Yeah, you think they’d want all the help they can get. But nonetheless, we called them out. Because when you support Kamala Harris and Democrats, if you’re watching this, you better take note on your ledger. Now, you support child sex trafficking. You support open borders that have killed 300,000 Americans with fentanyl poisoning. You support 352,000 missing migrant children. Those are government figures, not mine. And you support the deculturization of America, the criminalization of America. We’ve even caught them lying, this administration lying in their crime statistics. This is what the fool fighters stand for. When they said, we’re going to take that money from the lawsuit against Trump and we’re going to put it into Kamala Harris.
Shame on you and shame on all of you who support these evil people. And this is not about a pro Donald Trump. I’m just letting you know, when you say I’m a Democrat and I’m voting for Kamala, this is what you represent, and she’s a traitor. And we’re not going to go down that route here because that’s not what this piece is about. But it’s related. It’s related. Really high on my list to expose and get people to look at what’s going on is the GOP traders in this country, oh, they permeate Congress. Permeate. They’re real good at their hearings.
I’m yelling at you, secret service director. Man, it’s too bad they miss Trump, isn’t it? Yeah, that’s how I perceive a lot of you. I don’t just perceive the $20 million you get from China. And this is the topic of what we’re going to talk about here. Going to ask you a question. Is your GOP party in your state, is it as bad and as corrupt as they are in Colorado and Arizona? Just two examples, but it’s endemic across the country. How do you know, Dave? Just look at Congress. Just look at Congress. I could throw in Alaska.
I could throw in Susan Collins Murkowski. I mean, really, really, the enemy is not inside the gate of the enemy’s controlling the gate. The only buffers we have right now are people like RFK junior, JD Vance, Donald Trump. And the only reason that the Republicans aren’t in rebellion against him, you know what the only reason is, is because the people find them too popular. They’re too afraid to take this on when they’re a bunch of chicken bleepers. They seriously are the GOP. I can’t stand them. Can’t stand the party, can’t stand the party leadership, can’t stand them, period.
And they’re really, really bad at the state level. They’re treasonous, they’re traitors. They’re felons. And they’re felons on the same level as the Democrats. We’re going to get into it right here on the common sense show. My name is Dave Hodges. I’m the host and we’re the show that’s freeing America. One enslaved mind at a time. Well, we really, really, really well, I want to show you here, let me walk you through this real quick here. Ladies and gentlemen, we’re brought to you by. I want my healthback.com Dave Hodges with the meta dike all mega. Okay, magic Dichol products here.
As I turn my voice back on, the Nanak soma liquid is something that I swear by. And on my tombstone I may have engraved, he lived this long because of this. And you know my story. If you’ve been following us. And here, you can go to the page and see the ingredients. It’s five sprays once a day. But if you’ve got something seriously wrong, I mean, you can go every hour on the hour, and I did when I was in crisis. And you cannot od on this because it’s completely natural. I’m going to show you this.
This is before and after picture here. And you can see there on the left, that was a reaction someone had after they took the jab and then on the right after they started taking the product. Just one example. They’re turning me into a testimonial. You will see that across all their advertising soon. And the thing is, I think this is a more dramatic story because we looked at a study that was really well done by top professionals. And I know research, and I’ve taught research to graduate students working on their dissertations. And I went there, I said, this study is pretty good.
And really the, the p factor. The p equals less than 0.05 level of significance. It was really good. But Lancet wouldn’t publish it. But other scientists look at this is what’s wrong with you people. You afraid of the truth? So finally, they actually put it on their website, but wouldn’t publish it in their. Our journals because they’ve gone woke in Lancet. And what they showed there was 74.6% of the deaths on random autopsy screening in this study. That’s an easy study to do. It’s really easy to design. It’s really easy to track. Random selection done by, you know, random generator with a computer.
Oh, pick this guy. Pick that guy. Pick this lady. Okay? And that’s how it’s done. It’s all randomized. 74.6% of the autopsies were rated related to fatal injection effects from the COVID vaccine. Plain and simple. That’s why I wanted to show you this. Some people say, well, that’s controversial. And honestly, I don’t give a crap. And I’m being very serious. I don’t give a crap. It’s time that the truth be told. You know, Robert F. Kennedy said it really well here. And I in a related comment, he said the food industry plus big pharma are creating chronic illness at epidemic levels in our country.
