JFK files released what does that mean going forward?

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➡ The JFK files have been released, sparking debate about their authenticity and the truth they reveal. The speaker suggests that the files may have been manipulated by groups like the CIA to control the narrative. He also discusses the theory that JFK’s assassination was orchestrated by a powerful group, including the mob, who were unhappy with JFK’s policies. The speaker also mentions James Files, a self-proclaimed assassin, who claims to have been part of the assassination and has shared his experiences in a book and on shows.
➡ The text discusses the use of auto pens by presidents for signing documents, the potential lack of transparency in government, and the speaker’s experiences in the military and CIA. It also mentions the release of JFK files, the involvement of mafia in CIA operations, and the alleged creation of Facebook by the CIA. The speaker suggests that there are corrupt individuals in high positions, including the Supreme Court, and praises Trump’s strategy of exposing them.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the anticipation of the release of Jeffrey Epstein and JFK files, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and the involvement of the CIA in drug trafficking. It also mentions the alleged cover-ups by the FBI and CIA, and the death of a woman whose case was quickly closed. The text suggests that these issues are part of a larger conspiracy involving deep state actors.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including the murder of Dorothy May Kill Gallon and the involvement of LBJ in the JFK assassination. It also criticizes the push for renewable energy sources like wind and solar power, arguing they are unreliable. The author expresses frustration with the current tax system, suggesting a one-time consumption tax instead. Lastly, it mentions the forced sale of properties in Florida due to the need for modernization of older buildings.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including concerns about rising taxes and the perceived threat of communism. They express support for Elon Musk and suggest harsh penalties for those who damage Tesla vehicles. They also discuss the impact of COVID-19 on Fox News staff and express skepticism about the vaccine. Finally, they mention the use of Life Wave patches as a potential health solution, but note that many doctors can’t recommend them due to insurance restrictions.
➡ The text discusses the use of lightweight patches for pain management, with some insurance companies covering the cost. It also mentions a rise in child deaths in Japan after COVID vaccinations, and suggests insurance companies may be hiding the true number of deaths. The text then shifts to financial matters, discussing a drop in the stock market and cryptocurrencies, and a rise in gold and silver values. It ends by highlighting the U.S. national debt and the devaluation of the U.S. dollar.
➡ The article discusses the potential economic downturn and the increasing value of gold and silver. It suggests that as countries like China and Japan sell off U.S. Treasuries, the dollar’s value could decrease, leading to a rise in gold and silver prices. The article also warns about the high U.S. debt, which is over $175 trillion when considering entitlements like Social Security and Medicare. Lastly, it advises against investing in the stock market due to potential losses and instead recommends investing in gold and silver.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the value of copper, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the strained relations between Israel and Palestine, and the cultural differences between Muslims and other religious groups. They also touch on the fluctuating prices of eggs due to the pandemic and the Biden administration’s actions, and the potential impact of the Federal Reserve’s decisions on the stock market. Lastly, they predict a rise in silver prices due to increased demand and pressure on short positions.
➡ The price of silver is expected to rise rapidly, possibly reaching over $300. This is due to manipulation of the market by banks, particularly JP Morgan and Bank of America, who have been artificially controlling the price of silver. Experts like Bix Weir, who provides insights on the gold and silver market, believe that these banks will face consequences for their actions. This could lead to a significant increase in the price of silver.


Hello everyone, it’s Michael Jacob with Unleashing Intuition Secrets. So we have the JFK files have been released. What does that even mean? Who did those files? Are they, have they been compromised? Have they, are they telling all the truth? Was the truth co opted by a group like the CIA? And then, you know, they inserted what they wanted people to find out in the future. So maybe that’s where we’re at, guys. But we know because I’ve done many of those shows of who was responsible on that day and why they did what they did. They basically put out a, an assassination for JFK because he was not doing what they wanted.

They wanted to start a war with Russia. Russia, Russia, Russia again. It’s crazy. They wanted to clean Cuba. The mob wanted Cuba cleaned. That’s why they got a lot of mob people that were involved in the shooting on that day. Many shooters on that day were lined up ready to take those shots all along the route. So the favorite spot was where JFK was shot. So there’s a lot of people that are going to talk about and I’ve heard them, you know, this is what had really happened. This is what really happened. This is who the shooters were.

This was who JD Tippets was the guy that got shot and JD Tippets was the one that was a shooter behind the fence. All kinds of, you know, all over the map. Some of these people, I think are paid disinformationless by the CIA. So. But we’ve had the real deal. We’ve had James Files on, we’ve talked, we’ve had him on all the demigod. And I had him on a couple shows and we also did a couple shows with Jungle Jim. He came in and we did a couple shows and James Files comes, came in and talked on those shows.

So there is plenty of information out there already that is factual, but there’s the disinformation campaign. There’s those that don’t want to go there because that’s the truth and they want to hide the truth so they ignore it. Or, you know, you say that’s just a conspiracy theory. That guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. It’s, it’s the guy he was there on, on that day. He was the guy behind the picket fence. So, you know, I, I and Jim have been in the military. We know real warriors, real shooters and so forth. And James File is the real deal, guys.

You know, he’s, he’s written a book. We’ve helped him promote his book Interview with History, uh, the, the basic JFK assassin. So he wasn’t the only assassin. And he talks about that in his book and he’s talked about it on our shows. He says that Nicoletti, one of the group of assassins, uh, trained by the FBI, not FBI, but, but uh, by 40 assassins that were trained by uh, George W. Bush senior, George H.W. and uh, so he was the guy that was their train. He trained them. Now in the book and on other interviews, James Files had said that when George W.

Bush Senior was in the CIA, he told him and the, the survivors at that point, you know, from the 40 assassins that if they ever needed help getting out of a situation, that he would send some, he would send somebody to pick them up within 24 hours. So this is Daddy Bush basically saying, you know, as, as the head of the CIA because they were, you know, funded and paid for by the CIA, that if they had any, any problems that he would come running and, and rescue them. This was long after the JFK assassination. So there’s obviously a group and has been a group of people deep state that is running the show from behind and they’re so powerful that they can assassinate a president and they can determine that this president is treasonous in their opinion.

And they have, they’ve created assassin teams and they go out and basically carry out assassinations. And they’ve done it around, all around the world. James Files talked about how he’s been on assassinations all around the world for this CIA assassination group. All right, now he’s the last time he was on, you know, he talked about, because a lot of people were saying, how can, you know, how can this person that, you know, did this horrible thing to our president? How can he come out and, and talk like this? Well, he is probably one of the only survivors at this point.

And unfortunately, you know, he’s not doing all that well, maybe not surprisingly. And he, he may only have a short period of time. Now I have sent him lifeweight patches and I’m going to probably send him some more. Uh, carnosine is a patch that basically helps the heart. I guess he’s got some heart issues. They, he’s basically was going to get some work done at his heart. And the doctors are told him over a month ago that he was, he was so bad off, they just sent him home to die. So I got patches to him.

He’s been on the patches. So we’re still hearing his testimony now. We have said that Anna Luna, you know, come forward, give this man immunity. Stop waiting for you know, Cash Patel and you know, Pam Bondi because they’re dragging their feet on this. We had to get Tulsi Gabbard to release this. Trump got Tulsi Gabbard releases. No, neither one of those two. Are they scared? Are they scared? Are they in dire situations? Because we know a lot of people have been, I mean, they can assassinate the President, United States, then, you know, obviously our President of the United States is being protected quite well.

Are they concerned? Tulsi Gabbard having been, you know, former military and has called out these people already and those are the dangers that she’s under. You know, she is, I’ve seen her shoot, she’s a great shooter. So maybe they don’t want to mess with her. But, uh, she released the files today, so they’re out there. I posted it on my, the, the Internet site where you can go start to view the 80, 000 pages that are out there now. Do you want to let, do you want to go review those 80, 000 pages? Do you really think those 80, 000 pages are going to lead you to some kind of conclusion of who was involved? Maybe, I don’t know, maybe some people are going to find some really good information in there.

