Massive Media Coverup for Years: The Truth about Walz – Its EXTREME w/ Rep. Hudson Senator Lucero

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âž¡ Tim Walls, a former Congress member, changed his core beliefs when running for a statewide office. A product called Nanosoma can help our bodies produce Vitamin C and regulate other bodily functions. In Minnesota, politicians have been passing extreme legislation without public knowledge or understanding, aided by media coverage. Lastly, a product called Masterpiece Detox can help remove toxins from our bodies, potentially reducing disease rates.
âž¡ The speaker discusses the political situation in Minnesota, focusing on Governor Tim Walls. They claim Walls has changed his stance on key issues, such as gun rights, to gain political favor. They also criticize the media for not scrutinizing Walls’ actions and policies, suggesting that this lack of scrutiny allows extreme legislation to pass. The speaker also mentions concerns about the state’s Attorney General, Keith Ellison, and his support for foreign censorship. They conclude by accusing the Democratic Party of not truly caring about democracy, citing a last-minute, unreadable omnibus bill as an example.
âž¡ The article discusses concerns about government overreach, economic uncertainties, and the importance of investing in gold and silver. It criticizes the actions of Tim Walls, accusing him of ignoring the constitution and implementing his own vision of society without considering others’ opinions. The article also mentions controversial decisions like providing driver’s licenses and taxpayer-funded healthcare for illegal immigrants, passing gun control bills, and changing the state flag. It ends by criticizing the tearing down of historical statues and the lack of law enforcement intervention during such incidents.
âž¡ The speaker discusses their frustration with the current political climate, particularly the perceived misuse of power by the ruling party. They believe the party has been acting undemocratically, giving too much power to radical members, and ignoring the needs of the people. They argue that this has led to a decline in education standards, increased taxes, and a general erosion of rights. The speaker urges listeners to vote and get involved in organizations that can help bring about change.
âž¡ Everyone has some level of authority and influence in their lives, whether it’s in their family, job, or community. This power should be used to positively impact our culture, which should ideally drive politics. However, the current situation has reversed this, with public policy influencing culture instead. To change this, we need to understand our rights and laws, like the state and federal constitutions, and not feel helpless when faced with political challenges.


And that right there was the very beginning of what would become the extremist Tim walls. Because for his entire time in Congress, he put forward what his constituents wanted to hear in order to gain their support pro second amendment. But as soon as he was running for a statewide office, he was willing to double back and renounce what supposedly was his core belief. Did you know that our bodies stopped creating its own vitamin C millions of years ago? Unlike most animals on this planet, our body does not create our own vitamin C. We need to consume food to get what we need.

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You will be amazed. Again, use the link below or go to undershop to learn more or to buy for some customers. Save 10%. Welcome to business game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have Representative Walter Hudson and Senator Eric Lucero coming to the program. They are from Minnesota, and they’ve been working with walls for the last few sessions here for a while. And you’re gonna learn what, you’re gonna learn what the country needs to learn how extreme the situation has been in Minnesota from them putting through a 1400 page omnisc bill where no one even knew what was in it.

The Democrats voted for it without even knowing what was in it, and nobody, they wouldn’t tell anybody. And it took them a long time to even get copies of it. They’re gonna explain that process, but they’re gonna explain in detail some of the extreme legislation that’s going through the tactics, the fact that they don’t even care what people think. The hiding of legislation from their own constituents and forcing it through and then hiding it and then having the media play for them to create, put everybody in cocoon, including their own supporters. Their own supporters have no clue what they’re supporting because the media is covering for them, and they don’t get to see what the legislation really is.

This is extreme. People need to understand what’s going on this is what’s coming for the country. I’m telling you, this is coming for the country, and people need to know it. So I’m bringing on two of the most prominent people in the Minnesota Senate and the legislature so that you can hear firsthand what’s going on, what the country is bringing forward. They’re going to talk also about Keith Ellison, who used to be the former head of the DNC, very tied to Antifa and the Muslim Brotherhood. What he’s had, you know, tied at the hip with walls.

