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All right, so let’s look at a couple things that I have been, uh, you know, looking at. Uh, I just saw recently, uh, a post. I guess it’s getting. It’s. It was hot. I had been getting lots of views. So I like checked it out and I looked at it and pretty much this was a show that Juan and I did over two years ago. Now. I was kind of surprised. I looked at when I was in Lake Tahoe, I was doing shows with Juan. That’s over five years ago. So, yeah, it’s pretty, pretty, pretty cool.
You know, having done shows with Juan all this time, it’s a good share of information. I enjoy his, his insights. I know a lot of people don’t understand them and dis him. That’s too bad. But it is pretty much what it is. All right, so we’re looking right now at Juan. This was, like I said over two years ago and we were having a discussion. Now the reason why I want to bring this up, this is, uh, Mike Davidson. He posted this video. It has 156, 000 views. And it was cool. He like, you know, use my name.
Michael J5326. That’s my obviously a rumble channel. And then he said, Michael J5326 channel, go check him out. And he didn’t, he didn’t put any, anything in there for, you know, trying to make money. So good for him. Of course he probably got a lot of subscribers off that and then eventually he was able to make some money. But that’s, that’s kind of why, you know, you guys see us make. I don’t, I don’t do it in every show I should, but in fact I do it in like just maybe half the shows that I do where I promote something.
Right. So as you can see in my hat, I’m promoting life, Life wave as we’re talking. So that’s that’s very good. So you go to my shot, my site, Michael kjaco.com and that’s where you get the life wave. I’m, I’m getting ready to do the, the largest leg press of my life. And that is due to the stem cell technology that comes with life wave. Activates your stem cells, your telomeres, ghk, copper peptides. Absolutely fantastic. So I highly recommend everyone get on the X39 X49 and, and then see how your life goes after that. For me, almost, I’m 64 and about a half right now and I’m getting ready to do the most leg press of my entire life.
How about that? And it’s, and I attribute it to Lightwave. All right, so here we have a Juan basically showing us and telling us about, you know, a time frame over two years ago where he’s talking about how the trump card, the trump card is coming out and it’s, it’s quite substantial, is quite, quite amazing. I’ve, I’ve put this presentation right at that moment where he talks about this. So like I said, Juan is, he’s tapped in. He’s been doing this stuff for a very, very long time. Obviously when I talk with Juan, I always get tremendous amounts of information, but you know, I have the background, I have the insights that most people don’t.
If you don’t understand it, sometimes you dis it. I understand that too. It is what it is. But you know, he’s been right for so many things. Guys, you would, you would think extension at this point, but you know, some people want instant gratification. They don’t want to do the work to like, you know, do a little research here and there or listen to what I like of stories. This is the way when I was in the SEAL teams and CIA, we, we basically built up to, built a narrative off of stories and it basically gives you, gives you a larger insight because I, I share stories about, you know, my times in the SEAL teams and the CA and other things that I’ve done throughout my lifetime and some of my past lifetimes.
But it is really what’s important is what’s going on now, of course, uh, so I can understand when you guys don’t get instant gratification. So let’s listen to this. Juan was prophetic. It’s, it’s very, very insightful. And he would potentially be a lame duck. He wouldn’t try to rerun because it’s just got all the country together in the meantime very soon. So there’s all sorts of, you know, the mental gymnastics you can go through. I love the best. I hope it goes that direction. But like you said, it could go in a lot of different directions.
And, and we, we, we can’t guess. No one, no one knows how this is going to turn out. All right? So I said it right there, and this is what you guys need to understand. We do the best that we can to decipher the information through our contacts, through our backgrounds, through sharing information with each other. We try and, and game this out, give you guys a bigger picture. But I can tell you, like I’ve told you many times before, I have briefed a. Operations in the SEAL teams, combat operations in the SEAL teams. And I never, ever was on an operation that we breathed, that went exactly as we breathed.
Never. So things will change. And if you’re not flexible, which I would see over the years, people that weren’t flexible, it’s not the way we briefed it. Yeah, but we won. What, who cares? And then they’re like, no, we, we didn’t do it as we briefed. And they would be pissed. Like, our, Some commanders were like that. I was like, wow, how did you get, how did you get to a commander? Of course I didn’t say that out loud. It’s like, wow, you know, got, got the zip mouth, right? Didn’t say anything. But it is, it is very important to be very flexible.
You’re going to see a lot of things transpire. Some things you’re not going to understand. Some things like I, I try and give you guys insight on. Some things that are shared are misdirection to throw the enemy off. And it has to go out to the general public sometimes. And that’s, that’s unfortunately the way it has to be at this moment in time. Maybe sometime in the future, it can be all truth. But at this point, we know that we’ve been lied to so much by the deep state and manipulated by the deep state. You got to understand, there has to be a little bit further from.
Because we’re basically playing her game to destroy them. And so there, there are lies, unfortunately, that are being told from the other side. I remember when I worked for the CIA, it was like everything that I did was a lie. And then when I did lie detector CIA, they wanted me to tell truth. It’s so ridiculous, but it is, it is the way this is. It’s, it’s amazing. Some of the things are being revealed right now way, way, way above what I imagined. And the rapidity with which and the pace with which things are going, it has to continue well and then.
But the main thing is at the end of the day, the, in card games, the ace of spades is known as the trump card. And the reason that you play the trump card is to end the game. You do something and it just stops everything because that’s the one that you just wiped it all out. The trump card is also called the Matador. And so Trump being brought back into the game from a resting position, being hidden in the back and suddenly being pulled out of the pack at this critical moment by the Supreme Court of all things, and then coming in and what happens, he ends the whole game.
All the games that have been being played against us, all the machinations and manipulations against the American people with the money, with the secret handshake groups, the secret alliances in the business, the military, the Facebook, the social media, the military industrial complex. And what happens? Trump. The trump card is called also the Matador. Why? Because he’s the killer killing the deep state. I love it. I love it. You know, and I call it the megadore too. I love the, you know, in fact, in fact, if you look at the figure, so it’s the maggot or the charge.
Okay. That’s what I just, that’s what I just love about it. It’s just so much fun. Yeah, really well done. So what, what is the, what is the card, what was this card deck he talks about? We’re, we’re in playing the card deck right now and the card deck is very important. Like we, like I talked about you, you have to like, you know, play these things out. You have to tell the story so that everybody understands. It’s like getting a, a, a, a pre operational brief. All right, we’re telling the story of what’s going, going on.
So trump card games. A trump is a playing card which is elevated above its usual rank and trick taking games. Typically an entire suit is nominated as a trump suit. These cards then outrank all cards of plain non trump suites suits. All right. In other contexts, the terms trump card or to trump refers to any sort of action, authority or policy which automatically prevails over all others. So this is what we’re seeing right now. We just saw Tulsi Gabbard confirmed. Now Tulsi Gabbard in charge of all of the intelligence agency guys, imagine what that is going to entail.
All of the machinations like Juan Osavan talked about are going to be taken away. They won’t be able to do that within the intelligence community. So we have Elon Musk taking down the corruption of the government. He just went to the Pentagon where Pete Hexeth met him and Doge and imagine what’s going to happen over there. The Pentagon guys it’s going to get, there’s going to be a house cleaning like we’ve never seen before. Special projects, all kinds of crazy stuff. Special projects that don’t aren’t good for America and we’re talking about, you know, very high tech stuff that’s been used against us like Director Energy Weapons and HARP and so forth that is coming online to be targeted and taken down now because if you have the, the world’s strongest military, even though the deed state has capabilities that would probably, you know, that are far above unfortunately some of the, most of the stuff that the military has, when the military has access to some of those programs and some of those capabilities, the tide will turn very quickly and I think that’s where we’re at.
