Massive Change is Due to Earths 26K Year Cycle More Change Coming w/ David Dubyne

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➡ The text discusses the potential of electrostatic seed charging for improving crop yields, and criticizes the current reliance on petrochemicals. It also introduces Leela’s quantum technology, which is said to enhance health and neutralize harmful electromagnetic fields. The text further explores the idea of human cycles and their impact on our world, suggesting that we are entering a new cycle due to changing solar patterns. Finally, it promotes a device that transforms harmful electromagnetic frequencies and can function as a satellite phone, advocating for a shift towards decentralized and private telecom systems.
➡ The text discusses the idea that humanity is experiencing a significant shift in consciousness and power structures, influenced by changes in electromagnetic frequencies and the rise of big tech. This shift is causing people to question their reality and the information they receive, particularly in light of recent events like the COVID-19 pandemic and political upheavals. The author suggests that this questioning and openness to new ideas could lead to positive changes, despite the challenges and resistance to change that often occur.
➡ The text discusses the impact of changing weather patterns on food production and the potential causes behind these changes. It suggests that these changes are not just due to human activity, but also natural cycles and solar activity. The text also mentions the potential manipulation of weather by technology, but questions the extent of this capability. It ends by discussing various cycles of time, from daily to thousands of years, and their potential influence on our environment and society.
➡ The text discusses the idea of civilizations reaching their peak and then collapsing, suggesting we might be in a period of growth towards a new peak. It also explores the concept of vibrational frequencies and their impact on our perception of reality, suggesting that changes in these frequencies could lead to greater awareness and enlightenment. The text also touches on the importance of food production for the survival and advancement of civilization. Lastly, it delves into the potential influence of sound frequencies, like those from church bells, on keeping negative entities at bay.
➡ The text discusses the potential of electrostatic seed charging to increase crop yields, and the need to explore this technology instead of relying on petrochemicals. It also talks about the power structures that have been in place for thousands of years and how they might be challenged by new technologies and changes in society. The text suggests that these power structures might use food as a control mechanism, and discusses the idea of a monetary reset to free people and governments from debt. It also mentions the potential of blockchain technology and the need for a more efficient and secure data structure. The text ends by emphasizing the importance of self-sufficiency, such as growing your own food.
➡ The text discusses the importance of local food production and trade as a means of self-sufficiency and resistance against potential control through food scarcity. It suggests that communities should focus on growing their own food and trading among themselves, reducing reliance on supermarkets and centralized food systems. The text also explores the idea of bartering skills and goods, as was common in the past, instead of relying solely on currency. However, it acknowledges the need for a balanced system that includes a medium of exchange, like sound currency, to facilitate trade.
➡ The text discusses the idea that the world’s top companies and powerful individuals may be manipulating global events for their own benefit. It suggests that these entities could be using economic and psychological warfare to control and divide people. The text also raises questions about the authenticity of global conflicts and the possibility of a worldwide reset. It ends by expressing concern about the future, including changes to our food supply, living conditions, and the potential for increased natural disasters.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of understanding and preparing for significant changes expected around 2030. They believe that powerful forces are trying to control humanity through advanced technology, but humans will become too powerful to control. The speaker also mentions their podcast, Civilization Cycle, where they discuss these topics. They emphasize the importance of community and open conversation in navigating these changes.


So do you think that the information that’s being hidden, do you first of all, do you think there’s information that’s being hidden and if we could get at that, do you think that would help us tremendously? I do. And it might sound a little woo woo, but if you’re looking at electrostatic plates to put seeds on, to charge them in a different fashion, to get a larger, let’s say, yield off of the same plants, that would be a technology that needs to be explored greatly. Electroculture and electrostatic play was literally a plate and you put a frequency into it and you small electric charge and those seeds are enhanced and much more bountiful and I’ve done an enormous amount of studies on this is.

So if anybody wants to do the research, electrostatic seed charging on plates and you find heaps of peer reviewed research done on that, like we should be exploring this stuff. That’s right. And we’re not. We’re relying on petrochemicals. But again, everything like you said, it’s in the old world is all stuck in the old world because that’s where the positions of power still lie. Like their reliance on the old world, the money system, the war system, the control, the famine system, that all leads to power for them and that being eroded or taken away of. These controllers again have been in power for thousands and thousands and thousands of years.

I’m really confident that this change coming up the frequency ladder here is maybe not going to push them 1000% away off, so there’s none of them left, but it should reduce the number and hopefully there’s that yin yang balance that will come out. Experience the groundbreaking advancements of Leela’s quantum technology now backed by over 40 placebo controlled studies conducted by elite institutions and renowned universities worldwide. This revolutionary technology surpasses previous achievements as confirmed by prestigious organizations such as the Emoto Institute in Japan. Scientific investigations reveal that Lela’s technology not only enhances blood health and circulation, but also neutralizes the adverse effects of electromagnetic fields, expedites wound healing and elevates ATP production on human cells.

Embrace the extraordinary benefits of Lela’s tech as recognized and utilized by world class athletes, esteemed functional medicine practitioners and leading figures in the field of biohacking. Explore a range of transformative products from the HEAL capsule shielding you from harmful EMFs to the quantum block allowing you to infuse frequencies into your cherished possessions. Dive into the realm of innovation and shop or by following the link below. Welcome to Business game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have David Dubine coming back to the program and we are going to get a get out there and think differently this episode.

We’re going to talk about the cycles of humanity and the massive changes that we’re seeing and why that’s happening. Kind of get out of the everyday narrative that you hear about why stuff is happening. And we’re going to get to these massive human cycles and how that plays into what we’re seeing on everyday level and how we can do something about it for our own future. And I hope you engage and you think about it and you comment and you share and you talk about this issue with your friends because it is, I think we are dealing with something more.

Everybody can feel it. The energies are different. We’re dealing with something more than just the typical geopolitical and Internet stuff. And there’s something more going on. And he believes it’s because of the 26,000 year cycles of the Earth. And he’s going to talk about it because we are our solar system. The solar patterns are changing and we are frequency beings. And so when the frequencies coming in from the solar system are changing, that will change us. It’s just basic science. And then we talk about some cool stuff about history. We talk about the bells and what they used to.

How the bells in Notre Dame used to ring and put out the frequency of love. Super cool. They took it down during World War II, after World War II and then they put it back up when they rebuilt Notre Dame. That’s some cool things that are happening for humanity. But before we get into that, I want to talk to you about this love pod and why I have been promoting it so much, why I love this. First of all, it’s an amazing device which it takes. It’s a router. So nine of your devices can be connected to this.