You’re going to hear a lot of things. So before I get into that, I want to remind you about the masterpiece detox. We are getting sprayed everywhere. We have all these toxins in the air and soil. I have soil samples from the largest organic supplier, soil samples that analyze all the soil samples, and they’ve been doing it for decades. And since 2019, there’s been a sharp increase of aluminum and other heavy metals and microplastics in our soil, also our air. You need to get this out of your body because all of that contributes to the rise of disease.

We’re seeing a disease epidemic. And, you know, you hear RFK junior talking more about it. It’s everywhere. All you have to do is look. All the numbers are rising. Turbo cancers are rising. Everything is rising. This, whether this is a source or it just magnifies it, it makes it worse. You got to get it out of your system. Masterpiece is gentle. Two months supply, $52.99. You can buy it at the link below. Remember, it’s a two month supply and it’s gentle and it’s at the link below okay. I’m going to get into this really important discussion with Senator Eric Lucero and Representative Walter Hudson.

Really hope you share this, and you share it far and wide so people understand what we’re dealing with. People, you know, we’re hearing a lot of character flaws about walls, but they need to hear it firsthand from the people that have worked with them. What is coming for you if this administration wins the election? I can’t be more serious about it. I went on a tour last year. I did a conference on the extreme legislation coming through in Minnesota because some of it’s the most extreme in the world. People have no idea. And I did a speaking tour on it a little bit, but it didn’t get the attention.

But I had no idea how accurate I was, and I was horrified that this is really what the national, what they’re going for. So you need to hear this, and please, please share it. Okay, here’s Senator Eric Lucero and Representative Walter Hudson. Hi. Welcome to the show. Thank you for having us. It’s always a great opportunity to join you and to discuss the items that are important to Minnesotans and the entire country. Yes, it’s great to be here. Appreciate it. Sarah. Well, I’m excited to have you here because you guys are both two rising stars, very prominent people in one in the Senate, one in the one representative, and very highly respected and in the center of a lot of the legislation that’s been going on in Minnesota.

So you understand what it was like to work with walls and what legislation they’ve been pushing through. So the country understands. People don’t understand how extreme this is. Minnesota is one of the most, if not the most extreme place in the country, and people have no idea what’s sitting there waiting for them to come. And I think you two are the best to help people in this country realize what it is that’s coming for them. So before we get into this, I’d like you to each say kind of quickly who you are, and then we can move into this onslaught that we’re going to be talking about.

So, Walter, do you want to start? Yeah, certainly. So Eric and I are politically associated in more ways than one. So he is the state senator for the district in which I live, and I am a state representative, and one half of that district. So my district covers about half of Otsego, St. Michael, Albertville, Hanover, and Rockford Township, all of which is in the northeastern corner of Wright county, which is in the northwestern part of the Twin Cities metro area. And so its a community thats very much on the bleeding edge of where the metro turns into greater Minnesota.

And so I was on the city council here in Albertville for seven years. And our motto here is small town living, big city life. And I think that motto pretty accurately reflects kind of the sensibility of the folks who live in this district, which is they might work in the city, they might have family and recreational activities that take place closer to the big skyscrapers and the tall buildings of Minneapolis and St. Paul. But what they’re looking for is the kind of peace of mind, the ability to, you know, reasonably be able to keep your front door unlocked for most of the day, that type of quiet community.

And so that’s what I have tried to bring in terms of my public service, both when I was in the city council and certainly now as the state representative. Okay, Eric, who are you? Well, thank you again. And so I am presently serving as senator. And prior to this role, I’m in my first term as senator for the communities that Representative Hudson mentioned, in addition to the communities of Elk river now then, and a portion of Oak Grove. And prior to my current role, I was state representative for eight years for a total of four terms.

And so I’ve been in the Minnesota legislature now for a total of ten years. Walter Hudson replaced the position I had when I ran for Senate. So that’s the dynamics here. Okay, excellent. And he, he’s spot on in terms of the values, the, the type of people that, and the ethics that they have and the pursuit of happiness and trying to live the american dream for themselves and for their children. And anyway, that’s my background. And so not only have I spanned the, I was in the legislature prior to walls coming into office, but I’ve been in office the entire time he’s been in office.

