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But from the inside it looks like Babylon is falling. And, and we even talked about Trump being the Cyrus and for the last, you know, eight years at his first election when Israel announced, they, they made a coin and they announced that he was like the Cyrus. Remember all that from the, from the Christian community. Well, Cyrus destroyed Babylon. So I’m like this is fascinating. So, and I know you’re on top of all these details that are just, wow, just amazing. Oh yeah, yeah. Let me, let me share the screen and I’m gonna, I’ll give you what, what they pretty much talked about.
I said this on Fox News. So I’ll play this little clip here. Watch this before drinking plant based milks, oat milk, latte protein and oats at almost exactly like, I can’t stand that guy. Per month on car insurance. You’re getting ripped off, guys. Talks. News alert. The Wall Street Journal is reporting the CIA has reportedly just offered a buyout to its entire workforce. Everyone in the agency is telling employees like today they can quit their jobs and receive about eight months of pay and benefits. It’s a part of Trump’s push to downsize the federal government. All right, so that’s, that’s pretty spectacular.
Take down the CIA without firing a shot. Pretty much. So, you know, they have been part of, you know, destroying the world and controlling the world for a long time. So here we are, we’re at that point, that inflection point where the CIA is getting, getting taken apart and all the things we’re going to learn from that because we’re starting to learn a lot of stuff. They just took down USAID and all this information coming up about them, how they funded the gain of function in Wuhan Lab, how they were used to basically fund the takedown of governments like Bolsonaro in Brazil.
So you know, I think they were involved in a lot of very, very suspect stuff. Channeling, directing money at different locations, maybe to Even corrupt political members here in the United States. How many, Michael, how many of these agencies are actually almost quasi independent for profit organizations that are just, they’re sort of their own criminal RICO enterprises doing their own thing all over the world like you just described and, and more you would know about that but like just incredible, incredible corruption worldwide. Yeah, that’s a CIA. The CIA does drug running, human trafficking, weapons trafficking and a lot of other things.
You know they, they come in and take over businesses. Amazon pretty much uh, CIA run uh organization, Facebook is run by CIA. So in the United States we have a criminal organization that is the biggest criminal organization of all that is the FBI. The FBI basically runs a lot of these criminal organizations. They run the cartels over border so forth. I know that everybody probably in this audience knows that, but how many of Americans know that? Not so many. So once you take down these organizations where they can’t respond anymore like USAID now and then you start to release all the dirt that’s on them, then people are like well that’s a good thing to drop that down at first.
You know, you’re going to listen to Chuck Schumer and he’s going to tell you how evil Donald Trump is for taking down USA ad But then you’re going to see all the stuff that they were involved in. You were like holy moly. Well what’s Chuck Schumer involved in? So then you’re going to see Chuck Schumer who is now under investigation by the or Department of Justice under Pam Bondi now is in charge. What do you think is going to happen to him? Ah, that’s going to be very interesting. Yeah, let’s see. Hey, let’s like, like we mentioned before, let’s invite them or deposition.
Let’s invite them to sort of tell us a few, you know, we have a few questions for you and yeah, you’ve been really expert on this back how to do this from the, the right side, the, the real legal side. So how do you think they’re going to start to approach some of these people? Well I hope they do it. I, I think you know we’ve watched them even from the corrupt side. But those, these guys in the DOJ and the, the U S Attorney’s offices, you know they have some as Trump acts as the nasty people.
There’s got to be a lot of decent people trying to do a good job for America that just are suppressed and kicked around and isolated and stuff like that, that maybe we’ll have the freedom now to do investigations and depose some of these guys. Because once, like we talked about, once they start an investigation, anything that tries to hinder that is obstruction, and there’s just new charges that they can tack on. So people start answering questions, and the cockroaches will run. Run. I love questions. They can run, but they can’t hide. It’s kind of like, you know, just recently, where Trump went after isis, I’m like, ISIS is still around, but he went to ISIS in Somalia and he blasted him and he said, you can run, but you can’t hide.
Was that kind of like comms. I think that was comms for these. For the deep state. Did they end up. This is a deep state tool. Did they. Did. When he went after isis, did that end up at Obama’s house by chance? No. Yeah. So they covered it up. There was a huge explosion at one of Obama’s houses. But it’s like, no, no, no. That was in Somalia. So I know this is amazing, and I didn’t expect this sort of Babylon to be falling from the inside first. And. And. And a lot of it’s exciting. Some of it’s, you know, kind of crazy, and it can be fearful as well.
But, yeah, I think that, you know, these guys are, you know, dead men walking, a lot of them. Especially the ones when the Nuremberg trials start up again. Now, when the Nuremberg trial start. Guys, thank you. Remains to be seen. There has to be other things that happen where you take down a lot of the. Like CIA, the FBI, and some of these other organizations, like usaid, Department of Education, because there was just words that us, The Department of Education is next. Is next after usaid. And a lot of people are like, what? Well, once they take it down and they start revealing, you know, what they’ve been up to as far as, like, you know, transgendering and, you know, education that basically warps the minds of our students instead of teaching, teaches them reading and writing.
So usaid, so they cut off the funding, and. And then over a short period of time, you find out where all the tentacles go, because all these other tertiary and downstream stuff that they’ve been funding starts closing. And it’s like. It’s an octopus. Each of these agencies octopuses all over the planet. And so they’re. They’re using hundreds of millions of dollars to compel other nations to promote transgender and homosexuality in schools and all the kinds of stuff that, of course, we all really want. Right? Yeah. Now they. The FBI is. There was a report out after Trump wanted the.
