Loss of Confidence in the Medical System Real Facts and Data w/ Dr. Michael Schwartz

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➡ The speaker discusses the perceived cover-up and misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic, expressing concern over the suppression of certain studies and the widespread testing of mRNA vaccines. They also mention the loss of trust in the medical system due to data manipulation and the ignoring of medical injuries. The speaker then introduces Dr. Mike Schwartz, who has data on over 19,000 patients and will discuss the data they’ve seen related to COVID-19 and other health areas. The speaker also mentions the use of peptides for health and weight management.
➡ The article discusses how mass testing for Covid-19 revealed that most people who tested positive didn’t show classic symptoms, and those who did often had a co-infection. It also criticizes the way data is analyzed and presented by the CDC, suggesting that there’s a lack of transparency about the effectiveness and side effects of Covid-19 vaccines. The author argues that this has led to a loss of public trust in the medical establishment and calls for a more honest and open discussion about the reality of the pandemic and its treatments.
➡ The text discusses the controversy around COVID-19 vaccinations and testing. The speaker, a medical professional, argues that not everyone who refused the vaccine did so out of malice, but rather based on their understanding of the facts. He also emphasizes the importance of understanding viral load, co-infections, and comorbidities in COVID-19 patients. He criticizes the mainstream narrative and censorship of alternative viewpoints, stating that his data could have provided valuable insights into the pandemic.
➡ The text discusses the negative impacts of COVID-19 measures, such as increased suicide rates and business closures. It criticizes the use of humanity as an experiment, particularly with the introduction of mRNA technology, which the author believes was not ready for widespread use. The text also highlights the issue of censorship, with important information being suppressed, leading to a lack of informed decision-making. Lastly, it discusses the underreporting of vaccine side effects in the VAERS system, suggesting that only a small fraction of cases are actually recorded.
➡ The text discusses the challenges and biases in reporting vaccine-related issues, suggesting that only a small percentage of cases make it into the system. It also raises concerns about the accuracy of COVID-19 data and the potential manipulation of this information. The text further explores theories about the origin of the virus and its impact, including the decrease in flu cases during the pandemic. Lastly, it criticizes the initial treatment protocols for COVID-19, suggesting that they may have contributed to unnecessary deaths.
➡ The text discusses the use of simple treatments like vitamins and proning for COVID-19 patients. It also questions the credibility of some doctors and scientists who provide misleading information about COVID-19 and vaccines. The text also debates the efficacy of the flu vaccine and the need for more accurate data. The author emphasizes the importance of understanding different types of vaccines and not generalizing them under one term.
➡ The speaker expresses concern about the potential negative effects of vaccines, citing personal experiences and questioning the motives behind their promotion. They suggest that financial gain might be a driving factor, and express frustration with the perceived manipulation of scientific data. They also mention the fatigue people are experiencing due to the ongoing pandemic and the constant discussion around it.
➡ The speaker discusses concerns about the potential side effects of COVID-19 vaccines, including injuries and a decrease in fertility. They also mention a significant increase in miscarriages and stillbirths, which they attribute to mass vaccinations. However, they acknowledge that data is still being collected and the full impact is not yet known. The speaker also shares their personal experiences and work, including their comedy shows and book.


Foreign, you know how. I mean this is a very serious question. Yeah. And it’s hard to answer, I mean, because you can go down so many rabbit holes. But I mean you’re looking at the, the most massive cover up in the history of humanity. When you think about what we did during COVID you know, you had studies, as you mentioned, that people weren’t allowed to talk about. They would get shut down. You mentioned your YouTube channel. I mean we get banned all the time, have been banned. The first person to come out and say something and ask a question because they want to question the narrative gets banned.

So I mean you would never hear about these studies. Meanwhile you hear about the most ridiculous studies for masks wearing, you know, 185 sailors on a boat self reported, you know, I mean I would have people coming into my own office asking, screaming at me as why aren’t we wearing masks? Because we don’t, we don’t do that. Viruses, we practice smart medicine. So here we are, suspending reality, ignoring studies. MRNA as you mentioned, wasn’t ready for prime time. There’s many people spoken out about, don’t get me wrong, I mean I think the benefits if you, if you were to target it for a single thing on one person, dial it in.

It’s not dialed in, not figured out. And you don’t test something on the whole of humanity at the same. We were essentially guinea pigs in 2021 and the world fell for it because those of us who had counter information, who had information regarding the true numbers and what we were seeing, weren’t allowed to speak. It’s kind of crazy. I, I, I felt like I wasn’t living in my own country. And I, I think we’ve been losing our freedom systematically since the country was founded in small ways. A quick break from the program to share with you masterpiece.

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Which makes this so amazing isn’t just its very small light that takes that heavy metal or that pollution out of your cell. But it also has marine plasma, which is the most nutritious, dense element on earth and it really gives you a dose of nutrition and you can feel it in your cells. You can buy this with the link below or go to sarah westall.com under shop. Welcome to business Game changers. I’m Sarah westall. I have Dr. Mike Schwartz coming to the program. He’s really interesting. He’s has a doctorate in business and data analysis, an expert at data analysis, but he’s also ran four dozen clinics, medical clinics, and he has data on over 19,000 patients that they were running through and analyzing.

And so we’re going to talk about the data that they’ve been seeing in the health, you know, Covid related and other areas, flu shots, all that over the last five years and broader than that. But the big thing that we’re going to be talking about as a backdrop is the loss of confidence in the medical system because of the fixing of data and just simply ignoring the medical injuries that are going on and that it’s obvious to a lot of people and that they’ve just did things wrong and they won’t look at reality in the face and it’s causing a lack of confidence in the entire medical system.

And what does that mean and how they need to address it. I mean, confidence comes from not just putting your feet in, sticking with your agenda. It comes from being honest and truthful and looking at the reality of the data. Fixing data in the long run leads to a lack of confidence in the system. And for some reason they believe that’s okay. And so we’re going to talk about that and what that means because they can snow people for a certain amount of time, but you can’t snow people forever. And as this data comes out, people are dumb.

I mean they’re seeing their loved ones, they’re seeing this, they’re questioning stuff. And so we’re going to talk about that. But before we get into that, I want to talk to you about the peptides that I have. I have GLPN ones which are GLPN ones are actually a hormone that is being created in your gut to keep, you know, to help you modulate your weight and just modulate your, the health. Right. And the fact that we have so many. I had Dr. Diane Kaiser on talking about why our GLP1s are such a problem and why this is an issue and that we have so many toxins and buildup in our digestive system, in our stomach that we’re not creating the GLP1s like we should be.