And he’s assigning intentionality to this. I totally agree. I totally agree. And this is a product here that will actually put the odds back on your side. Go to. I want my health back.com forward slash Dave Hodges. I want my healthback.com forward slash Dave Hodges. I recommend the three pack because all three of their great products do great things. And you’ll see that when you go there. But I’ll tell you, the nanosoma spray, I swear by this, the Gopdhead. Let me start in Arizona, and I’ll make that a little more intense because it’s what I know.
Then I’ll go to Colorado, and then I’m going to ask you to examine your state, because I’m sure this has been exposed by interest groups, people like me. I know Arizona really well. The cartel controls about a third of our legislature. They do. And that’s according to a great documented report by John Thaler called report to the governor. And he’s documented all this. It’s cartel, the Sinaloa, money laundering from real estate. They create fake lawyers just like Mike Ross on the Netflix now displaying show suits. Oh, yeah, that happens here. That happens here. Happens in Colorado, too.
And then they’re groomed quickly to go into judgeships and they get to decide cartel cases. They get to decide voter fraud cases. Yeah, they basically have it locked up, and then they either bribe judges or blackmail judges into doing their bidding if they’re not part of their direct chain. And this happens all the time. Now, also in my state, this is how dirty the GOP is soon to be, thank goodness. Former county clerk and recorder of Maricopa county, the most corrupt county in the United States. Stephen Risher. Bill Gates, the then head of the board of supervisors, who didn’t run for reelection because he knew he didn’t have a chance.
His colleague Jack Sellers, another sellout, GOPD, he ran and lost by 30 points. I mean, this is, I mean, the voters have caught on to these criminals, and for some reason, there wasn’t cheating in the primary. It’s, you know, and I know why. Because they’re going to steal the general by having probably ten to 20 million illegal aliens vote, plus the machines, plus the ballot stuffing. And we’ll end up with someone like Kamala Harris, who thinks it’s fine to have child sex trafficking, thinks it’s fine to have high criminal activity. There are these, there’s a video that’s out there now of campaign signs for Kamala in, I think it’s Gilbert, Arizona.
And you go down and it says drug dealers for camellia, child sex traffickers for camela. It’s hilarious, but it’s true. It’s true. Our party here, the GOP party, tried to bribe Kerry Lake. We’re going to expose this group a little bit more than they’ve been exposed from a group called the council. They’re deep staters. And they went to the head of the Arizona GOP, and it’s on tape. He tried to bribe Kerry Lake with an undisclosed amount, but it was going to be over a million dollars to not run against wild eyed, radical, open border liberal Reuben Gallegos.
And so you had GOP trying to bribe GOP not to run against a wild eyed Democrat. And that’s because if she wins, the control of the Senate may very well go to the Gopdhead. Yeah. And this, this is pretty scary when that happens. Well, you got the same thing in Colorado. He had the same forces in Colorado, only the takeover in Colorado by the Democrats has been complete. And they’ve turned the, the GOP into Colorado, into a bunch of spineless sissies. With a few exceptions. A few. One of those exceptions is Tina Peters. We’ve interviewed her the day before her trial started.
She’s been found guilty. The 69 year old patriot that said, I wasn’t looking for voter fraud, but I saw these anomalies and I had to investigate. And now they’re going to throw her in prison for the rest of her life. Led by Jenna Griswold, total election thief, total criminal, total bolshevik communist. She fits all those definitions. And this is what the people there that live there. Listen, I have deep ties into Colorado. I was raised there. I still spend a lot of time there. And I got to tell you, the people at the GOP level, at the grassroots, like you and me, they have had it with their GOP party.
I got a communication today. Yeah, let me show you. In fact, I need to enlarge this because it copied small from my email. But this is a copy of a email announcement I received from the Republican Party in Colorado. There we go. Message from the Colorado party. Former senator, state senator Ted Harvey. Colorado Republican Party has exciting news. Former state senator Ted Harvey was appointed as a chairman of the Colorado Republican Independent expenditure committee last week. Here’s Ted’s background. I could care less about his background because I know what these people stand for. Nothing. They’ve been.
He’s had a marriage 29 years. That’s all well and good, but the bottom line is here. Look at what they say here. And this is such a joke. Whoops. You go back up here. Chairman Harvey will do great work on behalf of Colorado Republicans while helping to ensure radical Democrats are defeated so we can restore balance back to our state. This is what chicken bleepers these people are. Okay. He had Tina Peters that, like I said, did not want to find voter fraud. She ran for office because she said, I got tired of standing in dmv lines for three and a half hours.