Or doge. Whatever, wanted the names of all the people that are involved in the J6 investigation. So it was like 1500 or something like that? Well, it was 1500 J6ers. I don’t know what the numbers. I heard from another podcaster that I listened to quite a. Quite a bit. He said that it was one. Almost a half of the FBI was involved in J6 investigations. Instead of finding criminals, they’re coming after us conservatives. So he said that one third of them will basically be taken out of the FBI. They. They will be gone. Uh, so when Cash Patel comes in, uh, he’s going to have a lot of people that he’s going to fire.
So it’s 5,000. Somebody’s putting 5,000 in the chat. So whatever the number was, it’s like somewhere around half of the FBI was involved in that. Of course, not all of them are criminally involved, but a good portion of them will be found to be criminally involved. So what are your thoughts on that? Or did. Yeah, they tried to screw over that, but I think they eventually gave up the names. Did they give up the names, too? That’s what I. That’s what I saw. I’ll look for it. Why? What were your thoughts on that? Well, yeah, I have this article.
I’m going to share it with you, actually. Yeah, some of these guys are. Let me, let me share my screen. Okay. All right, so if you can see this, it says the FBI agents sue over D. DOJ efforts to investigate agents who worked on the January 6th cases. So imagine this, you guys, because. Because it’s like, incredible. The entire operation was like a deep state black op for these, these guys that showed up to the, to the rally and, and to charge them and to. And so the media and the, and the, the lawfare apparatus could make the conservative American white and even African American.
Anyone who’s conservative, who loves God, loves America, they could turn him into a, a black sheep terrorist. And that’s kind of what this whole op was. And then they charged, you know, people like Granny and Tina Peters in cases. So now that this is being released, the FBI agents are suing for. What they, they’re crying about is that our names are going to be released and all of our, all of our secrecy is going to be unveiled. So we’re, we’re afraid for retaliation. And I kind of laugh at that, Michael, because I’m like, retaliation? Like, how many people did you put in jail that were completely, like, just standing around or.
They walked into the Capitol building and they got charged with complete felonies so you agents that were involved in this, how many felonies could we count that, that you committed just to convict somebody for some of this stuff? Unbelievable. This was one of the most unbelievable lawfare tax I think I’ve ever heard of in my life. Michael. Wow. Yeah, so there, there was, I’m looking at, I looked it up in there. They have given up the names. It is 5000. So this is, this is CNN reporting this. And that’s, that’s amazing. The FBI turns over details of 5,000 employees who worked on January 6th cases to Trump Justice Department as agents sue.
So the agents are suing like you’re talking about. But how far are they going to get with that? You know, like you said, if they’re, if they were involved in criminal activity, they should, they should know that they’re going to be, they are going to be investigating. If they were involved in criminal activity, then they are going to be going to jail. Thank you. It does not matter if they’re FBI agents. So there are 13 more than 13,000 agents. So 38, 000 total FBI employees. So 5,000 employee details were revealed. Is that going to be all? Who knows? Maybe they’ll, maybe that list will grow once they started to, once they start to do an FBI level investigation on the FBI.
I’d like to be starting some of those questions because I’ve been, I’ve been FBI type questioned and you like, you wrap back around, you like ask questions and like, let’s say I, I ask you about, you know, your, your pool and you’re like, well, I don’t, I don’t have a pool. And then I, then I come back around and I ask you again, well, you don’t have a pool. And you’re like, well, I actually go to a pool that’s close to my house. And then you’re, oh, so you have, you do have a pool and. No, I don’t have a pool.
So it’s kind of like the FBI does that kind of questioning to try and throw you off and try and make you uncomfortable and so forth. I’ve been questioned like that so many times. Yeah, he plays those games when they do the black, when they do the, the box when you go under lie detector box. I’m like, God, are you kidding me? It’s so funny because one, one of my neighbors, because they also go, go to your neighbors and ask your neighbors about you. Has he, have you ever seen him involved with like, you know, involved with criminals or involved with terrorists and so forth, like what My neighbor, who’s like a good old boy.
Southern. Southern guy is. And he knew me as a kid. He’s like, he’s worked for you guys for 30 years. Don’t you know him by now? Love that question. Boy, I love it. Hey, I. I have an idea. How about those 5, 000 agents? We’ll keep them safe. It’s called protective custody. Yeah. And we’ll make sure they’re fed and clothed properly. They might have, like, orange jumpsuits, but, yeah, they’re real comfortable. And just like those J6 people. We’ll let them out once a day for an hour, and then they go back to their cell. Solitary confinement.
They should get the same freaking treatment. Thank you. Thank you. And for years. And just stick them in. And just stick them in a jail and say, yeah, we’re going to get to your trial in a few years. In a few years. Yeah. Just like you. You made sure that we got to the trials of those people you. You went after. Yeah. So this really. This is amazing, Michael, because this really opens up a huge, huge embedded can of worms where, you know, we know maybe from the beginning I’ve been told by people that, that have some pretty good insight and authority that the FBI was actually never authorized by Congress.
It’s like, it’s not even a legit law enforcement apparatus just because the agency continued and gets funded. It just keeps doing its thing. But here we are, this 5000. I. That’s hard for me to imagine that 5000 FBI agents were working on these J6ers, like Granny, like. And then I got to show this. So then here’s what their website says. This is the FBI’s website, you guys. What we investigate. Check this out. Check this out. The FBI’s top criminal investigative priority is public corruption. We’re talking about public officials. This isn’t you and I. They say that this is the most detrimental, poses the greatest national security threat.
More than terrorists, more than everything. Hey, more than even sovereign citizens. Or hey, more than the guy who couldn’t afford his registration tag so they expired on the back of the car. Or hey, more than. And, and so what do we find out? That the. In the investigators themselves, the fox that’s guarding the hen house is full of corruption. I mean, this is staggering, Michael. It’s unbelievable. I’m just looking at this going, okay, so during, like, like we talked about last week. So during. The largest increase in law enforcement in, in American history came with it the largest increase in public corruption to the point where it’s A detriment to national security threat.
