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➡ The speaker discusses his experiences in the military and CIA, mentioning the misuse of funds in the Department of Education. He also shares a conversation with an Air Force member about tracking UFOs and advanced technology. The speaker then talks about the potential breakdown of the financial system, the IRS, and taxation. He also mentions the George Floyd protests, which he believes were a color revolution, and his move from California to Florida due to lockdowns. Lastly, he discusses the impact of COVID-19 and the use of supplements for protection.
➡ The text discusses the author’s use of Root Wellness and Lifeway patches for personal wellness. It also mentions upcoming products from Lifeway. The author then transitions to discussing political events, including the Floyd protests, the Black Lives Matter movement, and perceived manipulation by the CIA. The author criticizes the Democratic party and suggests that they are trying to incite a color revolution. The text ends with a discussion of the protests reaching the White House and the author’s belief that the deep state is placing unintelligent people in office.
➡ The speaker discusses potential political unrest, referencing past events like the George Floyd protests and the Orange Revolution in Ukraine. They suggest that similar events may occur in the future, possibly tied to deportation issues. They also express their belief that the recent election was fraudulent and predict that any future unrest will be met with a strong military response. The speaker ends by encouraging listeners to stay positive and loving.
Of course, you know, they still claim that George Floyd, George Floyd was killed by police officers. Absolutely. Completely false. I pointed that out many times. So we went into, you know, the different aspects of, you know, like we talk, like I talked about yesterday with drug trafficking and, you know, all kinds of crazy stuff, human trafficking, child trafficking, you know, prostitution and all these different things that are used by the deep state to money launder, to create money for themselves and money launder that through different, you know, agencies. Right. So even within the US Government, as we’re finding out, and I think that we’re just scratching the surface on the USAID that we look at the Department of Education, which Trump is moving to take down since the Department of Education was begun, and Mark Finchem talked about this, they have the comprehension level, reading comprehension, basically all of the test scores of children within the United States has gone down every year.
They have seen that the almost $1 trillion that goes every year into Department of Education, only 25% actually makes it to students. The other 75% of that nearly $1 trillion goes to studies, goes to money laundering, it gets money laundered and then comes back to the unit party to keep them in office and goes to special organizations that are pretty much anti American, goes to university systems which are anti American. I just saw where there’s endowment fund for Harvard University that has something like $50 billion where, you know, they, they go out to billionaires throughout the country and ask, ask for money.
So over the years they’ve, they’ve accumulated $50 billion in their endowment fund and they still ask for handouts from the federal government which gives them another 500 million. So why the hell all this stuff and why are we giving money to some of these universities which are extremely anti American, anti Jew? Now a lot of people are like, well, we’re protecting Jews and Kazarian mafia, blah, blah, blah. No, we’re protecting American citizens, period. Whether they’re Jewish, Christian, Muslim, atheist, it does not matter. You do not go against our students and, and create scenes and harass them and so forth.
So, yeah, I mean, it’s, it’s, it’s. There’s. There’s some real problems in the educational system. So that’s one of the avid. That’s one of the things that has to be cleaned. The federal government as a whole, the only thing it should be doing, the only thing it should be doing is keeping us safe. And the state governments, the only things they should be doing is basically in transportation. Keeping the transportation, you know, avenues and lanes and so forth and waterways and so forth, cleaning, you know, health and recreation, you know, making sure that, you know, we have good police force and, you know, fire departments and so forth.
Other than that, there’s nothing else that any of those government systems should be doing. They should not be involved in education. They should not be involved in what you do, as in your business. They should not be involved in collecting taxes from you, from your land and your property there. All of this stuff is false. It has to be taken down. And it’s, you know, over time, you know, it’s come in and it’s really, you know, started to be a serious problem. So you can only create this environment for so long before the people rise up.
And we’re at that point, fortunately, we have a president unlike any that we’ve probably seen in our entire history that is going to turn a lot of this stuff around, has built a team that has, you know, made extreme, unbelievable advances just over the last. I think we’re coming up on 50 days now. So it is, it is quite impressive what they’ve done. Of course, there’s tremendous amount of work to still be done, but they’re. They hit the ground running and they’re making great progress. I know a lot of us want this to move a lot faster, but it can only move as fast as, you know, the, the environment that they’re in can handle.