And that’s one of the reasons why we’re seeing obesity where we’re seeing overweight people. We’re also not absorbing the vitamins and minerals that we need to. And that’s why we’re seeing pretty much everything under the sun going on. But specifically, we’ve been talking about peptides, which GLP1 is one of them, and Ozempic and all these obesity drugs that they’re actually diabetic drugs that have been repurposed for obesity are being used for people to lose weight. But there’s so many side effects to these. And I mean, I don’t know about you. I want to be healthy and thin too, but not with the risk of all these side effects.

So we have the option of just going straight to natural GLP1s, getting right to what you need, getting what your body’s deficient in. And so I have access to these peptides. I’m working with Dr. Diane Kaser. You can learn more. You can sign up for a tribe, it’s like a dollar and you can ask all these questions or you can go to directly to the peptide information. There’s a link below or@Sarah Westall.com under shop and you can learn or get some yourself and try it. That’s what I’m doing. I want to see how it works. If I get my body back up to optimal levels of GLP1s and my body just takes care of it.

And peptides are a big thing. RFK Jr talked about peptides being something that’s been suppressed for decades. And it’s about time that the public starts having access to these. So if you’re interested in getting on that journey with us, use the link below or join Dr. Diane’s tribe. I’ll have a link to that as well. Okay, let’s get into this fantastic conversation that I have with Dr. Mike Schwartz. Hi, Mike. Welcome to the show. Thanks for having me, Sarah. I really appreciate you coming. We had a really good, great discussion before this started. But I want to dive into this topic.

We’re going to talk about the misunderstanding of the data around Covid and what it really points to. And I want to talk about the fact that in March 2022, I downloaded all the CDC data and analyzed it. I’m a data analyst background. And it showed that there wasn’t a statistical increase in death. I mean, there just wasn’t. And it was 100% reporting for, you know, in every county that, you know that they track. And then I went back and downloaded it in June and they went and they changed all the data after a hundred percent reporting to match their death, their, whatever numbers they were trying to come up with.

I, I was, it was very discouraging to watch the CDC do that. And I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of this kind of behavior. Yeah, I mean, you can go down so many different paths with this stuff because, I mean, not only that, they changed the language, you know, they changed the definition of the word vaccine during this. Most people 70, 80, 90 years old heard the word vaccine and thought, okay, you must be talking about inoculation, lifetime immunity. Now they say it’s just gonna prevent it a little bit. And what we see in Our data is 120 day antibody response from these shots.

When you look at the data, Sara had 19,000 patients. We did 44,000 tests. When we started this on March 16th of 2020, we were the first company, the first to ever do a COVID test in the state of New Jersey. So I was alone on an island. I was like, I was it. And it felt pretty lonely when you, you’re running out of tests every day and you’re trying to get to people’s homes. But we had, if you remember, back back then, we had shortages of just about everything. So the labs had to do some ingenious things to invent new medium falcon tubes.

We used in buckle swabs instead of nasopharyngeal swabs. Anything they could to get the ability to test people. And right from the start, we saw a couple things that were anomalous. Right? We saw that about 85% of the people we were testing that these are positive cases did not have classic symptomology changes the way you think about getting infected, right? Most people think, I get Covid, I get the flu, I get rsv, I’m going to get sick. What we learned through mass testing was that most people don’t get sick. So we were seeing that 85 to 90% of people we were testing didn’t have a classic symptom.

We also learned that the ones that did have a classic symptom usually had a co infection. Usually that was staph or H flu or rsv, something to that nature. But most people weren’t testing for that. So when I look at data, when it comes from the cdc, I’m now my mind has changed so much post Covid because I see the way they look at numbers, I see the way they analyze data and Most of them, I think, aren’t like you and I, where they’re data, you know, analysts really looking at the nitty gritty and understanding why they looked at it a certain way.

No one was telling you that if you got Covid, you were going to be fine. No, we were telling that to our patients because that’s what we were seeing. Nobody was telling you that if you got. There were treatments, there were effective treatments out there. They were banning and censoring, but anyways, keep going. Yeah, I mean, and there’s. There’s myths to that, too, because we tried some of that. And look, I’ll always give the doctors the right to try anything. That’s what the practice of medicine is supposed to be. But there have. There have been so many different rabbit holes that we’ve gone down since COVID where I, you know, I said to you before the show, a lot of people get these confirmation biases.

Well, they’ll read an article on something and then they base their entire, you know, plethora of what they know. It’s kind of crazy. I mean, when you analyze the data from what we did during that period, it will really blow your mind. I have two books out. One’s called Fauci’s Fiction. You probably never heard of that because of all the censorship we went through. And then, of course, the new one is Vaccine Fiction, where that tells the second story of what we’re seeing now on the shots. Well, this is important because we’re watching people. I just had Dr.

Macus on, and he’s a great man and very persecuted, and he’s sharing the. Just the death that’s occurring from these Covid shots. And it’s like this eerie situation where they won’t address it, they won’t even talk about it. It’s weird. While all these people are suffering and we’re estimating what, 15% of the people have side effects of some sort, not counting the people who died. These are a lot of people out there who are suffering without help. What does the data show you on? I want to dive into that. What is the psychosis behind why they’re not even talking? I mean, it’s.

The not talking about it creates more trauma and psycho. It’s like, you know what’s going on. It’s cognitive distortion, as best as I can see it. I mean, you got to remember, too, we have different perspectives on this. You know, my perspective on Covid and the pandemic is so different than most people’s because I see it from the 30,000 foot view. So I was one of those people that no one wanted to listen to. I was one of those people that was looked at with three heads. Meanwhile, the narrative was to push that Covid was going to kill you.

The death counts were on TV for sure. Now, to get this shot, everybody kind of mishandled this. And. And right from the start, anybody who had a counter narrative to what they were saying on television or the government was looked at as if they should be canceled, they should lose their medical license. Thank God. I don’t have one of those. I don’t have a. I’m not a medical doctor, but I analyze data. And just like you, I’m looking at the numbers going, they don’t make sense. So why would anybody, of course, if they touted this narrative for years, why would they want to come and push back against themselves and say, we were wrong? Cognitive distortion really plays into the fact it happens from the doctor’s perspective.

Imagine the doctor who is buying into the CDC narrative who said, you have to get this shot to stay safe. They’re not going to admit that a reaction was from a vaccine, especially if it was six months later. They’re going to say, nah, it’s got to be something else. You’re getting older. And if they were the ones pushing those shots, that cognitive distortion doesn’t just stop at the. The practitioner level. It goes all the way up to the media and the government as a whole. Yeah, but when that happens, that’s why we’re seeing a collapse of the medical system.