So I’ve had the opportunity to witness his priorities, his actions, and his essentially assault on the Constitution and the american way of life. That’s absolutely right. And you two are just highly recommended as the people to talk to here to really get an idea of what’s going on. And just for people who are watching, what you represent is right outside of Minneapolis. So it’s part of the big twin cities. So you have a good idea of both of what’s going on in the twins, in Minneapolis, and in more the outer suburbs. Let’s dive into walls and the legislation and that.

You know, I did a conference presentation and I did a speaking kind of tour on how extreme the legislation is on Minnesota. But, you know, and then I was horrified when I realized that they were putting walls up nationally, because it made me realize back then, I said, this is what’s coming for you. And I was so, I didn’t realize how right I was. And when they, when they put them up at this national level, I was horrified because I know what it was that we’ve been experiencing, probably not as much as you guys do. So can you talk, either one who wants to start on kind of the background and what you are dealing with and the onslaught of this extreme situation? Well, I’ll say this.

The first introduction that all of us in Minnesota had to walls, who was himself a former congressperson in cd two in Minnesota, he was NRA, endorsed his time in Congress, and he supported, supposedly supported the second amendment to the constitution, our gun rights. When he first ran for governor, one of the things that he did was to renounce his NRA endorsement and completely do a 180 degree flip flop. And that right there was the very beginning of what would become the extremist Tim walls. Because for his entire time in Congress, he put forward what his constituents wanted to hear in order to gain their support pro second amendment.

But as soon as he was running for a statewide office, he was willing to double back and renounce what supposedly was his core belief. And so that, I think, was a great introduction into that part going forward and his entire time in office. Walter, I’ll let you say a few more. Yeah, I mean, I think the thing in anecdote that really brings to light the current moment and the gravity of it is folks like Eric and myself, we are elected officials, public trustees. We’re down at the legislature. We’re digging into the details. We sit on committees, we’re looking at legislation.

You don’t get your ear any further to the ground than we have it. And yet, in spite of that, there are things about Tim Walls that I have learned that I didn’t know since he got put on the ticket with Kamala Harris simply because of the degree of scrutiny that he has received nationally that he never received here in the state of Minnesota. So a very recent example of this is our attorney general, Keith Ellison, who was elected alongside walls and serves alongside him. They’re bozeman buddies, good friends. Came out in the immediate aftermath of the Brazilian Supreme Court doubling down on the banning of the x platform social media platform and the exorbitant fines punishment being imposed upon brazilian citizens.

He came out that night and thanked Brazil for doing that. The attorney general of the state of Minnesota. Now, you would think that that would be newsworthy, right? Even if your angle on it was to somehow defend him or to downplay it or to argue that it’s somehow a good thing. Like, whatever your position is on the issue, certainly it’s newsworthy that the attorney general of the state of Minnesota is coming out and saying that we should be grateful to a foreign country for suppressing the free expression of its citizens. That’s something we should probably talk about it.

It’s been two or three days now. Nothing. Nothing at all in Minnesota media about it, not even an acknowledgement, not even like a. Republicans palates, which is usually the typical framing for something like that. Like they. I. They put out something saying, like, state Representative Walter Hudson got really angry because of this tweet, rather than talking about the substance of the tweet. Not even that. The only local coverage it’s gotten from a mainstream source is a CB’s affiliate in Idaho. And that is indicative of the type of cocoon, the kind of cone of silence that Tim Walz has been able to operate under during his term as governor.

He is not scrutinized. He is not questioned. He is not examined. And as a result, the exposure that he’s getting now, the things that we’re learning, the stolen valor, the lies about IVF, I mean, who lies about how they conceived their children, my God, all of these different aspects of his character that certainly don’t surprise anybody like Eric and I. But the particular details of which we may not have been privy to before simply because we don’t have a functioning media in the state of Minnesota. But that is what’s coming for the country, is this cocoon of media where they allow this extreme legislation to go through and then they protect the people and what their true motivations are and their agenda is because the media is completely silent and they spin everything.

