âž¡ The speaker emphasizes the importance of protecting wealth through redundancy and investing in life extension technology. They believe that wealth should be used for humanitarian projects and improving the planet. They also predict a significant wealth transfer to the ‘right people’ and warn against those who manipulate money. Lastly, they express a strong desire for justice against those who commit crimes against humanity.
âž¡ The article emphasizes the importance of investing in gold and silver due to an impending economic crash. It suggests that owning these precious metals is a reliable way to preserve wealth, as their value is intrinsic and not easily manipulated. The author encourages readers to buy gold and silver from Carmine’s, stating that it’s a crucial step to secure financial stability for future generations. However, the author clarifies that this is their personal opinion and not financial advice.
And I do predict on the 17th or the 18th, just like I said in my podcast here that I just released today, I believe on YouTube, that that’s exactly what’s gonna happen. Eight to ten dollar XRP. But don’t think for one second because they know that some of you don’t have the understanding of what XRP is and they’re looking for the weak hands to shake you out and the people that don’t have the staying power and don’t have the patience or maybe they need the money to pay their bills, which means you shouldn’t be investing, okay? For you to be an investor, let me make that very clear.
You have to have excess money that you don’t need, that you put in an investment, whether it’s XRP, XLM, XDC, or all three, like we recommend even though it’s not financial advice. And you have to have positive cash flow. That’s why we constantly offer, you know, business opportunities so that you guys can jump in and tell a few people about a great product or a great service so that you stay in what? Positive cash flow. Why? Because we want everybody to win. That’s why. Simple. It’s not that difficult, okay? So we have a different business opportunity for everybody.
We have nutritionals, we have services, we have all different kinds of business opportunities. Why? Because not everything is right for everybody. If it was, the world would be square, not flat, not round, whatever you want to call it. It doesn’t really matter. You know what I’m talking about, okay? So if you don’t have like a, you know, a nest egg or you’re literally in positive cash flow because you own a business or you own several businesses and you got, you know, a tremendous amount of cash flow coming in. You have a nest egg of money saved that’s collecting dust in the bank.
Don’t invest. See people, oh, I lost my job. I had to, you know, get into my cryptos to pay my bills and buy my hamburgers and all that. And so it becomes the cryptos fault. It wasn’t your fault. It was a cryptos fault. No, it was your fault because you should have realized that you need to have money that you don’t need and you have to have positive cash flow. Then you can invest. The people that lose here are people who are not thinking straight. Let me repeat that. The people who lose in investments are the people that don’t have the staying power to be able to weather the storm.
You have to be able to weather the storm. If you’re on a fixed budget and you’re, you know, you got a full-time job and a part-time job and your wife has got a part-time job and you’re having a hard time making ends meet, sorry to say, you should not invest. I’m gonna say it bluntly and it might get me in trouble and I don’t give a shit. You know why? Because that’s who I am as a person. I’m very truthful. I’ll tell you exactly how I feel it and whatever is in my stomach is gonna come out.
If it gets me in trouble, so be it. I don’t care, okay? Invest money you don’t need. When you invest, if you want to get to the finish line, you have to go in with the mentality that this is a long-term plan. Five years, six years, eight years, ten years. Amber and I have been here for nine years. I’ve seen my portfolio fluctuate $300,000, $400,000 in one day. You know what that’s like? That’s like your balls just went through your stomach. Literally. That’s a hell of a roller coaster ride and I’ve seen it fluctuate for $100,000, $100,000, $150,000 in two or three days.
But we’ve been here accumulating for a long time and we’re always staying in positive cash flow. Because when I invest, that money’s never coming out for a hamburger or sushi. It’s staying right there. Especially if I invest in XRP. Now will I sacrifice some of the tokens like V-Chain? Because like I always say, a rising tide will rise all of the boats. And when that day happens, when that day becomes a reality that all the boats are high up because of a high tide, XLM is maybe you know 20-30 bucks and the XRP is maybe 2-300 bucks and the V-chains are maybe 8, 10, 12 dollars.
