Is our Magnetosphere being Destroyed? Why it Matters for all Life on the Planet

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➡ The article discusses the increasing electromagnetic pollution due to the rise in technology, such as satellites and 5G networks, and its impact on our planet’s atmosphere and magnetic field. It highlights a company called Masterpiece that specializes in removing toxins from the human body, which are increasing due to this pollution. The article also introduces Jimmy Schwinn, who has been working on solutions to combat this issue through his company, BodyAlign. Lastly, it mentions the importance of understanding the biosphere and its role in protecting the planet, and how our current technology is negatively affecting it.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the impact of technology, such as 5G and satellites, on the environment and human health. It suggests that these technologies are contributing to electromagnetic pollution and potentially weakening the Earth’s magnetic field. The text also mentions the increasing death rate and links it to the rise in electromagnetic pollution. Lastly, it emphasizes the need for collective action to address these issues and hints at potential solutions being developed.
➡ The speaker discusses a device that can help reduce electromagnetic pollution and improve the environment. This device, which is more powerful in its next generation, can clean the atmosphere and soil from pollution and harmful frequencies. The speaker mentions a plan to distribute these devices around the world with the help of wealthy sponsors, aiming to improve the planet’s biosphere. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing the harmful effects of electromagnetic pollution and other environmental issues.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the devastating effects of a hurricane in North Carolina, the potential of certain projects to reduce electromagnetic pollution, and the importance of preventative healthcare over reliance on prescription drugs. They also touch on the negative impacts of pharmaceutical companies’ influence on politics and express hope for change at the local community level.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of the federal government focusing on key issues like electromagnetic pollution and promoting alternative health methods. They also emphasize the need for a new financial system based on real assets, not fiat currency. The speaker shares their personal journey of overcoming health challenges through energy wellness and alternative medicine, and introduces an energy wellness band that uses frequencies of high-quality ingredients for health benefits. They also mention a sleep patch from Body Line that helps with sleep issues, especially during these anxious times.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of sleep and how various devices can help improve it by absorbing negative frequencies. They also mention the harmful effects of 5G on the body and how their products can protect against it. The speaker emphasizes the need for a new health system and criticizes the high cost of healthcare. They encourage people to learn more about their products and the benefits of energy wellness over prescription drugs.


But as we continue to add more of this technology, and Elon Musk now has 10,000 satellites up there. China gets behind him with about 5,000. Now the electromagnetic PL pollution is increasing more. They’re spraying the chemtrails. That’s doing the, you know, the engineering like you call talked about, both to the human and to the planet. And nothing’s pulling it out. Just a quick break from your programming so I can give you a little information about Masterpiece. They are the masters at removing toxins and heavy metals and aluminum and microplastics out of your bloodstream, out of your body.

We are being bombarded with this crap from all over the place and we need to get it out of our bodies that you are more susceptible to every disease imaginable when that’s in your bloodstream. And I like Masterpiece. That’s the company I endorse. Why? Because they’re the only company out there that’s actually doing trials to prove to you that their product works. It removes graphene oxide, it removes aluminum, it removes microplastics and all sorts of toxins. You can try yours today as well by going under shop or with the link below. Welcome to business Game changers.

I’m Sarah Westall. I have Jimmy Schwinn coming to the program. He’s going to talk about some solutions that they’re working on. Well, first of all, he’s going to talk about what the magnetic sphere is and how all the pollution, the frequency, the WiFi pollution from microwaves and WiFi and radio waves, there’s all the frequencies being bombarded and how it’s affecting our magnetic sphere and it’s something that nobody talks about. And so he’s going to talk about it and the fact that there are scientists all over the world who are really pretty freaked out about it. And there’s been think tanks going on and they’ve come up with solutions for this that’s very promising as well.

So I’ll talk a little bit about the solutions. People watch this show know that I like to see white papers. I like to see proof, especially on grand claims. Right? And so he’s going to be coming back later with, with more evidence of what’s going on. But he’s going to give you a glimpse of some of the solutions they’re working on. But more importantly, what this problem is and how the magnetosphere affects all of us and how it affects weather and what we’re seeing in, you know, we have weather warfare too, which is well documented. We Talk about that and, but also how the magnetosphere is interacting with that.

And so it’s a really informative conversation. And he’s been working with frequency technology for 10, over 10 years. And he has a company called BodyAlign where he’s been working on solutions for this. But he’s been working on a lot of other solutions too. He’s working with Sheriff Mack, he’s working with really good people, people who own hedge funds. All these things of people coming together. This is where the hopefulness is. People are coming together everywhere who are. That’s what I said during an interview. They realize they saw like the hand of God and said, oh my gosh, this is what’s really going.

They really are doing these things. And people that have the ability to understand it are realizing it and then becoming mobilized to stop it and come up with solutions. That’s what’s really hopeful about it. But before I get into this interview with Jimmy, I want to share this. And we’re going to share it at the end too. This is the different products that he has that are frequency based. And this is a sleep patch that’s really helping people. I, you know, I talk about the sleeping pod because it absorbs and changes frequency, but this also does other things that will help you from a frequency standpoint.

I mean, we have a war going on on frequency against our body from all different angles. And you got to try different things that work. And I know that the majority of people out there are having a hard time sleeping. This could really help you. I hope you try it. If you’re one of those, it’s not that expensive to try it for 30 days and see if it work. Works for you. There are other products that he has too, like the band that has over 300 frequencies. I give them crap that I don’t like how it looks, but it doesn’t matter.

