Despite the risks and challenges they face, the Truth Mafia remains steadfast in their quest for knowledge. Will their investigations lead to groundbreaking revelations? Or will they unravel an even deeper web of secrets and lies? Only time will tell in this ongoing saga of conspiracy and intrigue. What’s up, guys? Welcome to another episode of Truth Mafia podcast before we get going today. This is called fair use and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching, and parody, which doesn’t infringe of Copyright under 17 USC 107. Please make sure you smash that, like, button. Guys, go over on truth mafia.com There’s a ton of new videos out right now.
Go check them out. And all the links are down in the description of this video. If you want to get your personal decode, you can get that over on truthful tv.com we have truth mafia.com and then truthful tv.com that’s my personal booking site. And use promo code, decode the matrix, all capital letters, all one word. Get an extra 11% off. We also have a huge sale going on now through Halloween, and we got some amazing new products over there. You guys really got to go check them out. I’ll break them down at the end. Closer to the end of the show.
We got some really good products I want you guys to check out, though. I’m really excited about them. We got some new Tesla technology stuff over there and just, just some really cool stuff. We’re gonna get a breakdown. Trump in him and Rogan’s little show. I got some, some jewels for us. And today I got my boy with me. Matrix Cobreaker 88. What’s up, buddy? What up? What’s up? I’m doing good, man. Doing good. Always, always a pleasure to have you here with me, bro. Always a pleasure to be here. What’s up, Truth Mafia family? How you guys doing out there? The whole fam.
Shout out to everybody in the comments. Make sure, you smash that like button. What’s up Seawolf? Lee? Hey guys. Rhonda. Rhonda, what’s up? So before we get going here, let me just show you guys real quick. I’ll just, it’ll take two seconds, I’ll just show you this thing I got going on real fast and then we’ll come right to this. So over on truthful tv.com you’ll see there’s a shop right here and we got all these new products guys, so I’m super excited about it. We got the whistle, which you use for meditation. It’s phenomenal. We got the EMF protection, the Shug Knight pendant, the scalar wave technology.
I got that new Nicola Tesla right here, you know what I’m saying? You got to read this guys. This, this stuff right here is the polarizing disc. It’s based on Tesla’s technology. It’s phenomenal. This thing right here will change your life. And it’s just amazing what this type of stuff can do. And we also got this, that you can put your water on this. And people ain’t even hip to these yet. Matrix code breaker. The, the bioenergy disc, bro. You put your water on this and it enhances your water. So like if you got filtered water, whatever, plus you could just have it in your pocket.
And it’s based on that scalar, scalar wave technology. But this, this right here is really amazing. It aligns your body’s energy fields, the disc influence and promotes well being, increases vitality and contributes to more balance and you know, harmonious physical state. So all the products I have over here, we are self funded. We don’t have millions of dollars behind us like a lot of these major platforms. So you know, we have to hustle for everything we have and everything I promote or sell, it’s stuff I believe in and stuff that can help you and protect you like all these, it protects your bio field, your energy body.
The different necklaces we got in, we got some really amazing ones and the, the different stones you see on the back of them do different things. I like this one a lot too. The energy pendant, it’s got the three stones on it, this the infrared one and that’s made out of a ceramic so it’s pretty cool. But it gives you a full description of what each one of them are for and what they do, what, what they protect you against and stuff like that. This is based on that quantum science. You know, everything is vibrations and frequencies.
So again that’s all over on truthful tv.com. and that’s where I do my bookings too. So if you guys want to get your decode done and find out your role in this simulation we call life, you get that right over here. We also got holistic counseling, the Superpower decode. You know, it’s really simple. You click on this, boom, check the availability schedule your day, and the checkout is through PayPal. But you don’t have to have a PayPal account. You just check out as a guest, and then you use your debit card. It’s just PayPal. So it’s a secure checkout.
But that’s enough promoting for now. Let’s get into it now, guys. And don’t forget, please do not forget to go opt into our daily newsletter. You can opt into the one on truthful tv.com that’s me personally emailing you. And then on truth mafia.com I. I look over each email that goes out on truth mafia.com but we have a whole team behind us on truth mafia.com because that’s me, you know, Donut Beel, Ania, Soru. There’s a bunch of us. My boy Matrix, Code Breaker. We’re setting his channel up, so let’s get into it, man. Did you get to watch the full thing that Donald Trump did with Joe Rogan, that podcast he had on Friday, October 25? Brother, I did.
It was very interesting. Very interesting to say the least. Right? They were dropping some jewels and most people did not even catch it, which kind of blew my mind. So first up, we’re gonna play a clip of what Trump. Well, guys, I’m actually play two clips. I’m gonna play the one Trump talks about, Wuhan Bio Lab, and then I’m gonna break that down for you and show you what it’s connected to. And we just had a major shooting event take place too. Before we get into the Trump stuff, let me play you this real quick clip.
Shout out to Donut Factory. Make sure you guys go check out my boy Donut Factory. He actually got me hip to this story. And then me and make sure it’s Code Breaker was taking a look at it before we went live. And of course, it’s all connected to Nibiru. Just like all Trump and Joe Rogan’s podcast. That was all they were dropping some hints on Nibiru. Now, whatever Nibiru is, if it’s a planet on elliptical orbit with our sun or some people believe it’s from inner earth. And then you got the school of thought that thinks it’s some HARP geoengineering technology and tied to the solar simulator.
And that’s what these Phoenix phenomenons are or these global resets. It’s some type of geoengineering technology that they’re going to blame on a rogue planet. That, that makes more sense to me than anything. But let’s check it out. Here’s the shooting that happened on the 33rd floor down in Atlanta on the 33rd parallel. Look, this the cop. The cop card number they show you during the shooting, guys. 36, 107. Oh, both of them numbers have to do with Nemesis, which is Planet X Nibber. Real Nemesis, Nibiru, Planet X, 107, 36 and 107 are both tied to that.
And then when you, when you add it up, what do you come out with? The number 17. Which harp is 17 and little 17. Nibaru 17. And you’ll notice that Trump drops that number 17 over and over and over again during this podcast. But yeah, I found that interesting. And what did you say about the number two matrix codebreaker? Which one? The 36. 107. I believe it was contact connected to the Gemini constellation. When you spell it out, spell it all out. Oh yeah, and by the way, 17 spelled out equals 37, which is Nibiru and reduction.
And then Trump represents the Gemini. Remember, the twin Geminis is him and Boris Johnson. And when Trump was the president, we had that major Gemini ritual. George Floyd, who was killed in the Twin Cities on the 19 year anniversary of the Twin Towers. It was the 19th anniversary year of the Twin Towers and there was 19 hijackers originally, they said. And then remember George Floyd had two bald twins standing on each end of his coffin. And all that twin symbolism is tied to Nibiru in the Hopi prophecy. And the Hopi prophecy, it’s the blue and red Kachina, the twins that show up in the sky.
See, a lot of people don’t even know this. And Trump literally invokes the number 17 so many times when he’s on Joe Rogan. Check this out. Since where Trump invokes the number 17 again in this podcast. 100. But they’re big ones. Treasury, state military. And how did you know who to appoint? Well, I didn’t. I had. You have to understand, so are you. 17 times in Washington and I never stayed over, according to the press, which I think is probably right, over the years, I was only there 17 times, I never stayed over. So count how many times he says 17 during this podcast.
I’m telling you, it’s all tied to this Nibiru event, guys. So 17 is also kill. Remember the whole Q thing was 17. And then listen to what he says here with Wuhan Bio labs and I’ll break that down for you. I’ll show you how all this ties right back to Nibiru. Corona is the anagram for raccoon. And what was the, what was that? The Wuhan biolab. The same freaking logo that is in front of Resident Evil. Okay, and which was a zombie apocalypse movie. And then what is that symbol? It’s the iron cross. It’s the oldest symbol in the freaking world for Nibiru.
