âž¡ The CJNG cartel in Mexico is scamming elderly Americans by offering to sell their timeshares for a higher price, then asking for a fee to complete the deal. The victims realize too late that it’s a scam and lose their money. The same cartel then contacts the victims, pretending to be the Justice Department wanting to help, and scams them again by asking for a lawyer’s fee. The cartel is making more money from these scams than from their other criminal activities.
And we have the complicit cooperation of Merrick Garland, who’s part of this operation. Yeah, they’re involved, but I think they’re involved, except for the leader of DEA, who’s as bad as it gets. We’re going to lay it out for you. This is really, really serious. And we’ve been warning about this, and everything I’ve done up to this point in the last two days has led to this. Okay, you know, I asked you the question when it looked to me like Trump was going to win, and I didn’t think they could cheat enough to pull off the steel.
And I said, Do you think there’s anything that they won’t do? I mean, you got the drones, you got Project Bluebeam, you’ve got all kinds of options. You know, Stephen Greer out there is talking about this stuff, which is true, all of it. We’re being attacked on multiple fronts. So you can take this to the bank that what I’m about to tell you is factual. It’s true. I have run it by some of my best people that I have spoken with at conferences that provide me information. And this may not be the wisest thing that I’ve ever done.
But I think there’s a lot more out there than what I’m giving. But what we got right now is enough to put senior administration officials away for life. And I think they could be facing capital punishment. This is how serious this is. There’s a move to install the CJNG as the dominant cartel, and it’s been underway since last April. And we’re going to fill in the gaps here. We’re going to tell you how the CJNG is becoming the dominant cartel, and why that’s true. Well, I never thought I go back in my life when I started in this business, I never thought we would see anything like this.
But just like anything else, when you do research, you must follow the data. And the data is pretty darn clear. And I’ve noticed on YouTube now that we’re getting all these DEA ice raids publicized, like they’re taken down. The bad guys are taken down street dealers. They’re taken down the street dealers. It’s a false bravado to fool you the public. Okay, we are brought to you by great product. Love this product. And I’m going to show it to you. And as you know, I use the Nana Soma spray to rehabilitate the lungs. I used this to get back in the gym to overcome strip lung linings, but I had a problem.
And you’ve heard me talk about that. My body hasn’t been able to do some of these things I was really gearing up to do to restore optimal health. And I needed help. Well, Scotty Sachs came to me and said, David, you tried using this gel. I didn’t even know what it was. I was happy with what I was doing with the spray. And I said, no. And this actually promotes the appearance of cuts, skin issues, radiant, healthy skin. But look at this, pluripotent stem cells. When you get bone on bone, this is very significant. And this is what I was battling.
Now, this is what they could do for you with the skin, the before and the after. Now, go to the gym and I do my workout and I’d be debilitated for about three or four days. And Scotty Sachs said, Dave, start rubbing this on before, could take a month, could take two, took about six weeks for me. And then I noticed I’m not having any pain. I’m going to sit down. I’m doing the leg press. I’m doing the sled push and I’m not having pain. I’m thinking, this is amazing. And I’m doing things I haven’t done in 25 years because of this product, but there’s other uses, too, as I pointed out.
So what do you want to do? You want to suffer or do you want to look at these product line here that can, I call it God’s Particle. Go to, I, slash Dave Hodges. Okay. I’ll give you the facts. A lot of this information is already out there in the mainstream. I’m just not sure they’re putting it out in a way that people can connect the dots. The CJNG started out the Nuevo Jalisco Cartel. They actually split up America. And I’ve covered this now for seven, eight years. The Sinaloa’s would take care of the urban areas and the CJNG would take care of the rural areas.
That’s all changed. They want it all. Now, the left knows Donald Trump is coming in on a vengeance. The left wants the fentanyl here. They want conservative males of fighting age to be debilitated and to die from Chinese fentanyl distributed by the cartels. They want to partner with China. They’re bringing this country down, hey, from Milley to Pelosi to the rest of these clowns. We have seen treason after treason after treason and we’re talking the Biden family. We’ve talked in Pelosi and they know Trump is coming. So what they needed to do was to partner with the nefarious government forces in Mexico to build up the CJNG, weaponize it against American officials going after them, and conduct a reign of terror so heinous that we might not be able to reverse it.