Because the people at large don’t have that bias. They’re not. They don’t have their ego tied into this, but they have their family member who’s damaged or died. And so the entire. If they want to save their industry, they got to get there. They got to start adjusting their viewpoint because the public at large is losing trust or has lost trust in the entire medical establishment because of this. I can’t blame them one bit. I wrote it. I wrote about. In my new book, I Tell a Story. Actually, it’s my old book. Now I’m getting confused myself about a medical student who, when we were starting to see the anomalies coming back from these shots, I had a conversation with him.

He remains nameless. He’s a good friend of mine, son. And I said, you know, you’ve got to start. Look at what we’re seeing in our office. People coming back with joint issues, heart issues, like, immediately. And we didn’t use the word breakthrough cases because everyone could get sick if you’ve been shot up or not, you know that. Now, you didn’t know that maybe from the start, at least your audience didn’t. But I said to this medical student, like, this is nuts. You have to start, you know, letting your professors and your other students know what we’re seeing.

And he goes, no, no, we can’t go down that road. He says, we can’t lose credibility. We have to get together and make sure we’re on the same page. And I’m looking at him like he had three heads. And I said, you’re going to lose credibility down the road. Like, don’t. My credibility means more to me than anything. That’s right. People were going along with a narrative based in nothing. The fundamental question that everybody should ask when someone tells you something is based on what do you have the data and the experience to back it up? Well, and the credibility is always based on what ends up being the right to truthful, the most truthful, the reality.

Right? We want to look at reality, whatever it is. And that’s where credibility comes from. And the fact that they are not addressing, looking, looking at it’s as painful as it is looking at it straight on and dealing with it, because they’re losing credibility each day. They don’t. While people in the general public who aren’t tied into their egos and their prestige is not tied into this, but they’re, like I said, their family member is. Every day this goes on, they keep losing more and more credibility. When did medicine become political? And it’s kind of crazy because you could see that I have family members who are so, you know, progressive that they won’t read the book, they won’t look at the data, they won’t talk to you because they want to maintain their narrative because they went along with it for so well.

So even if they had a family member who was adversely affected, they’d kind of brush it off and say, nah, can’t be that. You’re crazy to think that. Because they. I think they honestly believe their own bs. You know, they live in a bubble and we’re all kind of victims of that. Sometimes, you know, I try to make sure that I tell my audience, hey, look, you should tune on and all the other networks to kind of see what everyone else is saying to get a full picture of what, of what you really don’t know. A lot of people live in those bubbles, but I find that people who have denied these injuries, these vaccines, they still will tell you that the shots work.

Think about It, Sarah, you had in 20, 21, 75% of the population that was going out getting fully vaccinated. Let’s say, you know, call it the shot, whatever you want. And now that’s down to about 17%. We could have avoided that entire exercise if people would have looked at the true data right from the start. But there’s still 17% of the country that’s being fooled that bought into that early narrative, that fiction, and is still believing that these things are helping them rather than hurting them. It blows my mind. It does. And I agree with you.

I think there are people that are afraid to even go there. There was an MD that published something in macus. Re published it or tweeted it and I republished it. But it was an MD saying that she will never regret getting the shot because she did it out of love. She goes, even if I die, I did it, I love. And the people who didn’t get it did it because they were evil. They didn’t get the shot. And he’s like, this is cult thinking. Because the people who didn’t get the shot were doing it out of fact based information.

It wasn’t out of anything evil, it was out of truth, the way that we saw it. And it ended up being, in the end, we’re being vindicated here. But that is the cult like behavior. We were doing it out of goodness. So we’re better people and you guys are evil because you’re doing. And where does that enter into medicine? Well, again, I mean, well again, based on what? Right? So here, look at my perspective. We’re a year into testing and treating before the shots really rolled out, right? So out of 19,000 patients, you want to talk about data? I didn’t lose one patient.

We had four of the 19,000 go to the hospital. That’s it. So imagine, put yourself in my shoes a year later when the shots rolled out and you had come to me and said, mike, do I need this shot? The answer was always, and I say this all the time, a laughable no, no, you don’t need something. Number one, it doesn’t work. It get 120 day antibody response measured. We saw that in practice because we did something a little different. Sarah, what most people think of COVID as positive or negative, it’s not. Covid is either negative or positive with caveats.

And there’s really three caveats to that. We looked at the data in four different ways. One is CT value, and that’s important. That’s your viral load and that’s measured on, you know, when you’re looking at PCR testing, I can get into that and bore your audience. But it’s important what your viral load is because people with a low viral load or a high CT value had almost no symptomology whatsoever. And symptomology is different because what we understand about it and what we learned about it. Most people again thought, if I was to catch something, I’m going to get sick.

We learned through all this testing that most people don’t get sick because their viral load stays low. Because your body is healthy, you’re fighting this thing off. So viral load becomes very important. Second caveat is co infection. And most people weren’t testing for this. If you went to the Walgreens or a rapid test, no one was looking for a co infection. We practice good medicine. What do you mean by co infection? So people understand. A quick break to remind you that you need to protect your assets. We’re in a period of financial instability. The markets, the entire world is resetting.

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Okay, let’s get back into the show. So real important. So we we do something before COVID existed. I always say my patients always knew what Covid swabs were long before the public did. Because if you had come to our office five Six years ago, and you were sick. We were swabbing you. It was going to the lab. And at that time, there were 30 things on a respiratory pathogen panel to include viral targets, bacterial targets, and a fungal target. So now I could tell if you have parainfluenza, 1, 2, 3, 4, flu, a flu, B flu, C flu.

I could tell you what, you just know what it is that you got. Okay, we’re looking exactly for what you have, because if it’s a different bacterial infection, different antibiotics are going to work differently. If it’s a viral infection, we’re not going to give you an antibiotic. So we want to know that. So we don’t create antibiotic resistance. So that is the second caveat. Now there’s 31 things on the respiratory pathogen panel to include Covid. Most of the folks that were coming back sick with classic symptomology had Covid and staph. I’ll put it in perspective. I had a guy four years ago who came back positive for Covid, Staph, H flu, and RSV all at the same time.

Imagine if he had gone somewhere else or to Walgreens or somewhere CVS and gotten a rapid test. He would have thought Covid was the worst thing in the world. He was sick from the rsv, the H flu, and of course he had a staph infection on top of it. Well, you have to put these things in perspective. Most other people, when you talk about the COVID numbers, didn’t look at it this way. So we looked at it very differently. So CT value, viral load, CO infection, yay or nay. And then we also did something. Comorbidity comes into play because you could see certain groups of people not doing well with COVID like obese diabetics.