Right. So you look at Cash Patel, he has, you know, tons of corruption to, like, clean out. And I think that what they’re doing is they’re gearing up for a potential. Not a civil war. I don’t think we’re going to have a civil war, but we’re going to have civil disturbance. All right, we’re going to have some serious civil disturbance. And I think FBI are being put in certain places to get ready for that. Quietly and methodically being put in place. We had also today we had the wonderful. Dr. Jan Halper Hayes was here and she questioned for a little, little bit.
Let’s see, who is she questioning today? Sean Taylor. So Sean Taylor was back on, you know, talking about the, the money laundering situation. Gave more insight on it. Jan Alper Hayes talked about how she gave like 15 different points of what Sean Taylor had, had found as far as like, uh, you know, how they use different organizations, uh, the media and so forth. Like I talked about yesterday how they, you know, money launder, like from for instance, the Department of Education to fund, you know, these media sources which basically attack us. And it’s designed to, you know, just like the CIA, Mockingbird media.
It’s also designed to come up with words. You know, are you conspiracy theorist? And you know, like we had for the 2020 election. Are you an election denier? So they have these little key words that they create that they use to basically control people’s consciousness. And then they have people that basically latch onto those words, which are basically NPCs for the most part, and then for the other part are just completely brainwashed people that repeat those words over and over again, not really realizing what they’re saying. Right. So because they don’t have critical thinking, all they can do is, you know, parrot what their, their controllers tell them.
And their controllers could be someone in Hollywood, you know, political parties and so forth. Now, some of the things that Dr. Halpert was talking to Sean Taylor about were, you know, why don’t we see more arrest right now? So this is where we’re at, you know, how big this thing is. He said that they would go in and they do the investigation into much of the, you know, corruptness that they’re seeing. You know, people that were, you know, maybe let’s say, for instance, trafficking children, uh, child trafficking. And then they would find out who was desiring that child trafficking.
And then they go to different, different people. They would go to, you know, heads of corporations. And then, you know, the FBI is getting involved at that point and then they’re pushing it and they’re going further and they’re further. And then they’re finding out senators are involved. And when they find out that the senators are involved, they just back away because they, they know that if they go down that road, then they’re going to expose a lot of senators. Right? And it’s not that they don’t want to expose them, it’s that it will crash the system.
It will crash the system. Are you ready for the system to crash. I think most of you are like, let’s do this. All right, so this, these are some of the things that, you know, some of these cities and towns and so forth are up against. They’re up against multi billion trillion dollar, you know, organizations, criminal organizations within the United States that have judges, sheriffs, senators, congressmen within the state and within the federal government that are benefiting from this and cover for it and actually go after the people with their media little clones and puppets to go after those people and destroy them.
So some cities can’t afford to go after some of these people. Guys, it would because they have an army of lawyers which would basically destroy all of the money that a city has. And, and they still wouldn’t get any resolution. So this is one of the reasons why we’re not seeing some of this stuff prosecuted. It’s just a criminal organization which has unbelievable power, unbelievable funding. I say unbelievable. And I’m the guy that’s been at the top of the food chain in the military industrial complex, the CIA and so forth, and seeing the vast amounts of money that was used to basically fund operations, high tech weaponry and you know, vehicles and so forth that were, you’re not going to see.
Probably even though that’s, we’re looking at over 20 years since I’ve been in the military and over 10 years now since I’ve been in the CIA. It is, it’s unbelievable what these, what these guys have access to. So this is one of the things that we’re going to see going forward where the money is going to be stopped and that money that has been laundered is. And like for the Department of Education, you’re seeing billions and billions of dollars that’s being wasted that’s going to stop. And that money, that pot of money that was going into that can be used to basically go after these people and prosecute them and take them out, right? So, you know, I’ve talked to people today.
It’s, it’s been, you know, phenomenal being at this event. I talked to a guy that was in the Air Force and he talked about how he was in this special unit that went to, you know, UFOs, right? They, they were like tracking UFOs and the UFOs are flying around here’s aircraft and all kind of crazy stuff. And I asked him, I said, do you think it was like, you know, advanced military technology or was it UFOs? And he says, because he says, I, I know I knew the advanced military technology like you this was way beyond anything possible that we could have had, but maybe, who knows.