All right, but we have to take down those, those systems, you know, Area 51 and so forth. I said that we need to March on Area 51. The military needs to march on it. And we’re probably going to see something along those lines. All right, so other, other things that we’re, that I’m looking at is of course the market. So as Trump takes down oh and another thing, they just had a tie vote for RFK Jr and JD Vance is in Europe doing some kind of business and he’s going to have to fly back and do the tie breaking vote.
All right, so those Democrat and a probably one or two Rhinos basically voted against and we, we need a list of those people because they need to go bye bye. That voted against RFK Jr. Basically the word went out that you, you don’t want to vote against, you know, Tulsi Gabard because that’s going to be a career ender for you. And so we’re going to see the list of Tulsi Gabard and we’re going to see the list here of RFK Jr. And we’re seeing the Democrats are basically whining and crying that we’re exposing government waste. Unbelievable.
They want us to stop exposing and stopping government waste. And why would that be? Because they benefit from that obviously. So that’s, that’s one of the things that we’re going to see go bye bye. Another thing we’re going to see that is going to be, is coming to the forefront right now is the gold and silver Price, of course, the gold and silver prices, you know, both are really accelerating upwards and I think they’re right on the path of accelerating. Well, gold is already doing that, but we’re on the verge of 3,000. Even though we’ve had a pullback a little bit today, it was up to another, I think it hit another all time high again for gold.
Silver is completely and totally suppressed by the banks, right. JP Morgan in particular. So JP Morgan I believe at some point is probably going to go bye bye as a banking institution because it’s so corrupt. People that have exposed its commodity manipulation, especially in the price of silver, have died days later. So it is, it is absolutely corrupt beyond belief. It has also been involved with Jeffrey Epstein, JP Morgan, and they had to pay out to, you know, people that were abused by Jeffrey Epstein and of course others, probably people like, you know, Clinton and the, the Prince of England, whatever.
What all those people, man, like, you got to be kidding me. And uh, a lot of these people are going to be, uh, in trouble, I think within days, if not hours after Cash Patel is basically approved. So Cash Patel is next up guys. And I think that’s going to happen this week as well. We’ll see whether it’s this week or whether it’s next week where they, where they like push back enough to like push it out another week. You know, hell’s coming for them and it’s just not stopping. It’s not stopping. The faster we get to the point where we get these people in positions where they, you know, this has been a four year plan.
Even I would say when Trump came into office initially they were working to basically get it into position, uh, but they had so much resistance, uh, and there was a pullback. They said we just need to like, you know, really get a good game plan. Let the left expose themselves to an incredible extent, keep them suppressed as much as we can so they don’t cause too much harm, but enough to expose themselves and that people will be tired of them and will give us basically the green light to go full throttle on taking down the deep state.
So that’s where we’re at right now. It’s, it’s been, it’s been a magnificent ride over these last several years, all the way back to 2016. When I, when I saw President Trump coming down the escalator, I was like, he’s going to be president. And I, I said that. When all the other intuitives and stuff said no, he’s not going to be, I was like, see who’s Right on this one. And I felt so strong on that. I was like strongest I ever felt on anything. So it, it worked out, you know, it worked out. Trump was elected.
He did, he did a lot of damage. He set the stage for what’s happening right now. So it’s been a long process, eight years in the making and now here we are pretty much annihilating the deep state on an incredible scale that many would not have been able to comprehend. Now I have said that the, the market was probably going to crash. Now I felt the same way on several other occasions. I said it in October of 2019 and I even said it’s going to crash, it’s going to crash this much. It’s going down to this, this amount.
So covet game. Nobody knew about COVID I didn’t know about COVID at the time. Stock market crash. It crashed within 100 or 150 points where I guesstimated that it would go to pretty amazing, right where everybody was like, you don’t know what you’re talking about. This market is going to keep going up. But it did crash. And then it turned around and bounced back hard. All right, silver crash with the market, but bounced back hard. It came, came way up. We have seen, just reading, not too long ago we saw one of the multi year highs in silver, which is $35 and 10 cents.
I think we’re playing with, we played, we, we popped over $34 a couple days ago and pulled back a little bit. And now I think we’re going to go a little bit higher, maybe a little bit of pullback, a little bit higher, push to 35, push over 35. Pull back, stair step, stair step, stair step. And then at some point it’s going to blast off. This is the way it was. And when Trump was in last time, guys, gold and silver took off and here we are, the same situation. Now this, I said that the recent I now in October 22, 2022, I was saying the stock market is going to crash.
You’re going to see 500, 000 point drops. And we did. I thought I was going to keep going. We’re going to have 2008 all over again then. But it did not happen. It turned around on a dime and just kept chugging higher. All right, little pullback here. And those of us that were like, this is, this is insane. I see the same thing now. Why do I, why am I changing my tune? Because I’m looking at the larger macro, the macro environment and it really hasn’t gone to the level of 2000 where we have that super bubble, that super.com bubble.
Right? We need, we need to see that again. We need to see Twin Peaks, right? What guy doesn’t like Twin Peaks, right? So we need to see that Twin Peaks. When we see that Twin Peak, it, it’s probably going to be the other side building the other side of that mountain down. Right? That’s my speculation right now. So on, on the pullbacks right now I’m getting aggressive, whereas before I was getting aggressive thinking this thing was going to go down. Let me share the screen with you again and I’ll show you what I’m looking at. Of course, this is not investment advice.
This is just, you know, what Mike sees, Mike, as you guys know, is not always right on investment decisions. Right. But I do fairly well. I’ve done fairly well investment wise. So I’m just trying to give you guys some insight. So this is a 30 minute candlesticks. As you see here. We have like massive jumps up a dump. It goes back up again and then a massive dump. Massive, massive dump. I forget what was that? That was 27th of Jan. Forget where that was. But it, it massive dumped very deep and then it turned around and went back up.
So as you guys can see, it’ll dump and then come back up. It’ll dump and then come back up like it’s doing today. So the, the, the inflation numbers suck bad. We’re, as we know inflation’s still going up. Look at the price of eggs and you can only get a dozen of them in a lot of places now. So it’s definitely going to be inflationary period going forward until Trump can get the, the oil. Well, it’s really pumping out there. All right, that’s going to bring the price of energy down. I, I’m thinking it’s going to take, you know, I don’t.
Last time it took like a year or so because we’ve seen, you know, the bomb administration, the, the abomination. Why did I say Obama? Like, I guess it was Obama, right? The, the Biden administration basically destroy America even more than Obama did because I guess Obama was in charge. So, so as you guys can see here, it basically will dump. It’ll come back. It dumps, it comes back today. It’s coming back, it’s coming back. Crypto is getting a little bit of a bid today. So we’re probably going to see this thing continue to go upwards, I think crypto.
Although I was like, I was hating on crypto because it was going down so much now that I’ve like looked at things a little bit more macro instead of micro. And again, I. Not perfect. And don’t take this as, as you know, from, from source, although maybe it is. You can, you can basically, you know, make money and, and thrive and be on the side of the good guys when the deep state basically falls apart. Or you can be on the side of the deep state and the deep state’s money laundering schemes and that’s, that’s not going to work out too good for you.
So I’m trying to give you guys some insights so you guys can, you know, prosper or at least maintain going forward. I hope that works out for you guys. So Gold and Silver, of course I got the guy Dr. Kirk Elliott, that’s in the description box. He’s, he’s, he’s been phenomenal for me and for many other people. So I highly recommend him. Uh, gives you free, uh, investment advice. Uh, he is uh, an investment advisor. So, and he advises Silver and we have been doing that for like three years. So highly recommend it. Now let’s look over here at the Tulsi Gabbard confirmation.
Here we go. They come, they confirmed her here. Trump is there clapping. Everybody’s happy. Let’s listen. Collins of Maine, John Curse of Utah and Todd Young of Indiana all expressed concerns about her views and ability to serve America. However, they all eventually fell into line. And of course this is thanks to the pressure put on these people by us, by you, by their constituents saying do this. The American people contacted them. This is what’s changing, guys. We’re getting more and more involved and Trump has given us the ability to do that. So be proactive in all things going forward.
