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➡ Dave Hodges and Doug Thornton, hosts of the Doug and Dave Intel Report, discuss a leaked classified document suggesting that Israel is planning a large-scale air and cyber offensive against Iran’s nuclear infrastructure in March 2025. The attack aims to cripple Iran’s nuclear development capabilities and involves coordinated air operations, cyber warfare, and sabotage operations. The hosts speculate on the implications of this leak, including potential retaliation from Iran and the impact on ongoing diplomatic efforts between the U.S., Russia, and Iran.
➡ The Middle East is currently experiencing significant turmoil, with conflicts in Syria and Israel, and tensions involving Turkey, Iran, and the US. Thousands of Christians have been killed, and there are territorial disputes in Syria, where Israel is also involved. The US is considering military intervention due to atrocities in Syria, and there are concerns about potential conflicts involving Russia, Iran, and Turkey. The situation is volatile and complex, with potential for major conflict and high casualty rates.
➡ The text discusses a hypothetical military operation, Operation Nitro Zeus, which the speaker believes is a bad idea. They argue that it’s better to exhaust all other options before resorting to such drastic measures. The speaker also mentions the political pressure from warhawks and the potential involvement of other countries like Russia and China. Lastly, they touch on the U.S.’s past dealings with North Korea and Iran, and the potential consequences of withdrawing aid.


Hello America. Dave Hodges here, host of the Common Sense show. And Doug Thornton joining us, host of the American Vindicta Show. Together we are the Doug and Dave Intel Report coming to you on my end. Live from the Noble Gold Studios. And hey, do you know gold went up 46% last nine months. It beat the S P and every other investment. Yeah, good investment. Also to protect your assets, your retirement. If it’s in the bank, the banks can take it. Dodd Frank 2010 don’t mess, please don’t mess around. Call 877-6465-3478-7746-5347 and tell them I sent you and said, hey, I want to protect my retirement, I want to protect my bank account and I want to invest in gold and I want to make money and this is the way it goes.

And I’m just telling you right now, if you wait, you snooze, you lose, as the old saying goes. You can also go to Dave Hodgesgold.com put your email in, I’ll send you information packet that has Noble goals number on it. I put something out early, early this morning and I said Iran rejects Trump’s overtures. Is Nitro Zeus next? Well, I wasn’t far from wrong. Doug with his extensive contacts into the Nether Nether world has received some interesting information regarding Israel. And so Doug, let’s go ahead and put that up. Let’s start with this and we’ll go from there.

All right. Hey Dave, let me go ahead and start our share screen process. But what we got right now is being disseminated by the US government who caught wind of this. Somehow or another this leaked. Seems like all governments have a huge problem with leaking right now. The general statement is that this month in 2025, March 2025, supposedly in the beginning of it, Israel had planned on doing a massive multi front attack upon Iran and their multiple nuclear facilities. So let me go ahead and share screen so everyone can. Yeah, as we we’re going to pull this up and if you’re listening to us on audio only, we’ll read some of the key elements of the document.

Can you enlarge that at all? Maybe as good as we can do. Okay, there we go. So what we’re looking at here just for audio only. So we’re going to report this. We’re looking at a classified top secret document labeled that way and it’s entitled Israel Large scale air and Cyber offensive against Iranian nuclear infrastructure dated 2526 February 2025. Doug, you want to highlight the key points here verbally. Okay, so going down to the report summary, as of 26 February 2025, intelligence confirms that Israel is finalizing plans for a multifaceted preemptive strike against Iran’s nuclear infrastructure.

Set to take place as early as the first week of March 2025. The strike will involve coordinated air operations in cyber warfare aimed at crippling Iran’s nuclear development capabilities. Alongside these operations, Mossad sleeper cell agents will carry out sabotage operations inside of Iran, further degrading its nuclear infrastructure. Now, as you look down, you see some of the key operation details. Aerial SALT satellite imagery analysis and signet reports and reconnaissance data indicate a High likelihood the IAF will deploy a combination of F35I IDEER stealth fighters which are nuclear capable, and F15ROM strike aircraft equipped with the GBS or GBU 72 bunker buster munitions.