There are some really good revolutionary or evolutionary tech with this. What it does is it takes the emfs and it transforms them into frequencies that were hurting your cells at a very molecular level. It’s hurting your cells. The EMFs are, do the research. It’s very well documented. This converts it to EMFs and frequencies that do not hurt your cells. It’s very important. The other thing it does, it takes nine devices and if the grid goes down, it can turn it into a satellite phone or it works with your local 4G but satellite. And so you can, you don’t need to spend $2,000 on a satellite phone.

If you have this. And this is Only a couple hundred dollars and then you buy, you know, the data package. But it’s also a distributed mesh network, meaning each one of these is its own tower. So the more of these that are out there, the stronger this gets. Why is a distributed mesh tower better? It’s distributed, it’s not at a central source. So the grid down on something like this, after we get a lot more of these out there, it’s far less vulnerable. You just, you just don’t have the same grid down vulnerabilities that you would have with the centralized system.

This is much stronger. It also has the ability to have, you have a vpn, a virtual private network, meaning that your data is more secure over something like this. And so I, I really like this technology. I think it’s where we need to take telecom. I think it needs to go to a decentralized, needs to be private, needs to, the frequencies that need to be used, needs to be healthy for you. The other thing is that it works with the current system today and it works to build a future system. So it works with the current because you can’t just say we want a new system.

You’re. It works with the current system while it helps build a new one. And I want people to start to understand how these kinds of, this kind of technology can exist and we can do solutions like this. It’s a big deal and I hope people look into it. I will have the link below or you can go to under shop. I really hope that you at least take some time and look into what this really is. I’m gonna have these guys back so we can talk more about it. But in the meantime, please take a look at it again.

The link is below or you can go to sarah under shop. Okay, let’s get into this excellent conversation with David Dubine. Hi David, welcome back to the program. I’m excited to be back. A few things have shifted since we spoke last but again, you know, the world has moved drastically even you know, in those, what it’s been about five months. But can you imagine how much change there’s been? Six months. I mean it seems like years of change are every single month now. It’s like we’ve, we’ve eclipsed a full decade in, in time what it used to be.

But it’s really just been months. That’s right. That’s how it feels. And you know, as a futurist, kind of like you, it’s, it’s like, wow, it’s trying to keep up with this, even as a futurist, it’s like incredible because what’s happening, happening is happening so much faster than what you expected it to. Yeah. Now we have these shifts in climate as well that are occurring much faster and much more ferocity than was anticipated with CO2. So a lot of people, you know, that narrative is broken across many ways, shapes and forms because we were fed one specific diet of information.

That’s right, so you’ll do. And now people are going, well this is changing way too fast. Something doesn’t make sense. You told us it was warming, now it’s record cold, record snow. And you know, then somehow these news outlets come and say, you know what? Well the, the record heat is causing the record cold. And you go, wait a minute, like they’re just. Even a child would understand that doesn’t make sense. They’re just trying to make up for them being wrong. But you know, scientists have been saying for a long time it’s not the hot, it’s not the warming, we’re going to have, we’re going to have a cooling.

And it’s, they’ve been saying it, but they’ve been ignored because it doesn’t fit their, their narrative doesn’t fit the CO2 narrative that they wanted to use to control the monetary system. Yeah, that’s the big thing. Losing the control of the monetary system is not going to be an easy thing. The people that have been in control of this monetary system, you realize it’s not just since the inception of the Federal Reserve in the early 20s and 2000 in 1913. This is a multi thousand year power structure from the top down that’s been in control. So if you think they’re just going to go quietly in the night, they haven’t gone in multi thousands of years.

So what would make a difference this time except a difference in electromagnetic frequencies in the field around our planet? And the sun would be changing on that 26,000 year cycle of the procession. So somewhere in there I think there’s a leeway for humanity to break free of some of these evil forces. Just how we transit around the spiral arm of our galaxy, I really believe there’s sort of a, an escape button that would be pushed. And if you understand Nikola Tesla with vibration and frequency, it makes a lot of sense that why so much change is going on and why so much control is now coming down, that we are experiencing the change and trying to implement the change.

Now there’s that much more control coming down on top to stop it so it is going to be this push and pull and I’m hopeful for humanity. I really believe we have a chance to break free here. Well, we need, we need to think differently and we need to embrace some more different paradigms in order to get to a different point. Right. If we keep embracing the same things that we’ve been doing, we’re not going to get to that new point and. But we have to. I don’t know, I mean, a lot of people don’t even understand what’s happening.

I mean, we’re trying to grapple with it as fast as we can and a lot of people are just, they don’t even understand what’s happening around them because they just started waking up. Or even half the people didn’t even know during COVID what was going on. They listened to the narrative. Well, at least with this Trump election, one good thing that occurred was this absolute shattering of illusions of what the media was in that whole control machine for it. So even the most die hard, whatever political party person, it’s beyond that boundary now. It’s stepping outside to you gaslit everybody in the human race.

Now you guys seem to be have done that for decades on end. So what else did you lie to us about? So I do hear people talking a little more questioning, shall we say, than they did prior just because of this awakening of how bad the media manipulated everybody. Statistics, narratives and all these things going through the last several years and boom, it seems like the dam is broken free. Now a lot of people are, I don’t know, would you say waking up? But they’re questioning a lot more. I don’t know if those two can say the exact same.

They’re similar, but I’m not going to say they’re the same. But there’s more questioning of what is truly the reality around us and how are we perceiving that. And that will come back into the magnetic field changes also. Is that part of it is the magnetic field state of our solar system changing and then that reflects here in the magnetic field on the earth and then our brains interpreting information being electrically connected? Is that an awakening also? And is it multi layers of just the news got broke where everybody understands it was fictitious and it always has been, or is it a magnetic field that allows us to perceive information differently that then layers on top of that and then we start to see about, you know, the finance system and the whole change of cryptocurrency versus ancient finance, like all these things are layering on top at the exact same time.

It’s overwhelming for many, but again trying to stay on top of it. Where’s the world going to? I’m more interested in that as well. Well, you know I’ve been saying big tech is, it used, the whole structure of the world has changed. It used to be big oil pharma, you know, banking, now it’s big tech. If you look at all of the, you know, the top 15 largest companies in the world are all big tech are supporting big tech except one and it’s like Saudi Aramo which is now like fourth. Right. So that means the entire structure of the world has changed.

But the people who are still running our political system and are still in, you know, trying to make decisions are stuck in the old system and they don’t, they aren’t from that world. And so you know, it’s changing but the majority just aren’t. So how does that affect, affect us? You almost have to look back at different times of history. Like you mentioned just before we started here, the introduction of the telephone, the introduction of the radio, I mean those things were so mind boggling for the people of the time too. Of horse and buggy and telegraph, right into telephones, televisions, radio, listening to, tuning in on something you can’t see off, you know, a tower somewhere like magic.