If you want this world to change, you have to be proactive. You can’t sit back on your hands and whine that Juan will save. And I didn’t tell you exactly the way things were going to go because things change, right? So here’s another. Here’s he goes into the RFK or you’re out. Because we want Tulsi Gabbard, we want the Trump agenda. You can either get in line and help us or you can end your career and you can die on this hill. So good thing they listen. But something else exciting is happening. RFK Jr is totally tied in votes and JD Vance is actually going to have to come back from Paris where he currently is at an AI summit to cast the tie breaking vote as President of the Senate.
Advice. That’s pretty cool. So pretty much RFK Jr. Is going to be in that position as HHS. So a lot of, A lot of the pressure that many of us have felt. Maybe we’ll get some. You know, many of us will get our YouTube channels back because this was all about the pandemic guys. And with HSS under RFK Jr. He’s going to turn around all that stuff. He’s even said that he’s going to go after organizations that are promoting Big Pharma. Big Pharma will no longer be able to promote themselves, advertise themselves on anything. We. We need to see that very quickly.
Wow. Doesn’t eggs 8.99 plus in northern Minnesota? Non. Not organic. Even so organic must be like 10, 11 or more. Jesus. All right, that’s crazy. Eggs are still cheaper at Trader Joe’s in San Diego. $3. So I heard this Trader Joe’s will only let you get one dozen eggs too. Is that, is that what you’re experiencing there? Experiencing there? Love always loves in San Diego. So is that all Trader Josies? I’m not a fan of Trader Joe because they’re like went totally woke. I used to love them, but they went woke and they push the vaccine really hard on their employees.
So it’s like you’re. I’m done with you. So I mean, you know, don’t let that stop you, though. Don’t let that stop you. Love always. Love. So. So it is what it is. And maybe the people that we’re doing that are gone and maybe they’re, they’re. They get the green light now, but as far as I’m concerned, they’re. I don’t. I shot the other places. An army of bulldozer Doge RFK Jr. Tulsi Cash Patel. Yeah. Cash Patel. Baby, we need to get the man in FBI. He’s going to clean the FBI. It’s going to clock those BSers.
So. Yeah, that a lot of. Eliza, where are you at $10 for 18x here today. So that’s one and a half dozen. So that’s a little bit. A little bit better, I guess. Agreed Already. Trader Joe’s. Yep. Costco is limiting eggs per purchase in San Diego. Yes, Trader Joe’s too. Okay, so that’s, that’s frustrating and that’s, that’s part of the destabilization that the deep state was in process of doing. Hopefully there’s going to be a pushback on that. I’m sure there will be. Miami. $12 for 18x. I get the organic kind. And I gotta admit, That I don’t even look at the price.
I was like, okay, organic. Okay, yeah, I’ll get those. But there, I’ll look at it next time. And it’s probably pricey. It’s probably pricey. The, the raw milk that I get is super pricey. It’s like, I think goat milk is pricier than the cow. I paid a hefty 28 a gallon for goat, raw goat milk. So. But I don’t drink a lot of it. Put a little bit my shakes and so forth. It lasts, lasts a good while. And I, I haven’t been drinking milk for a long time. But now that I can get raw milk, which is for the consumption of pets, as they put on there.
Thank you, Ron Santis. You need to like, you know, clean that up, make it available and stop playing games here. So eventually I see all of that stuff is going to change and it’s going to be, uh, quite substantial. All right, so we got, uh, we got Rafael Conquista. I just caught him in a. Taking a sip. How’s it going? Good, good. How’s your, how’s it going? Yeah, very good, Very good. Awesome. So there’s, there’s obviously a lot going on. Trump is, uh, tearing, uh, during a big one in, in the deep state. Uh, it’s ongoing process.
Uh, it’s going to take a little bit. Uh, there could be unfortunately a, um, earthquake because the earthquake activity is intensifying in Santorini in the just. It was a Greek isle, used to be a super volcano. It blew and destroyed the. Everybody that was in the Mediterranean at the time that was on the coast. And we could be seeing, I think a massive earthquake and maybe tsunami event and the Mediterranean. So we’ll have to see. I guess tonight will be probably the clincher. We got the full moon, we got the sun, which is coming around. It’s got a lot of activity on it, even more than it has before.
It’s coming around. It’s putting its activity on earth. We could see something really, really substantial. And to, to bring it into perspective where you’re at, I guess the earthquake activity in your neck of the woods is actually up as well. It’s crazy. I think just this morning, just this, this morning the USGS said like when in 100 square miles in the last few days, there was a hundred earthquakes of all kinds of different sizes, everything that they’re reading. So in a hundred miles, in just less than a week, we’ve had a hundred earthquakes. We’ve had some strange ones right here at our Place where our.
Are like roof creeks, but nothing moves. It’s like bizarre. Oh, wow. Like, what’s going on in the attic? And, and, and then I would get a report. Oh, well, there was an earthquake, so we didn’t feel anything. But the top of the house was shaking. Oh. So the foundation’s really good. But it’s like. So I’m wondering if it’s like one of those movements. Like we’re at the top, top of that little ripple and just kind of pops. We don’t really feel it. But like, I mean, they were small, but it sounded like people walking on the road.
Wow, that’s. It’s significant. And, and I’ll bring, I’ll bring something next week to the show that I think is the 28th. Michael. There’s like a rare full planetary alignment. I think seven or eight planets are in alignment. Yeah. In a couple weeks. Oh, wow. And they’re. Tonight there’s like a, A square which. With the sun, which is basically blasting us right now with a lot of energy. Of course, Earth and the moon and Uranus, which is the same, the same alignment. Literally the same alignment that happened two years ago with a full moon. And there’s been earthquake or electrical activity that was exactly like what happened with the turkey earthquakes.
7.8 and 7.6. Yeah. Yeah. So everything’s lining up. It looks like we’re gonna, looks like that area is going to get whacked and it could, you know, transition into other areas, unfortunately. Maybe out there to California. Yeah, I know the, the whole Rim. The Pacific Rim has been busy for increasingly so. For several years. Yeah. And so we’re, we’re just seeing it. Yeah. Just these are signs, I believe, just signs of the times. Yeah. Kind of revelatory. And this, this, this has happened before in the past. I mean, if you read the Iliad and the Odyssey, they talked about how this.
The sun was in the same position for like two days while they fought. Yeah, yeah. On the other side of the world, the Mayans were like this. There was no sun for two days, so the sun froze. And then they had, they like left. And the Odyssey took them a long time to get back home because there was all this. The seas were rough, they got. They were falling with the stars, but the stars weren’t in the same place. So they’re off track and they’re just like. Took them a long time to get back. Pretty, pretty crazy stuff.
And then we had Santorini blow and wiped out a lot of, like we talked about wiped out a lot so this, these are basically the increasing signs like we’re talking about. And this happens during grand solar minimum, which is low sunspot activity, which we’ve been seeing for the last several years. And also, man, it was, it’s been a while since I really looked sort of in the profits, you know, concerning Trump and these seven year cycles. So we go back to 2015. We had, we had back to back blood moons and, and, and blood moons at Passover and again at Sukkot and then, and then all of these, these are timed in seven year cycles connected to Trump.
So it’s fascinating. I’ll dig those up and bring those sometime because they’re like, wow. The relationship between kind of what God’s talking about in the prophets and Trump’s involvement, it’s very fascinating. There’s, there’s, there’s cycles of time that are all around what he’s doing, what he’s doing, what God is doing with, with even Trump. So it’s just, I’ll, I’ll dig those up again and bring those out. I think everybody would love to see those. Yeah, they fascinate me. But definitely been increasing. I think some of the statistics I had read was that earthquake activity is doubling 100% every decade over the last like five or six decades.