I mean, this is something you can wear around your house. Has over 300 frequencies. Explains what it does. And I’m going to be working with them on creating different things, which I’m really excited about. And they also have this patch which I want to understand more. But for men, it, well, they claim it works for females too. But I, I’m going to talk about it for men because it helps with increasing your testosterone, so it increases your muscle mass. And for women it should be doing that too. But I, you know, I don’t, I don’t recommend that until I little learn a little bit more.

And there I’m telling them, give me some more information on this, but for men it increases your testosterone and increases your muscle mass. Totally incredible stuff. And this is all frequency based. So if you are interested in getting that, I’ll have the link below or go to sarah under shop and you’ll see it right there on the top, the body align products. And you can learn more about it there as well. Okay, let’s get into my really good conversation with Jimmy Schwinn. Hi Jimmy, welcome to the program. Hey, thank you for having me, Sarah. I’m very glad to be here with you today.

Well, I’m excited to have you. We’ve been talking for a while. You are going to introduce a topic that many people in my audience haven’t heard much about before because we, it gets presented in many different. You probably have heard about it, but not directly. It’s like an indirect thing. But it’s time to actually talk about it from a bigger picture standpoint. And that’s the biosphere and what that, how it’s manifesting with weather and everything else that’s going on. Can you explain what the biosphere is? Well, yeah, the, the whole, you know, the whole biosphere is what protects the planet.

You know, our, our, our electromagnetic shield that we have from all the sun rays and the atmosphere. All of that, you know, is very important for sustaining life on this planet. And our issue, and I’ve been involved now in this electromagnetic stuff and frequency stuff for over a decade and some at this point and there’s some very, very smart scientists around the world working on what I’m getting ready to tell everybody about. And for many countries, right. I mean it’s from every, almost, almost, I would say the majority of the countries of scientists that are working together on this and have been developed, I’m talking about technology for Russia, technology for Iran stuff that’s just amazing technology.

I mean, you know, it’s pretty serious stuff. I don’t want to get into that. But basically we’ve been creating all this technology, right? We know that Tesla had a way to distribute electricity that was clean, but they didn’t go with that. They went with Thomas Edison because they wanted to lay all the wires out. They wanted to have all that money invested into that because they could sell the, they could sell the units of electricity and it was a major cash cow. And they could, they could meter it, right? They can meter it and they could charge for it.

And so now as we’ve been, you know, increasing our technology, especially with the 5G now the electricity system is creating what’s called electromagnetic pollution. And electromagnetic pollution is eating up our atmosphere and weakening our magnetic field. And see, and that’s what people don’t, don’t understand or don’t have never really heard or talked about is we know we have all this WI Fi and Electric Man. We know we have all this trash, right? We have all this crap being bombarded at us. We know that, but we don’t realize what it’s doing to our atmosphere. It’s eating it.

And it’s. Now you think about this as eating it. It’s literally eating it. In a few weeks, I’ll be able to come back on your show with white papers and scientific documentations to show what these scientists have been working on together to help save our planet. Because this is a serious situation. Because when it gets to the point of no return, what you’ve seen in North Carolina, what you’ve seen in Florida will be an everyday type of situation. The world would be completely. It’s a climate change. So climate change is real, but it’s being created not by the stuff that they claim it’s being created.

Not from your car exhaust, not from the exhaust, not from all the things they want to claim it is so they can control you and create new businesses and whatever. It’s from this. Well, yeah, and other things. There’s more to it too, right? Well, yeah, I know there’s been weather warfare for 70 years. I mean, there’s. There’s actual patents, you know, that you can look up and see what they’ve had with this weather warfare. Well, and there’s also government program. I did an article, I published it in Substack and it said nobody can tell me that, that geoengineering isn’t happening when I can identify what is.

Which is publicly posted. Government programs going on all over the country that’s been going on for decades. Funding geoengineering. Yes, and they’re funding it year after year after year. And they have specific projects and what the results are, you know, like increase rainfall by X amount. Increase snow pack by X amount. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They’re putting all kinds of nastiness into the atmosphere, you know, for the geoengineering, like you said, but also for geoengineering us also at the same time. And it’s interesting because, you know, it’s nice, this technology, right? It’s nice to pick up your cell phone and to get that 5G and you got, you know, 500 megabytes downloading and your phone is real fast and it’s all exciting, but we don’t understand the consequences of it.

No one was looking into how can we do this safely so that we’re not putting all this electromagnetic pollution into the atmosphere that’s eating it up and weakening the magnetic field. What does it mean to be eating it up? Just chewing a hole in it. There’s a giant hole in our atmosphere now and the magnetic field is weakening. And they’ve already said it. I mean, anybody can start Googling this and see that they’re talking even about the magnetic pole, the magnetic field weakening, you know, and, and it’s a problem too with the solar flares and stuff.

Right. Because if we. Yeah, there more is going to come into the planet and heat the core of the planet up. And also now, so Musk, Elon Musk with StarLink has about 4,500, I think of these satellites up around that number. China now is getting involved. They want to get more up and surpassing. We could be looking in the next decade 100,000 of these satellites around our planet and not with just beaming down 5G, but at that point it could be what, 8G. Well, and it’s also scalar waves and micro. We know that there’s all the frequencies that is going.