And I’ll tell you a story. Here in East Tennessee, they fought in the 1920s and 1930s to keep the electric lines from being run through here. They actually had to bring the army into, they called them revenue or something. They would come and you know, they started to assess land taxes and what was the reason they would, they wanted to run the electorate. But these people up here were like, you’re not putting the electric through the mountains. We don’t want your new system. We’re super happy with the old one. Now looking back at that, it’s kind of crazy.

I don’t want electricity. But that change was too much for them at the same time. So they actually had to fight with the, with the army and they brought them in and then they, the lines got laid and then the taxes followed. Imagine that. Well, I can understand them not wanting the taxes and they didn’t want more imposition. You know, they didn’t want anybody control rolling them. But looking back at it, you didn’t want electricity. You know, it’s like hello. But you know, maybe they had, they knew something we didn’t know. But yeah, people don’t like change regardless.

Not all change is good change, but that’s what we have to differentiate. We can’t automatically put up a wall and say change is bad because it’s just not true, is it? I mean, it’s just not true. Especially when we’re dealing with this evil system where we got human trafficking, all this stuff. We need to make some changes. We do. And you know, I’m hopeful, like I say, for the future more than I am on a negative side because the amount of people just in my circle or my family’s friends or my friends, friends of circle that are talking differently and more open minded to new information, of even asking questions to try to understand it is, you know, exponential.

What it was just even a couple years ago, I think, you know, Covid did a lot to it, you know, jar a few people. Like it could never be. This could never ever happen in America ever. Like you talk to somebody in the year 2000, oh, they would roll their eyes like you’re insane. None of this would ever. Everybody be up and it would never happen. But it did happen. So that, that shook a few people. But now after those last couple years, I’m going to say at the end of COVID because, you know, Covid was all the thing and then it literally ended and you never heard about it again.

Like that. That amount of great change from it completely controlled your life into nothing. The next day people were questioning that too. Like, how did it just go away in a matter of a week and we could go about our lives again. Oh, wait, now everything’s changed and the companies are all out of business. All the mom and pops have been eroded away. We’re just left with mega corps running the planet. Almost all mom and pop business had, you know, gone out of business. They weren’t allowed to stay open. So, you know, it was, I think it’s been this like stepping stone of things.

But the openness to new conversations about just in general, anything. If you have a different opinion and you’re not regurgitating the news, people are willing to listen to your side of it a little more. At least my side. Just because it’s different and they’re seeking out information in ways maybe intuitively that they know that just what they’ve been told, fed, brought up with, indoctrinated with, is not exactly the whole truth. That’s right. I think these, the stair step of awareness is Covid pushed so many people over the edge. Well, and I noticed that a lot of people that would laugh or just kind of thought I was a nut are actually coming back and listening to me.

You know, it’s like, oh, she Maybe was right. You know, I’m not that nutty and well, some people still think I’m nutty, but there’s, I’m on the same nut page with you. We’re two sides of the leaf here and. But there are some people that I still think are naughty. Right. And so we’ll just kind of move and we’ll see. But I think things are really changing and we have to be able to be ready to have a critical thinking hats on because we don’t want just change for the sake of change. We want to understand how this is moving because they do want to put us into this control grid, right.

And so we don’t want to just bring on their more things like that. We want to change into a direction that’s healthy for us. It’s going to be based on food, you know, and putting me in that same, you know, I’ve been talking for more than 10 years about this exceptional cold that’s going to be coming through and global temperatures dropping and our food production being wiped out due to changes in our jet streams and cloud cells. Well, we have seen this and you can’t tell me from even five years ago that your food prices are the same now.

Why is that? Is it with today’s technology we should even be growing more food, should we not? So why is the inverse occurring? Well, nature is not letting us grow as abundantly on those yields that we used to experience. Why now it’s not out in the mainstream media every day? You need to follow ag news. Sometimes you need to translate languages in, you know, different regions of the world to see what types of losses that they occur. You know, Almeria, for example, after the floods in Spain, up in Barcelona had, and Valencia just absolutely a year worth of rain in a day.

The largest greenhouse growing area on the planet of some 70,000 hectares. About 20,000 of that was completely smashed to bits with the hail. And then the sideline winds had damaged a lot of the, the girding or like the piping structure to hold up the nets, etc. That wasn’t on our news. You had to really follow what had gone on over there in Spain. And that was a major world news story of having an entire city flooded out as badly as our mountains were flooded in North Carolina. Spain experienced the exact same thing, exactly the same thing.

But it barely even, you know, scraped a, a couple letters on a page of a publication. There’s so much happening that people are struggling to keep up with it. So this is all happening at the same Time how much of this weather, extreme weather situation is geoengineering and pollution and how much of it is from solar, our position in the solar system, that kind of stuff, the sun. Just a quick break from the program to share a really amazing product that I have am offering now on my website@Sarah under shop and this is Body Align.

You can get the sleep patches if you’re having problems sleeping. Like so many people in the country. Try this. Since I started using these, I have slept through the night without waking up, which is amazing. I haven’t done that for a long time. Usually wake up a couple of times. I’ve been sleeping through the night. So try this if you’re having a problem with sleeping. They also have these amazing pain relief patches. So if you’re having problems with pain, do this because it helps with fast acting, relieves your pain. It’s called the body relief patch from Body Align.

They also have this overall wellness band which has over 300 frequencies from everywhere from getting your vitamins and minerals to reducing stress and anxiety. Just the overall wellness. So go to Sarah under shop or you can go to a body Sarah so either link works but you can always go to sarah under shop and see all the options that they have. Yeah, I would say majority solar driven because it always has been. Now if you look back in the past, you have to see civilizations have risen and then they’ve fallen. Well, even around here in Tennessee, if you come out somewhere, they completely logged what we would consider national parks now down to bear, stripped it.

So we go through these epochs of time where humanity gets to a certain like population and then they use the resources on the planet, but the planet seems to heal itself. Now I’m not a fan of microplastics floating through the ocean. One out of six particles in the ocean, at least in the Pacific, is now plastic. That’s insane to think about. That we’ve damaged an ecosystem that badly that anything in the Pacific consuming anything that water goes through gills. Thousand percent sure it’s got microplastics all through the biome there on the cloud cell and the jet stream side of things.

I don’t know if our tech is big enough and robust enough and targeted enough and advanced enough to bend a jet stream into the wrong place for a week, a month on end, which we’ve been seeing. Now that that’s something that is so vastly beyond what you would consider tech. Even using HAARP and trying to Bend a little bubble in the ionosphere up there. That’s not going to really move a jet stream very much. That’s like, you know, think of the size of a head of a pin up in there moving something. It’s not all, you know, the entire sky.