That’s the symbol for Nibiru, guys. So it all comes back to that, you know, and black hole sun, that whole black hole sun. They say when Nibiru showed up, it would give make this cross looking thing in the sky and it would have this black speck in the middle, kind of like what people say is the solar simulator and that they would also call it the Wing Planet or the Disc planet. So there is a lot of strong evidence that it could be tied to some ancient HARP solar simulator type technology. And there’s tons of weird things being seen in the sky right now.
This is a stewardess who just allegedly seen what they called UFOs in the sky, these purple things. And then this was. Did you guys see this one in the sky? I don’t even know what the hell that is, but it looks crazy right there. So they’re seeing all kinds of stuff as the veil is thinning. But yes, I seen someone in the comments say Trump is Mr. Vaccine. Yeah, he launched Operation Warp Speed, you know, and he kind of was sticking up for vaccines a little bit during the Joe Rogan podcast, which kind of blew my mind.
But let’s listen to what he says about Wuhan Bio Lab because that dropped some real jewels right there. Hold on one second, let me hear. Guys, about COVID He said they all started dying around the Wuhan Bio Lab. Now what’s he really saying there? Listen. And then we just had a focus on something else. But they were sitting there, these two pollsters were sitting there and they said, sir, if George Washington came back and Abraham Lincoln was his VP as opposed to Waltz, how bad is he, by the way? But if Abraham Lincoln was his vp, they couldn’t beat you.
You have. And I’ll never forget it. The following day they said, something’s happening in China, sir, could we meet? I said, what’s happening? People are dying. And it was all around the Wuhan Lab, by the way, there are pictures with little lines, their body bags all around the Wuhan lab. And I always said that from the beginning, Joe was. You know, they tried to say. First they said it was France and they blamed everybody, but then they say it was bats from a cave 2,000 miles away. So we got hit with that. And despite that, we had the best economy.
And when I gave it over, the stock market was higher than it was pre Covid. I mean, nobody could even believe it. But we saved it and we were helping businesses. They were. Yes, he did mandate. He rolled out the 5G too, you know, so it kind of sucks. I mean, listen, I hate Kamala. I’m a die hard prologue conservative. But I don’t trust neither one of these guys. And I’m telling you right now, guys, we are in some type of drill, some type of military drill that is all tied to Nibiru or whatever this event is.
This global reset and what he’s talking about, it’s all in front of Wuhan Bio Lab, right? So I show you right there. That’s the logo for Wuhan Bio Lab, the same as the umbrella company. And then this post, this guy posted this on the same day Colby Bryant died. And remember, Colby dies. That really popped off the whole Covid, because Covid hits the United States 1-21-121. And 121 is Antichrist. CERN ritual is all on that one. 21 cipher in English, ordinal. And then five days later, Kobe Bryant dies. And where’s Colby Berry, guys? In Corona del Mar.
Right. And Raccoon City equals 126. And Colby died on 126. And Corona is literally an anagram for raccoon. So, you know, I’m surprised they didn’t tell us it came from a freaking raccoon. But you see what he said there? Wait, so there’s a biological research lab in the exact same logo as the Umbrella Corporation, right in the city where the hashtag Coronavirus originated. And corona is an anagram for raccoon. Like, yeah, dude. And that date was a date with 67 numerology, which is Wuhan 67 human sacrifices, 67. They killed Colby or allegedly killed off his character on that day.
And so is the Iron Cross, which is that symbol right there. That symbol we’re seeing. This goes back to Anunaki. You’ll see a lot of the, the noble bloodlines wearing that symbol, the iron Cross. And they believe their descendants, the Pope, has it on his thing. They believe they’re Descendants of the Anunaki. So it gets into the Knights Templar, that cross. But it’s the oldest symbol for Nibiru. And Nibiru is called the Planet of the Crossing. So it all. It all goes back to that, guys. It all goes back to that. And like I said, they said it should look like a cross in the sky.
Probably what Constantine really seen. When they said Constantine seen across in the sky, the Roman emperor that they said we switched to Christianity after constant seeing, seeing that cross in the sky, you probably most likely really seen Nibiru. Right? That’s what I’m thinking. And. Or whatever it is, whatever it’s supposed to be. And then resident evil equals 142 matching coronavirus. And then when you look at umbrella corporation, it’s 93. Like Wuhan coronavirus. And remember they killed George Floyd on the 93rd meridian. And during 911 we had flight 93. Remember it was on its way to San Francisco where they’re going to bring them Golden Gates to the ground in 93.
Two guys that’s tied to Aleister Crowley, they say the. The sun is 93 million miles away, which makes no sense, but whatever the word umbrella also 30 matching corona. And what does the corona mean? Corona is the outermost part of the sun’s atmosphere. So this whole thing’s been tied to the sun from day one. And then Resident Evil is made by Cap com, which is also 30. And 30 in Chaldan is the number of the Reptilian. Just to let you know. And. And so is vampires is in that 30 cipher, which I. I have a theory that the vampires and the Reptilians are one and the same.
They’re the pretty much the same entity, the Reptilians and them. And this happened in Bulgaria about a week or so ago. These pictures here that were seen in the sky, people were connecting them to Nibiru too. And right now there’s all these worms coming out of the ground, guys, over in freaking Taiwan. And they think it’s gonna. They think a major earthquake’s gonna hit there. Look at this. Look at these worms. I was talking to Donut on the phone when I was recording this. These are all the worms that came out of the ground over there in Taiwan.
That’s pretty crazy right there. But then. So there they talk. He talks about that with Wuhan bio lab, right? And then the next thing him and Joe get into is this. Listen to this and idea. Because there are chemicals and ingredients that are in our food that are illegal in other countries because they’ve been shown to be toxic. There’s pesticides and herbicides and there’s a lot of shit that’s been sprayed on our food that really is unnecessary. And there’s a lot of health consequences that people are suffering from. A lot of these things. I’ve opened this chart for you.
Beautiful. Because I had a feeling you’d be asking me. Look at this chart. These are healthier countries. Look where the United States is. I’m going to send this to RFK Jr. So this is. Well, something along the line. I was actually talking to RFK today and he told me that more than 70% of young men are ineligible for the military because of their health. I could see it. That’s crazy. A lot of it’s obesity. So here’s the life expectancy versus health expenditure. Same chart. Yeah. Did you see that? Usa? That’s pretty good. Jamie’s the best. He’s very good.
He’s the best. But. No, but look at that. Look at the usa. Not good. And that’s our food. That’s our diet. That’s. That’s sedentary lifestyle. That’s our diet. That’s the chemicals we ingest. That’s what that is. But RFK is going to be very, you know, I think he’s a great guy. I love the fact that you guys teamed up. Yeah. And are you guys, are you completely committed to have him a part of your administration? Oh, I am. But the only thing I want to be a little careful about with him is the environmental because, you know, he doesn’t like oil.
I love oil and gas. I think, you know, I think just keep him out of that fire. So I’m going to sort of keep him out of a little. I said focus on health. You can do whatever you want, but I got to be a little bit careful with the liquid gold, you know? I understand. But listen, there’s plenty of good work that could be done if you focus on health. Here’s the one that. Here’s the one that. My all time favorite, though. What is that? See the arrow right here? That’s where I left. Do you have anyone that is pressuring you to not work with him? Have, have there been people? RFK Jr Yes, I would imagine because financially he can put a dent.
I would say that. And you know, the. I think in many ways they’ve done a good job. In many ways they’ve done a bad job. But I would say that the big pharmacy wasn’t thrilled when they heard that you don’t have a Relation. I’ve actually always gotten along very well with him. I’ve known him a long time. He’s a different kind of a guy. He’s very smart, great guy. And he’s very sincere about this. I mean, he really is. You know, he thinks we spend a fortune on pesticides and all this stuff, and then you end up.
That chart is a terrible chart. The one previous. It’s such a bad chart when you look at where we are compared to other countries that don’t spend 10 cents. So, you know, and you save a lot of money. But yeah, we. I’ve had some people that aren’t exactly thrilled. You can imagine. Right, sure. It’s a good question, actually. Well, certainly if there doesn’t affect me some pharmaceutical drugs that have been prescribed that have negative consequences that these people have been profiting off of. And then you have a guy like RFK Jr. Who spends an enormous amount of time highlighting those things.