So something, something really crazy very soon. Yeah, so I mean we, we just had one just recently down in, just off the coast of Baja where 7.6 big. So. Yep. And so we haven’t seen sevens in a while and now we’ve had the one off the coast of California, Oregon and then that went down, you know, straight across the other side of America. America. And now you’re, you guys are getting lit up with some shakes. So, you know, they say that San Andreas is long overdue, so hopefully things be okay, but predicting there’s going to be some big ones there.
In Cali, I used to live two blocks off of San Andreas, one of the San Andreas lines in, in a little town called Wrightwood. And there was like this section where there was like water sometimes would come up and down and nobody could build in this area. It was like, wait a minute, this is two blocks from my house. A little freaky. Wow. But yeah, it’s definitely like it’s on. I mean it’s like what you’ve been talking about, what we’ve been talking about, the revelation is on. That’s how you look at it. Trump, the Cyrus. All right, so we’ve, we’ve mentioned that Trump being the Cyrus in the past and how the Cyrus, in, in ancient times, he, he dismantled.
He actually, he tore up Babylon. And I think that’s what’s happening. We talked about that last time. But one of the things that I’m seeing, I believe Michael, is, is. And I’ll show some of the profits in just a sec that I found of what Trump is doing. A couple of my thoughts just personally are like, so there’s a lot of times I talk to people and they’re like, wow, you know, he’s gone crazy. He’s talking about taking over Greenland. He’s talking take. Going. Invading Mexico and Canada and, And I’m like, yeah, but you know what, if you think about it, all of these are.
Are future potential invasion sites for a war. And I’m sort of. I’m sort of going, okay, he’s. He’s preparing for war. And, and at least from my perspective, he’s preparing for war. And he has to, he has to get rid of this deep state thing inside because it’s, it’s America’s only chance in a war situation to have enemies on the inside and the outside. Not tenable. And so I, I just sort of see that he’s, he’s. He’s going after it because he knows war is coming and, and that’s what he’s doing. He’s like setting up for war.
What are your thoughts on that? Yeah, and that’s, that’s supposedly. And of course, he went down to Canal Zone. That’s right. Panama. Panama said, yeah, yeah, we don’t like to hang out with China that much anymore. So, yeah, we, we’d rather be with you guys. So that was taken care of. And I guess the latest is. I don’t know, maybe I read it wrong with people saying that they’re gonna, they’re gonna name it Red, White and Greenland, something like that. But. And so it’s moving that direction. But that is an area where. Going over the top right there into Russia.
If there’s problems, I don’t know what they’re seeing. That’s right. I don’t think there’s a problem, but who knows? Maybe. So I don’t know if they’re seeing something. I know they’re, they’re talking to Ukraine and saying, hey, we’ll. We’ll help make a deal for you with Russia if you give us rights to the rare earths that you have. And I think Russia sees that area in their, in their offensive, so that will be interesting. Russia may have to end the deal, give that back up, and then that’s the way Ukraine can earn some money to basically, you know, rebuild themselves and repay what America gave them.
Over these years, that seems to have disappeared because Trump is saying, I want an accounting of all that money you said is missing. Thank you. Yeah, thank you. Yeah. We invite you, there’s that deposition. We invite you to come talk with us. Right. We have a few questions for you. And Russia’s like, he’s not legitimate, so whatever you sign with him, we’re not gonna, we’re not gonna, we’re not going to go there. But Russia could be persuaded in other ways. Who knows? I’m looking at, so, you know, Zelensky will be treated like all the other deep staters of what’s coming.
I, I, I’m convinced we haven’t. And you probably have a little more insight with, with your connections than I do, but I’m just seeing it from the prophet’s perspective. I think, I think, I think we’re going to see things we never imagined. We’re already doing that. I mean, with the USAID and stuff like that. We’re seeing. This disclosure is incredible, but I, I, I think, let me just pull these prophets up. I’m going to share my screen so people can read. Actually, I’ll just read them because it’s kind of small. So let me, let me just talk about Nahum, the book of Nahum, the book of Jeremiah and Isaiah.
And here’s what Nahum says, Michael, and I believe he’s talking to America because for, for this reason. But he, he says, woe to the city of blood. I think that’s D.C. filled with lies, filled with plunder. There is no prey that’s lacking for you. All right. Then he, then I’m going to jump down and he goes, yahweh says, I’m against you. And I shall lift up your skirts over your face and shall show the nations your nakedness and the reigns, all the kings of the earth your shame. And I shall cast abominations upon you and treat you as foolish, make a spectacle of you.
I’m going to stop just for a second, like, man, thinking about, like the most private secret place in, in, like our living existence is like what’s in our britches or what’s under the dress. That’s like, for very, very sort of an intimate personal space. And, and because like God is saying, I’m lifting the skirt. So I’m going to show all the nations. And that’s why I believe it’s for America for today. Because the only time in all of history in the scriptures that that’s possible for all the nations and all the kings or the leaders of the nations to see what’s going on is today like on your show with the Internet, with what’s going on in the Internet.
There was no time in history where that’s possible until today. And that’s, that’s another reason why I think it’s not possible for ancient Jerusalem. And I think America is, is technically modern day Israel or Jerusalem. And I think that’s, that’s a word for them. And then here’s another one in Jeremiah says, I will draw your skirts up over your face and your shame shall be uncovered. Your adulteries, the wickedness of what you’re doing. I’ve seen all of them. And then he says, oh, Jerusalem, how, how before you could you be made ever right or clean again? And so I’m like, no, this is America, you guys.
And I, I mean, I can prove it by, you know, going through the scriptures and showing how he’s talking about Israel or Jerusalem, but he’s giving it in terms and identities about America. For example, he says, like when, when the, the, when all this is over with. He even talks about, I’m going to set up my kingdom between the two oceans, between the seas, Pacific and Atlantic, I believe. And that’s not Middle East Israel. So this would be like a fascinating. Like a lot of people are going, you’re crazy. It has to be, you know, ancient Israel where all this is happening.
And I’m like, no, it’s America. She’s the center of what’s been happening around the world for a long, long time. And so I think what’s happening, what, what he’s using Trump to do is to unveil or lift up the skirt on everything that’s happening. And that’s why I say it’s probably going to get much more gross and because, you know, when you get inside of somebody’s pants, that’s pretty gross. Yeah. And here’s, here’s kind of an example of that. This is David Rothschild and Maria Abramovic. So this is the painting of Satan. Yeah. So I don’t know exactly what that is.
Look at that. Oh, my goodness. Exposure, though. And yeah, look at the breast. Small breast, very masculine face. Right. But some kind of thing going on there. So let the skirt. So that we can see. So that we can see, you know, just exactly who you are yourself. Luciferian or whatever. Exactly. And there’s, there’s another one goes with this. So remember, remember what that face Looks like. Remember that face? Yep. I’m gonna show you a face that looks a lot like that. It’s in our face. That’s the Statue of Liberty. Yep. It’s the exact same face.
See if we can get a close up. There’s one. So right there. It’s exact same face. And you see those little boobies. Right. I never thought this was a very attractive female. Just. I just want to be, you know, right up front about that. So very, very Michelle Obama arms on that statue there too. And, and the feet, the feet are like. You know, Eddie Murphy did a movie, I remember he would, he would go out with women and he’d sleep with them and then he’d like look at their feet and if their feet were like, you know, manly, he’d be like, okay, I gotta go date him anymore.
But. And then he found the, the woman with the most perfect feet and she was like, she was very standoffish to him after that. She, she played him like he played women. So it was kind of like a reversal. Very interesting. But yeah, right in our face. The Statue of Liberty, you know, the flame, if you take that flame and you, you turn it upside down, it’s a phallic symbol. Yep. And also had heard or read earlier that the original object that she was holding was a cup. Sort of like it talks about in the Book of Revelations, the cup of.