And when you look at the size of the planet, there’s just not enough power on the planet to be able to do some of these things that I believe that they want you to believe they’re doing it because then that gives them the authority to come out and say, well, we’ve already done all this change, now you need to keep paying us. We’re going to manipulate the weather so it doesn’t get warmer. Yeah. By believing that they have total control of that and they can create storms and steer storms and the precision of the, of the tech that they’re using to cause floods in these places, once you start to go down that rabbit hole and believe that wholeheartedly, you’re giving into.

Yes, they absolutely can control it. So we’re going to have to continue to allow them to do it, to stabilize so humanity doesn’t disappear. And I believe that’s the excuse. And they’re riding on top of it, a natural cycle occurring to try to maintain that power. Because they’re getting everybody to believe they already have that type of godlike power to steer jet streams on our planet. I don’t think they’re there. They’re using that as an excuse. Okay, that’s interesting because there’s, there’s theories that every 26 years, maybe even half that, that we flip over, like society falls and another one builds up.

Do you think that’s true or do you think it’s. We’re in a. We’re in the middle of a larger cycle. Like we, we’re going to evolve and build into like the, you know, paradise from the past. You know, we’re evolving to a higher self and we have, are only halfway through that cycle. When you say 26, are you talking 26,000 years on the procession of the equinox? Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, these cycles are vast. So what you’re talking about for anybody out there is unaware, as we progress through, from the viewpoint from earth, we move one degree, which is every 72 years.

So as you go around that, it takes about 26,000 years or approximately. We’ll just leave it at 26,000 for easy math. Now, to know that’s a cycle, you’re going to have to see it twice. So that already brings us up to what 52,000 years or so, but that’s only half of an ice age cycle, you know. So you start to go into these glaciation periods and what happened to the last glaciation with the 10,000 years of warmth. Okay, now we can wind it back down. In Indian Vedic texts talk about this Yuga cycle, which is half of a great year cycle which is 12,000 years.

And we come to these apex periods where we can manifest almost instantly. And we come down to the Iron Age which we just exited out of. And I do believe it’s all tied into electromagnetism and how our star is being fed electrically. And you know, that magnetic field on the sun dictates what happens on our planet with our magnetic field. So as we go through these cycles, the, the one you know is sunrise and sunset. That’s a cycle, it happens every day. You’re used to that one. Then we have months, we have seasons, yearly seasons where we’re used to that too.

And then we have this 11 year or 11.8 year solar cycle. And by the way, we’ve just come off solar maximum. So as we step down over the next couple of years going to be less solar activity and you’re going to start to see a lot more rain because cosmic rays come in when our magnetic field is not so strong. And our magnetic field in general has been on the collapse for 5% per year or per decade. Excuse me. And some do say now they took the data offline, that it’s actually 10% per decade or 1% per year unknown.

Because the data has been taken offline. They put it at top secret category shut down. The satellites are still functional, but not for you or I to grab the data. Now why would they do that? So you know, you start to look at ebbs and flows of civilization. Like what, how did these civilizations get to their apex as, as, as where we sit today at the top level of what we understand as technology and mathematics and engineering and manufacturing and air travel and all these things. And then we collapse. Well, there’s been multiple of those collapses through history.

But are we at our apex food production was wiped out. That’s why a lot of people think no food, no society. Yeah, well that’s true. So a lot of people think we’re just exiting in a low period and we’re, we’re moving towards an apex and we’re like halfway through, right, halfway to the apex. That’s what every day is vibrationally lighter. So the last time we talked we, we’ve come up in Vibrational frequency every single day a little bit. So, you know, that’s what I’m talking about. This awareness of a magnetic field change. People perceiving reality differently, noticing things around them are just different.

That would be perceptual changes and that only could occur in a changing magnetic field. Now whether it’s decreasing or increasing, you’re going to see a change. Do you think it’s, that’s why these old systems don’t work anymore. Do you think we’re progressing to more enlightenment like we’re, it allows us to be smart, to, to be more aware. It clears our thinking to be more aware. It does. And you know, if you look at the, the duality of Yin Yang and they just did some incredible live photography of photons or what you consider light, light energy. And it has the yin Yang symbol in there.

I was shocked when I saw that. Because this duality, nothing can go to complete evil or dark and nothing goes to complete light without that. There’s always going to be something intertwined with that. It never goes to 100% either direction. But I do believe there’s a balancing factor here based on the magnetic field of the sun and in turn on the spiral arm of the galaxy and in turn from the center of our galaxy with the energies coming forth. And we’re talking long term cycles here. But you can’t tell me that the Creator would allow a planet to get locked into eternal darkness without some escape mechanism as a balance point there.

And you know, you start to get into the, you know, religious aspects of it and you know, inside there’s always a seed of something, whether it be dark or light. There’s Nothing that says 100% extinguishes everything else. There’s always the duality. That’s right. Well, and if you believe in that cycle, then Jesus came at the lowest point of that cycle to help humanity. That’s, that is where it ties into like Christianity or something. Because that was just about the lowest point. Right. And now we’re moving out of it. And so there was the most darkness then and at the apex you have the most light.

Right. And then you move back to the darkness. And that’s a dark energy. Right. It’s, it’s like evil, it’s human trafficking type stuff. Yeah, it, it’s hard to explain it in itself. It allows, I think, different entities or different vibrational creatures. That’s the best way I can describe it to, to hold in the state. Because, you know, if, if you’re looking at cymatics and you start to look at sound frequencies on how they repel or attract something. You notice that the bells were all removed after World War II across predominantly the entire planet. But the stories were that those bells had a frequency that kept what you would consider, you know, werewolves, demons, vampires, etc, out of the cities.

Now it sounds like a fanciful thing there until you start to really wind it back and go, wait a minute, you mean a, a frequency that is higher vibrating, that’s resonating and mimicking love out of the bells, like 528 or somewhere around those frequencies. How cool is that? Yeah, how cool. And then they removed them all after World War II. And what do we see? This complete. There’s nothing on the balance anymore. But you know, you go back to these, some of these, you know, myths and legends. There’s a lot of science behind it. But how would you explain something like that? Well, do you think as we’re.

I would think it’s not always a linear line, you know, just because they claim it, it would be back and forth as we were going, you know what I’m saying? And so the bells being removed as we’re moving up the apex, there’s times where we would go backwards and forwards as far as enlightenment. Even though the, the frequencies would get lighter coming from the solar system, the advancement of humanity wouldn’t go in a straight linear line. It go back and forth and back and forth. Yeah, and Notre Dame, they just started the bells, they put the bells back up there.

And I was listening to the frequency. I felt really good after hearing it, you know, because they’ve restored the church after the fire there, after the arson. And I’m just wondering around those neighborhoods when those bells are ringing all the time, like what is the change? Did people move out? Because, you know, think, think about it from an annoying scratchy point, like if somebody’s dragging their fingers down a chalkboard every day, and that’s, that’s because you’re more on that side. That, that resonant frequency of love disturbs you or bothers you or hurts you. You’re not going to want to stay around that area.

