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➡ Dave Hodges, host of the Common Sense Show, urges Americans to vote early and in-person to avoid potential election interference. He also advises people to invest in gold and silver due to the declining value of the dollar. Hodges warns about potential economic issues if Kamala Harris becomes president, and suggests that the government may find new ways to take money from citizens. He recommends Noble Gold for investing in precious metals and provides information on how to contact them.


Hello America! Dave Hodges here. I’m the host of the Common Sense Show. We are the show that is for In America, one and slave, mind at a time. Thank you so much for joining us. And again, I’m going to reiterate a couple of things here that I say often because time is growing short. We need to vote early. And I’m talking about we, we being the people that want this country to regain its status, to regain its economic prowess, to regain our civil liberties that have been stripped from us by this administration.

We absolutely need to vote early, but it’s got to be drop it off. Don’t mail a USPS court case in Pennsylvania shows you how the post office is complicit in election interference and voter fraud. I’m sorry folks, that’s what the results are. I have a hard time believing your local postman is involved, but the leadership is and they’re not even cooperating with court orders to produce evidence and discovery. So we need to do this. Don’t mail it. Don’t use the voting machines. You need to go to the drop boxes. That gives you the least amount of interference possibility with your vote counting to the full extent and encourage 10 other people to do this.

It’s this critical because with illegal aliens voting and don’t tell me it doesn’t happen because Tom Fitten right now is on Twitter. Tom Fitten right, you know who he is. Great legal scholar, judicial watch, does the work of the people in filing lawsuits on our behalf that none of us could afford to file. And he has found through discovery about illegal aliens voting in great numbers in DC. Well if it’s happening there it’s happening across the country. Do you know it’s a law in California now you can’t even be made to show ID when you vote.

Oh but you do when you buy liquor or if you get pulled over by a police officer you have to show ID and you should, but not when you vote. That’s because these Democrats know the only way they stay in power is to cheat. So we’ve got to do our part encounter the cheating. Early voting, no mailing, no voting machine, okay. All right so and passion plea here. Also too the economic news keeps getting worse. And I feel like Debbie Downer because every time I start to mention the economy there’s no good news.

It’s like World War II for the US in early 1942. There was no good news and there’s no good news here except we in America know how to win. We do. We know how to win economically. But right until that happens until we get the right administration in there that will actually give a crap about the welfare of the citizens then we’ve got to take matters into our own hands. Oh no no no put down the pitch for us. I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about you need to divest from the dollar as much as possible because it’s going down.

And you need to invest in gold which is what 2700 now silver starting to jump. Now is the time because gold’s going to go to seven to ten thousand. Oh people laughed when I said it’s going to go to two thousand and I said that two years ago. No one’s laughing now. Silver is the centerpiece of everything in climate mitigation. And even if Trump is elected this is still going to go on. European Union yeah exactly. I mean we may change course and begin to really produce our own natural energy but that doesn’t mean the rest of the world is so silver is going to escalate and has started just started.

So what you do is you have retirement the bank you know the banks can keep it Dodd Frank 2010 you’ve been declared to be an unsecured creditor. Most people don’t know this look it up Dodd Frank 2010 and that means that you can’t leave your retirement there if the bank begins to falter goodbye retirement. Can you start over? You don’t have to. Noble gold can help you extricate that retirement put it under your control and back it with precious metals which is a heck of a lot better than backing it up with a depreciating asset called the dollar.

It hurts me to talk about the dollar this way but the reality is here. Noble gold can do all this for you and they like to give you a little gift. 10 of these one ounce Donald Trump one ounce silver coins love it it’s so pure too and it’s just a way of saying thank you. Now for full disclosure to satisfy our federal regulations I must disclose to you that I have been an advertiser for noble gold for eight years. I have been a loyal customer many times over with both gold and silver over seven years and I’ve never been happier with a company and you’ll get no pressure.

Now in fact to show you no pressure I’m going to send you a free information packet that details more of what I’ve told you. It’ll be in layman’s terms it’ll have noble gold’s number 877-646-5347 and all you got to do to get that information packet is go to Dave Hodges that’s Dave Hodges and all we need your email we don’t need anything else we’re not going to sell your information to anybody we’re not Facebook and then you’ll get that instantaneously and that number will be right there prominently displayed for you to call noble gold and I’m going to warn you you have to close your own deal.