Oh, yeah. Well, as a new, more powerful precision guided munition developed for strategic strikes on hardened nuclear facilities. Cyber offensive the execution of cyber operations by the Israeli unit 8200 targeting Iranian air defense radar systems, military communications and early warning systems. They’re going to be jamming their systems to delay Iran’s response and cripple its defensive capabilities. Unit 8200 is expected to deploy a range of advanced cyber warfare techniques, including leveraging electronic jamming to distort and disable radar signals, rendering air defense systems ineffective. Israel is also deploying sophisticated long term infiltration methods to maintain stealth access to Iranian networks and gather intelligence while preparing for coordinated disruption.

Here are some of the facilities that are mentioned. Now, it gives the Latin long locations of these nuclear facilities, but we have 1, 2, 3 and 4 nuclear facilities to include one military base and a ammunition plant. Here’s the Israeli Defense Force posture indicators for what it is that they expect to be using. And lastly, the intelligence assessment satellite imagery. Increased military activity at the Nevatim and Ramon air bases, confirming preparations for aerial refueling and munitions loading in anticipation of the strike window. The signals intelligence Intercepted communications suggest Iran is heightening security protocols at key nuclear sites, though there is no indication of Iran’s awareness of the exact nature and timing of the Israeli operation.

I would like to also note that yesterday Iran reported watching one of Israel’s surveillance drones. Or it’s either Israel, the United States surveillance drone that was on their western border. Geographic focus. The Parchin ammunition plant, the UCP and the TRR are among the primary locations identified for sabotage missions. Secondary strike capability. Israeli Dolphin class submarines are positioned in the Persian Gulf prepared to target additional facilities including the Isfahan and Bushir in coordination with the aerial and cyber strikes. Continued monitoring, continuous surveillance is critical to assess Iranian responses and any counteractions that may arise post strike. Okay, lot of time back there.

From what we learned several years ago from someone who knew about Nitro Zeus. This is a Nitro Zeus operation, isn’t it? Well, it’s what you would call the makings of one. The only thing that’s missing is usually now if Israel is going to be attacking. You already know that. We know it. Especially with these two governments coordinating as much as they are right now, I would have to say that any ISR capabilities will be lended towards them. And not only that, communication jamming, the surveillance with drones or, you know, fast movers from above. We will help out as much as possible, maybe even naval assets that are in the area.

And you already know the CIA is on ground. So it’s a multi force, multi country operation. Anytime Israel goes to do anything, they’re never alone. They always have our help some way somehow. So what I have to ask is if they still plan on going through with this now that the documents leaked. And man, woe to you, who leaked that document. I just wonder, will they still try to carry it out? And will, because this is all over the Internet now. It’s, it’s all over the place. Will there end up being any type of retribution from Iran? Because currently this is what we know from Iran.

Iran has rejected Donald Trump’s warning letter about their demilitarization and denuclearization. Iran rejected it and said that Iran’s mission to the United nations said that they would be open to nuclear talks as long as the goal was to address, quote, potential militarization and not dismantlement of Iran’s peaceful nuclear program. And every time they say peaceful nuclear program, it’s shortly followed by we’re going to destroy Israel and America with nukes. So, yeah, that’s, it’s an oxymoron. Let me give you a hypothesis I formed after seeing this evidence that was given to you. There’s progress on the ground with Ukraine, significant progress.

This could interfere in this because Russia’s tied to Iran. It could be this is an Israeli action. America found out about it and leaked it to stop. Could be there are talks right now of Putin trying to broker a deal with Trump and Iran, like a sweetheart deal, but I don’t know if that’s fallen through or not. But all I can tell you is if that deal is still on, there’s definitely going to be some Further on, conversation about you better control Israel, because it’s interesting that we have Trump trying to make a peace deal. We have Trump saying, hey, knock it off, Iran.

