Spread the truth



➡ Dave Hodges, host of the Common Sense Show, discusses the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM), a group of major corporations that he believes are colluding to control media platforms and manipulate public opinion. He criticizes the group’s lack of transparency and suggests that they are violating antitrust laws. Hodges encourages listeners to support local businesses instead of these large corporations, and to vote out incumbents in local elections unless they are proven advocates for the community. He also warns of potential shortages and advises listeners to stock up on essentials.
➡ The text encourages readers to support local businesses instead of big box stores, as these large corporations have too much influence, even on elections. It suggests that by shopping locally, customers are helping their community and reducing their reliance on big stores, especially in times of lockdown. The author believes this approach can help balance power and control in society.


Hey, everybody. Dave Hodges here, host of the Common Sense Show, where the show that is freeing America won in Slave Mind at the time. Thank you so much for joining us. Really good to be with you. We ask you to share this information that you’re getting in this particular segment and all our segments with your digital partners, friends, family, people who don’t agree with you. Most of all, because we need to wake them up that pretty much all Americans are screwed. The Democrats are the most deceived. But really, if you think there’s a difference between the D’s and the R’s, keep coming to this channel because the Democrats will kill you faster than the Republicans, but they’re both on the same path controlled by the same people.

And this particular presentation is going to highlight that. And by the way, my information on this is not Dave Hodges generated. It’s Jim Jordan. Yes, Congressman Jim Jordan generated. This is serious stuff, people. And it’s all designed to control what you see. Just want to remind you, I had on Dr. Epstein. Remember the Harvard educated psychologist who’s done eight years of study on Google? And by the way, he’s paid for it. His son hit and run serious accident. His wife killed in a hit and run when he started doing this research. He said on an interview, he said, I can do this.

I can never get remarried again and subject someone to this risk. This is a Harvard educated psychologist. He shows great studies how Google steals elections, the way they manipulate the internet. Well, this is one contributory aspect of controlling what you see and what you hear designed to produce good little Democrats and Rhino Republican advocates that think that the leader of the Republican Party, the leaders are on your side. They are not on your side. They are not. I’ve made the case that they’re sabotaging the Trump campaign. Another story, another time. Let’s get into it right here.

We’re brought to you by the magic die call products. You want your life turned around like I did. If you’re facing what seems to be a hopeless dilemma, go to forward slash Dave Hodges. You’ve heard my testimony. This is your first time here. Go back and listen to a couple where we list the advertisers for I want my health back. Listen to what I had to say about what they did for me, and then go look at the other testimonials that I want my health forward slash Dave Hodges. Boy, the group we’re going to look at, it’s called the Global Alliance for Responsible Media or GARM, G-A-R-M, for short.

They’re not being really cooperative with Jim Jordan’s request for documents. He’s looking into blatant collusion for censorship and control of media platforms. And you’re going to have a wholly you-know-what moment here when you see a couple of these companies that belong, and it’s really concerning. And I hope Elon Musk in X comes out and talks about why they’re in with this group. This is really, really, really upsetting people. Well, what you’re looking at here is what they call GARM, and this is not their homepage. We’re starting on their governance page. I wanted you to see their membership.

Some of it’s concerning. GARM governance is officially chartered by the WFA. It’s the World Federation of Advertisers. I don’t want any more globalism. I don’t need all the advertisers or the major ones teaming up in one group so they can collude. This is violation of antitrust, or at least the spirit of antitrust. Okay, so they’re going through, they show these interviews of the Alliance members that are worthless. But let’s look at who belongs to this, and we’ll start drawing some conclusions here. You can see their International Association of Advertisers in Ireland, the next new emerging dictatorship in the world, Abbott, Adidas, American Express, Bayer, British Petroleum.

Oh, gee, maybe we can have another Gulf Oil spill. Colgate, Palmolive, Coalition for Better Ads, yeah. CVS Health, Dell Technologies. A lot of these are subsidiaries of major corporations. I haven’t had time to dig into that yet. General Mills, GM, Goldman Sachs, surprise, surprise. Hershey’s Chocolate, IKEA, Johnson & Johnson, Kraft Heinz, L’Oreal, LinkedIn, which is a totally worthless piece of crap. I have a membership there, but I don’t touch it. By the way, they censor really bad up there. They got rid of Sarah Westall. McDonald’s, MasterCard, look at this. McDonald’s, MasterCard, Meta, that would be Facebook, Microsoft, Merck, surprise, surprise, the pharmaceuticals, Nestle, Adidas, PepsiCo, how interesting.