And so the people are ignorant to what’s really going on. The media is acting. The cocoon is a great analogy. They are insulating Tim Walls and his extremism from any scrutiny, from accountability. And the vast majority of Minnesotans, because they’re not being given information that is pertinent to their decision making for themselves and the future of their children, they are operating in ignorance towards the reality of Tim walls as a direct result of a derelict and their responsibility. And as a result, we’ve seen this extremism flourish. Well, and I got to say, Keith Ellison used to be, or informally, was the head of the DNC.

He’s tied to Antifa. He’s tied to the Muslim Brotherhood that has come out. So there’s some bigger ties here that people don’t realize. And also walls has been tied to going to, what, China? Over 30 times? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, and that’s the thing is, and Eric is really good at cataloging, like, the specific legislative faux pas and violations that have occurred over the course of the past two years at the very least, but further back than that by Tim Walls. But the two years being the worst because of the Democrat tri, affected them having total control legislative process in the state.

But what I think is kind of the overriding point that sets the table for examining the details is that Tim Walls, as the standard bearer for the Democratic Party in the state of Minnesota, is a complete and utter hypocrite, a pathological liar. And it is not just his character flaw. Through association and through their complicity, silence, aid and comfort, the entire Democrat party apparatus and their allies, whether you’re talking about, you know, union groups or nonprofits, media outlets, particular reporters and what have you, they are all complicit in the same dishonesty. And I think the biggest lie that they tell is this, that they care at all about democracy.

They do not. They very clearly do not. What we’ve just talked about demonstrates it. If you cared about rule of the people, ruled by the people, if that’s what you cared about, then you would be tripping over yourself to engage the people, to let them know what you’re doing, to ensure that it comports with their values and that they offer you their informed consent. That’s what democracy. Setting the distinction between a democracy and a republic aside for the sake of conversation, that’s what it implies, is that you have consent to govern me in this way, because I understand what it is that you’re doing.

Yet at every opportunity, and we’ve cited a couple of examples, the effort has been precisely the opposite. Keep the people insulated from the reality of what is going on in their state. And I think the most specific example of how this has played out in terms of legislative outcomes is the way the session ended this year. So we got to the end of the year, and in the final hour, literally the final hour, in which legislative action could be taken, they passed a 1400 page omnibus bill, Chuck, full of everything under the sun. Now, in the Minnesota state constitution, we have a single subject rule, which says that no piece of legislation shall cover more than one subject expressed in its title.

That rule, that constitutional edict was completely violated. And again, the Constitution, that’s your primary document expressing the consent of the people to be governed by this entity that’s being created. And so they violated that. And even worse, they broke their legislative rules, so their own rules that they came up with saying, this is how we usually govern these chambers. They just pulled out all the stops and did what they wanted anyway, in tyrannical fashion. But then the fact that when the votes were taken on this bill, the bill itself was not available for anyone to read on either side of the aisle.

It wasn’t physically printed out, and you couldn’t find it online. So all of these Democrats voted yes on they knew not what. That one example is all you need to know. These people only do what they’re told. They don’t even care what the content of what they’re being told to do is. They are puppets being controlled by their masters, and they couldn’t possibly care less what you think about any of it. Just a quick break from the program. Are you worried about the government overreach and about the freedom crushing cbdcs that are threatening to be put in place that will take away our freedom and our independence? I am too.

You can have a hedge against all these economic uncertainties by investing in gold and silver. They have been holding the price of gold and silver down. And it not only is a hedge against these uncertainties, it’s also a good investment. So contact the company that I use, which is Miles Franklin. You can contact tell them that Sarah sent you. And Andy Schechman, the president promised me that he’ll give you the best prices and service in the country again. tell them that Sarah sent you. So they passed all of it without reading it. It’s kind of like Nancy Pelosi saying we need to pass it so that we could see what’s in it.

I mean, that’s what they did. Well, at least Nancy Pelosi admitted that she wanted to see what was in it eventually. This group, Tim walls, it didn’t matter. It wasn’t available in hard copy, wasn’t available in digital copy, and they had no intention of ever knowing or reading then or afterwards. Did you eventually get to see what was in it? I mean, you have to implement it. So did you get to see it eventually hard copies and digital copies were produced, but it was long after any votes were taken. How does an elected official properly represent without knowing even what they’re voting on? My gosh, I didn’t know it was that bad.