They’re trained to answer questions and facilitate the process but it will be like okay is there anything I can help you with Mr Hodges yeah I’d like to finish this deal okay that’s how my first conversation went with them federal government also wants me to tell you that there are no guarantees and that past performance can’t be construed with future expectation and I agree with given that warning in good faith except I’ll say this customer for seven years Dave Hodges all right along these lines in the financial lines the ad fits right into this you’re about ready to get robbed blind if Kamala Harris cheats her way into the White House first of all we’ve talked about the polls you cannot believe the polls but even the cheating polls can’t deny the trends of Donald Trump but they’re not factoring in the illegal alien voting equation they say five million illegals could vote across the country and the flying of the illegal aliens are doing to avoid the border patrol numbers that would go to the public and they’re flying them in now guess where they’re flying them into the seven swing states yeah and if Kamala gets in there’s something that she once talked about early in the campaign and she is tone deaf on this now because she knows it’ll keep her from elected also Janet Yellen going back two years talked about this she’s the former chairman of the Fed and she is now the secretary of the treasury and she talked about this extensively she gave multiple senate and congressional presentations about something called unrealized income what it should be called is government thought of a new way to steal money from you uh i have never seen or heard of such a thing did you take econ in college okay did you ever take a class like free enterprise or whatever like that when you’re in high school most of us took a course like that and you will never have heard of these terms until recently when these Bolshevik communists and see there are people that don’t think you have rights you’re here to serve them and what’s theirs is theirs and what’s yours is also theirs these are the mentality of these people and they want are inventing ways to separate you from your money and it’s really a reflection of their allegiance to the world economic forum whose favorite saying is you’ll own nothing and be happy tau schwa that was a hot topic about three years ago i think it’s going to be a hot topic again here’s how unrealized income works if you’ve never heard of me talk about this before you bought your house in order to use round numbers let’s say 20 years ago you bought your house and it was worth 200 000 okay now your house is worth 700 000 and that’s a modest increase for 20 years guess what you owe well janet yellum wanted a 43 tax on the difference so if you go to sell your home the average american moves every five years if you go to sell your home there’s that 200 to 700 000 gap there’s 500 000 of taxable unrealized income well 43 percent i mean you’re pushing what about 230 000 now kamala very early in her campaign was saying 25 percent look at the number doesn’t make any difference what they’re telling you in the campaign can be a bold face lie it could be 80 percent when they get done with this but let’s use kamala’s figures okay so you got 500 000 and you’ve got to pay a 25 tax on that do you have that money and if you transfer or have the property set to be inherited by your heirs you owe the same thing your estate or they will have to pay the difference we’re already seeing this on capital gains taxes with regard to some farmer property and i’ve had farmers contract contact me and when i first heard about this was three and a half years ago wasn’t too long after biden and harris were in office and i said i don’t see how they can do that because this was a foreign concept to me at that time and they said dave they’re trying to eliminate the generational transmission of farms and there were other things they brought up too and i just said well i know farmers really aren’t treated the best by this administration is this really true well then i found out there’s a whole lot of other things too like right away stuff that’s going on across the country right now just horrible um and these farmers are having the middle of their farmland disrupted by carbon capture programs and so forth so the farmers are really under attack but they have been subject to these capital gains kinds of taxes as well and if you remember when biden first brought this in do you remember how he tried to exempt non-whites it was only going to be a white person tax and the supreme court struck it down it shows you just the radical nature of these people so kamala is not talking about this so let’s project puppet kamala into the next year and they manage to get the votes they need in the swing states by looker crook and she’s now your president maybe it’ll be 25 it should be no percent unrealized income you’re not making money off of that in fact let me go to the opposite the opposite is true the opposite is is when your home appreciates you’re not benefiting from it unless you buy a rental property and hope to resell it you’re not benefiting from appreciation you are being penalized because property tax values based on the value of your home so you’re living in your home and this is what’s killing a lot of fixed income people now all right their home at the time of retirement let’s say was a half a million dollars and it’s appreciating at 20 percent a year now because of this crazy economy and black rock buying up all homes driving up the prices and all of a sudden they find their home is worth 800 000 and they got to fork up another four or five hundred a month for property tax and they’re on a fixed income and this is causing a lot of older people in america to sell their existing homes not because they’re too old to take care of it but because they’re too far along in fixed income to be able to compensate for the rampant inflation but most of all the increase in property tax this is a huge problem in our country and what bothers me and this kind of tells you that you really can’t trust fox news and i don’t mean all the people mark levin he’s fine okay i think jesse waters he’s kind of tucker carlson jr but the network itself is owned by extreme liberals and i look at foxes the controlled opposition because see i think bret bearish should have thrown a home run pitch or just right down the middle go ahead come on knock it out of there come on when you were first running you talked about unrealized income are you still going to do that when you become the president it should have been the first question he asked after immigration and inflation that should have been question number three now i realize he had a hard time asking questions because she went in there with the idea that we’re going to hold the ball and run out the clock because i’m just going to talk over everything including not letting you finish your question bret bear okay but he should have asked her that and why aren’t the people on fox news asking will she bring back unrealized income she was sure as heck talking about it and janet yellens popularized it this is a popular theme on the left to separate people from their money and this isn’t being asked step right here on the commons head show and this ties right into what i say to you about noble gold the only way you’re going to keep up with inflation is by diversity and being in precious metals that’s it i’m just going to make more money get a second job as inflation eats up your second income we’re in big trouble we’re in big trouble and i’ll renew my asking you need to get 10 other people to vote not just yourself but 10 other to overcome what’s going to happen on november 5th and after pennsylvania is already saying we’re going to take days to have to count the votes well what happened before trump was leading in pennsylvania when the polls closed right they did the preliminary counting but all those late ballaches magically changed the election in six of the seven swing states as well what a coincidence you need to get people to vote it needs to be so overwhelming we can overcome any potential cheat factor or illegal alien voting which is also a cheat factor we’ll see you back here next time god bless



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