was loved because he knows his line. The King. The King killed the guy who said that the people all loved him because he’s a guy. That’s bullshit. Ah, got it. So. So the King wants to hear that he’s loved, not. Not that he’s feared. No, the King wants to hear that he’s feared, not loved. Okay, so, yeah, he dispensed with the guy. You know what? My recollection of that show, that just kind of came to me.

I was digging deep into my past for that one. My recollection may be a little foggy, but I believe that was. That’s fairly accurate. But it goes to the point I was like, I’d rather be feared than loved. And I think that a lot of these guys know that Trump means business. When he says he’s going to do something, he’s going to do it. You know, another thing that I admire about Trump, and this isn’t really an admirable quality, but it’s that he is extraordinarily vindictive. He is. I mean, he, he’s admitted so that he’s extraordinarily vindictive.

And I, I feel like the, A lot of these people who didn’t, who, who worked against him, I think they are scurrying like rats in terror of what he’s ultimately going to expose. I saw him put out a thing earlier. I don’t remember, I don’t know when it was recorded, but people were reacting to it and it was talking about the five points of, you know, taking care of, you know, getting rid of the censorship and free speech from online that he wants to eliminate all free. He wants to eliminate censorship by this, by these tech companies.

He wants to prosecute any, any federal agents or, you know, people. When people in the federal government that have conspired with tech companies to further censorship. He wants to eliminate the 230 or section 230, which I think it talks about the difference between a publisher or. I forget the proper term if you’re. What’s that? Yeah, I know what you’re talking about. One acts as a conduit just for news, and the other one actually shapes news. Publishers. Yeah, one is a publisher and one just is like, oh, well, we don’t have any responsibility for that because it was posted on our site.

But yet they still. But they coordinate with intel agents, agencies, people to essentially regulate what is being able to be posted. And then they get around it by saying, oh, well, we’re a private company, we can do that. So it’s, it’s essentially, it’s an end run around the Constitution. And I agree with that. And then he also said that he wants to have, if anybody was working for the federal government and has access to, like, information about American people or whatever, they have to, they can’t go to work in the private sector and utilize that information for a period of seven years.

And I like that idea. So, I mean, there’s, there’s, there’s a lot of things that are going on that I like. I, I understand your. Because I feel similar to you in terms of, you know, those who are in control. And, you know, I feel similar to that, that I’m. Just because I like certain things that he’s doing doesn’t mean that I’m not going to have disagreements or watch him like a hawk, because I am very distrustful of any government official, even Trump. I don’t, you know, I don’t trust the government at all. But I do believe of all the people that are out there, I believe that Trump has the best interest of the Amer, the general public of the United States in mind over basically anybody that’s in a federal government.

Now, what’s your thought on that? Well, I’d like to believe that. And the trash truck is outside, so if dogs start barking, you know, why, no worries. So, but, you know, I want to believe that Trump does have the welfare of the body, politicians, the American people at heart. I want to believe that. But through what lens is he getting there? I mean, I’m going to just speak about optics for a minute. Having Miriam Adelson give him $100 million to advance his campaign, the optics were bad on that. It just looked bad, you know, and here, this is the widow of the gambling guy.

Gambling, human trafficking, money laundering, all the things that go with Las Vegas are there. And, you know, the facilities in Macau and all this, it made it look like Trump could be bought for 100 billion bucks. You know, it just looks bad. And, you know, whether that’s his intention, whether it’s just innocent on his part, you know, he needs the money for the campaign, whatever. But like I said, it looks bad. And I’m sensitive to these things. I mean, you look at how Jews in particular, how they’re so exclusionary to anyone who isn’t in their tribe, that they don’t get anyone outside of their tribe, doesn’t get the promotion, doesn’t get hired, doesn’t get the Chance.

But if you’re in the tribe, you can be kind of a buffoon and still get the job and still get the authority. You still get the loan from the bank at favorable rates. But if you’re more deserving, you don’t. If you’re more capable, you don’t. They’ll hire you, they’ll use you. The Jewish guy will take all the credit for your work. He’ll take all the kudos and bows. And we’ve seen this time and again. And this is just offensive to me. I mean, I just don’t think these people can stand on their own two feet without us holding them up.

So I want to believe that Trump really does have the welfare of the American people at hand. He’s got to do some more to convince me, you know, maybe. And maybe it’s me, maybe I’m just warped in being too much of a hardline, you know, American patriot, nationalist here, that I don’t like any small minority group having that much control over our government. But look at who he’s appointing and, well, look at Biden’s cabinet first. Dear God. Boy, that was really packed with, with, with a lot of Jews now, Now look at who Trump is appointing here.

These things don’t sit well with me. These are not the best and brightest people. There’s better, brighter people out there than the ones he’s had. What does Marco Rubio know about being. Being the Secretary of State? Dear God, he’s that guy. He’s putting on the Secretary of State. Yes, Marco Rubio. I mean, and this other guy, Waltz, is a national security advisor. I mean, these guys, I mean, they’re. One thing they have in common is they all want to bomb Iran. And, you know, I don’t want us to bomb Iran. I like the Iranians. I think they’re good and decent people.

Do I like their leadership? No. I’m a secular person. I don’t like the theocracy. I don’t look at Islam, you know, the way Westerners look at the church. I mean, you know, Westerners look at the church. We demand separation of church and state. Whereas in Tehran, and particularly the Shia organizations, they believe that the religion is the state and that’s why it’s called the Islamic Republic of Iran. And so they live it, they breathe it. And I don’t want that sort of integration in my government. So I can’t say I support the Iranian government, I support the Iranian people.

But if they would have a more secular government, that’d go a long way with me. That would go a very long way. They actually did have. They’ve had a couple of secular governments. It just, it just so happens that they were. Well, they had a very popular secular government with Mosaddegh, and then the CIA overthrew them and MI6 overthrew him and installed the Shah. And, you know, the Shah was the reign of terror for most of the Iranian people for, you know, from 1953 until when did the shot fall? 79 with. Yeah, okay, so that, that was a long, you know, tough slog for the regular people in Iran.

Now, if you’re part of the Shah’s inner circle, you did really well. And all these Iranians who are living here in the US now, in the la. Orange county area. Oh, we were, we had to flee Iran when the Ayatollah took over. Well, they were all the Shah’s lackeys. This was the Shah’s muscles. These are the Shah’s people. And they were part of the corrupt system that the US and Britain put. Put in place there. And so I don’t feel any compunction for them. And they come over here and they say, oh, we had to leave everything.

We’re penniless. But they’re living like kings. They’ve got hundreds of millions of dollars. Trust me, I don’t live too far from that area. And actually, I have lived in the area that you were talking about and driven through there significantly. And there is no shortage of cash among the people that live down in that area at all. And you are not wrong. I mean, Irvine specifically is loaded with Persians. Loaded. Well, we have a similar situation here in the US now with Afghans. And the Afghans who were supporting the US were all up to their eyeballs in the opium trade, and they all made boatloads of money doing it.