Maybe they’re gonna go off on wild goose changes on purpose, right? Maybe there’s disinformation planted in there. Maybe there’s factual information planning there. Of course, there’s always factual information that’s planted in there. So you think that you find, you find one fact that you know, then the rest must be factual as well, right? I’m, I’m very surprised at this point that we’re not letting someone like James files giving him immunity so he can come forward and talk about this, you know, immunity because, you know, he could incriminate himself in a lot of other crimes that, you know.

Now that we look at the deep state, we’re saying these, these are all criminals. Now he’s working for the deep state, getting paid for the deep state by the deep state. And he’s working for an arm of the deep state, which a lot of these guys believe is the real, you know, control of the, of America, which in a lot of ways it is. So why wouldn’t you want to work for the, the real controller of America? I mean, just ask both, both of the Bush presidents. Oh, they were obviously controlled by the deep state. Ask the Clintons.

Controlled by the deep state. Ask Obama. Controlled by the deep state. So ask General Miley. Controlled by the deep state. So we all Know this. All these people, uh, Biden, obviously, Deep State. Uh, Hunter Biden, Deep State. So all of these people, we know already that they’re controlled and part of the Deep State. It’s not a great mystery here. We don’t need JFK files to figure this out. It’s a done deal. Right? Yeah. Everybody wanted to get. Okay, so there you go. All right, so you good? You good? Okay, let’s start taking care of these Deep State actors.

All right? The Bush family. Let’s go. Let’s get them. Let’s go. There’s one of them still alive. All right, That’s a criminal. 9, 11. Criminal. Georgie boy Bush needs to go away, if he hasn’t already. I don’t know, maybe it’s an actor, just like, you know, we saw the actor Biden, uh, and now, uh, his presidency is basically being canceled because he had the, uh, auto pin for everything. And that doesn’t work well. It doesn’t work with a lot of people. And we made like. We brought it to light. We talked about it. Yeah, he’s. He’s signed an auto pin.

That’s. That’s bs and we. A lot of people brought up that you must do a wet signature for certain things. All right? And if you don’t have a wet signature, some things you can have auto pin. Trump has used auto pin for one signature that I know of. He submitted to that, but it was for something that you don’t need a wet signature for. You can do all. All the. All the presidents have done auto pen pretty much to the certain level when auto pins were available. So. And if they weren’t available, there’s somebody’s wife was signing stuff off.

Right. Uh, so we know that was happening, uh, for people in the past as well, people that were invalids and basically were no longer capable. But it was hidden. Pray. We’ve had presidents like that. So Eleanor Roosevelt supposedly was signing stuff for Theodore in his last days, and he was no longer capable of signing anymore. So there’s. There’s got to be. Yes, it’s got to be, uh, transparency all the way. All the way through everything. So, yeah, we got the files released. What does that mean? I can tell you. I’ve been in the CIA. I’ve been in the back, all the stuff in the.

In the military guys. I’ve been, you know, operations chief for three different commands and a warrior throughout the SEAL team, SEAL Team 6, you know, combat action in the CIA. Combat, you know, combat zones all over the place. Hunting terrorists. I saw the way Information was moved around. I saw the Mockingbird media moving information. I saw the media given information when I was in the military that was basically non factual, right. To mislead on purpose so that the, the press would run in a certain direction so that we could do our missions and not get compromised.

Right. So this is something that is done legitimately. I believe in some instances like I just described and in other instances not good. Right. So I’ve seen both, I’ve seen both. I, I find it highly unlikely we’re going to have some incredible conclusions from the JFK files. I find it highly unlikely. One of the most incredible things that we could do right now would be to have James files come out and, and Anna, Pauline and Luna. Hello. All right, get him, you can fly there with a team and you know, get his confession or I don’t know, he’s kind of, it’s kind of a bad way right now.

I don’t know if you’re going to get him to fly anywhere but you know, get him, you know, so that he can, he can you know, talk. He’s not going to only reveal about JFK assassination. He’s going to give you so much information that would spill the beans on so many different, you know, you know, assassinations around the world. Who was involved, who basically to his, his knowledge. Of course he’s, it’s, everything’s got parametalized. He didn’t know who was, who else was shooting. He recommended Nicoletti, who he was, you know, I guess he admired Nicoletti. He talked about that in an interview that we did.

Mafia guys, right? So they’re mafia and they work for the CIA in an assassination group. So a lot of these guys, a lot of these guys, you know, they’re doing the drugs and the, the weapons trafficking and the human trafficking into Mena Airport with President or Bill Clinton as the governor there, in full knowledge of the operations and keeping them under wrap, letting them use the airport there in Arizona. Right. So, and, and this was part of the, the 40 assassination group. You know, one of them was uh, trained as a pilot. Uh, we had Tom Cruise do the American made a movie and that was uh, you know, the guy that was in James Files group.

He talks about him and he flew, he flew a lot of missions in the United States people to go on assassination hits. And I think maybe one of those was Marilyn Monroe. I don’t know if he flew for that one. But you know, he would fly the, the guys in, they would do the hit and he’d fly them Back, flying back to Illinois, Chicago, and they would, they would go down into South America and other places. They were you know, basically taking down governments, assassinating the leaders of governments guys, and then the CIA put installed their puppet.

So this is uh, this has been going on for quite some time obviously for decades upon decades upon decades all the way back and before uh, jfk, uh, these uh, American made assassination teams all around the world, American made drug running that the CIA gets black money from so it can fund its operations to control the world, to control politicians, to control businesses like Amazon and on and on and on. So, and Facebook, uh, they create, CIA created Facebook, right. They paid for, they’ve let you know, Facebook make all kinds of money. Zuckerberg has made billions of dollars really, you know, and so what does he do with that Money? And the 2020 election he was responsible for you know, funneling money into all, all of the, all the, the illegal election stuff.

So that’s already known. So I guess he’s like in bed with Trump now. He’s gonna, he’s gonna do what Trump tells him to do. And so he’s working for the white hats now, I guess. I don’t know. It’s, it’s, it’s interesting. There’s parallels, there’s lines and then there’s you know, just jagged stuff out there that no one can figure out. Right. Unless you get a guy like James Files to come in. So we need him to come in and testify with immunity. Now we’ve got a lot of information, you know, from his books. We’ve, we’ve promoted his book.

He’s got a great book. And I’ll put the, actually put the link to his book. You can, he’s still got a couple hundred. Now he’s supposed to go on a show tonight. We were trying to get him on our show but we had scheduling conflicts with you know, Jungle Gym. So Jungle Jim is going to try and come on Friday. So we’ll try and get him on Friday. Uh, but he is going on uh, a very major uh, show. I don’t know if I can uh, disclose it yet and probably, probably not a good idea that I do, but he’s going to be in front of millions of people, millions of people probably tomorrow night.

So he’s doing a show tonight and he’s doing a show probably tomorrow. Yeah. Barry Seal. Thanks. Truth or Mike. So Barry Seal was a guy that basically, you know, had committed suicide in his car outside of his, I think apartment, shot himself two times in the back of the head. Something, something like that. Now there’s, there’s a lot of people that are involved in a lot of this stuff. So if you look at Trump, Attorney General, not the one now. So his last administration. Who is his Attorney General? Last administration, Trying to think of his name.

Attorney. Nope, nope. Attorney General under Attorney Trump Attorney General 2016. So that’ll get it. Probably you guys have already keeps coming up with Pam. Bonnie. Damn it. Don’t want me to know Barr. Thank you. So Attorney General Barr is as crooked as they come. That’s eventually. That’s why Trump got him in there, so he could be exposed. All right. And I think he exposed himself quite well. So from what, you know, we’ve heard from Juan Osavan, he said this on my show, that Attorney General Barr was part of the Bush family fixer. So when, you know, we had, you know, Barry Seal, American made Barry Seal, they suspected him of, you know, dumping out money.