Will I sacrifice my V-chain? Absolutely. Maybe I won’t have to sacrifice a lot of stuff because I think a lot of it’s gonna get revalued all at the same time. I believe in this Dinar story. I believe it’s true. Can I be wrong? Yes. Can you all be wrong? Yes. Can we be in a psyop? Yes. But I don’t believe so. I believe the monetary systems of the world have to reevaluate. And when they reevaluate, if my dinars are worth 10 million, 12 million dollars, guess what? I don’t have to touch anything else.
I don’t have to sell off anything else because I want to ride this wave of the XRP to the very, very end. I don’t have millions and millions of XRP, but I have quite the bags. And yes, I’m gonna be very, very wealthy, but I have to have other things that I can sacrifice in order. And that’s not a sacrifice to me. See, if you got the, you know, your dinars are all of a sudden worth, say for example, just a round number of 10 million dollars, you can live pretty comfortable on 10 million dollars for about 10 years, or maybe even 12, if you can budget it and just chill out, ride it out.
If it takes another 10 years, well, well, guess what? Somebody, because you were a smart investor, has bought you a shitload of time when that reality sets in. Now, that reality is not gonna set in under Joe Biden. That reality is gonna only set in under Donald Trump. Now, I know there’s a lot of fear porn out there and people saying it’s gonna be World War 3 and World War 4. Donald Trump’s not gonna get inaugurated until March 8th, March 9th. I don’t even pay attention to all of the noise.
I don’t even pay attention to all of the fear porn. You know what I pay attention to? My intuition, my gut feeling. Everybody said Donald Trump’s not gonna get elected. The fixes and Kamala Harris is gonna win. Well, guess what? They were wrong. I was right. I’ve been saying all along, the IRS has finished. There are literally dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of articles and news stories and podcasts out there pointing precisely in that direction. Don’t fucking tell me I’m wrong. There are dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of articles pointing to the fact that there’s not gonna be any capital gains on your winnings, on your cryptos.
Watch what they say. Watch what they say they’re going to do and compare it to document number nine at and you will understand that even though they’re not gonna call it Nisara and Jisara and they’re not gonna call it anything at all and maybe the closest thing to Nisara and Jisara is Deutsch. D-O-G-E. Department of Government Efficiency. Maybe that’s the closest thing, that’s the closest hint you’re ever gonna give you and it don’t matter, does it? As long as that’s what it is because I could point to the fucking document all day long.
The original document lives at in the video column. Number nine is the original document that the farmers wrote. They presented it to Congress in 1958. Don’t tell me we don’t have it because we do. So with that said, I guess I’ve been proven right and I’m not here to pat myself on the back or you know break my own shoulder from giving myself praise. Okay, this is not about that. This is about reading the tea leaves accurately and some people are not, some people are in it for the moment.
I’m not gonna mention people by name because it’s not important but you know who they are. They paint a lot of fear porn because fear porn translates into clicks. They’re click-baiting you because they’re living for the moment. They gotta sell products. People say, oh Mel Carmine, you’re greedy. I’m not greedy. I could very easily paint a you know fear porn scenario. Why am I not doing it if I’m greedy? To me it’s not about income. I got plenty of income coming in. I need outcome. This opportunity by the way that we keep posting in here and I don’t know if you guys are paying attention.
You’ll see when it comes to becoming wealthy and protecting your wealth, there’s no such thing as being over redundant. Let me repeat that. When some of you, I know who you are and I know how much XRP you own. I know how many dinars you have. Some of you are gonna be fabulously wealthy. Some of the people in this room are gonna become fabulously wealthy. Why would you not want to triple down, quadruple down on redundancy? If it was to protect your wealth beyond a shadow without, nobody could ever touch it.
Nobody can ever come take your house, your cars, your boats, your jet skis. None of your wealth and it could be protected under a trust and it comes with an incredible business opportunity. Why in the world would you want to do that? That blows me away. Oh well Mel, you know we’re going to Nisara, Jisara. Don’t leave anything to chance. Double redundancies good. Triple the redundancies even better. If somebody comes and says hey, hey there’s this other thing that could shelter you even more. I want to know about it. You know why? Because it took so long for Mel Carmen to get here.