The cup of wine or the cup of trembling. But they, they turned it into that. What you said the phallics. Yeah, and. And but the libertas, you know, back through the Roman culture and all the way back through, all the way back to Nimrod in Babylon is just. It changes names from Nimrod and Semiramis all the way down to different gods, through different cultures of periods of times and. Yeah, I think, I think you got it. That was a good one. That face matches. Yeah, absolutely does. And of course, the Washington Monument. Yeah, it’s obelisk, like the Egyptian.
There’s all of this Masonic, you know, stuff that’s all throughout D.C. right now. There’s, there’s the good Masonic, which we would look at, I would say Washington and then we would look at the evil Masonic, which, you know, Joe Biden, the Clintons and Obama. That’s. That’s the evil Masonic side. Trump would be the good Masonic side. So a lot of people see Trump making Masonic symbols, his family making Masonic symbols. Because they are. Because they are. And uh, and it’s. They’re the good guys. Right? There is always the good side of everything. And then the bad side of everything.
So Satan, Lucifer tries to represent both sides and be the controller of everything. Of course. Yeah. He’s the destroyer, not the creator. The gathering of the Masons goes all the way back to Solomon and his building of the city and the temple. They were the original Masons that put that together. And now. Yeah. And for generations, these Masons are in. In good and bad. For sure. Yeah. And so, you know, the Masons, they have in. In all of their temples, they have like the. The checkerboard floor. So. And they have the. The Boaz and. And Yachin pillars.
Pillars of Solomon’s temple in. In their. In their stuff. And they have the apron and all that, all the symbology and so at the super bowl, they had all of that stuff. Did they? Yeah, it was. The announcers were on a. On. On. In their pedestal. Whatever the desk they were at, they had two pillars on either side of them. Okay. In front, uh, the floor that was in front of their desk. Desk was the Masonic chavor. And. And there were three steps to three going up to it. Which is the three. The first three Masonic.
What’s that? Degrees. Degrees. Yeah. Thank you. There’s symbolism. There was symbolism throughout that, uh, on a massive scale, of course. The, uh, the. The halftime show full of Masonic stuff. Yeah. Well, then you’ll like this. So all the guys are in white, obviously sperm. And then the guys in red. There’s placenta, and then the guys and gals, whatever in blue. That was the new. New human that they’re creating with AI and all this other stuff. Wow. So it’s very important that we get hold of the good AI and control it. And that’s what Trump is trying to do.
The bad AI will. Will basically take over, I think, like, it has and other. Yeah. Other civilizations throughout the galaxy. And that’s what we’re trying to overcome and stop. And I think it’s part of the war. There was a program we were watching last night, and I went, wow. So this guy had. Had developed an AI that was able to hack into anything, anywhere. And I was like, oh, man, this is a message for today. Because with. With the. With his technology to be able to hack into anything, very simply was an AI behind it, and then he could control everything.
And so they were every. You know, in the. In this program, they were trying to kill him because they were saying, he can’t. This can’t roll out. And I was like, wow. Just so that’s, you know, connecting that just what you’re talking about. This in this AI race. It’s part of the warfare that’s going on. Definitely. I see that too. Yep. Yeah. Unbelievable. You know, the way they’re trying to control their, their evil beyond belief. We have to treat them as that way. They’re not, they’re not human with, with good hearts like we are. You have to get away from that.
These people are absolute evil. Yeah. The people that are trying to stop Trump’s appointments, they’re absolute evil. Part of the whole. Yep. You know, they’re, they’re reprobate is trying to take over. Yeah. There’s like, they’re, they’re reprobates. They’re irredeemable. Like they have no conscience. Almost like they’re soulless. Yeah. Very evil. Very evil. Yeah. You can just see it in, in their, in their, and they tr. They try really hard to act like us, but like, it’s almost like if their skin just would pop off, we’d really know what was going on inside. But man, you can see, you know them by their fruits, as Yeshua said.
Yeah, yeah. So one way that Trump is taking down the system is basically taking away their money sources. And you know, we, we have looked at a lot of this stuff over, over the last several years that we’ve been talking, and I think they’re going to be a lot more that are going to come down. So just recently they found that the Doge Group basically found that there was a 1950 era underground, they call it Iron Mountain, where their hand by hand signing people that are going to leave the federal government. And they have them stored in these, this deep underground complex, got tunnels, it’s got its own water source, it’s got generators down there on the surface, they have windmills to supply power.
It’s, it’s out of control. And you know, that’s part of the stuff they’re going to be taking down this 1950 era, you know, by hand, you know, accounting and filing system. It’s insane. What a, what a waste that must be. It’s like it, it looks like a trillion dollar. I, I looked at the video of it and the tunnel system and everything must be like, they must have spent tens and tens and tens of billions of dollars build this and it’s, it’s just got to go. That’s the kind of stuff that’s got to go. So there goes, there goes all the need for the taxes.
So you see, Nancy Pelosi has well over $200 million and she came in, you know, what, four, 50 years ago. However, Long ago it was. She was making one hundred and something thousand a year. Still makes, you know, 170, 000 whatever they make now. Trying to give themselves a big raise and I guess it got squashed. But, you know, how do you get. How do you. I mean that’s, that’s insane that you can go making that kind of money and go to like $275 million. Yeah. And a lot of that was made over the last 10 years.
So she’s been part of the deep state, you know, running the show in the, you know, Congress and so forth. And she, she got rewarded for what she was doing. Yeah, those guys are all. This is part of the lifting of the skirt. Yeah, there you go. Really gross. Where the, the financial incentives or the whoring with everybody around the world, world giving money, compelling leaders and other stuff to, to. To. To do things like abortion or promote, you know, homosexuality or transgenderism and in their schools everywhere, all over the planet and in inside trading just unreal stuff.
That stuff that, you know, we would, we would be like smoked out if, if we were caught doing even small things. We get smoked out. So. But this is like part of the thing that I’ve been. We’ve been talking about for a couple weeks where. Wait a minute. But under the largest growth and presence of law enforcement in, in all of maybe world’s history is also this super corrupt, this public corruption that’s grown exponential into this monstrous octopus. Right. With law enforcement. So what’s up with that? Yeah. Now, now how far do you think they’re taking this bird flu? Because now eggs are like, you know, astronomical.
We talked about it earlier and they’re, they’re shutting, you know, Kathy Hul obviously, like Gavin Newsome unilaterally, you know, doing passing health issues that supposedly are supposed to protect everybody. It’s all as we know, but they’re getting away with it in these, in these, you know, states. So how far do you think they’re going to be able to go? Is it going to get stopped out or they’re going to like, take it, to continue to take it to the next level? Scares me. That’s. It scares me to answer it, Michael, because you and I have been sort of talking about this for quite, quite a while.
I think it’s. I think they’re. Gonna, they’re gonna release something and it’s a third. It’s, It’s. They’re setting this. I, I see even in the prophecies that, that it’s, it’s coming. There’s there’s going to be a third of mankind that goes with the plague. And it’s something I can, I’ll show some of the scriptures next time. It’s like it’s attached to you, it, you can’t get rid of it and it’s going to take out about a third. So I, I, somebody the, the gates and these guys still are going to get their way with bioweapons releases and the, the sort of, the implementation of how to get it out is already there.
We, you know, with the vaccine. How many people like, like you’ve been pointing out, what 80%, 70, 80% of Americans already took the shot. And I’m not saying that that shot was. But they’ve already have the vehicle to distribute bioweapons. And that’s what we’re seeing you guys in chickens that have bird flu or cattle now that has bird flu. These are all vaccinated animals, period. That’s the only chance, the only possible physical and mathematical way to distribute a bioweapon. It’s not just showing up and you know, like, like they want to market to us, oh, the cows now have bird flu and it could be deadly and it’s spreading to you.