So they give him like, stealing money from them. So they give him like duffel bags full of money. I guess Barry Seals was like dumping it out. They went back to pick some of it up and a couple kids were out and they noticed, so they killed the kids. They put them on a railroad track and. Railroad track, Basically, you know, kids just playing on railroad tracks in the middle of the night, you know, got run over by a train. So, so Bar basically went and did investigation down to South America and they’re like, yeah, you should have this much money.

And Bar was like, yep, we’re missing a bag full of money. And so Barry Seals got a couple, couple rounds in the back of the head and they called it suicide. So that’s the story from Juan. So you see how many people are involved here, guys. You have dirty politicians like the Bush family. You have dirty as. Geez, you should know by now, you know, not only politicians, but judges. Attorney General, the highest, you know, level in the United States government. Attorney General Barr. Dirty, dirty guy. Right. And, and so are there people that are even higher? Probably.

Right. So I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t doubt that. We have, uh, you know, some of the people in the Supreme Court that are dirty guys. Uh, wouldn’t, wouldn’t. I’d be very surprised if we don’t. So you have a lot of stuff that needs to be cleaned up. Now. I like the way Trump does it. He let, he lets them expose themselves. He brings them into a position, high profile position, and then they can’t wiggle. And then everybody sees them for who they really are. So he did that in his first administration, he did exceptional job of that.

Is he doing it now? He may be doing it now with some of the people he picked. You know, we have to wait and see what happens with Bondi and Patel. I have not seen any performance out of them. Personally, I’m disappointed that, uh, you know, all the stuff that they talked about they were going to do, they haven’t done it. So Jeffrey Epstein files are supposed to be coming out, uh, this week as well. Uh, and, uh, Pam Bondi said that she was going to do that, and she hasn’t done it yet. And we had, we had Trump on a talk, I think, either Saturday or Sunday talk show, and he says they’re coming out next week.

Here we are, next week. So he said yesterday that JFK files will be coming out today. So I’m anticipating at some point in the next day or two he’s going to say, and now we’re going to release the Epstein files. True to his word, you know, Trump eventually gets it done. Right. So another thing that he said that he was going to end the war in Ukraine, that has not happened yet. Of course. You know, he’s done quite the efforts on the truck, the massive Trump effort. I think some of that is he’s letting Russia have a little wiggle room so that they can get in position where it’s, you know, they’ve taken down the NATO deep state apparatus fairly well, and he’s taken the heat for that because, you know, he made these promises and he hasn’t kept them yet.

He could really, I think, probably push this thing, but he’s, I believe he’s letting Russia, you know, clean house of the deep state, uh, the Nazis and, uh, Ukraine, uh, again, a better position. Now from. I saw one thing where he called Putin today and Putin put him on hold and he, you know, you don’t put Trump on hold. It’s like, okay, screw you. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but it’s, it’s pretty, pretty impressive, you know, how far he has actually taken, you know, you know, the situation right now. So, uh, Russia got all of their territory back, uh, from Ukraine, and that was kind of a sticking point.

Uh, Trump basically stopped all intelligence for Ukraine because Ukraine refused to make peace. And then they did. So then he’s like, let it, let it go. Because. And of course, Russia was able to sneak in behind the lines through a pipeline. Russians have done this on several occasions. And they got in behind the lines of Ukraine, their defenses, and basically their defenses collapsed. And they, they basically pushed him out of Russia. So now because Russia has been able to, and they took from all their other lines and they, they lost a little bit of territory throughout their entire massive front line, uh, they were able to get enough people together to make a big push and take that, that territory back after that, you know, collapse of the, uh, front lines.

Now imagine Russia doing that in another location like just north of Kiev. Yeah. So if they can do it there, they can do it anywhere, guys. But at this point, I think they want to grab territory that’s going to be, keep them with enough buffer in case NATO decides to come in and you know, hammer Moscow, sneak some, you know, weapons in or something. So I don’t know, we’ll see, you know, how much longer I think that Russia should, you know, say, look, we can’t trust these guys having a military. We need to basically, you know, take it down to nothing.

And then, and then we’ll settle, right? We’ll settle with NATO. But if NATO continues to send in their troops, what they’ve been doing, mercenary troops have been coming from all over the world and, and from NATO, NATO military, still active military have been going into Ukraine on, in massive numbers and, and Russia has been killing the hell out of them. All right, so they’re not too happy about that. But that’s the way wars are. You want to, you want to play, you’re going to find out, you want to f around, you’re going to find out, right? So that’s what NATO, that’s happening with NATO.

All right, so I’m going to play a little clip. This is a little, little insight into JFK there. I think there were something like over a hundred people. I mean, I don’t know if it’s, if it’s more than the Clinton death count, but there were a lot of people that were witnesses on, on the jfk. Now we’re going to find about that. We’re going to find out about all these 100 plus people that were killed, you know, that had information or doing like an investigative reporter was killed. We’re gonna, I’m gonna show you a little clip of that.

Are we going to find out about that in these JFK files? Do you really think so? I don’t. I, I promise you we’re not, right, we’re gonna find out at some point all the people that were killed, you know, hiding the Clinton information. Because remember, Clintons work for the CIA allowing the CIA to bring in drugs through Mena airport and so that they could track they could make money off those drugs coming into America. So who’s the biggest drug dealer in America? The CIA. The CIA. It’s been that way all the way since all the way back to the Vietnam War.

And George Bushy Boy Senior was involved in that. Bringing opium from the, the Thai triangle, right? You know, Vietnam, all the, all those, all those, the opium triangle. Putting them into, you know, bodies and caskets of American troops just like they did in another, uh, opium area, which was Afghanistan. You know, same situation, guys, same situation. Clinton’s, you know, the Bushes. It doesn’t, Obama, it doesn’t matter. These guys work for the Deep State and they’re Deep State puppets. And Biden, you know, we’re going to like cancel his administration completely. It’s, it’s coming. All right, so let me, let me play this one little clip.

So I mean we can look at the JFK files, but we need people like, you know, James Files, who’s one of the last survivors. God, God willing. God protected. I believe he came on my show and said that, you know, and he said, he said this on many occasions that he has found, he’s found God, he’s found Jesus. He atones for all the people that he killed. So we, we know that when you do that, that’s, that’s what we want to hear. That’s what God wants to hear. That’s what Jesus wants to hear. So he’s done that.

He’s stood a lot of time in jail, guys. He’s been federal penitentiary for a long time and they still have control of him. He can’t leave the state of Illinois. He has to stay within a few counties, five counters or something. So they’re still controlling him. He’s on probation, so they’re just trying to wait him out till he dies and probably hooked him up with something to kill him. Just like they came in and tried to like assassinate me with a hilo. Came in and like jammed my heart. And so that’s why I’m going to send him some carnosine, because I take carnosine and my heart is nice and strong.

So let’s listen to this. 1965, a 52 year old woman was found dead in her Manhattan townhouse. Between the time her body was discovered in about six hours later, FBI agents swarmed that townhouse. Now the FBI and the CIA were involved in covering up the JFK assassination. They’re still involved in criminal activity covering up the Lahaina directed energy weapon attack. And they’re also involved in the LA directed Energy weapon attacks. So they come in and they start to make sure that everything gets suppressed that needs to be suppressed. And I’m not saying all the FBI does this.

There’s special teams in the FBI that do this. Guys, just like I talked about. James Files was a special team for the CIA, right? So there’s special teams that do these criminal activities. We need to root them out. We need to discover who they are and point them out. Are we going to find out through the JFK files, you know, who the FBI agents are that were involved in this? And so that we can say so. And so FBI agent was involved in covering up, you know, this reporter’s death. Let’s listen. More of her documents, all of her files, everything they could find.