All right. Under the nose of law enforcement. Boy, you guys are doing a great job. And I don’t mean to make fun of you, but this is horrific. This really is bad. I’m going to come back to you now. Oh, yeah. So, you know, it’s interesting, you intuitive boy, you. You said something like worms. This is like worms or something. Bill Gates just defended USAID after Elon Musk calls agency a ball of worms. So let’s look at that real quick. There’s a lot of times these guys talk in code. Right. So when you go fishing, what do you use? Worms would be a top pick.
Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Because we’re, you know, you and I have, I’m sure in your youth, you’ve. You fished with worms because you’re. We’re very similar. And so that’s what though. Yeah. So we’re fishing for the threat here. And Bill Gates comes in and talks about that. See if I can make it. Yeah. My foundation partners with USAID on nutrition. Yeah. You are getting vaccines out. You know, there’s incredible people, you know, they’re not actually worms that work there. So hopefully we’ll get some of that work back in shape. In fact, if we don’t, you know, you could have literally millions of deaths.
So, yeah, you know, people think, you know, wow, how much do we give these countries? As you said, it’s. It’s less than a percent. People think it’s 5% and it should be 2%. All right, so did you catch that where he said something about millions of deaths? What? Millions of deaths? Let me see if I can get that again. I did. In shape. In fact, if we don’t, you know, you could have literally millions of deaths. So, so we need to get usaid, who now we’re seeing as extremely corrupt and using money and very, let’s say, inefficient ways funding Wuhan Lab gain of function.
So if we don’t get them back in to positions of getting that money out there, we could lose millions of people. What do you think about that? Yeah, so what he was referring to too, you know, I think all these guys, they must. Politicians must go to Elon Musk. Like, how to. Like, sorry, how to you right in your face and, and make you think I’m doing you a favor. Like he has that super con man. Like, this is exquisite. You know, I can. So what he’s talking about is, oh, I. We just benefit you so much.
There’s going to be hundreds of millions of deaths if we don’t get your vaccines down there delivered to you. Like what? Yeah, and then you have Oprah Winfrey. The View. You have Oprah Winfrey. She’s like, yeah, okay, who watches anymore? Jesus. That’s probably Obama and Hillary and, you know, company. But my, maybe my brother. So, so let’s, let’s ask him a few questions. Let’s, let’s, let’s get a list. Let’s put him on that sheriff list. The sheriff comes out, does a news broadcast, says, hey, we’ve invited Bill Gates to our investigation to answer a few questions in front of the public.
And then, hey, Hogan’s Heroes. And I’ll help and we’ll write the questions. Unbelievable. We’ll just pull his pants off and. No, we don’t want to do that. We’ll just undress the whole thing right there. But I hope that he becomes part of this investigation by legitimate good people in the doj. It would be awesome. This guy is a high functioning, you know, beyond my pay grade criminal. Wow. All right. So I just looked that up. It’s very discouraging because we know that consciousness is what changes our world, and consciousness is what brought Trump back. Consciousness is what’s collapsing the CIA and FBI.
Yet the View is the most watched program on television, believe it or not. Can be. Well, maybe those numbers are fake, but I’ll read you what it says. The View was the daytime talk or news program to obtain the highest number of total viewers during its 24 season, averaging, averaging 2.743 million viewers. Wow. Right? Yeah. So the. Now, that was back in 2223, it’s saying the, the 26th season, which is now, we’re now two years in average, 2.3. So that’s actually. Numbers are down a little bit, so maybe people are turning away from it. But it, it was or is I’m looking at something eight days ago, it says the View scores its most watched telecast in 11 weeks.
So it is, it’s still getting numbers, according to whoever’s doing the numbers. And maybe that’s all fake, too. But like Trump says, fake news with the View. You know, they had Trump on back when Trump was popular and they love Trump. And then when he, we started to run for office and talked about taking down some of the things that they’re, you know, part of keeping going as part of the deep state media arm, Mockingbird Media, they started attacking him. Yep. And they’re still allowed to do that. This should be, you know, the FCC should be a place where Trump should go after as well, because really, that’s the gatekeeper, sort of like the cdc, NIH to vaccines and the medical, the medical cartels.
The FAA is the gatekeeper for this corrupt media apparatus too. Yeah, I think that is happening. We’re seeing the top guys at all the news, newscasters at cnn, NBC and so forth. The top, top guys are basically leaving. Yeah, stepping out. That’s part of, you know, the takedown of the deep state news. Yeah, I know there’s, there’s got to be a level of fear going on because this is like something. I don’t know any of us anticipated. This level of, like, taken down. It’s like, amazing. So, yeah, it’s definitely surreal. So, I mean, we talked about it, we said it was going to happen, and now it’s happening, but it’s happening at such a rapid pace.
Me and the three amigos got together after the inauguration. We said Trump has to go fast and hard. And we’re all like, you know, we’re, we’re like, oh, is he gonna do it? Oh, my God, if he doesn’t do it, then it’s going to be the same. And here he is doing it on a scale that even I, in my, my amigos, we didn’t even comprehend how much is gonna come down for sure. It really is. Yeah. And I do, I do hope, you know, for the country, it, it continues. It’s. Because I think it’s. But like, like we talked about last week and many times, I think it’s dangerous as well, because he’s always at risk.
Everyone at that high level of authority and power is at risk. Some of the good stuff he’s doing is at risk. And so we need to be personally responsible and just continue to launch our own efforts into helping this movement. That’s. Yeah, I feel like I really want to be personally involved, you know, for my kids and grandkids. Yeah, we, we all have to be because we’re making this happen and things are going to get really crazy, sketchy, bad in very short time frame. Now you talk about Chilean home invaders. What, what are you, what are you seeing on that? Well, I just, I would, I showed.