No, that’s not how it works. The only way it works is the distribution and that’s the shots and may maybe, maybe spraying and I’m not sure they’ve got that, you know, tight yet where they’re really spraying some super heavy stuff. But it’s right now it’s the shots and they’ve already got the distribution so yeah, they’re going to get it. Yeah. And you know, this, this fog that a lot of us have been seeing. Yeah. You don’t know, it might not be just for us, but it is affecting some people. It could be really targeting the animals.
Yes. And even the plants. Yeah, the plants. I wonder if anybody has any insights on that in the chat. Well, I, I can because because of this amazing quantum forensics when we muscle test, we, we just muscle test the fog and it’s like go to the store, you’re, you’re taking 12 to 18 of the infectostat and the cardio NF because it’s got bacteria in it. And you know, I, I’d like to, I’ll tell another story in a few minutes about virus just to, just to drill this in so we really understand it because we’ve been under this, this lie for so long for 22, three, four generations about virus and I call it lyrology now it’s like these lyrologists.
And that’s. That’s all it is. But yeah, that. That’s what we saw. That’s what I’ve been seeing in the fog. And I’ll have. I just videotaped it last night. I don’t have it ready for you, but. Amazing. So we’re supposed to get some rain and I walk outside from my little evening stroll, and there’s these like five perfect super cloud trails really low. Like they laid them right under the clouds last night. And so I videotaped it and it’s like, amazing. So then a couple hours later, what happens? This fog hits the ground. So it’s a.
Michael. It’s a new kind of designer sprinkle prey. Because it’s, it’s. It hangs in the air for a while and then at night, maybe with the temperature change, it drops. So this is some amazing tech. And for the weak or, or the immune compromised, you know, they’re probably going to end up in the hospital. And then here we got like Covid 2, where they’re intubate you and put you on remdesivir and there you go. So. But yeah, they’re gonna get it. It’s gonna be. It’s. It’s showing up all in the prophecies that the plague, the. The plague is coming.
And I think that’s coming next. That’s what it looks like to me. Yeah, definitely. So, yeah, they. They’ve been working on this for so long. Matter of fact, there’s just this. I don’t know if you saw that. The. I’m going to share my screen for this guy so people can see his face. I almost hit the wrong button. All right, here he comes. You see this one? So this guy, I think his name’s Chia, he just came out and is blowing the whistle. Covid was engineered to depopulate. No duh. But what I want to do is just point out and just.
I don’t think he knows the end distribution because Covid was not a virus. And so he’s part of the lyrology and part of like what I believe is. Anyway, yes, there’s a Wuhan bioweapons, you know, level four, level five, you know, infectious disease lab, like in Africa. You know, the US has had them all over, like Ukraine. And so they’re definitely engineering bioweapons there for this distribution through the vax and the spraying. Not, not for like, oh, we just released it into some bats or anything like that. Because it’s not something if it’s not like a high functioning pneumonia or tuberculosis.
What we’ve talked about over and over and over again, that this isn’t going anywhere. They have to put it in you with the vax or, or spray it in your nose. And so this guy is. Yeah, it’s a bioweapons lab, but it’s not like, oh, it just got released, released out of the lab and then it crawled into your luggage and then flew on the plane. That’s all the virology lie. This was, this is going into their distribution, which is the vaccines and the spraying. So I want people to know that that’s really important. That’s the way they’re getting it into the system.
And here, as a matter of fact, while I’m talking about it, the NIH and the CDC owns this patent. Imagine that. And so this, I still believe, Michael, that this is a, a variant of tb. So when we see people bleeding and eyes bleeding, and I’ve seen it since the COVID shot rolled out, that to a degree there is a level of an ebola like bacteria, not virus, ebola like bacteria, which is a form of weaponized tuberculosis. That’s what they’re doing. And so. And they own the patents on it. Imagine that. These guys actually own, control manage.
Here it is, U. S Health and human services. Let’s see what RFK can do about this stuff. But so it’s amazing, Michael. And then we hear about like this cows infected by lethal bird flu strain never before seen. Okay, so anytime I’m gonna come back to you and just talk to you about this a little bit. Anytime we see something that says never before or novel, that’s lab, you guys. That’s lab created. There’s, there is nothing new under the sun. And so the new is coming from the lab and they vaccinate the cow and then they PCR swab the cow and they’re like, oh, he’s got a virus.
Not a chance, Not a chance. So it’s, it’s the whole, whole like the infrastructure for what you’re talking about. This, you know, this level of plague or pestilence that the revelation talks about is, is already in place. And I personally think it’s probably the mechanism for the mark of the beast. And because it’s, it’s sort of like the line that all of us God’s kids would draw in the sand and say, no, we’re not, we’re done. We’re not touching that. And so they say, well if you don’t, you’re going to jail. Or if you don’t, you can’t come into the grocery store.
You don’t, you can’t buy. So that’s, that’s how I see this rolling out in the future. But, yeah, it’s their, their infrastructure is there and it’s this, this, this. Hopefully, you know, I pray that Trump can expose that as well, because it looks like even the nations are going to go, are you kidding me? When. When all of this, like, the skirts up and, and, you know, Trump’s revealing all this stuff to everybody. It’s coming out and, and the, the other nations are going, are. You got to be kidding me. This is, this is unbelievable. Kind of like us and God said that, like, when I read Nathan, I’m going to reveal what’s in your pants, under your dress, American government, to all the nations that are watching.
So it’s very fascinating. Just incredible, incredible time. So we clinically speaking with, with the first injections of COVID where we were seeing all circulatory issues and of course, you know, lung issues, infections, it was all, it was all just infections. And I would describe them as like bacterial biofilms. And that can be all that can include an acute infection, which would be, oh, bam, you got fear fever, you’re, you’re coughing, you’re sweating, you’re a mess. You have an active acute infection. And the carrier, though, was this bacterial biofilm, because the biofilm can release like a little volcano or like an iceberg, it releases in active infection continually.
So it’s not just, it’s not just like something that sticks to a lung or an intestine or a, you know, uterus or a uti or a bladder or anywhere in your teeth or anything. It’s, it’s also releasing active bacterium that, that can then cause the sort of immediate, acute, sort of, you know, results high fever and stuff. But, so that’s how I see it with what, what’s rolling out. And I, I pray that we can stop it. But the, the foundation has already been laid for the last century worldwide, and they’re all in on it. All the nations have their own vaccine programs.
And, and I don’t, I don’t know, maybe you know, how worldwide on a, this chemtrail thing. What’s going on in other nations with the spray? I’m not hearing you on mine. It looks like your thing is muted. Oh. So, yeah, the, the chem trailing. Yeah, I looked out my window. There’s always chemtrailing. There’s no chem trailing right now. I’ve Seen from a lot of people that they’re not having internal. That doesn’t mean it’s not happening in other places, but it. It appears that they may be shutting it down finally. That’s a good sign. So I know Cliff High had a show where he talked about how there’s going to be an extreme exposure about the chem trailing.
It’s going to be a plane crash. You know, Cliff High basically he built a software that looks at all. It’s the black software, basically looks at the conversations that people have on the Internet and basically can sit through it all. Because we humans are basically prophetic. We can see things whether we know it or not, but it comes out in our conversations. So he’s got a technology that basically can see that and it does really well with it. So one of the things that he saw in the future was one of these planes, I think somewhere in Washington state that crashes and everybody gets to see it’s a chemtr plane.
And that’s. That’s the best way for this stuff to come out. You know, we can talk about it for decades now. We can point it out. We can get all the science behind it. You know, how the chemicals are all in the. On the lakes and everything from these controlling planes. You can, you can test the water before there’s not none of these chemicals. And then when there’s heavy chemtrailing, you test the water and it’s full of these chemicals. Yeah. So, you know, so it’s going to be. I think they’re going to do that. They’re going to show some.