Diabetics don’t do well with just about anything. So you can kind of look at that grouping. But then the third, the fourth thing we did, which is even more important, we called every single positive patient every night, and we recorded their symptomology. Because in the beginning, when you were. Everyone was locked down, businesses shuttered, wearing masks. We were again alone on an island trying to figure this out because we were the only ones doing it. So I don’t know if you’re the only ones, but you are one of the only ones for sure. We were the first.

We. We. The first day you were allowed to test was March 16th of 2020. And one of the labs that we work with was one of the first 30 in the nation to get FDA approval to do testing. We were the first company to do a COVID test. Okay, you were. You’re probably that. But you weren’t the only ones pushing back against this narrative. That’s what I was saying. We weren’t pushing a for or against a narrative. What we were doing in the beginning, Sarah, was just doing our job. We were out for sure. Yep. Help people.

If we tested five people a day or 400 people a day, it didn’t matter. But we were looking at that data every day, putting it into perspective to try to help the whole of humanity. And again, getting censored because no one would listen. You know when you go to everybody saying, look, I just tested 100 people this month. They’re all fine. They’ve all recovered. You can look at the age grouping, the CT value, the CO infection, the symptomology, put it into perspective and say, hey, we got a nugget here. We can tell. You know, like, you know, let me go to Fox News and tell them what’s going on.

So maybe they could parrot that out to everybody to let everybody know. Take the death count. You had real data that you were using and nobody else was. I’m surprised that people weren’t going to you left and right. I had. My YouTube channel was canceled at that time, and I had like a dozen, 15 different interviews with different PhDs and doctors and scientists and all sorts of things, and it was just taken down, down. But all of them proved to be right, what they were saying. So crazy. No, it is crazy. It angers me because I think that’s a lot of death on their hands for not taking it seriously and not allowing the debate causes the death, but not allow.

Not looking at the numbers that you were putting out is even worse. It was more frustrating for us than it was for the public because you’re sitting here thinking, like, wow, I could really. We could change this. You know, when you look at suicide rates, kids out of school, the businesses shuttered, all of the effects that this exercise had on the public for whatever it was. I don’t write about the political narrative in my book, but, I mean, you could look at it and make your own determination to see what was going on at that time.

To use that, to use the whole of humanity for an experiment is pretty sick, considering more people died from suicide. We were doing is a little different than most people think. It’s not just patients coming to the office. The reason we have so many tests is we were out doing school districts, police departments, nursing homes. I would be. My staff would be in A nursing home, you know, the same day every week. So Mondays you’d be here, Tuesdays you’d be there. We watched more 90 year old birthday parties from afar where the nursing home patient was inside and their family is outside through the glass with a cake in the freezing cold, wishing Mildred A happy 90th birthday.

They needed that touch. Yeah, it’s. It’s sad because, you know, you’d find out later that Mildred passed away. You know, I’m using a fictitious name here, but six months later of depression or old age. And that time, that with those families, I have time with my. You’ll never get that back. No, you won’t. It was, it was pretty sad. So why do you think? I know we already discussed it, but how do we get more people to take this seriously when we have this many. I mean we have a health, a mental health crisis right now.

A lot of it is due to this. We have people dying and injured in numbers that are incredible. We have. I mean, how do we get people to start to take this seriously? And you know, before we get. Answer that question, I want to. There was a couple thought that I wanted to bring up too. They knew this is what I was thinking I needed to say. They knew that the MRNA technology was not what they said it was because they had studies, animal studies, where the animals were dying. Everything starts off in animal studies and then moves on to humans.

They had all those animal studies. So why do you think. And the reason humans aren’t dying is because we’re not getting all the boosters animals got. And so it’s varying degrees of how much the humans are subjected to all this. But why do you think that so many people, even when they were given that information of all these animal studies? Because I had doctors talking about these animal studies on my show. Why were they specifically ignoring this and still not able to address this? And knowing that we have these large population of people out here who are subjected to what the animals were subjected to.

You know how. I mean, this is a very serious question. Yeah, and it’s hard to answer, I mean, because you can go down so many rabbit holes. But I mean you’re looking at the, the most massive cover up in the history of humanity. When you think about what we did during COVID you know, you had studies, as you mentioned, that people weren’t allowed to talk about. They would get shut down. You mentioned your YouTube channel. I mean, we get banned all the time, have been banned. The first person to come out and say something and ask a question because they want to question, the narrative gets banned.

So, I mean, you would never hear about these studies. Meanwhile, you hear about the most ridiculous studies for masks wearing, you know, 185 sailors on a boat self reported, you know, I mean, I would have people coming into my own office asking, screaming at me as, why aren’t we wearing masks? Because we don’t, we don’t do that for viruses. We practice smart medicine. So here we are, suspending reality, ignoring studies. MRNA, as you mentioned, wasn’t ready for prime time. There’s many people spoken out about, don’t get me wrong. I mean, I think the benefits, if you, if you were to target it for a single thing on one person, dial it in.

It’s not dialed in. It’s not figured out. And you don’t test something on the whole of humanity. At the same. We were essentially guinea pigs in 2021, and the world fell for it because those of us who had counter information, who had information regarding the true numbers and what we were seeing, weren’t allowed to speak. It’s kind of crazy. I, I felt like I wasn’t living in my own country. And I think we’ve been losing our freedom systematically since the country was founded in small ways. Well, that’s why I sued, we sued Google and then I led the lawsuit to the ninth Circuit against Google.

And then I was just adamant. I mean, because, and you know, I had, I also aired three censored conferences, which I would have loved to have you on it if I would have known with just various people, just, we need to be able to speak. And what’s happening is that like you’re saying the very important information that people need to make decisions for their families and for themselves is what’s getting censored. They’re making it seem like it’s Ku Klux Klan people or weirdos that are getting censored, but real important information. And so I always said it’s worse for the people who not aren’t able to hear this information than even me being censored because you’re not getting the information my family got.

We made good decisions that protected my family. And these people weren’t masses weren’t able to make those same decisions. Yeah, it’s kind of scary when you think about it and you wonder how far that goes. I write about the censorship in my new book because you learn a lot when you, you know, when I, when I published my first book, I didn’t, I just thought, okay, great, it’ll get out there. People can start to read it, it’ll go viral, whatever. But you don’t realize, like, you know, I got three letters from, from Amazon saying that I wasn’t allowed to promote my book due to current events.

Then you start doing interviews and, you know, you notice that they get pulled down all the time on certain channels. YouTube was the biggest culprit. YouTube, Google, Meta, Facebook, Instagram. Always suppressed, always shadow banned. And when you tell the average person who doesn’t do a show or have a book that you’re getting censored and shadow banned, they look at you as if you are some crazy conspiracy theorist, meanwhile Ku Klux Klan member or something. But when you see it in practice every day, you start to realize, I mean, I’ve had, and I could say uk, UK is one of the worst ones.