Quickly, an autopsy was performed with the conclusion that this woman died of a combination of barbiturates and alcohol circumstance. Wow. Sounds like Marilyn Monroe, doesn’t it? So probably, I don’t know if James Files group that came in assassinated her, but probably undetermined. Despite that confusing message, there was no investigation. None of her colleagues, none of her people that knew her, none of her family, nobody that knew this particular woman stood up for her and said, that’s not what would have happened here. More than 10,000 people went to her funeral weeping over the loss. And this woman was buried.

And for 55 years, almost 55 years, she was ignored. She disappeared. That is, until now. The name of that woman was Dorothy May Kill Gallon. And as you will learn, she was murdered. And for 53 years, she has been denied the. The justice she deserves. So this, I mean, we’re going to get more of this. We’re going to find out, you know, more people that were involved in this. Lbj, he was definitely involved. He knew. He was concerned that they would kill him, too. And they’re like, oh, no, no, no, no, you’re. You’re good. Don’t worry.

We. We got you. All right, now. Now, when they, when they were in the car. So LBJ was in the second car, making sure. Now, AB LBJ wanted a. You know, I, I’ll see if we can talk about this on Friday. LBJ wanted a senator that was giving him a lot of problems to be in the seat in front of Kennedy. And that’s why the governor of Texas was shot. That’s why they targeted him. And it was supposed to be a kill shot. They didn’t realize it was the governor. They thought it was a senator because LBJ told them, I guess he argued with JFK to put in there because he wanted him assassinated.

And you know, JFK was like, no, he’s just a senator. I want the, I want the governor to get the respect that he deserves. So there was argument, you know, LBJ had to like, back off knowing that, you know, oh, so that’s why the governor of Texas got shot, Connolly. That’s why he got shot, guys. And it wasn’t a magic bullet, of course. You know, the CIA, you know, creates these fake stories and the press pushes it, the Mockingbird media pushes it, because they’re in bed with the CIA. They, they don’t do investigative reporting like this poor woman Dorothy Killigan Kilgalan did.

She was doing investigative reporting and they killed her for it. Right? So it’s, it’s ruthless. They have incredible control. They can kill hundreds of people that are involved or know something about assassinations. So you. It’s, it’s incredible how far and wide their breadth and scope is. The many different things are they’re involved in. It’s, it’s insane. Very, very shocking. So the files, the JFK files, Do you really, at this point, after I’ve been conversing about this for this point, do you really think the JFK files and the Epstein files for that matter, are going to really give us deep insights as to who then who’s involved in the scope of the involvement? No, if they do give us any insight to any one, it’s going to be a patsy, right? It will be a patsy.

And we know what happens to patsies, all right? They die. And a lot of times patsies are not involved. They’re just, you know, they’re misdirection. So that’s, that’s what happens, unfortunately. All right, so Teslas test. Sorry, I got a little chesty stuff. Tesla’s on fire. Shot at, at Las Vegas. So the, you know, the liberals, they love Teslas when they’re trying to push the, you know, the stupid energy, uh, thing that they were like, you know, windmills and, you know, solar power and let’s, let’s start taking down all of the, you know, nuclear reactors, the coal fired plants.

Yeah, let’s start. Let’s let the fish swim upstream and take down the, you know, electric hydroelectric power dams. So these idiots are basically making us dependent on a source of electricity that’s not dependable. How do those, you know, wind farms work when there’s no wind? How do the solar power work when it’s raining or when it’s snowing? When they’re covered with snow? Right. They don’t, obviously. So it is, it is. It’s bs. Complete bs. So now and they push the, you know, they push the Teslas. Oh Tesla, get a Tesla, get electric vehicles. We gave a tax break and now everybody wants to turn on Elon.

Remember how they turned on Elon when he, when he took over X? And now they’re turning on Elon now that he’s basically freeing our money. Freeing our money because the, the Democrats and the leftist loons want us to have our money taken from us and, and just distributed to just random people all over the world. People that want to be sex change in Nairobi. You know, millions of dollars here. Here in millions of dollars for that. Right? How? It’s just insane. And then, you know, 25 of the department of Education is actually spent on children and then the other 75% is money laundered, much of that money laundered back to the Democrats.

Why do you think the Democrats are screaming so hard about, you know, having their favorite department of Education taken down? It’s, it’s. And of course the Department of Education has turned into the department of like, you know, Mockingbird Media. A communist takeover of our educational system to indoctrinate our children into transgenderism, which is basically helping destroy the families and also communism, you know, and that’s what they’re pushing. We need to do away with the Department of Education and then turn it back to the states merit based system. If your child is in a school where they’re failing because they’re poor teachers that are, you know, funded by Democrat institutions and Democrat state and stupid.

Right? Then get them out and put them in a private school that has excellent education and that will be funded by your, by your, your state taxes now. State taxes. We’re, look, we’re moving very quickly here in Florida to no property tax. Uh, that is, that is on the. I guess they’re getting ready to put that on the ballot. Vote on it. That will be massive. So I guess maybe a one time thing the way it is now, you can, you can buy your property. Let’s say I went out and I buy a hundred thousand dollar property ten years ago and I paid cash or it’s paid for at this point, whatever.

And now it’s worth a million bucks. So I’m paying property tax. Let’s say I, I paid cash when I bought it. So I’m still paying tax. I still don’t own it. It’s not my property. I’m still paying the state or my county. It does, it doesn’t really go to the, it doesn’t go to the state, it goes to the counties. So the counties are the ones that basically rob us. And a lot of that is, is robbed into the education system. So I don’t have kids anymore. I, my children have grown and they’re not in the education system anymore.

Right. So they’re adults. Why do I have to continue to pay into that over and over again, you know, decade after decade? It’s should be a one time fee and then that’s it, a consumption tax. So you buy something, you pay a one time fee and you’re done. Right? We’re moving, we’re moving towards that across the board for everything. No, no taxes whatsoever other than when you buy something, you pay a one time tax and we are done. Right? Never again. So my hundred, my hundred thousand dollar, you know, assessed that 100,000 and I, let’s say I pay, I don’t know what the tax rate is here for that.

I don’t know, property here. I was going to buy property here, but I’m, I’m not, I’m not doing it now. But 2%. So 2% is basically, I don’t know, I pay a couple thousand a year, right? So then over time, because everybody wants to move to Florida, you know, because of pandemic, it blows up and now it’s like worth a million bucks. So I’m paying like not 2,000 but 20,000 a year in taxes. And that’s what a lot of people. So you have, you know, people on fixed income, seniors that come, you know, leave the great white north and come down here where it’s nice and warm as they, in their later years so they can, you know, live a nice life in luxury.

So they buy their homes and they pay a certain tax and the tax rate just continually goes up and up and up and eventually they, they can’t afford it anymore. That’s where we’re at. Seniors that bought condos and that. Remember that fake, you know, building collapse, condo collapse. Total fake. Total fake. Direct. Well, not fake. It definitely collapsed, but it was fake as far as like there was like in the swimming pool, there was some corrosion and it caused a little area of, you know, collapse and it collapsed all those buildings into the footprint. Right? Very much like 9, 11.

So we know that that was, that was complete. Right. So there’s many different reasons why they did that. You know, we’ve talked about them over the years. I said right from beginning and now any building that’s over a certain age has to have major repair. So a lot of these places where seniors live, they’re like, ah, we’re just going to push that. We can’t afford that. They were able to get away with that for a long time, but now the state of Florida has determined that all old buildings like that one that collapsed in its footprint have to be.