I mean, there’s good frequencies, we’ll talk about that a little bit. There’s good frequencies and there’s bad frequencies and we are bombarded by bad frequencies and a lot of these illnesses. I mean, the death rate right now is going through the roof. And you know, these crematoriums and funeral homes are making more money than they’ve ever made in the history of them being in existence right now and with no slowdown in the future. And I know friends that own these, these type of. They buy these, they buy private funeral homes and they’re probably seeing it as really good investment right now.

Well, yeah, that’s, you know, they’re investors, you know, that’s what they do. But it’s sad because it’s young people, of course, it’s older people, but it’s a lot of young people. And you know, if you look at all of this electromagnetic pollution that we’ve been increasing on this planet, a lot of these symptoms of EMF radiation, which increase tremendously with 5G, which increase even more with 6G. If you look at the symptoms of EMF radiation, a lot of those symptoms are flu, you know, lung, upper respiratory problems, all kinds of stuff going on. And we’re just at the tip of the iceberg right now where this is going.

And they’re rapidly moving forward. I don’t know if anybody got to watch Musk’s he had in a stockholder meeting. And they rented out a big Hollywood studio and they had the robo taxis pulling up. No driving wheel, no pedals. They were driving around this huge studio, taking people to work. Then the optimist robots came out, started serving drinks, talking to people. The AI and robotics needs massive amounts of more energy. And you know, this is not something that sister Sarah or brother Jimmy is going to stop. This is happening. AI is happening. There’s a massive amount of money behind AI and robotics.

Yeah. I mean it’s just computer science becoming more and more ingrained into everything that we do and more sophisticated. I mean, a lot of this, a lot of the software is around. The software that I see out there isn’t any more sophisticated than I saw back in the 80s. I mean honestly, that the more advanced people we’re working on, right. It’s just being integrated into every part of our society now. And it’s caught up with the theories, basically. Modern day living has caught up to the theories that have been going on for decades. So more energy, you need more energy for these things.

But it’s a pollution that, it’s the electromagnetic pollution. Electromagnetic pollution. If they are saying conservatively, we need to double energy output, so we double energy output, we’re going to put more electromagnetic pollution into the, into the atmosphere. We’ve cut a lot of the trees down that used to help around that stuff. You know, we’ve cut a lot of trees down. You know, it’s ridiculous. We could be using hemp, you know, industrial hemp to do everything that we’re doing with these trees. We don’t need to be cutting all these trees down. But they’ve done it. And so why were they cutting the trees down? Because we need, you know.

Yeah, they just cut the trees down. They cut them down from the lumber and you know, for paper. Okay. You’re just talking about, for everyday use. Yeah, yeah. But you know, the trees used to help branch around some of this electromagnetic pollution. Well, it also helps with CO2. It helps, I mean it’s plant everything. Yeah, right. It converts CO2 into oxygen. And so we just do. I feel like, you know, we know that every pillar of society has to come down and be rebuilt in a way that it serves all and not just a few. The whole system is rigged.

Right. But as we continue to add more of this technology and Elon Musk now has 10,000 satellites up there, China gets behind him. With about 5,000 now the electromagnetic pollution is increasing more. They’re spraying the chemtrails. That’s doing the, you know, the engineering like you call talked about both to the human and to the planet. And nothing’s pulling it out. Now one of the great things about these gentlemen, these scientists, and again, I am a firm believer like you, Sister Sarah, that there is no white horse person riding in a force coming to save all of us, maybe the creator.

Regardless of what you want to debate the name of the creator is. I’m talking about the point of origin, that nothing created that always has been there and everything’s in it and everything is, you know, within it and it’s within everything. It’s the life force. But no other white horse person is coming riding in to save the day for everybody. It’s going to take us all working together as a team to help change the course. I think that is Christ consciousness, you know, Christ coming to me. That’s all of us working together and it cut through us making a difference.

That’s why I’ve always said, I always thought that that’s what that story meant. But yeah, people have different ideas, but that’s to me what makes the most sense. And it’s in all of us. Yes, yes. And you know, that’s an important part of where we have to head is a society. You know, again, our pillars of, our pillars of society are built for, to benefit the few, not the majority. And that has to be turned around. But if, you know, it’s interesting because, you know, I’m involved in a lot of things to help bring solutions into this world, to better this planet.

And one of those are with the constitutional sheriffs. Right. But I tell everybody, you know, we were going back. You work a lot with him because, yeah, four years now we’ve been working with Sheriff Mack. And you know, it’s interesting because I had a conversation with my, my partners and I was telling them if we don’t handle this issue, all of these other things we’re not going to be able to do because if we don’t handle the electromagnetic pollution issue, then it doesn’t matter about constitutional sheriffs, it doesn’t matter about all that because the planet won’t be able to be sustain life for human beings.

I mean, once you lose all of your atmosphere and your magnetic, you know, I think it’s called magnetic sphere or something like that, but your, you know, your, your magnetic protection for the poles and all, once that’s gone, there is no coming back from that and these guys are talking about, you know, a five year window, these scientists, a five year window. And, you know, I was telling. I was on a call last night with one of the guys that is helping fund these units, my business partner, Joseph, which, you know, I’m gonna. What do you mean, these units? What are you talking about? Well, there’s some.

There’s some solutions that people are coming up with units, smaller units that have been being put out for a couple years, then small help to help repair the. Well, this. I’ll explain to you what it does, okay? Because I actually have one in my backyard right here. And I just moved here. It’ll be a month on the 22nd. And I just moved it from that house over to here because I put sand around it so I can take it out and move it, you know, because I’m not right now purchasing in the United States. I’m just renting.