For some reason they have less free speech than we do. But every time I do an interview in the uk, it gets pulled off. It’s. It’s kind of crazy. And it’s always the same people. And then you wonder about that. And I explain that in my book, I talk about theirs. You were talking about data and government numbers. Right. If the media company of Fox News or CNN or somebody was to pull, you know, mainstream media wanted to go to theirs and look at what data do we have back on these shots. It’s important to note that only about 1% of what’s out there actually makes it into VAERS.

So we have an entire chapter that explains that system because nothing really makes it in. No doctor knows how to use it. Takes about a half hour to put a, you know, a thing in there. You got cognitive bias, which we talked about earlier, which is why a doctor is going to, ah, it’s not Covid. It wasn’t the shot. But I want to add something to this and maybe you have this in your book, the various data. I did some analysis on this and I was going to do a report or actual article. I never got to it it, but I did the analysis of who was actually submitting things in the vaers because they were saying that these are just randos and it’s bad data and all this stuff.

That’s what was coming out at the time. That’s not true. The people who are submitting the vaers are doctors and lab labs and medical clinics. And that’s the vast majority is really good sources of data. Yeah. So there’s a chapter in my book and I, I couldn’t mention her name. I call her Molly in the book because she’s going through a lawsuit. This is really a shame that we protect identities from reality. But she, she was a PA and got fired from her job because she was putting cases into vaers. And the other doctors, the other practitioners in her hospital system realized she knew what she was doing.

So they asked her, would you put our cases into VAERS when we give them to you? And she said sure. Well, her hospital sister system fired her because they did not want those numbers going into vaers. You can self report into vaers, but you’ve got to know your lot number. So if you have a doc put it your perspective of you go to your doctor. First, the cognitive bias exists where they don’t to admit it was them that caused this issue. Secondly, if they have to do it, it takes about a half hour. They have to know your lot numbers.

So if you decided to get a shot there and your booster at Walgreens, now they got to go track down the lot numbers to put it in the system. And if you get kicked out while you’re doing it, you got to start all over again. You’re not going to spend eight hours of your day putting in, you know, eight to 10 cases of vaccine injured when you’re making no money in medicine as it is. So none of these actually really make it into the system system, but the one. That’s why 1%. Yes. Yeah. And Harvard agreed.

I, I came up with that hypothesis and then I confirmed that with this PA and then Harvard actually did a study and they agree with me that about 1% or less actually make it into the system. So look at the numbers. When you look at the various numbers and I have charts in a new book and you might have seen some of these. They’ll blow your mind though, for the majority of the public. And it goes back to what you said. No one is really looking at the data. So when it finally gets in front of them, it kind of blows their mind.

The deaths alone from the shots are reporting between 40 and 50,000. So multiply that by 100, you’re looking at between 4 and 5 million. Ed Dowd, who’s been on my show, was just touting that it could be as high as 7.5 to 15 million worldwide. So when you look at numbers, you can’t look at them in a vacuum. Theirs is specific to the United States. We’re talking worldwide numbers because the whole of humanity had gone through this experiment back in 2021, and some of them still are. So, so, you know, what are the real numbers? Million is incredible.

5 million is incredible. And they’re blaming it on all sorts of other things. We all know somebody who died during that period that seems like it’s from the vaccine. So it’s incredible. I also know a lot of people who were trying to submit to the VARs at that time, and they were watching their data just being deleted or removed or something. It was weird. They would capture it, they would show it, and then later it wouldn’t be there. And they were writing over records. I saw that stuff, too. Incredible. And then what you said earlier about them changing the data on decimal.

That I have 100%. It’s my data. I have it. Nobody can tell me it didn’t happen, right? So then it makes you think what they’re doing to manipulate the data. Now they will stop at nothing to continue this narrative. You start to go down the roads and go, why? Right? Everybody’s looking at why. Was it, you know, was it a nefarious act? Was it a DoD operation? Was it it. Was it the election? Was it money? Right? You can go down all these roads. The bottom line is, though, people are getting hurt from these things. They don’t work.

You don’t need it. Covid was. Covid is very real, don’t get me wrong. There’s a whole nother conversation to have about where it came from. Was it. I know. Bioengineered. Was it released intentionally? There’s an entire conversation there. But the fact that it’s out and it doesn’t really cause more damage. Like, for instance, have you ever heard of NL63 or OL43? No. What is that? Evan? These are other coronaviruses that are on our panel, and I wouldn’t expect you to know that. It’s not a trick question. But you’ve never heard of that. There’s seven different coronaviruses.

That’s just a cold, right? I mean, well, coronavirus would be associated with a cold. Human rhinovirus, yes, any kind of coronavirus. But a lot of people make that mistake and go, oh, it’s just another flu. No, the flu is a completely different animal. You have flu A, flu B, flu C, and actually a flu. Not during COVID it wasn’t. The flu went away and it was all Covid. But, yeah, so during that time frame, we weren’t seeing any of the traditional flu. We did see a bunch of H flus, and then about a year later, we started to see the flu reemerge.

Now, there’s different theories on that, and I’ll tell you, my best guess is the R naught. The R Naught’s a lot higher on Covid. And most. So you, in your testing, you didn’t see it either. So this is. No, we didn’t see it. That was something. So that was, that was legit data. I thought they were fixing the data. Oh, no, that’s legit data because we test for that as well. And I’ve had patients come back with COVID and the flu at the same time. It’s very rare, but it’s happened In, I think, two occasions out of 44,000 tests.

Why is it. Because Covid was testing was a stronger. Was a stronger thing. So the flu just didn’t show up. I mean, what makes. I don’t understand. I. I try to. I got asked this question so many times and you try to analyze and look at it, the reality. And of course, you know, you’re half. Most of it’s based in, in. In real data and understanding. But you’re, you’re still speculating a little bit. One is the schools were closed. The. The second thing is, so you didn’t have people on top of each other and like where, you know, it typically spreads in a certain area during flu season in your geographic area.

The second is that the R naught of COVID is a lot higher. So the R naught is the spread, right? So for every one person infected, you’ll spread it to four or five or six people. So it’s a little bit higher in Covid. So that would kind of traditionally take over when, when you have something novel like that. That either. And I really couldn’t stand the whole zoonotic. They were pushing the most ridiculous narratives during this time. It was kind of obvious that it came out of a central point and it came out at a central time, which would tell you a release in a certain area, not a zoonotic outbreak.

So we kind of, you know, have gone down that road. Now that it was in Wuhan, China, most likely at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. But when you saw it was released and it was novel, people. People got sick from COVID for a very different reason. Early on, there’s sciency gets into it. Right. So, Sarah, there’s 27 proteins inside the capsium, inside the capsid of the virus. And most people don’t talk about this. It’s the spike protein that mutates. So the virus, by definition, is mutating the moment it enters your system, looking for the best version of itself to survive.