Go through modernization, and it’s costing them massive amounts of money. So they’re. They’re forced to sell. So there is just like we saw in 2008, 2009, we’re seeing the same crash situation happening. And I think that’s one of the reasons why Ron DeSantis is trying to push very quickly, very hard to get this property tax, you know, so maybe you can get some people to stay. I don’t know. We’ll see. They’re definitely milking us all over the. All over the country, guys, on taxes. We’re standing up to it. We’re gonna go. I went from 7k 700 here in Tennessee.

Nice. 700. Wow. You went the other way. 10x down. So good. So that’s. And of course, New York doesn’t have the highest access in California, but they’re pretty, they’re pretty high up there, obviously from that. So good job, Tianardis. So, yeah, crazy, crazy stuff. So the crazies, leftist, they want to, like, you know, make things even more difficult for the rest of us. And that’s. That’s their intention. They’re communists. They want control of our country. We’re gonna have to fight for it. All right. I don’t know what that fight looks like. We’ve been talking about that for the last four years.

Uh, now we’re getting to the point where it’s time to, uh, really push back on. Right, Right. So the people that are burning the Teslas, I think there should be a special. Well, place in hell for them, obviously, but a special place for them to. Maybe Trump will come out if you. And, you know, he. He’s got to be careful because he’s like, you know, trying to protect his boy too much and, uh, which I don’t care. I. I think, I think it should. What. What benefit is Elon Musk getting from helping America right now with Doge? I.

I don’t know if he gets a salary, but I, I mean, he’s a multi. He’s the rich. I think he’s the richest man in the world. It’s like well over $100 billion. You know, why would he do that? Why. And so why not make a special law? If you burn Teslas, you’re hurting someone that’s really helping America, maybe. Because I’m putting this out right now and I’m making it okay. It’s going to happen. I think it should happen. If, if you burn Teslas, if you want to hurt the manufacturing arm of America and you do, uh, you know, terrorism, because it’s, it’s terrorism, uh, you should be, you’ll be treated as a terrorist and you’ll be executed.

Maybe not on the spot, but pretty soon afterwards. All right? So that’s where it should go. So execution for terrorism in America, and especially in, in if it applies to manufacturing and industry. Right. Not just for, you know, people. If you’re like blowing people up, definitely you’re going to go maybe on the spot if they can see, see you did it. All right. Executed on the spot. So, but, you know, foz law enforcement, I would, I would try to, you know, take them, because you have to, if you’re law enforcement, you gotta, you have to try and take them.

Unless they’re actually, uh, you know, have a deadly weapon and they’re using it, uh, to fire at you and then, you know, pow, pow, right between the eyes. So that’s, that’s one of the things that we’re going to see going forward. We’re going to start to see terrorist activity increase on a massive scale in the United States. We all know that’s coming. Everybody’s been reporting on it and it is and is overdue. Unfortunately. It is for them. Unfortunately for them, they haven’t been able to, you know, pull it off yet. Fortunately for us, we’ve been delaying it.

And I think some of that delay has been because Trump has been, Trump team has been very aggressive at going after the illegal aliens. All right. Even though we have corrupt communist judges that put 70. That one judge that basically said, oh, you can’t, you can’t send those criminals out of America. That’s, that’s unconstitutional. Right? So Trump is like, oh, yes, I can, I’m, I’m using the Illegal alien Act of 1796 or something crazy. So, and I, I, that’s, that’s the way we got to fight back against these, uh, communist criminals. Right? So somehow, some way, uh, that guy needs to be, uh, held accountable.

Now Trump, I guess, is trying to go after one of those federal judges that’s obviously involved in criminal activity. And strangely, he’s getting pushed back from one of the Supreme Court judges. Right. So we’ll see, you know, how those two duke it out and you know, what, what happens going forward. So Very, very interesting. All right, so the toll of the vaccination at Fox. So Fox News has been having people that have been going away from the vaccine, right? So Fox basically, you know they put out all employees, requires employees to report vaccination status, mandates masks for workers in confined spaces.

This is back in August 19, 2021. So now the fatalities are coming for Fox employees. I love Lou Dobbs. He was one of the best guys in the business. Great in business, Fox Business. And he also was a exceptional conservative. I don’t know if he did, but I know he was a big Trump supporter. I don’t know if he ever interviewed Trump, but President Trump, but he was absolutely incredible. So unfortunately you know, he’s gone. News commentator Dr. Kelly Powers dead at 45. And then you have veteran sports camera operator, 59, Cincinnati. So you know, Fox News correspondence in other areas.

Cameraman, uh, Terry Bradshaw, uh, he’s out sick. Uh, so we’re, we’re gonna see turbo cancer after Covet shot 40 year old news journalists. So Fox News anchor John Roberts never be afraid to ask questions with a new heart device. So John Roberts, call me up and I’ll hook you up with some carnosine so that help your heart. So we’re basically seeing a lot of these people unfortunately that mocked, uh, those that did not get the vaccination are, are going away. All right, A lot of them are going away. And you know we have been exposed to them.

So we have, unfortunately some of us have some of those issues as well. So you know, using the lifeway patches, root wellness and so forth have definitely been helpful for a lot of us. All right, so in Japan now we have the mockingbird media which basically covers things up. Japan does not have a mockingbird media obviously because they’re issuing alert as vaccinated child death surge. Vaccinated child death surge. I’ve been talking about this aggressively for well over a year now, right? So Rafael Conquista and I, Every Wednesday at 3 we come in and we, we talk about this stuff.

It is, it’s tragic. They’re covering it up. So they’re talking about the, the death rates are over 600,000. So alarmingly, Japan has recorded over 600,000 excess deaths since COVID vaccine rollout. So excess deaths, that’s above normal. So you know, we’re way past Covid. Everybody’s got herd immunity by this time I hope, right? Unless you have the MRNA vaccination which basically screws up your immune, immune, you know, system. So I think that’s why a Lot of people are having long Covid. So we’ve had a lot of people with long Covid use the patch protocol and overcome that very quickly.

So that’s, that’s one of the things that, you know, that the doctors, we, we love the doctors. The doctors do what they do, right? Some of them corrupt, of course, but, you know, they do what they do, most of them, and they, if they’re treating someone under the, uh, insurance, they have to abide by their protocols, otherwise insurance is not going to pay them. Like, if they were to come out and say, well, you can use these patches to overcome your faster wound healing, you know, heart problems and so forth, and overcoming, you know, long Covid.

So they can’t do that because they’re under medical insurance. Medical insurance is paying them. If they break their doctorial, you know, big pharma protocol, they can lose their license and they can also lose their income from insurance claims. And they won’t have access to their patients because their patients are under, you know, these different insurance groups which send them to hospitals and doctors that are under big pharma window. So they’re all in bed together. If you’re in, you know, one of these, you know, big pharma, you know, loops where you’re basically getting sicker and sicker and sicker, taking more and more pills, the only way to get out of that, unfortunately, is.

Is through. And some of these doctors, I’ve heard some of them, in fact, I have some on my team, they recommend that you go to someone that is, you know, can hook you up with Life Wave. Now some doctors are actually using it in their private practices, and we have some of those on our team as well. Not some. We have a lot, A lot of doctors, a lot of doctors have been speaking out about it, so, and saying how they use them in their private practices and recommend them and, and have great success with them.

But in the normal, you know, doctors, they’re. They’re not going to like, even. Even though you can come, you can be trying them, you can, you know, get them on your own and come in. They’re asking you, why? Why, what happened to you? You were like, you’re supposed to die. And here you are, you’re like, you know, all healthy and all your tests are healthy and what’s going on? Well, you see these. We have a lot of people that have said, I use these lightweight patches. And it basically comes back to, they can’t, they can’t accept it.