And then he talked about being in Hawaii and being at the top of. He was on the big, big Island. Uh, I think it’s Hilo is, uh, the, the, the top one. I might be, I might be mistaken. But he was at the very top where they get snow on that, that ancient volcano where they have the huge telescope. So he’s on that mountain and he has some radar systems and so forth that they were using. He said that he could see in the water dozens of craft that were Moving at like 700 miles an hour underwater in a group and multiple dozens of them moving in a group and then coming out of the water and then shooting up to 30, 000ft where they’re out, out of sight of radar within moment.
Within a moment. All right, so this is some, this is. These are technologies that if we have. That. That’s. That’s pretty incredible. Pretty incredible. He said that subs went there because they realized there was a base in between the islands and some of the canyons. So subs went. US Navy subs went down there, which is the. Our Navy subs are the most advanced technology conventional, I guess, on. In the world. All right, so other, other things that came out today was like the, the Nazi submarines, like a hundred of them or more went down to Antarctica after the war.
And from that point they were converted into spacecraft. And we’ve. I’ve seen some of this stuff in the past. I’ve seen it from, you know, groups that I’ve been involved in. So the submarines basically could travel into space. So just like these craft there were underwater traveling and zipping out and going up. These submarines weren’t that fast. So these submarines went out into space and they were trying to do like the Nazis do here, little game. And the ETS that are out there are far more advanced. These were at the time were like, we will, we will turn you into dust.
Go back and play your games back there. Right? So they did go to Mars. And that is one of the reasons why, I think that Elon wants to go to Mars to expose them. So we just happened to land on Mars and it’s like, oh, look, there’s all these pyramids. And look, we found an underground base. And wow, the Nazis are here. So that’s one of the reasons that’s. This is how disclosure happens. It’s like, oh, my God. Wow, look at that. It’s. It’s unbelievable. We, we never would have thought that. Of course they have and uh, a lot of people would be like, oh, wow, wow, we found that uh, it.
But yeah, this stuff has been known for a long time. So this is some of the things that are coming out in the Quantum Summit. Other things are that we are moving towards basically a breakdown of the financial system. We’ll see the Federal Reserve somehow, some way. And this is from Mark Fenum as well. We will see the not be what they are now. They won’t have the. They were either not have the power they have now or they will completely be gone. The IRS will be completely gone. Taxation as we know it will be completely gone.
Now you have. Now some people, people have been asking me for years, should I pay my taxes? I, I say that’s up to you. Right? And like I’ve said, there are many groups out there that teach you how to get after to how to get out of the fake false taxation system. All right, so there’s many. And I’ve, I ran some of these in the past. I’ve had guests on that. I’ve talked about that. I’m beyond that. Right? So I’m way beyond that. So. But if you still are not up to speed on that and you still, and you feel like you’re ready to like do whatever you’re going to do, then you need to do your own research on that.
All right? I’m not involved in that anymore. So don’t ask me because I’m not going to tell you no, don’t pay your taxes. And then some organization, you know, comes and comes at me. I’m not going to do that. It’s all on you. You take responsibility for yourself. All right, so many of us have taken responsibility and we, we have done what we’ve done. So other things. So let me, let me go into the color revolution, the George Floyd protest. I, I have thought this was a color revolution from the moment that it started. And you can go all the way to Ukraine.
I’ll play a little video, a couple videos on Ukraine where Ukraine, 20 years ago last November, they had their color revolution orange revolution, and it was extremely corrupt. Now the George Floyd color revolution that they tried to use, of course, you know, I’m not, I’m not referring to someone that is of color, black man, white man, involved in that. I’m referring to a color revolution, which means there are protests that start to take a government out like happened in Ukraine. So protests started and the government basically was dissolved. And that happened in many. There were, there was purple velvet, all kind of color revolutions that happen in former Soviet states, right? So Ukraine, I think, was an extremely corrupt one.
The one they used George Floyd, remember George Floyd protest happened, uh, during the lockdowns of. And these were states that did that. Donald Trump didn’t mandate lockdowns. Right. States did that. And because California locked everybody down, I, I left California. I was sick of being locked down in California, so I moved to Florida. Not locked down, but they pushed vaccinations in Florida big time. CVS had it. I. The vaccination people that were shedding in Florida was horrific. For quite some time, you go to the gym, you go out to eat, whatever you’re. You’re gonna get shed on, right? So every, almost everybody was being vaccinated in Florida at the time.