Now they’re all here and they’ve resettled and they had to leave everything behind, but yet they’re living like kings. You know, I mean, it’s, it’s, it’s kind of obvious that, you know, we bring the corrupt people that we put into power in foreign countries, and when the country collapses because of their corruption, we bring them over here and save their bacon. That’s really what it seems like. And, you know, I don’t know how to solve this other than we need to flush the toilet at the Department of State and get rid of all those lifetime bureaucrats there and statesmen, diplomats, and bring in some fresh people with fresh thinking on how to restructure a world that is going to be able to get along peacefully in this multipolar world that is evolving around us.

Yes, it is going to be multipolar world. And of that I am actually grateful. You know, there’s. When we had them, the last time we had a multipolar world, we had a fake threat of war looming over us on a consistent basis to keep us in perpetual fear. That would be the Cold War with, between Russia and the United States. And, you know, I have a good friend of mine who escaped. Let me correct something here on this. You’re saying multipolar. That was not a multipolar. Well, that was a bipolar world. Okay. That was between, you know, you’re right.

Chinese against, you know, the. Pretty much the rest of us. And that was a bipolar world. Now, multipolar, there’s truly going to be more than two inflection points or power centers around the world. And I really don’t want the US to be the strongest country in the world. I think the US should be the third strongest country in the world because let the top two duke it out. Let number three sit back there and, and just watch. I mean, you know the old saying, everybody wants to tackle the guy with the football. We’ve been the guy with the football since, you know, the, the Iron Curtain came down.

When the Berlin Wall came down, we’ve been that guy with the football. Everybody is trying to get into our graces, that they’re trying to influence us. They’re trying to buy favor, they’re trying to undermine us. They’re trying to do all these things to change how we govern, to change how we are, to influence us and influence our foreign policies. You don’t want. You don’t want to be that guy in that spotlight. Like I said, you want to be the number two or number three, preferably number three. Let the top two do get out. Well, I. And who do you think is the multipolar, the strong? Where are the strength centers? I can identify it from here.

Militarily, right now, Russia is the strongest country on the planet. The US has depleted itself through wars. We’ve underinvested in a number of different platforms and weapons systems. I think we’re definitely behind the curve. And as far as, you know, economically, financially, productively, the Chinese are the. The number one country in the world. You know, we’re. We’re no longer it. We. Under Bill Clinton’s administration, when they signed nafta, Gatton let China into the wto. That was the beginning of our end. We exported great portions of our manufacturing base and it was really stupid. It was a, it was a set of domestic policy blunders that are resulting in foreign policy hardship and the US really screwed up.

And it’s all by design. All by design. You think India factors in there? Not yet. India has cultural issues that are just repulsive to the rest of the world. I mean, you know, job applicants in India have to pay a bribe to get the interview. You know that it’s that bad. I mean, you know, you don’t just go out and get hired because you’re the best person for a job in India. You buy your way into it. And if you don’t have any way to buy your way into it, you’re out. So what you’re saying is if you really want a good idea of what how goes on in India, go watch Slum Dog.

Slumdog Millionaire. Yeah, it’s kind of like that. Like I said, I don’t think India is ever going to be able to get out of its own way. They have to change culturally from the bottom up and I just don’t see any catalyst to inspire them to change at all. It just doesn’t exist there. Just not. You know, I remember in one of my trips to China, oh, one of my guys I was talking to over there said to me, he says, young, you in the United States, you have a dog eat dog competition. I said, yeah, it’s pretty brutal.

He said, in China it’s man eat man. It’s much worse than you can imagine how competitive things are for anyone to get ahead here. Well, that’s because there’s so many freaking people. They actually have more people than China. Well, they, they do now. You know, 10 years ago they were 1.2 billion. Now they’re close to 1.5 billion. And they’re, they’re showing no India, showing no signs of abating and you know, well, what else do they have to do but reproduce? Well, it depends on how much money you’ve got. If you’re at the top of the heap over there, you’re living pretty well.

But so few, you know, I mean, it’s less than, you know, a tenth of a percent, one hundredth of a percent are living that well, but the majority is living in abject poverty. I mean, if you’ve ever been there, it’s, it’s not the most pleasant place to be. And I don’t care what they say about the Holy Ganges. It’s essentially, it’s a, it’s an open air sewer. So the Churchill sure didn’t, didn’t like the Indians. You know. You know what I’m talking about. No, go ahead, Churchill. Okay, so Winston Churchill didn’t like the Indians. He actually, when he in his second stage as prime minister, he.

He. He essentially, like. He basically starved them. It was like 4 million. 4 million people over there died of starvation. He took all their, like, all their. Their food, their rice and everything. And he said, there’s their own damn fault because they bred like rabbits. Well, they. They reproduce prolifically. So, yeah, they. That I don’t like in this country is one of them will get in over here and they use this whole chain migration thing. And you’ve got one qualified graduate who gets in, you know, with a PhD or whatever, and then he brings, you know, 64 of his closest relatives with him.

And it’s all legal, and we allow it, and that’s legal immigration. We can’t stop it the way the laws are written today. We really need. You know, the Democrats are right about one thing. We do have a broken immigration system. And the Democrats broke it. They’re the ones who get it. So if we went back to the immigration system we had prior to 1963 and we had legal immigration along those guidelines, we’d be doing pretty well with immigration. I’m gonna continue. I’m here. I’m just gonna pause on my camera for a second, but I’ll still be here.

I’ve got my headset. I’ll keep talking. But the issue here is that the Jewish members of Congress wanted to change the demographics of the United States. They didn’t like the United states being an 88% white country. And right now we’ve gone from 88% back in 1963 down to about 56% right now. We’re barely hanging on to a majority in this country. And this has all been by design and it’s been by our. Our friendly 2% Ashkenazi Jews who seem to run everything because they are the chosen people. And. Yeah, absolutely. Should I tell my joke that I told you earlier? Absolutely, absolutely.

Okay. I. I got a little joke. This little young Jewish boy, he’s not. Not a man yet. Hasn’t been bar mitzvah yet. So he’s a young, young man. He’s like 12 and a half, maybe 13. And he’s going to Hebrew school, and he’s learning all about the Torah and about the Talmud, about your traditions and all, everything. You know, Jewish life, you know, their. Their inner workings of how they work as a society. And so his dad picks him up from Jewish School to drive it home. And dad said, we got to graduate here in a few days, have a, your, your Bar mitzvah.

You’re going to be a man. If you have any questions about anything that I can answer for you about the Torah, the Talmud, anything, I’ll do my best to answer for you. Kids quiet for a few minutes. And he says, you know, Dad, I do have one question. What’s that, son? He says, you know, if we’re God’s chosen people, why are there so few of us? We look around, we’re surrounded by all these Gentiles, all these goyam, they’re everywhere. Why, why did God make so many if we’re the chosen one? I don’t understand what’s going on here.

And yeah, the dad looks at him and smile, says, well son, somebody has to pay retail. So anyway, that’s my, that’s my joke for the day. So this is. Well, and it’s funny. It is, it is, it’s true. Actually. The, you know, we were talking about that earlier. I, you know, I use a business account as often as possible to avoid paying full price, but sometimes, obviously there’s, I can’t do that, but for the most part, if I can, I do. You know, there’s a, there’s a really good book that. Are you familiar with Tom Woods? This is, he wrote a book called Thomas Woods.