You could say how they’ve been very reluctant to have you support him. I would say that’s an understatement. Yeah. So what do you do to stop that from getting in the way? Well, look, they’ve come up with some amazing things. I mean, I don’t know how you feel. I know you’re against certain vaccines, but like the polio vaccine. People had polio. There were. It was like a disaster. And they came up Dr. Salk and he came up with a vaccine and there’s no polio now. Very interesting. Yeah, there is, dude. And there’s a version of polio that comes straight from the vaccine.
And not only that, let me break this down for you. So America was found under monkey energy, Right? Really? Western astrology, the occult goes by Eastern astrology, so Chinese astrology. And that’s why they use all this monkey with monkey pox. So America was founded in 1776, the same year as the Illuminati. Well, that was the year of the fire monkey on the Chinese lunar calendar. Now, fire monkey equals 1, 2, 1. Guys, when did the first case of Coronavirus hit America? 1, 2, 1. And Antichrist is 1, 2, 1. CERN rituals. 1, 2, 1. There’s a lot in that.
Sirius radio during the Coronavirus had channel 1, 2, 1, which is all about the coronavirus corona. And then polio comes out. 1956, the same year the city Sandy Hook is established, just to let you know, shout out to that hoax. But 1956, guess what year it was? The year of the fire monkey. So all these vaccines are coming out tied to this Fire monkey archetype. And listen to what. At least Joe does bring that up right here. There hasn’t been polio, but now in the Gaza Strip. Can you believe that? Have you heard that there’s been a big strain of polio coming out in the Gaza Strip? Is it vaccine derived polio? Because, you know, there’s.
There’s a strain of polio that comes directly from the vaccine because unfortunately sometimes vaccinate people for polio. Yeah. I mean, all I can do is I sit down and I listen to him and listen and I’ll give it total. I would love him to be right because it’s. If he’s right, it’s a lot less expensive. Generally, there’s two things that people point to when they point to the dangers of the pharmaceutical drug industry. One thing is when pharmaceutical drugs were allowed to advertise on television. We’re only one of two countries in the world that allow pharmaceutical drugs to advertise on tv.
The other one’s New Zealand, but they’re more restrictive than we are. People are those ads. Those ads, when you hear like, you know, take a certain drug and then you hear all the. It causes cancer and baldness. We don’t like baldness. Suicide and eyesight. And you can lose your vision. Yeah. And you know, I just, I actually asked one of these guys I would never take. I mean, because there’s things that are so bad, they go through a whole list. I guess they save some liability. But man, I said, does that affect the purchase or. They say it really does.
When they, when there’s something you have and you read and then they go through the list of side effects. The potential side effects. It’s not even the potential side effects. I mean, a lot of people are just. I asked that question. People hear that. When I hear it, I’m going to take a pass. It says, may affect your vision, may cause blindness, may this. Yes. And. But I know you’re aware of calling Casey Means, right? Yes. Well, one of the things that they pointed out, and this is a very important thing for people to understand is what a lot of these drugs do is they act to somehow or another mitigate the effects of poor metabolic health.
But most of these problems that these people are suffering from wouldn’t exist if we put an emphasis on metabolic health. If people got healthier, they started eating nutritious food and taking vitamins, a whole host of these problems that people are having would go away. And the problem with that from the pharmaceutical drug standpoint is they wouldn’t Be able to sell drugs to these people. And this is a bigger pesticides and things like that on the plants. And what do you think of that? Terrible. Well, I think regenerative agriculture, unfortunately is very difficult to scale to a point where you got a jack in the box on every corner, right? That’s right.
If everybody wants food and we have food deserts and we have places like Los Angeles where no one’s growing anything and everything has to be shipped in, it’s very difficult to feed that many people. We’ve created this incredible society where we have these enormous cities, but it’s, it’s very difficult to get food to these people. And then for a lot of these people in low income areas, the only food that’s available is cheap, unhealthy food. That’s right. And we could fix that. If we could send $175 billion to Ukraine, we could do something to fix a lot of the health problems that the United States has.
And I think it would, it would help us as a nation overall. Just if you just put it out there that, hey, as a nation we’re going to make a concerted effort to get people healthier, just put it out there and people start making better choices. Well, when you look at that chart, I was, it’s crazy. I just, they just gave me that chart because they said, you may want to discuss this topic, which I know is a big topic for you. And when I looked at that chart and I looked at how unhealthy we are as a nation, that’s a, that’s a pretty big.
How are you so healthy? Is it golf? No, it’s genetics, I believe, you know, I’m a big. Genetics is a big factor. I really am. I mean, my father was, unfortunately, is a big factor for health. He is a very big believer in genetics and also eugenics. And so is his father. You know, people are just way more robust. But you do play golf a lot. And that is both of my parents. It’s. For me, it’s good fresh air. It really is. It’s fresh air outside. Even mentally, you’re focused on that three footer and for some, for a couple of hours you’re not.
And I go quick, I play fast, real fast, and I’m in, I’m out. But you know, it gives me. I was never one that could like run on a treadmill. I just. And I can do it, you know, when passing a physical, they asked me to run on a treadmill and then they make it steeper and steeper and Steeper. And the doctor said it. It was at Walter Reed. They said, it’s unbelievable. I could have got. I’m telling you, I felt I could have gone all day. But I said, doc, I can do this all day long.
I’m not. I have no problem. Yeah, yeah. He. His. He really is related to Hitler. A lot of people don’t know that, but he is. His. His bloodline is Drump. Is his real last name. Like it or not, that he is so. And then Joe Rogan was taught. They talked a little bit about borders Matrix, Code breaker during Trump’s podcast. And right after Trump was on there, bro, Callan came on. Do you know who Callan is? And Eddie Bravo and. Or all Rogan’s friends, they all were on there. You know who they are. So they. They come on, and Callum’s like, yeah, well, you know what happened with the wall? They build this wall, and then they put all these roads in.
And he said the desert was a natural border from the immigrants coming in. So the roads that they built with the wall actually made it easier for them to come in. And what. This video that we’re seeing right now, they’re. It’s getting, like, no news coverage, but there’s these major freaking shootouts at the border, dude. It’s like they’re going hard at the border right now. Have you heard about this? Oh, yeah. The first time I’ve seen this. This is the first time you’ve seen it? Yeah. There. It’s like a war going on at the border. Look, these are blazing.
They ain’t playing down there. I mean, the borders are always pretty crazy, but I guess it is real, real bad right now. Like, really bad. I got something to touch on with that Operation Work Speed logo. Okay, what do you. What do you got on Operation Warp Speed? Can I share my screen? You sure can. And he’s talking about this logo, guys, which. So if you take a look at the Operation Warp Speed logo, when you rearrange all the letters in Operation Warp Speed, you get, we prepare to poison T. That T stands for T virus, as in, you know, raccoon, the T virus.
That’s connected to that, too, as well. Well, do you want to share? Do you have slides you can show us? I do share your screen. Just put go to present and share it. And this. This coming weekend, I’m interviewing my boy from Library of the Untold. He just dropped one on. He just dropped the phenomenal video about. It’s like the Story of Inky. And it’s. It’s pretty fascinating. I can’t wait to interview him on that. Let me add your thing here. Okay, here we go. We prepared a poison tea. Wow, so it’s a nanogram. Yep. Just like how corona is a nanogram for raccoon.
And then, and, and dude, speaking of tea, that’s ain’t it. Ain’t that what it’s called in Resident Evil? The T virus. Exactly. Holy. Dude, they’re trying to turn us into some kind of zombie. I think like some real crazy with all this, man. That clip I showed you of that new series I’m about to start decoding Fallen Skies. It’s all about the whole reptilian stuff, guys. If you haven’t seen Fallen Skies yet, you gotta check it out. And it has a lot of the same predictive programming that is in the fifth wave. So in it there’s these reptilian alien entities, but they’re the kids.