So they, it was very put. Being pushed big, big time by Ryan Santis, right? And he said, you can go to cvs, you can go to whatever, you know, your drugstore of your, of your choice, and they’re going to vaccinate you. They made massive amounts of money off that vaccination program. So that’s when I started the Root Wellness. You know, I talked about Root Wellness. A lot of people have gotten really great results from Root Wellness. I still use Root Wellness. I use a lot of their products now. I use their skin products and so forth and had really good results from it.
So there’s lots of things out there. So it’s basically, it was a step up. You know, we were using, you know, high doses of vitamin C, nad lots of, lots of supplements that were giving us an edge. I had lost my sense of smell and taste. So the COVID somehow affected me, at least in that I had a pretty good cough for a while. It never got, you know, very bad, but. And I rarely cough, you know, like I was doing right after the COVID bioweapon hit. Right. So I live in a, in a town where lots of Chinese come and gamble Lake Tahoe at the time.
So. And that was before they started shutting China down. So I felt that they were already infecting United States before the Trump came in and said no mas for Chinese coming to America. So. And I think that was a good move because that was a Chinese made by or. Well, it was distributed from China, made in the U, made paid for by the US and made in China. Right. The China flu is Trump used to call it. So there were different ways that you could, you know, protect yourself. So when I started using the Root Wellness, it was much better.
I could be around people. I. If I was going to be around People, I wanted them to be on root wellness. And of course then I, I made a, a step up and started using the Lifeway patches. So that was a step up and there’s, there’s more that are coming. Life wave is coming out with light water, which will basically infuse your body with light. And so that’s coming out hopefully in the July time frame now. So there’s a, there’s a constant stepping up of this process that will, that will keep you in wellness. Even if they get some traction on this bird flu, right, or something else, they, They’ve said they’re going to do something a lot worse.
It hasn’t come yet. Now that Trump’s wise, he’s got a good team in there. I don’t think they’re going to get away with it. Right. That’s my felt. That’s my feeling at this point. Things can change on a dime. I’m very flexible. I’m ready to respond at. For anything. I’m a warrior, right? I, I can move in a split second. So. And that’s the way you guys got to be going forward. You got to just have that warrior mindset as we move into this. So the, the Floyd protest, basically, uh, you know, it started in May 26, 2020.
And, uh, from that point on, uh, is like, almost spread, you know, day by day, week by week, got worse and worse. Of course, it was their, their thing that they use was Black Lives Matter, which is complete all lives Matter. But they, they get on a theme, and if you’re not on that theme, you get attacked. It’s like the Democrats. Now, if someone within the Democrat Party decides, you know, I kind of, I kind of like the. What? I kind of like Trump’s ideas. They get attacked like crazy there. It’s. It’s the same thing. It’s the CIA Mockingbird type of, you know, brainwashing, MK Ultra.
You know, they’ve gotten very skilled at this. You have to be aware that they use this going forward because they’re going to continually use it. They’re not very smart guys. They use the same thing over and over again, and dumb people fall for it. All right, Those of us that are observant, even if you’re not very observant at all, you start to see there seems to be like, didn’t they do this before? Yeah, they keep doing it over and over and over again because they’re not smart. Right? They get away with it one time. They’re like, they fell for it.
Then let’s do it again and see how long we get away with it. So we’ve been pretty resistant to a lot of their stuff over the last several years. We’ve called a lot of stuff out. We work together. We’re building our community stronger. It’s happening. I. They’re very. It’s. They’re on their last legs, guys. Uh, they’re being taken down. There will be no civil war. But there is the possibility of this color revolution. And this is something that Dr. Halper said as well. She said, we. We have this in the bag, what they’re doing right now, because the Democrats are saying, take it to the streets.
So that sounds like color revolution, doesn’t it? It sounds like they want to go civil war. They’re not going to get their civil war. That’s not happening. I’ve said that for five years, right. All the way back when this George Floyd and we saw that the election was rigged and it was trying to steal the election. I said, no way. And so we’re not going to see this. This rebel. We’re not going to see a revolution, color revolution. But we’re going to try. We’re gonna. They’re going to try something like that. Like George Floyd. And George Floyd got a lot of traction, guys, because we know that there’s a lot of people that are easily coerced.