So I moved it over to the new house here, and I feel the effects right away. And it literally. The next generation of the devices are 10 times more powerful than the one I got sitting in my backyard. And I was blown away by the one sitting in my backyard. But let me explain to you kind of what these things are. And again, we’ll really announce this on your show in the next few weeks as we get the white papers together and all the scientific studies, the big ones, the big ones that cover 750 kilometers as they go in, then to 250, 2500 kilometers, which, by the way, is 1550 miles almost exactly in radius.

One of them, they’ve got a couple out there that they’ve been testing, okay, to help solve this problem, which means how can we get this electromagnetic pollution out of the atmosphere, grounded into Mother Earth, without hurting Mother Earth, neutralizing the negative effects of it, grounding it out, and at the same time cleaning up our atmosphere from all of the chemtrails and all the pollution and cleaning our soil. A lot of people don’t understand this either, is that when you’re doing this GMO stuff, you know how you can go through this, fixing your field to get it to be organic and certified organic.

The frequencies are still there. The GMO is in everything. It’s in the water, it’s in the air, it’s in the pollen. It’s everywhere. It’s everywhere. So you do that, then you plant, and then it gets recontaminated again. So we have sprayed so much on this planet, especially here in the United States. I mean, if you look at our food and you look at the ingredients in our food versus the ingredients in the uk, big difference. Like we have four times more stuff in a product that’s the same. It all starts coming down to frequency, doesn’t it? It’s all frequency.

Frequency is everything. I know for years now. And it’s so great that there’s, you know, there’s millions of people that could understand this. And it’s so amazing when there’s groups like what you’re working with, groups of scientists that not only understand it but then start moving forward to come up with solutions and using it that are helpful. And the, it’s the ignorance of not understanding of what this is doing to people because they can’t see it. So they have no idea how harmful it is. Like they just keep moving forward without, they have no clue because they can’t see it.

If you can’t see it, it doesn’t harm anybody. Right. And that’s the, the ignorance that we’re dealing with. And it’s so nice to see people that not only understand it but are serious and are moving on it to actually create solutions. Well, let me, let me say this to you. With the big devices that we need, about 330, some of them around the planet, maybe a little bit more, we’re not even going to ask people to help us. We’re going to Brother Joseph and myself, we have a lot of friends that are very wealthy and they’re going to do some kind of sponsorship.

We’re putting that whole program together and then being able to get these things into the locations, private property, private property where people can protect them. Because you know, this is not something that the other side wants. They don’t want us cleaning up the electromagnetic pollution. They don’t want us cleaning up the chemtrails. They don’t want these devices doing that. That would go against their agenda of what they’re doing. But this will happen that way. The smaller devices, where I have one of them that’s called, it does the electromagnetic pollution, it protects that, but it also does agricultural, makes your, your plants greener and stuff.

And it was very interesting because I had no grass in my yard and this grass started growing and the trees were fuller and all of that was happening. I had that device in my, in this other house since November last year. And then I moved it over here. Yeah, yeah. Because I told my wife, I said get my device over here. You know, it cost me like 550 bucks to get replanted over here, but I needed it over here. But we, we do have a lot of the first generation devices. And this, you know, I believe that the creator that’s, you know, that brings things to all of us, brings you, brought us together, brings things to all of us.

And when this was brought, you know, to me to, to help do my part, you know, with my technology company and our marketing and development and all of that, to help get the word out too, you know, with people. But these smaller devices, I read these testimonials and I see what’s happening for people and it’s wonderful, you know, it’s wonderful to see, you know, what’s happening with their farms and what’s happening with their homes and all of that. And if we can work together and get these things put out there, you know, the big ones again are going to be strategically put out in a way that will be, you know, not asking the general public to help us with that.

You know what I mean? It’s like over a billion dollar project, right? And you have no, this is what blows my mind to put the big. I thought these are expensive. No, listen to this. It’s, it’s, it’s amazing what we do waste money on in the government and what we should. It’s $22 million or a little bit more to put all the devices around the world that need to help repair our biosphere. $22 million and 22 devices dollars. And if we had two of those. Right, because yeah, 100, sure, it’s gonna work. 100%. Yeah, they’re, they’ll bring them out.

They’ve got a couple of them out now. That’s been a massive situation with what, what they’re doing with the white paper and the scientific reports and all of that. They’re going to be bringing those out again. The people that are going to be getting the sponsoring these there are people that are worth, you know, millions or tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars. So they’ll be able to sponsor one a placement or two placements and get them around. And then not only that, but all of the information of the effect of those will be in the membership area where they’ll be able to see exactly what’s going on with all of the devices and what it’s doing around the world.

Wow, that’s a very interesting project. And when, oh, I think it’s a, it’s a, it’s a. You know, I’m also have a background in project management. Right. So I could go into companies like you. I have a business background and I go into companies. I see all the holes in every department and then I go and say, okay, well this, these are the holes in this department. These are the holes in this department. These are holes in this department. And then I say, okay, what’s the number one hole that we got to fix? Okay, this one, then this one then I categorize them, I organized them.

I say that’s a system, systems way of thinking. It’s a. Yeah, I, I have that kind of thought process and I look at, okay, out of all the things that I’m doing with the constitutional sheriffs and with you know, the energy, wellness and all of that stuff that I’ve got in my life, everything is solution oriented. I’m not involved in anything that has, it isn’t going to be good for the people or the planet. I look at what is the most important, like what is at the top and what we’re talking about right now is at the top.