I know that, you know, Trump had vaguely mentioned while he was in a conversation with journalists that, you know, there are plans of the work to try and bring Iran to the negotiation table, which would probably mean easing of tariffs or trying to help them out financially somehow. And then we have Israel, who’s trying to torpedo all that. So what do you make of that? Yeah, you’re saying the same thing from the other side. You’re explaining the Israeli mentality for attacking and interfering in US Diplomacy. Listen, this is a direct attack upon what Trump’s trying to get done in Ukraine because it brings in Russia.

Now, it could be, I’ll give you a second hypothesis, and I mentioned this this morning, it could be a deal. And I’ve heard the rumor, I don’t know if it’s true, that Russia and America have already decided on intervention. America gets to take care of Iran and Russia is going to take care of Syria and stop that civil war. Yeah, well, the stuff going on with Syria right now is, is pretty bad. I’m not going to lie to you. You know, right now in Syria, there’s a massacre that’s going on with the Alawites that are on the west side of the coast of Syria.

And the Alawites are the people. They’re all Islamic. They’re just a different form of Islam. But that is where Bashal Al Assad’s family comes from is the Alawite tribe. So they’re all being massacred right now. And there was also a report that I read yesterday, it’s heartbreaking, but 2000 Christians have already been either systematically killed, beheaded, martyred, as we would say. And so these things are happening right now. And there’s, there’s just so much turbulence in the Middle east. And Turkey is there helping the Syrians. And today there was a ratification of the Syrian government, where you have the Security Defense Force and then the ISIS contingent and their leader, who was once an international terrorist, and Biden’s the one who took him off the list.

He’s now the de facto leader of Syria. And so both factions, the old government and the new, quote, government, have joined together to solidify the nation so that there’s no more territorial disputes or anything like that. And currently, Israel is in Syria. They occupy about this much of Syria. When you look at the map, it’s only like 50 miles or so that they occupy. But Currently, Syria is still doing strikes, limited strikes into Iran. They have surveillance planes that are over our, excuse me. So they’re doing limited strikes into Syria. They have surveillance planes that are over Syria and they have men that are in Syria.

So, you know, Israel is, Israel is trying to fight multiple fronts right now with limited money and limited manpower. They also just cut off the power to Gaza. That happened today. I believe they stopped sending resources into Gaza, as in food and medical aid. And now they’re preparing a 50,000 man push through the rest of Gaza. So, yeah, I just wonder when is it that we’re eventually going to get boots on the ground? I think it’s, I think especially with Mark Rubio said today, he said that they cannot allow more or less, what he said was they cannot allow any more type of atrocities to happen in Syria.

So there has to be something done. Typically when you hear someone from the State Department say that, it means eventually it’s going to be an American military intervention. And why wouldn’t it be? Because it’s Al Qaeda and it’s isis. We’ve already been fighting them. Hamas is there. We’ve already been fighting them. The Houthis have joined in. We’ve already been fighting them. So Syria right now to me looks like Iraq whenever we invaded post continued out the war when I finally got there in 2007, where everyone’s wanting to come together to fight. And I bet you America ends up showing up.

Israel’s going to show up, America will show up. So we’ll see. I’m sure the Brits will show up as well. I think you’re right. If I, if Putin and Trump were smart, though, they divide Iran, you know, Putin ought to go to Iran and just say, hey, look, we’re not going to help you. And eventually Israel or America or both of them are going to take you out. So you better listen. This is what you’re going to do, right? And, and you’re going to behave yourselves and stop making threats against Israel. That’s, that’s what Putin should be doing with Iran right now.