So what was in it? Let’s talk about what they were hiding. That’s so stupid. Come on, you guys. That’s so stupid. I mean, that’s, not only is it stupid, it’s, it’s, it’s unconstitutional. It violates every tenet of ethics. Here’s the reality. Tim Walls does not view the constitution or the process as something to maintain and to uphold. He views the constitution, the process, as an impediment to his objective. What is his objective? To implement his version, his idea of what society should be. And he doesn’t care who he has to step on. He doesn’t care which rules are violated.

He doesn’t care the actual outcomes and hardships that are forced upon the hard working people. His version is what matters, and nobody else’s voice matters. In addition, I think it should be noted that the dynamics here in the state of Minnesota is there is a one vote majority in the Minnesota Senate. It’s 34 to 33 in the House. It’s a four vote difference. And that one vote in the Minnesota Senate was won by 300 or so odd votes, meaning Minnesota is as close to 50 50 as you can get. And yet Tim Walls was the champion with an iron fist to implement his version of what he believes to be by completely ignoring 50% of Minnesota.

There’s no consensus. There’s no interest in building a coalition. There’s no interest in working across the aisle. There’s no interest in any of this. It’s his way or the highway. So to answer your question, not just this year, but again, in my experience with Tim Walls, it goes back six years in my time in office, starting with COVID and all that happened there, all those mandates and completely usurping of liberty, whether it be business, whether it be schools, whether it be churches. You know, one example, Tim walls, during COVID to demonstrate his priorities, he slammed closed the doors of churches and religious worship institutions while allowing booze, liquor stores and Planned Parenthood to maintain their doors wide open.

That demonstrates, just again, one of the many examples of Tim walls as priorities. Among the other things that he’s implemented, again, not just that, this 1400 page omnibus bill this year, but going back last year when they, when the Democrats took control by that one seat majority. Among the things, they burned through a $19 billion surplus. And that surplus represents over taxation. And they burned through it by giving it out to the various interest groups. On the Democrat side. A lot of, not only did they have a $19 billion surplus, they increased taxes in a time of surplus, but a lot of that surplus went to fraudulent organizations like the feed the, what is that? That $250 million fraudulent.

Feed the children. Yeah. Feeding the future. Yeah. So that’s just, you have one of many examples of these programs to dish out billions of dollars with no scrutiny, no accountability. And once those dollars are paid out, you can’t cloud those back. You may send a few people to prison, but people have made millions of dollars through waste, fraud and abuse on these programs. They have, you’ve already heard about the menstrual products in boys bathrooms and schools, elementary schools included. Yeah. That is, that was a priority of Tim walls. He automatic, well, driver’s license for illegal foreign nationals.

So Minnesotans are having illegals that are crossing the border, the failure to protect the border by Harris and Biden. Those illegals are flocking to Minnesota so they can get this gateway document, a driver’s license that, that they can then use to perpetuate and normalize. That’s right. Illegal activity. There’s. There’s a lot of. I always say there’s a lot of national stuff going on here, and there’s this feed, and I think that’s why they like walls so much, is not just because he’s a communist, but because they have this national agreement going on when it comes to life.

So I was among those early on, back in 2015, that was the co author of a piece of legislation that said if a baby was born as the result of a botched abortion, that it was a requirement then to give them life saving care. Because at that point, they’re a human, they’re a citizen. Exactly. Absolutely. 100%. Yeah. We called it the. The born Alive Infant Protection act. So that piece of legislation, along with decades of bipartisan pro life legislation, was ripped out, and Tim Wall signed that into law. Why would you repeal the born alive Infant Protection act? So essentially, a baby that’s born as the result of a botched abortion, it can be left to die.

Well, and I got to tell you, you say that only 50%. I would say that upwards of 80, 90% of the people he’s not representing in Minnesota because of that. And the people who think they’re Democrats, if they actually knew what was going on, they wouldn’t be supporting it, because when it comes to this abortion, I know it’s a very fiery topic, but the majority of the people don’t agree with abortion at the very last minute or letting a live infant die. They just don’t agree with that stuff. And most Democrats don’t agree with it either.