He’s part of the, the Mises Institute. He’s, he’s an economist and a historian and he wrote a book. This is from like 2008, I think. And it’s like 33 questions about American history that you’re not supposed to ask. And the first question in here is, did the Founding fathers support immigration? And I’m not going to read the whole book, I’m not going to read the whole chapter, but this is actually. Though polls consistently find that a majority of Americans believe immigration levels need to be reduced, many people still assume that the right of immigration is a hallowed American principle that no loyal citizen can consistently oppose.

This assumption is false. Actually. The Founding Fathers were generally wary of immigration. They did not wish to include it altogether, or, excuse me, they did not wish to exclude it altogether. But they saw no particular need to encourage it, especially among migrants whose cultural backgrounds were significantly different from their own. Consider Benjamin Frankman, the well known Cosmopolite, a child of the English, of the, of the Enlightenment. Franklin, it turns out, said a quite a few politically incorrect things about non British humanity. On one occasion he asked, why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of aliens who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our anglifying them and will never adopt our language or customs any more than they can acquire our complexion.

Thus immigrants of sufficient number and concentration could radically change the cultural landscape in ways that the native population might not want. And that’s just one thing. That’s just one thing. But he goes on to talk about Thomas Jefferson, even Alexander Hamilton, how they were also opposed to immigration and many was. And a lot of them, they did not want to let any Germans come over at all. So they wanted to keep, they viewed American society as essentially an arm of British society and they wanted to keep it that way. That’s according to this. And I don’t disagree that that is, that was the general sentiment of the day.

Well, we see the same thing with the Irish as well, that they were not welcome, they were not wanted. I mean they, they were, they were looked down upon. But the Union army was happy to pull Irish straight off the boat into the Union army as their path to citizenship to go fight the rebellious South. And the war of Northern aggression, as they call it. Exactly. It is not the Civil War. So. But no, that, that’s been going on. This, this nativism thing has been going on. But you know, my, my premise we come back to time and again and I’m stuck on this.

If someone has a better way of explaining it, please do. But we cannot preserve a first world culture and civilization with a third world population and we just can’t do it. And so how do we take these people? You know, it used to be mostly Mexicans, now it’s OPM’s, you know, other OTMs other than Mexicans. And so we’re looking at people coming in from Cameroon, from the Congo, from El Salvador, from, you know, everywhere, everywhere, etc, and they come in and these are people who are illiterate in their own languages. I mean, you know, most of the Hispanics that come up here can’t read and write in Spanish, you know, so how are they going to adapt to our culture? You, you wonder why they, they drive so carelessly and recklessly and disregard traffic signals.

They don’t know what they need. They can’t read that says speed limit 45. They know what 45 means, but maybe, but they can’t read the speed limit. Right. So they, you know, you, and you wonder why. And we’re the ones who are stuck paying the bills on all of their excesses, all the problems they bring with them. We’re stuck with the bill and Quite frankly, I don’t like it. Well, you know that schools we built for American kids are being overrun by immigrant kids. And, you know, the American parents pull their kids out, not only are they paying for their tax dollars, but to educate their own kids, they got to put tuition for private school down.

So we’re double burdening the parents of American kids for the sake of educating these immigrant kids that we don’t want. They’re not invited. No one said, hey, come on up here. We really want you. And no one asked the American people what we want. This is one of the weaknesses of a republic form of government, and that is there is not enough direct input from the population whenever we have the way we’re set up. Now, in this government, 96% of the time, the candidate with the most money wins, period, in the discussion. And incumbents have a much better fundraising mechanism than challengers do.

And so it’s, it’s, you know, our rate of returning what it looks like to be incompetent and really anti American politicians to office is very high. And they just milk their positions to the fund raise more. I mean, first thing a Congressman does, day two after he’s sworn in is he starts fundraising for his next election in two years. And that, that’s his most important thing, is he gets sent back and he doesn’t really take. I thought the first thing he did, I thought the first thing he did was write a paragraph. According to Cynthia McKinney, that’s kind of the way it rolls.

Well, and Thomas Massey has substantiated that, too. He said virtually every elected official in the House and Senate has got a, an AIPAC handling and someone to make sure that he does the right thing to represent Jewish interest. Well, and let me say that I kind of feel like that is one of the reasons why I don’t believe that Trump is a Zionist. I have a very difficult time believing that. I understand the optics of everything, and everything that you said cannot be argued against because the optics are there. I mean, the physical manifestation of what you’re talking about is it can’t, it’s, it is what it is.

It can be argued, but I still think that there’s a, like a 5D chess move here where he’s bringing, he’s luring them in to get them to show their true colors for the American people to see with their own eyes. I could be wrong, but I tend to think that, you know, you look at the, look at the vast majority of evangelical America and they are falsely under the impression As a result of the Scofield reference Bible, that modern day Israel is the equivalent of biblical Israel. And a good chunk of Trump’s base is within the Bible Belt, and that’s what they believe.

So he kind of has to walk a fine line there in many respects. But I do think that he truly knows who the. Or I think he knows who the true enemy is and the enemy that is causing division. The enemy that wants, you know, they want us divided. They’ve always wanted us divided because, you know, as the, as the old cliche goes, united we stand, divided we fall. And I don’t think we’ve. We’ve ever been more divided since the civil war or war of Northern aggression. Well, I agree with your assessment there, but, you know, like I said, I do support Trump.

I support many, many, many of his positions. I take exception to the Israel issue, and I take exception to overrepresentation by Jews in any administration, not just Trump, any administration. I don’t want to see them anywhere near the. The levers of power. I don’t want to see another Victoria Nuland go over there and spend US$5 billion to topple a country that, you know, we don’t have a dog in that fight in Ukraine, but she did. She spent $5 billion to drive the Yanukovych government out, which was duly elected. I don’t want these people anywhere near the levels of power.

I want them out of it. You know why the Ottoman Empire survived so long? Because they wouldn’t allow Jews in government, they wouldn’t allow Jews in banking, they wouldn’t allow Jews in education. And that’s why the Ottoman Empire managed to stay together, the longest surviving empire ever. And that’s interesting. I didn’t. I didn’t know that. That’s your homework assignment, Ron. So it’s well documented. I’m sure there’s a number of resources out there, but they wouldn’t allow Jews in those professions, those sectors of the economy, if you will, education, banking. Not allowed. The Ottoman Empire started, what, in about the 7 hundreds? Oh, boy.

It was after the fall of Constantinople to Islam. What I think I want to say that was like. I want to say that was between 400 and 700, somewhere in that range. This is not my. This is not my sweet spot in history, I promise. Nor mine. Nor mine. But they survive so long because of those reasons. They wouldn’t allow it. But like I said, you know, It’s. We have a 2% of our population that is so overrepresented and so many things and they tell us to be fair and to be diverse and inclusive when they are not.

They’re specifically exclusive to us. They manage to squeak by because they have white skins. And so they identify with us when they need to and they identify against us when they need to, whenever it serves their purpose. And so, you know, that’s, we have a problem with these people. They are a toxic people. And, and, you know, it’s, they’re, they’re predators. They’re, they’re parasitic predators and, you know, we could expel them from the country and, well, let’s say hypothetically we put them all on Madagascar is what had been proposed at one time. They, I don’t know if they could survive on their own.