You’re going to go outside earshot of that. So I am just curious the number of people who have left that place immediately right after the bell started to ring again. That’d be an interesting study to see how many people have left, you know, what type of people have left. Because the, the love frequency for the people who are vibrating at an, at a level that it bother them. They would have to That’s a good thing. It almost helps you understand. Who do we. Who do we not want around us? And you can almost feel that when you walk into a room, when you have that kind of that negative, you know, feeling.

Yeah, so true. You know, and hopefully you’re not in that position or in that situation where you’re in there. And when you can feel them or almost see their auras because it’s so dark. Definitely time to leave that room. That’s right. That’s right. Well, this is. This is an exciting, interesting conversation. Okay, so let’s talk about food, because that’s something that you talk about. That’s where it goes to that. Yeah. It wraps into it. Yeah. Well, but if the food is becoming harder and we’re trying to move to the apex, that means we need to fix this.

I mean, if we want to survive. Do you think that sometimes through these cycles, humanity doesn’t make it, and then, I mean, I don’t know what happens. Well, we’ve made it for at least the last 10,000 years or so, coming out of the Younger Dryas. So it seems to be a continuous line of this iteration of humanity, or whatever you consider civilization of that point. You know, a lot of people say Sumerian was a seed point. Well, yeah, but go back before the Younger Dryas and that Ice Age exit period, there was a lot of people squeezed around the equators because that’s the only place you could have been living.

And then, you know, everything’s underwater about 400ft, comparatively, to where it would have been during the Ice Age on the coast. So, you know, I bet there’s a lot more information out there that would give us a better indication of this unbroken line. Except the Younger Dryas, after that comet impact on the ice sheet, you know, that wiped us back to, you know, just tens of millions of humans on the Earth. That was it. So we don’t know the exact full number before that, because if you look at the bison as well, you know, if you look at the number of bison that were here, and then after we went through and killed them all for their tongues and wiped them out, this sort of thing, like, there’s that blip there, but what was the original number? So we only get the starting point of when they say, okay, there’s like a million bison out here.

Okay, well, maybe before there were 20 million or 100 million, but we just never know. So it’s hard to, like, piece it all together without knowing. But the only thing I can say with surety is humans need to eat. So everything we talk about human, you know, economy and these kind of high tech devices, you know, and moving forward and things, it’s not possible without food for you to stay alive. So you know, you got to bring it down to the very base level. The cornerstone of civilization is constant reliable food production. Without that you have nothing.

That’s right. And clean water. Obviously we need the basics to survive. Right. That’s the most important thing. So do you think that the information that’s being hidden, do you first of all, do you think there’s information that’s being hidden and if we could get at that, do you think that would help us tremendously? I do. And it might sound a little woo woo, but if you’re looking at electrostatic plates to put seeds on, to charge them in a different fashion to get a larger, let’s say, yield off of the same plants, that would be a technology that needs to be explored greatly.

Electroculture and electrostatic play was literally a plate and you put a frequency into it and you a small electric charge and those seeds are enhanced and much more bountiful. And I’ve done an enormous amount of studies on this is. So if anybody wants to do the research, electrostatic seed charging on plates and you can find heaps of peer reviewed research done on that. Like we should be exploring this stuff. That’s right. And we’re not. We’re relying on petrochemicals. But again everything like you said, it’s in the old world, it’s all stuck in the old world because that’s where the positions of power still lie.

Like their reliance on the old world, the money system, the war system, the control, the famine system, that all leads to power for them and that being eroded or taken away of. These controllers again have been in power for thousands and thousands and thousands of years. I’m really confident that this change coming up the frequency ladder here is maybe not going to push them 1000% away off, so there’s none of them left, but it should reduce the number and hopefully there’s that yin yang balance that will come out. But they’re going to try to use food as a weapon guarantee at the track and trace digital id.

You’re going to have to have a digital ID card or a digital rationing card. And that’s where it gets, you know, that’s where those two worlds meet together. If you want to eat, what are you going to do and what technological hoop will you go through to get that food? And that’s, that’s the Next control mechanism. Because if humanity is going to break away and put those people to the dustbin of history for another, you know, multi thousand year period where they will have no control and lose almost all access because this physical reality around them will have changed so much in several thousand years.

This money thing that gives them power, then they’re not gonna, they’re gonna fight tooth and nail for that. So they’re gonna try to preemptively or front run all these changes and put that on humanity first. So humanity is stifled in its grand awakening, if that makes sense. Yeah, I think that there’s some solutions out there. And you know, I just had a really long talk this morning with Cynthia McKinney. I don’t know if you know her, she’s a friend of mine. And I think that there’s some solutions out there to actually enable the entire world to do a monetary reset.

Right. Where not just a monetary reset in the sense of changing what money, but actually a debt, all of our debts wiped out and we start over and people are no longer slaves to their debts. Right. The governments are no longer slaves. I don’t know about each individual person with homes and stuff. I mean we have a lot to work through, but that’s actually a feasibility. But I don’t think with who’s in control right now. I think this, the countries especially like the United States and the western countries that have power, I think they have to get to the point where they’re almost on their knees, where they’re almost so broken that these people who are in control will allow something good like that because they’ll have to lose their power.

I don’t know if that’s true or not. What do you think about that, throwing that out there? Well, they’ve been priming us for a reset here for the last several years. And it was become like daily lexicon or like I call water cooler talk. So how did that get programmed into a so deeply during the COVID time that we are going and will go through a reset, you’re going to own nothing. That comes on to the digitization of assets. And you know, if you digitize every asset on the planet and assign a value to it, wrap it in a smart contract and then that becomes the base of a new monetary system.

Sounds good, but who’s controlling that? And will you really truly own anything at that point? Or will your house be bartered off in an extreme exchange package for somebody’s debt overseas? You know, there’s some good and bad to it at the same Time, I really believe with blockchain technology specifically on distributed ledger. Not a fan of. I mean I understand XRP is the leader in that one, but there’s a couple others out there. Well, Hedera is not on a blockchain. Blockchain is a data structure, right? Hedera is, yeah. Because hashgraph, they want to move everything over to hashgraph eventually.

So this blockchain thing is just to intermediate step data structure. Right. And the reason why hashgraph I. I’ve had some Hedera and I. It’s been going up and so I spent a lot of time researching it. I mean it’s just basic. Like it’s. Instead of blockchain, it’s a sequential whereas hashgraph is exponential. I mean you’re going not. It’s not linear. Right. And so like if you’re doing like a sorting algorithm or something in computer software. Right. It’s. If you do it linearly, it’s really slow, like astronomically slow. If you do it recursively, it’s depending on what algorithm you use.