I was gonna. Since my screen sharing is probably still on. So this is a law enforcement veteran issuing warning to Americans as Chile and home invasions on the rise. I just was going to point that out with. I’ll come back to you. But that was just a point. As part of that FBI and the public corruption and matter of fact, let me, let me attach it over here. To California. Because this is incredible, Michael. All these are, what we’re talking about is all interconnected. So California legislature under Newsom and his, you know, Pelosi, all this crowd that are these payoff, these paid off wars, there’s writing bills to Trump proof California.
So what they’re doing, this is fascinating. So what they’re doing is they’re, they’re allotting $50 million for legal fights against the Fed that’s coming after them. Kind of, they want to basically it’s their way of, hey, we’re going to protect you criminals. And so we’re, we’re building this fund. We’re going to, we’re going to set up $50 million which won’t last long at today’s lawyer cost. But, but, but fascinating. So they’re putting this money out to defend any criminal charges coming from the Fed. And look at this, this assembly member Carl DeMeo of San Diego, Republican.
This is fascinating to me, Michael, but because this is what he tried to do. He tried to add to amend this bill right here and he sought to prohibit taxpayer dollars from funding the defense of. Here we go again. Public officials who willingly broke federal law. And guess what? His attempts to get that inserted in the bill failed. So now I’m going to just come back to you and we can chat about that for a minute because it’s like unbelievable. So Newsom’s running around and some of these demonic legislators in, in these fake legislators in California are trying to already, you know, set up all kinds of weapons against what’s, what’s, you know, the good things that are happening.
And, and so that, but the point of that article again was it’s part of that Hegelian dialectic, that problem reaction, solution. So they create this problem and which is this massive invasion and then they, they want to provide the answer, which is what? More law enforcement for you and I and just let the criminals kind of run, run and have their way so that we still need them. And this, this brave Republican legislature out of San Diego says no, let’s put this provision in for public officials that have broken federal law regarding immigration and that bombed like, like unreal.
So it just shows these guys, these public officials don’t want to be accountable for anything. Wow. Yeah. And you know, this, this feeds over to, you know, the protests that are happening in Southern California against illegal immigrants. What part of illegal don’t you understand? Right, yeah. Protests held across Southern California as part of a nationwide day without immigrants movement. So how many people are really going to get involved in this. This is very, very critical because I’ve said for a long time, and a lot of people have said there’s going to be 17 cities throughout America that are.
We’re probably going to lose. Yeah. And those 17 cities, one of those being LA, is going to start with this type of stuff. And this is, you know, the Gavin Newsoms and so forth that are out there that basically allow this stuff to happen. That’s right. It’s huge, Michael. I think it’s. It’s the next administration. Close to a thousand strong here at downtown la. They have been here all day long, starting at City Hall. They’ve made their way through the streets of downtown over to the crypto and all the way back. And they have been here predominantly over the 101 freeway on these overpasses, Spring street and Los Angeles street, basically surrounding this entire part of the 101 Freeway.
They have not entered the freeway, but they have been here most of the day. And now, after isolated reports of rocks and bottles being thrown at police, the LAPD has now declared an unlawful assembly. They have given a dispersal order for this group to disband. They have been here again most of the day. They are standing their ground for now. You can see skirmish lines set up on either side up. All right, so they gave them the. To basically disperse because they’re throwing bottles and causing. It’s. I’ve seen this all over the world. Yeah, they start these, these demonstrations and then they creep in the violence.
And if there’s not a response to the creep of violence, they take it next level. And then the next thing you know, they’re blowing stuff up. And that’s. That’s what’s coming. That’s what’s coming for California. And the only way that’s going to stop, I believe, if citizens get involved. So this is another one. See if it plays. There we go. I’m going to step out of the way so you can see what’s happening behind me. We’re at Cesar Chavez in Alameda where a small group of protesters relatively has now taken over the Chevron gas station here.
We have seen people standing on top of cars waving their flag, waving their flags, which are not American flags, they’re flags from other countries. So they’re, they’re basically just like, you know, geor toy pro protest. They’re starting. Yeah, this is starting. And the only in. In places like California where they basically restricted the police and have cut the police budgets and have cut the police forces. Why? Because of this. They had this planned. So you guys in California are, are going to find out the hard way unless you start to stand up. It’s we the people that push back, got Trump elected without California’s help.
Right, because you’re, you’re basically compromised in California and you didn’t stand up, even though many of us have been saying, you guys need to stand up, you need to stand. Not you, of course, Rafael, because you’ve been basically really very vocal and very helpful and trying to help people for, for the last several years. But people are LA there in California. You know, they go to the beach, they get some sun. They’re not doing that so much down, down in LA now because all the, all the soot from the, from the homes is washed into the ocean.
The oceans are black, the beaches are black. No one’s going to the beaches now. But that’s part of the reason why that happened is because you have people like Gavin Newsom, there’s, that allow the directed energy weapons come in and be used on the cities. So now we’re going to start to see potential riots in the city. They’re coming and they will come unless the people stand up. So you have to be able to get deputized and you have to posse up and you’re going to have to push back. I’m sorry, Californians, you don’t like to get involved.
You like to, like, let bygones be bygones. Elect criminals come in and take over your cities like they have. But unless you start to stand up, you will be destroyed in your cities. We will. And I, you know, it’s, it’s unfortunate. It’s almost like God’s like saying, I’m gonna judge you. You don’t, you don’t repent and turn the other way and do this right. The whole, if I can just drift backwards and diverge for a second on, you know, the early Constitutional Republic, they said, you know, this isn’t for a bunch of everybody else in every other country.