They start putting these like, these things on the kids spine so it’s so they can control the kids. And they have these spikes that are made out of nano and they go down into the kid’s spine. Well, they grow like a tree into the child. And the reptilians, when you’re watching it through the first season, you’re like, oh, these are the reptilian aliens. Then you find out that the reptilian. They look like reptilian spiders. Dude, it’s a craziest I ever seen. They’re actually the kids that mutate into this thing, you know what I mean? And I showed a matrix code breaker clip of it when we first started.
I’ll show you guys a. A quick clip. It’s called Falling Skies. It came out in like 2011. So I’m getting ready to do a decode on it before I show it. This is called fair use and allowed for purpose of creating criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody. The reason I started looking at it is because I keep seeing all this, this coding for. We’re about to get hit with an EMP electromagnetic pulse attack. And that’s what the whole narrative is in the fifth wave, right? Where the aliens hit us first with electromagnetic pulse, knock our power grid down.
Then they hit us with some geoengineering technology. Just like HARP where they hit us with weather control and it floods everything and destroys all the coastlines. And then they release a genetically modified virus on the public that murders everyone. And it’s. The virus is a genetically modified bird flu. And now the bird flu is on the rise in like six states, right? So. And Then they kill all the grown ups in it and take the kids and use them in mind control. Will they do the same thing in Falling Sky? And listen to the intro of Falling Sky? Guys.
Oops, wrong one. My bad. Hold on. Here it is. Everything just like the 5th Wave. They have an EMP attack on humanity. And this is why they’re ramping up with the whole alien agenda. They got something big planned for us. Guys, check this out. Listen to this. I was in school when the ships came. They were really big. And they said that we weren’t going to attack them with the nuclear bombs because they might have wanted to be friends. But they didn’t want to be friends. Not at all. And then there was a bright light that makes like all electronics stop working.
Computers and radio, radios, satellites, cars, TVs, everything. They blow up army bases, ships, the navy, submarines. And all the soldiers are gone. Now moms and dads have to fight. After that, they blew up all the capitals. New York, Washington D.C. all the major cities. Then they came. There were millions of trillions everywhere. We call them Skitters in Mexico. They killed grown ups and they catch kids. They put on harness things. They put it on kids and control them. They say it hurts a lot. My parents went them harnesses that they put on the back. They got nanotech in them.
Guys, that grows down into the kids spine like these like tree roots, right? It actually grows a root in there. And then the more the nano grows into them, the roots get deeper. Eventually you can’t take it out without killing the kid. And that’s when the kid starts to freaking transmutate into this reptilian spider thing. And that whole. I mean it has the head of a reptilian shape shifting alien, but the body of a spider. And that’s what they tell us the archons look like. They’re like spider type entities out to get some help one day.
And I know they’re going, they’re dead. Listen, it’s okay to cry. Drawing and talking about it, it can make you feel better. Matt, what have you drawn here? My mom. She was going to get food once. It never came back. And then we found her. She was dead. And then dad said we had to leave our house. And Ben was over at Nick’s house and we think they might have got him. Same narrative too. They always. It’s called Falling Skies, Joe. It’s falling skies. And it. It’s a series, bro. It came out in 2011. It’s actually really good.
I just came across it the other night and I was watching on Amazon prime, actually. I’m like, damn, I never heard of this Falling Skies. And it was crazy. Like, I got to do a decode on it. Gonna do one for the member. I’ll probably do one for everybody too. But I want to do a real exclusive one for the members where we can actually watch it together and then break it down because it’s that good, man. It’s. There’s so much crazy stuff in it. Yeah. You have to check it out, Joe. You’ll. You’ll. You’ll like it.
There’s a lot of predictive programming, and it came out before the fifth wave, so. You ever see this matrix code breaker? I haven’t seen this show, but I’ve seen the fifth wave, though. What’d you think about that one? The fifth wave? I. I liked it. There’s actually a connection to that 17 there in the trailer for the fifth wave at 107am is when they detected that. That Space Odyssey or whatever detected a object moving past Mars. It was. That number 17 connection is right there too. That’s crazy. I wonder if that’s where these alien entities come from.
Nibiru, you know, Dimension X. It’s probably a dimension, not a planet. Or, you know, you got other people who think like the whole Phoenix phenomenon, it’s advanced technology, some heart geoengineering technology, and it’s controlled by this advanced humanoid civilization from inner Earth. And then you have other people that don’t think they’re humans. They think they’re subterranean reptilians. They Talk about the X2 in the trailer right before it says what is the derivative of X? For real? For reals. Ought to check that out, bro. I’m about to go back and re. Watch that one. That’s pretty. Pretty nuts there.
So that’s right in the trailer. What have you been. What have you been looking at lately? That 146 has been coming up a lot. The Phoenix event. That’s mostly what I’ve been delving into. And maybe what’s going to happen with this election coming up. So what’s your thoughts on the election? I really think that there’s going to be something funny that goes on there. Could be an assassination. I’m not sure. But there it looks like they’re going to set it up to maybe steal it again is what could. Martial law could be declared that way. They don’t have an election coming up.
But definitely something is funny about. What do you think? I think. Yeah, I’m it. I. I can’t Just see it going normal, you know, we’re, I mean, we’re close, dude. We’re what, six? Today’s the 29th. How many days in this month? 31. Yeah, we’re like a week out, right? A week out from the election. So who knows what the hell’s going to happen in the next week. I was thinking, man, what is that? They said Joe Biden died, and then they had to postpone the election until after 2025. But then we’re getting too close. I don’t know.
I guess they could say it any day, though. Or maybe nothing happens and it goes through. But I’ll tell you this. If they try to say Kamala wins, people are gonna flip the out, bro. No one’s gonna believe that. Oh, dude, I did a. I’m gonna show you guys this. So I did the, the polls were saying Kamala’s winning, right? And I don’t like Trump or Kamala, but, But I’m a pro life conservative, and whatever the American people vote for, I feel that’s who should be the president. Even if they’re gonna have to pay for it.
You know, that’s what America’s built on. So whoever they vote for, wars, whatever, that’s. That’s the president. But I did a, a poll in my broadcasting channel, and because they said Cala was winning, so I wanted to see if that’s true. And I did a poll, dude. And first of all, let me tell you something. I beat Kamala. No, I’m not joking. I beat Kamala for the president, dude. I, I, I, I actually came in really close with Donald Trump. Come on, let me show you guys the, the stats on this. Yeah, I smashed Kamala. Like, I didn’t just beat her, I beat her bad.
So I, there’s no way she’s winning. I’m not buying it. I don’t believe it. All the people that I’ve seen supporting her online, I could count them on one hand, dude, nobody likes her, bro. Like, how is she gonna win? So look at this. Here’s the poll right here. Kamala has two votes, right? Trump has 66 votes, and I had 48 votes. So I came in real close. I almost beat Trump’s ass. I, I was at 48. And, yeah, two people voted for Kamala. Let’s see who did. Well, it says four votes. Now I get. Okay, so she got four votes.
Juan, Black, Casey, Keith. You know, I wonder if any of these people are even real. How could they vote for her? And then 68, okay, so 68 people voted for Trump. Here’s all the people that voted for Trump. Way more people than Kamala. I mean, Kamala’s got four of them. And then here’s all the people that voted for Tommy. I voted for myself, too, of course. Course. Because, you know, of course I’m gonna vote for myself. I got 50 votes, so Trump got 68. I’m only 18 votes behind Trump. Dude, I should have been like the president, bro.
I should have ran for it. I’ll tell you what I do better than either one of them. You know what I’m saying? First thing I’m doing, first thing I would do is George Soros, Bill Gates, all them type of people. I’m arresting you day one. I’m charging you with treason for the. You’ve done. And you. But all you guys are going. You. There’s going to be a real Guantanamo, not this fake tribunal. We’re gonna have a real one. And then I’m taking all your assets, all your funds, and I’m giving them back to the American people for all the money you stole from them.