They can’t recognize it because, same thing, they’ll lose their license, they’ll lose their practices and so forth. Now some companies, we’ve had some people that say that they actually have applied. So some companies will give you, if you go to alternative means for pain management, which Life Wave does exceptional job and pain management, pain reduction, almost pain. People have been in pain for years and years and years, you know, a lot of pain reduction, better sleep, so forth. But there is, you know, a limit to what they’re going to pay you for alternative means to reduce that.

So we have people that are actually getting their patches paid for them by their insurance companies. So again, you’re not going to get a lot of patches paid, but you’re going to get the best ones. You’re going to get X39 and some of the other patches that eon so forth that basically help people out quite a bit. So, so mysterious child death skyrocket after Japanese kids were given Covid vaccines. So they’re basically reporting that and they’re saying this needs to be, you know, pushed to the world. So I looked at the number of people that are in Japan, their population and they’re 100, I think 32 million, something, something around there.

So about a third, somewhere around a third, maybe not quite a third of America. So imagine taking that 600 and multiplying it by about three. So we’re looking at close to 2 million probably excess deaths. Now after the vaccination started coming out, the insurance companies were like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. They started reporting they’re having like, you know, a double, double bad dare you type incident that only happens in once in like 500 years. That’s what they were saying, double dog dare you event. It’s like, I don’t know if it’s double, it’s definitely not double dog dairy, but some kind of like a magnitude 2 or something crazy.

Whatever they, whatever they came out with, and that was in the initial stages. Now they don’t talk about it anymore. They don’t talk about anymore because they don’t want to be, you know, paying for a lot of this stuff because they were involved in, you know, funding the vaccination program, helping to fund it and paying for it and paying doctors and all this stuff. So they’re all in, they’re all in bed with this now. They’re all, you know, could possibly in the future be held accountable. And I think that’s coming. So they’re not letting on how many people die.

They hope people aren’t paying attention and they hope people don’t realize that their Loved ones are dying because they were vaccinated. Right. So not good. Not good. We have a lot of COVID up that’s going on. I think a lot of people are going to be shocked at the level of the COVID up. It’s, it’s out of, it’s out of control. All right, so let’s look at what’s going on with the market. The market took a little dive today. It was down pretty good. It got a little bit, it pulled back just a little bit. Uh, they’re gonna wait and see what the Fed does.

So if you look at the uh, the numbers over here, the Dow Jones is down, you know, almost 300. The NASDAQ 100 down 328. They were down over 400 at one point. The triple cues down, over, I think they’re close to 10 at one point but they settled at 8. So crypto down, down pretty hard. Looks like it recovered just a little bit. But the altcoins like xrp, Ethereum, Doge and all those, they’re, they’re down, they’re down significantly. Right. So I, I told you guys, if the stock market goes down, crypto goes down. So just be careful out there.

Now we’re going to see what happens with the Fed tomorrow. So you can see here, this is the daily on the, on the stock market, this is the triple Q. So had a couple updates and now we’re back down and we’re holding here to see what happens tomorrow. Now tomorrow will we have more of this waterfall down? All right, like we did at the all time high back up here. All right, so we had a double top. So here’s our double top top high. It crashed down, then it recovered and now it’s been a waterfall down and we got a little reprieve of the Friday and yesterday and now it’s down again.

Setting up for another waterfall event potentially. Or we may see this go to new all time highs. Right. This may be just a temporary correction within a overall longer term bull market. It remains to be seen there is nothing, there is nothing substantiating this market to go higher. Everything is pointing to this market collapsing. But when you think that it makes no rhyme or reason. The stock market keeps going up because it’s manipulated. It’s not truly, you know, representative of what’s going on in our world. All right, so the sooner this thing crashes, the better for all of us.

I think if it crashes now, if it’s just a long drawn out, if it goes up again, then people are going to like you know, jump in and then they’re going to get spanked. Like a lot of people already been spanked, probably lost a lot. So gold and silver are up obviously very significantly. Gold is now at another all time high. Silver is waiting their wings to skyrocket and we’re going to talk about that a little bit. All right, So I think that you should be in silver, guys. That’s, that’s where I’m almost completely 99.9 in, in silver.

And my silver is, is lovely, right? It’s very lovely. And I, I hope you guys have a lovely supply of silver. If you’ve been listening to me for a while, you do, and you’re very happy and you should be because you listen. All right, all right. And, and you know, I’m not always right about everything, but I’m going to be unbelievably right on silver. A lot of you guys are already starting to see that. All right, so let me see if I find this one. Silver chart. So Warren Buffett and Jamie Diamond Noah monster is looming around the corner.

So we know that Warren Buffett, the, you know, everybody’s like, you know, wants to know what Warren Buffett’s doing. So for quite some time Warren Buffett has been selling his stock and he’s been accumulating cash. So why would that, why would he be doing that if the stock market is looking so good and to go up higher? Because it’s not. And because he owns so much. I mean, I, I don’t know, I don’t know if he’s at the trillion point, but he’s pretty close. I think hundreds of billions in his investment fund. And where do all the elite go? Yeah, so black rock and all those people.

So he is basically, you know, money launderer, I think, but on a massive scale. So we’re going to see, we’re going to see this, this puppy go down on a massive scale. All right, so let’s, let’s go into what’s what this is looking like. It’s not looking good. If you’re in the stock market, if you haven’t been spanked already, you’re going to get spanked. All right? Period. More emergency loans in 2008. The Fed made more emergency loans in 2023 and during financial, than during the financial crisis of 20 2008. So look at this graph. All right.

All the way back here, 2008, right. The great stock market crash back then seems so long ago now. And then we had 2022 and there’s that spike 2023 and it’s still extremely high. Right now we have more borrowing than Covid. So when Covid blew up, they borrowed like crazy. U. S borrowed. The US has borrowed, has borrowed more than under Biden than it did during COVID So you can see all of the borrowing that happened to pay for all the legal aliens and the Nazis in Ukraine. So, and the, the Democrat party and the teachers unions.

Democrat, teachers union. So it’s, it costs money. So that’s, that’s why you had to pay those taxes. So the interest serving the national debt more than defense spending. So imagine your credit card, imagine your credit card being the interest on your credit card being more than your mortgage, being more than what you pay for food being more than what you pay for your car loans. Are all of them combined. How about that? All right, that’s what’s going on with our national debt, guys. Just paying the interest. That’s all right. So US dollar has lost 25 of its value in four.

Four years. Four years gone. 25 of the value. That’s one of the reasons why silver and gold are so high, because the dollar has lost value. So where does it go? It doesn’t just fly away. It goes into gold and silver. So treasury dumping by China, Japan and others. So they’re dumping our Treasuries. The more they do that, the more potential that the dollar implodes, which it has been doing over the last several weeks while the stock market has been crashing. More gold buying than bricks. Almost four times more than the 2000. Four times more than the 2008 great financial collapse.

Four times boom. So that should be a tell to you. All right, now a lot of you are like, well, if gold has gone up so much, why are we buying silver? Because silver is going to go up faster and further percentage wise than gold. And then we’re going to start to move over to gold. Right? Because this is the way it works. Silver booms in every market downturn all the way back to 1929, 2008, 2000, you name the downturn, 80s, whatever it was, silver booms, then gold booms and then it crashes. All right, I don’t think it’s going to crash this time.

I think it’s going to stay high. All right, Warren Buffett and Jamie Diamond. No, a monster is looming around the corner. Why is Warren Buffett running for the hills? Why is Jamie diamond joining him? All right, so this was back when, what’s that? 24 February and 20 February. Jamie Dimon sells 234 million of JP Morgan stock. Warren Buffett announces record cash balance of 334 billion. And then Trump tariffs NASDAQ 100 falls 11 in 12 days. It’s like a percent a day almost. Berkshire Hathaways. Warren Buffett’s this little money laundering scheme. Cash pile swells to new record.