Like you just said, Sister Sarah, you said, you know, most people don’t understand, understand that their TV sets putting out 440 hertz, which makes you fearful and depressed and anxious and anxiety. It’s fixing this control grid. I say there’s two number one priorities going on. It’s the money, the whole global financial system which is being read on and this global control grid, this actually fits into that. I just, you could even split it out and make it a third element when, when you’re talking about the climate, the magnetosphere, but it’s really part of that. But it’s amazing that you have a group of scientists again that are actually where, when people are fearful, when people see the hand of God and realize oh my God, this is what they’re really doing and what this really could mean to us.

It motivates people. I’ve never seen so many smart people once they get that, once they realize holy crap, this is what they’re doing, it motivates some of the best and brightest people in the world to do something. And we’re seeing that on multiple fronts now. And I’m very encouraged and this is another big project that I’m very encouraged about. I’m not convinced that any one of these projects are the be all end all. I think they could help a lot while we really figure it out. I mean it might be a progression, but it could be a huge stop gap as we’re learning and figuring it out out and making it better and better.

I mean, I don’t know, maybe it is the, you know, we need to, we need to Start grounding this electromagnetic pollution immediately. Yeah. At the same time we have to look at the technology and say, okay, how can we make this safer? You know, how can we make this not create so much electromagnetic pollution? So there is multiple things simultaneously that need to be done. It’s interesting too. You know, I. One of the business partners that I’m involved in there in North Carolina, in the. The zone, ground zero 50 of the hurricane. Of the hurricane. And I don’t even want to tell you what has been seen.

It will break your heart. And what is going on. I know bodies with the bodies buried under the, under the mud, babies and trees and it’s, it’s bodies buried under the mud. And now the respiratory issues that are going to happen for the mud. The cattle buried under the mud, the animal life buried under the mud. But there was, if you look at the Dallas Cowboys stadium, their indoor stadium, and you fill it up with water to the top. 51,000 of those stadiums was dropped on North Carolina in a day. 51,000 on the hills, the mountains.

That’s why the mountains just fell. I mean, the whole time, just. Yeah. And that’s how I heard the. Someone was describing it at the very beginning. She’s like, the entire top of the mountain slid down and onto the roads. And that’s why everything. And destroyed everything. Took it. Yes. I mean, yeah. The conversation we were having last night because also my business partner Joseph is working with the Sumerian. I think it’s Sumerian Group or you know, Franklin Graham’s Okay. Organization which, you know, the majority of the money actually goes to the problem, not to somebody’s pocket, you know, with all this administration and stuff.

That’s great. And they were talking about the devastation, you know, that it can be five years to rebuild everything. How bad it is, you know how bad it is. And if we had those devices in place, we don’t think that that would have occurred like that, whether it was man made or because of the electromagnetic pollution. And so, you know, $22 million to some people might be like a lot of money, but when you’re looking at the scheme of things, of what we’re spending, it’s nothing. It’s peanuts. To solve this type of problem, it’s peanuts. And then you get the smaller devices out there in the thousands, in the tens of thousands, in the hundreds of thousands, in the millions.

Now you’ve built this beautiful shield around this planet that’s cleaning up the soil, cleaning up our biosphere. Fantastic. Taking out all their nastiness, which are Spraying on all of us. You know, my wife, who my beautiful wife Cindy that I, I will be with in January for 35 years. I met her at a. A chemical ill. Detergents and laundry. I ran the production manager. I was a production manager there, there. And she has been telling me for years, they’re spraying us, they’re spraying us, they’re spraying us. They’re always spraying. And you know, we, you see these chemtrails, you know, going above.

You know what’s interesting, this device that I put in my backyard because I’m the kind of person is if I don’t do it myself, then I’m not gonna, I’m not going to tell people about it, meaning if I don’t have one and know for a fact that it works, I am not telling anybody about it. But what I noticed was now we also have a place in the Dominican Republic. My wife’s from the American public. And you go there and the sky is so freaking blue. It’s so beautifully blue. Besides the fruit and the vegetables and the meats being amazing.

I mean, I don’t do any more activity than I do now. And I’m losing weight down there. Well, that’s the day because I remember I was in France. This was back in like 2015, maybe 2017. I don’t remember. And I remember talking to a woman who, super thin. I mean like, you don’t see people like that around here, right? Just super fit and stuff and not anorexic looking, but just like almost too thin for around here. But she, she’s like, Sarah, I went to Canada for the summer. She goes, I gained like 30 pounds. It’s taken me a year to get it off.

I didn’t do anything different. I just gained weight. She was, I had a friend who came from, from the, from that area, from Canada into France and they, he spent the summer and he lost £50 doing nothing. It’s just because the food, I had that same thing. I’ll, I’ll be down there from January, probably the 15th for three months, right? And then we’ll go back a couple months later because our parents now are, you know, 84 and her mother’s got Alzheimer, which by the way will be another discussion we can have at a later date that the whole health care system of the United States is going to be completely collapsing based on the Alzheimer alone.

I mean this, this is a epidemic like no one’s ever seen. Well, it’s in the air. The electromagnetic pollution has to do, do with it. The frequency Attacks have a lot to do with closing and calcifying all of those little veins in the, in the head, in the brain. But it’s interesting that, you know, the Eastern, Eastern side of the world understands energy, wellness. The western side of the world takes 60%. United States takes 60 of all the prescription drugs. So we don’t understand things here that aren’t. That we can’t feel and touch. Right. But it’s interesting because, you know, I lost my brother at 40 years old from prescription drugs, from a pain management doctor in Florida, dead from the cocktail.