But when you get infected initially, you’re getting a reaction to the whole of the Virus, all of the 27 proteins and the spike protein. Then you do something interesting. You build what’s called memory cells, B and T lymphocytes. So the next time you get infected, you have memory cells to the 27 proteins inside the. Inside the capsid. But you’re getting a reaction now to the. The spike protein that has mutated. Okay. So you’re not getting the same reaction you got the first time. So the first time it goes around the world, you get a lot of people who get sick from it.

Not a lot of people dying, but a lot of people sick. And if you put that in perspective, let’s say you’re in the population that could die. I don’t know, five. You know, if there’s a population who’s at risk because they’re sick on a whole bunch of other issues, right? So the percentage of population that could die in the next five years. A cold can bring you down. A flu can bring you down. Covid can bring it down. And that’s kind of how we explained it in layman’s terms right from the start to make our patients feel better.

But we also couple that with the fact that we didn’t know how to treat it. We were using flu protocol, which flared it up. We thought for a while that Advil flared it up. We later learned that it didn’t. So we were being very careful in how we treated. Well, I’m going to push back a little bit. People were dying because they stopped doing anything. I mean, people are in the hospital dying of basic nutrition. They weren’t giving them any vitamins and minerals. And the hospitals were killing them because they weren’t even doing the basic protocols.

That’s 100. And that’s kind of where I was going. The medical community killed a lot of people. And I hate to say that because there’s good practitioners. My wife’s a nurse practitioner. There’s a lot of people out there who care, and we’re trying to do the right thing. But the narrative was coming from the CDC and had. No one had a clue. And it was a couple months in until we figured out proning. Proning is great. We use very basic treatments. We use vitamin C, D, zinc, and electrolytes, and that was it. And then when somebody had a low pulse ox, we would prone them and miraculously, their lungs would open up and they would feel better in a couple.

You. You did this when I did this, Sarah, every single day with thousands of patients, you could look at somebody. You could look at the report, figure out what they have and almost predict what their symptomology was gonna be. It became that commonplace. I could look at a family of three, look at the. The husband who is a little bit obese, and say, you’re going to be about a week. Look at the wife who is in better shape and say, you’re going to be two days, and look at the son and go, you’re going to be fine tomorrow.

And I get the call the next day and go, you know, how’s the son? He’s out running a mile. And they’re little, though. So there wasn’t even worldwide. They didn’t even have any case from what. Unless this has changed. Not a single case worldwide is somebody dying from COVID who were. Who was a kid. And yet they’re giving them vaccines. The COVID vaccine shot. Exactly. That’s ridiculous. Exactly. So what do you think? This is the. I, I stopped really talking about COVID because it just got absurd. And we started having all this propaganda filter in and all this weirdness.

What? And I don’t know, because I stopped really dive. Because there was a point where I was just obsessed with it, getting all the information out and working with the best doctors and toxicologists and not necessarily MDs, but scientists. Right. And. But now they’re talking about. I’ve heard some. I don’t know if it’s propaganda or truth. I want to hear your opinion on it. That the spike protein doesn’t really exist. And that was all bs. And there’s some prominent people saying that. What do you say to that? You know, I, I stay out of those arguments because it’s above my pay grade.

That’s where I go to people like Dr. Jancy Lindsay, who I write about in the book. She’s a toxicologist, microbiologist. Because for me, you know, I’m like you. I’m a data guy, right? And I kind of look at things and say, all right, well, here’s what we have. Let me analyze what’s in front of me. And anything that’s kind of above my pay grade, I don’t speak on it. Only because, again, it goes to credibility. There’s too many people who will go out on a limb and give you an opinion for something they know nothing about because it makes them look better.

I’d rather keep my credibility intact. So I, I don’t know what to make of those arguments. It’s something that I’m gonna have to research on time. But that’s what I say too, because, you know, I’m really good in what I’m good at. But if I don’t know, I don’t want to say that I know. I. I’m noticing a lot of doctors and scientists, mostly doctors that are you me messing up basic chemistry. Like they’re confusing, you know, if a structure changes, like silica and silicone, for example. Silica is, is a foundational element for our health. Health.

And they’re messing it up with silicon. You know, I’m like, well, that’s just two different. As soon as the chemical structure changes, it’s completely different animal. And they’re messing all that stuff up. And so I’m, I’m seeing that. And I think once somebody does that, they totally lose their credibility from the people who are in the know, if you will. I totally agree. I saw more doctors that I had some respect for during, before COVID who were speaking at a turn. It’s hard when the media takes 12 to 18 months to catch up to what you’re seeing on the ground.

But it’s more frustrating when those experts and talking heads on TV are telling the whole of the public things that you already know are untrue. You know, I had famous doctors out there telling people, you know, breakthrough cases aren’t that bad, that the risk versus reward profile is still, you should get these shots. We’re going, going. What do you mean? And I had one doctor who came out and said, there are only 5, 000 breakthrough cases. This is of course in 2021, 5, 000 breakthrough cases in the entire country. And meanwhile, I had three in my office in Key West.

There were five down at the urgent care that day. Because we talk every day. And I’m going, you know, I got eight right here. Like you don’t know what you’re talking about. Your best answer should have been I don’t know. That’s right. Saved your credibility. But these folks are still on tv. They still have big contracts, they’re still feel respected by the public because they know no better. And I don’t want to out people, but come out and say I don’t know that that’s. We need more data is what they should say. We need more data because otherwise you’re just, you’re just wrong.

Okay, I gotta ask you this. What does your data show about the flu vaccine? Because there are a lot of people who are still getting in the flu vaccine. And I’m not sure if that’s necessary. Actually, my opinion is, is I would not get the flu vaccine personally. And I recommend that again I don’t think that that’s necessary. But when I know that there’s other treatments and protocols you can use and I don’t trust the system at all anymore. But what are your, what does your data say about the flu vaccine? Because maybe I don’t have the up to date information.

So the important thing when we’re talking about vaccines is that we take them out of a vacuum. Right? Because I can’t stand when people look at the COVID of my book or talk about RFK and go they’re anti vax. Well, that’s not really true. In the totality of the circ circumstances there’s different types of vaccines and I get, you know, we mentioned this earlier, I get really upset when people use the word vaccine for, you know, the COVID shot. We used to call the flu shot a flu shot. Now we call it a COVID vaccine because they’ve changed the definition.