They would have to escape. They need a host society to feed off of. They, that’s what they do. They are a parasite and we need to, we need to, we need to take some ivermectin or some other strong antiparasitic to get them out of our culture. Well, the, I mean, it’s, it’s a historical fact that essentially they’ve been kicked out of what, 100. I’m going to get this number wrong. It exceeds 100, but I want to say it’s like 115, 120, something like that. Countries throughout or over, you know, the last 2,000 years, they’ve been kicked out of these countries for either usury or, you know, manipulation of markets.

You know, a number of different reasons that have not benefited the society. But what, like you said, they are essentially the, you know, they need a host to survive on. Very, very similar to a tick or a flea. You know, they can’t survive without the lifeblood of the, you know, of the people of that country. And, you know, the United States with, you know, taking over the banking industry with Federal Reserve back in, you know, people think that the Federal Reserve came into being in 1913, and while it was signed into law in 1913, it didn’t actually take effect until, what, 1919 or 1920.

That was when it really started. That was when it went into effect. And that was why we saw the first real kind of bubble and economic crash in 2021 or 1921. But they didn’t do anything with that. They let it go and then it just ultimately worked itself out. But the thing I find interesting is, you know, I was, I was watching, I was, I was doing a show the other day and talking about free trade and how that, you know, oh, we need free trade. We need free trade. And I’m I’m not 100% pro tariff, but I’m also not 100% free trade.

I think that we need tariffs from a, you know, from a protection standpoint of our industry. But at the same time it needs to be, it needs to be fair tariffs. Like you can’t impose tariffs on other countries like what was done, like 40%. Essentially what you’re doing there is because, well that was what the, that was essentially what the war of Northern aggression was about. They needed the north, needed the southern money that was coming in from tariffs to fund all their corporate welfare up in the North. And you know, that was that in my, in my humble opinion, that that had a much more significant impact in the cause of Lincoln invading the South.

Well, let’s look at tariffs, you know, more recently here. Back in the 1980s, early 1990s, if I wanted to buy a Korean car, a Hyundai or one of those types, they were relatively low cost and cheap and very, very low tariff rate. But if you go to South Korea and you try to buy a Chevrolet or a Ford, you’re going to be paying, you know, two hundred fifty, three hundred thousand dollars for a thirty thousand dollar car over there. And so the tariffs that the Korean government put, put on American products coming in effectively kept American.

They’re not kept out, they’re just priced out of the range that buy them. And so that, that’s how tariffs were used against us. Now, you know, Hyundai is, is a substantial car maker. They’ve got a good market, they’re globally established. There’s a lot of them on the streets. Everywhere you go, you see them every day and they’ve got a market here. But the United States manufacturers were not allowed that same courtesy back into those same markets. And so that, that is how South Korea protected their embryonic automobile industry until now. It’s a, it’s grown up into a being a behemoth.

Same thing with the Japanese on the Toyotas and the Nissan, what used to be called Datsuns, but yeah, Toyota, Datsun, Honda and the Subaru. And so like I said, they impose punitive tariffs on American products coming into their countries. Meanwhile we open up the door and let them walk all over us. As far as the fair trade issue, and that’s another point with these Republicans. There’s nothing fair about fair trade for the American people. It’s really been awful to us, our industry. I mean we went from dominating globally, dominating the automobile industry to being bit players.

I mean it wasn’t that long ago that Chrysler had to file for Bankruptcy and then they had to merge with Fiat. Then they had to merge with, you know, I mean, just to survive. And, you know, did it do Chrysler some good? Yeah, I think it did. They got some really good technology out of it, both on the engine side and the transmission side. But has it really helped Americans and American workers and American wage rates? And these are the things that matter to people in everyday life. We hear often that the middle class is going away and it’s going away because our value added manufacturing jobs aren’t in this country anymore.

And then we’ve got another pressure on wage rates and that is the entry level jobs are now all filled by illegal aliens. I tell the story frequently and that is my first job I ever had. I was a dishwasher. I was like 15 years old, okay? Made a buck 60 an hour. If I was a 15 year old today, I could not get that job because it’s filled by some 35 year old illegal alien. Right? Who’s, who’s, who’s working for less than the minimum wage of $1.60 an hour. And so that puts downward pressure on all wage rates.

I don’t care if you’re the CEO of the company, you’re not making as much as you should be because illegal labor in this country is keeping wage rates suppressed for everyone. We’re all paying the price for it. And you wonder why the middle class is coming apart and why it’s disappearing because the high value jobs of manufacturing are gone. We have the constant pressure of low wage illegal labor in this country. And you fix those two things and we’ve got a country back. We will restore middle class, a vibrant middle class at that. I’m on board with your plans, brother.

I’m right on board with your plans. But as far as what Trump is doing with tariffs on other countries, I think it’s a good move. I agree. I support getting rid of the income tax. If we’re going to have a tax, if we have to supplement that, a national sales tax is a good thing. A consumption tax where the more money you have, the more you spend, you know, I mean, why should some guy go out and buy himself a corporate jet and be able to write it off through his business and depreciate it over some schedule years and essentially get it for free at the end of a, you know, seven year, whatever the depreciation cycle is on that type of an object? I don’t know.

But why should he essentially be able to write it off over period of years and essentially get it for nothing. When we’re being taxed on our labor of the hours we sell to an employer every day. And so this guy’s got money to buy a jet. He has enough money to pay a tax on that jet too, when he buys it. So if he doesn’t, then he doesn’t buy it. But like I said, a consumption tax. And you can exempt things, you can exempt things like food and medicine. They say, oh, these hit the poor indiscriminately because, well, all right, well, exempt food, exempt medicine, you know, I mean, if you’re gonna go to the grocery store and shop tax free, you’re gonna go out and buy meds, you know, to keep yourself alive tax free.

So, so you, you defeat those arguments. But everything else you buy, you know, from clothing to cars to houses to everything else, put a tax on it, a consumption tax. I agree, I firmly advocate a consumption tax, but I also don’t, I also don’t discount the need for tariffs. I’m not discounting the need for tariffs. I agree. Because it gives protection to your local manufacturers here to catch their breath, if you will, and compensate for the higher cost of labor by having some price protection on a tariff. But we’re never going to see a consumption tax.

And the reason we’re never going to see it is because the banks make money off of these loans. They want you to borrow money. And if we had a consumption tax, we’d become a nation of savers, not a nation of borrowers. And so if I want to save money, I’m going to live frugally. I’m not going to buy the huge McMansion. I’m going to buy a small 3 bedroom, 2 bath house. I’m going to stay there for a long time. I’m going to put as much money away as possible so I can leave something to my kids and invest in whatever else.

The banks don’t want that. The banks want you paying credit card fees every month. They like 28% interest rates on credit cards and they’ll take the risk on it to get it out of you. They like the fact that you have a home mortgage and that you’re up to your eyeballs up. They like the fact that you have to borrow money to buy a car. They don’t want you going into a car dealership and offering the guy cash because they don’t make any money. They’re cut out of the process if there is no loan to go with it.

And so these are all things that are good for people that the Banks and our political system will never allow. If you want to see real estate market go nuts, make the mortgage deduction, eliminate the mortgage deduction on interest and you’ll find out what the real value of real estate is overnight. Well, did you see, did you see the thing where Trump came out and said that he is. No credit card can charge more than 10% on any credit card. And I love it. But you know what’s going to happen, don’t you? What? 80% of the people out there are going to be told that your credit card is no longer value valid and you don’t have good enough credit to get a card.