It’s really fast. It’s pretty simple. That’s the difference between the two. And if we can use that for the betterment of humanity. Yeah. Use a more effective, efficient algorithm and a better data structure that’s secure. Yeah. And again, you know, how do you wipe out the debt but still allow people to have lives without having to go to quote unquote, work like we do now to pay for these resources? You know, I’ve been a fan of magnetic motors forever, like Parentev. Magnetic motors. And this technology that’s been suppressed for quite some time because it would, it would be so disruptive, at least in those archaic system years, that our planet literally would have fallen on its face, you know, to bring out something where you no longer have to pay for power.

We don’t need a distribution system anymore. We don’t need to burn anything any longer. Every mining operation shuts down except for the critical minerals. We don’t have any more oil and gas exploration. We don’t need the ships anymore, any of that really. Yeah, we never did anyway. I mean this technology has been around since the early 1900s, you know, without all these roads and. But you know, you think about just the disruption if that tech were to come on live right now would. Would rip the threads of our world apart. Unless there was another system to replace it already ready to go.

And they’d have to sort of like the Indiana Jones maybe where they pulled the gold head off and stuck the bag of sand There real quick, something like that has to be ready to go instantly to replace that. So. Well, you know, these worlds are getting pretty close together here. Well, okay, the, the, the, the digital currency, we’re already. Okay, digital currency, we’re already mostly there, right? It might not be a blockchain or hashgraph type digital currency, but most of the currency that happens around the world is digital. And so it’s just going to go to a more structured digital currency.

The question is, are you going to have it be track and Trace or is it going to be freedom and distributed? Right. We want freedom and distributed and we want it secure. They want track and trace to be able to control everybody and everything. And so those are the differences. And so, and the reset’s going to happen, but we don’t want their reset. We want a pro freedom human reset. And so how do we guide it in that direction? Because it’s going to happen. I mean everything is coming to light. New technology, new everything. They want to maintain control as this thing switches over.

And that’s the duality of it is if we can get off centralized systems, you know, wind back to World War II, food production was.40% of all American food production during World War II was produced either at the local farm or in the, in the backyard of your house. That’s how off the system people had gotten. Now if the war had continued a few more years, I’m sure that would have gone to 50 or 60%. But then quickly, how did they rewind us back into the supermarkets? Don’t grow anything. It’s easier get dirty your hands, you’re gonna tired, you gotta bend over.

You go to supermarkets way easier. You know, they wound us down that road for 40 years and everybody forgot how to do all these simple skills. But if we could even start with the most basic thing, growing your own food so you’re not relying at least on that system. And then others around you, if you could trade with something that you’re not growing that they need, that alleviates that. Like somebody becomes an expert at each individual or several, you know, different types of veg or fruit or you know, sheep or cattle or goat or whatever it is, and you’re trading amongst people like this once we can get off that very.

Because food is going to be the ultimate control weapon. Now if you can take that most controlling control weapon away first and front run them to get everybody off the system, growing your food communities, community gardens, everybody knows where their food’s coming from and an enormous amount is produced, then they can’t use that against us because I am really very sure food will be used to get you on the new. What you talk about their system, quote, unquote. Because if the food gets pulled out at the knees and everybody’s relying on supermarkets and they’re locking up, of course you’re going to get the digital rationing card.

Well, and. But if everybody’s growing their food and has a way to trade and barter with that, you’re going to be like, I don’t really need it. I’m out here. Well, we really need to get to that point. And doesn’t necessarily need to be like everybody grows their own food. It could be each community has their own food kind of stuff and it just becomes a lot more distributed that way because it’s hard for, you know, there’s different people with different skill sets. But we need to get back to. There’s local farmers and there’s. And we have local stuff more so versus this big centralized thing.

I don’t think every single person needs. That’s just my opinion. You might differ. I don’t think every single person necessarily needs to be able to grow their own food. But I think we need to have community ability at that level, at the town level, not at, you know, because you were talking about. I remember last time you’re on. They were trying to centralize food for the world. I mean, they want to centralize it even more where there’s just one place that people. This is the control grid of food. They want it all in one place around the world and they want to stop farming even at the state level.

Well, if you have it at that point, what you described, then you could start to trade skills or if there’s a carpenter out there, a dentist or something, that they would want to trade their time for the food. If we can get away from the reliance on having to use paper for everything we’re doing, if we can start to get back to what it was Originally years ago, 100 years ago, a couple hundred, a thousand years ago, where a lot of it was more revolved around barter than it was the exchange of silver coin or a gold coin for something, you know, people traded a lot more than you would imagine during those times.

This is the invention of currency that we’re so used to. You would think it’s been here forever. It sure has not. It is a brand new invention. So if you wind the clock back even a couple centuries, you start to see that these local communities, once they overproduced, they found another community that was overproducing something they would need. But in both of those communities, those were. There were people with skills that could be traded off. And this is how, you know, work was done. You know, living near the Amish, they’ll come and help you go back there and help their communities help each other.

It’s just. Do you have the time and a skill that is valuable enough for somebody else to need an exchange with? Now, in today’s world, you tell me. I’m not sure. There might be. I think barter. This is an interesting conversation. I think barter is great, but we do need, like a trans. I, I personally think there needs to be a. A transactional barter system like you. That’s what money came. Because if I wanted to trade with you, there’s a three people trade like I, you want to trade with him, he wants to trade with me, and I want to trade with you.

That’s what currency does. It takes up the fact that we don’t want to trade with each other, but we want to trade with the other guy. And so it helps facilitate that. And so it doesn’t. So there needs to be some balance where it’s. It’s really used as a utility to exchange skill and exchange things that have value. But now we’ve moved in the fact that the money itself is the value and we’ve gotten away with the. Gotten away from the fact that it was a utility to trade the skills that we all have and the goods that we all have.

We got to get back to that. Well, maybe I took it to the, you know, as far as it can go over there, you know, that kind of envisioned world. But I’ll agree with you on that. If we can get sound currency that doesn’t erode our wealth, 2% per year through inflation baked into the actual working of the money supply. You know, because every time, through my whole life, at least since my twenties, when I hear political candidates talk, unless I heard him talking about completely removing the Federal Reserve, I was like, whatever, you’re going to keep going the same direction.

You know, this is the first time in my life, pretty much I’ve heard anybody talking about ending the Fed, auditing the Fed at this kind of depth of level that’s actually getting some traction. If we can come up with like. And again, if you’re going to restart the system that has lost all faith, it’s going to have to have something behind it. It’s going to have to be a metallic system, bi metallic, tri metallic system, gold, silver, platinum, or it’s going to have some other metals wrapped into it and then, yeah, we absolutely could do that.