This project here, this is for, and I’m not saying it’s for just white guys. That wasn’t the concept. It’s for people who believe this way. It’s not for people that hate God. That’s not what it was about. They were like, this is for people who love God, love one another. They’re going to love their country and they love and stay on this course. And over and over and over in history, you know, like, we’ve allowed this to go south every time. So can we get it back? I’m, I’m afraid, Michael, like what you’re saying is compounded with like we’ve talked about this plague that’s coming and we’ll, we’ll talk more about that and of course nutrition and stuff like that.
But I’m concerned that as these cities light up because of the problem they’ve created and really organized and orchestrated from high levels with guys like Newsom, Pelosi, Gates, Obama’s and all these people that you talk about that during a time when it’s under the highest stress, at whatever point in the future that becomes is the time where the nation will be the most vulnerable to a bricks unified attack. That’s my concern. So we have this internal fight going on and, and the military and the law enforcement can’t manage it. Not. And they couldn’t manage a like a triple whammy where other nations start attacking externally as well.
So we really need to get on our knees and, and, and do some serious praying and ask God’s help and get busy and do what we can occupy for, for right now. Doing what we can. Yeah, yeah. And the way we take away, and the way they’re doing this is they’re taking away their funding. So somebody in the chat, Paso Grimes, basically said that Pam Bondi freezes funding for sanctuary cities after swearing in. So boom. So the, this is how we win. You can’t fund an army if you don’t have the money. All right, so I was going to say, and also like we saw Bill Gates just mentioned, I partner with usaid.
I donate money. Let’s, let’s find out where that money’s coming from. Let’s put Soros, let’s put Gates on the hot seat as well. Let’s find out where other black money is coming from. That appears to be. I’m just donating money to help. No, no. These guys are part of the money laundering racket for exactly what Michael’s talking about. So who’s picking up who’s funding all these invaders and etc. Etc. Let’s put these guys on the hot seat as well. Oh yeah, absolutely. So let me, let me pull this up. Represent Tim Burchette is been huge into this.
So it looks like they, they’re talking about that. This, this will be huge, guys. So if they’re not getting any federal funding to run the riots that are coming for the big cities. Pam Bondi freezes funding for sanctuary cities after swinging in as Attorney General. Uh, if they don’t have the money, they can’t run the operations. Right, right. I Remember being in the CIA and, uh, basically the funding, uh, there was a, under Obama, there was one time where they weren’t funding the government and a lot of stuff was shutting down. Yeah. So I, I wasn’t able to, like, go overseas and help protect people.
The guys that were over there were frozen over there and they were there for a longer period of time without a. I, I went overseas a couple times and didn’t have pay for like three months. And when you go over there, you have to pay for all your insurance, your flight, and you’re supposed to get reimbursed within a month. I wasn’t reimbursed and I, I’m out like $20,000. It’s $10,000 worth of insurance that you have to pay for. Of course you get reimbursed for it. You have to pay $10,000 for your flight over there. And then you have to pay for your own food while you’re there.
If you’re not getting, you know, any money from. Because no one pays, you have to go out, buy your own food and, or if you’re with a group, then you, you put in money into a kitty and then somebody cooks for you and so forth. But normally you’re out, like, you know, every month you’re spending, you know, geez, upwards of, you know, five, six thousand dollars to, you know, maintain your presence over there. So I, there was one time I was, I was over there for a hundred days without being paid. And I basically told him, I said, if you don’t pay me, I’m going home.
Yeah, I got pissed about that. They get pissed about that. But this, this is from, you know, people that are back at CIA headquarters getting paid every day and going home every day. Right. And they were pissed about me having to fork out all this money. And I didn’t have any more money. I didn’t have anymore. I drained everything. And I was like, guys, I gotta go home because I can’t afford to be here. And they got pissed in me because I was going to leave and I did leave. I had, I had all these miles on, on this airline.
I basically booked myself a flight and left. And they were going to like, fire me, but there were people that were back at the command that, you know, loved me. It’s like, you can’t fire Mike. He’s like, he’s, he’s like the best guy out there. But that’s, that’s the type of deep state that’s in these governments that run these shows. Yeah. And, you know, good Guys like me downrange make good things happen. But you have a lot of people that are very corrupt. So here we, we have Pam Bondi is freezing the money for the deep staters.
So imagine those people that are doing stupid back at headquarters, CIA basically getting kicked out, which is happening. It’s going to happen and then you’re going to get the guys that are really good like me still making good things happen down range and we’re going to get funded and we’re going to get the right stuff and no one’s going to interfere like, you know, Hillary Clinton came in. How’s Hillary Clinton stop the CIA’s diplomatic passports? Because we go through the State Department and the State Department has to give them. So Hillary Clinton was in the State Department, obviously she wanted to control something within the CIA that maybe.
And so she froze us from getting our diplomatic passports. So you see all this, all this stupid stuff that happens in the deep state guys, it’s out of control. This article right here even points to what we talked about last week where these sanctuary cities mayors, remember we showed they were being invited to Congress to answer a few questions. Love it. Love it. Let’s put them, let’s put it on public view and, and we’ll help them write the questions. But with the right questions, these guys are going to hang themselves. Yeah. Now this, this interview right here, he’s basically talking about the first migrant flights to Guantanamo set to depart on Tuesday is legislated into existence.
Give us an update on how the talks are going in Congress. It does seem like there’s a lot of unity. I know one or two bills, but at the end of the day, I think everyone wants to cut a lot this time, don’t they? Yeah, they do. I just left a meeting with Marjorie Taylor Greene, who’s going to be doing a wonderful job as chair lady of our nose committee. And just some of our priorities. And those are the kind of things that America. I spoke to a little group in Washington county, it’s not in my district.