Well, I don’t, I don’t doubt that. But I also think that we are coming, I believe we are coming into a world where the Federal Reserve note, otherwise known as a debt instrument, which is what we consider currency in this country, and not money, I believe that that is going to go away. And when that goes away, and Trump has said many times that he’s pro crypto and pro self custody and that doesn’t bode well for the banking industry. I have an idea that we are, you know, I don’t think either of us really know how the financial system is going to look when the Federal Reserve comes crashing down.

But I cannot wait for the day for the Federal Reserve to crash. I look forward to that as well. I’m trying to look something up here, looking what the current price of Bitcoin is because it was up to 83, almost $84,000 this morning. All right, it’s $87,800 right now. 87,818, actually. Yeah, I’ve got 87. I’ve got 87 to 97. Okay, well, they’re probably not synced, but then you look at what gold has done over the last, since Trump’s election last week, gold’s down a couple hundred bucks. I mean, it really got hit hard. Yes. So I think this is temporary.

By the way. It goes down to 2,600 bucks an ounce now, where it was up close to 2900, down 300, nearly $3 an ounce. And, but there is no way around the derivatives crisis that is coming. No, there’s, there’s no way around it. And this is going to take these banks down, you know, the big banks that they’ve made a lot of money and for a long time on it. But when the note comes due, if, if people, like I said, if a derivative is an insurance policy for a bank, so if they make a loan and they’ll buy an insurance policy to guarantee that loan gets paid back.

That’s fine when things are good. But if that loan defaults and the collateral is not worth what it was, the derivative is supposed to pay them back. But if they’re bankrupt, too, they don’t have any money either. They can’t pay anything back. So once one derivative collapses, they’re all going to collapse because they’re all interdependent. They’re all woven together. It’s like. It’s like you pull a thread on a sweater and it unravels, you know, from. From the waistline, you know, up to the shoulder. You know that that’s kind of what the derivative thing is going to do to this economy.

I absolutely agree with you on that. And when that happens and there’s no money anywhere, we’re going to be in what they call a hard deflation, where there isn’t enough money to buy anything. So people are going to discount to get any money they can for anything they can. And so you’ve got a front loader, backhoe out there that’s worth 80,000 bucks, and it’s not working. You can’t do anything for it. Some guy comes along and you need money, you need it desperately. I’ll give you five grand cash for it. You take it. And we’re going to see those type of situations happening to people time and again and again, and it’s going to be a real tough time for a lot of people.

And that’s people who have means to afford tobacco. Those who don’t are going to be way out of luck. All right, I’m going to pause this for a second. I have the ability to do that. I’m going to pause this for a second. All right, sorry about that. The I just had a quick phone call. The where were we? I just totally got derailed. Well, we were just talking about the effects that hard deflation is going to have society. And none of us would really know what it’s going to look like, Right? But because none of us have lived here for before, the last time this happened was in the Great Deposit Depression.

And my grandparents, who are both deceased now and have been gone for some time, used to tell me stories about it when I was a kid and how hard life was. And the biggest difference then and now is back then, 40% of Americans lived on a farm or some piece of real estate where they could put in a garden, they could keep livestock, they could grow food. And now that that’s less than 0.3% of the population. So I think there’s going to be a lot of hungry people out there. And, you know, once you’ve gone, you know, two days, three days without a meal, people get kind of cranky.

I think it’s going to get really angry, pretty awful. Yeah. So, yeah, it’s. There is going to be a weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth that I don’t think anybody really can truly comprehend. It’s, it’s, you know, and I don’t, I don’t mean to be a doom and gloomer. I, I still believe that the best days of this country are ahead. I think we’re going to see a resurrection of kind of like a. I don’t want to use fourth industrial revolution, because that’s WEF talk, but I do believe that we are going to see another industrial or another style of revolution come in and see an exponential increase in technology and standard of living.

And I think it’s going to be worldwide because I believe we’re going to come into a time where there’s not. Where people are going to cooperate without the threat of war. Because, I mean, if you look at the, at the last 50 to 100 years, I mean, ever since the end of World War II, I mean, you know, I look at World War II. World War II was not the good war that everybody said it was. World War II was a bad war because what it ultimately did was it laid the foundation for global government. What came out of World War II, the United Nations, NATO, European Union, clergy plan, you know, all the intel agencies which basically took over all of the clandestine activity that was being conducted by law firms such as, like, Sullivan Cromwell.

You know, I mean, I’m, I know I’m doing a, you know, a broad skip over history here, but I mean, these are all factual things I don’t believe. I think that countries are tired of the United States and tired of the dollar hegemony that is perpetrated on the world by the United States military. As I remember, that bumper sticker said, be nice to America or we will bring democracy to your country. And which, you know, I mean, how do we bring democracy to the world? With bombs? You know, we destroy all your infrastructure and then let you starve.

So, you know, I, the, The United States is reviled around the world and with, you know, honest, I don’t think the people are, but, you know, certainly the government is and with good reason, you know, and I say that as a true patriot to my country. I love my country. I just don’t like what my government does in my name. Well, Ron, I agree with you on that. And, you know, we were always told growing up in, you know, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, even 90s, that we were the global good guys, that we saved the world in World War II and that we beat back the evil Nazis.

But the bottom line is the United States government formed an alignment for World War II with the Bolshevik Communists. Correct. And they’re. They’re the ones who killed 80 million, maybe 100 million of their own people. People to steal their property and enrich themselves. They murder people and steal their goods. That’s what they do. Solzhenitsyn said it was an invasion of Jewish Bolsheviks into Russia that caused that revolution. Right now we’ve had the same invasion of their grandsons and granddaughters have now taken over our country. And so as the Soviet Union was portrayed as being an evil empire at one time by Ronald Reagan.

Reagan causing havoc in toppling governments around the world, we have taken that role. We, the United States has become the villain on the global scene. We are the bad guys now. We’re the ones who go into countries and destroy them and kill millions and millions of people. Just ask the people of Libya as the people of Iraq, Ask the people of Syria as the people of Afghanistan who have done nothing to us. I’ve actually spoken to the Taliban. I have spoken to them and to a man, they tell me we had nothing to do with 9, 11.

You know, we don’t understand why you invaded our country. You know, under that excuse, and you know it’s true. And I have to put myself. If I put on their hat and sit in their chair, wear their shoes for a day. If I was living here in the US If China or Russia or someone else came and occupied my country that way, the way we did them, I would be in an American Taliban. I would be fighting. I just had this conversation yesterday with a friend. It’s like, if we. If our country got invaded, what would you do? And that’s the same thing.

And that’s what they did to us every day. We were the occupiers, and they were fighting us to get us out of their country. And so you look at Iraq, you look at all of these instances is it’s the same story over and over again. The United States under this neocon leadership, which is all Jewish, by the way, has become. We have become the villain of the world. We have become the bad guys on the global scene. And the world sees us that way. We are the ugly monster and you know, everything they told us growing up about the communists coming to get us has become us going out and getting other countries.