And I mean, right now, Chappo Guzman’s son, who’s facing death penalty, is threatening Trump. We’re going to fly jets in the White House. He and his family aren’t safe. His top officials are not safe. They’ve already made the threats. This isn’t like, gee, it might be happening. Okay, but let’s go back and let’s talk about CJNG. They have taken over most of the drug trafficking now. What’s happened with the Sinaloa cartel is they’ve split the La Chapitos, La Zapatos. They’re fighting against each other. And we know that El Mayo, who were going to capture for 40 years, was captured and handed off to the federal government.
And here you got Merrick Garland, who didn’t do a thing for the border. You got this administration and never did a thing for the border. And they’re holding press conferences. Yeah, we took these guys out. If I was stupid naive, I would think they’re actually trying to help the American people and protect us from the Sinaloa cartel. They’re eliminating the competition and they’re using the CJNG to weaponize against the Trump administration. Okay, so they’re taking over the drug trafficking in the CJNG. Okay, that’s not their biggest business. If people are like, wait a minute, it’s not their biggest business.
No, it’s not. It’s not their biggest business. They’ve taken over child sex trafficking. They’ve taken over protection rackets. The drugs are now a secondary empire for these people. Oh, they’re going to keep doing them. In fact, I would imagine they’re going to hire the leftover Sinaloa as subcontractors, at least the ones I think they can trust, just kill the rest. But they are taking over the drug trafficking. But what’s really interesting is they’re taking over the sex trafficking. And not only that, they’re doing protection rackets, which makes more money than the first two put together. How do they do it? They go into a place like Culaucon.
And by the way, congratulations to the Mexican people in Culaucon. They have formed a group called Auto Defense. They get passing support from the government. In other words, it ain’t worth a damn. And these people get some funding from the government to get the weapons and they have foreign civilian defense forces. The weaponry of the CJNG, and I’ve seen this with my own eyes now, is stunning. They’re using weaponized drones. So the biggest danger that the Auto Defense has at Culaucon against CJNG takeover of the Sinaloaist is that they’ll arm. They will arm the drones with hand grenades, and it destroys everything within 30 meters.
Then they fly it over some of the defense outposts on the edge of the city where the CJNG is being blocked from totally taken over. And they’ll drop these hand grenades on these areas and you’re gone. It’s an amazing military operation. And, you know, I’ve seen interviews where the Auto Defense people are saying, hey, we can hear them coming and we know when they’re armed. They change sounds. We know they’re ready to release. And sometimes they try to outrun them. Sometimes they’re successful. Sometimes they’re not. But when they get into a city, they’re taking over every business.
Many times they’ll just come in and kill everyone in the business and put their own people in charge. If they get cooperation, they might let people live as long as they do what they’re told. Now, there’s a next part to this. You as an American, particularly if you’re elderly and over the age of 65, you’re being scammed on timeshares from the CJNG. And here’s how they do it. They go in. First of all, they go get the records. They go into the call centers. They either kill everybody or force them to work for them. And they get all the addresses and phone numbers.
So you as Americans here in this country, you know where you live, how much money you have. You’ve gone through the credit check. And they can come and basically take anything they want from you. This is setting up eventually to go to home invasion robberies. So what they do is they will call, let’s say an elderly couple, and they’re paying $50,000 for their timeshare. And they’ll say, well, we got a deal for you. I’m a broker. And they do sophisticated literature, sophisticated websites. It looks all legitimate. They got fake government seals. And they say, you see right here, we’re good.
We’re good to go. Now, we can sell your timeshare that you’re paying $50,000 for. Somebody wants to buy it from you for $100,000. This is the beginning of the scam. And this is where they’re really getting into American pockets. And this is working like clockwork. There is no offer for $100,000, but they make it look like it is. And they get up to the moment of the deal. They go, okay, in our government, we’ve got certain regulations you’ve got to follow. So what you’re going to do is we need you to send us $5,000 for the fees.