Yep. That’s exactly right. On another topic on, I mentioned driver’s license for illegal foreign nationals. Government or taxpayer funded health care for illegal foreign nationals is something that Minnesota taxpayers are also paying for. I mean, my list goes on and on and on. I won’t read it. All gun control bills that they passed, they passed a retirement account mandate. So if you’re an employee and you are going to, you go to work for an employer, obviously you’re automatically going to be enrolled in a state run retirement. You’re automatically opted in, and you have to go through the burden of opting out.

And so it’s the nanny state and putting increased burden on businesses in addition to having increased the regulations. I’m just trying to go through a few here, but one of the tenants of bringing in a tyrannical communist thing is to break down your. Your connection to your past. And so, you know, you see all the statues being torn down. You see anything to our foundation, our cultural past. We had our flag changed. And, you know, you can argue that’s just one, but it’s, it’s a pattern where they keep tearing down our cultural institutions and our history, and they did it on steroids.

Here in Minnesota, speaking about tearing down history figuratively and also literally, we have the statue of Christopher Columbus. They, the, the commit of the, the commissioner of the Department of Public Safety, about 30 minutes or so, this was several years ago now, about 30 minutes as this group, this mob was forming around the Capitol and were threatening to tear down these statues. They, he was told to stand down. So the troopers, Capitol police just sat there because they were told to stand down because obviously it would have come from higher up balls. The executive, obviously. And they, we watched and witnessed the, the statue just be torn down part of our history.

Now, if you have disagreements on statues or arch or anything, let’s have a conversation about it. Let’s weigh the merits and demerits, and then let’s make a decision in a reasonable manner. But to illegally go there and have law enforcement stand down while our history is attacked is another example of Tim Walls. And what became of that? That statue is still somewhere behind closed doors, not, not reinstalled. You think it’s important to make the point. You brought up the flag, the changing of the flag. And it’s interesting because a lot of hay was made about that during the legislative session.

I think for some folks on our side, they saw it as an issue that was popular for us because most people didn’t like the new flag or want the flag to be changed. And so they kind of felt like it was safe to pour a lot of energy in that. And part of the criticism that I heard in response to all that energy that was poured into the flag issue is, why are you guys so up in armst about this? This isn’t that big of a deal. This isn’t the biggest issue. Why aren’t you guys talking about things that matter more? And I understand that criticism, but I’ll tell you why it matters to me.

It matters to me for a couple of big reasons. One, because I recognize what the implication is. What does a conquering force do after it takes land? Plant their flag. That’s right. Plant their flag. And this was the last thing they did at the end of a two year term, after they had wrecked absolute havoc in the state. And as Eric rightfully and artfully points out, totally leveraged to the absolute max, the barest majority possible, literally the weakest electoral mandate that a trifecta has ever had. I mean, you’d be hard pressed to find a lesser mandate for an elected trifecta.

We had Keith Ellison and Julie Blah, the state auditor, both almost defeated. The races were within half of a percent, or just about half a percent. So the people of Minnesota didn’t cry out, give us your most leftist, communist, maoist, marxist dream. That’s not what they were asking for. It was a very divided state, a very purple state, and instead, we got what we got, and why did we get it? And this all ties back to the symbolism of planting your flag in a conquered land. The reason why we got it was because that 1400 page omnibus that they shoved through in the final hour, that came as a shock, even to us, cynical though we are, that came to us as a shock when it happened.

It was not a shock to the Democrats. They had been planning it for weeks, if not months. And what I hold to be true and believe with all my heart is that this approach to governing, this anti democratic, unconstitutional, pull out of the stops, break all the rules approach was decided the night of the election in 2022. The night of the election in 2022, when they realized what they had. When they realized they had caught the car of the trifecta, they made the conscientious decision institutionally then and there with Tim Walls full approval and endorsement and support and probably advocacy, that they were going to govern this state as a Democrat party oligarchy, that they were going to shut out not just elected Republicans, but the millions, millions of Minnesotans who we represent and the millions more within their own districts who didn’t vote for them, that they weren’t going to have any interest whatsoever in what any of the rest of us had to say about anything at all, that they were going to leverage their power to the nth degree.