And you’re getting charged with treason and murder for all these children you have poisoned, molested, all this. You’re going down. The next thing I would do is end wars. There would be no more wars. If someone wants to go to war with us, this is how it would go down. You get your president versus me. Let’s go in the UFC cage and bang out. And whoever wins, that’s who wins the war. You know what I’m saying? No more sending kids over to die. Me and their president shoot a fair one, and that’s it. Whoever wins, wins.
Period. But these people are too much, dude. They’re cowards. Excuse my language, ladies, but they really are. They’re. They’re. They’re freaking cowards, bro. So they’d rather send our children over to die. And, you know, it just doesn’t need to happen. I guarantee, you start telling these world leaders they got to get in a cage and box out, and. And you don’t just fight. You got to fight till the death. And then whoever wins, you get their country and everything. So that’s how we would do it, dude. I’d be going in there tapping them all out, like, all.
Putin. You don’t want to calm down? Well, let’s go in this cage, though. But Putin, you know, they say he’s a. He’s kind of a ninja. Putin, Putin. I guess he. He’s a black belt in judo, but I’m a purple belt. In Jiu Jitsu, so we’ll see who’s better. And I’m pretty sure I could beat judo any day of the week, not to mention. But purple belts right up there with a black belt. It’s just different belts in Jiu Jitsu versus judo. And Jiu jitsu will smash judo any day of the week. I just take him to the ground and, and tap him out real quick.
But plus, he’s like, what, 180 pounds? Dude, I’m 350, so Putin would never be able to hang with me. But I like Putin better than I like our own presidents. Honestly, I ain’t even gonna lie. What do you. What do you think about old Putin? I think, I think they’re all part of. I think they’re all part of it. And we’re the ones that are getting played. Oh, yeah. All the leaders, they serve Satan 100% and they. And they just put on this little face for society that we’re fighting for genocide or to make money through war, but we’re the ones that actually suffer in the end.
Yeah, we would fight butt ass naked too. We would go in there like prison style. I come in there with baby oil on me and just, just my boxer shorts on with baby oil. That’s how we do it in prison, you know, I dump baby oil all over myself. Then the guards come and they can’t grab a hold of you, so they’re trying to grab you. Ain’t got no T shirt on, no P. They can’t grab you. There’s nothing to grab, so you can just drop them. And a lot of this stuff doesn’t make sense about what’s going on in Ukraine.
It’s like, why do they want Ukraine so bad? Well, Ukraine is Kazakhstan. You know, that whole region, the. There’s a lot of ancient that ties to Ukraine, bro. Ancient. But that was where the whole Kazar mafia is from. You know, that’s their stronghold. They’re a bunch of Nazis over there in Ukraine. I’ve even heard it’s the high ground in, in Europe. Well, well, plus, bro, it’s a land grab right now. Every time we go through these global resets, they do this. They. They try to steal land and then whoever comes out on top, that person runs the world.
You know, during the last one, the Tartari or the mud floods, you know, that was. That region of the world was running at that time, Russia and stuff like that. So now they’re trying to get back what they lost the last global reset. And everybody’s Just making their move for it right now because it’s like chaos, you know what I mean? Are they trying to take over that land because it’s the high ground? And the upcoming water event that’s going to take place very much could be. So probably why they wanted to snatch up Afghanistan too, right? Because Afghanistan’s all mountains, dude.
That’s all high ground too. There’s something up with Greenland too, bro. Like Greenland is where they have. Oh, what’s it called? Damn, I can’t remember the name of it now. I think it’s like it’s. It’s something like the ark. But they have like all the DNA of all the. All the plants, all the genetics of every plant on this planet, all the DNA of every animal, probably our DNA too. But they have all this down there in an underground bunker in Greenland. And then that movie Greenland. That’s what it’s all about. If you watch that movie Greenland.
Yep. It’s literally about this event. And it even looks like Nibiru in the movie Greenland. It’s a winged planet when he looks up in the sky looking at Clark. It’s some winged freaking planet in the sky. And it. I mean, something’s going on with all these unnatural disasters taking place everywhere. We just keep getting hit with them, hit with them, hit with them. Earthquake after earthquake after earthquake after hurricane after hurricane. It’s like, what the hell is going on? The GEOM modification. They’re ramping it up and they not going to stop it. Said Saga cruise passengers died and 100 left injured after ship battered by violent storm with 25 foot waves.
Did you read that story? No. Yeah. What was this? Why do I feel like that was an old story? Are they recycling stories again? Because I feel like that already happened back in 2023 or. I might be tripping though. But now it’s on the news again and I can remember that story for some reason. Have you noticed, bro? It seems like they’re recycling stories. Definitely. Me too. Several bodies found in flood hit areas of southeast Spain. Oh, that’s interesting. Let me show you guys a screenshot of this. They got two numbers showing in this article too.
37 and 36. Both numbers that have to do with Nibiru. Look right there, guys. 37 and 36, that’s what you see showing. Oh, and then you got 49 right here on the building, which is CERN Ritual Antichrist. That’s the day DMX was killed in Prince Philip on little Nas X’s birthday. All the X connection to Nibu or Planet X. Yeah, th. This. I guess they found a bunch of bodies. So not only is it getting hit here in America, I guess over in Spain they’re getting whacked up too with all this flooding, dude. I mean, I’ve been alive for 41 years, bro, and I don’t ever remember this type of stuff happening as bad as it is now.
You know what I mean, bro? Definitely. It’s just. It’s one thing after another. Can you see this video I’m watching right here? Yeah. Wow, this is crazy. And this is October 29th. Okay. That’s in Spain, huh? Holy. Yeah, it is. It’s just one thing after another after another after another. Look at this dude skipping through the water like he’s just loving life. Something ain’t right, man. Something ain’t right. I don’t fully understand it. What is going on? Oh, oh, yeah. And then, bro, what about. What about the FEMA camps that are popping up all over North Carolina now? North and South Carolina.
I hadn’t seen too many people talking about that. Of course not. Here, I’ll show you entire screen. Let’s turn the audio on. Share. Of course they’re not going to talk about it, but. Oops, wrong thing. Let me go on. Truth Mafia. Okay, this one is multiple FEMA camps. When the US Federal government failed the people of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, Americans were not upset enough. And now it seems we’ve become accustomed to it. The suspicious fires in California and Hawaii continued to go ignored. Thanks to the help of their neighbors, the victims of Hurricane Helene are being looked after and they can still use our help.
According to independent reports, FEMA hasn’t been seen helping anyone. And we now know that this is because they have been busy building camps in the area. Camps big enough to house 700 FEMA employees. But we were just wondering what it is y’all are doing. And because FEMA’s had, you know, they said they poorly pulling out because of militia and stuff, which that was debunked. So we just. We just want to get the truth out because people are kind of like all over the place. Understood. You know? Yes, definitely understandable. We are definitely not pulling out. We are actually building this for our responders.
Okay. For FEMA responders, other federal agencies. We have several of these sites around the area. Okay. To. To help volunteer agencies as well that need lodging that are coming in to help the survivors. The local area. Okay. So that’s what, that’s what this is being stood up for. So this will be for the folks that have lost everything. They need a place to stay kind of thing. This is for the responders that are helping those folks. Okay. We, we are building these to stay out of the local hotels so that the responders so that the survivors have the ability to stay in the local hotels.
Oh, okay. Yes. Now is there money being provided to the survivors to accommodate hotel or. Yes, there is. That is not my area. That’s our individual assistance and the whole, whole other side of fema, our focus is really on this side to try to do the back end support for the operation. And so how many responders will you house here and how long do you think your response will be? We’re building this to come up to 700 people. Okay. And right now as how long it’s going to be? We are unsure. Okay. It’s, it’s, it’s really unknown number bars at this point.
They’re going to be there long enough to require tornado shelters. Shelters? Tornado shelters, yeah. Are you all expecting tornadoes here? We are not, not expecting tornadoes. We are, we. Part of the package that goes out is to ensure that all the responders are safe. Right. And there’s nowhere for people to take cover here. So it’s just part of the operation that goes out. And they’re building at least two more just like it. Okay. Are you building another camp like this somewhere in North Carolina? We do have another one. We actually have one in Flat Rock. In Flat Rock.