My mother had juvenile diabetes. She was taking eleven hundred dollars worth of prescription drugs a month, drowned in her own liquid, sitting on the toilet. Not from the diabetes, not by the diabetes, from the side effects. I know of the drugs. They say medical doctors are the, are the least healthy profession there is. Did you know? Well, they get, they, yeah, they get bonus, though, also on vaccines. They get bonused on prescriptions. So. But I mean, no, they’re personally healthy. Yeah, they’re s. They’re personally the least healthy people of any profession that exists. That makes no sense, does it? No, it doesn’t make any sense.

And you know, my wife is the MD type of person. She runs the doctor for everything. I have not been to the doctor. I can’t even tell you the last time I went, okay. And that’s because I do preventive maintenance. Well, you have to prevent. Yeah. Because there are situations. Well, I don’t want to tell if I broke my leg or if I broke my leg or, you know, something happened, I would go to the doctors, no problem. But I won’t go there for every little thing. You know, I’m not going to go there and run there for every little thing.

And I look at them and they do look sick and they do don’t look healthy and they know nothing about nutrition and they know nothing about, you know, I would like the bonus doctors based on wellness. That’s right. How, how many of your patients are actually healthy? Oh, there’s your big bones. No more bonuses for vaccines. No more bonuses for how many prescription drugs you write. You get bonuses based on how well your patients are. Yeah, but Janda tells, Janda tells a story because Dave, Dan, Dr. Dave Janda. Right, yeah. Good friend of mine and he tells a story where, you know, he’s a surgeon and he tells a story about how he was working to do preventative medicine and all the pushback he got doing preventative medicine to the point where he just said, said, I’m done.

I’m gonna start educating people because he, his whole career he was trying to do preventative medicine. I mean he worked in two different presidential administrations as a health advisor, both for Reagan and for Clinton and. But he said his whole career was about preventative medicine and he just got pushback non stop. Well of course when the pharmaceutical companies own all our politicians pretty much, let’s be honest with that. And what’s interesting, what I’m seeing, like you said, you’re seeing some hope, you know, some rays of people waking up and doing something. I’m also seeing that with the pharmaceutical companies where states are suing.

And you know, it really is going to boil down to our local community. You know, the Constitution says the powers with the people in the states, not the federal government. And when you talk to Sheriff Mack, excuse me, he talks about five things that the federal government’s supposed to be involved in and that’s it. It not 500 million things. And so not everything they can think about so that they can justify their job. It’s ridiculous. And you know, so my hope is that you know one, we handle that issue with our electromagnetic pollution. We start educating people on other ways to, to be healthy.

You know, like with, you know, when I want to go into my store a little bit and we’re going to get more into the electromagnetic pollution as the white papers, we’ll get you back on to talk about this because you’re just giving people like a little bit of it. A little bit, yeah, a little. But this is, I want to know more about it and I like to, as you know, we’ve talked, I want you to see the white papers. I like to see proof. I like to see things and I think people will be blown away.

So that’s what I’m pretty excited about. And the good thing about it is we don’t need their money for the big ones. We’re already going to have all of our people. And you believe, you think they’re picky about wanting to know something works. These people that are worth millions, tens of millions and hundred millions, they don’t play games. You gotta have the white paper, scientific documentation, all of it. So I’ll let you, as soon as that’s out, I’ll let you review that and then we can come back on and have another conversation. But you talk about, you’re taught, you’re saying that these people don’t play games and need to see things work.

That’s why I love the idea. That’s why the new financial system based on something real Instead of fiat, the fiat and we, we got. This isn’t going to be the topic of the conversation, but I want to quickly say this is fiat currency where there’s nothing behind it. Nobody has any skin in the game. They don’t care, they don’t care for. They’re just going to keep doing things. Whereas if you have real people that they have to put up real assets and real collateral, they won’t be screwing around doing all this stuff. It becomes much more serious.

And that due diligence through that, through the gazoo. Yeah, it’s due diligence. So, you know, we, we, we don’t. Do you know, my one friend, I told you, Joseph, my business partner in a company we’re going to talk about a little bit today also, you know, he’s running, you know, it’s almost a half a billion dollar hedge fund. Now that’s not, that’s a lot of money to some people and to others it’s not. You know, I mean JP Morgan, you know, has a couple trillion in the hedge fund industry isn’t massive 11 million. But this is a guy that was a professional pitcher in baseball, had an injury, ripped his rotor cup which he couldn’t fix because he’s, he’s in his 70s now.

And from that situation he built one of the largest trucking companies where you have the freezer trucks. It’s almost like you with your granite company, you know what I mean? He didn’t know he was doing it. All of a sudden it blew up. He was, he sold it. It was doing $200 million a year. And you know, so that happened to him. And these guys, they don’t play around, you know, they want to, they want due diligence. And you know, they won’t even get on a conversation without knowing that, okay, this thing is real. This is not.

Because they can’t even, you know, jeopardize their reputation. Neither can I, neither can you. We can’t jeopardize our reputation like a lot of these people we see out there talking a lot of stuff. And I won’t get into all of it. That is opium and a lot of nonsense that is getting people to be idle and not get involved. Learn helplessness is what we’ve been terming it. And learn helplessness. That’s a great terminology for it. Yeah. And that’s what Dave Hodges come, he’s a psychologist. He goes, the actual correct term is learned helplessness. Yeah. And it’s purposely being done to get everybody to sit back.