The flu isn’t a vaccine either. It’s a shot because if you’re getting it every year, it’s just not. Well, it depends on how you classify it. Right. For someone again, who’s 90 years old, 80 years old, 70 years old, who might got a polio vaccine is going, oh, that’s lifetime immunity. Right. But that is a live attenuated vaccine. That is something we’ve been using for years. We haven’t had, we’ve had issues with it, don’t get me wrong. But relative to mRNA, it’s been relatively quiet. So you’ve got, you’ve got viral vector subunit and then of course live attenuated and mRNA.

So you’ve got all these different types of vaccines. So when someone says the word vaccine, they don’t know what they’re talking about because they’re comparing apples to oranges. That’s number one. When we talk about the flu shots, they say, and I just disproved this like this week based on what we were talking about. So this is interesting. Sarah, new news. We’re going to break some news. Awesome. Well, we’ll break it, but it depends on the audience and how they interpret it. They say that the efficacy of the flu shots is between 30 and 40% every year.

But I will beg the question, and I will ask you, how do we know that? Because there’s never been a study where they said if I were going to do it. All right? And this is so important because when you look at how they do these trials, the pharmaceutical companies control the trial, they control the data. So they can manipulate the data. Data. If you were Going to have me, an outside person, do this kind of the way we did it during COVID I would take a thousand people. We’d. We’d give them the flu shot, but it would be a specific type.

We’d have to know which one. So we’d have to do four different trials. If you came out with MRNA subunit, whatever, so you’d give them all the flu shot versus a thousand people who didn’t have the flu shot. But then the traditional way to get this number for efficacy is to sit back and wait. Well, we learned again through mass testing in this period that we didn’t have to do, but we did that most people don’t get. Classic symptomology. So if you were to ask me to do this, we would have the placebo group, the vaccinated group, and then we would test them every single week with a respiratory pathogen panel to see if they develop something.

Because if the one who’s vaccinated or unvaccinated developed a symptom of something, I need to know what that is. Do they have the flu and staph. Do they have the flu and H. Flu? Because you have to be specific about what you’re getting a reaction. So we just don’t have the data is what. We have no idea. That’s the point. But we’re still telling people, go get these things to protect you. We have no clue what we’re talking about. But see, when. When there’s a no clue what we’re talking about situation, I don’t want anything to do with it.

Because then that, to me, that tells me it’s just a money making avenue. It’s a money making vehicle. You. You hit the nail on the head. I mean, look, I’ve never gotten a flu shot. The, The. It’s kind of funny when you look at the hospital systems. My wife’s a nurse practitioner. She was get the COVID shot. Not happy. She has now she has a, A, an EKG that mimics an mi. Looks like she has a heart attack. She’s got an enlarged right atrium. Okay, now, and this is. And I have studies because we have an EKG six months before the shot and six months after the shot.

We have a CT scan of her abdomen that shows no clotting in her aorta three years before the shot. And now she’s got clotting in her shot. You know, in her aorta. You must be angry. I mean, that’s the kind of stuff I’m talking about. That makes sense. My dad. My dad died in 20, I wrote about him. I dedicated the first book to him. Fauci’s fiction. And he, when he passed away, they, his autopsy report showed everything that’s indicative of what we see from vaccine injury. Enlarged heart through a clot, inflammation in his kidneys, looked like they were gonna fail.

I had a great friend of mine who just passed away this year, Marilyn, I write about her in the second book. Marilyn Perricone. She was cancer free. She had cancer, it was gone all of a sudden, out of nowhere after the shots, turbo cancer. Boom. Dead in three, three months. And that is indicative of what we see. I lost my dad and my mom a year apart. I lost my good friends Marilyn and Phil, husband and wife, months apart last year. We’ve had, we’ve just seen so much personal death. And these are people that I’m begging Sarah, and I’m telling them, please listen to me, read my book.

You do not need these shots. You do not want these shots. You’re going to get Covid and you’re going to be fine. Like all of my other 19,000 patients, the media narrative was so strong, wrong that they’re rushing out. But take that to what I was saying about the hospital. So they were forcing Covid shots on the whole of the hospital. And you understand why. Medicare and Medicaid, the CMS is your biggest payer. And they were tell the government narrative was that if you got 80% at least of your staff vaccinated, they would continue to pay you.

But if you didn’t comply and your numbers weren’t there, they were going to cut you off from funding. It’s very important now for some reason, I guess because most of humanity started to pay attention. Little too little too, little late for my liking, they started to pay attention. The hospital system does not require you to get the COVID shot anymore, but they are still forcing the flu shots on the whole of their staff. So my wife is faced with the fact that now that she knows what she knows, she doesn’t want a flu shot, she doesn’t need a flu shot, and we just disprove the efficacy right here.

But meanwhile the hospital is telling her if you don’t get it, the government’s not going to pay us. So I mean, where is the conflict here? There’s a lot we’re. Yeah, the government’s tied into the money making machine is what it seems like, because there’s no data saying this is in good for people. But I tell you, doctors and, and pharmacists and people who are in because pharmacists are giving them too. I’m telling you, they probably give more than doctors do. They are really. A lot of them are really bought into this. They really believe. How do they believe if the science doesn’t show it? I mean, what kind of BS are they being fed? I just don’t understand.

The science is being manipulated. Just like the numbers are that you pulled. The narrative usually comes from the cdc because you always ask this question. We wondered why my medical friend who’s now a pediatrician, but back then he was a student. You wonder why other doctors and people like that were touting the narrative. Well, they get it from the cdc. The talking heads on Fox News like Mark Siegel and Nicole Sapphire, they don’t have any real data. They don’t run an office like mine where they can look at and they’ll tell you, oh, I’ve got patients.

They didn’t have 19,000. They weren’t. They didn’t do 44,000 tests. And look at Covid. The way we looked at it, completely different from they did. They looked to the CDC and say, what studies are you showing? It’s kind of funny. Like the who got one thing right during COVID one, and that was like it. And that was the fact that asymptomatic spread was virtually 00. And I was like, okay, they got one thing right. But the majority of what came out of the WHO and the CDC and what you saw at the White House podium, you know, now was it was non factual.

But people don’t remember. People don’t look at the retraction, Sarah. People remember the headline on page one and they’ll never read the retraction on page 26. It sticks in their brain. And that’s what they go. It’s like, it’s like. It’s like that car they bought when they were 16. They convinced their parents. Parents, I had to have it, but it was a clunker. But they still tell you how wonderful it was because they don’t want against their own narrative. Well, when the cdc, when I saw the CDC do that data, I mean, that really bugged me.

You know, I brought it down, analyzed it, I posted an article about it, and then I saw them change all the numbers. That was kind of jaw dropping for me. And I think that people need to understand that this is what we’re dealing. That’s why we say we have a mafia, we have a crime syndicate running these things. Because there’s so much money to be made by pushing this narrative. That. And there’s probably other agendas too. I don’t know. But. I don’t know all the agendas. Everybody has different agendas. But the money that’s being made is incredible.