Okay. And then we’re putting another one up in Wilkes County. Oh wow. Okay. Yep. So we are trying to ensure that there is coverage in the areas that were most heavily damaged. Why they are building these camps is yet to be discovered. Many are suggesting it’s all part of a land grab for minerals. But whatever it is, it does not look like help. FEMA showed up and spent a lot of taxpayer dollars. I wish I had a number for you. I’m just going to guess 50 million plus to provide a space for their workers to exist to help out sometime in the future.
And that’s what our federal government does. It spends money. As somebody said in the comments, they’re a self licking ice cream cone. They exist for themselves in and of themselves. What could $50 million do for this area? How many generators could you put purchased with $50 million to help out those who need it? And that’s what I’m talking about. You know, everything that’s come into this area has been the goodwill of the citizens of this nation, the volunteers, the people that are donating clothes and food and money. So many Things to help out. And that’s because you, the citizens are doing that, not the federal government.
The federal government may be run by parasites and thieves, but the people have come together to offer help. Many people who showed up said I had to do something. God put it in my heart. I had to come do something. And they wanted to help and they’ve been able to put them to work and they’ve organized it like a way I’ve never seen anything but for in my life. I can’t really speak to the FEMA part very much, but I do know that the local emergency managements have done an astounding job. And we can still help.
There are wells to be dug. Yeah. I put the links to the people that are actually helping and I researched it really well because you know, Matrix cobreaker, they lie and steal our money all the time. Yep. So this is one that seems like they’re actually helping from what I seen. Respect all the people that went out there and helped those people. Yeah. You know, the ones that are actually really helping. I respect them too. And here’s another one that seems like they’re really helped. Look what they rose raised, bro. 146, 000. There’s that 146. And that whole thing was tied to the number 146.
Which 146 is tied to what that category six, which they’re upgrading their earthquakes to the category six now, right? Yep. Didn’t you have a post about that? Yeah, I did. So yeah, to me that’s pretty, pretty fascinating. And it’s this. They’re doing the plot from the movie the fifth Wave. They’re saying creating an issue in that area is saying it’s not safe, you know, and stuff. And moving people into those FEMA camps and then getting them in the FEMA camps, you know? Yeah, it’s just like the fifth Wave, bro. People should watch the freaking fifth Wave tonight.
If you haven’t ever watched it, I highly recommend watching it because you guys will see the plot line and you’ll. It’ll blow your mind. You’ll be like, what the hell is going on right here? You know, let me find. Dude, they really try to hide your page. Sometimes I’ll be able to find it and sometimes I won’t. Let me type it right here. See, look. I put it in just like it’s supposed to be and nothing. People Facebook share this group if you can’t find it. Yeah, they’re really good for hiding. I wanted to show that category six thing.
Yeah, just share the screen and show, show your Facebook and Show that Category 6 thing that you broke down all tied to that number 146. And I got you hip to the number 146 before you looked into that, didn’t I? Yep. Because I, I forget. I don’t even remember how I got caught onto that number when this whole thing first started. Do you remember how I knew a little bit about it, but you definitely tied it in with the hurricane and everything. Yeah, I seen the number 146 was heavily tied to this and I’m like, okay.
And then I knew the number 147. That’s a big one with the, the Masons. Right. In. In secret societies. And there’s 147 windows in the White House. But the 146 one, I didn’t see as much. And now I keep seeing it over and over and over and over. FEMA is a domestic terrorist organization. They are too. We’re paying them to kill us. Ain’t that sad, though? And it’s true. It’s true. FEMA blocks everything. It’s, it’s actually sad what these people are doing to people. It’s sickening. It’s quite sickening. And we got to stand up because if we don’t, our children are not going to have a future.
Guys, there it is. 146 and 128. Category 6. 128. You guys know the 128 code? Yesterday, October 28th, the anniversary of Matthew Perry’s death. And that’s also. Guys, October 28th is George or what’s his name? Mr. Vaccine. That scumbag Bill Gates. That’s Bill Gates’s birthday. That little, that little scumbag. And you know what movie they put out on that day, bro? Inferno. Inferno, Remember that movie? Yep. Where they genetically modified a virus to attack people based on their race and. Okay, yeah, yeah, that’s what Inferno’s about. So you guys should check that out. It’s pretty crazy.
That’s another movie. They show us a lot of the truth in where they’re going to hit us with some. Well, they’ve already done it with the whole Corona, right? I mean, something’s going on with that. That and I don’t think it’s over yet, bro. I think we’re, we’re coming up to. I don’t know if they’ll keep calling it Corona and say a new variant or they’ll try to go the route with this whole bird flu situation, because that, that’s what’s in the fifth wave, it’s the bird flu that mutates and wipes out most of the population.
Yep. So I guess we’ll see. Man. I guess we will see. Yeah. That’s crazy. It’s just like the. The movie, the Fifth Wave. I will, Joe. I will make one for homework. There’s so many good ones out right now. I’ll tell you what, Joe. One a series right now, brother, that has so much coding, especially with the flooding. And what they have coming up in the future is that new penguin, bro. That’s on HBO if you guys want to. And it’s really good too. But yeah, that new penguin has a lot of predictive programming in it, especially with the flooding.
And yeah, we’re getting hit with non stop solar flares. One after another after another after another. You know, it’s pretty crazy. New name is Sear Sears. That’s the new name of what their new variant. That Sears Sears. S E, E R S. That’s interesting. What’s that equal? S e r s 4, 1, 4. 66. Yep. Wow. 66 is corona. Black goo is 66. And guess what? In the 66th book of the Bible, that’s where they start talking about the mark of the beast, bro. And the whole third strand DNA that’s tied to 66, they want to add three strands of 22 to your 44 base pairs of DNA, which is 22 plus 22 plus 22 is 66.
So that’s interesting if that really is the new variant. You know, that’s pretty, pretty freaking crazy right there. Tommy. I’m so glad you’re putting this out there. Well, I try my best, you know. And the penguin, speaking of the penguin, there’s the whole penguin archetype tied to covet. But who was the first lady that got vaccinated over in the uk? Remember that Margaret Keenan lady that was in the wheelchair? Go, go, guys, go look her up. Margaret Keenan. She was in Coventry, UK and Coventry. If you look at the eology of the word, it’s literally tied to like lockdowns and quarantine.
It’s tied to that whole quarantine agenda. And what was she wearing? A shirt with a penguin on it. There’s a whole penguin connection to the COVID too, which is crazy. Ani did a great breakdown. Him and Donut did some work on that. Illuminati penguins. It was pretty fascinating actually, because you wouldn’t think there’s no connection there, but there actually is. Sir, super tuberculosis is already here. Oh, that’s great. Super Tuberculosis. That sounds fun. What is here? Sorry for asking because I. I don’t know. Jama. Somebody said something about it. They said that was the new one or something, although I’m not sure.
Hey, look that up real quick. Matrix code breaker S E E R. See if that’s a new variant or what? Someone in the comments said it. The Seer virus was Bill Gates. Catastrophic contagion event. Oh, that’s what Travis said. That’s interesting. Let’s see if we can find it. Sears virus. Sears. I wonder what that’s an anagram for. I see xcc, but I don’t see sear. So type in Sears virus for catastrophic contagion event. Sear. Sears virus, Catastrophic contagion event. Sears is a fictitious disease or SEARS Sear. Cancer. No, hold on, I’ll find it. Virus activity levels.
Let me. Let me. Sars. No, not sars. Hold on a second. Let me see something. Let me ask AI. Let’s see what AI says. I’ll have it. Pull that up quick as. Gotta put these little nephilims to work. Dude, my mouth hurts so bad today. I was at the dentist. Guys, I gotta go back. I’m. I got several teeth taken out today and then I got to go back, get some more taken out, get my whole new top grill done. So about three months from now, I’ll be back on camera with a new. With a new beautiful smile because I got my teeth smashed out when my son went to a party and went south.