And she said, said, as a business owner, I knew I could do better. And she did. She did. And she didn’t think anything about what was coming with this stolen election in 2020. But she saw all these problems. She goes, I got to check this out. And Jenna Griswold said, you touch that, I’m coming after you. Imagine a secretary of state not wanting to know whether Tina’s suspicions and findings were correct. She said, just shut up and go along. Get along. Shut your mouth. You do anything, I’m coming after you. What did these people do? The head of the Colorado party, this Dave Williams clown, and the rest of the chicken bleeper GOP, they did nothing to help her.
Nothing. They totally abandoned her. So you tell us we’re going to go after radical Democrats. You’re part of them. You’re rhinos. You’re nothing but a bunch of rhinos. And this is how it is across the country. Hey, drop comments, send me emails. Let me know how bad your state is. Let’s call them out. Because we, you know, listen, I would just assume that Colorado elected all democrats. It wouldn’t be any different, but at least it would send these chicken bleepers packing who don’t fight the battle. With a few exceptions. With a few exceptions. But when you really do speak out, like in Arizona and.
And your name is Liz Harris and you say, oh, Liz. Oh, yeah, you’ve interviewed here a few times. Yes, I have. Liz Harris, state representative, had a guest come in. It was John Thaler’s protege. And she presented for 40 minutes documented evidence from a book John Thaler wrote from being a RICO investigator with 20,000 affidavits, 5000 references in this book. And she presented evidence. Evidence, evidence, people, not conjecture. Evidence of Sinaloa, bribery of public officials, judges, government representatives, elected officials, anyone that matters. Yeah, that’s right. And you know what they did with Liz? They kicked her out.
And Liz told the story on our show. She’s going with a ride with someone from the legislature and she said she was told, liz, if you don’t shut up, your body’s going to be found in that field over there. And this is when the crap with Tina Peters started too. This is what they do with people. They threaten Liz’s life. They want to. They’re going to put Tina Peters in prison for the rest of her life on bogus charges. You know, one of the felonies they convicted her on is not even a law. Failure to follow the directions of Jenna Griswold.
Excuse me. When you’re a county clerk and recorder, your county is your responsibility. And you are given purview to do what you need to do to ensure accurate, free, fair elections for the people. She didn’t have to follow orders. And you know what this practice says? If we can just get one of our stinking bolshevik communist Democrats in there, okay, we can run all the election centers and anyone who gets out of line will just throw them in prison in Arizona. They’ll threaten to kill them. What’s it like in your state? The GOP sucks. What’s driving the GOP right now is you and me and a few good people like Donald Trump and JD Vance.
And they’re becoming a magnet for people of morality who don’t want to cut kids genitals off of morality. That actually cares about the 352,000 missing migrant children that are either trafficked or they’ve had their organs taken out and they’re dead. That’s a moral, moral base that’s coming together in the GOP. It’s a grassroots movement. But the chances are your GOP party in your state, yeah, they’re either made up of chicken bleepers or people on the take or people that are being blackmailed. And there’s no in between. And it’s time that we faced what we are. We have been conquered by a group called, well, with another man, and I’ll talk about him later today called the council.
And I started with, yesterday I gave you part one of who runs Kamala’s campaign. Well, that’s the council. I didn’t start with that, though. I started with the baseline, which is Pat Wooden and his book he co authored with the late Anthony Sutton called Trilaterals over Washington, which really shaped my view. It actually was God landing the book in my lap, given to me by one of my students from a father who was a high ranking air force officer at NORAD. And he said, because I had said something and I didn’t really politicize with my students, I just made a kind of an off the cuff remark.
And he sent this book to me and I said, whoa. And I was reading about the book, told you who really runs America and how they get around the Constitution. And I’m looking at this, I go, this is all true. And Pat documented nine times Sunday on there. I said, it’s really the beginning of the end for our country. That was the baseline of the takeover. And then they had the fake, we covered this. I covered this back in 2017, 2016. The fake Republicans, George Soros, Bernie Sanders, people going out and recruiting people that were really liberal in view, but they teach them how to act like Republicans to get elected and then turn around and screw their constituency.
And then they started locking up the voting machines and the ballots and so forth. The fake ballots as covered in 2000. Mules. Yeah. Listen, folks, it doesn’t take a lot to figure this out. I had to work a lot harder in my career in academics and doing research than I do here. This stuff is not hard to find. These people are not that clever. In fact, I don’t even think they care if they, if you figure out what they’re doing because their attitude is okay, so what are you going to do about it? You make too much noise, we’ll either throw you in prison or we’ll kill you.