Now, the Mulas are so crazy that they’d probably give him the middle finger and probably initiate something immediately. I mean, they’re that nuts. So it’s a real volatile situation. But it’s in Putin’s best interest that Iran stand down on nuclear basis because America has gone to the ICC and they’re blocking the enforcement of sanctions. Right now that I’ve got this on official capacity, Doug, America’s already intervening on one hand. Trump is threatening Sanctions. I think that’s for show. On the other side, America’s people are actually interfering with the ICC’s enforcement of sanctions against Russia. So the, the alliance is already there.

And I reported on that, gosh, three weeks ago with the icc, the International Court. So this is a real volatile situation. I’m Doug, I think, I really think there’s going to be a division if Russia came into Syria. I’ll put it to you this way. Trump has to pass along the Syrian responsibility to Russia because his job is to limit wars or not have any wars. He makes Russia the guilty guy. But then he also can say, we condemn the violence, but Russia is attempting to stop the massacre. I mean, to me, this is the way I think it’s going to go.

It’s going to be a partnership between Putin and Trump. Well, it would be interesting because that would pit Vladimir Putin against Erdogan because Erdogan’s forces have gone down there to help bolster the ISIS forces. It’s Erdogan in Turkey who has come down there to help create this new system in their government, a whole new government. So, you know, Erdogan and, and, and Putin are buddies, so we’ll, we’ll see. I don’t know how this, I really don’t know how this one’s going to end up. I mean, Putin may as well just, you know, set it out because his bases have already been attacked by ISIS while they’re there.

Here’s a little bit of a Middle east update for anyone who’s still following these types of things. Hundreds reported killed in a sectarian like violence in Syria’s Alawite heartland. Iran considers talks with the US about concerns over militarization of the nuclear program. UN mission says Iraq warns of an ISIS comeback at a regional security summit. Turkish defense firm linked to Sudan’s devastating civil war after alleged secret arms shipment happened. Qatar calls for Israel to come under international nuclear weapons treaty. Trump wrote to Iran’s leader about the nuclear program and said that he expected very good results very soon.

And of course, we know now that was denied. Israel warns Egypt over military buildup in the Negev. That’s their desert area south of them. Syrian government still faces threat from Assad loyalists once again. That’s why all the fighting is happening. Exclusive. Russia ships diesel to Syria on a tanker under US Sanctions. And as Syria gets new cash shipment from Russia in sign of warming ties. So there we go. There’s the Middle east right now. Yeah, I don’t think this is going to explode into a Major conflict. Even if Operation Nitro Zeus is put into play. What was the casualty rate estimates for Operation Nitro Zeus? An American standpoint, 80% casualties.

80% of all special operations units are expected to be killed. And with that does the operation involve. Correct, Correct me if I’m wrong, on my memory, we’re talking about repelling into the actual facility. Yeah, it would be jumping in. Yeah, that’s what I thought. Yeah. You, they’d be jumping in and then you would also have some sort of a quick reaction force in Iraq, which is west of the territory of Iran, which I can only guess would be the Marine Corps because they’re the major contingency that was left out of the operation and its consideration in the 90s.

And now since we have so many, you know, dug in bases that are still there and functional operational and we still have Marines in Iraq, I could only imagine that’s what they’d be there for. So they would be a qrf, and it makes sense. Explain what a QRF is. QRF is a quick reaction force. So if anything happens, break glass, press button, here comes the Marines to rescue you. Now here’s the thing though, if you consider this, that QRF force would probably also be there for medical evacuations, for bolstering up defense for a rescue and, or also intercepting any type of ground forces that would be coming to help out Iran, which would be ISIS and Al Qaeda and their, you know, well known convoys of Toyota trucks and seized military assets from America.

So that’s probably also another one of the contingencies. There’d be a good secondary objective. Start Operation Nitro Zeus knowing you’re going to draw in ISIS and other terrorists you want to destroy. Now they’re out in the open, subject to attack. I don’t know. The problem with it is that if we don’t have enough assets in the region, our forces, I don’t know how many forces are there. I don’t know if they will plus up Iraq or not. I’m willing to bet soon they will plus up Iraq. But if not, then they’ll be quickly overrun. There’s not enough.