You know, they try to jump my son for being black. And I was not really feeling that. So I went there to have a little chat with the father and the dad, he decided to spit on me. So, you know, I decided to beat his ass. And then his son cracked me in the mouth with a baseball bat. And me and my son, we got that from him and did not work out well for him, but you know, I already got like five of my teeth shattered. Oh, the Sears virus or severe epidemic Enterovirus repository syndrome? Severe epidemic Intro virus respiratory syndrome is what it is.
It’s a fictional virus created as part of a pandemic simulation exercise. Yeah, it was like what Travis said. It was part of their whole catastrophic contagion exercise by the John Hopkins Health. Interesting. That’s very interesting. So that’s not a real one. It was part of their. Just like how they had a vet 201. That pandemic simulation, which even that number 201. Guys. What’s it tied to? Nibiru? Black hole Sun. The whole black hole Sun. Because let me tell you, Bill Gates Pandemic simulation, they had that before coven, remember that was October. So event 201 coronavirus pandemic simulation took place October 18th of 2019, the same day the Military World Games began in Wuhan, China.
And 126 equals 201 because remember we had the whole 126 connection tied to Raccoon City and the day Colby died and he was buried in Corona del Mar. So you got to pay attention as pattern recognition, it’s all tied together. 1, 226 is 201 which is psychological warfare. Air quality alert. Black hole sun is 201. That’s what they call neighborhood Black hole sun. Won’t you come that whole song. Wash away the paint. I gotta re listen to that song. Listen to the lyrics of it and see what all that shit’s talking about. COVID X E C variant.
Have you seen that? Huh? What’s it called? Xcc. That’s a new one. I don’t see how. Let’s find out. Hold on. What’s the newest variant of coronavirus? Oh, it doesn’t want to work. Hold on. Son of a. I’m just gonna type it. What is the newest variant of Corona virus? What is it called? Oh great. Yeah, it’s the X E C. Variant. That’s the new one. Five days ago. 12 days. Okay, so now we’re at XCC. Oh great. The XCC variant. I mean they change it so much, dude. It’s like this one’s circulating in the US The XCC variant.
That’s what they’re saying the xcc virus is 1, 2, 1. Oh, of course it is. Of course it is an X E C. X e C is 32 in ordinal, which is the Nephilim’s number in Chaldean. It’s 13 in Chaldean. And PI though. Oh, it’s 137 in satanic. 137 is the 33rd prime number. Which 137 is the 30. The. The 47 by 90 degree free masonic compass. When you add it to together you get that 137 number which is also Harp’s number too. Harp H A R P equals 137 and primes Gatria. And Harp is also 17 like Nibiru.
That’s why I think they’re tied together, dude. I really do. Harp is also 146, bro. In Fibonacci. That’s why I started looking at the 146. It was tied to Harp. That’s why I was looking at it when it was with the whole earthquake or hurricane type stuff. But yeah, man, it’s getting crazy out here. It’s getting real freaking nuts, man. What do you got going on tomorrow, bro? Just be decoding. Just some decoding. Let’s do some decoding. Well, I might hit you up to do one tomorrow. I gotta get up pretty early and my freaking. My face is killing me now, dude.
He stuck a needle like I never. You know, I’ve had my mouth numb before, but this doctor stuck a freaking needle all the way in the top of the roof of my mouth. Matrix code breaker. And I swear to God, bro, I felt it in my nose, dude. That’s how deep he stuck it in the roof of my mouth. I could feel the needle up in my freaking nose. And it hurts so bad. But then it went numb and it quit hurting. But now that the numbness went away, my whole nose, like at the underneath, my nose is turning black and blue.
And when I just barely touch it right there, it hurts so bad, bro. He was going to give me some perk tens, but I didn’t take them because, you know, then they want to give you Percocet. Next thing you know, I’d have been done with that bottle of 20 of them, and then I’d have wanted more like the rest of these people out here. They’re getting strung out on pain pills. No, thanks. I’ll take some ibuprofen, you know what I’m saying? Yep. I ain’t taking none of their freaking narcotics. They shouldn’t even give that out like that to people Then.
Then they start this whole opiate crisis. When I was 17 years old and I got shot. They put me on freaking oxies back then. And I went on vacation, bro, and I left my oxys at home. So I was on them for like a year, right? And I left them at home. But I didn’t think nothing of it because at this time, I was just smoking weed. I didn’t know nothing about no addiction or nothing like that. So I go to. I. We go on vacation. I leave him at home. By the third day, I was throwing up, sweating, and that same.
I never touched them again. I never went back home. I flushed them down the toilet and my doctor’s like, yeah, you got to wean yourself off. You can’t just take cold turkey like that. But I damn sure did. And never back, bro, because, you know, look at. Look at these people now, what they do. They flooded America with the oxycontin got middle, you know, middle America, soccer moms addicted to it. And then next thing you know, we invade Iraq. Heroin production goes up 300, and then they flood America with heroin. We have this heroin epidemic, and then they take heroin off the street and flood it with fentanyl.
So everybody starts dying. You can’t even find heroin no more. It’s all fentanyl now. They’re taking the fentanyl out and hitting them with Xylazine, which is a freaking elephant tranquilizer. So if you can’t see it’s all part of population control, you’re out of your mind. They are killing us. They’re killing us. That’s why you can’t trust them. You just gotta. That’s the one thing I did agree with, what Trump was saying on there, him and Joe, about them infomercials, how you’ll see a pill will have like 100 different side effects. That’s one thing I agreed with him.
But he was kind of sticking up for vaccines. I didn’t like that. You. You see how. How he’s sticking up for the polio vaccine? I didn’t like that at all. I don’t know. A lot of the Trump supporters told me that that wasn’t the real Trump, though. It’s a clone. What do you think? Man, it’s hard to tell anymore, man. They’ve got. They’ve got a handful of people that play Trump. It’s getting hard to tell which one is which even more. But I do think there’s multiple different Trump characters. Oh, yeah, definitely. There’s one that has, like a weird haircut.
There’s one that has, like perfect teeth. There’s one that’s like a really orange colored one. That’s really good, Molina, that you’re clean off all that stuff. I’m really proud of you. It is dark magic. And don’t get on it, honey. Stay away from that. Even smoke an herb. Rhonda, you got to be careful because. So I’ve been researching, I’m about to do a decode on the Delta 8, Delta 10, THCA, THCP, THCJ, all these new variants that you can buy in your store, none of them are real. They’re all synthetics. They’re all made in labs. The only one that’s real that they can derive from the cannabis plant is the thca.
All the other ones, yeah, they’re in cannabis naturally, but they’re in such a small quantity that it. They can’t abstract it like Delta 8. So it has to be they take CBD and put it a chemical in it and transform it into Delta 8 or transform it into Delta 10 or transform it into THC, P, THC, JB. There’s like a million of them now. They’re all synthetic GMO weeds. So they found out weed was actually helping people. Killing cancer, getting people that were epileptic, it was helping them with seizures and what they do. Oh no, we can’t have this.
This is actually stopping cancer, which is a multi trillion dollar business. We’re gonna have to give them some GMO type weed and then they legalize it. I, dude, I knew there was something weird when they legalized it everywhere. I said, oh, they’re up to something because for all these years they didn’t legalize it. And then all of a sudden it just goes legal. Remember that? Yep. It was so bizarre. I knew there was something up to it. I live out here in Colorado and they were like, oh, it’s going to be great for the economy and everything.
We’re going to fix the roads. Yeah, they didn’t fix none of the roads. They just took all that money that they gained from it and pocketed it. They didn’t fix, they didn’t do nothing. What part of Colorado you in? Colorado Springs. Oh, is it back getting bad out there? Oh, yeah, man. But they’re, they’re doing this major like construction, just infrastructure now. They’re just tearing up everything, man, trying to just build on more places to stay on. It’s probably like tripled within the last couple years, the population. So where, where was that, where was all the Venezuelan gangs coming in? That was where you’re.