But a pre programmed money to lose value at a certain rate every year. And then they’ll trick you and be like, oh, wages rose 1% this year, but yeah, you lost 2% on inflation. So you’re down still 1%. Even though you got. And even if you get a 2% pay raise, inflation still eroded that too. But you’re even. Unless you’re getting 3% or up, you’re still. This is the whole. The fiction of it. And I’m glad a lot of people are more attuned into how money works suddenly. So maybe, you know, cryptocurrency had brought that out as to a lot of people wondering, you know, why they can’t buy as much with their dollars.

But as long as we can keep sound money, I’m with you 100% and we’re not going to go to 100%. Barter economy, they didn’t even do that back in the Phoenician times, right. There was always trading of metals in exchange for. So, you know, there’s never this, you know, world where it works like that. Everybody barters, everybody trades, everything’s equal now. There’s not going to be. There has to be like you say, that exchange mechanism for something that’s more valuable than a vegetable or your time. Yeah, yeah. Well, you need that medium of exchange because you don’t want to exchange.

You don’t want to directly exchange with everybody. You want to exchange a couple people away and everybody. It’s a network of exchanges and you need some utility to do that. But we’ve gotten to the point where the utility itself has value versus so somebody who actually is the most productive may not be making hardly any money right now. And that’s backwards. I mean, it should be people who are producing and productive are thriving. And it’s kind of. It’s more the parasitic people and the parasitic activities that are thriving versus the people who are actually producing. And then what happens is that it descents, descents everybody to not produce.

Right. You don’t want to produce anymore. Why? Because I don’t make. That’s the problem with, with when everything gets so corrupt and everybody just wants to make money on it, doing nothing. Yeah, the free giveaways during the COVID too. You know, a lot of people lost that work ethic. But you know, I wanted to get your opinion on this because it. Okay, so China today had put out a notice that said, we will no longer Send rare earth metals to the United States. Gallium, germanium and antimony to start the top three on the list. Now this is what you need.

And you would probably know better than I for different devices, electronic tech, aeronautics, etc. So bringing a country to its knees, okay, here’s 100 tariff. And they’re like, no, we’re just not going to send anything. Then we don’t want the tariff. We, we’re not going to say, we’re not even going to sell anything to you. So now we’re starting already to get into this sort of trade war thing to bring a country to its knees. Like what really has to get cut off. Okay, metals, yeah, that’ll hurt a little bit, a lot. Fuels, that’ll hurt more.

But cut off the food and that’ll bring a country to its knees. So the first shots have been fired right now. Well, you’re right. And when the top 15 companies in the world are big tech and they utilize all these things, then what does that mean? You know, that means that they’re taking away the foundation of our ability to survive. Food, you’re right, is the health. You know, the pyramid of survival. Number one priority is always being able to eat and survive, Right? But beyond that, if the economic warfare is really where things have shifted to, it’s not based on dynamic.

You know, World War III is economic warfare. It’s psychological warfare. It’s a different type of warfare because the weapons that we have are so powerful. Nuclear war, that’s so powerful. The problem is, is that if China does that and we do what we do and we, we bring. Are ready to bring a country to its knees, they might go to those powerful weapons. That’s where it gets scary, you know what I mean? Because these people are nuts. These people aren’t rational. And I believe that they would reach into their arsenal of some of these really bad things if someone’s going to push them against.

I mean, what do you think? These people have had power for thousands of years. Their families have. They’ve. They’re nuts. They’ve been raised to think that they’re gods, that they’re above us. Right? We’re just the minions. Do you think they give a crap if we die? No. And so, you know, bring that point forward. Those persons in power have been in power and been empowered and placed those that they trust in power. So for me, looking at this landscape that we’re seeing today, now, nobody take offense here. I’m just putting out a mind experiment. I know I’m going to offend some people.

But it’s just. I’m trying to put a thought out here. What if everybody on the world stage that we see as enemies is not. They’re all paid players to continue with the illusion of a choice. The illusion of force is good, force is bad. That’s a division point for humanity as well. But everything that we are seeing is all in conjunction as nothing more than one large theater stage play to facilitate the reset which has been spoken about and everybody in positions of power now is playing at least some role in it because you can see humanity is getting more and more further and further divided.

Well, you need that division to conquer because we will get more united as this magnetic field changes. So thousands of years in power and you’re telling me just random people are at the very top of all these countries and leaders and, you know, militaries and financial arenas. I’m just wondering who’s working with who and how much of it’s an illusion compared to truly what we think it is and how we’ve been gaslit for so long to think things were a certain way. Because I’m starting to rethink a lot of things, you know, especially after the, you know, I knew the media was always great, but really now that it’s out there in everybody’s face, like taking an objective look at like how much of it is an illusion that we are being all still gaslit to facilitate some greater change.

Because people, including ourselves, we’re not going to go quietly into the night either when things are being ripped away from us. When your house is getting ripped away and digitized and sold off in a bundled, you know, finance package, in a billion dollar bundle package off somewhere. And they want to come in and bulldoze your house down because they want to put farm fields in here. We own it. Says it on smart contract people are not going to go for that. So somehow this change is here and it’s all happening in unison. And it almost seems like in the school of fish swimming also with the whole Covid thing made me re question a lot of things on are there independent nations anymore? Is everybody truly in on this? And we are at absolutely precipice of the greatest change now.

Well, that’s better than the nuclear war thing that I said or some kind of war to just where they’re actually fighting and we’re ready to go down in a corner. I don’t know, but go ahead. Well, I said and you know, you look over the history too, you know, they’ve exploded more than 2,000 nuclear weapons on our planet since the 1940s. We’re all still here. So if there were a few more. Yeah, maximum. No, it might. It might be okay. And. And Covid didn’t. I don’t want. I wanted you to stay with your thought. But Covid, they.

They moved in in unison across the world during COVID If there’s anything that. That told you is that they’re controlling every single president of every country and every. I mean, they have control, and they all moved in unison. It was incredible. It was incredible to watch. Even North Korea. I. I know. So what does that mean? Well, we’re into this point where they kept saying everything’s going to reset. It’s all changing. The entire world’s going to change. The finance system is going to change. Our food supply is going to change. It’s all going to come from printed factories.

Everything’s going to change. You’re going to have to live in these cities. There’s going to be areas where there’s going to be no humans. Oh, by the way, North Carolina, they’ve already done that. They’re not going to rebuild areas. They’re saying no more rebuilding there. This is a rewilding area. There’s no more humans allowed. You can’t go back and repurchase your property and fix it or get, you know, assistance to rebuild on your property. Those areas are no longer going to be built. Those are imminent domain areas. They’re off limits now. And there’s no more humans going to be living up here because of the storm damage.

Nothing will ensure. And even if you want to build your own property, you’re not allowed to. So we’re starting to see this come out. So how do you. How do you drag an entire world into a full new system where really none of us will recognize the world we’re heading into unless they’re all in unison for it together. Because everybody has to be for it and on the same page and in agreement. We’re here, but where’s the next step? You can’t have a plan unless you know where the next step go. You’re going to see. I don’t think.