I mean, you have the potential for, you know, tens of thousands of fighters getting in their pickup trucks and driving across the desert. And even if they got their, you know, their granddaddy’s ak, that many people is still a big problem. And you know, you, you, you gotta understand also that just south of Iraq, it more or less you, you also have other forces that are from the Jordanian area, excuse me, heading east. I Believe not too far off. You also have the Afghan issue. So, you know, there was talks last year of the Taliban driving up.

I believe they’d have to go part of the way. They said they would actually go like through Iran. And so, you know, you have, you have ISIS on one side, you have the Taliban on the other who say that they will come and help Iran. So that’s, that’s a lot of forces and that’s a lot of former US Military equipment that they could come to bear, which would outnumber whatever it is that we have there right now. Even if we jumped in, we don’t have the hard military assets, like just a troop carrier, which is going to be drastically needed.

So that’s why the forethought is you fly over, bomb the shit out of them, what we call a softening blow and render any of their QRF forces mute. You destroy as much as the airfields and planes that are there. While the destruction below is happening, men are falling from the sky. They parachute in. And, you know, we’re not talking about like a, you know, a division of guys. This is a, a strategic strike force that goes in. They disable whatever they can, and if they can get out, great. If not, they know they’re most likely going to die.

Stories below. So I don’t like it. I think it’s a crap plan. I think it’s stupid and I think it’s foolhardy, and I think we should exhaust every means possible before we ever have to do Operation Nitro Zeus. The problem is, is that you have people like Lindsey Graham and others who are warhawks, who will pressure Israel. They won’t. They, you know, they may not be able to pressure Trump and his team. They may not give, be able to get past Trump’s team, but they’re already in Israel. The Democrats have already been in Israel. And so it wouldn’t.

It’s not a far, far cry to sit here and say that. They would try to say, you know, we will do whatever we can. Israel, just go ahead and conduct the operations and we’ll get whatever assets rolling that we can. And yeah, I just don’t get it, man. I, I would think that’d be something that Pete Hegseth would hopefully say, no, this is stupid, we’re not doing it. But at the same time, I don’t know, man. It. That’s just what the playing field looks like right now. Well, the option is to ignore it and that the problem might grow exponentially, and then you’re past a point of no return where nitro Zeus might not work.

Right. Well, especially if Russia says if you get involved, we get involved. And China says, you get involved, we get involved. Yeah. By that point in time, the, the operation is just, it’s, it’s done. It can’t be done anymore. These alliances are reminiscent of World War I. Yeah. Is it worth starting a world war or is it worth trying to find something that Iran wants besides destruction of their enemies that would appease them, you know, for the next five or ten years till we have to do this again. It’s the same way we treat North Korea.

It’s the same way we treat North Korea. Yeah. You know, one of the, one of the Kims will say, I’m going to blow up the world with my one nuclear weapon. And we bring them to the table. What do you want? My people are starving and eating each other. Okay, here’s more rice. Shut up. See, in 10 years. And that’s, that’s how we handled the, the Kim Jong dynasty for many years. Yeah, but you know, it’s a new day, so we’ll see. I wonder how much U. S. Aid money went to Iran during the Biden administration and now that’s been withdrawn and Iran’s getting testy.

So we know Biden gave him the reinstatement of the $50 billion of Obama authorized to give to Iran. So yeah, it’s a mess. Well, ladies and gentlemen, you’ve had breaking report here on the Doug and Dave intel report. Do what you will with it, but the world’s in a very volatile place. Doug, tell people how they can listen to your show American Vindicta. We’re on YouTube and Rumble also our training company right here, Vindictive solutions. You can go to vindictivesolutions.com Sign up for April course for our live fire course and we also have a YouTube channel.

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