We’ve done the same thing. Right. I think it was, it was James Perloff. Let’s see, let’s see if I can find it. He wrote a, he wrote a really good article. I don’t see it here with that quick search, but he wrote a really good article called the Unthinkable has happened. The United States and Russia have traded places. And I think the, the article was from like 2015 or 16 timeframe. And I, I look at that and I agree. You know, we had, you and I had a discussion going back maybe a year or so ago.

I was, I was, I was really kind of looking into what had happened with Putin and how, you know, I was watching some Western documentaries about how Putin took power over there and they said that, you know, that he had, he basically created a false flag event to wrestle control away from Yeltsin or potentially Western assets. And it harmed some Russian citizens, but it ultimately gave him control of the country back and taking it out of control of the Western hegemon that had gone over there and essentially collapsed. The Western hegemon who took their Jewish oligarchs and, you know, helped them scoop up all the state owned assets of Russia.

And you know, they, you know, kept hearing about all these Russian billionaires. Well, they’re not just Russian billionaires, they’re Ashkenazi Jewish billionaires who happen to have a Russian passport. That they’re not Slavic people in the sense that their genetics are not. So that’s, But Putin kind of kicked them out of the country, did he not? Or he, they all fled. But he still has some left. But he’s kicked some of the more visible ones out of the country. He still has a problem there with them. And that, that’s one thing that keeps Putin in check is, you know, the Jewish wealth, Jewish money.

That’s as we keep every government in check. Every elected official has to get past the Jewish, Jewish oligarchs. All right, I, you know, I’m, I look at, I look at Russia, you know, I don’t look at Russia with the disdain that I once did, you know, I mean, growing up as a product of the 80s, you know, red dawn and just all, you know, Rocky 4 and all the, all, you know, just all the propaganda, you know, when, when the, when the Cold War was in its, you know, kind of crescendo. But, you know, I look back on that and thank God how Foolish I was that I bought into all that propaganda and had this, you know, hatred for the Russians.

And, you know, I was. I’ve listened to multiple people that have. That have gone, that, you know, that. Well, I follow a lot of expatriates on YouTube, people that have left the United States and they’ve gone, you know, to, you know, all points abroad. And certain people have gone to Russia. And of course, you know, Putin actually, he opened up the welcome mat to Americans who didn’t like the way the United States was going. He’s like, hey, if you don’t like the way things are going over there, come over here and we’ll let you immigrate over here.

And there’s. There was one guy who was from Canada, and he just wanted to have a farm, and they. It’s like the Canadian government was just, you know, it was. It was very restrictive on him. And they picked up from. I don’t know if it was Alberta or Saskatchewan, but they picked up and they moved. They moved over to Russia and they bought some land over there. And I know this is. This is. It’s been a while, but I haven’t really checked in on them recently. But, you know, it was all through the process of. They were going over there, and everybody loved them.

I mean, the people over there were. It was. They were happy, you know, and I, you know, you look at the. At the cultural differences between the United States and Russia, and, you know, what we are about to come into is going, in my opinion, is going to be very similar to a 1990, 91 moment that the Russians had to deal with in terms of the collapse of their economy and then having to pick up the pieces. The only thing that I feel is a little bit different is I think we’re in a better position to come back faster or sooner than they were just because we live in.

Even though we don’t live in a free society, we live in a freer society and where people have a little bit more wealth. But, you know, we’ll see what happens. I don’t know. What are your thoughts on what I just said? Well, let me give you my impression. When I made my first trips to the Soviet, former Soviet Union in the early 2000s, what struck me the most and how. What amazed me that I was so amazed was that these people are just like us. This is. They speak a different language, but they’re so American in how we view the world, how we view each other, how they view hard work, how they view.

Their perspectives were so similar. It was amazing to me. And I was just stunned by the striking similarities. You know, we as human beings, we all want the same things. We want a decent job. We want a pretty girlfriend or wife. We want to get married, have kids, have a house. All the same stuff, all the same things, and they were the same. And so I do think that Russia today is a different country than what the Soviet Union was back before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Yes. Where our foreign policy in this country is going, where it is intentionally made defective, is that they’re telling us that Russia today is the same as the Soviet Union.

And it is not. No, it is not. It is entirely different. And they’re playing us. They’re lying to us, they’re deceiving us and trying to tell us that, oh, it’s the Soviet evil empire. Oh, it’s the Soviet Russian empire. And Putin wants these things. They can’t speak for Putin. They don’t know him. They’ve never spoken to him. And, you know, it’s absolutely not true. Russia today is like the US was in the late 50s and early 60s, where the economy is getting ready to boom and really take off. They have shaken off the residual. The financial oppression of Jewish rule of the.

Of the years from the Bolshevik Revolution up until the fall of the Berlin Wall. They’ve shaken that off, and they’re ready to thrive. They’re ready to prosper, they’re ready to do well. And it’s the United States who has taken on the role of being the oppressive, backward. You know, we’re going to squeeze our people until they, you know, they believe that they’re going to fund us, they’re going to, you know, do. We’re going to do all these foreign adventures, all this crazy stuff, everything stupid that the Soviet Union did that led to their downfall. Is what the US Is doing now leading to our downfall.

And it’s being done by the same people. These are the grandkids of the bullshit. You think Vicki Nuland really, you know. You know, look at her family tree. Look where she’s from. Look at her husband, the Kagans. Look at Lincoln. Look at where all these people come from. These were the Bolsheviks. Their grandfathers were the ones who were murdering the Russian men, women, and children, murdered 80 million of them. And they’re there in this country now, and they’re going to do the same thing to us. And our kids are going to murder us and our kids.

Well, they’ve been doing that with. They’ve been doing that with the. They’ve. They’ve just been using different mechanisms to do it, to have to kill us off slowly. You know, like with the vaccine, you know, the. All the food supply, which is basically just poison, with all the GMOs and all the just, you know, all the pharmaceuticals. I mean, it’s just, you know, we live in. Well, you’re. You’re exactly right. And here’s another issue that brings us back to Trump, and that is Trump promised Robert Kennedy Jr. He could do anything he wanted to help clean this thing up.

Now he’s trying to move into some advisory role, not going to give him Secretary of Health and Human Services, because Trump’s Jewish handler is a guy named Lutnick. Lutnick is the guy who runs and owns Cantor Fitzgerald, the bond distributor, one of the trusted bond distributors that buys from the Fed. You know, not everyone can buy from them, but he’s one of them. That’s who’s Trump’s handler is these days. Okay. And if he pulls the rug on Robert F. Kennedy, just used him to get elected, use his endorsement to get elected, then shame on Trump. I agree.

Because we need to have a better food supply. We need to have these chemtrails overhead stopped. We need to have all of these estrogen emulators in our environment. I mean, we don’t need to use plastics anymore. We can go back to glass, glass, like for bottles and things. And we don’t have to have plastic bags. We use paper bags. And we don’t need to cut down trees to do it. We can grow hemp to do it and do things that are rapidly renewable. We can do a lot of things that make sense. And I say this to people all the time.

So we have no problems we can’t solve. Exactly. We just have to have the political will to overcome those who are opposing. And so far, I haven’t seen that political will. But when things get harder, we’re going to get closer to having that political will. But we can’t fix every problem we’ve got. We don’t have any problems that don’t have solutions. We have people out there who’ve been waging an asymmetrical war against the American population since they came here. This little 2% crowd of, you know, Jews, and I can’t call them American Jews because they don’t identify with us.