Some point in the near future where, you know, one of these planes comes down and it’s going to be exposed for everybody to see. The news will come out and look at it and say, wow, this is like they’re chem trailing and wow, we’ve heard about this for years. And they’re actually doing that. How about that? So I think, I think it’s a turnaround. Of course, they use chem trailing to poison us all kind of different ways. Yep. We’re going to see, you know, how that, how that works out going forward. All right, now we, you know, we talk about not just the chem trailing.
So the next level is. There’s many levels, of course, but one of those levels is the 5G and above. Yeah. So the towers, you know, we, we have the, you know, in the shop, you can go and get the. Basically the EMF patch. Right. Computers and phones basically sent out a basically, excuse me, energetic field that keeps you safe. But even in the super bowl they were showing this stuff. So here’s, here’s some pictures right here. You see, they had the, they basically had the towers. So the towers were there and they had a street and had all these towers.
And that was representing basically the, the 5G and above. And then you have, you know, in another scene, they had all of the dancers basically falling down. And that was from the towers. And that’s as, as you see. Let’s see, let’s click on. Bring this one up. So you see, they all, they all fall down. Yeah, yeah. So there was. The symbology was all in this thing. You know, I pointed, I point these things out. A lot of people say that, you know, the white Hats are in charge. No, the white hats are completely in charge, guys.
It’s not being completely run, otherwise we wouldn’t have the LA fires behind it. So come on. And I got devastated here by a hurricane that was manufactured. So the white Hats are not completely in charge. Trying to gain complete chart control. There’s a lot of things they control, but this is the Deep State way, the Luciferian way. If they show you what they’re going to do and they may not just come out and say, yeah, we’re going to kill you with the injections and the 5G towers, they’re not going to come out and say that, but they’ll show you.
And if you don’t figure it out and catch it, there’s no karma because they showed you. So they were showing us in the super bowl what they intend for us right through these towers, through this 5G technology, through the vaccination programs. And they’re not waiting for the vaccines to go into arms or they were chemtrailing us, they’re putting it in livestock. So a lot of, a lot of these states are basically mandating that the farmers and cattle, cattlemen have to have to inject the cattle with the MRNA vaccine. That’s right. So where do you think that goes after it goes into them? It goes into us when we eat them.
So we’re getting that stuff in us. Yes. And then the, the cell towers basically are going to be used, as we’ve been talking about for quite some time now. They’re going to activate, you know, microbes and bacteria and so forth that are in there. They’re going to cause a lot of issues. Yes, A lot of people have unfortunately been experiencing that. But there are ways to protect yourself. It get. I’m, I’m sitting here going, hey, let’s take let’s just take a minute and like, think about what you just said. That was, I think that was profound.
I hope all you guys share this program because that, that this is profound stuff. This fight is far, far, far from over. And even though it feels good and Trump’s doing some great stuff and we’re going to see, like, we just revealed, we’re going to see this skirt up and we’re going to, I think Michael, like, it’s almost like, can you imagine, like I’m, I’m kind of giggling because I’m imagining. Can you imagine, Michael, you know, those highspeed, like, they start talking. Like the level of information that you’ve been revealing the last couple years is going to go 10x.
And so you can picture Michael shows where he’s talking 10 times faster than normal. Normal because of the level of information and revelation. I just see it is going to be 10x with this skirt being lifted up and these revelations coming out. I think God’s doing it and he’s using Trump, of course. And this revelation stuff is just going to continue until we, and all the world knows exactly what’s been going on before, before God burns it. But yeah, you know, that was amazing. I’m sitting here going, okay, I just want to think about that for a minute and I just want to be quiet because that was great.
Thanks for saying that. Yeah. Somebody’s posting. Yeah, yikes. 10x. It’s pretty fast now. It is, but imagine what it was five years ago. Yeah, it’s 10x now. Totally. And we’re going quick. Another 10x. Real quick. I think so too. I, I, I like go, wait a minute. Since I was a young dad, you know, my 20s, like 10x is like one day the, the level of news when we were kids was like, forget it. But today it’s like, I don’t even know how Michael keeps up with this stuff because it’s not easy. I have to pick and choose which, which are the best headlines.
But yeah, you know what, what I’m tossing are things that would have been astronomical five years ago. That’s right. That’s right. And it would lasted for like weeks. They’ve been talked about, but now it’s like, you know, secondhand news and it doesn’t get coverage because it’s like we got all this other stuff going on. We, we can’t, we can’t slow down for that. There’s sometimes I think I’d like to talk about this with Michael, but it’s like, it’s not that Important as some of this other stuff. But. Well, I, I guess while I’m thinking about it, I’ll mention it.
So, you know, they’re now Trump’s saying, hey, we’re going to investigate Gavin. This is part of the skirt coming up. Gavin’s, Gavin’s billions involved with this California rail system. That’s just not. Nothing’s happening. But they’re still sitting on tens of billions of dollars. Huh. They’re getting investigated. They’re going down. But, but like you said, this positive stuff is a revelation. But let’s not forget what Michael just said. This war is far, far. It’s getting, just getting started. Oh, yeah, yeah. So, I mean, it is good. It is going good. People are like, amazed. But I’ll give you an example.
You know, I’ve, I, for the last couple years, I, I’ve been exposing one of the JFK assassins. And he’s written books. He’s been on my show several times. He’s, he’s been talking about this for years. I remember that. Yeah. James Files. So he’s been on my show. It’s like, gee, he’s the man behind, behind the fence. And so you have Congressman Luna, and she’s like, we’re going to get to the bottom of this. We know there is second shooters. Like, dude, duh. We’ve known this for years. Don’t freaking this up, Congresswoman. You know, don’t go in there and, and drag this out into nothing like it always happens.
Yeah, we already know that there’s multiple shooters. They knew that back then. They were talking about it back then. It’s been suppressed. So, wow, Great revelation. So, so no, give us something that’s, that’s really revelatory. That’s complete bs. I, I hate to see that because we’re going to do a committee on this and we’re going to study this. And it’s like that’s what the Warren Report did. They did. Yeah. How many times? Over and over and over again. So they need to just call you and, and you, you open the commission and you get like a badge and a gun and start inviting people in.
Yeah. And Judge Warren didn’t want to do it because he knew it was probably going to happen, and it did. He died after that investigation. Yep. Wow. So he must have found something out that they didn’t want him to know, obviously. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. So there was a lot, a lot to that. There was so much to that. And now I’ve never told anybody this, and I don’t. I’m Just kind of like speculating here but I wonder if this was going to start something now that RFK Jr. Is going to be, he’s going to be the HHS soon because they did a split boat 5050 and they had JD Vance coming from Paris to basically do the tie breaking boat.
So he’s going to be, he’s going to be in there. So we know that he is a major vaccine revealer of how they’re not good. And you know he sees the same like Trump did. He’s like if you want the vaccine, get the vaccine. But he’s, he, he couldn’t at the time say they’re all bad. You know, just, he’s got to stay alive to be able to do something, guys. I know. I think his, his uncle JFK was stopping the CIA from doing, initiating the vaccine program which started to cause cancer. That’s why our cancer rates are so astronomical and we just had like a super astronomical rise in cancer after the last vaccine.
COVID19 so these vaccines are designed to basically harm us on many different levels. Three years later, people coming up with cancer and they’re like, well where did that come from? I’m super healthy and or my cancer is in remission now. I’m stage four and I’m, I’m going to die, you know, in a few days. Right. And they do, it’s like wham. Yeah. So what’s causing it? Hello, hello. Come on, stop doing the vaccines please. And you’re getting shed on. You guys could get, you know, same, same thing by being shed on half a dozen times at your Bible study or wherever you’re at out in the store.