This is the country you now live in. I want to back up one more example about the GOP backup in 2016 when Donald Trump came down the escalator he didn’t just upset the Democrats, he upset mostly the GOP. I got into a running battle with one of the top GOP officials in email exchanges. When I was telling this guy, I said, if you don’t honor the election, because he had previously said, well, look at, you have to understand, the people don’t choose. We do. And we don’t care what the election results say. And I went ballistic.
And I wasn’t the only one. In fact, his wife actually wrote an email to me, which I happily published. Please leave him alone. He’s just trying to do a good job. He was trying to steal an election in the primary the same way that Hillary’s people stole the election from Bernie Sanders in the democratic primary. Oh, I’m not a Bernie Sanders fan. I think the man’s despicable. I mean, man spent his honeymoon in Red Square, and that’s a fact. Just like Walt spent his honeymoon in China. What does that tell you? Everything you need to know right there about both parties.
So where does this leave us? Where does this leave us? You’re going to have to vote your conscience. I will say this. We’re kind of in the position where, at the state level, Colorado is a lost cause. It’s been taken over by Pat Stryker, the Koch brothers, George Soros operatives, which they probably are. Those people I just mentioned are all Obama friends. Pat Stryker went to his inaugural ball. She was the one that headed solyndria. I think this was her gift. And it was. You’re supposed to produce artificial energy and she lost $800 million for the taxpayers.
That’s public record. That’s not a slam on her. That’s just public record. Now, businesses go out of business all the time, but she was and has been an agenda 21 gender 2030 advocate against the will of the people. And. But she’s not alone. This is part of what they all do. And then some of the Democrats I know have left the state because it’s so corrupt. Yeah. And Arizona ain’t no different. Ain’t no different people. Carrie Lake will probably will not win the Senate race because things are so corrupt in her own party against her. She’s a generational candidate.
If you were here and saw her locally, you’d know what I mean. But the media bashes her at every turn. They lie about her. They, they punctured the tires on her daughter’s car. I could go on and on and on about how bad it is, and honestly, I don’t have a great solution. I pride myself on giving you ideas to follow. The one thing I would say is that Donald Trump or whoever is running, because if they take him out, Donald Trump or some GOP, JD Vance, maybe events, Kennedy ticket, they need to win. The president can negate all this stuff.
Of course, they can always go the impeachment route, right? And then if they bring in the speaker of the House in the order of secession, Mike Johnson’s one of them. He goes down patriotic trails, but then he shows his true colors when he let’s Biden have a blank check for Ukraine. This is where we’re at. This is where we’re at. It’s a mess. And the only thing holding this country is together as it is right now. And the only thing that may actually help us in this election are people like you and me at the grassroots level.
It’s not these people like Dave Williams. It’s not the republican party in Arizona. It’s not the republican party in Alaska that gets, that lets Lyndon Murkowski get away with stealing every election. Total classic rhino. Hawaii is just as bad as this. As I’ve learned about from Lahaina’s situation, the government of Hawaii conspired against the people of Lahaina, all Democrats. And, you know, again, I’m going to say this, and I’ll close on this note to you people who are Democrats or rhinos, and therefore, your support by default or by intention, is behind Kamala Harris. You are supporting those things.
Child sex trafficking, organ harvesting of children, all the missing migrant kids. Don’t say you care about these people. You’re using these people for political ends. You don’t care how many die, how many kids get missing. You got AOC crying at the cages that Obama created, and the border patrol just kept using them. And then they blamed Trump for what Obama did. And she’s crying in front of the cages. Yeah, well, she wants to put you in a cage, people, if you don’t fall into line and bend the knee. And I’ve shown you the quote from Harris where she said, in 2018, we’re going to take over.
Those who supported Donald Trump were coming for you. And in the message sent by Joe Biden, September 1, 2022, almost two years ago, he said, maga, you’re domestic terrorists. It’s all the same thing. People, they’re coming for us. And you Democrats, people who support this nonsense, do you really realize what you’re supporting? I don’t like Trump. He calls people names. Do you like bread on the table? You like gas in your tank? Do you not like having a hammer and sickle along with a gay pride flag that’s coming to Washington, DC on a permanent basis. See, they honor every lifestyle.
I don’t give a crap what someone’s persuasion is. I could care less. That’s between them and their God, if they have a goddess God. But the bottom line is it’s being forced down our throat. And every, every single lifestyle that’s promoted by these people is anti family, anti procreation, anti Christian. Christians for Kamala. What a contradiction in terms. Why don’t you say Christians for baby killing? But we know we’re going to hell for the short term game. That’s it for the common sense show. See you back here next time.