Board Certified Physician and Nutritionist Dr. Amy Lee said three harmful foods are being passed off as health foods all over the country. And wait to hear this. Because these foods can cause weight gain, clog your digestive tract, deplete your energy, and wreck your skin, they’re banned in other countries. So, then why are they legal here? It’s time someone shined light on this problem. And that’s exactly what Dr. Amy Lee has done. Now, she’s explaining how these things affect us and how avoiding these foods can actually turn things around for you. So, to find out what these three foods consist of, go to her free video.
Three, that’s the number three, slash Dave. Again, that’s slash Dave. And see this totally revealing video that can turn your life around. Well, we have something else we need to turn around in this country. And there’s a lot that needs to be done. On the left is the face of a psychopathic Bolshevik communist who has intentionally destroyed his country, tried to get California out of the union, tried to get California aligned with the UN or China. Oh yeah, we’ve covered this folks. Looking up starts back with the Jefferson movement. But this is what he’s given the people.
This is what they’ve achieved under his leadership. Highest poverty rate in the nation, highest gas taxes in the nation, highest state income tax. Do you know you can rent a U-Haul to go into California? But you got to go on a waiting list to rent a U-Haul going out of California. And I’m telling you why. Record homelessness in California. And now, the one thing that’s not on here, it should be overseeing an annual fire disaster to get federal money. It’s criminal, it’s intentional, and this man needs to be held accountable for it. Now, what needs to happen? Not just going to come on here and complain.
We’re actually going to give you some facts here on what we can do. Donald Trump can declare this state to be out of compliance with the Constitution, which they are. He can declare that they’re in violation of their oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States, his Supreme Law of the land, and he can seize control of California. Ooh, would that be interesting? We’re down to the nitty gritty people. We can’t leave it all up to Trump. We need to push him and others to take care of this. Well, that’s it for the Common Sense Show.
Please share this far and wide. Thumbs up, like us, make sure you’re a member of the for the very best in investigative reporting. Thank you. San Diego. I just wrecked another one. Good night. [tr:trw].