A group of ladies invited me up and had wonderful barbecue dinner. Lunch. And it was just wonderful. But the place was packed around asleep too. And in the south, you know, you don’t have to quit these carrots. But everything they talked about is what you all just said. They’re so fired up. They’re so optimistic about this. These people are talking about how they think their grandchildren are going to have a shot at the American grind that they had. And I think that’s that we got to remember. All right. That’s a little bit different what I thought it was going to be.
But that’s very, very amazing what he’s saying right there. Now people are saying that they believe their children. This is all about the children. Seven generations out, we should be like doing this stuff for our children and our children children and their children’s children. And that’s what’s happening right now. A lot of people are getting pretty excited about what’s coming, but what do you think the deep state is doing? They’re getting pretty excited about what’s coming too. And it’s not good because these are psychopaths that have been in charge for a long time and be getting away with murder literally and figuratively for a long time.
They don’t, they, we can’t comprehend that, that level of evil. Like someone who, on a, on a large scale, a psychopath who has some, some political clout and authority. A psychopath who wishes to murder large volumes of people. Like we saw one at the beginning, like with this shuttle and lie talk like Gates to make you feel like he’s actually helping you and benefiting you when he’s telling them to their face, I’m, I’m gonna kill you. It’s amazing to me that these, these cycles. So Michael says psychopaths, he’s talking about large scale death. And we’re still, we are not even close to being out of the woods.
Matter of fact, like you said, it’s. The heat hasn’t even started yet. Yeah, so, so I, I see this often and it’s a good point. People say God wins. God only wins if we get active with God’s plans. Right. God has great plans for us. But if we sit, sit, kick back and, and wait for God to be active or President Trump to be active, we lose because we have to be involved, period. So, yeah, so connection to God, beautiful. Take that connection and get, get busy with it. Right. Otherwise things don’t manifest. I, I think like spot on, Michael, because I, I look all the way back to the garden where I believe stuff really started going south.
And, and God was intervening. He was walking with man. That’s how clean stuff was. God could walk with man in his presence. He goes, hey, here’s how it goes. Don’t do this. There’s this opportunity for you to go south. Don’t go south. He goes south. So all along the way, you know, he asked us, walk with me, do it these ways and I’ll keep. You’re going to have an amazing opportunity and your kids and your Grandkids will have abundance. And what do we do? We walk south. So we’re experiencing the same things that our generations in the past have done and we’re suffering the same consequences.
And, and I think, I think we’re going to get through this. But I think like you’ve pointed out so many times, only a fraction are going to walk out of this. And when we walk out of this, it’s never going to be the same as we, as we walk through this fire, the threshing floor that I, that I think the scripture calls it, where we’re in a process now, you guys, where the, the wheat is being beaten off the, the, the chaff is being beaten off the wheat and the wheat kernels are going to show up, the chaff is going to burn out.
And when the wheat kernels show up and regrow the next kingdom government, it’s going to be amazing. But the process, we’re entering this process, that’s going to be lots of beating and lots of chaffing and some fires. Yeah, because we haven’t, because we haven’t done what you said. We haven’t done the right stuff for a long time. Yeah, there’s a lot of good commentary that came after that comment. It was really, really good. So one person said, like Juan said, some people are so heavenly, they are of no earthly use. Yeah. And then there’s, you know, in prayer, life and death are in the power of the tongue.
So here we are, we’re speaking, you know, words that are, you know, we’re inspired. We want to inspire others. And through that inspiration you can achieve miracles. We are in a miraculous time right now. Imagine all the way 60, 60 plus years ago, Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy said he was going to break the CIA into a thousand pieces. And he died for that. Died for several other things I believe too, they don’t kill you for just one thing. They kill you for many things usually and send a message to other people that might think otherwise. Like taking down the Federal Reserve.
He was going to like a silver current, silver back currency that would take away the Fed’s, you know, fiat currency. Killed him for that. He was going to like come out with the alien information. So all these things basically got him killed. Now, Trump has not yet come out with the, the alien side. That is the thing that really gets you a death sentence, as I found out, but survive. So what do you, what do you think about that? The, the alien agenda, Is that going to come out? I think it is. I, I absolutely think it is too.
I think we may even see them. And I, I think of them as fallens, but I think there’s goodies and baddies and all that stuff too. There’s even the scripture that talks about, hey, you guys, you know, stay sharp because you don’t even know if you’re hanging out with an angel because they can act like men. They can, they can sort of convert into our male or female looking beings. So we just don’t know for sure. But I, I think, I think you’re. I think you’re right. Yeah, I think we’re gonna, we’re gonna. We’re not just like.
So almost like we’re waiting for the narrative to tell us there’s. There’s aliens or angels. No, I think a lot of us even experience it or have seen them ourselves. I know I have. Yeah, me too. Yeah. And so you’re. There’s another thing where. Who. WHO made this comment. We’re all now sitting ducks for virus without the WHO and World Health Organization. Yeah, I’m going to share my screen for this because I think this is huge. This is like some of that same media here. Main MSN sitting ducks quote, Trump’s withdrawal from the World Hell organization could put the US at risk for deadly viral.
Viral outbreaks. You know, this is fascinating to me just, just on its face. And I start having questions. Oh, so I guess these, these viruses, these deadly viruses are all members of the WHO as well, because apparently they get worse on countries, the virus outbreaks get worse on countries that don’t have any political relationship to the World Hell organization. Is that right? It’s. So it’s just the complete bogus. But beyond this complete fraud and lie, I just want to point out that it could be a comm saying, hey, you guys withdraw from the who. We’re going to release bioweapons on your soil.