And that’s what the chaos. Well, the chaotic fire hose of, of BS is also to confuse people so they don’t know what the priorities are. They don’t even know what to think. And that’s the learn. That’s part of this whole learned helplessness. It really is. And I want to tell a little story. You know, when I was the production manager where I met my wife, I got injured and I did some damage in my neck, in my lower back. And so as the years went on, put me into work with comp. Then I had to go on Social Security disability.

I was getting the shots in the spinal cord, you know, where they put the croza. Whatever it’s called. They, it don’t feel good. Okay? It does not feel good. And I was told that, Jimmy, you’re going to be in a wheelchair the rest of your life. You’re going to be on a morphine pump. They gave me these little purple morphine pills. I took one at once, ever. And I got so sick. And I decided when they said that, no, I would not do that. I would research alternative medicine. I would learn what people are doing to help mitigate pain and help mitigate all of the things that I needed to do for myself so that I can work, you know, with, you know, do support my family and, and, you know, move my career forward.

And that’s what I did. And so I learned a lot about energy wellness. And I want to talk a little bit about that. It saved your life, right? I mean, it saved you. Yeah. Wheelchair. It, you know, it, you know, I’m not saying that it’s. And this is an energy wellness band here also, that has over 300 good frequencies, so. Good frequencies, meaning at the highest level of quality of any ingredient, let’s say turmeric, the best turmeric you can get on the planet. Its frequency is in this band. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Cinnamon. You can’t get it because it has mold.

You know, it has fungus in it. Cinnamon. You can’t get it at that level. But every ingredient that you can get at that level, at its highest level, we have the whole, like, do you have, do you have, like, vitamin C and vitamin A? Yeah, well, vitamin C, it isn’t. It is synthetic, mostly. Except, you know, there’s another product that you, I know you and Dave have, David, you know, the nanosoma gets your own body to create its own vitamin C. Yeah. You think that’s even better than this? Yeah, I, I, there’s complimentary things like. Yeah, I mean, I don’t have just one Thing on my shelf.

If you go look at what I’ve got, I look at, you know, I do everything through what I call take a sheet of paper and I’ll draw down the middle of it, regardless of what it is in my life. And I’m going to say serving me, not serving me. I write down everything that’s serving me and everything that’s not serving me. You know, whatever my goal is, you know, my goal is wellness, better health, okay? Food supplements, all of that. What’s serving me, what’s not serving me? Get rid of what’s not serving you and move whatever you’re spending on it to what will serve you.

And you know, when I listen to Dave’s testimonial on that product, which he claims and you and you, I can’t wait to have him on about how that has basically saved his life. I’ve had him on to talk about that before. Oh, yeah, Pretty. Pretty interesting. I just think it’s amazing product. But your stuff, what’s in. Okay, so you say there’s like 300 ingredients plus. So you have turmeric. What other ones do you have? Because vitamin C, I brought up that, and that isn’t the best way. What other ones are there? Yeah, every. Every type of ingredient that’s known to do something positive for your body.

We have a frequency database and they create frequency formulations for particular products. So, meaning this here is for pain. Stick it on and the pain’s gone. Now, I can’t say that in marketing material. You know, you got to be careful. But I can tell you what, you go to, go to that site, you know, your, your site, forward slash Sarah. And you look at the reviews and you read reviews from doctors, naturopaths, people that are having pain or they can’t sleep, so they’re taking pain medication or they’re taking sleep medication. Well, Body Line has the sleep patch and it has.

Basically I have the packs of stuff and the sleep patch, to me is what I think people are really looking for a lot. I know pain is a big one. The sleep patch. I think everybody’s having issues with sleeping right now because of this, because everything going on, well, the anxiety, the. But also all the frequencies being hit as a bad frequency that’s causing people not to be able to sleep. There’s a scientific reason why people cannot sleep right now. And this will help with that. I also have a sleeping tremendous, which will absorb some of the negative sleeper frequencies.

That helps too. So people need to try different things and See what happens. And I. Well, you gotta. Don’t just do, you know, like this band also has sugite in it, right? And then I’ve got. I’ve got a disc on my phone that doesn’t block emf. What it does is it takes it. And there’s over 200 frequencies in there. And it helps the body’s ATP channel not to shut down because that’s a problem in the cell. If the ATP channel shuts down and you can’t get nutrition in the cell and you can’t get the waste out, cell dies.

Yeah. So there’s. And now with 5G, it goes to the blood, right? It goes to the blood. And. And you can see all the blood cells clotting together while you put this on your. Now, now this band and this say, I got my, my device in the backyard protecting you, right? Well, I leave the house, I got my band and my disc protecting me from the environment out there, from that nastiness I don’t have to take. You know, I got pain. I put this on. I need to sleep. Brother Ismail Perez, he’s a influencer with more spirituality stuff online.

He had insomnia. He couldn’t sleep. I sent him that and he said, jimmy, I can’t. He wears the band constantly. Said, and again, I. We will make prettier billions. And we’ll. We’re going to do some. I told you. Is that the first thing I. Let’s make something that, that we’ll do. We’ll do. We’ll do. We’ll work together on it. When you’re sitting around home and you’re not going out on fancy dinners or going away. Yeah, you put it on. And, and it’s important because I see him even on his. His videos now. He’s always got it on, but he told me, he said, jimmy, I.