A lot out there. What was Moderna stock? 35 bucks. And it went up to $400 overnight. I mean, if you knew and you could bank your money if you had a, you know, I mean, you’re talking, what are you talking? 10 times your money. I mean, it’s, it’s, it’s. It’s nice and easy to go out and, you know, take a million and turn it into 10 million and retire. But for the rest of us who are out of work and, you know, lost, you know, look at my business. I mean, we were focused on Covid for three years.

And then the government and I could tell you how the government made the numbers go away too, which no one ever talks about. No, it’s amazing to me that there’s some. Some things that are so obvious and it’s obvious, I guess, to us because we do it, that the public doesn’t still have a clue. They will tell you that mass made, you know, the virus go, that the shots, you know, diminished the amount of. Hospital says that’s completely untrue. In fact, you could get sicker at knowing this now. And I proposed that hypothesis to my immunologist in 2021.

I said, if you’ve never had Covid and all of a sudden you go out and you get a shot and you get an inflammatory reaction, then you get another one from a booster and then another one from another booster. Could you theoretically get sick from. And he stopped me and he goes, from the cytokine storm when you get it? And I go, yeah. And he goes, yeah, that makes total sense. And that’s what we’re seeing now. All this stuff we knew. That’s the frustration that I have. And that’s why I wrote the first book, Fauci’s fiction.

It was to try to get that conversation that I had, that. That book was every single conversation I had with every patient, Thousands of them, because they were scared. We were talking them off a ledge. And those same people who wanted to know everything, they then have so much Covid fatigue. It’s funny you said that. I don’t do covet on my show anymore because doesn’t get ratings no one wants to talk about. I did one interview today with a vaccine injured. But other than that, we do the news every day on my show. Fatigued people are fatigued by this.

They’re Tired of it and they’re pissed at the government. So closing this out, I mean, these are important conversations and because there still are a lot of people suffering, but there’s bigger implications here, here to what we’re talking about. But what do you see the true numbers of not just death. Well, maybe, you know, the death numbers too, but the people walking around with injuries from this shot. I mean, what kind of tsunami are we, are we past the woods or is there a tsunami coming? I, you know, there’s so much information going out that everybody, half the people who got the shot are going to die or everybody’s going to die.

Everybody. I mean, I don’t know if I believe any of that. What is, what is the data showing you? It’s hard because the data is still being collected and still going on because you still have 17% of the country still going and getting these boosters. So it’s kind of hard to. I asked a question of that vaccine injured person. Brianne Dressen was just on my show. She’s got a book out called Worth a Shot question mark because she was vaccine injured. And I said, what do you say to the people that will tell you it wasn’t a shop, it was Covid? And she’ll go, well, I’ll tell you because I never had Covid.

My injury came, her injury came right after the shot. And, and this is major, you know, like spinal tap testing she had at the NIH to show she never had Covid. Her injury was specifically from the shot. But it’s still going on, Sarah, so we don’t really know. I’ll, I’ll simplify it by telling what you, what I told my patients from my original hypothesis in 2021, which is probably in my first book. I forget what’s in there. I said, said, whether you, you, you know, someone who, you think who died from this thing or died from COVID this entire exercise has probably shortened the lifespan of the populace by three to five years on average.

And that is a very conservative estimate. It’s probably seven to nine years. So if you, if you want to take the totality of what we’re seeing and put it in perspective, I think it is shortening the lifespan of, of our, of our great nation. I think people are dying way too young. The, the respective ages I talked about, my mom, dad and my two friends were 75, 76, 77 and 78. And that’s young. That’s young. Yeah. My mother’s, her whole family on the, on my mother’s side would die in their 90s. I had an aunt go to 104.

That’s right. Well, how about the infertility too? I mean, we’re seeing the huge drop in fertility. That’s well documented. We talk about that. That chart is in the book. When it comes to hemorrhages, when it comes to miscarriages, still births, the numbers for stillbirth Sarah, were virtually for 30 years of data, it was like 25 or for 30 years, like 25 or less. You had a couple spikes in 08. What do you mean 25? What does that mean? No, but 25 or less of in your clinic. Out of 19, how many people inverse. Total, total related cases of miscarriages for the entire populace.

Right. Okay, we’re about 25. Can you see that chart right there? There? So that would be one. Oh my God. Yeah. So that is virtually increase 2021, it went to 3, 500 from. From like 25 being reported every year. And then in 2022 the number was about 1600. Started to come down after that crazy year of mass vaccinations. And that chart, that chart, there’s tons of charts in this book. Very consistent when you see it. And then you can look at it by MRNA versus viral vector because you have Pfizer Moderna J and J. So when you look at the numbers, I’d love you to look at this and analyze the data.

Look at it how I’ve looked at it because it really will blow your mind. This is the stuff the public needs to see. This is what needed to happen during those White House briefings that Foushee was at the helm. Right. This is what the public needed to see. That is absolutely right. But they’re hiding it and, but like I said, as we close this out, the. It’s because they’re not facing it square on. I think they’re losing the credibility of the people because there’s, it’s just. I, I think, I think that’s what’s happening. So where can people find you? Because you’re awesome.

You do a lot more years you’ve been a stand up comedian on top of all the other stuff that you do, which is kind of cool. Do you if. Can people watch you somewhere? Is it online or. I’d like to watch you get up there. I appreciate it. That’d be fun. Comedy’s been tough. It’s so busy with our show. We’re on Rumble as well as. You know. Channel’s called two Mics Live. I do the Mike Schwartz show in the morning. At 10 before Bongino and then we do a night show. Myself, my wife and my partner Mike Calderis.

That’s two mics live Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7. Books are available anywhere books are sold. Amazon’s the easiest, even though they still kind of censor. As far as comedy, you just got to follow Michael michaelj.schwartz.com that’s my website and if you follow me on social media, you’ll know what I’m doing. Show. That’s awesome. I think that’s just great because it’s a great outlet, isn’t it? I mean, comedy is so great, especially right now. It really helps the just ease the tension. You know, hard it is to switch hats. Sarah. You go from doing the news serious in the morning and we’re talking Covid and then like to switch it up and get on stage and just start ripping joke.

I mean, it’s a great outlet. Don’t get me wrong. I think most people need that. But I got to figure out like what had I’m wearing that day day. I. I can imagine that would be hard. That would be hard. But that’s fun. It’s mentally challenging. So how cool is that? Well, thank you so much for joining the program. I really appreciate this is a great conversation. My pleasure. Thank you for having me sa.



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