So I don’t know. What do you think of that, Michael? Because that’s kind of how I read their, their lies and stuff. You withdraw from the WHO and it could be more deadly for you guys. So that’s kind of how I look at this. And so I’m like, we need to stay sharp and take care of our own health because. And I’ll share my screen again. I want to correct something I talked about last night and then jump over to another share. Last week I said TB killed. Like I think I said 50 million. It was my mistake.
Sorry about that. 500,000 annually in Africa now. TB is growing ever since the WHO got involved in coeing down like Bill Gates going down to Africa, like the American bioweapons laboratories down in Africa. Since, since all of these organizations go down to help Africans, tuberculosis has increased, disease has increased, not decreased. And like I’ve pointed out in the past, all you guys would have to do, even though they can’t do it, but if they sent Michael and I down with our, with our store, nutrients out of their store, TB would be gone. And like my curing disease, I don’t care what you call it, like TB, these people are dying.
500 million. But, but gets worse, because these 500,000 a year. Unbelievable. And so how many years did it, did it give a time frame? How many years this was last year. This is like every year over and over again while they’re down and they’re helping with, you know, spending millions in there. What’s their budget? Billions. And sending medicine and stuff like this. All right, I, I’m not, I, I don’t want to attack some of the doctors that are probably trying to have a lot of goodwill, and they’re really trying to help some of these people. So, but let me, let me rush over to the doctor side too.
I’m going to share my screen here. So while 500,000 people in Africa are dying from TB right here in the U.S. you guys, here was last year’s tally. 882,000 U.S. deaths linked to properly prescribed pharmaceuticals. Wow. Wow. So while we’re. They’re all talking about, oh, we’re here to help Africans with tb, which they don’t talk about. They actually talk about, oh, we had 80 Bola deaths in Africa. We’re here to help you. While 500,000 died of TB. And whoever mentions this anywhere, this is, this is freaking unbelievable right here. Yeah. Now, we could, if we could get the real numbers from people dying from COVID I don’t know how we could, like, track that, because I know a lot of people are getting cancers and heart attacks and all kind of crazy stuff because of the COVID vaccination.
That number would probably be 10 times that. What do you, what do you think? Yeah, it’d be huge. I’m going to come back to you now. Okay. I’ll leave my screen. So, yeah, I, I, it’s, that’s been increasing since the rollout of the COVID marketing scheme, so people started taking shots. Yeah. Death toll has been increasing. And nobody talks about that either, Michael, other than, you know, a few of you guys in the Truth or Move. But it, that is part of the plague that we’re talking about. That we’re going to see how many people have been vaccinated.
And what’s the result of that? The next 12 to 18 months. I think it’s going to be just significant, profound even possibly. So back to, I’m, I’m just over and over I go back to start nourishing the, the nutrients are in the store and there’s, there’s a few more coming that they’re designed for this purpose, for this time in history. And that includes everything, the EMF harmonizers, the LifeWay patches, all of it. It’s, it’s what it’s there for. So those deaths are profound and they’re completely 100 unnecessary. So it all goes back Michael, to this deep state apparatus where I think it was like in the 1920s they actually called it in in America.
These guys had had enough testicle to, to come out and just name their organizations. Rockefeller and some of these big, the Carnegie’s and all these guys with the huge money they came out and started, they called it the population reduction program right here in America. And then they got savvy like people are like that’s a, you know, really. Okay, so you give vaccines and you’re called population reduction. I think they called it the Population Reduction Council. And then over time, you know they, they, they, they must have talked to Bill Gates, his family and they, they gave them really healthy sounding names.
How to kill you. So it’s like, it’s wild man. It’s like a wild show going on. Yeah, it totally is. And you know they like you said, you can’t take their threats lightly. No. So if they’re threatening to, you know, like Bill Gates said on the View that they’re gonna like, you know, the not funding the USAID is probably going to mean there’s going to be millions die. Does that mean because you’re not giving taxpayer money to USAID so we can use that to manipulate the world and make money that we’re going to kill millions of you through another deadly disease that we drop on humanity? I think it’s, I think it’s spot on to read it that way.
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Knowing a psychopathic murder behavior. That’s what they’re saying. Yeah, yeah. So yeah, we have to be very, very vigilant and very healthy in the future. Yeah. So now we have the specials. Spend 250 in the store and get free ph roll regularly 25 buy 4 collagen get 1 free buy 4 intuitive way get 1 free 4 intuitive one get 1 free so definitely ways to save, spend a little bit more and you get enough to last you for, you know, five months instead of four months. You pay. Pay one, you know, every month, but, you know, do what you can and you get infection.
Kit 3 Intuistat 2 cardio NF. Yep. Uh, the cardio NF is, uh, is really easy to drink, guys. Uh, I just put my water in the morning, take my supplements. Uh, you just mix it up. It’s. It’s really not bad. So very, very good way to get that in your system and a microbiome and get free intuitive off your cleanse, Clay, so. And RMF harmonizer. Improves lung oxygen and helps red blood cells stay single. Tell us about that. Well, what the studies have shown. I’ll just show you my screen so you guys can real quick. Do we have a minute to do that? Yeah.
Yeah. Okay, so this is the latest. This is, this is normal red blood cells. You guys live on a smear. And although it’s, you know, it’s the. The picture’s not live now. I just got this about six weeks ago from my guy. And your blood. This is not my blood. No, but that’s what my blood would look like. Yeah. Dark field microscopy. Yep. And then so here’s where the. The cells start spiking. So there’s. There’s not a spike protein per se. You guys, all the images of the coronavirus and all the spiking are coming from this image.
These cells. Now you’re. The red blood cells are now being influenced by EMF fields. Toxins. We don’t see any like of the gray graphene strands in this blood smear. We just see cells that are spiking. And they can do that just from the EMF cell phones. And that, that, that’s what this one’s from. So it starts killing the cell because it goes into oxygen deprivation. That’s what the studies have shown that the 5G network will do. I’ll just progress just a little bit farther. So there’s. There’s really serious spiking going on. Now all of these cells are starting to spike.