They put their own identity as a tribe above us, above their citizenship as a country. They may hold an American passport, but that doesn’t mean they’re loyal to an American and don’t identify as Being a member of this country, I challenge them on that. And, you know, this is, you know, like I said, if Trump doesn’t give RFK Jr. The portfolio to make the reforms we need in all of these things that affect all of our health, than shame on Trump. I mean, he’s really, he’s stepping on his dick before he’s in the, even in the Oval Office.

Like I said, I mean, you know, and here’s the thing. Trump’s gotta be aware that if he betrays these patriots, these, you know, 60,000 people crowds show at every place he goes. You know, if he betrays us and goes that way, he will have a Mussolini moment. Oh, of course he will. And, you know, so he better figure out who brought him to the dance. And it wasn’t the Howard Lutnicks and it wasn’t the Miriam Adelson’s that brung him to the dance. It was, you know, the 79 million people who voted for him, who brought him to the dance, who got him elected.

And, you know, and so if he betrays, you know, 80 million American citizens, his life won’t be worth living. So I don’t disagree with that at all. What I want to do, Ron, is I want to encourage Donald Trump to be true to the cause as the American people see it, not the backroom deal that he’s being offered by Lutnick and Miriam Adelson. Be true to what you promised the American people. I want to respectfully push back a little bit on that. And that is the, you know, if, if the, if the levers of control are indeed what we believe them to be, then there has to be a finesse to how you maneuver to take control back, because it could be like a Samson Option type thing.

But, you know, I, I agree that Trump needs to be watched and he needs to be held to account for all the things that he said he’s going to do. But if anything is, I don’t know about you, but I look at a lot of the things that happened over the last four years with whoever it was that was masquerading as Biden because nobody’s ever going to make me believe, and I don’t, I’m not trying to say he was a clone or a body double or anything like that. I don’t, I don’t, I’m not into that.

But because I think that’s just foolish talk and you lose too many people. But, you know, when you look at a side by side picture of the human being that acted as the Vice president to Barack Obama. That person does not resemble in bone structure and facial structure the same person who occupied the White House the last four years. And I don’t know what that means. I don’t know if that means that that was a white hat operation to keep people thinking that a certain thing was going away or happening in a way that they thought it was going to happen.

I don’t know if it was, you know, it was. If it was like making people believe that, you know, the left had control all the while the right was, or the good guys had a much larger sense of, you know, tighter grasp on things behind the scenes. I don’t know. I don’t know how this, you know, you know, kind of what has happened. And I’m not trying to touch on fringe conspiracy theory. I’m really not. But even though, excuse me, even though I know that is kind of, you know, touching on the friends conspiracy theory stuff, but, you know, I mean, it’s difficult for me to reject, categorically reject what I see with my own eyes and combine that with what I’ve studied over the last, you know, 20 years in terms of understanding history and politics, geopolitics and just things of that nature.

And I’ve come a long way, man. I remember, you know, prior to 2004 or 2003, 2004 timeframe, I was, I was that good Republican boy. And, you know, looking back, I was probably considered myself a very arrogant conservative, you know, that I felt like I had the moral high ground that, you know, that the, you know, Democrat, all Republican good, all Democrat bad. You know, and it really. The metamorphosis in my political outlook really kind of took place. It started to take place in 2004, but it has, you know, it has morphed into things where I, even in 2004, I would have, if you would have said that, you know, in 2018 or 19, I would have believed a certain way.

I would have said you’re, you’re batshit crazy. I’d never believe that. But now, you know, I just. The more rabbit holes you go down and the more information that you read from people who actually lived the history as opposed to people who wrote about the history from authenticated sources, if you will. You know, I just, I look at the way things are now and it’s like, my country is unrecognizable. No, I agree, completely agree with you on that one. The company country is unrecognizable. And really the turning point on this was the catalyst that turned the Corner for us was 9 11.

And you look at 911 and the perpetrators are still walking around out there free. No one has gone to jail except some patsies they framed, you know, holding and getting out, torturing them, you know, every day. But you know, it wasn’t 19 Arabs with box cutters. We were pretty confident that it was an inside job that was put on with a lot of Israeli and Jewish help that, you know, that it really benefited a few. Now what I don’t understand is how come somebody hasn’t waterboarded Larry Silverstein until he tells us who the other conspirators were.

I mean, you know, you look at this guy, what was his name, the one who did the Trump investigation, handled the Robert Mueller, the guy who handled the crime scene cleanup for the 9 11. He packaged everything up, shipped it to China. All the wreckage could be re smelted and put into the different steel again, destroy the evidence, destroyed everything that would lead a trail of breadcrumbs back. And you know, as of so far, they’ve gotten away with it and we’re not going to have any change in Washington D.C. because all these motherfuckers are in on it.

If they weren’t in on it initially, they’re in on the COVID up now and they have too much to lose if it’s ever exposed. So they’re not going to do anything to rock that boat. So, you know, you’re not going to have a news channel challenge it. You’re not going to have any government official challenge it. They all come in and say, oh, that horrible day 911 when the Arabs attacked us. It wasn’t the Arabs, folks, it was the Jews. You know, figure it out. Yeah, and I, you know, one thing I’m encouraged about is, you know, after October 7th of last year, you know, you saw, you saw Israel engaged in some pretty horrific activity against Gaza.

And the, you know, the Western world to a large degree began to rebuke Israel in ways that I would never have imagined to, that I would be witnessing. And the, the main, the main, the main people that defended that were the mainstream media outlets. And I remember seeing a statistic that was aired, I don’t know if it was, I was on one of the channels and they were talking about how the public support for Israel by age group and I think it was like 55, 55 above. It was like the support was like 81% or maybe it was like 65 and above and then was 45 to 55.

You know, it was like 60% and then 35 to 45 was like, you know, like 35%. And then, you know, 25, 25 to 35 was like 18 or 20 to whatever. You know, the point being is that the younger they were, the less likely they were going to be of the television generation getting all their news from mainstream sources, and they were getting their news from alternative media sources, the Internet, social media, things of that nature. Which is one of the reasons why these social media companies, in tandem with government agencies like, you know, or intel agencies, were essentially behaving, telling, hey, you can’t, you can’t post this.

This is disinformation or this is misinformation. And, you know, the powers that be were terrified of social media, and they should be, because the younger generation is rejecting the notion that is this bullshit narrative that’s put out by the mainstream. And so the powers that be are in for a hell of a fight. And I don’t think they’re going to win. I think the tide has turned significantly. They’re not going to go down without a fight, but I don’t believe that. I think when the dust settles that the, you know, the good guys are going to win here and we’re going to have, you know, some really good prosperous times.

But I’m very trepidations about what’s in store for us in the immediate future. I don’t think that the call it the deep state, for lack of a better term. I don’t think they’re going to do. I think they’re going to do everything in their power to prevent Trump from taking the reins on the 20th of January. Well, I think, I think that depends. Like you said earlier, it was too easy. You know, they didn’t create enough mischief in the election and things that maybe Trump has now been the anointed one and there won’t be as much opposition to him taking office, whereas before they were more determined to keep him out.