That’ll satisfy the government requirements. Okay, well, person pays their $5,000 to get their $50,000. And then they tell them, once you’re approved, you’ll get all your money back. So actually, it’s no out-of-pocket costs, except the government holds the money for a brief time. Well, the government’s never involved. It’s a scam. And it’s not long until these people figure out, I’ve been scammed. There was a report of one guy that lost almost $2 million. Now, another story, another time, but I mean, this is very sophisticated. And it’s going on in places like Cancun and Port of Arte, mostly Cancun.
What happens next? Well, what happens next is you go about six months, and the same group, the CJNG, they have people call the victims. And they say, hey, we know you’ve been the victim of a crime. We’re very sorry. We in the Justice Department for Mexico want to make this right. So we’re going to take this. We’ve got lawyers that want to take this to the Supreme Court. So we want you to do these things. Now, again, fool me once, as George Bush said, fool me twice. These people get fooled twice. They’re told we can get this case to a lawyer that will go to the Supreme Court.
The Justice Department wants to prosecute. They want to get your money back, and you’ll get your $50,000 on top of the fees that were stolen from you. I don’t know why people believe them, but they are. And so they say, OK, the lawyers need down payment. We’ll cover the rest. All you got to do is put up 10 percent. And it could be $8,000, $10,000, $20,000. And they’re ripped off again. And this is the cartel, the CJNG in Mexico, preying on elderly Americans. And here’s the bad thing. This has not happened yet, to my knowledge, but they know where you live.
If you make too much noise and attract the wrong attention, they know how to come and silence you. I don’t have reports of that, but I see that coming. And these operations are still ongoing. Now, hear me on this. Take the drugs, the trafficking and the protection rackets and bundle them together. They’re making more money on these phony real estate deals than they are in everything else that they’re doing. Now, let me just explain to you just how advanced the CJNG is getting. They are responsible. This is from government white paper. 80 percent of cartel related murders, they’re not the Sinaloa’s anymore.
But what’s being promoted in the media? It’s Sinaloa. The biggest threat now is not the Sinaloa’s, it’s the CJNG and they’re taking over. Now, this is establishing them as the dominant criminal force. Now, you may have heard that Shy Mom, the fake crusader against drugs president. No, don’t buy it. She just made a massive drug bust two days ago. It was Sinaloa. They’re not touching the CJNG. Now, how did they take down the CJNG? How did CJNG start taking down the Sinaloa’s? You’ve got El Mayo. His competition within the Sinaloa’s that he had once controlled got a payment.
They kidnapped him off the street. Now, you might remember this case. The cartel blew him into El Paso and turned him over to the DOJ and the FBI. Remember, that was in April. We covered that. We didn’t have the details we have now. The CJNG is poised to coordinate the biggest terrorist operations in America. This is why I made a big deal about this last night. You know, you get all the free stuff, right? A credit card, free trip to the city of your choice, free hotel, $500 a night, all the food. Why would anyone walk away from that? Because they have a terrorist mission.
We have eight million gotaways in the Biden administration. That’s how big this force is. And don’t think that Trump doesn’t know this. I think it might piss him off that I’m talking about it. I hope it doesn’t, but I need to raise awareness. But we’re not done with this story. There’s more to the story. And this is scary beyond belief. Scary beyond belief. And as I had to sit there and I was deciphering some of this yesterday, I realized I had actually covered the organizational pattern with this, with a couple of other researchers. And I did it over 10 years ago with people who were at camps.
And I’m going to talk to you about that in the next presentation. Anyway, I know you’re shaking your head. Trust me. This is going to blow up like a monkey. Paul Preston and I have calls into each other. We’re going to be talking today. I don’t have this information in isolation. It’s kind of like blind men. What is it? What does an elephant look like? It’s got thick legs as you feel. Long tail, floppy ears. We all have different parts. How sure am I that this is true? Yeah. She’s a cartel woman. I’ve been telling me this all along.
She has partnered with this leftist administration to wreak such havoc that there will be no transition of power. And we’re going to see widespread violence. Talk about the MO and how I know this based on my own research from years ago. By the way, you know who I worked with on this for Health Turn Poor? Kathy Rubio. Some of you who followed me for some time might remember the stories I did with Kathy Rubio. And I’m going to resurrect some of those here. Stay tuned. We’re going to get more on the Common Sense Show. Make sure you sign up for our newsletter, the
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