And we saw that with our college students. These college students wanted to get out. They wanted to party because they’ve been locked down. They’re like, oh, we don’t have to wear the mask. And of course, you know, the deep state is like, yes, if you’re. If you’re. If you’re protesting, then that’s good. And you don’t have to be six feet apart and you don’t have to wear your mask. Right. But if you’re not protesting, you have to be six feet apart. You have to wear your mask. All right, so it should have been a big, like, hello at that point.
A lot of us try to point that out, but once the emotions get cooking, guys, it’s hard to shut it off. I had guys that were in Minneapolis that, you know, I had been through different courses with not. Not military types, but at the Tom Brown School, where, you know, you learn intuition and tracking and survival and stuff like that. There was a guy that was pretty. Pretty squared away. I thought that was in Minneapolis. And he said, mike, you don’t know what you’re talking about. That was real. And I’m like, I don’t even have to be there to know it’s not real.
What the f. You talking about? But see, people got hooked because they heard from somebody that heard from somebody that started this. And then it just kept keeping. It just kept getting energy, guys. Just like a fire. Somebody kept throwing themselves into the fire and burning, right? And the. It got hotter and hotter and people got stupider and stupider. So May 26, Chovon and the other three officers were fired. All right, so charged with third degree murder. Siobhan was. And then secondary manslaughter complete. His knee was on the back of the guy’s neck. You see, you see different photos where Siobhan had.
Or like Floyd had. He had hair. And then when, uh, Siobhan, uh, had uh, his knee on the back of his neck. Get anyone, lie on the ground, get somebody, put their knee on the back of your neck and see if that chokes you. That’s about the dumbest thing in the world. All right? So it. I mean, everyone should have seen that. I know that because I’m a hand to hand guy. But I’m pointing out, no one like says anything. It’s like, well, they choked them. What that right there should be like all stop, right? So from that point on, it’s just a total color revolution, guys.
All right, June 1st Private Autopsy Commission by the family of floor death determines the homicide. It’s a homicide death. The guy, if the guy died, if he really died, he died high on some kind of crack or something, guys. And his. He got excited and died of a heart attack or something. So if it’s real, if it’s real on that level, he definitely didn’t die because those guys were holding him down. Right? If he did die, which I don’t believe he did because I, I walked all through this. There’s so many different things. Even where the ambulance like goes up the street and they’re talking on the.
The radio and it stops up the street. It goes away from that area and it stops up the street. It doesn’t go right to the. The hospital. Right. So it’s all obviously, you know, totally staged. So then it just. The protests just keep going on. And we know that people died on, you know, every single day. It seems like May 27th, 29th were widespread arson, rioting and looting. And this is Minneapolis were Tim Walls, who was going to be the vice president under brain dead Kamala. And you know, Tim Walls is brain dead. So this is the only way these guys get into office.
Now if they’re going to put somebody in the office is if the deep State is running the show. You know, they’re running the show by if they have stupid people they’re putting in office, right? You look, look at that guy in Pennsylvania center from Pennsylvania. Great, brain dead. You look at the governor of Arizona, brain dead. So you don’t have to go far to see where the deep state’s involved. You see someone that is a complete idiot, that’s deep state putting people in those positions. So these protests keep going. I mean, September 11th hunters rally outside downtown Minneapolis court.
And October 7th there was protest. Remember, they even came all the way to the White House. President Trump had to go into, into the underground, you know, city that’s down there underneath the White House for protection. That’s a color revolution. They made it all the way to the White House, so they almost overthrew our government. They were at the gates of the White House trying to scale and break through the gates of the White House. The Secret Service was able to hold the line and you know, and then of course, Trump goes out the next day.
They try to make a big deal because Trump had said to like, Seattle, where they had like a, a free city in Seattle where they like put up barriers and they’re like raping, killing people in this little section of Seattle that they, these BLM crazy people had, you know, taken over that part of the city. Trump said, clean it up or I’m sending in the military. Right? This is possibly what we’re going to see in the near future where this type, some type of color revolution probably tied to, you know, deportation is my best guess because they’ve already started a little bit of that before it started getting really, really cold.
All right, so now they’re starting to warm up in the, into the march. We’re starting to see little, little pockets. There was a guy that came to the White House and they had shoot him because he had a gun. It was like 12 o’clock last night. I think it was from Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Let me see if I can see it in here. Man. There’s so many things I’m gonna have to like, you know, move this into tomorrow because I have, have to go in and, and speak in a few minutes. But let me jump ahead. So anyway, we had the George Floyd color revolution, right? So I basically laid out for you guys and I’m not going to beat that, that dead horse anymore.