I’m 61 and I keep joking with my wife. I said I’m gonna beat the Colonel. Don’t worry about Colonel being Colonel Sanders. He became a billionaire at 69. I’m 61 but I feel 16. You understand? If somebody comes and says I got a way for you to do triple redundancy, quadruple redundancy, I’ll do it in a second. You know why? Because I’m crazy like that. I don’t want anybody to come take my shit and I want to be able to tell them to fuck off and go jump off a bridge.
You know why? Because I can and I will. That’s why I want to protect myself, protect you guys out there who have enough brain power to understand what it is that we do here. And there’s a method to our madness. Yes, your health has to become first. Listen, I’m sleeping in in Cape Canaveral. And stayinalive in Cape Canaveral, let me tell you, is life extension technology. We have the proof. My good friend Julie who’s been in the system for a month, she did it on her own. She sent the blood work before and after her telomeres went from 8.28 to 10.29.
We got the paperwork. Gavish, we can prove it in spades that we have life extension technology in Cape Canaveral. We have it. No one can argue with it because it’s a third-party lab that has nothing to do with stayinalive in Cape Canaveral and we have the irrefutable, irrevocable evidence. We have people, and this is not medical devices, these devices will not heal you. These devices basically provide an energy field that your body understands and it is your own body that goes to work. It is your own body that actually repairs itself from every disease known to mankind.
We have a lady right now with stage four. The thing that starts with a C and ends with an R. Stage four. She should have been brought in to me in a wheelchair. She didn’t have enough energy to talk to me properly. She came in on a walker. Six days later, she’s off the walker. Her CR is drying up. New skin is forming around all these bandages that she has on her body that bleed profusely. We got her on hydrogen peroxide food grade too now, which I believe is going to be amazing, especially when you charge it in the system because when you charge it in the system it changes the molecular structure, makes it even more powerful.
So you have to have your health before you can get to your wealth because your wealth is not going to be enjoyable when you’re on your deathbed and there are a lot of forces out there trying to kill you, me, everybody with the chemtrails and the glyphosate and the Roundup and the pesticides and herbicides and the fungicides and and and and and and they’re manipulating your money. But you have to be smart. You have to understand where’s the finish line. The finish line is Donald Trump’s about to come in. Their finish line is about to end.
Donald Trump’s about to get inaugurated on the 20th. The party is over. Do you understand? Do you understand? Do you overstand? It’s about to happen. Are they gonna play with the XRP and the gold and the silver a little more while they’re still in power? Yeah, but you have to be smart enough to read between the lines and tell them fuck you, I ain’t selling. As a matter of fact, if you’re in positive cash flow because you’re part of legal shield and I’ll leave the link right down below, then guess what? You go buy some more XRP, you go buy some more gold, you go buy some more XR, some XLM, XTC, some more silver and you erect your middle finger saying fuck you.
You didn’t get me motherfucker and you become wealthy because you listen to the right stuff. You follow the right people that have their head screwed on straight. This is about generational wealth but not everybody is going to achieve generational wealth because a lot of people out there have their heads up their ass. I can’t fix that. I can’t fix stupidity, not even with duct tape. We’re here to change the world. The money is about to be owned by the right people. The biggest wealth transfer, the biggest money in the world being transferred over to the right people and by a factor of a hundred, two hundred, maybe a thousand times greater than the amount of people who are wealthy right now, which is 7,200 multi-billionaires worldwide, is going to be by a factor of a hundred, two hundred, maybe a thousand times greater than that.