And of course, they call it spikes red blood cells. Yeah. And then they get around the organs and they spike into the organs and cause the damage and stuff, right? Well, it causes organ death. Yeah. Wow. So here’s, here’s cell spiking. This is. This is a parasite right here. This is a cell spiking. Yeah. Then they just die and the organ starts causing, you know, cell death. It’s nasty. There’s another spike. Cell spike. Isn’t that nasty? Yeah, looks like a barbed wire fence, that guy. That’s. Yeah, some kind of strange microbe. So then, then what does the media come out and do? They call it norovirus.
And they show image of. They. They show an image and they allege. They. They lie and tell us it’s a virus. And, and it’s. All this is, is. Is red blood cells dying. They’re starting to spike. That’s what they do in their death apparatus. But those are images that they give to us of the spike. The spike cells. Those are our cells that are dying. And there’s another image. These are the images we see of the coronavirus. Right, you guys. Oh, spiky, spiky. Just so that’s our blood cells under that kind of stress. I’m going to come back to you now.
And so the stress is emf. The stress is toxicity. So in one of those slides, we saw a little parasite that could be the stress. But in the earlier slides, it was all EMF toxicity or chemicals that we couldn’t see in the blood. And those cells were starting to die. They spike out when they, when they die, they start dying or damaging. And then they aggregate, they start sticking together and they cause. Obviously cell death occurs. And that can occur in any organ. And particularly what we’ve seen it happen is in cardiac, you know, the sudden cardiac death where heart, Heart cells are doing that.
And so, yeah, so the cardio nf, the infection kit are beautiful for that. The clay. Do yourself a flavor. A flavor. Do yourself a flavor. And everything that you put in your mouth, make sure you’re using the clay. If you have, if you sit down and have a beautiful grape or a handful of peanuts, you just ate 70 to 80 different pesticides, 12 to 15 on your lettuce. So let’s remove them by using clay on everything. It’s a way to help. Yeah. Wash everything in the clay. Soak it in the clays. And takes a tremendous burden off our detox organ systems to remove it before we eat it.
Very nice. Yeah. So the Intuitive Wellness in the store, you can get that, Michael. Kjaco.com and then once you go to that site, my kjo.com you click on Intuitive Wellness and that takes you to the shop and you got the products in the shop. Definitely want these going forward. Don’t want these guys coming in and hitting us with some kind of new bioweapon. All right. Not fun. It’s coming probably, unfortunately. Yeah. It’s progressive. Hey, no. And we can say no. They’re not going to do that. But then we have to just look back on history and unfortunately they, they have been doing that.
Yeah. So great, great way to protect ourselves. Yeah, we’re very, we’re very responsible. We’re, we’re like, like you’ve said over and over, personal responsibility. And they’re not going to stop doing their thing. And we have to be as best ready as we possibly can with God’s help and, and helping each other together. Amen. Yes. And if you haven’t joined Hogan’s Heroes, we’re doing another post today. And so if you guys that have used the letter cool, maybe the next couple weeks we can start getting some feedback from you. But today we’re going to do a cool.
Hogan’s going to show you. He’s going to do a live Dun and Bradstreet company lookup on a couple of public. We’re going to do the FBI. How’s that? And so you’re going to see a video by this evening on Hogan’s Heroes about the FBI company lookup. So you can see with your own eyes that it’s a private for profit corporation. Incredible. That’s cool. Very cool. Very, very, very cool. So, yeah. So the link for Hogan’s Heroes is in the chat, or not the chat, but in the description box. Link for the store products, in the description of the specials for this week and definitely get in and take charge of your life.
Right. It’s gonna, it’s gonna get, gonna get hinky, gonna get crazy out there. So somebody’s asking, what would you do? Someone is, I think they were saying there was somebody’s having coughing for the last eight months. What would you do for that? So when you have a chronic condition, I, my first thought is always, always, always try to remember this. You’ve heard Michael and I talk about it probably a hundred times if once. My first thought is always biofilm. Okay. So you probably got sick at some point or even were exposed to somebody who was sick and now you have a little biofilm in your bronchial or in your deeper lungs.
Yeah. They’re saying they’re wheezing. Wheezing for eight months or more. Yeah. So what I would do is jump in the store, get the infection kit special and maybe get a couple of them. And I’d probably start out with, start out with like 6 caps and then ramp right up to a dozen to 18 until you start seeing. You’ll probably within 48 hours you’ll start getting relief and then you’ll know. And then stay at that dose until it goes away and then start trickling back down the other direction. So start out small six caps. Ramp it up to a dozen or more.
You play with your doses, you’ll know your body will intuitively, if you listen to it, it will tell you. And so once you start feeling relief, you’ll start feeling it very quickly. And then stay at that dose for a couple weeks. And if that’s too much, your stomach will tell you. Just listen and then start dropping off. And then pretty soon you won’t have that anymore. So whenever you have a chronic condition, the first thing that comes to my mind 100 of the time is biofilm, not virus. We’ll talk about virus again next week because I want to tell my.
I want to tell this story about this beautiful Egyptian woman that I got. I got to sit and talk with this. With this week about virus. And I thought, man, I wish. I wish Mike was right here and we could just talk about this together, because it was incredible. She was a beautiful. Just, you know, just a lovely lady from Egypt. And. And so we had a cool time. And I’d like to. We’ll share that next time. Yeah, sounds great. Yeah, it’s good, good to, you know, inform people about the real truth about viruses. All right, sir, thank you very much.
Thanks everybody joined us. You know, stay in the love operation, stay healthy, and we’ll see you guys next time. Love y’all. See you next time.