You guys should be. We’re well aware of that. So, so then, you know, it, we have this color revolution going all, all the way up into October. And then they use that to Basically push the, the black community to vote for Joe Biden because he’s in Kamala. Because they’re like, oh, yeah, that’s. That’s Trump. You know, he’s talking tough and saying he’s going to, like, bring out the military and all that stuff. And so they basically swayed the election, I believe, or tried to still, with all the. They. They did still. They lost. We know they lost.
They know that Trump knows that they lost. Right? And they are shaking in their little slippers, right? Their little soft slippers. So they don’t have boots, they have little slippers. Little pink balleray, ballerina slippers. All right. I like to think of these, you know, crazy people, psychopaths. And little ballet slippers. Pink ballet slippers. It makes it a little prettier for me because I know that these people need to be hung and all kind of crazy stuff, so. And they can be hung in the little pink ballet slippers. All right, so let me, let me present a little, A little video for you guys.
This is Ukraine. So November 27th, 22nd. This, last November 22nd marked 20 years since the start of the Orange Revolution. So one of the key events in modern Ukrainian history that began in November 20, 2024, the Orange Revolution began when Ukrainians stood against electoral fraud in the race between Victory Yanukovych and Victory. So stood against electoral fraud, basically, they defrauded, just like just happened in Romania, they defrauded someone that had been legitimately elected. Now in the United States, they kept, you know, kept counting the votes for a month. Six weeks later, they’re still counting votes. It was obviously election fraud, guys, right? So we know.
They know that we know. And we’re coming for them, all of us. All right? We’re coming for them. Of course, not some of the, you know, uniparty dumbasses that still believe that that was a legitimate vote. So election deniers, that’s what we are, right? Election deniers. That’s what the CIA, they love to, like, you know, create these little, you know, like. Oh, you’re conspiracy theorist. You’re electric denier. Yeah, yeah, I am. And I’m. I’m correct. And you’re gonna find out, you know, the hard way, I guess. So this is where we’re going. So will they, will they do this again? Will they do this again? Because like I said, they’re not smart.
They’re going to do something they’ve already gotten away with and they keep using the same thing over and over again. Now, this is a Netflix winner on Fire. I recommend you watch this because it gives you. This is by Stone. He gives. I thought he did a really good job on this. He thought that the election was stolen, too. And I thought he did a really good job. He kind of gave both sides of it. But when you, when you watch this, if you haven’t seen it, you’re like, that election got stolen. They did. They tried to do the same thing here in the United States.
So you see how people are being killed. All right, so they had someone on the police force that was in on, you know, shooting on protesters and they beat protesters and then the protesters started to fight the police and then the military. And this is the way it’s going to be, I think. Coming up now. I think that as Dr. Jan Halper Hay said, Trump, like he was doing finally during the George Floyd attempt to, you know, do a color revolution, there’s going to be a similar one coming and Trump is not going to play around this time.
He’s going to call out the military and he’s going to squash the out of it. All right, so that’s coming. European Union leaders and Ukraine have failed to sign an historic free trade deal after a last minute u turn from here. So trade deal was all about the money, guys. So the European Union wanted to have preferential trade agreements. They wanted to basically have Ukraine like give up their everything and give it to the Europeans and they were going to make them trading partners. All right, so the pres. The duly elected president is like, no. And then they started Ukraine’s fight for freedom.
All right, so did the Ukrainians basically get what they wanted? Did their country get back? Did they get their country back? No. Most Ukrainians have left Ukraine and most Ukrainians that are out there around the world right now seem to be like millionaires spending money like crazy. Where in the hell did all that money come from? Came from us, Came from Europe. Right? Money laundering. They get their piece and the unit party gets their piece and they use it to basically steal elections, to do election fraud, to do, you know, this Mockingbird Media, CIA, Mockingbird Media, to basically come after their political opponents like Donald Trump and other people within, you know, Donald Trump’s team.
It’s absolutely a miracle that Donald Trump’s team is in there, but it is in there. And we’re not going to see another color revolution, but we’re going to see another attempt because that’s the way these guys work. All right, all right, I got to go back and speak. So lots of love. Stay in the love vibration and I’ll see you guys next time.