This stuff is migratory. Look, it’s, it’s like we’ve, we’ve been through this. Like the tb, these bacterias are, they, they’re incredibly migratory. They don’t, you don’t have to have any symptoms. But I’ll tell you what, if you have a pre existing condition, it’s going to ramp it up. Loaded with the toxins and other viral like particles. It’s, yeah, you’re, you’re going off the charts and that’s what we’re seeing. Yeah. And of course we have like, like you have really done an exceptional job. You know they, they have all that stuff that’s in the vaccine that’s going to be activated by the 5G towers and it’s just, it’s in your system when they decide, okay let’s, let’s do the next plandemic.
And they hit, hit that one frequency and it activates everybody. They got that particular vaccine loaded in their, that particular problem loaded in their vaccine. Not everybody, but a good, a good portion. And then they get wiped out. And then they’re like, well, that was a good one. We, we took out a lot more. Millions. Now let’s, let’s go for the next one. And bam, they hit it. And then, you know, that’s why, you see. And it’s over ball 5G towers on those light posts on that street. And then everybody falls down dead at the end because that’s what they want.
They want to reach repopulate in their image. Their image. Thank you. Yes, yes, yes. Incredible. So I’m gonna like, we could take a pause and think about that as well. Thank you for saying that. Like, you guys take this show today and like stick it aside and watch it several times because this is incredible. And, and I just would encourage everyone to like try to. There’s so much information and I know it’s so hard to hold on to it, but some of this information that we’re talking about, try to remember it. Try to put it into your soul and your mind and remember it.
Because I think it’ll be life saving in the future. Because we’re like, you know, I don’t, we don’t want to be. We’re just, I guess what the Watchmen, the Watchtower speaking the truth. We’re not here to make people afraid. That’s not what this is about. We’re actually. We want to save people. And, and so take this stuff that Michael’s talking about, stick it in your memory banks because it’s going to be life saving in the future. I’m convinced of that. Yeah. Because that this network of, of the vaccine, the 5G, all of this network is now in place.
And we’ve talked about Michael, where we tested the 5G at the hotel in Coronado and we’ve even tested the 5G putting out frequencies that we need the infectostat out of the store to counteract. Not just the EMF harmonizer, it harmonizes, but we’ve seen it without the harmonizer where it takes, it takes an Allison, it takes an anti. Infection and antibacterial nutrient to counteract the 5G. So take these things and, and treasure them and put them into your memory banks. And because it’s so critical and we’ve actually got a super infection kit and Michael, I, I have a, I have a listener that has been contacted us.
I’d like to talk a little bit about her. Oh yeah, good she said ever since the COVID she got sick and then she has like a chronic cough that she can’t get rid of. So now we’re talking about years where this beautiful lady has this chronic cough and it’s debilitating. So I want to talk to you just a little bit because I did get your email. I’m not going to mention your name. We love you. We want to help take care of you. And so in the link below is the super infection kit. Grab one or two of those and you’ll get a bunch of free stuff with that today.
And it’s. That’s in the, that’s in the link. All right, so you’ll take and start out with about half a dozen of those that Michael just showed the infectostat. Start out with about six of those and then start ramping it up every day, maybe two to four, until you hit the 12 to 18 capsule range. And then take the cardio NF and take three, four teaspoons. So that’s like a tablespoon, tablespoon and a half. And you’ll put that in about 12 to 16 ounces of water and you’ll slowly, slowly sip that because we don’t want that to go into the gastrointestinal tract.
We want it to absorb into your bloodstream in 10 seconds and get into your lungs that fast. So take that kit, start taking those doses. It has some other doses in there. You can, you can use those with the bottle. I think we have the intuitive ultra life. And that’s going to be really beneficial for the alveoli, the little air sacs in your lung. It’s going to give them new elasticity, like a new rubber band. So it’ll help breathing become easier. But if you don’t have your phone with the harmonizer, then the 5G is also competing, the energetic field is competing in the cell energy for oxygen.
And that’s what’s causing all these guys to fall over because they can’t breathe anymore because of the 5G cell towers. Oh, yeah, yeah. So, so you need to harmonize your phone and then go on this little formula and then stay in touch with us. Send us an email, it’s at the top of the page. And, you know, check in with us like you did and see how do you feel? I think you’re probably. I’ll bet you your cough goes away in three days, if not one day. And so then stay on the routine for three months because it’s a biofilm.
And so your body has to Dissolve it and eradicate it. And so a lot of times this is, this is a huge, this is massive. A lot of times we’ll take a nutrient, oh, I feel better. And, and then, so we stop taking it. But when it comes to these bacterial biofilms, which are, according to the, the doctors in the know, 98% of all bacterial infections are biofilm induced. You know what that means? That essentially means an antibiotic can’t touch it and you’re just going to get sick again. And we call that chronic. So, so stay on your doses for two, three, four months, and then, then you’ll know that it’s been eradicated completely out of your lungs, and it won’t return unless somebody that got the Ebola shot, you know, sheds on you.
But then at that point in time, you can just take, you know, 10, 15, 20 days worth instead of a long course. All right, I hope that makes sense, and I hope that helps you a lot. Thank you for reaching out. Yeah, very good. So that’s, that’s down in the comment, the description box. So let, let me show you guys what that looks like. Some of you guys don’t even know what that means or what that is. So I’m gonna show you the actual video. Let’s see this one. So here we are. You see the chat over here going, going crazy.
This is, you just click down here, it, it’ll say more, show more. And you click on that and it’ll show you all the information that we’re talking about. And it’s also right underneath the video. Exactly. It’s all there. Just spend a minute, look for it. You’ll find it. And the Hogan’s Heroes. Oh, yeah. I’m going to show my screen real quick because I want to, I want to point a couple things out to you guys. Can you see it? So this federal judge that was hammering on Trump, now we find out this is part of the skirt lifting, that he had conflicts of interest against Trump in financial ways.
So I just want to point that out in Hogan’s, for Hogan’s Heroes, because I want you guys who are involved with, you know, that’s what Hogan’s Heroes is for, is for sort of a law, a law fair group. We just published another deal on the Duns, which is the Dun and Bradstreet Company lookup to show you guys how you can look up any agency that might be coming after you or any court that you might be involved with. You can actually look up and into the Dun and Bradstreet Company Lookup and see that they’re actually a for profit company anyway.
You can also do this. This is going to be in the Hogan’s Heroes. Here’s the California’s Commission on Judicial Performance that will be in Hogan’s Heroes and also the state bar. So what you can do there. And I’m going to come back to you now, Michael, with bar, both of those. And they’ll both be in Hogan’s Heroes. You’ll be able to get that link, look it up. If you’re in a different state, get the judicial commission, get the state bar and start looking for your judge or looking for the attorneys because they all have dirt on them.
There’s been complaints and you just bring that dirt, you print it out and you put it in your case. So now you know that there’s a conflict of interest. So how could you get a fair trial if in times past there’s been all kinds of judicial or lawyer shenanigans? It’s a cool little trick and it will be available for you in Hogan’s Heroes. You can just get the link and check it out or the how to go and look yours up too. So it’s another one of those lawfare tactics that I hope will be helpful for you guys.
Yeah, that’s fantastic. So, yeah, the Hogan’s Heroes link is in also in the description box. You guys find it down there? Yep. Help yourself. It’s. That’s great information. So we’re trying to. We’re trying to go after these guys using laware against us and we just reverse it back on them. And you’re showing y. Yeah, because they’re not going to stop. And so we have to. We have to start because we haven’t started yet. Right. So we have to start and get involved. Yeah. Beautiful. Very nice. Love it. All right, sir, thanks. Thanks so much. Thank you so much.
Love you. Good to see you. Bless you all. Bless you guys. Lots of love and we’ll see you guys next time. See you next time.