And the consequence of doing that was that because they weren’t working as a legislature and were instead working as a caucus that is in control and could do whatever it wants, they gave maximum power and leverage to their craziest, most radical, most communist socialist members. Some of those legislators are literally endorsed by the democratic Socialists of America, which is a pro hamas organization that’s tied in with those other groups that you were talking about earlier. I mean, these are anti american, radical revolutionaries by their own description. And each of them was granted outsized, disproportionate power as a direct result of the.

Of the partisan approach to governance that was decided upon, in my view, the night of the election in 2022. All this rhetoric we hear about threats to democracy and the threats to the peace and order and normalcy, it’s all projection. They are the ones who have made the decision to literally break all the rules, pull out all the stops, plant their flag of conquering in the ground, divide us, tell us all that we’re racists and bigots and this phobes and that phobes like they’re the ones who are doing all of that. And it’s beyond maddening to me to continue to watch as they are not held accountable for it.

And there’s only so much complaining that you can do about it. It is correct, I think, to have a sense of righteous indignation about it. But what we ultimately have to be gearing ourselves towards is these people need to be defeated. That’s right. And right now, in this moment, that means electorally, in the election, they need to be defeated. But regardless of how the election turns out, there are other pathways, and I’m not talking about armed revolution or breaking the law. There are other pathways that we can and should and must take to ensure peaceably that we assert our rights and call ourselves back to being the people under common law, and not surrender to the dictates of these folks who only pretend to care about democracy and who only pretend to care about the rules when it immediately benefits them.

That’s right. And they can’t just break the constitution and do whatever the hell they want. I mean, they have to follow the rules. I actually say we need to reach out to more of these democrats that are in a cocoon and have no idea what they’re supporting. And I realize that a large group of them are not reachable, but there’s some that are reachable and that are just like, you need to understand what it is that you’re supporting. I mean, when it comes to property rights, parent rights, they’re eroding all of that when we hear. So one of the examples, there are many metrics that we can look at in society to see the natural consequences of this parental authority, usurping curriculum, destroying education, etcetera.

One of them is, one of the recent headlines was the testing scores of k twelve children continue to decline. And I don’t have the numbers in front of me at the moment, but it was around 50% or so at grade level for both math and reading, something like that. It may have been even less. I know for some school districts in the metro area, their graduation rates are hovering just under or around 50%. And these metrics are all happening during Tim walls six years in office. And this is what’s happening. And it’s destroying not only the businesses through mandates, it’s destroying jobs, it’s destroying households with increased taxes.

It’s destroying seniors with the perpetuation of the tax on Social Security, increasing costs for those that are on fixed incomes. It’s destroying opportunities for young people who are trying to excel in school or desire to excel in school, but their curriculums then are being watered down and becoming a social experiment rather than a focus on reading, writing and arithmetic. And all of these things are going to have consequences. And it may not be immediate, some of them are several years out, but it’s destroying the state of Minnesota. And if Tim Walls and his priorities and anti american agenda is moved to the national level, then what is happening to Minnesota will be advanced and pushed across the entire country.

Well, they raised the budget by over 40%. I mean, it’s just crazy. Some people say he’s just trying to get the heck out of Minnesota before the whole thing collapses. But, Walter, I got to get back to what you were saying. Some of the things that we can do besides voting, which we need to vote, we need to get, we need to reach more of these people who don’t know, who are in this cocoon, but what other things can we do? You started hinting at that. Yeah. So, I mean, right now with it being however many days it is out from the election, it’s literally two months away from today.

And early voting starts on the 20th of this month. So that’s 15 days away. That’s definitely my focus right now. Like, the number one thing we have to do is we have to be getting ballots in boxes. So if you’re not already involved with something like Trump Force 47, which you can find at Trumpforce 47 dot, or if you’re not already involved with, with other organizations that are chasing the ballot, what’s Charlie Kirk’s group, turning point USA. It comes to mind. Find a way to get involved in an activity that is getting ballots put into boxes, because right now, the most important thing is for us to defeat these people at the ballot box.