And the wealth that you guys are going to have is going to dwarf when you compare it individually to all these other people who are wealthy out there. Some of you guys are going to be fabulously wealthy beyond your wildest dreams that you don’t even understand or understand. The money is not about lambos and yachts. Yes, so you’re allowed to indulge. Yes, you paid the dues. Congratulations. You paid the price. Congratulations. But imagine if you had a million multi-billionaires, which I believe that’s going to be the case, a million multi-billionaires, new multi-billionaires, a million people of the right kind in charge of the money with humanitarian projects in mind where you could do humanitarian projects on the money you’re staking on the liquidity pools that’s coming.
Did you hear what I just said? You’ll be able to have multiple humanitarian projects with managers managing each project with the money you earn off of your interest every month, every two months, every quarter, because some of you will be generating that amount of wealth. Some of you will be generating 40, 50 million dollars a month. What in the world are you going to do with 40, 50 million dollars a month? It’s like the kind of money that’s basically screaming, I want to help somebody. You got to help somebody with that kind of money because you can’t spend it all, even if you have like gold-plated sushi.
It’s not about you man. It’s about bringing this planet back to pristine levels so that we all have a thousand year lifespans, about bringing the air back to pristine qualities. It’s about humanity fixing this planet once and for all, getting rid of all of the evil. You see, these people that are crimes against humanity, these are going to be military tribunals. Let me make one thing perfectly clear to you. Military tribunals, there is no appealing, zero. You understand? You understand? You overstand? There is no appealing. When you are found guilty, there’s only one price you pay for that crime and I think you know it’s a death penalty.
We’ve heard Donald Trump say, you’re not going to negotiate with the army, you’re not going to negotiate down in Guantanamo Bay, you’re not going to give up a bigger fish to plea bargain your way out. You’re done and we’re going to eradicate every single bit of it. Listen, I said something this morning to my good friend in New Jersey. I won’t say who she is and she said, Mel, that’s dark. I said, I know it is. I said, man, if I was in charge, I would build the world’s biggest meat grinder, put it in the middle of the ocean and I would feed all the sharks.
I would chum the waters for the next three months. I would throw hundreds of bodies in there at a time, not because I’m as bad as they are, not because my mind goes to this evil thing that I could do to them now because we are in charge, but because we don’t want this to ever happen again. We want to document this in a way where they’re going to talk about it for the next five thousand years and they’re going to say, you see what happened in 2025? Did you see what happened in 2020? Did you see how it ended for those guys and gals? There’s a few of you to use as well and when they see how brutal it was, I promise you, no one will ever go there ever again.
Thank you. Welcome to Carmine’s Don’t waste not even a second looking. Cheaper prices just don’t exist. How important is it for you to own gold and silver right now? What does it mean to me personally? There’s an economy that’s about to crash beyond what words can explain. In five words, I’m gonna educate you on gold and silver. Are you ready? You need to own some. Simple. Time is of the essence as the walls are closing in. This crash is visibly in motion right now. Don’t kid yourself. The only way to preserve wealth is to become your own central bank.
Just by owning gold and silver, the banks that are going into survival mode are currently stacking gold and silver like it’s going out of style. You have the same opportunity instead of keeping your money in paper which is worthless. Again, this is not financial advice. Going into survival mode is everything. Preserving your wealth and positioning your family to thrive in the near future is paramount. The time to take action is beyond crucial. God’s money cannot be faked. It’s got intrinsic value. It’s got plenty of usability and because the crypto game could be extremely complicated for most, this becomes the only way to preserve your wealth in the current times we live in.
The price manipulation that has occurred over the last 150 years is about to come to a full stop as we move into an extremely different world and the true value of gold and silver is going to shine like never before. The people who vividly see what’s happening have moved into panic buying right now. The people who get it, who are positioned for wealth preservation, who are accumulating every week, every month, stand to change their course of history for a hundred generations to come. Buying gold and silver from Carmine’s at unbeatable prices is the best decision you’ll ever make.
I’m going to end by saying this. This is my opinion and not financial advice. This crash is knocking on the door and it’s clear it’s here. We can fill any size order $500, $500,000 and yes even 10 million dollars. Your best option to preserve wealth if you don’t understand cryptocurrency is gold and silver. Do it now. [tr:trw].