You see here, familiar names, Red Bull, Scotiabank, Shell, another oil company. Do you really think they’re going to take away our cars? Are they just going to decide who gets to drive? Okay, Spotify, the Coca-Cola Company, Pepsi or Coke? It doesn’t matter. Hershey, the Chocolate Company, Walt Disney, TikTok. Oh, remember all the show? We’re going after TikTok by their violating child rules. Nothing’s going to happen, folks. Twitter. Elon Musk, please tell us why your group is members here, because I’ve never been censored on Twitter. I admire the things that Elon Musk is standing for. I don’t know why they would belong to this group, so I guess we can’t assume guilt by association for everybody.

Verizon, Volvo, Walmart. That’s the World Federation of Advertisers. Everyone is a member there, which is like McDonald’s, all the fast foods, and it’s incredible. And look at this, surprise, surprise, YouTube. Yet, they say, we have nothing to do with determination of platform policies. No, what they say is, we want to make the internet a safe place, and we use our advertising as a vehicle for that. So in other words, I’m not safe. Dangerous conspiracy theories when YouTube bothers to give you a reason why they get rid of you. They didn’t me. But dangerous conspiracy theories, a safe place.

This is what these people are about. Now, Jim Jordan, much to his credit, has saying, hold on here. I’m not on board with this. This is collusion. This is antitrust action. This is manipulation of the First Amendment. Jim Jordan’s barking up the wrong tree. Sorry. Oh, I thought you liked Jim Jordan. I do, very much. However, however, the Supreme Court already ruled that the government can go tell social media who they can and cannot. Delete what topics they will and will not cover. So your Supreme Court enabled fascism in violation of the First Amendment. Your Supreme Court.

I find it interesting that Biden wants to revamp the Supreme Court, yet they allow his administration to determine what you will and will not see. Back to Dr. Epstein’s work again. Okay, this alters elections and Dr. Epstein has categorical statistical data to show that. This is we’re screwed. First of all, we need a parallel economy. What you didn’t see on that list was local companies. Joe’s bar and grill. Betty’s hair salon. People, this is where you need to go. Stay the hell out of Walmart. You don’t really have a choice with the gas. That’s pretty clear.

But you do have a choice with these other things. Target. You should go nowhere near a target store. Now, the one exception will be if we go into a climate lockdown once the sustainable developmental goals are approved and the World Health Organization and our pandemic treaties brought in by a September vote. When they do that, well, then they’re going to keep the box stores open and close all the other businesses. That’s what they did with COVID. They’ll do it again. You may not have a choice in that instance, except I would say this stock up now.

They’re going to control you through shortages. Food, water, guns, gold, ammo, natural medicine and tools. This is the way that you need to go. Food, water, guns, gold, ammo, natural medicine and tools. I strongly recommend you get the hell away from these corporations. And if you go to Rumble, we will actually have depictions of all the members on screen so you can see it for yourself. You have a choice. Put your money in the local economy. By the way, did you know the local economy circulates the same money about 16 times? When you go to a box store, it circulates it once.

Help your community. And my recommendation, too, in the upcoming election, it doesn’t really matter a hell of a lot anymore if it’s a Republican or Democrat. We’ve shown that time and time again here. Unless you have someone like a Jim Jordan or Marjorie Taylor Greene at the local level, you need to vote out all the incumbents. That’s a first step because what they’ll do, these local county city officials that are bought off by George Soros Open Society, they will give preferential treatment for loading zones. They’ll give them tax breaks. They’re differential just for themselves. They play all these favoritism games and they discriminate against the local merchants.

And to you local merchants, you need to form your own alliance and stay away from the League of Cities. The League of Cities is a communist organization that’s beholding to the major corporates. They will screw you. You need to form your own organizations of locally owned business that are not regionalized or nationalized. And if you do that, you can start to organize people who come into your stores. You know, here’s your receipt. And by the way, I think you want to look at this. Put together one paragraph, easy to read information page without details. Show them where they can go and tell them how they’re getting screwed, how you appreciate their business, and they’re helping to save America by coming to your store.

I told you we’re going to be more solution based than we’ve ever been before. And these are things that can be done. They can be done right now. Stay out of the box stores stock up on your goods. So when they bring in the next lockdown. Oh, it’s coming. You’re prepared and you don’t have to set foot inside a box store, except for maybe an emergency provision you forgotten. That’s okay, but you’re not supporting them. Seriously, we need to bring the box stores to their knees. Because they’re determining what you do and do not see. They are influencing elections.

In fact, you are actually argue they’re helping to control elections, since most Americans make up their mind to vote in the last week before an election. And they go with what they see the most. And what do they see the most? Yeah, you got it. Thanks for joining us. We’ll see you back here again next time. [tr:trw].



Spread the truth

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