And every country’s on it, too. They’re all moving the same direction. Well, I don’t think they can control absolutely everybody. I think that they can. They can do financial incentives and they can set up an infrastructure to try to do it right. They can do blackmail. Like, there’s. This is going to come out, the whole Soros blackmail system. You know, the Epstein the diddy that all came out. There’s a host, there’s, there’s other systems in place. So they did the financial and the blackmail to try to get everyone to move in, but not everybody’s in on it.

That’s the cracking of the dams that we’re starting to see. And as we get more people that become aware and this enlightened thing that you’re saying from the solar system, perhaps they, I mean, they’re kind of racing against time almost. You notice how sloppy they are. So it’s not just our solar system. You know, there’s a current flow coming into our star that’s from our regional star system, that’s then again tied back into the center of our galaxy. And in the entire, you know, universe itself from one galaxy to another, there’s that, you know, consciousness flow there.

But there are some, well, you consider Birkeland currents that are like an unbound wire that are highly charged. And that’s where stars form off of that same current line. Now that flow into that current, you know, that does affect our star. And that’s the thing you’re talking. Then we get that solar system wide effect here. But if you notice, everybody’s very sloppy these days, like they’re letting all the plans out. They used to be very cautious. And why do you think 2030 keeps it. I don’t know why everything’s funneling down to 2030. But if you follow off where we sit now and we’re coming down into solar activity lows around that time, if we’re seeing an enormous amount of galactic cosmic rays, increasing cloud cover, we’re seeing these extremes now that are so far beyond anything.

I understand hunga Tonga put 14% more moisture in the atmosphere, but you can’t tell me now every single storm is a year worth of rain and now it’s transiting into a year’s worth of snow. Like every story I’ve looked at in the last two weeks where it’s been snowing, it’s been a year of snow or half a year of snow in a single event. So it’s translating from precipitable water and rainfall into snowfall. Now something else is going on here. Now if you had this much power and you’d been in power for these multi thousands of years, you would have definitely seen more cycles, from more civilizations, grabbed all that stuff across the planet like has been done for the last 500 years.

It’s in a lot of private repositories, museums, Vatican, Smithsonian has some National Geographic. But then all the private collections out of reach. So for sure they would know the cycle far better than anybody. So I am, you know something around 2030 is just this absolute race to get whatever ready, ready now. Is there going to be a massive shift of. So you think they energies at that time that can’t be come back from? Is that the point like once we reach that point of no return energetically that these forces of darkness have no longer a play anymore because we are going to run away from them.

And this is why it all needs to get done before 2030. That’s my question. I don’t, I don’t have the answer. They’re trying to put the control grid into place that can manipulate psychologically, mentally, I mean, because they can actually place emotions. They can control emotions. They can. It’s incredible what this new tech can do. Right? And they’re trying to put that in place before we as a humanity just become more powerful where they can’t anymore. Something like that. I’m wondering. That’s what it kind of seems, doesn’t it? And we’re in a race. This is actually a cool conversation.

I really appreciate it because it’s. I’m sure the audience is going to love this because we’re thinking differently. Where can people follow you because you’re a must follow person. You’re like number one in the government category on podcasts. It’s really awesome. So you just do amazingly well. People will love to follow you. So where can they follow you? Well, thank you for that. Yeah. We have finally broken into the top 1% of podcasts on the planet. So that, and that’s an amazing feat to get there. When Apple writes you a message back and says, congrats, you’re in the top 1%.

I never got a congrats from Apple. I’ve been in the top 1% though, for like 10 years, I think. But I never got any accolades from anybody. I’ve gotten cancel a lot. That though, it wasn’t like an accolade, like here’s a plaque. It was just an email that said congrats though. No, that’s really great. I’m, I’m just joking around because I’m like civilization got a pat. But go ahead. I’ll send you one here. But go ahead. I’m kidding around. No, Civilization Cycle is the podcast we rebranded from the many Ice age conversations podcast because that was too linear and it’s thinking very direct.

So we wanted to cover a lot more of, you know, what’s generally bending around the curve. So we talk about this 30 minutes at a time. And we have a live radio show tonight. Thursday nights, 10pm to midnight, we stream on Rumble for that one on the adapt 2030 channel. And we also move over into the Civilization cycle on X and Civilization Cycle podcast. And the adapt 2030 channel is the YouTube/Rumble/Bitchute/Brighton TV feed of videos. And I keep, you know, working with that. And then my co host, Ransom Godwin, we talk two hours to the time on the radio show and then I cut that up into 30 minute segments of the podcast of things we think are relevant.

I mean, we can’t get everything right. Like there’s no specific date where, you know, you might say something like this or that. Look, there might be an event based on some solar energies, okay? But the general trend, just like you do, sir, they, you can see the trend. You know, you can see that they’ve written everything down for you almost. It’s just you need to dissect what has been written because they write everything down what they’re going to do for the plans. You just need to find it. So it’s easy once you start to know what to look for.

I mean, they’ve left all these breadcrumbs for you to look at. And if you can see where we are now, where they want to take us to, and you know, a couple twists in the middle there, that’s kind of how we look at it. Just in a general sense of the entire society is moving in a very forced, sloppy fashion at the moment. Because I never experienced this growing up. It was always, yeah, very methodical, tedious, and they never let anything out of bounds. Right. But it is completely off the rails now. And I’m saying there’s got to be something they’re really racing toward.

It is. And we just try to talk about that. And so people need to follow. You get it is it’s off the flipping rails. I’ll have the links below in the show notes. And I just appreciate we got to have you back more often and I just appreciate you coming to the show. Oh, thanks for having me on. You know, it’s good to talk with people, like minds that, you know, even though we don’t agree on 100% of the stuff, we definitely see the same trends going. So that’s the interesting thing is, you know, talking about the food production at the local level or the city level or sort of state level, you know, we both understand that something’s going to be done here with food and, you know, different barter systems and ways to transact financially is also another thing.

We both see that it’s changing for sure. So it’s the generality of change that we can see both of us moving forward here. So I’m hoping everybody else can get something out of the talk and maybe implement in your life or start a conversation with somebody else, because a lot of people are much more open to it and that’s the reason I have these conversations. Please start a conversation with somebody else and get your local community set up. That’s what it’s going to be about. Your local community. You’re never going to survive this alone, never going to do it.

You’re going to need people around you, but you need to start the conversation with them. That’s right. As to what. Like what we did, there’s some problems now. What do you see as a problem? That’s right. You have to be able to have the conversations. That’s why censorship is so bad, because we have to have the conversations. And so you. You’ve gotta. We gotta work through these issues. So until next time, thank you for so much sa.



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