All right, so we go back to that 2008 level. Oh, my God. This is like way more. I don’t even know how much more. That’s 50. It’s like what, 7 or 8x? It’s pretty close. The real debt is over 175 trillion, not 36.6 and rising fast. Although Elon and Trump are trying to knock the hell out of that number, as Trump would say. So finally, maybe the single most important number is the 175.3 trillion figure that’s actually the true debt of the USA. When you take all the entitlements into account like Social Security and Medicare, and that number is itself rapidly increasing.

Don’t take it from me, take it from the February 2024 financial report. So here it is. He’s not making this stuff up. They’re not making this stuff up. That’s what they’re saying. 175.3 trillion in debt, entitlements. Wow. What is the safest asset? All right, what is the safest asset? Silver. Silver, Right. During wars, famines, fires, new maps drawn. Right. Plagues, earthquakes, fluttered at throughout history. Revolutions, new maps drawn, volcanoes, tsunamis, flood of debt, power outages. All future wars are attacks on the power grid. The idea is to take your enemy offline. So the hospitals, bank supply chains and businesses are crippled.

Gold and silver have endured thousands of wars, regime changes, revolutions, natural disasters, plagues, famines, and hundreds of recessions. Crypto has not been through one recession. So what do you think is going to happen to crypto? Because crypto has been following very closely the stock market, the NASDAQ in particular. As the NASDAQ goes down, still goes crypto. Right? So if the NASDAQ is going to crash again, which we all know it is, and if you don’t believe it, shame on you. All right, maybe it goes back up. Go ahead and put your money there. It’s up to you.

Maybe you’re smarter than the rest of us, but if you continue to invest in the stock market, at some point it’s going to become very costly for you. You’re going to probably lose 80 to 90% of your your profit. All right, what you put into the stock market and eventually that will come back and you’ll say, well, it’ll come back. If you look at 1929, it didn’t come back for like several decades. If you look at the dot com crash and then come back for about 14 years. So I mean if you’re maybe if you’re young, if you’re in your 30s and the stock market crashes, that would probably be an exceptional time for you to invest and keep investing dollar cost average in because it’s probably going to take like 15, 20, 30 years before it starts to come back.

So you can dollar cost average and accumulate over that period of time. 30 years. So you’ll be 60 and then it’ll go up, it’ll skyrocket like it did over the last, you know, you know, 15 so years since the, the last correction. So actually was it 10, about 10 years or over the last 10 years, stock market has gone up and, and hit new highs, Massive highs, massive highs. All massive, all time highs. And the, you know, when you look at, you know, the earnings, earnings for companies so forth, they’re at an all time high. If you look at a graph going from 1939 through the 80s crash, through the dot com crash, 2000 to 2008 and to today, the price and earnings ratio of companies is at that same pop.

It hits it and then it comes back, it pulls back. So it’s pulling back from that now. That’s what we’re seeing with the stock market. Will it go back up and touch it again? Maybe. I doubt it. But it’s, anything’s a possibility. Pace could fly. I don’t know. I’ve seen people still predicting that it’s going to continue to go up. All right, maybe in 30 years or so they’ll come back. But I’m just joking around, maybe it’ll come back. You know, when, when the Fed comes out tomorrow and says, and then the market goes, and then it takes off again.

He could say anything and they, they could, they’re, they’re like, we’re gonna, like, we’re gonna, one last, one last biggie, right? And then we’re gonna take that money and then we’re gonna take everybody’s money and, and put it into gold and silver and then we’re gonna crash the market. Right? It could happen, right? So I say don’t wait. I’m like Warren Buffett, get out of the stock market now. Right. I’m like Jamie Dimon, get out of the stock market now. Yeah, you make a few more percentages on your money but you’re gonna, if you stay in too long, you’re gonna lose it all.

Everything you put in, it’s going to go in a negative. Big, big negative. And it’s not going to come back for the rest of your life if you’re older. All right? So we can’t stop them. Thousands of Ukraine troops suddenly face encirclement in Russia’s Kursk. So the Russians basically noticed that the Ukrainians had shut off a pipeline that used to carry Russian oil into other areas of Europe. And because the Ukrainians are Nazis and they want to just screw everybody over and I, I guess somebody told them to shut it off because those, those areas, I don’t know if they went to Serbia or some of.

Some areas, we don’t like them anymore. Romania, Hungary, all those areas, we don’t like them anymore. They’re not part of our team, our deep state team. So shut the URL off. And boy, that was not a good idea because that gave the Russians time to like, go up those pipelines and come in behind the Ukrainians in the Kursk area, right? And then the Ukrainians ran for their lives and they died running. Most of them. And those that stayed and surrendered are still alive, but all the. Pretty much all the other ones are dead. Right? So just like the battle of the bulge by the Germans, the blitzkrieg was very effective.

It went deep and then it got spanked, right? And so the. The fruit of Ukraine was expended. The armor and weaponry of NATO in the U. S. Was expended. And they don’t have as much now Right. Of mana material. So it is going to get very bad going forward. Massive losses of, of land along the entire front, along the Russian front, right? And the Germans did not want to go to the Russian front because they died in big, big numbers there, just like the Ukrainians and just like the NATO young, young men that wanted to experience war and they’re kind of Nazi ish and thought that Ukraine was cool.

And Russia, they, they fell for the propaganda that Russia was bad. Although Russia has, you know, like America should be have. They have great families. They believe in God, they believe in country in that order, or believe in God first and then in their families and then country. So. And then America. Where are we at in that? So our country has wanted us, like most communist countries, to believe in country first. All right. Very Luciferian. And of course we have the Luciferian statue there in New York harbor. And you know, a lot of people are waking up to that.

So I’m I was surprised how many people know that when I posted that the other day. So I guess the French want it back. Uh, it’s made out of copper. I mean, if we, you know, the. The White House press secretary today said, well, they French would be speaking German today if it wasn’t for the US So screw yourself. Right? She didn’t say it like that, but pretty close. All right, And I appreciate that. That’s good. We should at least scrap that metal and, you know, that copper, because copper’s worth a lot right now. That’s a lot of money in that statue, right? In that Luciferian statue.

So what does that mean? That means that America stands for Lucifer. Right? I think that statue. Maybe we take that statue and replace it with Jesus. All right, because that’s what we really stand for. Right? All right, so, yep, the. The destruction of Ukraine will continue because Zelensky doesn’t want to really play fair. And so I guess we’re going to, like, move to another war. All right. America is going to move to, you know, blowing up Hamas. Uh, Israel has launched renewed military operations in Gaza following the collapse of a temporary ceasefire. Right. Hamas did one play by rules, but, you know, doesn’t Israel mistreat Palestinian people, too, that they capture? Yeah, yeah.

And so is it. Is it fair? No, it’s not. Trump told them, you know, give up your prisoners or we’re going to blow you up. And so they didn’t give up the prisoner. So we’re gonna blow them up. Right. So, you know, yeah, you know, Israel is jackass, you know, for, you know, being mean and. But you guys are mean, too, and. And meaner. I don’t know. So a lot of people want to go, hey, look at Hamas being, uh, brutalized by, uh, Israel. Does that make it right? That is, you know, Hamas, you know, brutalizes Americans and Israelis and that President Trump has them in the Oval Office and gives them, you know, media attention.

So you gotta. You gotta pick sides here. You know, uh, somebody’s gonna lose this war, right? So I can tell you that Muslims don’t work well with others. All right? And I’ve said that in my last show, and I don’t need to keep repeating that, but I’ve noticed that, you know, I’ve been in Muslim countries for 35 years during my career, guys, and I. I love a lot of Muslims. A lot of Muslims are great people, but for the religion, they don’t. They don’t integrate, period. Right? So Israel, Jewish. We know that the Kazarian mafia criminals are running Israel, unfortunately.