By where you’re at, that’s about 70 miles from where I’m at. 70 miles north. Was that really happening? I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. If I, if I wouldn’t have seen it on the news, I wouldn’t even known anything about it. That’s not to say that there wasn’t a problem, but I don’t think it was as hyped up as it they were saying. But they’re def there. I mean, there could definitely be some, you know, gangs that are taking over up there. Denver gets crazy, like especially Aurora. Like people underestimate that town.
Oh yeah. Denver gets wild. And Chuck. You know what’s interesting, Chuck? Back in the day when I used to smoke herb when I was growing my own bro, it never made me paranoid, like maybe once in a while if I did too much. Many edibles right. You know, you go on that ride where you’d be like, oh, I shouldn’t have did that many. Maybe I need to call the ambulance. But on average, not. And then all of a sudden, I think before it went legal, everywhere, Chuck, I think that they flooded the market with that Delta 8 to see if it worked on us, to see if we would notice that it.
Because that still gets you high. Just like the normal weed, if not higher. This new variant they got, it’s called THC JP. It’s 30 times stronger than normal THC Delta 9. And it makes you so, like, paranoid and feel weird as. That’s because it’s synthetic, bro. And out of nowhere, the weed just started making me feel funny. Like, this is before it went legal. So I think they were testing out that synthetic stuff on us. I really do. Speaking of mushrooms, has any of your guys’s feeds been flooded with the mushroom gummies? Those things have been showing up tons and tons on my feed.
Mine too. And you know why there’s this whole mushroom narrative right now? It gets into the zombies. Remember in the Last of Us, it was the mushroom, the fungal that turned them all into zombies. And then if you watch the New Penguin, bro, the New Penguin on hbo, that’s the drug that they’re selling in there. Mushrooms. But it’s this rare mushroom that grows these red spore things on it. And when they take it, it makes them feel like they forget where they’re at. So there was just this major flood in Gotham. And everybody from the east side, that’s like, where all the poor people are, they have no electricity.
The power grids down there. So that whole narrative’s in it. And they’re just selling mad mushrooms to the whole Gotham. But they’re these mushrooms that have this, like, red on them. And they were giving them to people in Ar. Arkham Aane Asylum so that they wouldn’t realize that they were in the same asylum. And Falcon’s daughter, she was in there. They called her the Hangman. But her dad was really the one that killed all them girls and blamed it on his daughter. But when she got out, she. Her and her brother were going, carmine, we’re gonna set up this whole mushroom trade.
And then that’s how it starts out. But the Penguin kills him. But yeah, man, there’s a huge mushroom narrative right now. And they got all these mushroom vapes, too. Have you seen that, bro? I haven’t seen those. Oh, yeah, yeah, they got mushroom vapes now, dude. So there’s something going on with the mushrooms. I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw them unless I was growing my own, because there’s weird going on with that too. And that connects to even the. The Halo video game. There was a enemy called the Flood, which was all those little spore things that they’d get on you and like, basically turn you into, like, a zombie.
And it just keep it infecting. Yep. Others, I think it all ties to the whole zombie narrative. But, you know, I’m a firm believer in real mushrooms, like organic. That comes. Anything that comes from God. Yeah, that’s good. But all this nonsense that they’re putting out here, all this synthetic. I am not a believer in it. And the fungus, too. It gets into more gallons in. In the chemtrails that they’re spraying over our head. That more gallons that gets inside people and the freaking little spores grow out of them, like little fibers. That’s all a fungal infection, bro.
Fungal overload in your body. It’s just. It’s a synthetic fungal overload. They’ve learned how to take the fungus and manipulate its genome or. Or whatever to use it as some type of mind control. I think they’re using it for. That’s my personal opinion on it. Something I haven’t fully figured it out, but it gets into the more gallons. It gets into the zombies when you start seeing. And I mean, it’s like you said, it’s just loaded on our timelines now. I noticed that too, the other day. I was like. But I figured it was because the whole new penguin came out and there’s all the mushrooms and that.
So, yeah, there’s something going on that’s very strange. Yeah. I seen like, three different manufacturers, like, for it. I was like, well, that’s strange. Yeah, it’s. It’s. It’s. It’s. It’s very strange. They have caused Naran commercials on the media, too. Oh, and the Naran, that’s. That they were saving people that were dying from the heroin overdoses. Right. But now with the Xylazine in it, guess what they call Xylazine, the zombie drug. And it’s eating people’s skin away, bro, when they’re shooting up. And so it’s tied to that whole zombie narrative, too. And think about this, bro.
Now does that. Now the Narcan, it doesn’t save you because all this is in the dope. So they’re just dying. It’s all part of population control. But when they released the vaccine in the United States on December 14th of 2020, that’s when the Coronavirus vaccine went live. That was the day of the corona eclipse in Argentina. And guess what movie came out on that exact day 13 years prior? Is it I am legend? Yep. I am Legend. And how did they turn into zombies? And I am Legend. Not from the cure or not from the virus.
From the cure. Y. You know what I’m saying, bro? Naran dead. Naran is 17 in Chaldan. 666 in reverse Sumerian. And 111 and 222. Oh. 111. That’s witchcraft. That’s mandatory story. That’s vaccines. That 111 cipher is crazy. And 321. Of course it is. They’re killing us, man. These are killing us. That sounds like crocodile. Yeah, Remember the crocodile came out in. In Russia. But that was what they were doing with that. Travis was taking like, Tylenol threes and codeines and cutting it with kerosene or diesel fuel or some crazy. And they were shooting that up. It was making, like, a dirty version of the Heron.
This is way worse, bro. Xylazine. It’s an elephant tranquilizer. And they’re cutting the dope with. And it’s killing people because the Narcan don’t save them no more, bro. And when the people shoot up with it, it’s eating holes in their skin. Like, there’s people walking around my city, bro, that look like zombies. Their. Their bones are showing, Travis, because it ate all that away so you could see their bones, their veins. They’re. Oh, man. It’s crazy. I don’t even know how people put that inside them. Like, if you see it doing that to you, that it’s got to be very addicting when you see your whole arm getting ate away and you keep doing it.
You know what I’m saying? I wouldn’t even want to try. No like that, bro. But it’s scary. It’s scary. It’s sad. These young kids don’t even stand a chance, man. And just. It’s. It’s. It’s. It’s a crazy time to be alive, you know? It really is. It’s a crazy time to be alive. 6G is coming, Jama. Not only a 6G coming. 7G, then 8G, the 9G, then 10G. And like me and Paranoid American was talking about during our podcast, it seems like their agenda is to create a society where we cannot survive in it. So by the time 6 and 7 GS out, you’re not going to be able to survive no more.
People are going to be dying in their 30s, late, early, you know, early 30s or, or late 30s, early 40s. That’s going to be old age age. And then the only way you’ll be able to survive is uploading your consciousness to the cloud. So it’s like they’re, they’re engineering an environment to where we have no choice but to upload to the cloud. You know, that’s what it seems like to me. But hey, I guess I could be totally crazy, right? Maybe I’m tripping. Yeah, it’s pretty nuts, man. But that’s what we got for you guys tonight.
We did an hour and 30 minutes. So we were, we, we said we was going to do a 45 minute episode, but we busted out an hour in 30. It’s 10:33pm That 133 number. So we’ll end it for tonight, guys. Go over on Truthful TV dot com. Check out our shop, check out some of the new amazing products we have over there. Get your personal decode. That link is down below. And do, do me a favor, go follow my boy Matrix code breaker 88. His link is down below. You can find them. You see, they censor him on Facebook, so you’ll probably have to actually click on the link in the description to get to his Facebook.
But he does some cool, cool decodes over there. He used to be one of my decoders on truthful tv.com and we’re working on a page for him for Truth Mafia. So he’ll be doing a lot of cool stuff on there as well. But I thank you, brother, for coming on and hanging out with me, man. No problem. Thank you for having me. I’ll probably hit you up in the next day or two. We’ll do another one together. Okay, let’s do it. All right, so everybody, we love y’all. I’m gonna play the outro and we’re gonna end this bad boy.
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