Beyond that, after the election, and again, I say, no matter which way it goes, even if it goes awesome for us, we’re still going to need to do the work that I’m about to suggest. And that is, first and foremost, taking Dominion over the ministry that we’ve been granted. And that is something that everybody has. I don’t care who you are, where you are, or what you do, you have been placed in a position of some degree of authority and some degree of dominion and ministry over an area. Right. Your family, your church community, your job, your occupation, whatever it is, you need to be thoughtfully and intentionally looking for ways to leverage your dominion over that area to affect the culture.

Because the culture, what they’ve managed to do, the way this is supposed to work. And again, this goes back to my previous point about their fake democracy. If we were actually a democratic republic in the way that they only claim to value, then the culture would be driving the politics, right? That’s right. Whatever the people, the values of the people, what the people believe, what’s important to the people, what serves the public good, truly the general welfare, that’s what would be driving the politics. What the left has managed to do is to invert that process to where? Now it’s the public policy that exerts pressure institutionally on the culture.

To change the culture. You need only look at the lgbt agenda. In 2008, Barack Obama was campaigning on traditional marriage being between one man and one woman. That’s what, 20. Not even 20 some years ago. 16 ish. Yeah, not even 20 years ago. So, I mean, how does a culture change? How do you go from it being undead? Unthinkable that we would consider marriage to be anything other than the union between one man and one woman at the turn of the century, in the year 2000, that was unthinkable. And now here we are debating whether or not a parent should be notified before their daughter’s breasts are cut off.

Okay, that’s where we’ve gotten to. So we need to be engaged with the culture and pushing back against this leftist ideology wherever we find it. Now, that is a general commission that’s on offer that you can apply to your unique circumstances. More specifically, and this is something that I speak tepidly about because I’m still very much in the nascent stages of kind of learning about it myself. I think we need to do something similar to what Josiah did in the Old Testament. There was this kingdom who gained the crown at a young age. His father and his grandfather had been horrible, evil kings.

He wanted to be righteous, and he longed for the law, but there was no copy of the law anywhere. Eventually, they found it. And when he found the law and read it and became educated about what the law was and what it meant to be a righteous ruler, he started to implement all these reforms and turn the kingdom around. Now, I think there’s something similar that needs to happen with us as the people. We are the rulers, right? We’re the ones in whom all political power has been vested. And so what we need to do is we need to find a copy of the law.

Now, it’s not buried in a tomb somewhere. It’s called the state constitution and the federal constitution and the common law and the maxims of law that have governed western civilization going back centuries. We need to be reacquainted with all of these things and kind of cleanse ourselves of the idea that we are completely helpless if we lose an election, or completely helpless if the Supreme Court gets packed and starts making terrible decisions, or we’re completely helpless if the governor declares an emergency and says we have to shut down our churches or what have you. We are not completely helpless.

We are the people. They are the ones who are completely helpless if we stand up. And so we need to have that kind of Josiah moment. And when I learn more about how all that functions, I’ll be happy to share it. But I would suggest taking a look at somebody like Jaron Jackson, who’s on rumble. You can find him, and David Jose. Those are the two guys who are kind of the most prominent articulators of that approach. Well, where can people follow you? Where can people learn more about what you specifically are doing, both of you? I mean, I’m easy to find.

So I’m on Twitter alter Hudson. That’s my, that’s kind of where I live online is on Twitter. I’m also on YouTube. I’m also on Rumble, Instagram. I’m trying to, you know, get all the places. I’m very reluctantly on TikTok, probably to Eric Chagrin. But yeah, I mean, I’m all over the place, so I shouldn’t be hard to find. And of course, my campaign website, Hudson for dot, the best place for me. I am not as social media prolific as Representative Hudson is. I am on Facebook, I am on X. And then I would say the.

So I do put content out there in terms of values, priorities, highlighting different things that are happening or not happening, reporting it or not being reported on in Minnesota. But then I also have an email update that I send out more when we’re in session of the goings on, things that people need to be aware of that is not being covered. And I would say those are probably. So whether it be social media or an email update. So my senate email is Sen. Eriche sending an email there can sign, a person can sign themselves up to receive my periodic email updates.

Excellent. Thank you so much for joining the program. And this is so important. I hope more people just understand what’s coming for them. They really need to understand this. Thank you so much. Thank you, Sarah.



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