And I don’t know how that works out. All right. But I can tell you that the, the problems with the Muslims and their religion is, is something that needs to be worked out. Right. And I don’t know how that, I don’t know how. I don’t know what that looks like going forward, but at some point, until they get to the point where they can work well with others. Now, I’ve been to Turkey. It’s not as bad. Right. They’re more accepting. They’re kind of middle of the road. But it’s, it’s not perfect there either. Right. So they’ve destroyed a lot of old religious institutions as well and still do.

And the Christian, uh, places that are still left in Turkey have to be guarded and they have high fences and gates and security and all kind of crazy stuff. So you don’t need that in a Muslim. The mosque and everything, you can just walk right into them. So it’s very clear that the Muslims are not open. Jewish. Yes, of course. You know, I’ve been to a lot of Jewish events. No problem. Muslim events. I’ve been to a few, but we’ll see. Benjamin Netanyahu, I believe, is a Kazarian, is not a real, not really of the Jewish faith.

Right. Some people will probably argue that, but real Jews I don’t think would, would are not really this horrific. It’s Gazarians that do this stuff. Right. So that is, that is that we’ll, we’ll figure this out, but we have to be aware of what the problem is. And until we become aware of the problem and start to work on the problem correctly, I think like Trump is trying to do, then we’re, we’re going to continue to have problems. Right. So accepting of Muslims to show them that we are accepting, but not accepting of them when they basically, you know, don’t include other religions.

Right. Or other groups of people. That’s not accepting. All right. And that will get you kicked out. That should be kidding. If we have Muslims like that here now, they should be like, shown, shown the door and that’s the way it should be in the future. All right? Integrate or you will be excavated out. Right. Deported. So like I put out in other shows and all over X, egg prices are falling. Says egg prices surge more than 10 in February. That’s due to Biden basically killing chickens like crazy before he left. Well, of course, Biden of course, didn’t do that.

The Biden administration deep state. So prices were up more than 58 over the last month. Last 12 months. However, this is a lagging indicator and as of now, now I’ve seen the price of eggs drop. I, My wife Tracy got an emu egg the other day, and I remember being in Australia and seeing an emu running. Oh my God, that was like a dinosaur. Holy moly. That was a big bird. But she got an emu egg. And so we’re gonna partake of that. It’s huge, right? So it’s like it’s more than a dozen eggs, it looks like.

So it’s gonna be fun. So we do, uh, duck eggs, uh, and now we’re gonna probably start going back to, uh, chicken eggs now that this pandemic thing is hoax is, is pretty much being pushed out. So after peaking above $8 a dozen earlier this month in March, egg costs have tanked more than 40% to below $5. Now it might be more in your area or it might be less. If you go to Mexico, they have stayed $2. The pandemic only happened in America, right? So bird flu only happened in America. So I beat the drum on bird flu.

I think we can kind of lay. Let it rest now. I’m, I’m happy. A lot of people thought I was fear mongering, but that’s okay. We pushed the envelope on that. We pushed back on as much as we could. We probably halted a lot of their. And now we can start to clean up the show. All right. The show that they started because communists, they have to starve us now. Are communists completely gone? Of course they’re not. They’re still communists in some of these deep state, deep blue cities and states, guys. So they’re going to continue to try and push the same narrative.

So you guys in those states, you got to like rise up. You got to, to push back on them. Otherwise they’re going to keep your egg prices high. Right. And make you starve at some point if they get a, get a chance. All right. All right. So the Fed tomorrow, Fed, I think, makes his call where he’s going to cut our leave rates the same, I think because the stock market had a very, very, very big upward movement and that the. It looks like inflation is not ready to go down on a, a very significant level yet.

We’re probably going to see the Fed stay put tomorrow. If, if the stock market had continued to crash into the Fed meeting and was down significantly from where it is right now, we could have potentially seen the Fed cut rates. All right, to boy the stock market back up. I don’t think it is now. I Think they want to make Trump look bad, so they’re gonna let it crash. All right, so probably no move tomorrow now, whether you see the stock market crash or not after the Fed meeting tomorrow. So probably will be in limbo all the way up to where he reveals.

Watch the initial reaction. If it goes down significantly, that’s probably a direction it’s going to go. All right? If it goes up significantly when he makes his call, which would probably be a rate cut, all right, then that’s probably where it’s going to go. All right? So you’ll get a pullback or a push, massive initial, and then it’ll bounce back and forth. And usually from that point on, it’s hard to tell which way it’s going to go. But that initial thrust, whichever direction it is, is usually a tattletale for what’s going to happen in the future.

Right, so we be watching that. I think the silver prices. We’re, we’re seeing silver, Basically, it touched 35 today, pulled back a little bit. I think it’s getting set up for a push above the $35 resistance. Once it breaches 35 and stays above 35, the Sky’s the limit. All right. We’re probably going to start to move up a lot faster because there’s a lot of suppression on the go from the banks or, or for silver, I’m sorry. And once those shorts get hung out to dry, they’re getting spanked. They’re gonna have to, like, liquidate. So we’re seeing the amount of silver that actually is coming out of inventory and into people’s pockets is, is going to be on a level this has never been seen before this month.

Right. So that’s putting enormous pressure on all the short positions. And if that continues, which I believe it obviously is, then those short positions are going to start to come off and we’re going to see a very, very rapid rise in silver. Now, I think silver goes to over $300. Some have, have said a lot higher. Dr. Kirk Elliott, who I highly recommend is in the description box for investing in silver, has said over 100. That’s a very conservative number. Over 100 is a given. And that very, very possibly will be something we’ll see this year at the very latest, and we may even see something much, much higher.

Because I, I’m with Bix Weir. If you B I X W E I R. I think Bix Weir basically has excellent, you know, insights on, uh, the gold and silver market. He said that the amount of gold is 10 times more than what they’re saying it is. And if that ever becomes an absolute, like De Beers diamonds, they. They sell like 90, 95 of the diamonds of the world. So they got a handle on, you know, the price of diamonds. Diamond price should not be that high. Right. But they control and manipulate that market, just like our banks here, JP Morgan in particular, and bank of America bia.

Massive manipulation, massive short positions. They’re. They’re going to get massively spanked. Right. And when that spanking comes, Wicks Beers. Is it Wicks Beers Truth or Mike Wicks Beers. Not Bix Weirs to what I say. All right, so Wick Spears. W I X B I E R S Wick Spears. All right, so he’s got a website he’s also got. And you can watch them for free on YouTube. Really, really good insights. No, that’s not right. I think it’s Bix Weirs. Wait a minute, let me look it up. What is it, Tara? All right, Bix Weirs. All right, so Bixwer B I X W E I R Right? And Bix Weir has lots of YouTube channels.

Looks like, you know, the banks are manipulating silver. He’s talked about that for quite some time. And he’s got this one, it’s called Road to Rooter Ruda R O O T A I’m not sure what that is, but it is. Basically he has a song in the beginning. Pay me, pay me my silver Now Pay me or go to jail. So I love that song. A little diddy. And that’s pretty much what these banksters are going to get. I believe. They’re going to jail, right, for manipulating God’s metal. God’s metal is silver and gold. And these criminals, these Luciferians, have been manipulating that for quite some time.

Over 100 years. 150 years. Close to 150 years. So, uh, they’re gonna get spanked. Uh, and after they’re spanking, they’re gonna get like the big switch, right? You guys, you guys grew up in my time frame, you know, the big switch. Go out and get a big switch. Hopefully it’s gonna suck. Or the belt. Oh, the belt was like, ah, yeah. So they’re gonna get, they’re gonna get big switch, right? And then they’re going to jail. All right? They’re gonna get spanked. They go to jail. They won’t be able to sit down. They have to like be standing on the bars because they won’t be able to stand.

They won’t be able to sit or they have to lay on their tummy. Right on the nasty floor. All right, guys, lots of love. Stay in love, Vibration, and I’ll see you guys next time.



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