That was a game changer for me, the sleep disc. I think this will be a game changer for a lot of people. And I, I know everybody, honestly, almost everyone I know is having problems sleeping. And I, I would recommend a couple things. I would recommend this and I. The sleeping pot as well, because it absorbs and changes the thing too, the energy. There’s organite in it. And I think this, I think it’s so bad what we’re being bombarded with, that you need to have a couple defenses and just see what some people might not need anything and other people need.

Like, my husband sleeps around. I don’t know how he does it. He’s thin. He doesn’t have any. It’s for some reason his body. Some people’s bodies are much more. But not the majority. But. But he’s in the minority. Yeah. The majority needs something right now and I’m really excited about it. So I have a Suge Knight little pyramid over on my. I have a backup drive, 24 terabyte backup drive that backs up my drop boxes and all that. I got a little pyramid sitting on that. I have a high Himalayan salt lamp. I’ve got crystal. I got my body.

You’re doing multiple stuff because, you know, with frequencies, I’m at war with frequencies. So I take it as I’m at war. I don’t spend my money on stuff that doesn’t serve me. I’m always weeding the garden. I’m always looking at how can I optimize the things in my life, whether it’s the business or it’s my health. You know, I’m now 59 years young and I want to be here until my mission is done on this planet. What God’s given me to be here. I want to leave here knowing that we’ve left a better place for our kids and our grandkids, you know, for the millennials, for the Generation Z, for the alphas around the world.

I want to make sure that when I leave here that it’s better than when I came. And right now, can we say that, that no. You have children too, you know, can we say that? Although I do be hopeful. I do, like, yeah, no, it’s going to be, I think, like I said, when people see the, like, oh my God, this is what they’re actually doing. I’m seeing so many, so much ray of hope because the smart scientists and doctors and average everyday people are, are being activated to do something. And I’m seeing solutions for, at the highest level on importance, important things.

The fight is on. This is real. This is a real war and people are fighting it. I am just so excited that we have some solutions for people. Where can people learn more about you and what you. I’m going to have you back to talk about this big project. You’re doing well. Yeah. And also you’re going to be collaborating with us on some different products, frequency based. Because you have a lot of experience in frequency and actually. Oh, actually, you’re. And by the way, I’ll be going into acquisition mode in 2025 with body loan to bring in more wellness technology, energy.

Wellness technology. And then, you know, eventually I’ll talk about some other things. You know, these centers and Stuff because we’ve got to get, we’ve got to build a new health system in this, in this country. And we can’t continue to go down the road. I mean, my wife had a little attack. She was at the hospital two and a half hours. They handed us a ten thousand dollar bill. I know, for two and a half hours. That’s just two and a half hours. Think about that. That’s insanity. Somebody, even at 500 an hour, it shouldn’t be any more than, you know, 20, 1500 bucks.

You know what that would have been in Dominican Republic. And I can tell you what it would been because she’s been there the whole day. She stayed there one day was 400, she’s there for three hours. But even, let’s say even at 500, that’s a million dollars a year. If you, you know, at $500 an hour, if you were doing it continually. 500 an hour is what a high price professional is getting paid. Okay, so 500 bucks an hour, even a thousand bucks. Let’s, let’s go to a thousand, which I don’t know very many people making more than a thousand dollars an hour in any profession.

Right, right. Other than maybe a celebrity or something. But in any like that who isn’t a celebrity, that’s at max 2500 bucks. Yeah, yeah. No, there’s no doubt about it. And you know, I, what I would like people to do is go over to forward slash Sarah and read about Body Long. Okay. Read about it. Go over to the review pages and read those reviews from people, you know, that have actually looked at, you know, utilize this product. And you and I will be bringing more stuff out and developing some. You know, there’s so many things that you can solve with energy wellness versus popping pills and hurting yourself.

Right, and hurting yourself because you are, you know, I, I’ve got my brother dead, I got my mother dying from prescription drugs. I’m completely, you know, again, if I’m not telling people, hey, stop your prescription drugs tomorrow. But you know, that’s their choice or whatever they want to do. But I would rather use what 2/3 of the world’s using on the east side, east of China and you know, Asia, they use energy wellness. Russia’s got some of the highest technology in energy wellness in the world. I just think it takes, I think there’s, there’s going to be, we just need to change the paradigm and get more people to understand it and learn about it.

And then I think there’s a combination of. Let’s just figure out what is the best. But right now it’s so suppressed and talked about like it’s, it’s a conspiracy theory or woo woo or you guys are idiots and that needs to stop it. We’re not idiots if we’re. The whole world is working on WI fi. I mean, come on, guys. The communication is all WI fi, so it’s there. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean. How about your smart meters now? It’s just, it’s. We got to get past this. This it’s all lunacy made up stuff unless the big guys make money at it.

We, we got to get past that 100. And when you spell body line, spelled it body align and then.comforward/Sarah. And we’ve got a lot of information there that people can, you know, understand and research about it. And you know, then again, read all the reviews of what’s happening. I just say, you know, look at what’s not serving you. Replace it with what will serve you. That’s perfect. And then let others know about it because we’ve got to change the mindset of the way that this especially the United States. So yeah, we’re in the dark ages. Wow.

Okay. Well, thank you so much for joining the program. This is really a fascinating discussion. Thank you for having me, sir. Have a wonderful day.



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