Like I said, I don’t know what I don’t know. And like I said, all I can do is keep a critical eye and not pay attention to what Trump says, but watch what he does. And it’s that old biblical saying about, by their fruits, you shall know them. And so if Trump supports Israel destroying Gaza, which has come out and publicly said, just finish the job. Finishing the job means killing 2 million people. That’s what finishing the job means, that they’re going to genocide these people. Let me finish. Israelis have done one favor to the world with this Gaza thing is they have exposed themselves, they’ve taken the mask off that they’re a democratic, fair Western nation.

They’re not, they have shown the world that they are genocidal, you know, crazy maniacs that, that are essentially a death cult for anyone who encounters them. And they’re, they’re really, really making that obvious to the world that, that the Jews are a death cult and that we have to be wary of them for those reasons. Well, what I was going to say was is this not, is this potentially not Trump laying the trap, baiting them to do what, you know, to go in and do something to Gaza which would ultimately turn the sentiment, the worldwide sentiment about Israel to basically the world rejecting them.

Would that process of rejecting them now it looks like, you know, I can’t say. See, you know, you and I’ve had this discussion before. I know you have Mike King on a lot and he’s a big Q guy and all that kind of stuff. And, you know, I really hope that the Q stuff is true, but I have to remain skeptical of it. I have to be discerning. I have to challenge it. You know, we’ve all been fooled. I mean, you know, let’s go back to 9 11, okay? We came out, we heard the whole narrative.

We all believed it. I was ready to nuke Mecca that day. Bye bye. Golly, get, get the launch codes ready. Let’s drop a 50 megaton crowd pleaser right on Mecca. We will show these bucket Arabs, you know, to mess with the United States. Screw them. I, I was on that boat, that, that boat, that bandwagon. You, you know, the, the more you’re, you’re on it, the more you study what really happened, the more you understand what really happened. You realize the entire story is a lie. It’s a fabrication. It’s, it’s not the truth. And we’ve built our zeitgeist of the time.

You know, you look at, you know, the years in Afghanistan and Iraq, that was all built on that line and we were all supported, we all support our military where, you know, guys were signing up, going in, you know, to never come back and, and built on a set of lies. And so we’ve really made some tragic mistakes in this country, but we’ve been played. Like I said, there’s an asymmetrical war going on against the people of the United States and has been since at least the formation of the Federal reserve, if not 100 years before that.

And it’s time to reverse the flow. It’s time to say, enough of this nonsense. We’re not going to participate in it. We’re not going to recognize any government that does these things is being legitimate. I agree. I absolutely agree. And if our government is going to support this nonsense, we have to become non compliant and ungovernable. You know, I’m not advocating anything but being not governable, whether that means you don’t pay your taxes or you don’t participate in commerce, whatever. You takes different forms for different people but don’t allow them to govern you. Yeah, I, that is extraordinarily well said.

And you know, you know, Gandhi in India showed that, you know, you don’t need, you don’t need to be violent to revolt you, you know, you can, you can do it, you know, peacefully and, but this is my thinking and wind it down with this because we’re kind of approaching that hour and a half mark. I feel like the anger and the rage of the deep state is going to be perpetrated on the Americans for the Americans rejecting their system and saying, no, we don’t want this. And I look at the election of Trump as a repudiation of that deep state system because what Trump stands for or what Trump, what Trump claims to stand for is to reject that system.

So I’ll give you the final word on that. Well, like I said, I hope Trump is a rejection of that system. But like I said, the optics on some things don’t look good. The optics of the money from Miriam Adelson having this guy Howard Lutnick as his handler, they don’t look good. The optics are bad. And if Trump is just another Jew puppet, then we as the American people have no use for him. Now that being said, I support Trump. I like most of his platform with the exception of Israel. Uber Alice, I dislike that very much.

But you know, I’m going to support him until he proves that he’s, he’ll, he’ll either prove that he’s with us or against us. Pretty quick, right? And you know, like I said, the appointment of all of these Jews in his cabinet and all this kind of stuff, Enough already. We’ve seen these people are so overrepresented and everything, but they exclude us as your true Americans. And they put themselves and they prefer for, they’d rather hire someone who’s less competent to do, you know, if he’s one of theirs than if they’re one of ours. And so, you know, like I said, it’ll manifest itself pretty quickly.

It’ll be apparent to all. And like I said, I’m really hoping Trump is the real Deal. I hope that he has the best interests of the American people at heart. And I really hope we can pull ourselves out of this thing because we’re in the world of hurt right now. We are. We’re in a world of hurt regardless of, you know, how high the stock market is. And, you know, if you think the stock market’s high now, take some profits and get the hell out. Not financial advice. Smart guy told me something once, because you never lose money if you take a profit.

I’m in. So if you bought a stock for 100 bucks and it goes up to 300 bucks and yet sell it, you put 200 extra dollars in your pocket, it goes to 500, you’d lose anything. You made 200 bucks, you took a pocket, because the next year’s 500 maybe down to, you know, $35 again. You don’t know so well. I learned my lesson. I learned my lesson in 2021 in. In with crypto. I had, you know, I took. I made a lot of money in crypto, and I. But I didn’t take any profit, and all of my gains were just wiped away.

So. And I’m. I’m basically back at square one where I was when I started. But I still feel pretty good that, you know, I have a. I have a. I have a balanced portfolio in terms of crypto that I think is going to be good, you know, going forward. But I. I just. I learned my lesson to. To take profits and. Anyway, that’s a. That’s a whole another topic of conversation. So thank you for having me on. Appreciate it. It’s always great to screen. Share a screen with you, sir. Always a pleasure to have you on, sir.

Because you’re. I mean, you know, I don’t. I don’t really. I truly don’t think that the people understand the, you know, your bona fides, you know, and how truly worldly and you are and how much you understand the system. I don’t think people really appreciate that. So I appreciate all the work that you do and have done. So, guys, the. He. This gentleman is the one. Again, I like to. To give you props because you’re the per. You’re the individual that came up with the term Khazarian Mafia. And the link to the original article will be in the description.

So if you guys have any desire to read that, it is there. So thank you, Mr. King, for. Thank you, Mr. Harris. I know. I get it. It’s Tuesday, and I have on my brain Tuesdays with Mike. And you’re the wrong mic. So as is the. As the slip. Slip of the tongue, but no disrespect to you, sir. I hold both of you very high esteem. So like I said, you could do worse than mistaking me from Mikey. He’s a very intelligent guy, very well researched, and, you know, he is a joy to listen to. I mean, he really is.

He’s. Because he. His background stuff is good, but like I said, I’m just skeptical of his Q stuff. I agree. I don’t see White hats out there. I see people who have good intentions and. But I don’t see any hidden shadow organization out there called the White Hats. I just don’t see it. You know, I’d like to. I wish I could, but I think. I think there are people who do good where they can, but I don’t. It’s. It’s. It’s. You know, it’s like trying to herd cats. There is no organization to it. They want when they want.

It’s. As somebody who loves cats, I can attest that is a difficult task. Hurting cats. Yeah, that is an impossible task. So, anyway, Mike, thank you again for your time today, and hopefully, hopefully everything is okay with our. With our friend who didn’t show up today. I’ll stay on. I’ll find out. Let me know how that goes, so. All right, brother. Hey, thank you again, and we will. I’ll see you again. Well, we’ll be talking soon. All right, sign on. Make it a great day. Every.



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